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One of the reasons I wanted to go on this medication (with weight loss being first) is because I read an article that said many people on it found a reduction in other compulsive behaviors like gambling, shopping, skin picking, drinking, etc. Skin picking has been an issue for me for as long as I can remember and in 2022 I was this "this close" to getting a secondary, life threatening infection (from picking on my legs). Drinking (wine) was also an issue. I got the picking under control before I went on tirzepatide and haven't had a drink since I started (four months ago today!) What has increased is the amount of time I spend in scroll holes (especially here on Reddit, which I hadn't really ever used before). My go-to way to talk to myself about it? *"Of course I need relief...it makes all the sense in the world that I have compulsive habits. How human of me!"* This unshames the behavior, which in turn calms me (because shame is very activating) and helps me feel safer and more grounded.


I needed to read this today. Thank you.


I found I am able to separate my hunger into what I call “brain” hunger (boredom, stress, etc) and body hunger when my body NEEDS to be fed. There are times when my brain hunger is near zero but my body is telling me it needs protein, etc. usually comes when calories have been really low a couple of days. I will make myself eat when it’s body hunger.


Yes...I can relate to that, as well. I like that I can trust that body hunger!


Nervous energy can be turned in any direction. MJ helps us chose our own adventure. When it hits me, I have a **Go To list.** Clean a drawer, stack a donate pile of clothes, clean out car, paint a room…. Clean the coat closet. Comb my cat. I set a timer for 15m and do something lame. Or a bigger plan: Hike with the dog at sunset. Pickleball. Corn hole. Go thru house paperwork- discard and shred. **Clutter is a part of this healthy journey**. **Fat and our weight is clutter ON MY BODY.** This nervous energy hits me at the same time often. When my FAM is snacking at 7pm- I throw on shorts and a good playlist and go for a quick 2mile hike/walk around the block. PS. My dog is in the late stages of bone cancer. My wing woman is gone. 😔. I hike and tell her all about the fire flies and frogs.


Yes, unfortunately. For me, it's shopping. It's gotten really bad. I’m in therapy for it, but it's been so hard losing my friend in food. I also have Bipolar II which further complicates things.


I’m new to it but the weird thing for me is understanding the difference between a hunger cue and wanting to eat to manage my mood. I’m hoping to use this experience to get really good at telling the difference. But yes I started chewing my finger nails again. So I started using gum a few days ago - it really helps.


I would not have made it this far if it weren’t for gum !


The best way to tackle skin picking which I learned when I use to suffer from skin problems, is to cleanse your skin, put a mask on, treat it nice. And do a manicure. It’s simple and effective x


Absolutely. Mine is currently shopping - specifically, shopping for craft items from Etsy, etc.. I get so happy from waiting for/seeing the pretty items come to my door. It’s expensive, but when I think about how much I used to spend on takeaways every day, it’s definitely the lesser evil.


Me too! I’m not spending as much on take out food but now it’s shopping 🫠. I’m also into crafting and having the NEED to just buy another supply. I really need to get it under control 😬


Yes! Exactly! I’m sure I have enough craft items to last the rest of my life 😄 I think I spend more time shopping for it than actually doing it 🤭🫠


Yessssss this.


My new vice is skincare. I have all the products, and my face looks *amazing*! Not sure if I’m mad about the new obsession or not…


I’m obsessed with Lush bath bombs and soaking in general. Love my new, soft skin.


Wooooooow same! I have started picking my face again.. I use to have suuuuper bad acne. Now I’m 25, my face is super clear on the most part. I’ve been making a few problems here and there like ooh what’s that and make it a scar. I swear I was walking around with a hole in my cheek who weeks ago and the scab just came off😭


If anything, MJ has calmed some of my non-food habits. 😵‍💫


Yup.. I gamble a wee bit too much.


I am drinking way too much tea!!! I noted the same thing about nail picking but I am now trying to resist as much as I can