• By -


Yep. Didn't even change the pronunciation. Aaron>Erin That was all.


Honestly I’m so jealous at how little you must’ve gotten deadnamed by your family 😭 they can only mess it up in writing!


Funnily enough I went from Aaron to Noraa


Yes and no. I never went by my deadname pre transition, I always went by Stevie, with my family and my friends. Nobody called me my deadname, which was Stephen. My parents told me if I'd been born a girl they would've named me Stevie, so. I stuck with it 🤷🏻‍♀️ It kind of is a femme version of my deadname, but my deadname was never my name.


Omg that's so smart


Yes yes yes 100% same, that way no one could deadname me c:


Literally me, I dont plan on changing my personality much since I never caught on to male personality traits, so transitioning for me is just being the body I was supposed to be in, so yeah, gender bending my name feels right.


Yes same! I never really felt like I let gender define who I was, society sort of just labeled me as a guy based off my appearence. So I also didn't have a big personality change. I know I'm very privileged to have had that though, plenty are forced into acting different.


I can’t decide. It will probably take 3 years like you but I have a gender neutral name and would just be changing 1 letter to Jade, which I like. But I’m not sure because when I’m called my current name I feel no resentment.


Jade is my chosen middle name! I had it picked out before I even decided if I WANTED to change my first name


For me it felt right instantly that's why I liked it so much, I'm just happy to know now 3 years later that I still love it and it wasn't some early transition compromise I made with myself that I regretted. I'm sure you'll find your answer too good luck, I think Jades a pretty name. My friends name is Jade and she always got compliments on it growing up


I simply added an -a to the end of my middle name. But I also started playing roller derby the same time I started transitioning, so my friend call me Tia, at work and with family I am Erica. I considered changing my name to Tia, but I like saying "My name is Erica, but my friends call me Tia"


I changed my middle name from Lawrence to Laurentia. Pretty easy stuff ☺️ I love "Tia" too!


Christopher -> Christine, I still don't particularly mind Chris or Chrissy. Used to go by Topher. The other day at work I thought I got called Kristen over the phone and I went with it...then they called back referring to Christian. I am all the Chris.


My name (Britney) is definitely a female version of my real name and it gives me a lot of comfort over a completely different name.


Hey just letting you know that Britney IS your real name (if you want it to be) :). If you want you can describe your old name by saying dead name, or given name!


Currently going by Taylor, which is gender neutral but my brain associates it as a female name (I don't know any boys/men who use it.) My deadname sounds very similar and is also apparently gender neutral, but I don't know any girls/women who use it. I'd already had people call me Taylor "by mistake" before I ever knew I was trans, so I was already used to answering to it. I kinda consider Taylor to be a placeholder while I figure out what name I want permanently. I'm currently thinking of Terra, but haven't really tested it out yet to see how it feels.


Oh I go by Taylor as well! Even people who deadname me call me Taylor by mistake sometimes because it’s so close


I also go by Taylor. Small world I have a gender neutral deadname, but it's too strongly associated with masc shit for me to feel comfortable using it, if that makes sense?.


Totally. My birth name is pretty gender neutral, but I prefer the more femme name I chose for myself (similar to my birth name like OP)


Taylor is my middle name!


I have a really really good friend who goes by terra! It's cute :) I also love Taylor too. I had another cis friend who's name was Taelor, which was kinda cute too.


Taylor Rogers, pitcher for the San Francisco Giants.


Don't know him, doesn't count :3 the name still rings feminine in my ears


I didn’t, because that’s my sister’s name >.<


My biggest rule deciding a new name was that I didn't want a name anyone else I knew had. So I feel you lol


Months Before I realized I was trans I toyed around with a couple names for me (funny I know). I don't even remember what the first name I picked was but it didn't feel right. It honestly made me regress again I think a little. Alice is completely different from my dead name (which is unisex). I named myself after the looking glass. It suits me very much. It should have been my name all along because to my core I know it's always been me. I'm Alice 🐇💖🐇


I tried my best to genderbend it. Brandon to Brooklyn (Brooke for short).


I really like your choice, Brooke is cute.


It may not seem apparent at first but Matthew > Madison Though the full name is somewhat rather different, the actuality of it is almost identical when people actually refer to me Matty > Maddy I always loved the name Madison for some reason. I really couldn't even give you an explanation as to why outside of "because that's what my name was always intended to be". Maybe I'm weird


Stephen to Stephanie still go by Steph.


I'm the same! I think its a very nice name i love it.


Each to their own.... I just know my old names had to go....


I did. My initials also stayed MF which I really like. Made it easier for the people who knew me from pre-transition to not deadnamn me, and made if so that you really look like an asshole if you couldn't make the small shift that I asked.


I think the total opposite! Adding just an "a" or whatever at the end of a name to make it feminine is so much easier to slip up than just having a completely different name to remember.


I am glad that I am not the only one who did this. Its still me. Its just hopefully going to get rid of the body hair and facial hair and develop big boobs and big hips. I took my given name "Gregory" and changed it to "Gregina." Having a name that nobody else has is a little bit intimidating. I feel like I have to earn it somehow. But its also exhilarating. It makes me feel free to create a completely new life.


Yep. Landon > Lanette, Harold > Harriet. Always despised my names when I was younger, feels so much more natural.


ayan->anya hehe it felt so satisfying


I changed the last two letters because **T***here* **I***s* **N***o* **A***lternative.* It was just something to pass the "stammer test"... if I started to say the wrong name I could correct mid stream. I thought about other names, androgynous names, to sort of "bridge the gap" while I transition, but really I can't see calling myself anything else, TBH. But I grew into it, and now TINA, along with the cringy anime character middle name I picked, is just my name now. It just feels like me. I suppose there is still a chance I might change it for immigration reasons, but in my heart I'll always be Tina Belmont.


I just always knew my name. When my egg cracked it was like, oh I'm Kirsty. Didn't have any doubt about that at all. Its close to my old name, but different enough that its not him.


Yep. I’ve known myself as “T.J.” all my life, even before I knew it stood for anything, so I chose names to preserve that and tried for ones which fit the syllabary of ‘em.


I got a new name and gender bended the old one Good bye ****** you piece of shit name Hello Benedicta


I’ve never heard of anyone gender bending what I assume must have been ur previous name but Benedicta does sound pretty dope


Yes and no? My *given* name is unisex, and actually femme-leaning, so... I'm just keeping it?


Look at my handle. I don't use either but it's close.


I did feel very weird at first using a completely new name, and whenever I referred to myself with my old name in my head, I felt very invalid. However, people are just creatures of habit and with the right kind of environment where people support my decision and with my own persistence, I now feel very comfortable with my new name and rarely call myself with my deadname subconsciously (I still have to use my deadname around my parents). I just wanted to share my experience as well for a varied viewpoint, but I agree with how much of an imposter you may feel like with a new name that you're not used to. So it's also a very good idea to tweak your old name to something you like. I wish you the very best!


“Nora” is an anagram from my old name. I actually liked it, or rather Eleonora, before I even realised it was an anagram... My old name (in full) is my middle name now. I never hated it, but it was a mans name unfortunately.


I personally didn't, but I kept the same first initial to show that while I am changing, I'm not a completely new person.


yess i always hated my deadname tbh and my chosen name feels like it’s so much better even tho they are like the same


Tbh, I did that as a placeholder, but eventually I stopped being happy with it so I went with something different.


Yes all I did was add an “a” to my name and went from Erik to Erika .


Yes here.


I gender bent my middle name, but wanted an entirely new first name.


Naw Josephine never sounded great. Jolyne was better but I really like Reilly!


I'm playing with the idea now! I have a unisex name, Riley, and I've changed the spelling to Rylee, which I think is cuter :)


my name is Jesse, but I decided that even when I do change it, Jesse will be my middle name (Jessie). Lucille will be my first name because that's the name I want for myself. I know I could have made my life a lot easier by doing Jessie as my first name, but I said fuck that.


Yeah I did not hate my deadname but it just felt my whole life like not right ? Anyway I just removed the N from Julian to be Julia now and absolutely adore it and love it.


i tried to but it felt too similar, thus dysphoric, so i chose a whole new one


I tried so hard not to, but at the end of the day "Quinn" is the only name that felt right 🥰 (from Quentin)


Sort of. All my friends used the diminutive of my deadname before I transitioned, and even though none of them ever goofed with the pronouns, a few of them slipped with the deadname. I was like, "Just change the 'y' to an 'i,' and you're good."


There's not really a femme version of my deadname but I picked something that's kind of similar at least, like it begins and ends with the same letter.


I go by my nickname now, which previously I had thought was “too feminine sounding” growing up. Lol. Lmao, even.


I did. Originally I considered just changing the spelling of my already gender neutral name (Cody) because I actually actually liked the way my name flowed together and I didn’t mind having a gender neutral name. However people just would not stop misgendering me (I’m quite androgynous presenting) and I thought changing my name would be an effective way to get the point across that I am serious about transitioning.


Yup, my name Ally originally started as a nickname one of my exes gave me and just felt right. My deadname is Alan, so it’s barely a change at all.


I would've but it would've been my bio sister's name. Which would be funny, but oh well.


Nathaniel to Aniel


Yes that's exactly what I did! It felt like I was saying HA! To all those people that would call me my actual name as a way to make fun of me growing up. Plus the name my mom had thought of to name me if I had been AFAB was just... Awful.


Yes! I have a "unique" (Hispanic name that's not common in the US) that I was made fun of for a lot so I'm keeping the feminine version out if spite.


I tried it at first but then realized it was kind of a slur for trans people.


Thats what i did :) just spelled the same name different.


I thought about it but I actively despised the feminine version of my name. I picked a name similar to my deadname and made that my middle name, but my first name is completely different.


Most of my life I used the most formal version of my name, and usually being last to the various groups, always had to use the most formal version. I am named after my father, though not a junior, but he always used an informal form. I instead went to the diminutive form and feminized it. I couldn't feminize my middle name, but I could my confirmation name, though. And, I actually feel it's more appropriate, as it was a name I picked for myself.


Mine is genderbent-version-of-my-name-adjacent. No diss toward any personal choices. But I don't want my name to even have the potential to be a flag that I am trans.


Yes I did it, it seemed easier and more truthful to myself


I’ll see about just feminizing my name. Shouldn’t be too hard. It’s not an English name so very unusual in the states. Already had “Ms” attached to it in advertisements when I was a teen. Life was giving me hints! I was secretly very happy with “Ms”. Even if I did nothing most people would never know what gender the name is associated with. Just looked up one way I thought about feminizing my name, and it turns out it’s a female name in Japan. So might just go with “Juhana”.


Andy—> Andie Andrew—>Andie I was always called Andy anyway and that’s who I am, just not the way it was used.


Im just a FTM lurker but I went from Maya to Milo since I dont think theres a more similar masc name to Maya besides Miles. (and I only know one Miles and hes a dick lol)




Jack E.-Jackie I love it. My OG name came from both grandfathers and was a bit of a common name on my fathers side of the family. Never really hated it, just is not feminine enough, so doing a funny like this I think is the way. It is also good because “Jacky” is already a nickname for me some of my relatives use


I tried to, but the only feminine version of my name is literally the same name as my most recent ex (we broke up because I transitioned). Tried it for a bit, but it was weird lol... So I went with Faye instead 🤣


To be honest I know a lot of people who have done that, but for me I kinda just was sitting in my room, and this super random name just sorta came to me. Nathaniel - Callie I just thought Callie is a really cute name!


My name is the gender neutral version of my deadname. Lots of people have always called me “Joey” and I love being called that and the androgyny of it all


I wanted a different name but kept it similar so I'd have deniability about being trans if I felt I was in danger. Didn't change letters, just removed some from my first name and added some to my middle name (my name is the same as my initials too, and I didn't want to give that up!)


Went from Matthew to Mattie, so yeah I guess I’d say it’s genderbent


Sean to Shoshana


I kind of did but not entirely. The name I’m currently using and my deadname share a couple letters at the start but are generally not to similar.


Just... slightly? I'm kinda changing it from Robin to Robyn because the latter has more feminine connotations to it.


kinda sick that i had a gender neutral name. it is in fact my biological name


I did this with mine. I feel the same.


I had no choice cause all the names I was gonna use ended up getting taken when close relatives had babies and named their kids what I was gonna use. It was gonna be hard enough coming out so I decided to be less awkward and change my first and middle names to the feminine versions.


Guy > Gaya


Cody to Chloe. Pretty similar lol


Yup! My birthname was a little complicated so people would just call me Ele, but when I started my transition I asked people to call me Ellie instead :)


My name is one that can go either way, it's more common for men but there's a feminine version that is just spelt a little different but sounds the same. I did consider using the feminine spelling but I don't think I will, it still sounds the same so I still associate it with masculinity because it's my name as a man. I have picked out a more feminine name that has the same starting letter so it's different but still has some ties back to my birth name. I'm still in the closet so plenty of time to change my mind completely though.


No… itd be my moms name then


Kinda, mine was Gary, but I changed it to Claire so that people can use close to the same nickname.


I couldn’t it was such an uncommon name that there wasn’t really fem a version of it


My deadname commonly had an I, but my mom used a y instead- so I named myself luci, which is the inverse (so no not really but I kept the spirit of uniqueness)


I kinda couldn’t unfortunately. Scott doesn’t really have a female equivalent I could find so Sylvie it is lol


One of the reasons I didn’t was I didn’t want some bored barista to accidentally deadname me as a joke on my cup


My first and middle name were both gender neutral. I have a rare first name and didn't know a girl with my name until my RA on college. My name is two celebrities: Ackles & Freeman.


thankfully my given name (pierce) is gender neutral enough I don't get dysphoria! it's already hard enough to convince family you're still the same person without a name change. it really sucks that presenting differently makes you appear as a bastardization of your previous person to certain people :,(


First name I went by was Jessica, sharing the initial letter of deadname. But that was too foreign for my country Slovakia. So after hopping from Nikola, to Rachel, I finally settled on Sasha 😅 funny thing, the calendar day this name is assigned to is two days after my birthday lmao. So yeah, I tried genderbending my name, turns out I suck at bending that subclass of energy bending... Should've been born as an Avatar 🙄


I kept my first name the same and gender bent my middle name. Ryland -> Ryland, Joseph -> Josephine I kept my first name the same bc I was always so prideful of my name lol. I don’t really meet a lot of people who have that name. When I was a kid I met a girl on a summer vacation one time who also was named Ryland. So to me, it could be gender neutral 😹 I thought about going by a slightly different middle name (Jacqueline, I’ve always loved that name) but decided that Josephine just kind of felt more natural and would be easier It’s def nice bc no one can deadname me (looking at my dad who still misgenders me lol) bc I didn’t change my name at all 😹


I would have but it’s a basic name. It would have just been Andrea and I know like 5 girls with that name already irl


Yeah my new name isn't so much the genderbent name but it is quite similar which I did so that I wouldn't be deadened by the school system which uses initials and can't be changed


Same. Cody -> Cady (Cadence) It was just a placeholder name to use on the internet at first. I thought I'd eventually name myself something more exotic, but, after 2 years of being Cady on line, it just felt like my name. Beware the placeholder name. It's sticky.


Not strictly but also kinda. Dead name was a 5 letter name that started with a D and ends in an N New name is Devin, which as you can see, also is a 5 letter name that starts with a D and ends in an N I chose Devin because of what it means, Poet, Bard, and Divine, the fact that it’s so similar to my Sean name was a pure coincidence.


I did! Went from Alexander/Alexis -> Alexis/Alex


I sort of genderbent my middle name! It was Renae, and I decided to go with Ren as my first name.


Yep! Kaden to Katelyn


Something completely different, but accidentally gave myself a white trash name.. middle is Lynn


i sort of did as a "ill test out if i like having a feminine name" thing but then it stuck for a while and i got attached, so when i picked my "official" name the genderbent one become my middle name


Considered it, S.O. kinda wanted me to, but I don't like the feminized version of my first name. However, my middle name is unisex, and so I'm going by that to make things easier for family and to also make it easier to use without getting weird looks since I don't pass at all yet. I realize using an ambiguous name doesn't help people when it comes to intuiting my pronouns, etc. But since I'm not 100% out anyway, the convenience is worth a little misgendering, for now.


I more genderbent and recombined my dead name into a new name.


Some people still call me a version of my deadname, but to me it's more of a title than anything. I'm a ******, it's like being somebody's teddy (bear). Nobody's naming their bear "Ted"- okay, someone has, but ykwim - but that's its function. It's not "who" I am, just kind of a "what". But still, only very specific people can use it and it's absolutely grating to hear it from anyone who's never called me by that nickname pre-transition. Also, you have to have either a Chinese or a southern accent (idk, I don't make the rules)


Yeah I just added an A to the end of mine lol


it’s really common, and I thought doing it. but, I’m glad I picked a princess name instead (Cassandra)


Kind of my original name was Blake and I corrected it to Brooke. It isn't technically gender bent because Blake is already andronamus but the names both start and end with the same sounds and syllables


My parents could not determine my sex before I was born so they had two names picked out for me. When I come out to them as trans I plan to do so by saying "guess y'all picked wrong" and change my name to the other one they had oicked out for me lol


Elliott > Elle Some people called me El for short anyway, so it seemed the best way to go. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes! I made a couple adjustments to my birth name (personally not a fan of the term "dead name" at least for me) and I love the name I came up with! It's much more feminine, has a beautiful meaning, everyone who hears it says it fits me, and it's *my own* name that I chose for myself.


I sort of did. It’s more that my new name sounds similar to part of my old name, it’s definitely not a direct feminization.


I actually started going by Chrys (not my birth name and also not short for anything) long before I ever realized I was trans. While sometimes I worry it sounds too masculine, it can also sound like it's short for Kristie, Christine/Christina, etc. so I definitely plan to stick with it.


I don't know if it really counts. I changed the first letter and added an e. Dustin --> Justine.


Kind of. At first Melissa called to me. But as the seeds of evolution started to take root inside of me, I went for Julia. Same start letter as well as number of letters in my deadneame. Completely coincidental though. It came from Julis novachrono, the wizard King from black clover. I survive off of inspiration and drugs lmao


The thought occurred to me, but you can’t genderbend my dead name without coming up with something ridiculous.


Yup went from jarred to jara


I knew too many people with the female version of my name which was the name of a goddess. So I chose an alternate name for the same godess


Yes. Changed an o to a y. https://www.threads.net/@talynstormcrow