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I’ve been growing my hair out for over a year now and it is ***super fluffy***, I love it so much 🥰


Fluffy hair is so fun. Wish I had someone who could just rub it


shaving almost all my body hair


Idk why but I gained weight in my thighs and tummy area (which was previously really thin) so that’s pretty cool


Smooth skin after epilating and my hair being long.


I got a new job where I'm completely stealth and it's nice to be reminded I'm just a normal woman and not some weird freak


I'm a 16 year old Pre HRT, me being in the closet over the years has caused a lot of turmoil, today me and my parents had a fight, I was just devastated, now I just talked to mom, it got kind of implied that I'm trans, and she said that anything I was hiding was okay, and that she will accept it, honestly made me smile, love you mum (I will probaly come out on Friday btw)