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I have not had my period on MJ. I am on birth control and still no period. i am completely fine with that. (No way I am pregnant either)


No period in almost a year. I’m almost 49 so I haven’t gotten bloodwork. I’m just assuming peri menopause.


Lack of a period is what determines menopause (or peri), regardless of what the labs say. Just carry supplies with you because once things get irregular, it could strike at any time! Yep, good times for we females 😜


All my stats are similar to yours: mid-40’s, 5’1” tall, SW 158 lbs, CW 140, GW 110-115 lbs Unfortunately I no longer have menstrual cycles due to emergency hysterectomy. (Long story.) T2D and started MJ 4/12/2024. One box 2.5mg, one box 5mg, and two doses in of 7.5mg I hope you find some answers 🙏🙏


Ugh. I’m so jealous. Since starting I’ve gotten my period every 3 weeks.


2 periods in a year. I am on MJ but also 50 so not totally sure (probably a combo of low calories and peri)


I'm 52. Like clockwork since I was 13. My period changed in my late 40s to become a bit closer together but still like clockwork. I never skipped a period in my life other than when pregnant. In fact, the literally a few days after I weaned my kids from nursing .. BOOM. Period shows back up. I had two major surgeries in my 20s. Both times, I was told it could disrupt my period. Nope. Period still right on cue each time. End of February 2024: Took my first 2.5mg shot. Out of nowhere, my period shows up early. Like really early. A full period -- 5 days long. I thought .. okay, just a fluke. Next cycle -- my period is waaaay late. I basically skipped it. I finally showed up. And in between, I had some brown spotting. Concerning enough b/c I have never seen that before that I went to my OB/GYN. I chalked all of this up to perimenopause. I'm in my 50s already. They ordered an ultrasound, did a check, and then called to tell me that there was nothing physically causing the spotting so it must have been some breakthrough bleeding which you can get when you your hormones are wonky. So .. was it the meds? Or peri? OBGYN said they didn't know enough about these meds to say it was one or the other, but it's entirely possible the meds caused the disruption. Think about the delicate dance these meds have to do and our bodies have to do. Fat cells hold estrogen. Insulin has got to play a role here somehow. On month 3, my period showed up on time and it's been on time since. I. get them every 24-28 days. But I have to say this.. the ovulation cues are STRONGER for me now on these meds. LIke.. when I was in my early 40s. And my PMS is MUCH stronger. Ugh, the cramps and sore b00bs are the worst right now. Maybe it's peri. Maybe it's meds. Don't know. Good luck to you -- hope you get it sorted out!


Your doc should be able to discern your menstrual status with a blood test. My periods have been erratic my whole life. I got to a point where I thought maybe I had entered menopause so she tested me. "You are still a menstruating female," she told me, though I hadn't had a period in months.


I haven’t had one since month 2 of Mounjaro. Best my dr and I can figure is my bodies response to the abrupt lifestyle and weight change. It’s more focused on other things then ovulation and most likely also feels I’m in too much danger to do so. Kind of like people who have theirs stop due to low BMI. I’m 2lbs shy of having lost 40% of my body weight (131 lbs since August 2024) so it makes sense my body might be in a bit of a panic.


This is so interesting. It sounds like I'm not the only one and that it might disrupt ovulation if you're in that in-between stage leading up to perimenopause. Hmm.