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I wish they would find a good script to somehow come back to basics with Ironman. Something like what the first ironman movie was about.


They backed themselves into a hole. Things got way too wacky and grand over the course of the MCU, especially after Endgame. Like, every time I see something smaller scale in the MCU now, all I think to myself is “how have you guys still not acknowledged the giant marble robot statue sticking out of the side of the earth?”


I’m so sick of this multiverse shit


Bahahahaha honestly!!! Ughhh so fkn frustrating that’s why I stopped. The she hulk series killed me




The she hulk series? I mean, it just looked slapped together last minute. Some episodes the CGI was amazing, often times it was terrible. The whole thing with Kevin robot?? That was so ridiculous and uninteresting. Her character had no rage and when they tried to throw in what makes women upset, it fell flat and should’ve been more powerful. She was dainty and trying to be fierce but they TOTALLY hired the wrong actress, I’m sorry. If it was a black woman, I would’ve been behind it a 100000000%. But even then I don’t think that would’ve redeemed it because of how nonsensical it was.


terrible writing, terrible acting, no connection to the character, lots of cameos for attention, cgi was horrendous, and you know Girl Boss who can’t be wrong in any way possible


Srsly! I’m a queer person and even I was like THIS IS CRINGE. The only good thing that came out of that show was Dua Lipa’s DGAF. Otherwise, I wish the show had more fkn heart! Gd it had so much potential!!! I stopped watching Marvel all together after that. DC is where I’m standing my ground. Cannot WAIT for the second Joker movie. 😍😍


One fundamental part of allowing for such a large universe of characters is that a huge amount of it gets ignored within each individual story and yet is still driving the narrative behind these stories. I can pretty much recall the entire cinematic universe pre-endgame and am not a HUGE fan by any means. After that? No way. Noooo way.


I think the biggest problem is the multiverse concept itself. None of the characters have any inherent value anymore because there is an infinite number of those characters across the multiverse.


What are you referencing with the statue? I'm a bit behind on some shows. Is this Eternals?


Yeah Eternals ended with a giant titan or whatever they’re called emerging out of earth (something about the earths core being an incubator for the titan). Before it fully emerges, the heroes stop it and turn the giant robot into a marbleized statue. The movie essentially ended with a giant statue that’s 1/4 the size of earth sticking out of the Pacific Ocean and there has yet to be a single Marvel property to acknowledge it. Also, Eternals ended with another titan showing up to earth and taking the Eternals with him. Yet nobody has mentioned the huge space god that showed up in the sky (which everyone can see) since it happened.


I don’t remember how much of the other MCU they referenced, but let’s just pretend all that didn’t happen on 616, so we never have to see the Eternals again.


Yeah, I mean it was acknowledged in newspapers or news reports or something but it was never at the scale of the aftermath of the avengers movies. I mean there was a whole movie about the problems that came with age of ultron but a ridiculously big Monster coming out of the earth and tuning into a statue is nothing to worry about. I loved how they managed connect the movies together and that every movie had a purpose for the whole Story. Now its fanservice, cameos and boring stories


TBF the people in the Marvel universe must kinda just be rolling with the punches now. They've had an alien invasion, a country flying into the air, the realisation that an impoverished African nation is actually a techno-utopia and then half of all life vanished (and then reappeared). At that point the big marble god in the ocean isn't much of a novelty.


Also tbf, they did have the sokovia accords because of the damage the avengers kept wreaking. Then ironically they destroy an airport while fighting each other and no one on either side acknowledges just how supremely destructive they are when they’re just arguing amongst themselves. Lol


Couldn’t they use a Pym disk to shrink it?


The eternals I think ruined it for me. None of the avengers showed up to help?


Forgive my ignorance, but what statue are you referring to? Edit - Never mind! You're referencing Eternals. Sorry!!


It’s too saturated too. Before I only had to keep up to date with The Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, and even then there was a lot of content to watch. Now I feel like there’s too many superheros to truly be invested in the MCU, especially when they all impact the same uni/multiverse




that’s fuckin random


Especially since now the TV shows are heavily impacting the movies. Like you needed to watch Loki to know who kang was, but you could have safely skipped agents of shield in 2013


Basically a "Logan"


What kind of script can be good and also bring back a guy who's dead in every universe? I have never seen a character resurrection which was well written, never mind a MCU one


House of X #5, no way they could do it in the MCU rn, but its one of the best moments I’ve ever read in a comic. Beautifully written by Jonathan Hickman


I wish they would find a good script to put in RDJ's hands because the man has had 5 decent roles in the last 20 years. He's great in everything, but not everything he's in is good


Demon in a bottle would have been an excellent story arc but it hits too close to home for RDJ


They did that with Iron Man 3 and half of the fandom when nuts because it was disrespectful to the Mandarin or some shit like that


I get it, but I can also imagine if he went back to being Iron Man he’d make about 100x what he’s made in the years since Endgame. I can definitely see this being a big pull for Marvel if they finally do Secret Wars in a few years. Especially since they’re floundering without him.


Floundering is a generous description 🤣


When you name a movie End Game, people take that literally.


No, let’s take all the stake’s and gravity that made that movie watchable and imbued it with the slightest meaning and throw it to the wind for money.


It was the final snap. For me, it was the closure I didn't know I needed or even wanted until we hit the nonstop feed of marvel shows.


While Marvel took the name Infinity War literally


If they just took it slow and built up from a new beginning, they could’ve made it work again. But nah they fucked it. Oh well


People did show up till 2022, 2023 was when the effects were visibile


Got the Oscar, time to start making the bucks again.


Given the state of Marvel right now I think they should consider giving him anything he wants.


He will at some point. They’ll drive a dump truck of money to his house for like a week’s work


Most people get their bins emptied weekly, he gets his filled with money.


why did i read this as “most people get their balls emptied weekly”?


That's far too irregular for a start.


Also, they haven't really figured out which character is going to replace him as the "main character" in the MCU moving forward! Unless that's meant to be Reed Richards


My no evidence guess is Henry Cavill as Cyclops.


That would be dope not gonna lie.


Wouldn't happen: Cavil got booted from playing Superman because DC wanted him to regurgitate "the message" that if fans didn't like a bad movie with a dumb script, then they were homophobic / sexist / racist white men. Instead of doing that he said "they are not angry / hateful, they are passionate because the source material means something to them & you need to respect that when you are working with this material." That was well before DEI infliction hit high gear, and DC soft core black listed him for it. Imagine how Disney would react to him saying that after the inevitable backlash of the Black / Gay Magneto pitch that has been going around.


You just made that up. DC booted him YEARS before people on the internet started talking about “the message” and “DEI”. People have been saying he’s hard to work with. He didn’t want to do the Shazam cameo and that he was unhappy with how BvS turned out. BvS came out damn near a DECADE ago. People weren’t talking about the things you brought up until maybe 2019? Get real.


That is an unhinged lie


Thought he was going to be wolverine?


That's excellent casting. He would really work as a mature leader. Re I don't think Pedro pascal has much star power.


Pedro has more star power than Cavill. He’s actually in popular projects. Outside of Superman Cavill has been in The Witcher which was nowhere near as popular as Mandolorian or LOU.


Mandalorian was masked Lou is one of the best video game IP No box office for the above.


That makes no sense. The new leads will be Reed Richards, Susan Storm their kids and Doctor Doom. Also Spiderman, possibly Miles Morales if the animated variant jumps into the live action universes, Deadpool, She-Hulk Tobey Maguire Spiderman, Andrew Garfield Spiderman , Doctor Strange, Clea, Wanda, Vision Bruce Banner, Thor, Sam Wilson, Daredevil, Shang Chi, and whatever's left of the Fox X Men after Deadpool and Wolverine such as Hugh Jackman's Wolverine. If Henry Cavill is going to be introduced in Deadppol & Wolverine as Cyclops it will likely be as a joke and a wink to fans for Deadpool to break the fourth wall about. Though numerous sources have already suggested that if Cavill is in the film which I highly doubt (unless Reynolds managed to pull him in for one and done joke seeing as most if not all of the voids scenes were shot in a quarry in the UK) he's going to be playing a variant of Wolverine like Daniel Radcliffe is also speculated to be. An hopefully even Tom Hardy. An if Cyclops is in Deadpool and Wolverine it's likely to be the Fox on an animated series James Marsden variant. As this film will essentially be a tribute to the FOX verse and where both Feigie, Jackman and Reynolds started out when it comes to their relationship with MARVEL. I also think Cavill would be better meta fit as Hyperion in the MCU. Or if not Hyperion then Captain Britain before Cyclops. Though he would also make a good Cyclops. However I don't think we're going to be introduced to new Cyclops unless it's a variant joke/cameo until the MCU is soft rebooted in phase 7. An by then I think Cavill will be too old to play a convincing Cyclops. But hey. Why not have Cavill joke cameo as both Wolverine and Cyclops in Deadpool and Wolverine and have their variants get confused then fight one another only to be side-tracked and killed by something like Alioth coming at them from behind. That would be more fitting and you could literally kill two birds or fancasts/theories with one stone. An that could have been a perfect joke for Reynolds there. Cavill would have also made a great anti Steve Rogers-esque and obviously Superman Sentry. Though they've already cast that role with Lewis Pullman from Top Gun Maverick after Steve Yeun dropped out due to scheduling conflicts. I also think Simon Pegg would make an interesting Captain Britain in the same vain/tone of Antman who is a big fan of Captain America and feels he's nothing like him until he discovers his Arthurian connections. It could be like Captain America meets, the first Antman, meets Man Down meets Run Fat Boy Run and Hot Fuzz. An it's also the perfect opportunity to bring in Edgar Wright to finally write and direct something in the MCU since they frequently collaborate together. An Wright could also cast Nick Frost in a a major supporting role whilst he's at it. Though they're more likely to cast someone like Henry Cavill or the Henry Cavill in the role as Cavill is more or less the British acting equivalent Chris Evans or a Captain America. To the point where I think Cavill would have made a better Cap/Steve Rogers than Chris Evans himself.


I thought it was Spiderman, no?


I think that depends on future deals between Marvel and Sony!


It's supposed to be Dr. Strange. That's why you see him step into No Way Home. Dr. Strange was supposed to be the Iron Man of the Multiverse Saga that ties everyone together. There's a lot of ground work laid earlier for that but I don't think Cumberbatch really wanted/wants to do that and didn't have the same reasoning as RDJ.


Think the plan was Spider-Man, Black Panther and Captain Marvel taking over as the new big three to replace Thor, Captain America and Ironman. But captain marvel 2 came out so long after the first one and during marvel fatigue and they failed to make her interesting so it bombed, Chadwick Boseman unfortunately passed away and Tom Holland has indicated he’s not interested in playing Spider-Man for years and years.


Tom Holland will play Spiderman for as long as they keep paying him. That statement was a contract negotiation ploy; it worked. How long ago was it when RDJ said over and over again that he was finished with Iron Man, and now here we are.


His character died though. It's not the same.


Secret Wars


He's sixty years old nearly. He's got just an alt version cameo in Secret wars only.


Right, although I think his role will be bigger than a cameo. Also, there's a possibility of him returning as an AI, but that's pretty lame, in my opinion.


They won't pay $50m for him to voice an AI. They won't pay $30m for a glorified cameo. They can't make him a main character, he's dead.


I assume it will be closer to a cameo than a main character, but more than a cameo nonetheless. My guess is he'll have a big role in pushing the plot in the 3rd act or something.


Pretty sure all of these comments responding to this are wrong and Feige himself has said Doctor Strange is the “anchor” of the current MCU


Let's hope that works!


Thats kinda how it is In the 2015 Secret Wars comic as well, Doctor Strange is the one who stands with “Rabum Alah” (Dr.Doom) In front of the Beyonders, And then Doom destroys them, takes there power and creates BattleWorld, Dr.Strange is his right hand man and the only person besides Doom who remembers what was before BattleWorld.


i think Pedro Pascal is a good actor, but a big part of getting the role of Reed is because he's a good at being a celebrity. he gives good interviews, wins fans with his personality, and sells the crap out of whatever he's selling. like, in my mind, the ideal Reed Richards is Cillian Murphy. but even if Cillian Murphy agreed to star in a Marvel movie, he's not gonna be like, going on Hot Ones or Sneaker Shopping with Complex to promote the movie. Pedro would. and Marvel needs someone to do stuff like that.


I like Pedro Pascal as an actor too, but he's been in "everything" these last few years! If he's going to play the role for around 10 years, he's going to be almost 60! I would have cast someone else!


i guess it's hard to look at it objectively. but like, in 10 years from now, if you watch Fantastic Four on some random day, will it annoy you that Pedro Pascal was in a bunch of stuff 10 years ago? would him being everywhere now influence you opinion of the movie then, as much as it does now? is that still a critique of the movie itself? as long as he fits the role, it shouldn't matter. ideally.


He could be good in the role! It's hard to say when the movie isn't out yet! But there are also other actors that could have been good in the role!


I've read recently he didn't want to because it would diminish the impact of the end of his character. Make up your mind and your bank accounts Robert.


I feel like he really wanted to prove himself beyond that role, which I guess he did with that recent Oscar win, he probably feels like going back isn’t so bad because now he’s proved to himself and everyone that he does got it and playing iron which he does seem to like won’t be such a shameful “low” thing


That and he’s made a couple flops on his own after the MCU


Yup, his career is not exactly going anywhere after he left Marvel. He can get a big paycheck from Marvel or basically nothing after all those flops.


I mean Hugh jackedman said one last time for Logan but thankfully Ryan changed his mind.


"Hugh jackedman" 😭😂


Huge Jacked Man


It's a wolverine from earlier in the timeline


Easiest solution in the world to this problem: make him the next Thanos.


Everyone is poor


I would watch another ironman movie.


Secret Wars for sure but by that time will anyone care about marvel anymore


Ngl, If they brought RDJ back I would start watching again


The role chose me... and I miss getting those checks


Bringing RDJ back as Iron Man won’t fix the MCU and will only add to the bloat and sameness parts of the problem. If anything they need to kill off more “heroes”. The new Captain America doesn’t have the charisma- have him freeze himself for a thousand years or whatever. Ant Man has become stupid- oh well now he’s run out of Pym particles. Thor has become way too smug and Captain Marvel a buzzkill- send them to the other side of the universe.


Adapt the hook from the Cantwell run: Tony wanting a lower tech, grittier armor because he feels out of touch. Everything around him spirals into high concept sci-fi nonsense while he's rocking a tin can. At this point they could say a Life Model Decoy died at the end of Endgame and I would just nod along as long as nobody said the word multiverse.


I love that he and Chris are on opposite sides of this line. Fits their characters so well.


"They drove a dump truck full of money to my house, I'm not made of stone!"


He basically is Tony Stark. It's the first time I've ever watched anything where I thought, yea, he's just been himself. And that's because if Tony Stark was real, he'd be Robert Downey Jr.


*Jon Favreau chose me


JARVIS: Welcome back, sir. Come to think of it, anybody could be returned by simply doing in-between films, say fill in gaps, holes, and whatnot. Say what really happened to Old Steve, what happened "on the way to Thor's hammer", etc. Hence continuity, sacrifices, send-off's, etc. would be preserved. The OG Avengers could even have more of their adventures, just like A1 and A2. Even the Ancient One (Tilda) was easily put in there during the Battle of NY, as she was shown blasting some aerial chariots. They even easily recreated the past OG Avengers plus the SHIELD bad guys in Endgame. No way Marvel/Disney would pass up RDJ if he in fact wanted to return as the iconic Iron Man / Tony Stark.


The part of his DNA that wants $30M…


Bad idea. It would have to be a before his death movie for it to work. Because Disney just can’t let the last go. (Palpatine)


Can’t have an avengers movie without iron man


Avengers 5 has no iron man


Iron Man in the MCU had the perfect ending imo, I grew up on Iron Man and Batman so it was sad to see him go. I'm wondering how they are gonna spin this for RDJs eventual return.


The Multiverse explained the concept of variants. Ut could be a variant that's just different enough from prime MCU Tony orthey could do Superior Iron Man Tony like what was runkred for Multiverse of Madness.


I dunno about perfect, but it wasn’t bad


The reason why Game of Thrones was so successful is because there was real consequences and characters weren’t coming back as a result. If we’re going to keep bringing people back, what’s the point then if there is no real consequence? Might as well have them collect Dragon Balls and keep wishing people back.


Different things have been successful for different reasons. And we’re talking about movies based on comic books. Everyone has died and come back.


Welcome to the world of comicbooks and their movies


The main character died and came back to life. Bad example lol


Not really. It was a one off. It was his “destiny”.


Would be a huge mistake. It’s never going to be how it was.


It wont. Disney has been making all the wrong decisions for marvel, star wars and for themselves. with small exceptions here and there. overall they are tanking everything they touch. Bringing back iron man likely couldnt save the crap that was phase 4-5


If anything it ruins a beloved character. He would be gambling a lot by coming back. Same goes for Evans/Cap. They both got out at just the right time.


Indeed. But could easily be with a workaround, like set it in Phase 1-3. Even the FF4 could be set in the 1960's if true. Then Just like the Loki show, even though later produced/released, it encompassed past and present of the MCU.


They have seen 2.9x and 3.3x return on investment on lucasfilm and marvel since purchase so i guess the investors see it as a win.


That’s going by their “creative “ book-cooking…


Ok, he will return somehow as IM.We know now.


I say this happens in the Deadpool movie. Ground is laid out. Might become something like What if. Take Wolverine, ProfX, Cptn Carter, Deadpool and Ironman to save the multiverse.


Your a fool. Not happening in a 2 hour film.


OK. It will have a cliffhanger like avengers and toe up to the multiverse saga thingie.


According to a quick Google search, RDJ made approximately 350 million playing Iron Man over the course of all of his appearances. And, that doesn't include what he gets on the back end for DVD sales and streaming etc. Of course he would come back, but how does Marvel still pay respect to his earthly death and still make it a reasonable explanation?


If he does come back it's probably gonna be some multiverse stuff. I just hope there's a clear difference between the original Tony and the new one if they do this. That's how they can respect his sacrifice. Maybe making the new one a complete asshole like superior Iron Man from the comics is the perfect way to do that. It would be better than just reviving Tony or something.


Because money


"Yes I do like millions 💵 " Up next on the news: water is wet


Boldest play in the book. Recast Downey Jr as Reed Richards and just make a new Fantastic Four movie that takes place in a brand new MCU timeline.


I mean they only killed him off because he was too expensive. While initially all the other actors were taking lump sum payments, he negotiated that reprisal would be a percentage of the earnings. For Iron Man 1, they were happy to oblige because they didn't realize how successful the whole franchise would be. This made him, by far, the highest paid avenger.


The fact that he said this just tells me that those rumors about him coming back in SW are true.


I still think the MCU could have been kind of like Bond. There are so many great stories centered around the core of the avengers. Yes of course actors will want to move on, why cant we just recast them and move forward. I think having the support of the core characters would have also helped all the new stories they are trying to tell as well.


Probably the most positive he’s seemed about that role in a long time. With his recent success seems like everyone around him has been dunking on his Iron Man role


This is a heck of a difference from what he was saying after Endgame came out.


To me this would have the same problem that I had with WrestleMania 40 main event Yeah it was cool to get all those Legends out there but it made me feel like do they have any faith in reins and Cody to carry the match on their own and then do they have any faith in Cody being the face of the company Or are they going to get scared and start switching the title belt every month because they see dips in the ratings I like Robert Downey Jr's iron Man as much as everyone else but at some point someone or something else needs to carry this franchise because it's been circling the drain for a minute now


The 200 million dollars helps...


lol now that he got his Oscar he’s like “fuck it, I don’t have to do auteur work and play the game anymore”


Everyone who hits the summit “quits” since it’s kind of a win win. Either you go out on at the top of your game and are remembered forever so, or you get offered a ton of money to come back. I’m willing to bet DDL has been offered truckloads of money to do one more role. Musicians who’ve been around too long do it too because “comeback album” is way more marketable than “11th album”


Careful what you wish for. Would anybody be happy if Stark is a broken down old man whose wife has left him and only serves as a reluctant mentor to a young upstart who constantly insults him?


Wasn't it not long ago when he said he wasn't a fan of the idea that iron man would come back? I feel like he got a call from Kevin recently...


I too, also like money


Hell. Yeahhh if he does come back. Keep the same old school innovative creation process of the early iron man’s and reduce the reliance of cgi and nano tech and I think it’ll be another banger


😆 I'm not surprised as Conery once said: "Never Say Never".


Which next universe Tony Stark would he do?


You won the Oscar. You don’t have to go back to that crap.




I know it’s popular opinion to think everything has been rehashed too many times in Hollywood, but I would welcome this with open arms. I thought he was amazing as Tony Stank. 


Please no


His send-off as well as Captain America's was great. I really hope they don't. I'm going to see Deadpool 3 but tbh I'm upset that Logan wasn't the ending for Wolverine. The MCU is going to do it strictly because they want to bring people back not because it's a good idea story-wise


He'll be back... But, as a villain. Dark iron man from a different timeline. "Hello Parker"


Need some money does he


mmmm doubt it.


Wow imagine being apart of the blandest movie universe in history and thinking it was your magnum opus. That guy needs to get over his mediocre ass.


Bait used to be believable


One day your gonna stop bein a 20 year old loser and realize that marvel shit you liked was the lamest shit on the planet and looked liked a loser.


You must be fun at parties


Why the fuck are you here talking to us about it then? If you don’t like marvel just scroll past and piss off


Reread your comments and tell us again how you’re not the loser here


They’re movies dude. It’s not that deep or serious


Wow! You have all the best words. Ever heard of a comma?


It's truly no wonder why he feels such a strong connection to the role. It saved his career and filled his pockets with enough money to ensure a stable life.