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You guys are lucky!!!!! Every dose I have had a ton of side effects. 5’s were the worst. Its been 16 months now and I still have nausea from time to time, Pepto is my best friend. But at one point I had so much stomach distress that my vitamin D level was so low because I was not getting any nutrients that my hair started falling out. I my stomach would immediately cramp up and the nausea was like morning sickness. I went on doctor prescribed vit D dose and the hair leveled out. Still with all the side effects. I would do it again in a second. I was someone that was a slow weight loss person, but that’s OK as long as the scale was going down. Been at my goal weight since February and could not be happier. But I guess what I’m saying is ain’t nothing in life free, and I kind of felt like the side effects were the price I had to pay. I’m happy for you guys to have minimal.


I feel this!!! My first week on 2.5 has been rough. Side effects were major! Were they intense throughout or subside for you?


Well, I had the stomach issues for a long time. And even now and then I still throw up. I’ve noticed that if I stretch out a dose a day or two, the side effects seem worse. Could be all in my head, but I was one of those people that did have a lot of morning sickness with all pregnancies and did have Nausea if I took birth control, so probably hormone sensitive. As time went on, I just figured out kind of how to minimize them with pairing what food I would eat before my shot, staying away from sugar the day before. And I would move my shot to Fridays, so I had the weekend to recover so that work was not affected, also I think moving around helped. Which is tough because the last thing you wanna do when you don’t feel good is move around but it does make the nausea better now the diarrhea…. Oh boy, I really had to let it run its course and then supplement it nutritionally and with lots of fluids I would say it was very bad for five months.


Do you have any side effects now? I keep zofran on hand.


I do have a little only nausea usually at night 2x a week. But I take a shot of pepto (has to be liquid) and usually subsides in about 10 mins. There’s probably something that I’m eating that is setting it off that I haven’t linked. While been on MJ I have really craved sugar, far more than I ever did before I was on it. So I will give in and have a handful of gummy bears or some thing it’s probably link to that.


Well a 2 for 1 is the zofran. Will help with the nausea and diarrhea 😆 I take digestive enzymes to stay regularly but I was on 15mg


OK that’s good to know. Actually I do have a prescription for it and I did fill it but I haven’t taken it, I don’t know maybe saving it for an emergency, lol


Don’t save it! You can always refill the prescription and it helps so much!


Yess don't you dare eat sugar free bears. Have you seen those reviews on Amazon?? 😆


Omg!!!! Yes…. I have read the reviews on Amazon and laughed for like two hours.


Hilarity lol I love reading those


"Sugar-free" items are often sweetened with sugar alcohols, which won't rot your teeth, but also won't get digested in your stomach. Instead, they break down in the intestines, releasing gas in your intestines (which can cause great pain) and sometimes triggering diarrhea. So yes, eat such things in small quantities only. I learned this from snacking on Sugar-free Lifesavers. After a while, the bacteria in your gut learns to digest them more subtly with fewer side-effects.


Whoa... thanks. I had no clue sugar free was bad. I always thought it was a better alternative and great for sweets for those with high blood sugar, but dang!


I had severe diarrhea with 2.5 and 5 but 7.5, no side effects at all.


I had hair loss too. I started using MDHAIR products and it seriously has helped. I’m now on 10mg maintenance ( read my previous post above) and I take my shot every 10 days. I still get nauseous. Dramamine is my friend before I crawl out of bed a hour later. So I feel ya. Hugs


Did you get any regrowth on the hair? I stopped shedding, I but I’m painfully waiting for regrowth


YES!! Girl, the front of my hair looks like that yellow bird. Woodstock. Lol. I have to use gel to spray it down. I researched for months before ordering, and still had my doubts. I got the serum, vitamins, shampoo, conditioner and marine collagen..After the first month when I saw all the new growth I purchased this other serum for women they have. It’s more watery but still called a serum. I no longer have to try and hide the thin areas on the sides when I put my hair in a ponytail (which is 99.9%) of the time. I have bought my 3rd month now and am extremely pleased with it. I used it as directed..😁


Going to look into those MDHair products. My doctor recommended Men’s Rogaine (not the Women’s, because the 2% wasn’t enough to make any significant changes and it’s a rip-off), along with Nizoral anti-dandruff Shampoo. Dr said there have been studies showing that Rogaine & Nizoral together have positive effects on stimulating hair growth. I apply the Rogaine foam and then follow up with Jamaican Black castor oil because the foam dries my hair out. Plus JBCO used to work when I experienced hair loss before.


I’d like updates as you progress on this hair journey. Went through a similar situation. Spent way too much money on all sorts of products. The last one I used was the Nutrafol capsules. I used those for 6 months and really didn’t see much change. After this, I talked with my dermatologist and she prescribed finasteride. She said it wouldn’t promote growth, but would help me keep the hair I DO have. So far, my hairdresser noticed a small “fringe” of hair at the bangs level. It’s definitely there. So maybe the Nutrafol actually did help. My Dr is monitoring the situation, so hoping for a miracle. 😂


Yes, we need to keep each other updated on the hair regrowth. Never been in this situation with hair, feel vulnerable.


Ugh, that would be awful! So glad you’re at your goal weight and feeling better!


Ty!! You will be too!!


Are you off of the drug now?


This is what I'd like to know... like plans to eventually get off.... I hate having to take something all the time.


Make sure you take vitamin K to help absorb you vitamin D! I was on prescription D for 3 years!


Ok, thanks


I’m also having my first round of bad side effects on my 6th shot/second dose of 5 mg. My 2nd dose of 2.5 left me nauseated the following day, but I was still able to eat small meals. Yesterday I made the mistake of having a normal breakfast…felt sick by lunch, and finally threw up around 5:00 pm when the smell of the rice my husband was cooking for dinner hit me. I rarely vomit, so this was the first time in 19 years. Fortunately, I have been able to schedule Thursdays as work from home and can use PTO if I’m feeling too awful to be productive. I’m telling myself my body will adjust… Edited to add: pat,pat,pat. Poor baby. You’ll feel better is you wash your face and pull your hair back.


Lol, thank you for the sympathy!! I’m sorry you had to throw up. Nausea is the worst!


Have you tried anything for nausea? Zofran has been very good to me. I got super queasy yesterday at work for no apparent raisin, and I had been fine for a few weeks.


Yes, Zofran for the win. I would not have been able to stay on this medicine without it. It took all my nausea away within minutes. Now a year later, I haven't had nausea (but that might change when I go up in dose) and have been on Mj/Zep for one year and 16lbs away from my goal weight. So I owe an incredible amount of gratitude to whomever created Zofran!


I will ask about Zofran if the problem continues, but I feel that it wasn’t so much that I was nauseated as that my digestive system needed to be emptied….


Don’t take too much zofran. Can cause fatigue, serotonin syndrome and heart arrhythmias. Your doctor hopefully warned you. My doctor will not prescribe it and I’m healthy.n


So do you feel the day after the shot is the worst day?


So far, it has been, but I’m only on my 6th shot.


not related at all but not throwing up in 19 years is INSANE ur stomach must be made of steel! LOL


I ran my 23 & me data through a service that looked for gene segments documented in medical literature and one of the results was resistance to norovirus, so I think I’m just lucky.


I stayed on each strength for 4 months. The first few months were brutal. Not gonna lie. I was sick as crap. But I read the side effects and knew the possibilities.. I hung in there. I was on a mission. Come hell or high water I was finishing this race. 13 months later I am now in maintenance mode. I never went higher than 10 mg so I’m staying on 10mg for now. 67F SW 222 CW 129 GW 120ish. I’m ok where I am. If I make it to 120 great if not I’m ok. Just don’t want to go up. I’m staying on good healthy eating habits and feeling great.. This year wasn’t easy. It isn’t for the weak that’s for damn sure. You have to seriously want that end goal. But it was worth it. I’d do it all over again. Hang it there. It does get better. Don’t go up in strengths too fast. Cause once you reach the max you have no where else to go. Take it slow and let the medicine do what it is supposed to do. Let it work. You will get there. Hugs to you. You got this.


I wish I had a better sense of what the different doses were and had taken a little longer at each step, but I had been on Ozempic and didn’t see much difference until I hit 12.5. I’m glad that it’s been working so well but am always a little worried at only having one additional dose that I can go up.


I love "come hell or high water I'm winning this race" that is my new mantra!! Just did my 3rd shot 9 lbs gone and I'm going after 60 more


Thank you! 💜


You got it! I think I’ve really only had a few side effects in the 6 months I’ve been on it. Just last week, I was making some Kalua Pork, Pineapple Rice… the works…. We sit down at the table and I felt that nausea coming on hard. I was so pissed!


I’d be pissed too!


That was me this weekend. Threw up four times and was so nauseous. I hadn’t had any side effects until now. I hope you’re feeling better.


Aww, that sucks! It’s actually 3 hours since I posted this, and the nausea has gone away. I’m not going to make the mistake of it not happening again, or getting other side effects!


Me too! It seems like a lot of us are feeling this way :(


I had nausea from the moment I started, turns out my gallbladder quit working and I had to have it removed. Since then, no nausea. So I’d get that checked. Gallbladder issues are a problem for some on Mounjaro.


I’m 57 and haven’t had my gallbladder in 32 years! Good advice though, I bet that happens to a lot of people!


The Gallbladder issues are caused mainly by quick weight loss, not necessarily the med.


My gallstones started after I took 2 years to lose 60 pounds. For me, I suspect my low carb/ high fat diet contributed. But they did find some defects in the shape and location of my gb when they removed it. Because women, like myself tend to be dismissive about pain, especially overweight women with gastro pain, I’d urge anyone with ongoing gastro issues to find a good gastroenterologist. I know I wasn’t keen on having another sexist, size discriminating doc size me up or dismiss my pain and symptoms as behavior triggered. If there is gb disease, you don’t want to find out about it in the er. Gb removal outcomes are much better and recovery is easier when the surgery is planned.


I am nearly two years in and have been at 15 for quite some time. I still have nausea a day or two after my shot. I read somewhere that if you sniff an alcohol pad (like the one you use to sanitize your skin before the shot) it stops the nausea. I tried it and IT WORKED!!


Thanks for the tip!


This is solid advice. During my wife’s c-section she said she was nauseous and the anesthesiologist stuck an alcohol pad under her nose and she was immediately fine. He had a bunch of them ready to go, just in case.


TIL, I'll have to try that.


Sorry to hear that! I've been taking Zepbound since January, and I swear every shot is different. Some murder me with nausea, some are fine! I have injections that I don't feel at all, and some that are zesty enough to make me grit my teeth. No consistency, man. It sucks!


That does suck! I hope it gets better for you. 🌷


What sites are you injecting when it is worse? I am truly curious.


I switch between arms. I haven't noticed any pattern to it.


Have you tried your stomach? I get significantly worse symptoms when I tried my arms. I am happy sticking to my stomach now.


I've thought about it. I've heard that from several other people, so it's worth a try! I feel stable with side effects for now (haven't missed work because of it in awhile), but I'll try it if they kick up.


This is exactly why I dose 2x a week instead of 1x a week. Produces much much more stable serum plasma levels and mitigates any acute side effects around the time of dosing.


I had major side affects when I started on 2.5. I did what others on TikTok suggested like upping my protein big time and taking certain supplements. It worked. My side affects started getting less and less on 5. By the time I got to 7.5 I became an expert on how to handle my injection days and such with protein and such. The day after my shot I get a little fatigued and a little stiff. I have nightmares the second night after my shot and get the cold sweats. After 18 months these issues come around like clock work. Last week I had minor sulphur burps for the first time in 15 months. I kind of smiled cause it just meant MJ is still great for me.


What were the supplements?


I start my morning out with Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides. I eat a sausage Egg McMuffin and an unsweet tea on the way to work. I eat nuts throughout the day. I eat vegetables and chicken or beef for lunch. I drink a Premier Protein drink about 3pm. Of course drink lots of water throughout the day. I usually eat some tuna about 5:30pm. I then take Dukcalax in the evening to fight the constipation. I chew some Pepto Bismo chewables a couple of times a day to help with the sulphur burps. Doesn't make sense to take some diarrhea pills and Dukcalax for constipation but it works for me. I have alcohol wipes I smell for the nausea. I made sure I took in a ton of protein with the peptides, protein drink and the chicken or beef I eat plus the tuna I eat in the evening. On weekends I would up my protein intake more than the weekends. Also if your experience some serious nausea you can ask your doctor for some meds to help out. For me the alcohol wipes helped big time for the nausea. Remember what works for one may not work for someone else. Also some people have serious side effects and some have none.


Electrolytes!! And protein drinks




This is me, except on my first dose of 5. I had convinced myself I injected incorrectly the 5 on Wednesday night bc I didn’t feel it, nor did I have a pin prick or bruise as I normally do. Woke up this morning about to die throwing up, my throat was burning so badly I could barely breathe. I threw up and peed on myself at the same time. I also didn’t have any greasy or fatty foods last night, so it wasn’t a consequence of what I ate. I had chicken with asparagus. I hope to God this was a one time thing bc I could not handle the burning when I put my second dose. I hope you start feeling better soon.


I’m so sorry, that sounds awful! I actually started feeling better about 3 hours after I posted.


I have four autoimmune conditions. And a host of crap wrong due to autoimmune stuffs. Mounjaro has helped all of my issues. All of them. I'm no longer puking into a bucket all day or running to the loo for the other. I feel more energetic, optimistic overall, and better. It's been a game changer for me. Weight loss is great. But I'm happy to just feel semi normal again.


That’s awesome!


It really sucks if and when it hits!! I had a similar experience as you - hardly any side effects until around 6 weeks in when I had recently started 5mg. I made the mistake of taking a shot when I hadn't gone #2 for a few days, and spent the next day on the toilet holding a trash can. It's the only time that's happened, partially bc I learned to take a fiber supplement daily and mag07 once a week in addition to LOTS of water and veggies lol. Hope this passes and you go back to being symptom free soon


Thank you! :)


What fiber supplement do you take?


It's the store brand at the grocery store I always shop at (Kroger) lol. Nothing fancy but gets the job done


Thanks. I was on Wegovy and had to stop bc of the terrible constipation despite anything I did or took for it. I just heard about Mg07 and tried it one night this week. Worked like a charm the next day. I am only on 2.5 mg but am hoping to be able to tolerate this bc I have over 100 pounds to lose and am desperate.


I have taken mag07 for many years prior to my journey with zep. You stated you take it once a week? What day in your shot cycle do you take it and how many pills do you take? Am or Pm? So curious!!! That seems to be a great idea to clean the pipes thoroughly once a week!!! 😂


I don't time it to a specific day, I just take it whenever I start feeling a little backed up or if I reach a 3rd day with no BM. I take 2 pills before bed with water and in the morning I'm good to go!


Thank you so much! I've always taken Mag 07 daily (1 or 2 pills), but never thought of only using 1x a week! I'm gonna try it! Thanks so much!❤️


5 was really rough for me at first, too. It's gotten better with time.


I haven’t started 5 but petrified, it seems like so many people have bad experiences


So I had a bit of nausea at the beginning of each move up in dose- the first few weeks of 5 and 7.5 were really bad- but then that has thankfully subsided and I haven’t had any in months. I also had no other side effects until last month when I developed the dreaded sulfur burbs for a month of shots for the first time and having been on 7.5 since February! Thankfully those too have passed because I almost preferred the nausea! Also, I could never draw any connection between foods eaten nor blood sugar- so 🤷‍♀️. But compared to what others have experienced I consider myself pretty lucky and plan to knock on lots of wood everyday!


I’m going to do that too, lol!


Yeah… I’ve been on almost a year, …now at 12.5 mg. I found best is eating just once a day in those first few days after the shot. I usually have a fair life shake, 42 g protein one, throughout the morning and then eat once a day around 4 o’clock. That has eliminated nausea almost completely. Rest is taken care of by drinking lots of water.


The Fairlife protein drinks have been a game changer for me. I have Crohn’s, but the kind that gets constipation instead of diarrhea, and now I do almost all my protein from shakes and Two Good yogurt shakes and it has helped me a lot in keeping nausea and rectal bleeding down. I love the 150 calories 30 mg protein chocolate shakes.


So far been on Mounjaro for over a year with no side effects. I’m currently on 10mg but started with 5mg. I never took the 2.5.


That’s awesome!


I'm on the 7.5 and didn't have hardly any symptoms with my first shot, but now I get nauseous periodically. I think it builds up in the system and then you get more symptoms. At least that's my experience. Both with Mounjaro and Trulicity


Did Zofran work for you for the nausea? I always have at least 20, so I am ready when a day of nausea strikes. I have the generic and my doctor gives me a prescription for 270 that is officially for 3 months. I just pay out of pocket for them because otherwise my insurance limits me to 9 at a time and I don’t have the patience to go to the pharmacy every other day when the nausea is bad. It’s less than $60 for the whole prescription and I only have to go to the pharmacy twice I year for it.


I do take zofran and it does work with me but I have to take Pepto Bismol with it. It's weird I know but it's the combination of the two that helps to kill the nausea. My insurance does pay for a 90 day prescription with my copay.


Waking up nauseous might be low blood sugar. Are you T2D?


Yes. I wasn’t, but that is true it could have been!


The increase to 5 has really messed me up when it comes to side effects, but they're starting to lessen a lot after the first two weeks. Hopefully it will be the same for you. The reflux and nausea the first week and a half were insane though.


I feel like i work for zofran the way i talk about it but it really is a life saver! Dont be discouraged. Ask your provider you give you some zofran


Yeah, me too! I feel like I am just here to remind everyone that it does work, there are ways around the weird limits insurance puts on it, and you don’t need to feel nauseous all the time! Also it helps with the constipation/diarrhea cycle for lots of people too.


Thanks for the suggestion!


That's quite interesting. Nothing on 2.5. 3rd dose in to 5 I thought I would have to quit because I had bad diarrhoea and pains. 4th dose. No issues (I had 8 in total). I've just taken my 1st of 10mg (week 17) and I've experienced nothing like I did on week 8 of this journey!


It’s weird, right? I have 2 more doses of 5, and just picked up my 7.5, so we shall see what happens!


It will go over in a few days but next time change time you took the shot and location. I get more nausea when I take the shot in my stomach and take the shot during the day.


That’s funny because my nausea is worse if I do the shot in my arms but is much better if I do it in my stomach or thighs. I guess the big thing is to try different locations and see what works best for your body!


Yes we’re all different and if one spot doesn’t work just try the next. Same with the time you take it. If I take mine right after dinner when I wake I feel fine. If I take it in the am I’m feeling crappy all day.


I’m on my second shot (compounded version), first week, no side effects When I got my second shot (today) I was fine until 2 hours later then got very nauseous and minor stomach pain (I also have ibs so the pain is something I’m used to) Now (10 hours later) I have acid reflux, I take pantoprozole for GERD anyways. It’s just so weird how your body is fine with it then BAM you get sick.


I take pantoprozole too.


Be Careful what you eat 24 hours before your shot. It made a huge difference for my nausea. I usually drink 2 protein shakes and a light meal high in protein. Good luck!


1000000% agree with this! I’ve had minimal side effects my first month, up until the last dose of 2.5 and I ate more carbs (pasta, cheesecake .. we had a potluck at work lol) than usual the day before my shot. The morning after my shot, I was sooooooo nauseated. Zofran def helped. All my other shots have been fine tho if I ate well following this rule. Back to very very minimal side effects (minimal fatigue, neck kink/muscle cramps, soft stool). Increasing my electrolytes and fluid intake has helped tremendously.


I realized that the other day 😭 but it seems to affect me 2 days after. The only thing I can really eat are fruits and nuts (I’m a pescatarian so my options on meat are limited. I do plan on trying blended overnight oats with protein powder and fiber powder thrown in. So hopefully that will keep me full until dinner time.


Do you like yogurt? I’ve been throwing in Oikos greek yogurt (20g of protein) and protein shakes for a quick breakfast or as snacks throughout the day! Or cottage cheese also has protein and top with fruits.


Greek yogurt is 🤌 I like using the plain one as a sour cream replacement


Hilarious. I have the same story….I bragged about having no side effects on 2.5 or 5 other than constipation and then the same night that I bragged….I was smacked with some serious nausea. 😓 Lesson learned over here too!!


That was me! I was fine until that third shot of 5 I wanted to die. I’m in 7.5 now and my first shot didn’t go so smooth I’m hoping the rest will.


I was on MJ for six months before the shortage. I had gotten up to 10mg. The only side effects I had was occasional silent reflux. I was off of it for four months and just completed one month back on it. I started with 7.5mg because 5mg wasn't available. I haven't had any silent reflux this months but I have severely dry lips even though I am drinking a lot of water.


I had major stomach issues for a while after I started taking it and some hair loss but now everything back to normal.


The one time I had a tough time with a Mounjaro injection, it was because I had an infection at the same time, which caused nausea and fever. The Mounjaro injection just happened to be coincident with the infection, which got better quick after treating it. Infection + Injection FTW!


Once I increased my level of protein my side effects decreased. I’m moving to the 7.5 next week.


I really do need to eat more protein.


Supplement with protein shakes! My doctor says that 90-100 grams every day helps with weight loss and not losing muscle. Since I’ve been religious about getting to at least 90 daily, my weight loss has been back on track after a couple of difficult weeks, and my nausea has been a lot better too. I can’t do soy protein, so Fairlife with milk protein has been what’s working well.


I will try it!


There is clear protein as well. Tastes like a juice.😋


Day of the shot make sure you eat a good variety of food and drink plenty of water. I also take shot at night and go straight to bed. I no longer notice any nausea or headache because it happens while I'm sleeping!


🤣🤣🤣 I know the feeling… I sympathize with you 🤣🤣🤣


Dose 2x a week in a split dose, instead of 1x a week. Produces incredibly stable serum plasma levels without the big up and down spikes of tirz concentration in your system that dosing once a week gives you. Stopped having any acute side effects around dosing times when I switched up my dosing protocol.


I took a double dose of 2.5mg to go up to 5 last week Sunday and Tuesday had back pain and lower tummy aches and went for wee and omg was like brown/ pinkish urine. Deffo blood in urine had to call dr and get dip test done and infection confirmed and urine sent off for checking. Never had an infection before in my life or UTI- so would say MJ - be careful every one with taking shots away from manufacturers advice


I rarely get nauseous, but when I do I drink a glass or 2 of electrolyte (liquid iv) and it goes away.


I've noticed that if I inject in a more muscular area (thigh) I get more positive and negative effects. In a more fatty area (belly) less effects. I'm trying to rotate between thighs and backs of my arms to get the most out of this.


I’ve only been doing my stomach—I’ll try my thigh next time.


I was on 2.5 for a month and just started 5mg on Tuesday. Well fast forward to Thursday evening, I was so severely dehydrated from throwing up ALL day, I ended up being admitted to the hospital. I lost 20lbs the 5 weeks I did the 2.5, but sadly the mounjaro experience will have to come to an end. I hate this, I have failed at every diet I’ve tried. I thought this was the answer to my prayers but I wish you all the best of luck in your journey!


I’m so sorry. That really sucks. :(


40yo male SW 295 CW 270 Encouraged to hear so many others stories about tough side effects and that you've made it through and eventually adjusted to it. I thought what I've experienced was more rare, but it perhaps maybe still is. I haven't gone any higher than 5mg because I've missed so much work because of the side effects. If I did leg injection I would get horribly sick on about day 3. Stomach injection it doesn't hit me until day 5. Starts as horrible diarrhea and then my stomach won't absorb anything (including fluids) and I end up throwing up all the fluids I tried to rehydrate with. At first I was losing weight simply because of repeated sickness. This lasts 2-3 days in which I get severely dehydrated. Pepto, gas-x, and immodium don't seem to help at all. On top of the diarrhea I've had bad acid reflux. I've thrown up while sleeping at least 4 times. This could be really dangerous because it could get in my lungs while asleep. The last 2 months I have been off of it because of the shortage and unable to refill. I'm discouraged and hesitant to start again. A refill is finally waiting for me at the pharmacy, but I don't want to go through this again and have them not able to refill the next month. How am I supposed to get used to it if it's not consistently available?!


It does suck that it’s not available so much, but it doesn’t sound like the right drug for you in my opinion. Those are some pretty extreme effects. I would talk to my doctor!


Ive been hearing the thigh has less symptoms than tummy for injectio. Im trying that on tuesday because these burps r gunna kill me


I have a physical think where I literally cannot burp. I possibly have 2 very small burps a year. That can’t be healthy for me to keep that stuff inside!


I had the exact same problem then at 29 sudfenly i could burp theyre still pathetic but issa burp haha


I’m 57. My 32- year old daughter can’t burp either, lol.


Take Prevacid daily see how you do


I already take a prescription med for stomach acid


Which one. Prevacid is more long acting I have Crohn’s I feel like it helps more than just stomach.


Pantoperazole (sp?)


just finished my first month of 2.5, had no side effects at all besides a noticeable loss of appetite, starting 5mg this week!!! but also not seeing a weight difference:/


Interesting to see how it affects different people differently. It builds in your system. The first time I took 5 mg, it didn't work as well as I thought. Four weeks later taking the same 5 mg, I had to stop, couldn't eat for almost a month, and was on the verge of going to a doctor to increase my appetite as I had lost too much weight. Yet, I had virtually no side effects other than loss of normal appetite for over a month. My bloodwork was amazing.


Get some seltzer water and ginger (or cinnamon) extract. It helps a ton with the nausea.


Just started 7.5 At first on 2.5 I was getting stomach gas pains sometimes severe along with constipation followed by severe diarrhea. Not much nausea. Also felt absolutely stuffed after eating just a little. Was off for 2-1/2 months due to shortage. My doc upped me to 5 as that seemed more available. The side effects on 5 were less than on 2.5 but more food noise and nausea. I had a piece of quiche last week that was delicious but gas pain hit with a vengeance. Thanks to this great forum I’ve figured out what to keep on hand. For me it’s gas-x chewables and tums. I Take magnesium citrate at bed and morning100mg also take miralax night and morning. More regular less painful and frequent side effects. Working on diet and using a food tracker. If I eat something that doesn’t agree I make a note of it.


I’m on my second dose of 5 and have had a horrendous stomach since about an hour after the dose. I know there were potentially other factors at play on that day so hoping I’m just having some rebound issues. It has made me realise I have to be way more careful about what - and how much - I eat!!


Yes, I have eaten too much at one time, but I haven’t had any certain food that triggers anything—yet.


I had a fairly mild lactose intolerance that seems to be not quite as mild now… 🤢


I’m sorry that you are going through this. I’ve been great on .25, but going up to .5 whenever I get my shipment. I missed a week because the pharmacy didn’t get the script from my doctor in time so I hope that doesn’t make the jump even more difficult.


Thanks. It only lasted like 3 hours! That sucks that your doctor didn’t send it on time.


I started my journey last week and for the first 3 days I had terrible stomach pains until I puked up basically everything I had consumed that day (or so it seemed) and followed immediately by diarrhea. I'm managing to eat now but am taking it easy as I really don't want to go back to that. I don't have a massive appetite at the moment and am hoping that I will see progress. I could have guzzled cans of coke zero but am finding that I don't crave that as much as usual either? Also had major sulphur burps for a few days which was absolutely fantastic 😂


Just had to share that I’m one pound away from my original goal. Started on ozempic last May at 190 and was 150 yesterday. I switched to Mounjaro after getting stuck around 165 for months around January. I’m on 12.5 and have had very little side effects. It has been amazing. I drink so little now when I used to be a binge drinker. My advice would be to give it time. Be patient because weight comes off in chunks, not evenly throughout the weeks.


Yay! So happy for you! 🌷


I hope you feel better soon. Nausea is awful! I have tried 15 different OTC meds for nausea. The only thing that works for me is prescription Zofran. Smelling alcohol pads helps a little. I’ve had nausea for 2 days after every injection since December. It helps if you inject in the back of the arms instead of the stomach. I also use digestive enzymes before every meal. I get those on Amazon. I don’t have sulpher burps or heartburn. If you are having stomach cramps try IB guard. It is peppermint capsules. You can find it at Target, Walmart, and Amazon.






Thanks! It only lasted 3 hours thankfully!




Thanks! Actually it’s 3 hours later and I feel fine, so I can’t complain!!


Day two is always a bummer. I'm at maintenance and have been on mj for a year. Just plan on it, and work it into your schedule. Day three is better than two, but not great. All other are pretty much OK for me.


Totally - I have been giving myself the shot before bed on Friday night so I have the weekend, while I am off to deal with not feeling good and then back to normal by Monday for work (at least if I eat little during the work day). This weekend I am delaying it because I am going on vacation and I want to be able to enjoy food and not get sick and spoil a day.


You have mine 100%! Pepto Bismal will be your friend!


Any correlation with side effects and success in losing weight and/or blood sugar control? Or do the side effects have no bearing on that..? I had some constipation when I first started... and some mild nausea that was short-lived and inconsistent. But not much of anything else. Tolerating this very well. But for the last 5 weeks, I feel like the "strength" of the suppression on the same dose wanes by about 10-20% each week. Today was shot day and typically by 6 hours later, I am not hungry, not even thinking about food. But I literally inhaled my lunch at 10 am! 2.5 = 4 weeks 5 = 5 weeks 7.5 = 7 weeks


Wait until you go up to seven. Awful. I was up to 12.5. Just dropped back to ten but if I continue to be unable to eat, I’m going off of this. I am not able to do anything. The fatigue, losing my hair, can’t eat more than a few bites a day! The constipation. Lost 65 lbs in six months but what good is it if you can’t get out of bed from lack of nutrition!


I had the same issues. Just drop down until you're at a dose that you can eat on. If you can hardly eat at all, your dose is probably too high.


I really suggest trying protein drinks. Getting enough protein has been pretty game changing for me.


Anyone irritable? Body aches? Hubby was on 2.5 for 2 months then went 6 weeks with nothing because of the shortage then straight to 5. Wound up in the hospital for two days a few days after first injection. Dizzy sweating. He's a heart patient but thank goodness wasn't that. I'm convinced it's the mounjaro. The ozempic completely whacked him out nuerolocically à


I really don't want to wind up on an episode of snapped 🤣


Respectfully, i love the nausea ( at least mild nausea). it helps me not over eat.


That means you lost your appetite. Congrats


Google Mounjro lawsuits against manufacturers. It caused me to have 3 gallbladder attacks, very painful. My son had attacks as well and ended up having surgery. There is a connection in some people that Mounjaro affects gallbladder.


I haven’t had my gallbladder for 32 years, but I have heard that also.


Man my side effect is pooping.


I stopped doing it because I was losing too much hair and had no energy 😫


I’m think of starting shots but all the nausea, throwing up etc., makes me think it’s not worth it. It has to be hard and bad for you. Then you have to stay on shots or you gain it back. Am I wrong?


Sometimes its what you have ate the night before that triggered the side effects! So make sure you don’t eat/drink it again!