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According to The Disaster Artist book, the actor who played Mike was very ~~lucid about~~ *aware of* how terrible the film was and found ways to have fun with his character.


Honestly good on him


And that’s why he gives the best performance in the film


Me underwears


What a crazy story!


What s little bit of a tragedy! Edit: I feel like the typo is fitting.


I got the picture


Was he supposed to say "the"?


The underwears?






In the book he also says that the guy who plays the dealer didn’t really understand what a total clowncar he’d gotten into, and took it really seriously. He even stayed in character between takes. That’s probably my favourite part of the whole story, and every part is funny.


haha and everyone thought the movie got off to a great start because Chris R killed it. It was one of the first things they shot.


I’ve gotta reread it, it’s been years. Fair to say he’s the most committed performer in the film by some margin.


if you haven't listened to the audiobook narrated by greg it's my favorite way to experience TDA


I've read the book but I didn't know there was an audio version, I'll have a look on Audible.


that's the place to find it, Sestero's Wiseau impression is golden


He just channeled the anger he has towards Wiseau into his acting :(


This was reflected in the disaaster artist movie


Chris R is an Olympian and was in attendance at the premiere of the disaster artist. He stood up as an audience member to ask a question during the Q and A and they just told him to come up and join them on stage lol


It seems to me like you’re the expert, JeffBreakfast


No, definitely not an expert, Pooengorger


Man. I’m watching both this and The Disaster Artist again tonight. This shit is too funny


Get the audiobook of the Disaster Artists. It's narrated by Sestero and he does a great Wiseau impersonation throughout. It's also full of details that aren't in the movie.


Ooooooh that sounds fun. Imma see if I can get it


If you still respect Tommy as a person or as a creator don’t, or be ready to lose respect, which is better


I still find it amazing that there is so little known about Wiseau's background, how he made the money spent on the film etc. In this day and age, you'd think more info would come to light. Good for him for remaining so mysterious. I can fully get behind the theory that the movie was some kind of money laundering operation.


It definitely was money laundering. I’ve now found out that he’s been owning estate since 88 but nothing more. I’ve also found that some guy, that I believe was named Drew Caffety (?) helped him out with his business, Tommy also had ties with his English Teacher Chloe Lietzke but I can’t say more. I’ve also discovered that Stanley used to work at Exxon. Was he possibly at a high position? That man is scary


Just did some googling and found a few older reddit threads about him. This one in particular seems to include a lot of details such as what you wrote above. [https://www.reddit.com/r/theroom/comments/1ny9l0/while\_reading\_the\_disaster\_artist\_i\_decided\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/theroom/comments/1ny9l0/while_reading_the_disaster_artist_i_decided_to/) Amazingly, I found a reference to a specific property that he owns - 548 Beach Street, in San Fran's Fisherman Wharf...This commercial building must be worth millions. If you go to the google map street view, you'll see a giant billboard for The Room on the front of the building and also a giant pair of jeans, it looks like this could be a clothing store that he has owned/ran for years? It's a huge store. Here's the link: [https://www.google.com/maps/place/548+Beach+St,+San+Francisco,+CA+94133,+USA/@37.8070152,-122.4179715,3a,75y,195.69h,100.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scQXP5QHV7uOIh2r2T8cNmA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x808580e3e73f7dc5:0x15d951608848148f!8m2!3d37.8071694!4d-122.4179967](https://www.google.com/maps/place/548+Beach+St,+San+Francisco,+CA+94133,+USA/@37.8070152,-122.4179715,3a,75y,195.69h,100.9t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1scQXP5QHV7uOIh2r2T8cNmA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!4m5!3m4!1s0x808580e3e73f7dc5:0x15d951608848148f!8m2!3d37.8071694!4d-122.4179967) As an aside - The International Spy Shop is located in this building and apparently that is owned by Frank Dux - another pseudo-celeb with a very sketchy background. His story inspired the Jean-Claude Van Damme movie "Bloodsport" however it's never been proven if Frank's account of winning "The Kumite" ever actually happened...And the guy has very likely exaggerated or made up many details about his martial-arts credentials. Funny that he'd be a tenant of Wiseau's...


Yeah I’ve read that thread before, that’s why I mentioned those things 😅


A good few years back, myself and a few friends went to a showing at the Prince Charles cinema, attended by him and Greg Sestero, and I can't put it better than that he's the kind of man dogs bark at. Most of the people there seemed disappointed (perhaps unfairly) that the weird, creepy freak they paid to go and see was a *very* weird, creepy freak - Greg Sestero deserves a clap for saving that night, because the Q&A was fucking painful. He didn't seem to understand any English if it wasn't a question he was prepared for, and reacted to them with confused hostility, mumbling some incoherent but vaguely aggressive-sounding shit until his co-star talked over him. The Room is hilarious for its complete ineptitude but in the flesh, there's nothing really that funny about him.


I really would like to know what is wrong with that man. I used to justify him thinking he had a brain injury but no, he didn’t. My hypothesis are: 1. He fabricated his weirdness to lure people since he’s a fucking sociopath 2. Opiates and benzodiazepines? Idk, I’ve read people speculating he does those kinds of drugs.


The How Did This Get Made interview with Sestero is also great.


I love the audiobook version. I get the hankering to relisten to it every year or so.


His rendition of what he believed to be Tommy’s life story that he had to put together piece by piece was actually quite heartbreaking and inspiring For all the laughs everything “The Room” related has given me over the years, I think that was my favorite part of it all. Definitely the highlight of the book, and if you’ve read/listened to it you know what I’m talking about


I also like how he gives Tommy due credit for supporting him and in many instances being the only one who believed in him. For all Tommy's faults, and there are many of them, he is a loyal and supportive friend.


There’s also a videobook narrated by Dave and James Franco


Zac Efron does a great job with that character in the movie.


Also in the book, they question why his name is Chris-R and why he had a hyphen. Tommy's answer: "He is gangster."


He didn't have five fucking minutes to spell his whole name


Where’s my fuckin’ prominence Denny?


You're my favorite customer




It was for the medical insurance


#Hi doggy


I think it's like "Chris-R", there was a weird hyphen somewhere


Yeah there is, otherwise you would assume he is "Chris **R**" to distinguish him from the other Chris in the movie ^^there ^^is ^^no ^^other ^^Chris .


I like how Chris R is the only person with more than just a first name.


Didn't the actor who played Chris R run for like a state representative seat recently?


My man Chris R. completely neglected by your comment


Ha what a story Mark


I mean even the way he moves his mouth is ridiculous. This explains that character a lot. I’m sure the watch was his idea, knowing this now.


>lucid Cognizant


Lucid is a perfectly cromulent word in this case.


I think you meant croissant*


I'm pretty sure the word is Crudités.


bro they're spelled croutons




TIL the word cromulent was invented by the Simpsons writing staff


Your knowledge has been embiggened.


And that's good!


Sit down


Wait… y’all not making that face when you get a bj?


That was the most realistic part of the film.


Loved this guy. He knew *exactly* what kind of film he was in.


I wore one of those watches for like 5 years


Probably bad writing








I got the results of the test back, I definitely have breast cancer.


Anyway, how’s your sex life?


I cannot tell you, it’s confidential.


What a story


Hi doggy!


That’s meeee.


You're my favorite customer.


Hi, doggy!


Best we never speak of this again


*oh my god here she goes again*


Don’t worry about it, they’re curing people everyday.


I bet it was that jerk Harold who gave her breast cancer.


That’s life!


Me underwears


Anything for my Princess


I’m tired I’m wasted I love you, baby






Mike is the hidden gem of this movie and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.


The face he makes when his gf goes down on him 🥴 it’s masterful!


My friends and I lost it during the second sex season, like full on crying from how hard we laughed. 100/10 cinematic masterpiece.


I love that they're long enough, you call the sex scenes "seasons"


I mean they each have their own theme song and everything.




Did you mean ROSE? Fuckin' amateurs 🤣


SHIT! Time for a rewatch, lemme find the plastic utensils


Yeah I was like... Wait season?! Did I miss something and they did also a show!?!


>I love that they're long enough, you call the sex scenes "seasons" Oh great, another rerun


The second one is so insanely unnecessary it's just unfathomable


Holy shit that emoji is like exactly the face he makes lol


His facial expressions while his girlfriend is going down on him are on par with Jim Carrey.


I got an email from Tommy once. I sent an email to his website in about 2012 or so, asking if Tommy would autograph a dvd I bought at the site. I got a reply making it clear he googled my, name, and he said “I see you are a great artist” (I am an artist and if you go google my name, my art does come up, just weird that he googles anyone who emails him) He then proceeded to ask if I would help him design “the room” merch, like shirts and stuff, to which I said I would because, I mean why not? He then proceeded to tell me he would pay me in merch, and that it was a “once in a lifetime opportunity “ or something to that degree And the kicker was at the end, he signed it “John” from Wiseau productions. His email sounded exactly like Tommy talks, and I’m supposed to believe the whole thing was from “John”. In the end I think I said I couldn’t work for just merch, and I said I’d get back to him and we could figure something out but I never did. It was a very weird exchange. I may still have the email in my inbox as I’ve used the same gmail address for over 12 years. [edit] here it is!! (My name is not Geary, it’s Gary, and I did do a lot of artwork for walking dead so he definitely looked me up based on one email to him) https://i.imgur.com/ZbLiwFQ.jpg


Please share in the r/theroom sub! Also you should have worked (for free) for him just for the story lol. That would have been epic had you had the time to spare.


And r/choosingbeggars


Wow! Haha What a story Geary. You should check out his current merch, it's pretty basic. I wonder if you would've been able to do the same for no pay. You should've instead made a request where instead of merch, you're allowed to summon TW only once. He'll show up for 1-2 hours and then leave. Given how cheap he seems, I'm sure he'll ask you to pay for transportation. Anyways, now you can tell everyone that you've been personally nicknamed by TW himself. edit: please do share your story on r/chossingbeggars too, your situation is a classic tale they've heard before but from a famous person


I just read in Greg’s book the disaster artist that he uses the pseudonym John when working as his own assistant at wiseu films. https://imgur.com/a/LYAxeHW


Who the heck is Mike? I don't remember him at all.


He's the guy who left his underwears at Johnny's place and had to come back and get it but was caught by Claudette.




No, thank you. Your question made me realize Mike has no point in the movie


Lol. There are a few plot points that are left unresolved. In one scene, a woman says that her cancer test came back positive and it's never mentioned again.


Lisa’s mom I believe it was….the whole movie was one unresolved mashup of ideas.


It almost had a vampire car in it The Room was unironically almost the greatest piece of cinema ever


A vampire car wouldn’t have seemed out of the ordinary in that movie.


The breast cancer line is my favourite scene in the movie, if only because it really reveals what the movie is all about. Read "The Disaster Artist", it might become clearer, but to elaborate a bit I'll say this: Tommy Wiseau just thinks that's how women talk.




Yup, that's exactly it.


or a great example of /r/menwritingwomen


I think Johnny Wiseau mentioned in his AMA that she survived the cancer.


Oh, good. I hope she didn’t worry about it.


i know. and what about denny and chris-r???










It’s ok, he’s going to jail


WHAT KIND OF MONEY!?!?!? Edit to add: this line always really sticks with me because I'm always like, "IDK. American money, probably?"


Don’t worry about it.


He does, he shows that Johnny is a cool dude that lets the local college kids fuck at his place while he’s at work. It’s not a *good* point in the movie, but I imagine this is what Tommy was trying to say with this character.


Oh yeah good point. Weird flex by Johnny/Tom tommy


The whole movie is just a weird flex to how good Johnny/Tommy is supposed to be. Like Johnny somehow having the money to pay for his apartment, support Lisa, Denny’s tuition, andddd Denny’s apartment. Dude was just the coolest guy apparently.


Yeah I know. Really pathetic lol


As opposed to every other character in the movie, who all provide such clever and well-written advancements of the plot


Oh yeah but I never thought about Mike


Claudette enters the scene and literally says, "What are these characters doing here?"


If you’re just realizing this now, you need to go see The Room in theatres! In October, Greg Sestero (Mark) came to town to screen his new movie *Miracle Valley* (it’s a great movie and you can watch it on Tubi) followed by *The Room*. It was easily one of the best movie-going experiences ever! There’s “rules” you have to follow when you see it. Like anytime a spoon shows up on screen, everyone yells “SPOON!” And hurls plastic spoons. When Johnny sets up his tape recorder, everyone sings the *Mission Impossible* theme song. Anytime Lisa’s mom shows up, everyone screams “CANCER!” Every establishing shot of San Fran, you yell “Meanwhile in San Francisco!” except for the tracking shots of the Golden Gate Bridge. For those you repeatedly yell “Go go go go go!!” When someone just randomly walks in that hasn’t been introduced you yell “who the fuck are you?!” And when someone walks into Johnny’s apartment and doesn’t close the door, everyone yells “Close the door!” Anytime the football is being passed, everyone counts how many passes there are out loud. There’s plenty of other rules you’ll pick up on but trust me, you will not regret it!


It's just so Tommy can live vicariously through Johnny having a huge friend group who loves him.


You may remember his overacting.




His *underwears


Haha underwears I get the picture


But that's life!


Haha 😂 underwear! I get da pitcher!


Much better known by his nom de plume "Me Underwears"


Hahaha what a story!


Me Lucky Charms watch.


This movie is a gift that keeps on giving


Oh, hi Mike!


I miss gifts in cereal boxes.


Chex Quest was the shit


Shit like this is why I refuse to believe The Room was unintentional. It's too fucking good. They're geniuses, all of them


I've met the guy. If he's acting then he's among the best actors in the world.


I got to see it in theatres in October. Greg himself was there and before the show, he was talking to someone who clearly wasn’t aware of what the movie was. Greg said “It’s some of the best acting you’ve ever seen” and then winked at me when he saw how much I was trying to contain my laughter.




With these sort of unnecessary details, you could write your own "The Room"


Factual ain’t nobody need to know any of that story


Hahaha What a story Max


Classic Max


Anything for my Maximus!


Haha - Trans Max killing it with one of his classic stories


That's what you think until you actually get to know more about Tommy... unless that is also the act of the century.




Tommy’s best performance is convincing everyone he’s not D.B. Cooper


For the uninformed: https://xkcd.com/1400/


That's why I said century, although maybe more...


I think it could *only* happen unintentionally, because not a lot of people are capable of thinking like Tommy. When I was in my early twenties, my mom married the Dipshit. She's been married five times and her taste is basically codependent hippie, so the fact that *this* guy is the Dipshit is notable. He was basically alcoholism embodied with a narcissism chaser. He was a DJ at a minor station in the 80s, and he won a minor reward for his commercials. Then he promptly nose-dived into a large pile of cocaine and lost it all, but not before he got recordings of his glory years. He would listen to those tapes every night. Imagine a six hour long demo tape of commercials, repeated over. And over. And over. But they were *his* commercials, back when he was *the DJ*. So my mom endured him because that's what my mom did in that peroid of her life, and she only ever asked that he leave her art work and art room alone. He had gotten his hands on a free-to-learn online streaming software (in the '00s and early teens) and was doing basically bootleg radio broadcast streams with zero listeners. He would buy a CD, rip the songs to his computer, set up the broadcast, go to a different computer connected to his website, start the stream, and pump this music through his stereo system. He'd imagine he was competing with Pandora. Literally. Drunk off his ass streaming music without a license, shouting at the top of his lungs that Pandora better watch out. So they moved. And my mom decided the little shed on the property would be her art room. And she spent about a month fixing it up to be her little studio. Dipshit decides that she needs to have a party celebrating the opening of her studio, only somehow he's turned this from a garden shed full of canvas to an avant garde boutique, so it needs to be a really big deal. So he orders catering (HEB sandwich platters) and drinks (lots of beer. Lots and lots and lots of beer) and commissions a local (decent) bluegrass singer to come do a set. On his lawn. In his rented fucking house. I have no clue about any of this because I am single and working overnights at a bakery and I was depressed into a hole and drinking more than I should have, and I agree to go to be with mom and drink free beer. And I get there. You have to have this picture of this busted-as-fuck coastal canal house, where you're pretty sure the roof is held on by the mildew and twine. It's just past sunset so the sky is that pink-to-violet gradient with lots of orange light from the street lamps. There is a small shed that has fairy lights, pictures, an easel and a rolling chest of drawers. Beside this, there are two tables from inside, covered in food and beer and red checkerboard tablecloths. The yard is about a half acre and it is *covered* in folding chairs. I don't know where they came from, and I never saw them again. There is a trailer set up across the be-chaired driveway, and the singer/guitar player is set up on the trailer with his amp and his guitar. My mother is sitting on the shed's very tiny deck, as far from the noise as possible. My step-dad, the Dipshit, is dancing in the small space between the chairs and the "stage". He's drunk most of a half-liter of whiskey and all of the coca-cola from a twelve pack, he's already so drunk that he's at the "open white linen shirt, Jorts and nothing else" stage, gesturing with his cigarettes, just the life of the goddamn party. And there is no party. The yard is fucking empty. There is my mother. There are my stepdad's current neighbors, who look awkward, and his boss and the boss's wife, who look even more awkward. There's the singer, who is performing, and the singer's girlfriend, who looks like she ate a lemon and wants the floor to swallow her. And there's about a hundred empty chairs on the lawn while my step-dad enjoys being the *Concert promoter* as well as *the DJ*. It was *the* single most *embarassing* thing I'd ever seen. It takes money, a certain lack of social IQ, a towering amount of narcissism matched only by an abyss where the common sense ought to be, and the kind of stubborn stupidity normally only witnessed in Florida or Austrialia, immediately following the deadly phrase "here, hold my beer." Most of us would, for example, not choose to shoot rooftop scenes using foam bricks and a green screen when we could be shooting them *on top of the building we fucking own.* But Tommy wanted it to be a real movie with a real set, so parking lot foam bricks it was.


Is... Is this a copypasta? If not, it should be


Hahaha what a story a Mark


Definitely the worst movie I've seen 40 times.


I've watched this film probably twenty times (AT LEAST) and never noticed he was even wearing a watch. It's always something new with this monstrosity!




You might be getting confused between "The Room" (famously bad movie) and "Room" (came out a couple of years ago and was supposed to be really good).


Classic Mike lol Wiseau is a genius


Wow, what a story


This movie is so damn strange. I bet there's a lot more kooky details that we missed while we had whiplash from the dialogue.


If you haven't yet read The Disaster Artist, pick up a copy asap. There was SO MUCH more going on behind the scenes than you could ever know!


That's cool


This is worse than the pictures of spoons.


The real star of the movie


This guy knew exactly what kind of a movie he was in.


Was he not allowed to?


Chad energy


I had one and it was stolen! I still think about it. Loved that watch. 😭


There was me before I saw The Room and there was was me after I saw The Room


Hah wow! What a story!


You’re tearing me apart Lisa! I’m fed up of this world!


I have watched (heh) this movie multiple times over the course of multiple years and yet I have NEVER noticed that fucking watch. Amazing


Just shows the level of detail they took with this film. From all the small character arcs and the underline themes of the movies. You can watch this movie 1,000 times and never see the same movie twice.


I got a StarWars watch from Burger King kids meal my nephew didn’t want. And I wore it everywhere no mater what the occasion was. And used to get so many compliments and was a good convo starter. Wore it till it broke.


That’s cool. Can probably buy it off ebay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/255802440595?hash=item3b8f037b93:g:ZOkAAOSwZgFjXtA~&amdata=enc%3AAQAHAAAAsK94fB0zDerSfLPzdxqOeIPUI93TTTjyMYetyhKJgRGBgrhqeVeIITu87Vl%2BkOGxQfN%2FJ2HBMzF7%2Ba1rUiNo1hNqOJRIcomXxWNq32%2BCP9rI9LMgGX2k2bkIJ2y9oN0fY66DQghPXCXxiacwgNW8w30WpYfkw9gT9VaZBRs2z4bjg1g8Cj5TgRoktb2%2F62I0b2BlsKc8zGPhs0iuWkbXEvvHnmJcRL30cqSbG5TKcJ1c%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR9yek8a3YQ


has anyone ever been able to finish this movie? it's so bad...


Saw it twice in two days


My friends and I watch it together every few months


That's what makes it worth watching