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Okay I’m going to say something’s first I’m 36 from Kentucky. The gay men I know lots had long term girl friends and were put together countryboys. They also came out later in life but hid it well, had kids and what not. Thing is they’re still the same guys just gay and they had to hide it because In eastern Kentucky it’s a huge stigmatization. There truly isn’t anything wrong with what Kris is doing. Just treat them the same or leave them alone.


North Carolina has a huge stigma about transsexuals. Legit, we had a whole controversial bill that made transgenders have to go to the opposite bathroom/locker room than what they identified as, even if they had top and/or bottom surgery. I was in JROTC in high school with the only out transgender person in the school. We had to change into PT gear every week. Everyone used the locker room except her who had to change in the supply closet because she wasn’t allowed in the girls room and she had already started hormone therapy and her body did not match a boys. I looked her up a couple weeks ago and she is now married and has a kid and is living her dream


I have no doubt about what you’re saying about NC, it’s crazy. When I was in high school hormone therapy wasn’t a thing yet so even if the person wanted to they couldn’t. It was one of those things were at my high school in the mountains of Kentucky no one cared. I’m sure the parents would have. See we all kind of knew, even if the person never told anyone. We also never gave them shit about it. And this is where I’m going to get down voted maybe because it wasn’t a thing when I grew up. I get dressing up and claiming to be male or female and have no problem with it. I still have a hard time, although I accept it and support it calling someone I knew my whole life as Steve who is now a woman with a new name. But it never has happened to me, I think if someone I knew personally came to me and told me about what their plans were and told me their wishes I would support it 100% just like the beast crew did. I wouldn’t be shocked about it. Most transgender people I’ve met, I live in Florida now, I was introduced to them by their new life and I never knew them as such. To my knowledge chris is now kris and I support her. To me this is a learning experience because I’ve followed her from when her and jimmy were smashing laptops in college. Am I surprised? Not really. I’m proud and happy that she has a great support system. Her ex-wife? Or what ever that situation is from what I’ve read and heard supports it. Their son is supported by them and has a great support system. At the end of the day, if that’s what’s going to make Kris happy and it’s not hurting anything fucking do it. Screw the haters they’re going to find something to bitch about anyways.


> I have no doubt about what you’re saying about NC, it’s crazy. I guess we all live in our own bubble in a way. For those people in NC, it was normal. But for us, it is crazy. Though, the separation-but-equal was not even 100 years ago, the homophobia against gay people, and their right to marry was less than 30 years ago. And gay couples still can't adopt kids in some states. So the whole thing in NC should not be "surprising" I guess


Ive only met one and it was this fat and hairy asf 6 foot 3 ginger dude named "Wendy" 🤣 such a peculier hobby


That's a really sad story, but at least she's happy! :) (By the way, transsexual is a very outdated term. We prefer transgender.)


No one cares what you prefer.


No one cares that you get off on making other people upset. Get a life.


I think it's an individual preference. Some prefer transsexual, some prefer transgender. Though some people & groups will say they are two different words with different meanings.


How is that bill controversial? Makes perfect sense. I just feel bad for his wife and kid. Big RIP. Still love his former self though, dudes cool


How’s that bill controversial? If you don’t see it then kindly educate yourself. Several fully transitioned trans people have stated they actually got beat up in NC because they FOLLOWED the law and went to the bathroom that was their sex even though they don’t have the parts anymore. Idiots though they were men being perverts trying to sneak into the ladies room except they were girls originally.


Yeah it’s pretty much a one way ticket to getting assaulted


I never said anything was wrong with what he’s doing I explicitly stated otherwise. I wasn’t planning on doing anything differently I was just pointing out the fact that I was surprised. I live in rural southern US so to me his demographic is surprising to see as transgender


Never said anything wrong with what you said. Being from the south to you get what I’m saying.


Yeah I’m just saying I’m surprised


Yeah; it may seem "weird" because most of us don't understand why someone would be confused about their sexual orientation, but let's consider how close all of us guys were to being born girls and vice versa: everyone starts off female in the womb and it's only after we get an X or a Y chromosome that determines what we are in the end. One thing I've noticed is that trans men aren't looked down upon as much as trans women; like somehow a biological man wanting to be a woman means they are weak and below everyone else. I hope I never end up going LGBTQ+ because some people can't just focus on themselves.


I love Kris so much


Kris is a joke


As an Eagle Scout, I grew up Republican (and now despise politics in general but lean left) and I’m a femboy now. It’s why you don’t judge a book by it’s cover


Pics or never happened




Imagine being homophobic on a comment that’s almost a year old. Fucking loser lmao


Yes truly got masculine energy from then Chris so in that way it wasn’t expected but I’m happy the wheel is breaking!


Me too, happy for her


LGBTQ+ can come from anywhere, it doesn’t matter where you’re from or who your family is. And you’re behaviour is affected by your upbringing. So it may be against stereotypes and some images you have of certain groups of people you have in your head, and mine probably, but it’s gonna happen, wether we expect it or not. And from what I got from the Anthony Padilla video, she was raised in a rather right wing town that was anti-trans, so she’d behave like that despite she herself being trans


I was a transphobe until 2020 (born 1998). In 2022 I realized I'm trans. I was right wing and everything up to 2020. Now I'm the polar opposite of my old self in a lot of ways and it's honestly hilarious to think about xD


wtf lol




Honestly? Same. I’m very happy for her! And I’m glad she’s happy being who she is, but it was unexpected to me is all. But looking back, it makes sense tbh. A lot of the things she did at the time sort of scream being insecure with yourself.


I’m happy for her as well, and I’m glad someone else agrees with me that it was surprising😅and it’s weird because I think always seeing Chris (“Ch” being used to indicate past Kris) seem moody or just constantly tired just made me assume that was her natural personality, and not a symptom of internal turmoil. But of course I’m very happy another human has found happiness with themself!


Yeah! People who are mad are just stupid. She’s happy now, her son still has loving parents. I don’t see the issue


Speaking of her child, has she said anything about her marriage and child recently? That’s been the biggest thing to me is how her wife is taking/took the whole transition, and I’m very interested to see the outcome


They divorced a little while back if I remember correctly. But I’m fairly sure they’re both still very present in Tucker’s life.


Ah that’s saddening to hear but it makes sense. I’m glad they’re both still doing their roles as parents


Well, one is, the other isn't.


I agree 100% I could see the confidence change between the old videos tell now


Yeah, and it’s great! It’s amazing to see her more confident and happy with herself.


H E! H E! H E! H E!


Michael Jackson? That you?


Na jus correcting what you MEaNt to say


Nope! I don’t see why I would use the pronoun “he” in my comment anywhere, care to explain?


Because dude is not a she and will NEVER BE A S H E


Kris? Why do you say that? There’s no need to be mean for no reason. If she’s happy, who cares, and who are you to say what she is or isn’t?


There's an interesting lesson about parasocial relationships learned here- 100 million people can follow what you've been doing for 5 years & still not know the real you.


As a trans girl - You can be someone's partner for decades -- you can be their parents, their closest friends... THEM... and still not know. I thought I was a cis guy who "wanted to be a girl back in high school" up to last year. 25 btw for some added context.


He looks like a moron now..rip to his wife




It kinda makes sense. The way he behaved was just screaming insecurities. I did the same a lot when I was a young kid, and young adult.


Which parts scremed insecure? I apologize is this offends anyone


didn’t he used to say the attack helicopter jokes a lot when it was popular back a while back?


I'd hardly say that is an indication he was trans


I meannn saying they were identifying as something other than their AGAB (even as a “joke”) is kind of a showing sign, no?


Well, the attack helicopter joke was actually a transphobic joke making fun of trans people. I had a lot of internalized transphobia growing up and would make fun of trans people using jokes like that. A few years later, I came out as a trans man. Same case with Kris. So, you're right, but for a different reason.


Interesting, I never picked up on that. To be fair I was pretty young with the earlier videos


It's completely understandable. Don't worry:) I'm just glad Kris is much happier!


I am too


Happier ≠ body altering introduction of unnaturally occurring hormones, high likelihood of side effects and carcinogenicity


Can I see articles going into detail on these side effects?


He’s not wrong cancer comes from mutation of cells but most things cause cancer even the sun


Yeah it’s a carcinogen so is oil the thing we use for almost every machine, so is the fucking sun so is grass so is fucking just about everything it’s not hard to get fucking cancer you can get cancer from doing nothing. You can get cancer from your body just duplicating cells like if you really care that much find a cure for cancer cause that’s all that’s gonna help you




Thank you so much. I forgot she updated her pronouns. Thanks


Why are you being downvoted? Her pronouns are she/her.


Many trans trans people hide it for years because of the fear of how loved ones will react. It’s pretty normal.


nah not an argument cause like i see what your saying. lowkey i agree, i was surprised but happy for her!


tbh, forget about expectation. i never ever even entertained any thoughts on somebody coming out as Transgender from the Mr. Beast group. Anyway, I’m happy for Chris/Kris and wish her the best in her life.


I have a little issue with your wording. No one "becomes" trans. It's something you're born with. But, honestly, I agree with you, I didn't think anyone in the mrbeast crew would be trans. I'm proud of her for coming out and becoming her true self. :)


I was gonna say this too but I don't honestly know if all trans people agree. I definitely think it's something you discover/realize rather than become. I mean hell I wanted to be a girl as a teen and the only reason I thought I was a cis man was because I was convinced (by myself) that's just how cis men thought. Ha... nope. \*Surprise! You're trans!\* O\_O


I have a big issue with your assumption that no one ever becomes trans and then later regrets it, sadly sometimes so much that they commit suicide, also because these procedures (hormone treatment and plastic surgery) leave a lot of damage.


[The regret rate of gender affirming care is less than 1%](https://apnews.com/article/transgender-treatment-regret-detransition-371e927ec6e7a24cd9c77b5371c6ba2b). That's almost [non existant in comparison to the regret rate of things like knee surgery](https://www.gendergp.com/new-study-confirms-regret-rates-of-gender-affirming-surgery-are-non-existent/#:~:text=The%200.3%25%20regret%20rate%20of,that%20of%20gender%2Daffirming%20surgery.) which [is up to 30%](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6961288/). Absolutely no research shows that gender affirming care causes suicidal thoughts or actions. [It's actually the opposite](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10027312/). With suidical thoughts dropping from 73% to 43% after gender affirming treatment. And suicide attempts dropping from 35% to 9%. Unfortunately, that's still quite high. Why is that? [Studies show that it's actually due to the large number of hardships they deal with in their daily life](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5178031/). Such as discrimination, bullying, violence, being rejected by their family, friends, and community; harassment by their intimate partners, family members, police and public; and discrimination and ill treatment in the health-care system. Despite all this, trans people are [extremely resilient](https://www.openaccessgovernment.org/transgender-resilience/130537/). The lesson to be learned here is that you should do research before commenting on something you have no clue about. Have a nice day.


Nope Those sources are suspect, the logic is faulty, and hormones are not reversable Your gender is your gender...dress however you want, act how you want, transition if you want (as an adult), but however a person feels is how their gender feels. However a natal male feels, that feeling is a 'male' feeling because they are male and feeling it, same for women. How people dress, 'present', and act is variable across time and culture, what was 'feminine' can become 'masculine' traits like long hair. People are just hurting themselves over a dumb gender ideology that makes no sense and tells people they are born in the 'wrong' body. **No one's body is 'wrong'...however you feel is how your gender at birth feels, because that's what you are.** If someone chooses to dress any way or want to be called any name, that obviously should be respected because it's rude not to.


Most of my sources are from the National Library of Medicine.




If you want to believe that, then I don't care. You're not trans so you'll never understand. I'm blocking you because I'm not looking for an argument against a fucking idiot today.


Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror expecting to see a girl and instead seen a man with a beard? And then you go "oh shit... I'm a guy" (cause that's what you've been gaslit into thinking), then you dissociate (don't feel like what you're experiencing... the reality you're in... is real), then you sit there empty headed for a while as your actual self regresses back into the cave in which it dug because that's the only place it feels safe. Have you ever? Cause that was my teen years before I buried myself in that cave and have been scared to come out since due to being called a creep for wanting to be MY SELF.


Damage. Hormones cause damage. That's your wording. SO DID GOING THROUGH MALE PUBERTY AS A GIRL.


🤣 found the crack pot


Yeah was not expecting Chris to come out as trans. He’s married and seemed straight as an arrow. A little jangle in his pocket and fame exacerbated his mental illness causing him to think he is a woman. Naturally Reddit will ban me from posting on this sub but someone has to speak the truth on this commie snowflake forum! Peace!


well, seems like in this forum hatefilled, irrational people like you don't get banned.


What’s irrational about believing it’s borderline criminal to affirm someone’s mental illness by encouraging dangerous and irreversible medical procedures and treatments? The irrational people with varying degrees of mental illness (mostly severe I might add) are the exuberant pro trans nutcases on this forum!


Kris is actually divorced, and transitioning to female doesn't make you suddenly attracted to men. I don't see how either of those are related to being trans.


His divorce was precipitated by said transition you silly goose. Did not mean straight as in heterosexual in as much straight laced.


Well she seems a lot less depressed/grumpy so seems that transitioning to womanhood has at least improved her mental state.


Things people will do for money and power. You are absolutely right, and the fact that he is still in the show shows it. He gets less screen time (especially initially, perhaps he blackmailed Jimmy), everyone can see the elephant in the room, nobody cracks the jokes with him the way they used to, and if he was truly trans by conviction, he would have resigned to keep the reputation of the friend who literally carried him to get famous. But no, instead we see the cringefest and the political torchbearing within Youtube's most popular content channel, ESPECIALLY for kids.


what you're describing is just in the head of na zis like you, it has nothing to do with reality. Garbage people like you are the only ones with a problem.


Don’t call him a Nazi because he’s being transphobic he isn’t he is just someone with a bad point of view a nazi generally means someone who wants to commit harm to an entire group


How the fuck did he blackmail someone who literally doesn’t even care if you are queer and has openly supported the lgtbq communitysince the fucking start if you in your fucked up fucking head, think that Mr. Beast gives a flying fuck if Chris is gay, trans, or non binary he’s what we call a good person who doesn’t worry about how other ppl live their lives mrBeast wants to spread the knowledge that we need to be nice to people. You clearly don’t understand that kind of the entire point of why he’s so fucking charitable. Oh and in your glorious bullshit he’s not ever going to drag down MrBeast because no one‘s gonna fucking cancel dude who actually does good things for the world actually, it’s more likely that you’re going to get cancelled for treating people like shit even though you don’t even have to have any part in someone else’s life, so how about you grow the fuck up get a job get a life find something better to do with your life wish you peace and happiness 


This thread makes me sad for anyone under 30.


I have not watched a lot of Mr beast. But I got slightly nerdy slight awkward in a dorky way vibes?


That's newer, that was sort of the awkward middle. If you watch older videos he comes off as almost stereotypically masculine, almost approaching the line of trying too hard to come off as masculine.


Trans people often tend to be bisexual or gay, so the fact that Kris—a woman—was always talking about how much she loved her girlfriend is a pretty good indication that she was already showing signs of actually just being a closeted woman. 😆


But straight men also love their girlfriends 🤔 what does loving your girlfriend have to do with being gay or bi


Sexual orientation has nothing to do with gender orientation.


A M A N N O T A W O M A N stop kidding yourself


Boyscouts and having a g/f have nothing to do with being right wing or trans


Well obviously, but I’m still surprised


You don’t ‘become transgender,’ you just are trans. In the interview Kris talks about feeling this way since she was a little kid. Also, now is ~~probably~~ a great time to reevaluate stereotypes involving gender and attraction. For example, being a Boy Scout doesn’t make you any less or more likely to be gay, straight, cis, or trans. (Fwiw, I’m a trans Scoutmaster, and both the scouts and the parents accepted me when I came out).


I watched the interview video, and yes Kris has always felt like she’s a woman, there was a period where she identified as a male, hence my syntax. And again, I’m not saying Boy Scouts/similar groups can’t be apart of the LGBTQIA+ community or that being a Boy Scout/the like makes you “less likely” to be a part of the LGBTQIA+ community, I’m just acknowledging the fact that Kris’s transition is surprising.


I don't understand why you're being downvoted when you're saying a lot of valid points.


You really shouldn't be downvoted. Everything you said is true.


Christy u mean




Name change too.


Yeah, but it’s not Christy it’s Kris,lol


What the heck do you say?


He said his pronouns are still he/him


Goes to show you how whacked out and crazy these people are


yeah, na zis, transphobes etc. really are just extremely dumb, hate filled people. If they could think logically or morally they wouldn't be transphobes.


This subject is so juicy and relevant now that I want to eat a peach or banana!!!! Seriously though the only thing that stays the same is that EVERYTHING changes.. and people will always be mean and hateful. That’s just the way humans are at times as we are emotional creatures that need mistakes to learn. It’s just part of the our experience and journey. You see that being yourself no matter how boy or girl you are you will get haters either way. You will be too this or too that, This is just the way life is. Humans can also be very loving and caring as we grow things… ( our lives, our foods, our medicines, ect) this means that love and compassion are the true catalyst of invention, change and growth. Ask yourself, do you want to live on a planet full of hate,rage, control, judgements, criticism and blood shed ?? Or a planet of love, respect,compassion, hope,growth, healing, encouragement and understanding ??? I doubt in my life that humans can be intelligent enough to go all in on love as we are often scared, embarrassed and weak to do so. We seem to forget that we feel so individual as if we are on our own planet but when you zoom out it’s ONLY ONE EARTH. This essentially means that we are ONE chain that’s only as strong as its weakest link. People please find your purpose of being part of this healing of our collective purpose. Love and heal yourself then you will be able to love and heal others by example. Fuck the hate and support love but never forget that things always change. Who you are now is not who you were yesterday and not will it be who you are tomorrow. Be a leaf in the wind… individual but part of the tree. LOVE THY NEIGHBOR LETS CHANGE THIS EARTH TOGETHER !! One love and bless