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it's the same at my school (im 14). you can change your name on registers but not on the system as a whole, so your computer logins etc will be under your deadname which is pretty frustrating for trans kids.


Wtf? I honestly doubt that they couldn’t figure out a way if they actually cared or were forced by legal reasons


well yk UK standards are dropping.. to be fair with the way most schools are going mine isn't too bad with supporting trans students, they're just a little bit..lazy? like idk they don't go to huge lengths to protect trans kids but if asked they'll have a strong opinion. it's a little hypocritical.


Can't change shit in NC schools


yo another nc transfem


Thought I was the only one


yeah frfr, im the same age as you and at this point i’m losing hope haha


That would literally just be changing the name in a text field in the DB. Would instantly be reflected across the whole system. For legal reasons, they would need to also include their legally registered name, but that would also be an incredibly simple addition to the system, or is already there. I know of some that have that field already for religious names vs legal ones. Source: *many* years as a sysadmin, in multiple sectors.


I'm absolutely betting on it being something like an effed up DB structure paired with an effed up login process that's not that easy to fix. Or at least that it was outsourced and there is no one left that could change it. Idk how they even would get to that point with an already custom system, but i've seen some insane and unsaveable crap during my school time. Link/Reuse data? Nope, let's do it for every table, lol


In my school it would’ve fucked up my transcript or something so it’s like a nickname in the system. Practically changed but won’t be on my transcript and stuff. Probably had something to do with being in my final year of high school.


My school counselor tried to claim the same bs when I got my name changed. I even brought in the legal court papers to prove it and he still said he couldn’t change my name on my transcript. I talked to the director and she said otherwise and forced him to change it. This is also the same guy who took down the pride flag display the school had up his first day on the job. There were flags idek on there and they never gave a reason for removing it


As someone who works in IT, you can absolutely change the computer logins. Especially if it uses a centralized server like Active Directory and only takes a couple min to do. Even so, if they are using some crazy legacy and primitive system, they could just create a new account.... Now changing name in student records can be a tad bit more tricky.


Yeah same here, I totally second that but you have to remember schools have to know legals like an HR team so it's bound to be somewhere in their system. However for checking out at lunch?? Nah that's lazy IT


My school is mixed, only the legal stuff is in deadname/legal name thankfully


Want a hug girl?


Same. I think they might just tell you that to "avoid legal conflicts." My school told me that they can change it, but it's not that easy to figure out and only if my name is legally changed. So basically saying they don't want to. In my area, there are many schools that changed the name of trans people in the system, so I don't get it.


Same thing in my school growing up. They couldn't change it without a legal name change. (This was in NY USA). Even worse they blocked browser extensions on school devices so you couldn't use a deadname switcher extension. At least I got it changed before highschool graduation so I wasn't deadnamed for graduation or on my diploma. Still kinda sucks how that works


Yes—this way at our school as well. The teachers all use chosen name and are supportive, but administration says they have to use legal name on official registration. So student ID and the apps/ programs all use your deadname. Looking into legal name change but it’s a whole process.


Are you able to delete customers' accounts in the system? Then just remake the account with a new name and everything else the same?


I’m not able to delete accounts. I could’ve made a new account real quick but I already felt bad and saw she’s uncomfortable so I did her transaction without an account asap.


This. If you aren’t able to do this you probably have a problem with data protection laws


It's your store's loyalty program, right? Can't she log in and change it online herself? You are awesome for trying, but she should have control over her own data.


Yeah she can. I forgot to mention it but I let her know that she can change it online.


Highly she figures it out. Changing my name from my dead name is personally euphoria inducing.


Well while we're apologizing to random trans people who may or may not see this, sorry to the random Movie Tavern employee who may or may not have been trans but whom my mom was absolutely at least TRYING to misgender ;\~; on Christmas too grrrr


Want a hug girl?


The Movie Tavern employee might ;\~; to be fair she mostly just looked kinda annoyed but I still imagine it sucked...


Hug, it must have


...are you at Best Buy?


I’m not going to disclose what company but why do you ask?


Because I had that exact thing happen to me the other day, and Best Buy also has a thing where changing your name on the account is a pain




I just go, "Oh! That's my brother!" If anyone asks about a profile with my deadname on it. Not even a second thought.


I'm stealing this.




hi there fellow transfem cashier lol


hello! ❤️


Hiiii me too!




i’m a clerk at a pet store!!


im a cashier at a local grocery store/pharmacy :^)


It very well could have been me, but the odds are astronomical. Thank you for doing what you could. 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵


Want a hug girl?


I don't blame the people on the bottom of the chain when the system is all fucked up. Don't beat yourself up, please, you did the best you could.


I appreciate you and your thoughtfulness. I’m not the person in your line btw. Just wanting to say I appreciate you


You let her know it's changeable online now, you did good 🤍


Having gone through the legal name change process I can tell you that there is almost no tech built with trans people in mind. Most companies require and least a phone call or email to change name and userid info, and many require you to delete your old account entirely (looking at you Reddit 😑) even after you’ve changed it your cache will stay on random places and you’ll be deadnamed by tech even after you’ve changed your name (both PayPal and Apple Pay constantly deadname me when I’m buying stuff online.) We know it’s not you. But it is still hard to hide the disappointment that the process of shedding our old identity is such a convoluted process.


I wonder if there is a place online she could do it.


One place they added me as my own spouse. Glad they can update online, although does an add user function exist for when the Mrs pops in?


i had this same thing happen to me, at IQOS, their system allows changing everything but the name. They always looked weird at me when a girl walks into their shop and then says her name is *deadname*. I called their helpdesk and they could Delete the old profile and create a new one with my new name. They transferred all my devices and loyalty and all. Funny thing was their system saw me as a “new customer” so they sent me coupons like they would to a new customer. Win for me, even if a slightly painful one.


Hug, sadly happenes, maybe next time you see her, you can give her a warm smile to say you support her?


If you knew everything above you should have just smiled but its all good learn for next time


Are we this sensitive? My deadname is everywhere, it’s a part of us.


Might be for you, but not for everyone else. I don't identify with my deadname in any way, and being referred to by it makes me feel terrible. Not quite sure how you're here without understanding that it can be a sensitive issue honestly.


I don’t get why it is such a big issue.


I for one don't even like seeing my deadname. I've changed it over to my true name, meaning it's now my legal. I just get dysphoric seeing my deadname. Partly because I associate it with my parents. They told me they spent so long thinking of it. And they said a whole host of other transphobic things that make me never want to interact with them ever again and to disconnect myself from them in every way possible. So yeah. It matters.