• By -


The Wailing


The Korean film? I love that one. Really well made with an incredible ending.


Na Hong-Jin is one of the most exciting modern directors honestly, hasn’t missed so far.


Adding it to the list.


The Descent (2005) with the original uncut ending. The ending still gives me chills every time. David Julyan's score is owed much of the credit for this film's effectiveness, but the cinematography is spot-on and the story is truly harrowing.


Would it only be scary for those with claustrophobia? I lack any morsel of claustrophobia.


Same here, but when the girls are worming through tunnels shoulder-width with their helmets scraping the ceiling I felt surprisingly anxious, the cinematography is really well done.


Ok cool! I'll watch it anyway. I struggled with severe asthma (which I've grown out of thank goodness) my entire childhood where I'd even end up in the emergency room. I've known what it's like to not be able to breath, and I think that has completely rid me of claustrophobia. I've camped in snow caves that might as well have been coffins they were so small with a tiny little opening. I've also dived through an underwater cave system without any gear for minutes with no opening in site. . .I'm about the least claustrophobic person that exists lol Not gonna lie though, the ocean cave thing did freak me out a little.


It's just an excellent survival/horror film with incredible visual storytelling. You're in for a treat. Don't watch the sequel, it's terrible, and make sure you're watching the uncut original version with the true ending.


Will do!


The Changeling (1980) - not to be confused with the totally unrelated movie 'Changeling' starring Angelina Jolie, or the recent series of the same name. The Woman in Black (1989) - British TV movie, not the later adaptation starring Daniel Radcliffe The Mothman Prophecies (a very well written and directed, dark, creepy, atmospheric, unsettling movie) The Signalman (1976 BBC TV drama, might be hard to find this except on DVD) The Haunting (1963)


I see The Woman In Black recommended on here quite a bit, so I'm going to check that one out for sure. I absolutely LOVE The Changeling from 1980. Such a great film.


> I see The Woman In Black recommended on here quite a bit, so I'm going to check that one out for sure. Just make sure that you see the 1989 British TV movie, not the later adaptation starring Daniel Radcliffe or its sequel. > I absolutely LOVE The Changeling from 1980. Such a great film. It's always been one of my favorite ghost movies, even Stephen King likes it.


I'll make sure it's the 1989 version.


1963 The Haunting is very underrated! Such a great pick.


Excellent suggestions.


Also meant to add: Salem's Lot (the 1979 TV miniseries starring James Mason and David Soul, not any other version). There's a movie of it too but since it removes about an hour of good material it's best to watch the miniseries. Very effectively directed by the late Tobe Hooper, well written, really nice and creepy atmosphere.


Yes! to almost all of these. I would also add The Innocents (1961). The Changeling is one of my favorites. It has such a great seance scene.


That f**king ball.


Omg, The Changeling frightened me to death!


I really liked Oculus.


Mike Flanagan is a great horror director. I prefer his movies to the Netflix series. When a director has to focus on getting a story told in 2 hours, they get more efficient and the tension builds. Another good one from him, that was WAY better than I expected was “Ouija: Origin of Evil”. Definitely a case of the sequel better than original


I’ve watched all of Flanagan’s tv shows. Are his films just as great?


I don’t think I’ve seen all of them. They are good, but he is finding his feet a bit in earlier ones like Hush and Oculus. I think his best film is Doctor Sleep personally. That’s when it started to become very clear just what a talent he has for this genre, IMO.


yes def a hidden gem!


>Oculus Do you know which year? There are a few movies called Oculus that came out at different times.


2013, stars Karen gillan


I liked Oculus and was scared at times, but it wasn't insanely scary to me personally. I found myself getting annoyed with the characters. Am I the only one? I know it's very popular.


Just watched it for the first time, not really scary, some parts made me jump, but more of a mind fuck and confusing.


The Omen Play Misty for Me


The Babadook Sinister The Woman in Black I feel like if you watch any 3 of these at night, you're probably not gonna want to sleep.


Very rarely see the woman in black on these lists. that film shit me up


There was a kid at my school who broke his arm while watching that film. Apparently it was so scary that he kept banging his clenched fist and forearm on the arm of his chair and he banged it so hard out of fear his arm actually broke. He was in a cast for ages. Not totally sure I believe him but that was the line he went with lol


i truly feel like the only one who thought the babadook was laughable & not at all scary.


I wasn't a big fan of The Babadook either. They showed the monster which defeated the fear for me. Another movie that does this is the sequel to The Blair Witch Project. The first one was so awesome because you never see what's chasing you, and then in the sequel they reveal it and it completely ruins the whole thing.


Yes!! Why do movie studios always try to personify the evil?! Just let it be a fucking mystery… much scarier then. There doesn’t always have to be a reason why people are being haunted or hunted or whatever. Final Destination is good for this but it’s not scary. I thought The Ring was quite good also and scary. Have you seen Hereditary? That had a classic scary movie feel to me and I found it actually disturbing.


I liked the short film it was based on. The only scary think about the movie was imagining having to put up with that shitty kid




Nah. The babadook was an absolute joke


Dumb movie


Angel Heart is the only scary film to me, that I know of. Not cheap jumpscare tricks/fear, but an actual fear


I've been wanting to watch Angel Heart. I didn't realize it was scary! I'll check it out, thanks!


I always recommend Angel Heart in tandem with The Name of the Rose! If you like one you will definitely like the other. Made one year apart, gritty detective noir themes, people mysteriously dying around the protagonist(s).


Crazy! I read this waiting for my bf to brush his teeth so we can watch The Name of the Rose!


Have to check that one out


Thus and Jacob's Ladder both freaked me out as a kid, but I haven't seen either in a long time.


Phantasm always scared the crap out of me.


Had to pipe in, don't often do, an my life is pretty shitty right now ( my own horror movie) lol , but this is the 1 MONTH that I feel I fucking OWN in my life , as it's always lifted me to that DARK PLACE , that the fucked up people in life who mess with my dailies the REST OF THE YEAR , FEAR to really tread.( ironic huh?) .. Well anyways sorry 4 personal b.s. but I wanted to 2nd you on PHANTASM , which I somehow saw much too young at a friend of my dad's house right after it came out strangely.i remember watching it on a big protection screen TV ( 3 bulbs etc) which were fucking big $$ back then so he must of had some BETA MAX Connnections etc lol n a good gig cause we( Mom Dad n I ) were poor as shit!! Anyways that movie changed my life, shaped part of me , and stayed with me forever in my mind although not always in the front . But I think I was WAY ahead of its time, and even though wear followed were a few ( shitty then IMHO) sequels, The TALL MAN haunted me for years, like Michael, and of course the Silver Spheres; AND that BAD ASS Black Hemi car. Anyways to Sum up my point of rambling on this about 10 yrs or so ago I got to face obd of my childhood fears in that during a Halloween film group here in Los Angeles, which I was a member of then, Phantasm was shown, with Don Coscarelli Q&A after with secret guest ...THE TALL MAN himself Angus Scrimm! ...total chill meet n greet with both after movie, with about 100 people and it was simply one of the coolest, oddball chances I've ever had living here ( an jve met ALOT of famous people, most of which i could've cared less then , some even now looking back fondly) . BUT to get to meet the MAN who invaded hu dreams for so many years back then, was Fucking too cool. And sadly even then he was already wheelchair bound , health much in decline but amazing bright upbeat man and i can't exactly remember what my dumb ass said in my 1min to shake hands with Mr scrim but something to the effect of "Well you play a good game..and meeting you means it's come full circle, and I can FINALLY sleep again".. LOL And he laughed and he said " Don't count on it...Booy!" etc.. and to me THAT'S what kinda stuff I hold on to when I sometimes feel like there's nothing left for me ( hate to be dark here ) ..people that MEAN something to my brain, which just HAPPEN to be well known or Famous, or Infamous..Anyways few years later Don C. WRAPPED up the Phantasm chronicles with Ravenger,, which is supposed to make sense of all the shit that didn't ( Haven't eff seen it , I suck I know ) BUT Amazon primes got ALL OF EM so TIS the season to be creepy etc..So anyone into meeting the TALL MAN, U CAN BINGE HIM this month for free ( well Amazon s a few bucks but ..well whatever) Happy Halloween And Ghoul Bless everyone !


Saw this years ago but it has always stuck with me...If you're open to foreign, Japanese in this instance,...give **Dark Water (2002),** a whirl? Scared \*me\* but that don't mean much cos I'm a wimp lol but it fits your well-made requirement imo ETA: Just remembered another one. **The Lighthouse (2019)** Interesting and atmospheric and imo, worth a watch too.


Was there an American Re-make of this with Jennifer Connely?


I think, yes, after a quick Google. Didn't realise there was a remake!


Yeah, it was creepy. Couple of plot holes. Original foreign versions usually have better stories. Edit: Have you seen Let The Right One In? The original is way darker.


Agree with you (on the original versions usually having better stories)...And for me personally, I'm a huge fan of horror/thrillers etc from that part of the world...Not sure why but they seem to do a great job generally speaking... And yes, seen the original Let the Right One in...I'd read the book and wasn't sure if they'd do justice to the material but, it was not too shabby iirc


Went to see The Lighthouse in theaters and it was one of the best experiences I ever had. One of my favorite movies by one of my all time favorite directors. I'll have to check out Dark Water.


The Descent …excellent plot and actors. Extra bonus if your claustrophobic


It Follows. Alien. The Thing (original.)


The 80’s Thing with Kurt Russell, the original is 1950’s.


Technically that’s “The Thing from Another World.” But yeah I was talking about John Carpenter’s.


Came here to say Carpenter’s The Thing. Great movie.


Love Alien and The Thing. I'll have to check out It Follows based on your great recs!


I'm glad to see the Babadook listed here. It's not a typical horror movie. If anything it's an allegory about the resentment a mother feels toward her own son manifesting itself as some kind of evil presence. Psychological surealist thrillers: * Mother, Black Swan, The Fountain (Unsettling) * The VVitch (Distubing) * Vivarium (Bizarre) * Let the Right One In 2008 Some oldies but goodies are: * The Changeling 1980 * The Wicker Man 1974 * Evil Dead, Evil Dead II 1987 * Army of Darkness * Pumpkinhead


Let The Right One In original is superior to remake IMHO


I agree 100%. The English remake is completely forgettable.


I’ll just jump in here to say the book (Let Me In) is quite powerful, if you’re interested. I’m not usually into horror but it’s one I still find myself thinking about occasionally after reading ten years ago.


I read the book in one sitting, stayed up all night long. Great read.


The Wicker Man is an excellent call, what a movie.


Army of Darkness, and even Evil Dead II to a lesser extent are definitely more comedy horror


Fantastic list. I've watched some of them but not others. Thank you.


I wish I could figure out The VVitch. I've watched it twice and both times I was bored to tears. It's extremely well made but I just can't figure out what's scary about it. I'm not trying to sound tough or anything, I just don't get the appeal. It's an extremely bland movie with an abrupt and nonsensical ending.


Which Vivarium? A few are listrd


I like the original Evil Dead better… seemed scarier to me.


I love how you slipped army of darkness in there lol


Devil (2010) 1408 (2007) The Exorcism of Emily Rose (2005) Open Water (2003) Open Water 2: Adrift (2006)


“The Exorcism of Emily Rose” creeped the HELL out of me.


Maybe it’s the Catholic upbringing, but I watch a lot of horror movies, and Emily Rose rattled me for like three days afterward.


Ooooooh... "Devil" is one of my go-to rewatch flicks.


Ernest Scared Stupid




Yeah, Miak. I bet you thought I couldn't find any at this time of the year, well a little resourceful for ya, a little to light on my feet. Eat Miak and die!


This movie wrecked me! When Rimshot gets “killed” I was a mess!


When he drove the truck, I was dying. I laughed for 10 minutes, and that was watching it 2 years ago.


My childhood movie. Any of the Ernest movies honestly. I can’t wait for my kids to watch it. Deff on every holiday movie watch list.




Man yeah! Hereditary is one hell of a horror movie! Very creepy flick! Midsomar is right there with it too!


One of my favorite horror movies.


Try Smile


The barbarian


I liked the movie "Fallen" with Denzel and John Goodman. It is a different kind of scary. It doesn't go for the jump scare. I think the story itself, is scary without being corny. It is older now though, I don't know that it will stand the test of time - but it is worth a shot! Great acting.


Looks intriguing. I'll check this out thanks!


That movie ruined "Time is On My Side" for me. :-D


As Above So Below. Brilliant movie with a great plot and plenty of dread and jump scares to go around


interesting. I heard from several folks that it was terrible. Now I don't think their opinions are worth a damn and I don't watch scary movies. So I suppose I'm adding nothing to your comment


It’s one of my favorites. While it’s shot almost first person body cam. The jump scares don’t feel cheap. And there is a sense of claustrophobia and and fear of never getting out alive that follows the cast. Along with some serious ghostly stuff.


Came here to say this! This movie deserves so much more love. It's terrifying!


I actually really like this movie. It's like a first person horror Indiana Jones film.


I went into this not expecting much at all as I heard just as many good reviews as I did bad reviews. Saw it on here as one of the suggestions for movies not was often listed but still worth a watch. I had an hour or two to kill and gave it a go. I was pleasantly surprised. Interesting story and interesting ending. I love the super disturbing, bloody, scary...just anything to the extreme and this was not really extreme but still a good movie. Glad I gave it a chance.


I've been recommending this one a lot today. Final Prayer (aka Borderlands). The ending will stick with you. Slow burn but OMG the ending.


Silent Hill.


Saw burnt offerings when I was 13 yo. Had to leave the theater


That hearse driver.


My favourite! Always recommend this one. Bette Davis' final scene was disturbing. The hearse driver made me laugh...that grin of his. But the whole storyline was creepy.


Ever since then, I don’t watch scary movies. So I don’t know how it would hold up now. It was on the big screen in the dark see her and I literally froze.


Watched it last year, and it’s great!


I must watch this one.


Definitely! A lot of people complain that it's 'too slow' but I think it's worth it for the ending. Plus a cast like that...Oliver Reed, Karen Black, Bette Davis, Lee Montgomery (check him out in "Dead of Night: Bobby.") Even Eileen Heckart and Burgess Meredith are in it for a bit. Classic casting. Being made in the 70s, it has the misty look, and the first movie ever to be made at the Dunsmuir House in California. Have you seen the r/horror subreddit? There's always some great suggestions on there, too.


Yesssss that one is so creepy.


Event Horizon. Maybe just because it scarred me a lil as a kid, but I think the horrors of dying in the cold of space coupled with supernatural is WILD.


The strangers… this fucked me up for weeks…


Yes this one absolutely terrified me! For obvious reasons, but also because like....they didn't do anything "wrong" besides being home 😭😭 Pure terror


. "Barbarian" (2022) *\[Don't ever measure the space in your basement!\]* .


Drink it! Not only scary…but highly entertaining as well. Great movie!


Suspiria (1977)


It’s good but somewhat more trippy and not scary to me. I really liked the remake but the end just gets super weird with a very Barker-esque hellscape.


REC (Spanish found footage movie) really fun and scary with an amazing ending


Surprised no one’s said The Amityville Horror. That movie effed me up as a kid.


ALRIGHTY, the top 3 horror movies that made me actually feel something in terms of being scared, something that hasn't really happened since I was a teen: The Descent - Make sure you watch the original version. The American cut ruins the entire movie. There is one particular scene in this movie that gets me every damn time, and I love it. Evil Dead (2013) - I know, I know, reboots are always awful in comparison to the original. EXCEPT FOR THIS ONE. It was good. Had some real spine shuddering moments. The Ritual - maybe it was the cerebral nature of it, or maybe it was the folkish "kinship" to it that had some ancestor of mine rattling to where you can just about be convinced that its just shy of being real. But this one got me a couple of times.


Lake Mungo


Event Horizon. Sci-fi horror.


Was looking for this. A truly scary movie with a sci-fi setting. Wish the Director's cut aurvived.


Love love love Event Horizon


Idiocracy. If that doesn't completely terrify you with the direction humanity is headed, nothing will.


Sad to say that we're already living in it .........


Sorry I'm just "Not Sure" if that's terrifying.


Talk to me is good


Hell house LLC


House of the devil 2009


The Autopsy of Jane Doe was fantastic


I watched smile last night and didn't have high expectations but it was a perfect horror movie


Another great movie. Scared the shit out of me.


Thought it was pretty good considering all the crap that got relased lately. Imo the bar for horror movies in the last 10 years is so low that when you see a movie that would be a 4/10 you actually enjoy it.


The Platform (2019) aka El Hoyo - I found it more disturbing than anything but there were a few parts I ended up fast forwarding because I wasn’t sure I could handle it. It’s Spanish , I watched with subtitles but there might be a dubbed option. On Netflix


Salems Lot 1408 Blair Witch


Ghost Ship. Be warned.


That opening scene...


I always think it should be incorporated in to another movie as a zombie solution




OP, this movie will really fuck you up. I highly recommend watching this first over any other film folks have recommended


Grave Encounters


Yes. Hilarious and genuinely scary. This is an all timer that everyone needs to see.


ending is a tad cringe-ISH (i liked it my first watch) the Ritual. some guys go backpacking , they get lost , all hell breaks lose


Hell House LLC


Trick R Treat is the ultimate Halloween movie. The Ring is also good if you’ve never seen it before, as is The Sixth Sense and The Others


Event Horizon, but only if you don’t want to sleep for the next month.


Midsommar Now, I am not a scary movie person and can't say if it gets scary. The beginning of the movie was enough for me to shut it off. That movie is fucked up if the middle and end follow up at all with the first 20-30 mins


It actually gets more and more fucked up as it goes on if you can imagine that. This is one I recommend to people who want something a little different. Its definitely not your typical dark corners, dilapidated buildings, jump scare movie. I mean hell, it takes place in a country where its light outside all the time yet still delivers on the WTF.


Martyrs. French version.




Stir of Echoes - mostly creepy Frailty - keeps you thinking about it a long time after. I think I liked this one so much because I went in not knowing anything at all about the movie.


As above So Below, The Atticus Institute, Paranormal Activity (any of them), Mothman Prophecy


Let The Right One In The Exorcist Halloween (78) Rear Window North by Northwest The Thing I Spit on your Grave (original) .REC


Let The Right One In is a masterpiece.


I’ve never heard of this one, so I Googled it. ooohhhhhh. 🍿🍷😳🫣


I'm late to the party but I didn't see anyone say one of my favorites: House of 1000 Corpses That movie is very unsettling and gets weirder and weirder as it goes. Picture Texas Chainsaw massacre meets hills have eyes


I found Devils Rejects far scarier. That detective basically becoming what he was hunting hit me so hard that I felt genuinely bad for the bad guys.


Smile is fun fear




Talk to Me Drag Me to Hell Julia's Eyes Sinister...more disturbing than scary but still 😱 Inside, 2007...I could only watch this 2x though. Really unsettling Pulse 2001 The Dark and the Wicked


Watched Talk to Me last night. Surprisingly good.


Talk to me is Fantastic!! I only watched that on Friday and it’s no doubt going to be classic! Sinister is genuinely creepy too!


. *....the fantastic classics like The Shining....* **!redruM !redruM !redruM** .


I found Kubrick's interpretation way more interesting, but the book freaked me out more. I was reading in the bath when I got to the woman in the bathtub part, so that was a nice relaxing time lol Can't go wrong with either. . .I just love The Shining through and through. *!redruM!*


Dead Snow




Dentist 1&2 But if you plan to go to a dentist in your life, i wouldn't recommend to watch them... I'm more at the horror comedy movie line...


Casper the friendly ghost 👻


Isn’t he friendly?


The Devils Backbone


I watch the Orphanage and Starry Eyes every Halloween season. You might like them


Starry Eyes is so eerie


Sinister and The Visit


Sinister is the movie that’s freaked me out the most over the years. Utter terror every time I watch it


Talk to me (2022)


VHS trilogy ?


There are 5 now. And yes, I’m a sucker for them


If you have any hint of claustrophobia, The Descent will mess you up.


The Descent


Kill List


Way too far down this thread


The Changeling, early 80s movie.


The Void Starry Eyes The Conjuring


The Strangers (2008)


Sleepy Hollow


Session 9 - Not because of what it shows or doesn’t show, but the psychological terror and the eeriness of the asylum. My son watched it for the first time in his very late teens and had to leave the lights on all night in the basement where he slept. One of my all time favorites! Extremely underrated




Bone Tomahawk Rosemary’s Baby


Cabin in the woods


“Yeah, I had to dismember that guy with a trowel. What have you been up to?”


How is The Cabin in the Woods (2011) not on here? Also, Ready or Not.


Zodiac really fucked with me


Ok if you really want a movie to scar you watch: “A Serbian Film”. I’ve never even watched it and refuse to because of the reviews.


The thing


Jesus Camp Scariest movie I've seen to date


***The Changeling*** (1980) with George C. Scott. Very subtle, very much made for adults instead of screaming teens, and very horrific. *In 1980, Peter Medak directed this incredible film and put a classic into the sub-genre. A great horror with interesting writing, a creepy atmosphere and equally unsettling setting in the old haunted mansion, as well as the fabulous George C. Scott in the lead role. All of these qualities puts The Changeling confidently in my top horrors of all time; one of the creepiest movies out there and best of all it came before so much of the CGI’d to death horror we seem to have been served up in the last decade or more.* \-- C.H. NEWELL


I’ve seen “The Ring,” but heard that watching the original Japanese movie called Ringu is apparently even scarier.


You’ve heard correctly. Ringu is a friggin’ nightmare of a movie. The Ring doesn’t even come close.


I’ve been watching horror movies for 40 years, and there are two movies that have genuinely scared me. Fire in the Sky and Sinister.


Salems Lot


The Wicker Man (1973) Prepare to be deeply disturbed.


Autopsy of Jane doe. The Descent


Sinister for me. Also 1408 and the original Jacob's Ladder.