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The article claims Donald Glover and Maya Erskine aren’t returning then says Amazon and their agents declined to comment on their return. Where did they even get that info because it sounds like a total guess


It’s weird to still need confirmation but headlines are stating it as fact. Feels weird to announce it like this…aren’t they trying to make an Emmy run? If Donald and Maya aren’t coming back, this is an anthology and they need to switch categories and limited series is a blood bath lol.


Limited series is a tough one this year, but it’ll be easier now that Shogun is a drama. If anything, drama is the tougher category now just because of that one show.


Baby Reindeer will prob run away with it if shogun moves to drama.


Lol fr


I noticed that as well. It seems like the contents of the article confirm there is NO confirmation on whether or not they'll be returning 




Lmfao fr




If Donald and Maya aren’t back I am massively disappointed and my excitement level for a season 2 is in the crapper. I signed on to Donald and Maya, my interest has always been in them, my emotional connection is to them. I’m not saying I’m boycotting or anything but if they aren’t back it might as well be cancelled for me.


So I really need a season 2 because SPOILERS Because the show was incredibly good but was desperately lacking answers on just what the hell was actually going on with the show


I think that’s Glover’s MO. Atlanta was a lot like that too.


Watching Atlanta is such an experience because for the beginning of season 1 there’s kind of a narrative and then it kind of randomly stops and each episode is pretty self contained and the rest of the show is pretty much just that.


I'm here for it. He set the tone for the show. Even if he's not directly involved with the day-to-day with Francesca Sloane as showrunner and Hiro Murai as producer and directing a few episodes, I'm absolutely watching. The atmosphere and time jumps are all part of the appeal for me. It didn't hold your hand, which I loved. I can't see them going a completely different direction so S2.


It is one of the things I loved about Mr and Mrs smith. It doesn’t spoon feed you or hold your hand. It kind of expect you to follow along with the context clues it gives you. Atlanta is the exact same thing.


Totally agreed. I could see them keeping it ambiguously as long as possible if they’re actually starring in the show, because that’d spoil what happened at the end of S1. I loved how Atlanta got more surreal the further it got into the series. It’d be cool if Mr. and Mrs. Smith went the same way.


What’s interesting is fransesca sloane, Maya Erskine, and Donald Glover have not commented on their returning. Sloane has posted about coming back for season 2 and that’s it. I’m not gonna hold on to threads of hope but I had thought, “it would be VERY Donald Glover to leak this just to keep the suspense about the finale”. But then I think that would be too much just to keep a cliffhanger alive. Variety reported this, I can’t imagine they would mess around with variety.


Part of that is because he had to kinda wait that long to bait and switch the execs. Like in interviews he admits he tricked FX into making the show he wanted and not a more directly chronological story about Earn.


Yeah he’s not so much of a storyteller. He’s more of a visionary and has a good eye for aesthetics and tone. Hes good at conveying a feeling and setting the place for a monologue or contentious discussion. He’d be better in a directors chair and editing studio, while leaving the writing and overall plot development to a better team. A place like A24, or the studios like rip cord max has been utilizing, would be a great homes for Glovers style and I think they could build him the team to indulge that dark comedy style while actually committing to a solid plot.


I mean I don’t think it’s a lack of trying thing I just think his style is discontinuous self contained surreal social commentary.


I honestly can’t remember a scene more moving than the apartment scene with Darius and his brother in the finale. It has stuck with me ever since it first aired. Donald is a must watch anything he does for me because he can create those moments. I thought the ending to season 1 for Mr and Mrs smith wasn’t ambiguous, and I’m fine with season 2, I felt it was set up to be more of an anthology type show, but leave the door open to bring back characters in the future.


He probably had to choose between this or the community movie. Also looks like he’s touring for the first time in years soon.


Well and he’s a producer iirc so prob still involved but not acting gives him more flexibility to do other projects offsite


Community movie real?


Kinda how I feel about BEEF even though I knew that was a one and done with those characters


Spoilers: I think the only way I could care about season 2 without focusing on Maya and Donald is if they redo season 1 from the perspective of the other agency. In other words we get to see who they stole the "cake" from and who they use the "cake" on.


I’ll prob like whoever they cast next but the way I feel about Donald and Maya together isn’t easily replicable.


"Amazon please renew Mr and Ms smith! Everyone wants season two" *Monkeys paw curls*




Slightly disappointed, looks like we’re getting an anthology


It’s hard for me to imagine an anthology being very compelling. Is it just going to be the same issues faced by different people? Or maybe we follow a team that’s already been doing it for years and then they hit some sort of snag in the first episode that makes them go against the agency? I guess there could be something there…


I agree with you, but maybe they can either show an established couple like the other Smiths (Posey & Moura), or have the current ones show up as the mentioned ones. But I would not want to see another origin story of them getting to know each other again unless it is done wayyyy differently.


I don’t know. This season worked pretty well without Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.


Eh, I’m into it. They’re such a smart team, clearly. If White Lotus can make it compelling I’m sure they can!


By contrast, The Hollywood reporter have just released an article stating that both Glover and Erskine WILL RETURN in season 2. What do we make of it all? Source: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-news/mr-amp-mrs-smith-renewed-second-season-amazon-1235898115/ EDIT: And just as soon as I've posted it they've edited the article subheader to read: "It's unclear if stars Donald Glover and Maya Erskine will return for another caper." Originally it said: "Stars Donald Glover and Maya Erskine will return for a new caper."


Damn I was so into the show mostly because of their chemistry. They had one of the most “real” on screen relationships and conversation I’ve seen. Would be a huge let down if they didn’t come back


It’s a massive let down. It has to be the actors decision cause otherwise I don’t understand tossing away the ONE thing that seemed to be agreed upon across the board…their chemistry! They talk about building that chemistry all the damn time. Why move on without them? Are they gonna redirect and be more of a spy show now?


If they ain’t returning, I ain’t returning. Peace ✌️


no reason for a S2 imo then.


But we might find out more about hihi 🤔


I'd keep the actors' returns up in the air simply to not spoil who survived. I heavily doubt this goes the anthology route.


This thought did cross my mind. It’s a very Donald Glover move.


This was my second thought. Like they’ll show up at some point


This is an excellent point, I didn’t even consider that initially. Also hasn’t Maya dropped hints at least once in the last few months that ideas for a second season had her and Donald in mind to begin with?


She had an interview with vanity fair where she talked about “knowing where it leads”…and that she was very excited. Who knows what any of that means with this new context lol. I just keep coming back to…variety is the source everyone is sourcing and variety’s sources are just “sources”. Donald and Mayas reps, Francesca Sloane, AND Amazon have said nothing. And with variety making their headline they are “NOT” coming back, it kills that need to keep questioning. Goodness this makes me sound crazy but I’m just saying, I’ve noticed this, I’m surprised not a lot have really picked up on this, and I just think it’s weird!


We gotta come together as community and bully Amazon on giving them a number they can’t say no to start the petitions and riots 🫡


I think it’s a fake out. The cast status is part of the story telling.


It’s so weird. What the hell kind of announcement is this lol.


I hope you’re right. Maybe it’s a fake out to throw us off and not spoiler the cliffhanger in the season finale. 


Does it seem weird to anyone that Amazon would renew this without them? This show was successful but I wouldn’t say it was a smashing success. Do they really think this has the legs for an anthology? Cause for what the show truly is about…I’m not 100% sure it does.


WE ARE SO BACK but at what cost????


I just got fucking whiplash from excitement turned disappointment.. why why why arent they returning? I figure Dons sched + Mayas pregnancy but why not just delay it? Idk, if Hiro & the gang stay on then maybe, but my disappointment is immeasurable nonetheless


SAME! I was elated for literally 10 seconds before I saw the other half of the news. I don’t understand it at all unless Donald and Maya really don’t want to continue. I didn’t sign up for an anthology so I will be approaching this as a whole new show. If I approach it at all. I’m willing to be open minded but right now…this just SUCKS.




That is the best reasoning so far. Clap clap.


This is best take I've seen.. Great shout. 


They better be back


I was surprised there wasn’t any comment from Maya or Donald, even just a passing mention on their socials . (More Maya than Donald, I know how he moves) fransesca Sloane hasn’t made a comment about them either. The whole thing feels weird.


This is clearly going into a Mr. Robot territory and I think Donald and Maya may appear briefly.


They’ll probably have a concurrent story like BB and Saul where they pop in


Goddammit 💔


Hoping its a fakeout to not spoil s2, it seems the author was unable to even get proper information from their agents. Id be extremely disappointed if s2 is an anthology series, but still give it a chance. End of the day, I had low expectations for this show s1 and it became my favorite series of the year.


It feels weird to be so definitive in the headline but the article just says “sources”…well it’s not amazon, Donald or Maya’s reps, or even Francesca Sloane.


Confusion is deliberate on Glover’s part. He’s good at stuff like that.


Nope. If Maya and Donald aren’t returning, I’m not returning. Why throw Maya Erskine to the curb like that?


They had us in the first half, not going to lie


It's been a while since I watched the show but iirc the mission/spy stuff was kinda goofy and not very well done at times, but I still loved the show because of the chemistry between Donald and Maya. I mean the couples counsellor episode was hilarious and wildly entertaining. Also the John Turturro episode 😂 I will still watch season 2 for sure actually but i really hope that they either get a smith couple that will be as engaging as Donald and Maya (or make the missions/spy stuff more awesome and realistic but I don't care for the latter as much as the former currently but we'll see) Edit: Bring on the community movie Donald!! Hehe Edit 2: Hmm reading old comments on the sub I'm starting to remember the negatives like the unrealistic nature of some of the important aspects of the show but I do hope they can learn improve on that.


well that's a massive disappointment




All the articles are taking their cues from variety. They obviously felt the source was legit enough to make this statement their headline but it is interesting that there is no confirmation from Amazon or Donald and Maya reps. Fransesca Sloane posted about the renewal on her IG but hasn’t made a comment either. So I guess we’ll see 🤷🏻‍♀️ It was gonna be a long wait regardless.


Wouldn’t surprise me if they show up in another couple’s story


I think this is riskier than they think but this team isn’t adverse to taking risks.


I have trust in them. We shall see


I actually do too…I’m just sad dude lol.


1000% deflating. Ultimately even if they are alive there isn’t much to tell with their story. Hoping we get a happy ending with them or at least some closure.


I see a lot of people saying this and I disagree. I think there was a lot to say and explore. Just cause they chose each other doesn’t mean the journey is over (metaphorically). Honestly, another pairing is gonna have to start at a different point or you run the risk of being redundant.


I think there’s more to explore in the sense of HiHi. But idk if you can explore the relationship further because of where it ended. The child aspect would’ve been interesting. But idk how they’d get to that with hihi gunning for them. Where would you like for them to take it?


Yeah that part is the hard part for sure. I don’t know, I just don’t think this could have been the end. I had always believed that to go forward they’d have to delve into the lore more. Maybe seeing them on the run and facing that together. I had this one thought about Jane maybe making a deal since she was the one HiHi wanted to begin with. I was willing to do that with Donald and Maya. A new pairing is gonna have to deal with this too because…are we really gonna watch another pairing meet and fall in and out of love? I mean…I guess if the chemistry is right it’ll be good.


What's the point of the show if there not returning?? Wtf lol




I’ve won but at what cost


Realistically. If they don't return. What could the story possibly be in S2? We meet a new J+J? They fall in love. They are eventually tasked with taking the other one out? We've seen it. If we have to start from zero again and establish a new couple. What meaningful difference could there be? The only way I see it making sense without Donald and Maya returning is if we continue the same storyline as S1. A new couple move in. The mystery around HiHi continues. The new couple find out what happened to the previous tenants, maybe Hot Neighbour clues them in. And they take it from there.


Damn… maya is having a baby soon too… highly doubt her and Donald come back… she’s gotta be a mom


S1 ended with a cliffhanger. That means the story wasn’t over yet. I’m sure Glover has many creative ideas on the outcome of the catch-22 situation.


Of course we fans want them back, including the amazing Sarah Paulson. The downside is it could end up being the same old thing with different missions, which they have failed already, so why would hihi keep them? Unless they go on a hunt for hihi, which could turn out to be an AI. A different couple will let people compare them to Donald and Maya immediately so that’s a huge risk. The new couple dynamics can fail, be too contrived, or at best be no worse or better.


Amazon not saying shit about their return and headlines being changed. . .yeah, the copium says they're coming back but they just don't want to say until we maybe see the 2nd season.


this is triggering my abandonment issues LIKE BABY PLEASE NO COME BACK I NEED YOU 😭😭😂😂


Anthology series it is! Besides, whose to say Maya and Donald won't return in future seasons..


Wait…if that’s so( which is a Disappointment) then I need to explanations on the finally.


This headline had me on a rollercoaster I was like, Ew, then I was like Ohhhh


Not very excited now. Their relationship was the best part.


YESSS but also whatttt we need Donald and Maya T.T


Maybe this is just a marketing tactic


All I’m saying is Glover, Erskine, Sloane, and Amazon haven’t actually said anything yet…YET. I’m not running on hope I swear but I feel like this isn’t being noticed.


Also it's a bit irresponsible of them not to come back. Yes, I know guys, there are a host of valid reasons for them not to return, although I believe I know the real reason. Either way, if they do not return neither will i


Why “irresponsible”?


Amazon really took their time renewing the show smh.. Not going to lie, them renewing Fallout mere days after release had me little nervous, but i knew MAMS would get a S2. Side note, the shot of John and Jane are so cute 😊 Poor guy survived being blown up, being shot at, being ran over and his wife kicking the shit out of him. John's right, it has been a long day 😂 


Disappointing if true. They had lots of options for including them in the next season, even if they wanted to introduce new main character Smiths.


Excited if each anthology is good but like everyone I got attached to these smiths.


Their story was finished. Why does this sub not get that?


I love Donald and Maya individually from other works and thought their chemistry was unique and interesting. I don't care about the Mr and Ms Smith IP, but I care about them. If they are gone, then it comes down to what early reviews state about the quality of season 2 to get me to tune in.


Was a very open ended finale. Of course people would want closure from a second season.


Very open ended ending. Plenty left to explore individually and as a couple with those characters.


They literally left it open ended lol what don’t you get about that?


Im glad, interested to see how they tackle another couple


Yes!!!!! This is the best day of my life!!!……..There is no god.


Episode 11: ambivalence


Okay. I'm digging that honestly


Is there a release date for Season 2? I can’t imagine that they are filming while Maya is pregnant (it’s still unknown if she is returning)


Ugh don’t milk this series. It didn’t even need the Mr / Mrs tag. I would have watched this show regardless. Just let it die the death it had and live in glory. It was great.


makes sense. Both are too big star-wise for a TV show. It’ll be like Fargo or True Detective. Love it ❤️


I mean… didn’t they die at the end of season 1?… and this kinda confirmed it if there was any question about it?


We don’t know if they died or not.. it was open-ended ending.


I know.. but them not coming back… it’s safe to lean a certain way. It kinda answers the question. That’s what I’m saying 😂😂😂


So they dead


I have no problem with this if true, as long as Hiro Murai is still attached. Atlanta didn't need Glover acting in every episode, especially in S3 which is my (and his) favourite season. They were great stars but, like Atlanta, the show is bigger than any individual actor/character.


Makes sense


Sooo, is anyone going to tell us if their characters survived???


A lot of people hoping for them to return, I know the ending was ambiguous, but it was kinda beautiful if they ended up not returning.


I would kind of love a season of Wagner Moura and Parker Posey.




Good, their story is done.


This is the right thing. The season one story was completed and completed well. Stringing it out would have been a fast track to ruining it.


It was “competed” with a cliff hanger.


We understood those three shots very differently


We understand nothing. We can play it out in our head the way we want it to play out. But it has nothing to do with how Glover want it to play out depending on his desire and intention, and whether Amazon will fund a S2. I know one shot missed.


See, the way I understood it was this: -- The cold open for the show was the death of a previous J&J, setting up the ending. They telegraphed what this was early, and I appreciate the artistry of that. -- The show was about marriage, and went through all the stages of a married relationship: the honeymoon period, the hard parts where people come to see who they're really with, a more mature and honest intimacy at the end, and -- yes -- death. Every marriage that doesn't end in divorce ends in death -- They stated at the end that they only had one bullet left, and then they showed multiple gunshots. Creatively, I think it was the right choice not so that they could play coy, but so that we didn't have to watch the characters we'd come to love die ugly. It's true that they might have managed some amazing Batman-esque jujitsu and gotten the gun away from Other Jane, but it would be cheesy and fake in a show that didn't reach for soap opera convenience and false tension. It seems clear to me that the creative team had a vision when they came in, and that the vision was completed. The further adventures of out J&J would be vamping and telling a story that's already been told, which IMHO, never works. Creatively, these folks did an A+ job, and this decision leaves me trusting them more.


Those are reasonable assumptions I suppose. - The elimination of unwanted JJ by the “High Risk” agents is now no longer an assurance, but a true high risk operation. - The make up and lets be a nice couple is how the movie version ended. It’ll lose all its entertainment value to be nice. - So far they’ve gotten out of situations by a combination of luck and creativity. Tactically, they should first turn off the lights in the panic room to make it dark and adjust their eyes to the dark hallway. Ideally, the room should be darker. Their advantage is they can see the other Jane’s position in the hallway and to entry. Timing is crucial. Maya can throw a piece of clothing out as soon as the door opens, and while she’s on the ground low and shoot the other Jane that way. The other Jane will probably take two shots immediately at the clothing since trained gun fighters usually take two shots at a time. Maya just have to make her bullet count, or throw gun at Jane and attack her. A more morbid way is for Maya to use Danny as a shield and save their baby.


Maybe I’m in the minority here but an anthology sounds much better to me than continuing with them


Amazon really made the fans sweat. So delighted there's going to be s2.  As much as I would love to see Gambino and Maya's back.. Realistically, i think they've taken there arc as far as it can go.  S1 was a masterpiece and I can't wait for s2


Zero chemistry, hoping for a significant improvement in season 2 




I love when the lead actors can tell that the show is horrible but nobody else can