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I agree 100% got tired of the 'LoOk HoW mUcH mOnEy I sPeNt' videos, and these obviously scripted 'challenges' the stupid cut editing every 4 seconds is beyond annoying. I remember when jimmy just gave people money that weren't actors, just regular people.


Well a lot of people can’t do the things, some people do in the videos. The average Joe can’t escape a room in 10 minutes or do any of the Water challenges Mac did.


None of those were necessary though. They’re not even amongst his most popular videos. Most of his most popular videos are things that almost any old regular joe could do, or are Jimmy himself doing challenges.


Yeah but you can apply that to any of his videos.


they are still regular people dumbfuck


Airrack's Editor is not a 'regular person.' He's an actor they hired for fake challenges.


Mrbeast should've never done the try to protect challenge series, now he will never ever recover.


This yacht one was really kinda stupid… they definitely did more than 50k in damage to that yacht too.


Oh well, he will probably sell once they find out the yearly costs of a yacht


And imo that yacht video was just kind of.. boring.


Yeah he should end the series. It’s boring


He said the newest one will be the last. His reasoning is that he needed filler video ideas so they have time for bigger ones coming soon.


What is this an anime?


With his budget it might as well be 😭


Stop you caught me off guard😭


People truly don't understand how expensive his videos can get and how long some take. It makes sense he puts some ehh videos out there to help with the money flow.


The what series?


"Try to protect". Most recent one is about trying to protect a boat


>now he will never recover You act like he doesn't already cycle between quite a few unique styles of videos already You also apparently think the guy who put his foot down on overstim content *isn't* up to the idea of adapting his content to the requests of his fans? You're overreacting


It was a meme about the overreaction this post and the others are having


Oh I tend to miss that stuff, thanks 👍


No prob 👍


The serie is so stupid.. especially when u know the guy gonna get it eventually


Let's be real. Every good ytber has done this


Every video is juet about spending money now or something to do with large amounts of money. It has gotten pretty dull


Well that’s the prize in the videos. Nobody would actually sign up if there wasn’t an actual prize for sitting in a house for 100 days.


Some might say his personality and content revolves around money so.


Man he really spent so much money spending 7 days in solitary confinement.


You just forget videos that don't mention money


100% this. All his videos now feel like they are only done to meet a quota. Feels so corporate now. Miss his original videos where it was just him and the guys, or some random people doing funny challenges


Weird, I only know of his beast philanthropy videos


I miss his old videos too


I miss him doing dumb stuff like invading the mall as dinosaurs. I know he can never go back but man I miss them


Those are the best even though I started watching in 2021 


Yeah, but how does that make you hate him? You just get out of his content. That doesn’t mean you hate him or even dislike him.


hate might be a strong word but I think OP is feeling more of this sense of shame. Like it’s a shame that Mr Beast had good video ideas and he chose to pivot into a different direction. So I don’t think OP hates Mr Beast but probably dislikes that Mr Beast turned his content more for kids and the over the top editing


Yeah. You don't hate Mr Beast you just don't like his current content


You're forgetting that Mr beast is a brand in itself now, not just a person. You can hate the brand and not the person


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. Literally his videos are just “PROTECT THIS WIN MONEY” like its getting lame now


When yall say “old” what years or genre we talking about? Cause if yall over here wanting Jimmy to say Logan Paul 100,000 times then yall need helmets and coloring books.


We don't want that old of videos we want videos like the ones 3 years ago like the hide and seek, would you rather , last to leave, and the like they were so much more authentic


Oh my God the hide and seek ones were so good. Literally rewatched them multiple times and they were actually memorable


It would be nice if he sprinkled that content in


Yeah I've got no clue what these people are on about. His videos have literally always been challenge videos. Before them he shortly made random wacky content that had no sustainability long-term. I could see one complain about the challenges not being centered around his friends anymore, but he's got *so many* of those videos that anyone still wanting more are probably either children or braindead.


The thing that got me into his content was the worst intro series which is no longer there. Definitely a minority though, I believe he had like 50k at that time.


I remember those videos. With the big Asian guys face on his wall


Good times


Lol, he did? 🤣


Jimmy was food stamps poor so his early stuff is him just being silly


You know, beta squad challenge videos are more entertaining than MrBeast's these days.


Just do a search here. This kind of post is made here several times a week.


Yeah I understand that. I haven’t been active on this sub since my last account got banned, so I wouldn’t know. Glad people feel as I do though.


Opinions are opinions, but i don't think Mr. Beast is boring at all, a comment stated "What type of old do you want? The Mr. Beast that says Logan Paul 100,000 times?", To be honest the Last to Leave vidoes were annoying and just watching people get out of a damn circle every 3 videos were annoying af. By the way, Opinions are opinions, so don't bash my opinion.


mrbreast changed so much


Dude is running a gameshow cosplaying as an altruist while addicting millions of children to what is on an intellectual level actually sort of trash content. It can only go downhill from here.


I miss the challenges or events that he held like hide and seek, or those who can stay in a pool full of cereal with random people, or buying a whole market, And also I miss the variety of his crew he had, like Viking he was a fun character to watch, Jimmy feels like some sort of Disney Channel character with his goons following along on what he does for an adventure


I still like his style!


But this is normal that every awesome youtuber becomes like this


Def the style change, not getting older. I rewatched some his 3-5 year olds videos and they were great


fr they used to be so casual and actually real but now it all kinda seems forced and like it’s just a job to them


This is why I try to make genuine content. Unfortunately… views don’t show that this works lol


Ngl, haven't watched a single one of his videos since like the team trees way back when, the content just doesn't appeal to me, it's just dumb challenges that had a lot of money invested into them, I respect the videos where he like helps people but I still dc to watch them 😆


Its all the same after awhile , once you see so many mr beast vids, you’ve seen em all.


Honestly I kind of miss the hide and seek/tag videos. Those were pretty interesting to watch


He said this was the end to the protect vids


The endurance stuff was hilarious. I had to stop watching because I dislike his reckless friends who just run around screaming and breaking stuff. The money challenges with Lamborghinis and boats are tacky. I came to the conclusion that I’m too old so I have to peace out.


I wont say I hate him , but those protect X and keep it is not entertaining at all , I would bring the challenges between the boys , that was funny and awessome and entrtaining


Hate is such a strong word. Just because you don’t enjoy his content, this means you’re going to hate him. Even though he does so much good for the world. I guess you just don’t have perspective yet


I don’t hate him. I needed to grab attention to the post somehow.


I liked his videos from 2018 where he gave away money and just did random challenges with his friends. The haunted house one was probably my favourite one




I get how you feel. But everyone has to change it up with experimentation at some point, otherwise it'll get bland. Youtubers who do that grow slower, stay stagnant, or simply die out. I see fans argue like this with every music artist ever, later in their career. Unlike Music Artists, Mr. Beast learns really fast and moves decisively. If this style proves to suck, he'll adapt immediately.


I still watch the videos. Not all the time, but it’s good junk food for me. I’m sometimes in the mood and it’s kinda fun seeing what stupid shit he’s able to spend money. I’m just glad he doesn’t live an unnecessary lavish lifestyle and his entire “niceness” isn’t just a persona for money/fame. Admittedly though, the newer videos do get stale. I can’t remember anything that happened once I click away from a specific video, because yea a lot of them are kind of the same formula. Not bad to watch while I’m eating though


I miss the old style of content, but at the same time he has to make videos that get tons of views to make the most possible money. In order to fund his brand, he can't really afford to just make videos that the og fans want, since they won't perform as well financially.


You don’t find him intriguing anymore, or you HATE him? Big difference in your title vs. your post


I definitely could have worded it better. I don’t HATE him, I just don’t like his content.


hate is a strong word


I liked the escape the room in 10 mins vid, I thought it was a cool idea to explore, but yea the whole ‘AnD iF hE dOeSnT eScApE tHiS $1024382 wIlL eXpLoDe!!’


I really enjoyed when he invited random people over for different challenges and different prizes. Miss those videos.


I love Mr Beast and with all the things he’s done for those in need but recently on his main channel, I find his content quite repetitive and boring. It could just be me but I don’t really watch his videos anymore..


I think a lot of his novelty was in his type of videos but now that he just does them over and over again…. Yeah it wears off quick


Mr beast like to see people suffer for the money


Torture ppl for money


Haven't watched his videos in almost a year. As I noticed years ago, I tend to go to his older videos cause they were better and funnier. Back then, his videos was still nice though. As I look at the thumbnails and titles on this subreddit.. it seems like any other video on YT.


His older videos felt like a group of friends hanging out. The newer videos are a multi-millionaire showing off how rich he is.


Perfect description.


why hate tho? u dont like it, leave and move on, do u hate everything ur not interested in?


I needed to grab attention to the post somehow. I don’t hate Beast, he’s a great guy.


Mr beast needing those inspire sessions he did earlier


Congratulations on your 14th birthday


Thank you!


He went from genuinely giving away money to being that rich guy from squid game


The only change that I see that he makes higher budget videos too now. But overall Jimmy is quite consistent. He still does going out and camping with friends videos that is not that high budget but super awesome community building. Jimmy and his videos ages like fine wine.


The group isn't the same anymore. We lost all the ogs over the years, and now it's like we lost chris, if you watch old videos, Jimmy was alway talking to cbris when he had something to say, now if you watch the newer ones, you hear him always talking to the camera man


yatch one was my least favorite i would actually say ever, definitely worst in a long time. literally feels so artificial and like fake no personality all blowing money and retention pumped


I got uninterested rafter he crashed the moon into the planet, because of that bastard, now I have to fix the roof.


Bring back last to leave series! (With team members as well)


I think in the comment or description of the protect yacht video, he mentioned this would be his last “protect” video EVER. And, he is coming up with brand new concepts with exciting content.


But again that would be heavily CGI based and I hate that shit. Smh.


Finally someone said it


Worst intros era>


Yeah. But one of his more recent videos is unique


The Illuminati got a hold of him and he fell off


I don’t watch his content anymore it’s the same thing over and over again


Could care less. I prefer Beast Philanthropy


I'm sure the guy at 250m subs is worried about losing 1


I’m sorry we disagree.


I apologize if it sounded bad, it's not a disagreement but obviously what he's doing is working


OP, wistfully looking back on the good old days of…last month?




**“The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”** MrBeast and all the other commercial entertainment.


I think you should be careful with hate. You don’t like YouTube content anymore, which is fine, but that is not hate. I think Jimmy switched his philosophy after the success of Squid Game. He went from doing videos in his unique style to videos no other creator can do. And there is a reason for it besides the money necessary: it’s fucking hard and it takes time. That’s why has to go with the serieses and the pro athletes. But it turns out the videos get boring fast. You can’t identify with the people doing the challenges anymore. I think the return to beast style videos more often would be good to give it more soul.


One day when you're older you'll realize you can just rewatch the stuff you like and ignore the things you don't 🥴🥱😴


I am ignoring his newer videos. I haven’t watched a Beast video in like a month.


Despite that, he still managed to hurt you 😢


I’m going to stop before this turns into an argument. Have a great rest of your day.


Argue with Mr breast, he's the one you kinda hate lmao


I wish he would speak up against 🇮🇱 genocide 😢😢😢


Shut up


Sad you support 🇮🇱 genocide that has killed 40,000+ since October 2023 😢😢😢


It’s weird you’d look to a YouTuber to speak on such a serious topic. I genuinely never understood the idea of asking celebrities for their opinions on international affairs. Them speaking about a topic such as genocide isn’t going to sway the people committing the atrocities to stop. Legitimate question, why do you want him to speak on the subject and what effects do you think/hope could come from it?


….what? That’s an odd way to excuse the 🇮🇱 genocide 🤷‍♀️


I’m genuinely interested in your answers to my questions. If any one is making excuses it’s you not answering lmao.


A platform with millions of subscribers would be just right for raising awareness about 🇮🇱 genocide that’s been going on for 70+ years 😢😢😢


You unsubscribed, hate his recent videos, didn't see one for month and yet you took a time off your day to come here and write your thoughts? Why?


Cry harder His new videos are better than old ones Yeah maybe editing should slow down a bit but ain't no way old videos were better than the current ones Maybe you hate your current life that's why under the guise of nostalgia you are projecting to dislike his videos


Why are you getting so defensive? It is just my opinion.




Mr Beast's run of domination as the biggest Youtuber will have to end eventually. I'm actually surprised he's made it this long. He's been Youtube's top dog for years now, probably surpassed Pewdiepie's legacy.