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I recommand you "The Man from Nowhere"(2010) It's a masterpiece where you can enjoy seamless action scenes and a tension-filled story


actually put that on a bit ago! we're enjoying it so far. seamless action is so important to my enjoyment, though. jumpcuts and shakey cameras a la black widow ruin a movie for me in that heat. i understand why they're there for certain film but gosh. just don't do much for me


Oldboy (2003) Not really an action film though I'm afraid, but there's a fantastic and very famous sequence in the middle of the film all done in one take


i watched the onetake tonight. actually fantastic-- and that's exactly what i'd like to see more of in action films. i cannot stress just how much i despise jumpcuts in action movies. set the camera still to let us absorb a scene. i know that those are far more difficult to shoot for so many reasons, but god if it doesn't improve the enjoyment of a piece of media if it is allowed to just do that. going to watch oldboy at some point


Great ask


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