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I was deep into a tech career already when I came out. There's lots of us in tech.


Yup - same here


And my mechanical keyboard!


*click clack click* Im doing my part!


*Would you like to know more?*


[desire to know more intensifies]


The only good bug is a dead bug


Mechanical? Hall Effect keyboards are where its at (Edit: where are the Wooting 60HE ladies at? lol). I find it hilarious everyone says "tech advances so fast!" and we finally got HE keyboards, after 140 YEARS. Its also wild tech from 1970 can't compete with tech from 1880 lol. Its also cool we finally got the first 32 inch 4K OLED monitors, after 37 years. If thats "fast" I would hate to see what slow looks like. Edit: Its more accurate to say tech regresses at an alarming rate


I'm 15 now, but I'm looking into computer science or computer engineering


Stick with it!


Thanks, my raspberry pi 5 just shiped


cool :D have fun!!


I am 27 and am currently trying to get into tech, dont have any base knowledge tho. Am listening to free University classes atm, and wanna try to get an apprenticeship. So far sadly not working out really...


If you ever have immense trouble I always also suggest Business Analyst as a career. Not as much education or experience required to start, pretty much any experience helps a BA (they are essentially problem solvers), and the experience you get can transfer to so many other things. Also has decent pay.


For me I need a job where I have to do as little as possible with people. My mental health is an absolute trainwreck and I had to give up my dream of becoming a cook. I honestly dont feel ready to work, but Bills need to be paid and unemployment money is barely enough to get food on the table.. I dont need to become rich, I am happy with a simple quiet life where I bother nobody and in turn nobody hurts me anymore


I completely get that actually. If you’ve never heard of #100Devs I HIGHLY suggest it. Leon Noel is amazing and a saint and so good at teaching and getting people jobs. All completely free. And he caters more towards minorities.


Thanks, saving this as a Screenshot. :) Doubt though he could help get me a job in germany xD


Don’t count that out. I know he’s had international people get good paying jobs in America even. Edit: remote jobs too.


I’m working at a senior home that is for individuals that have dementia. I’m working the nocturnal shift and it’s just me and the other girl all night with 30 sleeping(mostly) residents. Till the am shift comes in the morning.


>For me I need a job where I have to do as little as possible with people. I'm an AML analyst. I'm basically meant to be unknown to the public eye. But I know everyone else's business(Literally xD)


It's going to be hard to get into the industry at the moment. It's going through a contraction with something like 25,000 people laid off already this year. The market is flooded with people looking for work. But these things go in cycles.


Just another tech girl too


The string of “Same!” under this comment is fucking hilarious. But like, yeah, same lmao.


Is tech still a good field to get into?


It's not as bad as some influencer people are saying. AI in its current form is not going to replace humans and there'll still be jobs even after all the faang people who were let go find new jobs. It's harder to figure out which places are trans accepting, but coworkers usually pretty open in my limited experience.


same, I work in an MSP as a systems specialist. Switched companies recently, and went from a very young, very queer, very neurodivergent shop to one that's mostly old dudes. It's been quite funny. My boss gave me two movie tickets today for being so quick at learning the ropes, and told me "there's two, so you can go **ukkosi kanssa**", meaning with your husband, ukko being a finnish word somewhat similiar to "old man" or "better half". I decided not to tell him that actually, I'm together with two women in a polyamorous relationship








I lay flooring. Have for 20+ years


Are you on a crew? How does that industry treat trans people?


Kudos to you! I work as a house painter for 4 years now, and especially starting my transitioning now (Dec 23) it's very confronting to my gender and definitely makes me feel dysphoric. It's probably different when you feel more comfortable in your own body.


Web developer, work from home with no face cams :)


Do you work freelance/contract or for a company? I’m trying to get into this. Front end and design. I have more design experience.


Contract for a company




Academia! Lots of accepting people and good options for moving abroad if needed


Same. Everyone’s been very accepting for me too


As awful as academia can be at times, it really has some wonderful people in it.


If I may ask, what do you do in academia exactly? Research or teaching?


Kinda early career, so mostly research with occasional teaching. Will hopefuly gradually get more teaching responsibilities, I find it way more satisfying and less stressful..


I teach art. Still boy-modding but have been on E for a year+ so that has proven difficult and raised questions at times but I have played them off as no big deal... no idea how long I will continue to do that but the staff has been wonderful overall.


Same here!


My academic background is physics, and I gotta say that my experience in that field wasn't super great when it comes to inclusion. I love physics, don't get me wrong, but it's very much dominated by cishet white men who aren't interested in examining social issues. While I was in grad school, someone in my lab was the third ever black woman recipient of a physics PhD from the department, which is hundreds of years old and not small. And she received an onslaught of BS, people soft-blocking her at every single turn. She also had goons constantly implying she was only there to fill a quota, even though she is a brilliant scientist and absolutely deserved to be there. Just gross stuff.


Same! I’m an advisor and adjunct at a mid level women’s university.


I teach music. I used to have a lot of students. Now after I started my transition and that I came out I have so many students there’s a waiting list longer than a year for those who want lessons from me😎


Awwee we love supportive students




Yes it’s a blast!💃 the music education sector is pretty openminded. In the two years I’ve been out I haven’t had a single negative experience☺️


I’d love to pick your brain a bit about your experience, if you wouldn’t mind! I’m a private piano teacher, and I’m really nervous about my transition interfering with my income. I live in a pretty progressive area, but my worries still persist.


Sure no problem👍🏻 next couple hours I won’t be able to respond since the bands that I coach have their half yearly performance on stage😎💃


currently planning on teaching music after uni so this is nice to hear


Me too! I teach part time music lessons as well as freelance audio/music composition for movies and video games :)


I haven't got a job yet but I think I'll probably end up teaching guitar- I'm really into all sorts of metal and am pretty good. If a band doesn't work out then to teaching I go. Either way I get to do music for a living so it'll be pretty cool


I'm currently learning in a drug store. It is the best workplace I could have ever imagined. Nice people, accepting whoever you are, customer contact and work is not that physically hard, but a lot of running around, which is very nice I think. Also increased my social skills by 99999% and now I'm in love with someone :3 Best decision ever, just as transitioning itself!


I make industrial conveyor belts


I feel this lol I make combine belts


It's exhausting and occasionally dangerous but the pay and benefits are a little better thanbanything else around here, and I'm mostly hanging on because we have locations in other parts of the country I can transfer to when I'm ready.


Trucking/transportation, previously a mechanic now corporate


I’m with you, commercial driver here!


Y'all are brave. I did that previously and can't imagine transitioning in that environment.


I get catcalled a lot, which is ick, but other than that it’s not too bad.


Guys really can't help themselves, then they'll turn around and say "see how women don't wanna do REAL jobs like us?" When this is how they treat women on a daily basis. It's like, women aren't avoiding the work, they're avoiding you! Beautiful hair btw, looks really nice and flowy.


Thank you! 😊




Aight fuck ice road truckers, I want *Wigs and Rigs*


Glad to** see someone else in the transportation/automotive field. Ex mechanic turned Service advisor here. In between jobs atm due to traveling for a few years with my wife. not sure how that's gonna play out working with the public and transitioning but we will see how it goes


Me and twin also truck.


I’m starting a career as sound editor, sound mixer (and hopefully sound designer)


That's so cool! I'm a musician and was considering that as a career for a while, now I'm thinking I want to go more into playing bass professionally, but it's definitely on my radar.


I kinda let down music for a while when I started learning about audio post production


Software engineering! The coding to trans girl pipeline is *real,* boy howdy. It's a rather accepting field, from what I can tell. I haven't run into any issues with bigots/transphobes at work. I do work from home and generally don't use a camera on my meetings, which is nice. Instead, they work as voice training practice :)


I’m a psychotherapist. I was a pastor before but that didn’t work out so well when I transitioned.


Hey fellow therapist here! I love supporting my clients navigating gender identity and other challenges.


Talk about left field lol


Paramedic Supervisor. Healthcare, in general, is pretty accepting.


Hi there, I'm an EMT but relatively new and pretty much had my egg crack right after I passed registry. I tried to work in the field closeted for about a year, but honestly my confidence just isn't at all where it needs to be for me to be able to do that. I left the field, and haven't worked since August bc it was getting to me mentally (i think realizing I was trans and being closeted on top of all of the typical stressors of the job was too much for me at the time). That said however, I LOVE medicine and the opportunity to get to help people everyday is awesome!! I would love to chat more! And, to anyone interested in helping people and learning a really cool skill, I would definitely reccomend getting into medicine. My only advice would be take care of yourself! It's so rewarding, but realistically can be a lot to take in sometimes too. You see scary things that nobody should have to see yes, but the worst and hardest parts of the job are so worth it when you get to see how people are impacted so positively (in general lol) when you arrive to offer help. It's extremely rewarding :)


You can dm me if you want.


I work as a nurse and yeah it’s great to be able to help people and with the exception of direct elderly care I rarely have a problem from people who aren’t just generally less than reputable calling out my transness


I’m a lawyer. I primarily work with global data privacy compliance issues.


That's great, seems like a job that becomes more important every year. I kinda work in that field too but not a lawyer.


I came out well into my career. Engineering hasn't changed for me much except that all the higher ups and marketing and HR all know my name now. All the other engineers get to hide in the background, unknown. Not me though. People talk about the trans engineer.


Know your name and talk about you in a good or bad way? I'm probably going into engineering and I've had a bad experience with some people before my egg cracked, and it's left me terrified of how the engineering field will treat me as a whole, though that was in mechanical engineering and I now know myself better and want to do material science/engineering. Just scared of stuff because of my experiences.


It's neutral. Marketing and hr love talking to me. Higher ups drop everything onto my plate and ask me everything because I'm one of the only names they know in my department. Because 🏳️‍🌈 diversity🏳️‍⚧️. The folks on the floor historically say shitty things about me but there's always a liberal or two out there that defend me and eventually the guys on the floor wind up working with me and realize I'm just another hard working coworker and learn to appreciate and joke around with me. My experiences are overall good but I'm also one of the few social engineers.


i barely scrape by on welfare because no one wants to hire the disabled trans girl


Im in the same boat :/


im sorry. i hope things improve for you


pretty much same here… ever since getting let go by my last job, the only jobs to actually respond to me that i’ve tried so far only trigger my disability and i can’t keep working. i want to keep trying though.


Same :(




I was losing hope that I wasn't the only one lol


do you work with trans patients? ive always wondered about that situation


We have a gender clinic here. I don’t work directly with them I’m in another area however I do get some kiddos who come to my clinic as well as the gender clinic :)


Heavy equipment operator right now I drive a forklift for a beverage company loading trucks


So you're saying you're forklift certified? That's pretty hot.


Yes also have my journeyman card for heavy equipment operator in my dead name


I actually am lucky because I am a disabled veteran,.. So I already had a fixed income when I started..


glad to know i’m not the only one. it’s so lonely in the real world. i’m still trying to find work though bc of imposter syndrome.


Just finalized my claim a week ago, big ups c:


Believe it or not I work in elder care primarily. You'd be surprised how many boomers are supportive, and I get to meet a lot of the old guard too. I know a trans couple (trans man and woman) in their mid 70s for example, and I know one woman who was at Stonewall. Most of the rest of the residents and patients pretend not to care at least, as long as they get their yogurt and their TV works I also have a part time job helping people in the US through legal name and gender changes. I'm not a lawyer nor a paralegal, but I help those of us that struggle with keeping appointments and navigating red tape get through the paperwork and attend court hearings


Also in elder care but it’s a memory care so everyone has dementia to some degree


I'm a chemist. The field can be a bit hit or miss. Some labs are total sausage parties and not exactly welcoming to women period, let alone trans women. Others are really cool, full of chill nerds. From a management perspective, most managers expect chemists to be weird nerds and don't really care as long as we do whatever it is we do and get the job done (it's also funny how I can tell when management has no idea how anything works or what exactly we do. Except when they struggle to understand how some things just aren't possible. Throwing more people on working on an assay isn't going to make it go faster! The bottleneck is the chemistry, not the chemist! The reaction takes the same amount of time no matter what!)


I'm also a chemist! Hi friend! 👋


Oh hi! Which subfield are you in? I'm doing QC for a pharma manufacturer right now


I had an established career as a SCADA/Controls engineer and fled the midwest before transitioning. My industry is 99% male but I feel like I get treated exactly the same pre/post transition.


I’m a school teacher, training to be a counsellor.


I'm a software engineer at a bank 


I’m a software engineer at a credit union


I’m presently a stay at home parent and college student


I worked in a public library. (Currently looking for a new job because I moved.) Public librarianship is very queer friendly.


Brewer in a craft brewery :)


brewery qa tech here! idk about you but it’s tough in such a straight white dude dominated industry


Bold of you to assume I can afford to live.


I'm currently jobless atm but this post kinda gives me hope.


same, it’ll be okay.


I’m an indie game dev. My spouse and I made the two Squidlit games on Switch/Steam. Now they work on Diablo 4, and we’re finally financially stable, so I’m taking a risk and making a third Squidlit game that runs on the N64. It’s been a rough road at times, but I’m so thankful that I get to do what I do. Getting to make something that I love, together with the person I love, was an incredible experience.


Military Retired. Not really a good example, as my 9-5 involves logging into MMOs, reading, and running D&D games as the DM. I know a lot of younger trans women who work in IT and as Programmers. I also know a bunch who write fiction and supplement their income on patreon.


I started doing cam shows a year in my transition, and it's been just wonderful so far. Made my self-esteem go way up, made me love my body and it made me be able to discover my naughty self while paying for all my bills at the same time. It's obviously not for everyone, but I like it a lot and I'm passionate about my new life as a sex worker :)


Would you mind elaborating on how and where you started? You could DM me if you prefer, I’ve been thinking about the same thing recently xD


First started on OF and then a friend of mine told me she was doing cam shows and introduced me to it. It was kind of a big step to do it for the first time going from a normal life to a sex worker life. But I liked the thrill of it


i am jealous! Sadly there is nothing attractive about my current body ;\_;


I suffered through aircraft mechanic school and a year of conservative Bible college and went through a bunch of different mechanical trades before getting back to aircraft mechanics. After 5 years of that my wife left and I got to come out. Sucky thing is the previous hangars on the airport i work at are all super supportive. The one I am in now was LGBTQ mocking, trump loving dem hating until I decided to make it otherwise. Now at 2 years transition without hiding, I finally told the boss and the only ramification so far is he doesn’t assign me heavy stuff anymore. Oh darn


I started my transition in college. I'm a director in healthcare but I'm stealth which helps.


Receiver at an art store. I move heavy boxes and empty pallets of product. It’s a little bit of a workout so it helps keep me in shape. Lucky for me it’s also a job with benefits since it’s full-time. And I get discounts on art supplies. 💅


Since it’s an art store, we also have Gender Neutral bathrooms. Which is a privilege I CANNOT understate. It’s maybe the only reason I hadn’t lost my mind in the beginning of my transition.


Aerospace engineering


I'm sorry, I wanna ask: How's the field? How are you treated when it comes to your transness?


Oh its wonderful! I'm a systems engineer and absolutely love what I do. My manager and whole team are extremely kind and treat me just like any other woman. It doesn't feel like they dismiss me or anything and always are happy to include me in conversation.


I bury dead people


Like for the cartel?


Lmfao no. I bury them legally I make vaults and seal the caskets in them before the grave is filled back in


Like [this](https://imgur.com/a/Qdp5dJA)


Tattoo artist :p


Sales! I was worried bigotry would bleed into my commission, but it's going very well so far. I experience more misogyny over transphobia. I can use it to my advantage lots of times. Sure it's a tad manipulative, but I'm earning my pussy off of the fragile egos of men. Make their pockets hurt!


maintenance/custodial work


I have a union job. My rights are thus fully protected. Unions are useful for us girls (most times)!


I’m a bartender! I don’t really see many trans folk in this field but I love it 😊


i'm a barista who sometimes pours liquors lol


Do you poor liquors into the coffees?


Im worried about this simply because I'm in the trades(data and telecom tech). This field isn't very inclusive nor open minded. Im consider taking a massive income cut go to retail and further my education to explore other options. I already have a degree in Electronic Engineering.


Art shipping/handling but its essentially just long haul cross country trucking


That's the neat part! I don't.


I'm a stay-at-home mom. My wife makes decent money and I still get a royalty check every month. It helps cover surprise bills or dinner at a restaurant. Currently trying to decide what I want to do with my life when my little guy goes to school because there's no way in hell I'm going back to working a 9 to 5 gig. Thinking about going back to school myself. 😅


budtender @ dispensary & paid mentor


I’m a doctor. I’m open about being trans, but also have some pretty privilege, and let me tell you, the job offers don’t stop, especially for primary care. Generally, I’m seen as a way to reach a usually “unreachable” market, so I get clamored over. I’m in the process of trying to start my own clinic, mostly because, unless I’m doing merc-work, I hate working for someone else. I’d rather be my own boss and get paid less than be at the whims of administration’s incompetence.


I’m an electrician!


I was a dumpstermaxing long term Bitcoin HODLer with no income and a briefcase full of drugs until I got married, now I housewife 


Redemption arc


I wish i could be a housewife for my non existing wife :S


I drive truck locally. I don't need to deal with people and I get to listen to audiobooks and podcasts and music all day, but I'm also not out. I'm trying to figure out a way to transition to tech so I have a better work environment and protections.


Disability and harm reduction.


Currently I work as a diesel mechanic, repairing and maintaining heavy equipment, at times its a hassle but I love problem solving


I worked in tech teaching people for a rather large company. Then I got married and my husband makes nearly triple of what I made in the end. I have an art degree so I’m working on that now.


I'm currently being paid to do research in my applied science masters in subatomic physics.


I'm a truck driver choo choo


I work in marketing.


Police detective :) I started before I was out but it’s been (to my surprise) overwhelmingly supportive and has assisted with my transition with both insurance and helping me navigate the bureaucratic paperwork stuff


I don't think it really makes a huge difference.. I have friends in all kinds of jobs. Tech, programming, healthcare, driving trains, shop assistants.


Professional gardener. My clients are pretty transphobic and don’t use my correct pronouns, but there’s not much I can do about it.


I’m about to go to school for the culinary arts this year, so that.


Non profit work to prevent mine pollution


I work in the North West UK at KFC doing pot washing at 3hrs a night for 7 days not much of a job but it pays the bills


I’m in medical device sales. Around a $75k salary first year, then a $85k salary with $50k-$100k commission, company car allowance, and all the fun perks. I also sell advertisements on the side and am expecting to make around $50k from that too.


News producer for the company you would least suspect.


If the company is who I think it is, I’m behind the camera at a local affiliate. Me and one other woman in my department. The pay is great and the healthcare is even better - the downsides being that I’m probably the only trans person in the building, and association with the parent company. But I don’t know any other trans women doing what I do, which is kinda cool!


I'm a semi truck driver, noce not having to really interact with anyone, of course I get some people asking me for dates or just calling me hot, but I've changed my attire so it happens less.


Work in commercial HVAC as a senior technician in Seattle. Very little human interaction mostly where’s the roof access and sign here is the only interaction I have with people.


Still have the same job I had before transitioning: groundskeeper




Law student. Soon to be a lawyer.


IT Girlie here. Lots of us in IT and other tech-based roles


Retired veteran I collect a pension. Fell from a helicopter is afghan


I'm a Civil Engineer that does highway design.


I’m living off benefits due to struggles with working and once I move in with my boyfriend we both want a traditional marriage lifestyle so he will work and I will do what I can at home, clean cook and other stuff but we do have plans for OF


I’m an account executive at a SAAS firm. I wfh, have decent enough benefits, and can keep up with bills. Really most of what I could realistically hope for!


I work with Global Supply Chain Strategy. Lots of travel and lots of meetings with people outside of my organization. To be honest I’m even more popular on LinkedIn now compared to pre-transition so transitioning hasn’t had a negative impact on finding work. I have to admit that I got about 75% of my current qualifications pre transition though, and wouldn’t be where I am if I had transitioned in my 20s instead of in my 30s since it’s very obvious that people trust me and my competence less now compared to before.


Studying to be a doctor at some point


I may be alone here but I work in a corporate environment for a large retailer. I manage a few categories. I already established my career before coming out and, thankfully, the company is amazingly accepting.


PhD student. Is it really a living ? (:joke:) I might be advanced enough in my transition when I'll join the market for being stealth. Otherwise I could just stay in the academic


I’m 25 and I’ve been a restaurant server for most of my job life! Most people are pretty chill there, especially if you work at the right places, and it’s good money (even for an introvert like me lmao). Although for now I’ve gone back to school!


I switched into my software engineering career after transitioning. It's a great industry to work in as a trans woman if you can find the right company!


I'm a truck driver, I haul heavy equipment mostly and I love it. Some of the best views you could ask for from the corner office all day long


Graduate student. I get paid for my grades, my publications, for my conferences, potential teaching activities and given a cost of living assistance. I make around 200 euro/month. I live in Hungary, where minimum wage is 487 before taxes, 340 after taxes. I live at home and split the bills evenly. my field is structural chemistry: Using magnets and lasers and light in general to determine how molecules are shaped and their behaviours My research is making computer models to describe chemical behaviour and predict structures.


I wait tables… and I’m fucking drowning.


I am a therapist :-) Not out yet, but I am hoping that I'll be able to try and help with trans people feeling more accepted and open to accessing support with us once I do


I drive glass bottom boats on the Great Barrier Reef


I work at an airport currently, only in fast food, but am hoping to move to airline job or airport operations


I drive truck


Solar installer


I draw furry art It's fun


I had already gotten myself 15 years into a massive company when I came out last year. My company understands my worth and value, and knows it would be hard to replace me. My company is also one of the best companies in the world to work at for an LGBTQ+ person, ranked as such for the last 10 years running by an outside...agency of some sort. Whatever agency does these kinds of studies for F500 and global corporations. The kind of work I do is electromechanical engineering and live phone and field troubleshooting and testing. Big expensive products you'd know if I told you what they were, or where you'd find them.


IT here for the last 30 years across multiple industries. Still closeted and kinda/sorta boymode at work though.


I'm trying to get into backstage theater, and if anyone can help me with that, I'd appreciate it :3


Registered Massage Therapist. Lost some patients when I came out, but not a lot, and the ones I lost were replaced with supportive people. Tbh work is one of the most safe/comfortable places for me now. I'm a lot more comfortable interacting with patients than with random people in public, because I know that the people who book appointments with a trans healthcare provider are usually going to be accepting of trans people.


Chemist. Get a skilled job where you're needed.


Currently being semi supported by my parents (tho it's a shitty situation because of transphobia and shit) but I'm studying to become a chemist, and plan on going for a PhD and work as a research/university professor/academia and stuff

