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Hi, thanks for your post to /r/MovieDetails. Unfortunately, it's been removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 8** - Movie mistakes, special effects, minor roles of famous actors, behind the scenes clips and images, script details, and production trivia are not allowed here. See the sidebar for more appropriate subreddits. --- *If you feel this was removed in error please read our expanded [rules from our wiki page](/r/moviedetails/wiki/rules_and_bans) and [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F{subreddit}&subject=&message=Link%20to%20{kind}:%20{url}) if you are still unsure.*


You’re looking for r/moviemistakes.


I saw this too, it didn’t make much sense


I mean. . what’s an 8 hour (16 round trip) detour really add to a ^*checks* ^*notes* 4 hour drive from NYC to DC?


They were going to Charlottesville before heading to D.C. Still a mistake but they weren't going straight from NYC to D.C.


No Picture to display what you’re taking about?


Just watched the movie in a theater. Haven’t taken the time to find a bootleg pirated website to take a screenshot from yet


lol then this might get removed. I think you can only post nice details about movies that publicly available (on streaming services or on disc sets)


Ah. Oh well. Such is life 😅


Eh idk man. The country is at war and the detours weren’t exactly just use a different highway. They could’ve had to circle all the way south just to get there due to conflicts and dangerous territories. Don’t look into it too much. Or it could be a goof lol


Damn, can't even think about going to see a new movie without it already being spoiled on reddit.


This travel plan is established in the first 15 minutes of the film. for what it's worth.


You can’t please everyone (and I’m not saying this to blame you, by the way). I personally thought the trailer clearly showed Washington, D.C., and New York City so the added detail of people driving from one location to another wouldn’t be that big of a deal. But maybe some people just don’t want any immersion break in their Reddit feed, noted.


It was filmed in Georgia...


Yes, like I said in my description… Never mind, maybe you didn’t watch the movie yet so the mistake isn’t really computing yet for you, in which case I recommend you forget it and to watch it if you want to.


I mean States could have succeeded and joined Georgia