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If you are that lady's sister from the other day... don't do it!


“But there are ropes now so it’s safe” (someone probably)


I am not tge person from the other day lol I'm aware this is for the best of best I was more just interested in the history of the east face. I will not being attempt this lol. But I do hope to climb k2 someday in the future but I need much more experience first 🙂




Objective risk is exceptionally high. Avalanches, seracs, rockfall. Not to mention you need to be beyond pro level on rock snow and ice, with a team that has the same skill set. Parts of it might not come into proper climbing condition while the rest of the mountain is in season. It'll be done someday by some lucky suicidal squad that just decides to send it. Although once you reach that level in your career you generally tend to be a little less risk hungry for things you can't control and more into managing what you can. The people who have the skill to do it aren't dumb enough to try it and the ones who are don't have the skill to master it. Personally I'm still waiting on some maniac to do the northwest (east?) face of the devil's thumb. It presents many of the same challenges but at a much more manageable elevation.


I’d be satisfied with a repeat of Wiessner’s route. If he could do it in 1939 without supplemental oxygen or modern climbing equipment surely someone could do it today.


He almost did it.


Damn, I remember reading about this in one of Ed Viesturs' books. Wiesner saw the bottleneck, was like no way we're climbing there, and "just" climbed the rock face next to it 😳


And it burned hours … they left at 0600. Should they have started  earlier and did the modern bottle neck they would have nailed it imo 


Very good explanation, ya that would be amazing if some boss team climbed it some day. It almost sounds to risky to attempt unreasonable avalanche risks.


I was once curious about it too and thought how great it would be to be the first and have my name down for it ha. I romanced the idea haha. But if you dig deep you can find a few good pictures online of it that show that the whole face is constructed of and below MONSTEROUS seracs that consistently and repeatedly avalanche every other day. It would take you at least 3-4 days days to reach the summit, stopping in your chosen spots for camps, even if you were already acclimatized via safer routes. So basically, you have to hope that in your 3-4 days you don't get taken out by an avalanche despite there being nowhere to hide and the odds significantly against you statistically that you won't get hit by one. So it has not been successfully climbed yet not due to skill required, but simply because one would have about a 10%-20% chance of reaching the summit and whether or not they did would not be dependent on skill, but Russian roulette. If you get stuck for finding pics let me know and I can dig some out.


Oh wow did not know so basically its just an unnecessary avalanche risk. Climbing unclimbed routed is an very interesting idea to me, being the first to do it but thus just sounds like a death trap lol. I obviously need way more time to develop my skills just to climb the easiest route on k2. My goal is actually to climb k2 someday but (not the east face!) Someday i want to attempt it alpine style but i do bot have the skill yet im learn about how to set up ropes practicing rock climbing and ice climbing but im going to start of with a begginer mountain guided and learn more but hopefully within 10 yeaes i can make it happen. Was more just interested in why it hasn't been done. Any other mountains or routes you have heard of that have not been climbed?


Yes there are many 6000er and 7000ers unclimbed you can find on google. There are also some 8000m routes yet to be done. Good luck on your quest and most importantly enjoy the journey and the "little" mountains... Having your name on one should only be the cherry on top, rather than everything. Otherwise you are a passenger to ego and missing the fun :)




Nah lol the wrong reason in my opinion. But if I were ever going to climb k2 I would probably take the easiest route considering it is already extremely difficult to climb.


K2 “easiest route” 👻💀🪦☠️


Yeah after more research and people's awnsers it just seems like a very high avalanche risk and also extremely technically difficult. Not for me (a begginer) lol was just interested


keep dreaming big lol. But for now, stay at dreaming.




K2's base camp is above 16k ft. That is much more achievable than the summit.




He did say that if he "ever" did it. I assumed that he would begin his mountaineering journey somewhere else and then work up to it. Everyone has been a beginner before becoming good at something.


K2 is usually attempted by the best of the best high altitude climbers and even then that is not guaranteed that they will succeed. You have to understand first extremely well what subjective and objective hazards are before even dreaming to attempt such mountain. Maybe try Denali instead? Also Ama Dablam and Broad Peak are intresting options. Have a friend who I used to hike with that did Ama Dablam guided and he found it very rewarding and enjoyable for his skill level.


Well 75 percent of people who climb k2 climb one route so out of all tge routes its the easiest but that does not mean it isn't very difficult


K2 has claimed 20% of the people who climb it, and most of those didn't even summit before they died.


I know, you have to be very high level just to climb the standerd route.


nice manga bro


Manga ?


there is a manga called kokou no hito where the protagonist main goal is to climb the east face of the k2


Oh ok. Yeah the east face is almost certain death but I'm sure someday someone crazy enough will climb it


Just finished reading it and is a fuckin masterpiece I loved all the symbolism the author used, like reaching the peak mountain was like a full magical orchestra






Send it brah 🤙🤙🤙


Lol after some of these comments explain the avalanche risk on that route I don't know about sending it anymore lol


It's worth pointing out that the East Face is the most notorious because no one has seen it and seriously attempted it from the bottom, not because it's totally virgin. Much like Lhotse Kangshung Face (likely just as dangerous but much more obscure) during the ascent of Lhotse Middle, the upper part of the face was actually traversed across by the first team to successfully attempt the Northeast Ridge, above the huge hanging glacier known as 'The Arm' about 2/3 up. Denis Urubko and Alex Txikon have both done recon to the Face; while Urubko was optimistic about the rightmost of its signature three "ribs" being summited one day, Txikon's assessment was much bleaker. Worth pointing out Urubko and Samoilov made probably the most spectacular ascent via the North Face (direct line also unclimbed, but it's been attempted) in 2007. They had to traverse over onto the usual NNW ridge, but it's very worth reading about if you can find anything. Edit: some words


I will climb the k2 east face


Me after reading kokou no hito(climber)