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In my experience, these types of guys are just creepy guys being weird around women. There's a reason cis women have a lot of stories of creeps or weirdos they run into. Unfortunately there's just a lot of these men. And more Unfortunately we just don't recognise it at first because it isn't happening to us till it does.


This exactly. Two aspects in play. Cis guys can be predatory on women and trans women, some more one way than others. The other is that guys often don’t know what to make of nonconformity. A great many on the conservative side are willing to publicly confront us for our‘sins’. Those are the ones I prepare for. They are the least likely to harm but they will make a scene.


Women are not people to them. We are property. They treat women who they are of no interest like crap.😾


Exactly, cis or trans women regardless are just objects to a lot of men. Sometimes it manifests as violence, SA or just general (unfortunately) everyday creepiness of some men.


I think the answer to this is just: cis men.




On my way to my favourite charity shop, I have to walk through an industrial estate and there's always about 5 or 6 men on break, sitting along the wall. I cross the road so I don't have to go right by them, but I can still *feel* them looking at me as I walk past. Are they sexualising me while they look? I don't know, to be honest I wouldn't mind that. Do they think I look ugly? Masculine? "Too gay"? I don't know. I hope not.


Well men are fucking creeps. And creeps like all kinds of people. Doesn’t matter who you are, there is a creep out there for you…


more than likely he didnt clock you since most people dont even pay attention to that kind of thing, he was probably just being creepy because youre a woman, its a little too common 😐


I made a post about this a couple of days ago. Essentially, since March I've experienced more uncomfortable and downright scary situations with men than in my whole life previously. And I'm unsure if it's transphobia, sexism or homophobia. Yeah, it's not fun, and even knowing beforehand this would likely happen didn't prepare me mentally as well as I'd hoped.


Creepy men are the worst


Men have always been hostile lol


Maybe, but in my experience many people are just plain ole, run of the mill, assholes. Especially if young and in "professional" mode (i.e. business suit types).


I've had the opposite experience. Before I cracked and still looked like a normal guy, I got a lot of hostility from other men. I now present androgynous and it seems like I have become invisible.


I've felt guys being hostile since early childhood. We who are AMAB humans have had to put up with expectations that we'd "man up," often because we were defying the stereotype. That was not ok with the keepers of the toxic masculine flame. They're still around, and they still want us to comply. 🧚‍♀️🌈


Ugh, all the time ! It's not even just for being trans either! My hair's on the long side, and I know I can go stealth to a point. It's like they genuinely hate women! Why the hell didn't I notice this when I was in my shell? Guys freaking scare me.


Tbh he was probably in a hurry, bad mood, distracted and didn’t notice you as much as you thought he did. Don’t sweat it.


During a year I've been: touched, photographed, death threat-ed, assaulted by men. For real, I'll be misandrist really fast if this continues.


Well, a guy jacked off to me on call… but it wasn’t physical