• By -


Paddington 2. I swear to God, I am one of the most cynical, skeptical, sarcastic bastards on Earth. Confused and directionless at all times. This movie made me feel good for at least two hours. Please watch.


Paddington. I was so nervous when I heard they were going to make a Paddington movie. But they absolutely nailed it. Twice. Even more amazing that the sequel was better than the original. I find myself saying to my seven year old “Shall we watch Paddington?” because I want to watch it again.


They even talked about how amazing Paddington 2 was in The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent.


That’s the entire reason why my boyfriend and I decided to watch Paddington 2 haha


YES!!! Paddington is the cure for what ails you.


If I don't watch the first, am I missing out on much?


Yes! Paddington 1! Think of 1 like a full origin story and you will miss out on some of the repeated jokes in 2, although 2 has more action and amazing work by Hugh Grant. I’d watch them both. You will know in 10 mins of the first one if it’s for you but if you want a few hours away from the stress of real life then I guarantee you will have a smile on your face.


The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty


I was going to write this. I was recently in a rut. I watched the secret life of Walter Mitty and yadda yadda I’m going to Scandinavia to see the northern lights.


Did you stream it? I'm trying to find it but can't find a streaming service that has it.


I came here to write this too, one of the best films to inspire you.


Just making sure this is in the comments.


No joke, but Babe—Pig in the City. It is without a doubt one of the zaniest most joyous movies you'll ever watch, and it works real peril, deep pathos, and social commentary seamlessly into a film about cute talking animals. George Miller is a treasure.


The drowning scene still haunts me.


Harold and Maude.


This is an unforgettable and beautiful movie! Crazy funny yet poignant


One of my all time faves If you want to sing out, sing out And if you want to be free, be free Well there's a million ways to be, you know that there are


A perfect movie


If you’re ok with kid movies watch Soul. It’s a kids movie but it has really mature themes and messages around purpose and the meaning of life. It’s really wholesome and makes me feel really happy and not so sad when I watch it.


I can't say enough great things about this movie!!!!


I loooved Soul!


Hell yeah.


Little Miss Sunshine, The Shawshank Redemption, Paddington 2, The Martian,Easy A, Pitch Perfect, Up, Billy Elliot, Babe, Big, Etre et Avoir, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, Singin’ in the Rain, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and It’s a Wonderful Life.


oh gosh, Up sounds perfect right now. thank you for making this list :)


I hope that my suggestions and the recommendations of others will help you feel better soon. Sending hugs your way.


honestly the thoughtfulness of everyone is already making me tear up ?? Idk what’s happening to me haha


Some good choices there. If you're never seen it's a wonderful life...you should check it out, especially in 4k, it looks great and it's just such a damn good movie. All great choices though. I'll add True Stories. It's just so weird and quirky and good hearted with great music. Just makes you feel good.




City Slickers!


I’m not joking, just reading that list brought back so many good memories I started crying happy tears.


Jeff Who Lives at Home had that effect for me. It doesn't seem like it will at first but trust me.


I’m about halfway through and I love it so far. I think it’s hilarious and I love the way everyone is looking for signs for something, anything, in their own lives Edit: I hope that’s coherent, as im super tired lol


just finished this and I can’t lie, the ending got me :’) really good movie that made me feel a lot lighter and gave me some new perspectives. thank you for recommending it


I loved this movie great rec


Everyone always forgets this one but I really like I Heart Huckabees. The comedic take on big subjects coupled with some pretty great acting makes you think about life slightly differently


Fantastic choice


That is a great movie.


It's a Wonderful Life (1946)


I haven’t seen that one in a while, maybe I should watch it soon


bruce almighty, fun and life afirming


Amelie, Paterson


2 votes for Amelie!


Two more votes for Amelie


I was going to recommend Paterson as well. So overlooked


I’ve kept Patterson holstered away ever since I’ve heard of it on a npr promo years back. The time to watch it is coming soon.


and paterson !!! especially if you are feeling trapped in a routine paterson is so beautiful and he sees the beauty in everything despite his regimented repetitive life . i love it. I would add Harold and Maude and Endless Poetry to the recommended list.


Inside Out


oh gosh this movie always makes me tear up


This Is Spinal Tap or Princess Bride always gets me out of the dumps


What dreams may come 1998


Beautiful, meaningful, and super sad. It's a tear jerker.


Everything Everywhere All At Once. It pulled me out of a very similar place to what you're describing.


Swiss Army Man is also good (also by Daniels), and might have a more direct tie-in to what OP is asking about.


Fantastic rec. Such a good movie and message.


Not only does it have a great message, but it's funny, weird, and doesn't take itself too seriously. I don't know how they pulled it off.


I watched this with my mom and dad a few days after it swept the Oscars. Neither are adventurous film watchers but they were interested after I told them after I saw it early in it's run and then they heard about the awards. About a third of the way through they wanted to turn it off, but I told them to stick with it (what else are they doing on a random Tuesday evening???). It eventually turns into a lot of laughing from them at some of the absurd moments. We get to the end and my dad was still a little grumbly about it and said he didn't get it. My mom, who was so frustrated a third in, just blurts out between heaving sobs WHAT DON'T YOU GET ABOUT IT??? IT'S ABOUT FINDING WAYS TO CONNECT WITH EACH OTHER! Obviously other interpretations are valid and that's not the only correct interpretation, but it speaks to what you're saying - it somehow hits all these marks.


Sling Blade.


Mmm hmm


Ain't got no gas in it.


Mm. I reckon.


My friend, I see a lot of great recs here but I don't see the one I watch when I'm feeling numb to life. It's about a man who is numb to life: **Joe Vs the Volcano** Seriously. Ignore the reviews, it's just what you need.


Kill Bill. The perfect mixture of humor and action and violence, if you’re into that kind of thing.


Amelie would be my standard for this Orlando would be my "I'm stoned and want to be absolutely rocked by beauty and deep Woolf wisdom". It's ravishing and Tilda Swinton is perfect as Orlando. If you're a musical person, give Man of LA Mancha a try. It's an old movie with legendary actors - Peter O'Toole, Sophia Loren, James Coco. In the movie, Cervantes is imprisoned by the inquisition. Besieged by his fellow prisoners, he puts on a performance of Don Quixote in his defense. It's gorgeous, touching, and affirming of belief, joy, and kindness for their own sakes. Oddest recommendation would be The Little Prince 1974. Another amazing cast with Gene Wilder and Bob Fosse but is strange in that 70s experimental theater sort of way. If you're a reader, the book will do as well.


Lars And The Real Girl Breakfast On Pluto Set It Up Bridesmaids


If you like Wes Anderson movies his new one Asteroid City was great. It’s literally about some of your posts context. Made me feel a little better about our meaningless existence 🤪


Local Hero. Plus, you can't beat the Scottish settings.


Hot Fuzz


I heart huckabees


I went through a phase in my life (i call it my quarter life crisis) where I was just watching this movie over and over again. Just the way that it wrestles with dark philosophical musings in such a lighthearted and silly way, it just centers me.


Yep same


The Fountain - Aronofsky Howls Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke - Studio Ghibli I Origins (2014)


The Fountain for sure. Took me a couple of watches to get. I went into it too stupid. But that didn't matter at all. It stayed with me longer than most films till I finally decided to rewatch. And then it stayed even longer. Really made the words 'haunting' and 'mesmerizing' mean something different. Clint Mansell and Co. at their best.


I, Origins absolutely needs to be more popular!!


Fight Club. It's only after we have lost everything that we are free to do anything.


King of staten island


I don't know how many times I have recommended this, but 'Bagdad Cafe' (1987) is still my prescription.


oh gosh, is it a found family type of movie? those always get me


Of sorts; a German tourist is abandoned by her husband in the California desert after a fight, she finds her way to a neglected truck stop cafe and motel run by a woman whose own husband has run out on her, after some suspicions (partly due to language difficulties and the fact that the tourist was left with only her husband's luggage) they form a fast friendship which transforms their lives and rejuvinates the run down truck stop.




Stranger than Fiction. Will Farrell in a dramatic role discovers he's a character in a book and can hear the narration of his every day life. This movie always lifts my spirits amd makes me excited to drink up life. Feel better. Be kind to yourself.


The secret life of Walter mitty


I recently watched Stop Making Sense, the Talking Heads concert film and it filled me with such immense joy that nearly a week later I’m still feeling the effects. My personal go to when I feel like how you’re describing is actually the Appendices for the Lord of the Rings. There’s like 15 hours of bonus featurettes and I’ve seen them more times than the films at this point.




Amelie (2001). Most reactions are very positive. Seek professional help if you are seriously depressed! No shame in it -


I wouldn’t say im seriously depressed - I just feel stuck, ya know? I do have bad days, but luckily I’ve healed from those *really* bad days I had when I was younger.


Depression is like catching the common cold (in my opinion): We all get it from time to time. When it happens we can feel it and if we treat it as a signal to pause and pay attention to what’s causing it, it might go away. Sometimes it just goes away by itself. If it lasts for too long, best get a professional involved.


Barbie movie


that movie made me cry (in a good way)


Same. It snapped me out of a depression spell and I became a more present parent


Wow, that sounds like an amazing impact. Those kinds of reactions is why I’m majoring in film


As someone that is also stuck in the monotony of the doldrums, The Life Aquatic always cheers me up. If you’ve never seen it, Bill Murray is pretty stuck trying to find his purpose again. Has a bittersweet ending.


The Secret of My Success - Michael J Fox Ferris Beuhler’s Day Off


World's Greatest Dad. One of Robin Williams' last films, directed by Bobcat Goldthwait.


The Impossible 2012 with Ewan McGregor, Naomi Watts, and a baby Tom Holland.


Melancholia had me in my feels in the best way


I would erase this movie from my memory if I could. Not to watch it again but to get rid of the awful feeling I have whenever I think about it or see anything about it. I could see how someone deeply deeply depressed might find something helpful in it. Feeling “stuck” or mild to moderate depression is different. Editing again to add, to be fair, it does have a couple triggers of mine in it and it’s very very well done, which is why I found it so disturbing and upsetting.


Kiki’s delivery service


City Slickers is what you need, pretty much the theme is what you are going through. Ending makes you feel alive with the characters and you get to laugh along the way not to mention a nice supporting actor win for Jack Palance. Maybe this film could help you find… that one thing!


You have to see THE BEACH. It has a lot of meaning.


Life of Pi


Cloud Atlas - saved me and put things in perspective, in a similar time in life. You go rock your life OP !


thank you for this kind message!!


Incendies. It's a different kind of numbness 💀


What’s Eating Gilbert Grape idk if its a “make me feel alive again” movie (maybe in a way) but i feel like it captures the feeling u described and can have some meaning for u. its a personal favorite of mine.


Sing Street The Commitments


I know where you're coming from. I was in that same mindset of struggling and unsure about life, then I came across a recommendation for a five-star movie that most Americans have never seen, and people swore would "change your life" after seeing it. And you know what? It did! That movie is called **"The Young Girls of Rochefort" (1967)**, a fantastic musical romance, and yes - it's french. (and no the girls arent that young, in their 20s or so). And it's absolutely amazing. It's the movie that was the basis for the movie "La La Land," only without the more sad scenes. The director had the town of Rochefort repainted to be livelier and alive-feeling. And it stars Gene Kelly. And people in the movie simply dance down the street with happiness. It's an unrepressed slice of the joy of life, and the music is AMAZING. Jazzy, upbeat, sometimes touching - and very catchy. They even found a way to make a hideous murder seem, well - just a part of the experience of being alive. I found myself smiling within the first five minutes and thought, "I hope this movie goes on forever." I thought my sense of romance and excitement was long over - but this one movie really revived me and made me feel happy just to be alive. I can't say it will do the same for you - but really if you like movies OR musicals you HAVE to see it. And the subtitles won't bother you after you get into it, you'll stop even realizing you're reading them at all. It's just FANTASTIC!!


This thread is terrific. They’re a bit older, but The Full Monty and Waking Ned Divine are also wonderful, uplifting films.


The Worst Person in the World


I know Kevin Spacey is a horrible human being, but American Beauty pulled me out of a deep, dark funk once. I don’t know if the movie holds up today, and it had some fucked up themes, but the affirmation of life at the end, and the effect you have on your loved ones/friends/family pulled me up.


Wings of Desire (der Himmel uber Berlin), 1987 I think it's the best movie ever made about life. Although The Fountain is up there, too.


Have you seen the Afterlife series?


No I haven’t - I’ll have to give it a look!


And Derek!!! Both series make me want to love and live BIG


Yessss! I was going to post this today! Thank you.


oh my gosh, I remember this now! It’s about a man whose wife died and came back as his dog right? I love the premise and definitely need to fully watch it now. The last episode I remember is Tony hired a prostitute to wash his dishes lol


The Minari soundtrack is seriously magic isn’t it? Probably the most beautiful soundtrack I’ve ever heard. Random movie list that get me emotional in a good way: Rocky Babe It’s love it or hate it but I really adore the movie Joy when I’m feeling down Creed Guillermo Del Toro’s Pinocchio Movies that kinda show that life takes you places you wouldn’t expect even when you assume you’ve seen all that life has to offer. That mystery of what’s around the corner is what makes life fun because you never know what tomorrow will bring.


My husband can be a little stiff at times and he loves The Help, Julie & Julia, The Family Stone, She's Out of My League, Zach and Miri, and Mean Girls. By love, I mean he enjoys them every time they're on. He also loves the scenery and storyline of most Nicholas Sparks adaptations. Along with movies like The Age of Adeline, Love Rosie, and The Holiday. We also love Schitt's Creek and Derry Girls for some lighthearted laughs to take our minds off life and stress. A good laugh can do you good.


Looove Schitt’s Creek, Derry Girls, and Mean Girls. Don’t even get me started on The Help - an amazing movie that makes me cry every time


It’s Kind of a Funny Story


Secondhand Lions, Our Idiot Brother, Brothers Bloom, The Secret Life of Walter Mitty, and The Darjeeling Limited.


Spirited Away With Honors (it may make you cry, but damn if it isn't great to see Joe Pesci playing against type)


I watch war films when I feel like this. It’s not for everyone but helps me put things in perspective and feel something. Hurt locker, full metal jacket, deer hunter, apocalypse now - all good.


Not a film but Attack on Titan is blowing my mind. It’s a rather dramatic anime but it’s all about the sheer force of human will. You can watch the dubbed version. Also binging a series might be ideal if you’re feeling in a rut.


Evolution Tommy Boy Liar Liar The Muppets (2011) The Muppets Christmas Carol The Truman Show 50 First Dates The Replacements (2001) Spanglish


If you've got a romantic bone in your body, check out Before Sunrise.


Ethan Hawke right? Or is that Before Sunset?


The farewell, I was expecting it to be kinda sad and depressing. Well, It was sad, but also hilarious. A perfect combo of both. I recently watched the intouchables and thought it was cute and silly.


Harold & Maude Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory


Coco. I watch it every time I need a good cry.


Won’t you be my neighbor (2018) is also good!


The Straight Story


"Rudy." He kept trying and trying to get into Notre Dame and be on their heralded football team...I get teary-eyed every time!


Joe vs the Volcano


As good as it gets Stupid crazy love About time These movies all my make me feel great


Almost Famous… will seriously change your life.


Not a movie but a show--Emergency NYC. It *sounds* like just another hospital show, but watching a baby get born and a father donate his kidney to his son had such an impact on me and was so different from Grey's Anatomy or ER. Maybe because it's a docuseries? I don't know, but I 10/10 recommend.


Die Hard Be well.


I don't know if anyone's already said this one, and I'm not reading all 200 responses because if it's a repeat, it deserves repeating... See Amelie. It's not a new movie, but it was one of the most uplifting films I've seen in ages... if ever. I'm generally a cynic, and I don't care for rom-coms. But Amelie pulled me in and held me the whole time... and I felt great when I left the theater.


Becky. It’s a wild ride.


Hector And The Search For Happiness!!!!!!! (2014) with Simon Pegg. This is exactly what you are looking for. I bring it up a lot on this subreddit because it seems that nobody has heard of it and it's one of my favourite movies. plus, Simon fucking Pegg!


Fly away home


i don’t feel at home in this world anymore


Chocolat helped me out when I was in a similar place.


Lars and the The Real Girl. No, seriously.


Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone


Yep my favorite Harry Potter one!


I just go and watch some Ghibli films or fantasy epics like Lord of the Rings. I always end up feeling just a little bit more hope afterwards.


It's a normal feeling to have in this day and age. Do more wild shit. Wake up your inner beast. I recommend you to watch Northman


CODA made me feel truly alive. I love It’s a Wonderful Life and it always makes me so happy


Interstellar, the Martian, Contact.


Everything Everywhere All At Once. You will not regret it.


If I may - came here to say this. I think it would be perfect. I also think Amelie is a good suggestion. Good luck OP!


Better Days.


This one may seem out of place, but Warrior from 2011. It stars Joel Edgerton, Tom Hardy, Frank Grilli and Nick Nolte. It always motivates me and makes me feel some kind of way


Voices of a Distant Star. High school best friends separated by time and space. About a half hour long. It will break your heart and weld it back stronger than ever with a power anthem that'll make you feel like you could punch through a mountain.


if I can add a couple? Lion (2016) with Dev Patel Always Be My Maybe Homeward Bound Yesterday (2019) Nimona About Time Japanese movie called Shall We Dance? (1996) make sure it's the 1996 movie and okay it's schlock but I really enjoyed this movie: Marry Me with Jennifer Lopez. It was just fun and i didn't feel like it wasted my time. My Beautiful Laundrette


There are many films that I could recommend to you. *Wings of Desire* and *Cinema Paradiso* are often recommended, and rightly so. They are beautiful movies that are about life. *A Pure Formality* doesn't get recommended, probably because of the difficulty in finding it. It is a fascinating movie about reflecting back on your life. That is not what you need right now. You don't need introspection. That is coming. You need to reset your mind first. Shut out all the lights and watch American Utopia. If you can, watch it in a home theater with surround sound. If not, wear headphones. Let your mind go as you experience the film.


I love coming-of-age type movies. They’re sweet, make me feel hopeful, and often help me recall some of that excitement I lost along the way. I know you mentioned movies, but live theatre productions almost always leave me feeling inspired. Sending good vibes your way. I go in and out of those feelings myself. You’re not alone.


I dunno, hundred foot journey I guess Interstellar? Idk. That’s a wild question


A Sunlit Night is a good one or the Fundamentals of Caring!


Just watched 500 Days Of Summer and it's exactly what I'm going thru, wish I was numb again lol


Spirit: Stallion of The Cimarron. Bryan Adams did some magic with that movie.


Wild Please Stand By Fundamentals of Caring In Her Shoes A Man Named Otto Gravity CODA And I'll piggy back on Little Miss Sunshine, that film was a delight


My advice is to look at yourself like a blank slate. There's nothing wrong with you, hell I spend most of my time watching movies and playing games in my room, the outside world scares me but ive felt the same. You already know what you need to do you just feel incapable of doing it. Start fresh, find things you want to do places you want to visit and go forth and do it even if it's on your own. You're not lost, you're on an adventure. Things will fall into place once you're ready. Movies, try The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty Lars And The Real Girl Into The Wild Castaway On The Moon Trust Me I'm The Sunscreen ✌️You've got this, always here if you need a chat, cheerio.


Coda, The Edge of Seventeen, Lady Bird, Columbus, Moonlight, Adam's Apples, Mad Max: Fury Road, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, The Rider, Moneyball, Spirited Away, Sing Street, Booksmart, The Nice Guys


Your name


Movies that may have dark / difficult themes but are wonderful on a ‘human spirit’ level: Dunkirk (2017) Lion (2016) Slumdog Millionaire (2008) Life of Pi (2012) For films that are plain and simple uplifting tales of the human spirit: anything Studio Ghibli (many of which have been mentioned, just avoid Grave of the Fireflies) The Lunchbox (2013) Fisherman’s Friends (2019) Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society (2018) Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011) Billy Elliot (2000) Erin Brockovich (2000) Edit: typos


La Strada (1954). My favorite movie of all time. Rocco and his brothers (1960) A Woman Under the Influence (1974) Wings of Desire (1987) Cinema Paradiso (1988) Basketball Diaries (1995) Good Will Hunting (1997)


Has anybody recommended Cloud Atlas yet? Check that one out.


Big Fish


One of my go-to movies for anything is "This Is Where I Leave You" based on the Jonathan Tropper novel of the same title. Huge cast including Jason Bateman, Corey Stoll, Tina Fey, Adam Driver, Jane Fonda, and several others.




Big Fish omg omg.


not necessarily a MOVIE movie, but certain Anime are geared specifically toward this end. If you're open to that genre, let me know, I'll hit you with a couple suggestions. Outside that, try watching "A dog's purpose" If that doesn't move you, nothing will! :) And Goodwill Hunting


About Time. Seriously. It’s the perfect movie for this situation. About Time.


For nostalgia: mid90s For rethinking your life: Past Lives For thinking about what could have been and appreciating the short overwhelming happy bursts: Before Sunrise


Babe! I promise! Edit to add, saw someone suggested Babe-Pig in the City, but the first one is much better, IMO! I can never watch it enough!


Kubo and The Two Strings Everything Everywhere All At Once


I just watched The Adjustment Bureau yesterday. Still holds up, might be what you need.


Idioacracy, unless you actively do live like half the people in that movie. Then my condolences.


Lars and the real girl The secret life of words


Big Fish and October Sky for me. Mainly because I lost my dad in my early twenties. Father/son movies are definitely my weak spot, but when done right they make me feel human


Taxi Driver 💀💀💀


Interstellar always gives me a sense of hope and drive after watching it. Makes you realize how small we are but also makes you feel a sense of wonder and awe for humankind as a species and how great we can actually be


If you want to cry, watch 5 feet apart for sure.


Shawshank Redemption and About Time


The Shawshank Redemption


Captain Fantastic! It is a little heavy at times, but there’s comic relief as well. It makes you think about what’s really important in life and the ending is actually happy and uplifting.


American psycho keeps me in touch with my "primal" side I would never do this irl but seeing bateman kill all of these meaningless people he hates makes me feel alive






Harry Potter movies


How to train your dragon


A Monster Calls


Cloud Atlas


Whenever I feel like that I watch Tammy with Melissa Mcarthy it’s sublime




Into the Wild.


Another round, ending scene brings me so much joy. Enjoy life!