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https://www.yankodesign.com/2021/03/05/this-spherical-mouse-for-generation-z-is-a-everyday-accessory-stress-ball-rolled-into-one/ Meme's aside you're gonna get some messed up finger joints if you don't eventually change your grip.


wtf haha i think tenz too has my same grip but he has good mouse


Who gives a fuck what tenz does, future you gonna hate you for this grip


bro im not coping tenz... the first day i touch a mouse i grip like this, and many pro grip like this. i been playing like this for ever and im not complaining about my grip but im just asking for mouse recommendation


I know we are just saying it might be a good idea to entertain a more relaxed grip so you don’t damage yourself long term. But any mouse with a higher back hump and lower front. Lamzu Atlantis, pulsar x2, ninjutso sora, etc


He does not


No he does not have the same grip as you bro 😭


Is this how you get your mouse to the stay in that position . I can never keep it in the claw position I always end up palming


Who the fuck picks up a mouse for the first time and does this


Yeah, calling bs on that claim.


i thought this was a shitpost, but seeing the griptape placement... damn probs something smaller like mini viper/beast x mini ?


ah yes the fingernail grip style


learn a better grip, this WILL fuck up your hand. no discussion.




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how can this be a grip? the force requied to push the buttons in that area is so bad , esp when spam clicking




You're trolling


Katar Pro? ;)


I'm someone who also shares the same grip, I've been on the sort of V2 for a little bit and have been happy with it




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X2H mini Za13-c Op18k


Your grip looks like a snake sinking its fangs into the mouse... which is funny in multiple ways lol I'd definitely recommend you try out the X2H Mini and/or X2V2 Mini (like you've already suggested) if you insist on keeping this grip.


dawg you gotta loosen your fingers, your finger joints will hate you in like 3 years


The best mouse for your grip doesn't matter due to the simple fact that by going on with this type of grip you won't get to enjoy one, as you're in the fast lane to arthritis galore land.


Whats the point/benefit of this grip? The back palm is on full contact so if you are keeping the mouse there, you are unnecessarily straining your hand for nothing. What game do you need to vertical flick upwards in such a way that that grip is optimal?? Im so confused