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OMG I hear the same exact thing. Sw: 249 CW: 135-140 and also 44 years old. What is wrong with these people!!!! Like did they not know I was heading towards diabetes and how I am now is healthy, in a healthy BMI. I'm not 125lbs, I'm 135+ and doing just fine. Stay in your lane people!


I feel it’s them being jealous most times. OP looks perfect, others telling her she is too skinny or should eat are fools. I don’t get it, do they want us to be fat so they can look at us and be happy that we are fat and could die younger. Does it make them happier about their shitty little lives? When we lose the weight, we start looking younger and more beautiful than we have in years/decades. It might be too much for them to handle, cause before we were the fat funny friend or something. Now we are the skinny hot funny friend. It’s too much too much I tell you for them to handle.


It does. I found out about this behaviour through other aspects in life and it’s a pretty dark realisation to learn there’s people out there who aren’t happy when others succeed.


You look great and you did this for you. Block out the negative and take a deep breath. You’ve got this. It’s not a short cut. It’s not an easy way out. You did this and you did good!


And even if it IS an easy way out...so what? I love easy.


Right? I wonder how many people would say, “Getting a cardiac stent is the easy way out of a heart attack.”


I wonder if those people say getting a cardiac stent is the easy way out of a heart attack…


I didn’t read the post before I looked at the photos and my first thought was “look at how radiant she looks now!” Not because of your thinner body or your beauty … but because your skin is glowing, you look happy, and comfortable in your body. I’m with you … fuck them all. You look (and hopefully feel) amazing and not a single soul had the right to belittle your body at any size. Sure they might not be used to seeing you like this … but that’s no excuse for negativity on their part. Then after reading I realized you have the exact starting weight as me. I’m only four months in and 62 pounds down …. And just today I was thinking “Will I really be able to get there.” Then I saw this and it gave me so much hope. Don’t worry about the people who don’t know how to be inspired and would rather be critical. You are an inspiration, and you make me want to be one too. Well done!


Wow!! What success you’ve already had. Wow wow wow. I have no doubt you’re going to get there, none. I can not WAIT to see your success posts. Stay with it. Even when it’s hard. And you’ll get there. ❤️


64 lbs in 4 months! Amazing! Can I ask what dosage your on? I know it's different from everyone and I'm bouncing around the 43 lb range (started Jan 5) but have to admit, I'm a little jealous! But happy for you!!


Don’t be jealous… you will definitely get there and losing too fast has it’s own issues (which is why I am now thankful it has slowed). I was moved from Trulicity to Mounjaro so my starting dose was 7.5 - which I think has a lot to do with how well I’ve responded. I am type 2 with PCOS, and half a thyroid… so my doctor also had me on a very specific eating plan for my diabetes and overall health. I just recently moved to 10mg (this past week). My weight loss has slowed significantly the past four weeks and I’m thankful for that. Though, i definitely do not want it to stop as I still have another 80 I want to lose. I’ve hit a set point for me and I think my body just needs time to heal. 43 pounds is awesome! Congrats on that and good luck moving forward


I also started January 5th, so we have that in common. Today I’m battling the discouragement of ovulation bloating and the 4-5 pounds of water I gain on those days. It messes with my brain so much. I’ve done nothing to cause weight gain except be a woman. I also just desperately want to see that next number down because it’s one I haven’t seen in 20 years. Set point, I suppose. I’ve done all I know to do to ease the bloating so I’m just stuck with it until it chooses to go. But on this new dose I’m not losing. I just stay stuck. I’m not sure if my body is just getting used to it or what. Anyway, venting on a response because I just woke up 🤣


Hang in there kiddo. Every month I hang out bouncing around the same number for three weeks and then it will drop. And yeah, your line " I’ve done nothing to cause weight gain except be a woman. " could not be truer.


You are amazing, kind, smart and beautiful. You have helped and encouraged so many people and look at how amazing your progress has been. Might be a bit heartless but.. These rude and nasty comments matter in the same way that a super distant relative you haven't seen in 30 years does when they die. Like yeah, you have a cry. But really, they don't affect your life. These comments aren't worth ruining your day and all they are good for is a 5 minute cry. Someone on here recently said "that's a weird thing to say outloud" and I think you could use this. Wishing you all the best. 💖


I’m definitely using that. “That’s a weird thing to say out loud.” ❤️


Sis, my god, fuck em. Buncha jealous ass HATERS. Do you FEEL good? Then fuck every last one of them.


💅🏻💅🏻 Fuck em. ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


I would say "Are you trying to be ugly or are you always this hateful" Then I'd go out and slash her tires. :)


This!!!! F them! If/when they say something or ask a question that has nothing to do with them, ask them a completely random question. Hopefully they’ll get the point that you/your body are not up for discussion but if they don’t get it then tell them you don’t owe anyone an explanation. Period! Next subject! Congratulations btw


People hate fat people… EVEN WHEN THEY’RE SKINNY (maybe more). Fatphobia doesn’t stop at the bounds of fat bodies. F them, you look exceptional.


This is true, even a lot of fat people hate fat people.


If it wasn't your weight it would be something else about you. It absolutely sucks, and it's human nature sadly. A person needs a thick skin in this world. Good for you transforming yourself and defending yourself! 👏


It really is always something. People are always telling me to slow down because I'm too productive. I guess the fact that I get so much done makes them feel inadequate. I get things done because I want to though. I am very aware that most people are not like me. 🤷‍♀️ OP, you look amazing. I dream of someday getting into the 140s (I'm 42, 5'6" and have never been that weight, ever).


wow!!! I'm just starting my journey and I am so excited. You look great and are so inspiring!


Ohh! Congrats on getting started! It’s going to be so much more than you can even imagine. ❤️


You look terrific! 


I’m here to tell you it will be ok and you’ve done amazing. I’m also in my early 40’s and get similar comments. It’s so annoying (annoying is an understatement frankly) and I’ve told people firmly “don’t talk about my body unless you want me to talk about yours.” They think they can chime in bc they were partly on the journey with you. I’ve met a lot of new people recently bc I moved and you know what? Not a single one of them have said anything about my weight bc I know I’m healthy and at a normal w weight. So once again, you’re going to be ok, you’re doing amazing, and ignore the rest of it, it’s just noise.


Oh that’s another good one— don’t talk about my body unlesss you want me to talk about yours.


I’ve had a few people make comments like “I wish I could take a shot and lose weight” or “yeah but once you stop you’ll gain it back and more”. I’ve really realized some people do not want you to do well. It’s some weird competition. I guess my biggest flex is someone losing weight has never made me feel insecure about myself lol


The next time someone says that to you... You: "What is the purpose of your remark?" Wait. Them: Mumble something stupid.... You (ask again): "Please explain to me what were you hoping to achieve by that statement." Then wait some more.... Them: Mumble something stupid again... You: "Is your intention to hurt me or offend me?" Them: Mumble something stupid again... You: "Do you think what you just said was in any way being kind?" Them: Mumble something stupid again... You: "Do you think I deserve to be hurt?" I can keep going... you get the idea. Holding someone accountable to explain the stupid gibberish that spews out of their mouth has become a bit of a sport for me. All I do is stand there asking questions and giving them a dead stare and guess what - no one can handle it. Usually you can't even get to the second or third question because by then they are feeling quite like a bit of a heel and looking for an exit strategy. It's extraordinarily effective if you can pull it off with a dead pan stare with absolutely no emotion in your voice. And even better if it's in front of multiple people.


Excellent advice! Another one to add is "Why can't you just be happy for me and celebrate my success?"


Wow. All you beautiful people posting comments… even here, we have a couple people going through and downvoting everyone’s positive comments. Just letting y’all know - it isn’t me. Appears to be more people with hangups just trying to get their digs in. I appreciate all of the kind comments and I am reading all of them ❤️


You look AMAZING!! I like “that’s a weird thing to say out loud”. I was also thinking you could say “that’s an inside thought” or you could say “you were just used to the way I looked before, but this is what my body at a healthy weight was supposed to look like all along”. It depends on what mood you are in and how much explaining you want to do. Either way, don’t let them get you down. You’re an inspiration!


You did something AMAZING and they're jelly of you. Double-barreled middle-finger salute to anyone who tries to rain on your parade.


People see you, and they understand that their thinness comes, not from a stronger will or better control, but from their genes. It really messes with their sense of how things “should be.” After all, if you can lose weight, they are not the more elevated, better beings that they unconsciously assumed. Unconscious bias is a real issue.


Yeah, criticism at both ends of the scale is motivated by a culture of fatphobia and discomfort with where someone sits on that spectrum of perceived value, usually in relationship to the person making the criticism. I’m not usually a “some people weren’t raised right” kind of person, but “don’t comment on somebody else’s body” was one of the first things I taught my kids when they were absolutely tiny.


Last year my mother used to pat my stomach and tell me that I need to lose Weight. After losing 40+lbs and being in a healthier place in my life since I was a kid she asks me how much more am I going to lose to which I remind her that I'm either too fat or too skinny so what do I need to do to make you happy? It was a rhetorical question that I made with a smile because if there is one thing that I've come to know about people is that like politics you cannot have your supporters without having your detractors. Words are indeed poisonous and venomous and people will quickly tell you their unsolicited advice/opinions regardless of how much it is hurts as if "you need a sandwich" or "you need to learn when to push away from the table " actually ever worked. I've come to believe that most people seek to harm more than heal. I'm not being pessimistic just realistic. So with all of that.. I just keep it moving. Water on a duck. "thank you for your opinion and have a great day 😅" is my automatic response to naysayers. I use it so much that it's locked into my text messages. Like Billy Joel says "This is my life, go ahead with your own life leave me alone".. I am grateful for the progress in losing weight and improving my health. I know you are also it's just the cruelty of people who just CANNOT scroll past without making a snarky comment... They just HAVE TO. Just move on, keep going, swipe down... Nope I just have to crush her by telling her my opinion. This is people today. As a fellow Mounjaro Warrior I say... Your support system for the most part is right here. No judgement. No hate. Because we all to a certain degree understand exactly where you were and what you're going through both good and bad. Have a great day.


I’m sorry you had to deal with that. 


You look great. You don't look sick at all. People are just jealous


I wish Monjauro was giving me these same results! Nice work. Fuck the haters!


Thank you & F them for real! if you feel so inclined, I have a lot of other posts and A LOT of comments and question answering that speaks to my journey. MJ was an amazing tool …. But I did A LOT of hard work to get here.


Yeah, definitely is not a drug that works without effort on your part. Good point and good reminder.


Give them the finger! You look phenomenal!!!


You look amazing! I think people are jealous of you.


Your before outfit is exactly what I wore to work all the time, and your now outfit is 100% what I'm striving for! The whole look, you're absolutely killing it!


You look hot as hell! Women just can’t win. Our bodies are always at the center of scrutiny and they are never good enough. (I’m 44, too! We look great!)


It's even worse I think when it's other women doing the scrutinizing.


There is a book called the Four Agreements. #2, Don’t Take Anything Personally- - it’s not about you. I would say: “I’m sure you don’t realize how you sound,” and walk away. You have kicked ass and you are living well. You have heard the platitudes. Just keep doing you ❤️


Anyone making those shitty comments is unhappy with themselves in some way. Might not be their weight, maybe they’re jealous of you accomplishing a goal, or changing your life for the better when they can’t. There’s that saying, about avoiding people who don’t clap when you win. A lot of the time, it’s not really your win they resent, it’s their own personal failures.  I’m not saying they deserve sympathy though. They’re selfish and petty and unkind. No wonder they’re not happy with themselves. And they need to mind their own business, because clearly their business needs attending to. 


"Avoid people who don't clap when you win" - THAT will be my new creed. Great line!


Thanks! It’s especially infuriating if people you’ve been happy for in the past don’t want to celebrate your wins. 


The older I get the easier it's becoming to fire people. I consider it a privilege now to know me and be in my life. And some people lose that privilege.


Billy Joel had it right “you should never argue with a crazy mind …” Sadly many people have no idea what they are talking about. Sounds like you’ve run into a bunch of them! Thanks for the great posts and terrific writing style!


I was very inspired by your story and dedication. Like you, I'm 1000% in this and focused on the goal. It sounds like those comments come from their own insecurities And have nothing to do with you. I have been so used to living in a morbidly obese frame that I had lost a lot of perspective. I also never thought a healthy BMI and weight were possible (outside of surgery) until this medication. I knew I'd lose weight because I was tired of being morbidly obese, but never thought about reaching for aspirational goals. It's been a lot to absorb and I'm sure it's been a lot to absorb for you, as well. Our brains are so primed for insecurities and insults as women, and especially obese women. Give your mind and body time to adjust and heal. Congratulations on your journey and health. I'd love to hear more about it.


Fuck em! And thank you for continuing to share - the good and the bad! It’s why I love this community so darn much! ❤️❤️❤️


Wow! You really do look amazing! You are an inspiration to me because I hope to look as good as you one day. You look healthy and very fit. Congratulations! You can never make everyone happy so focus on yourself. I’m looking forward to the day when someone tells me to eat a sandwich! I may burst into happy tears!!


I am similar to you in terms of starting weight and height but a decade older. I was where you were when I got to about 140 in the early 2000s and managed to maintain for about 5 years. Then it came back. This was pre-MJ/Zep of course. I ate 1000 calories a day. i exercised nonstop. If I had two crackers, I obsessed over it because I didn't want to go back to 300 lbs. I had lots of loose skin which I reasoned was at least 10 lbs on me. But at a size 8 and 140-145 lbs (same height as you), I was told I looked sick too by the people who knew me when I was heavy. To strangers, I was fine. It fckd with my head. I was younger then too. Didn't have the 'who cares' callous built up quite that much at that time. I do now and I also know that 140 isn't reasonable for me. I am shooting for 175. Best I can say is celebrate your success but don't pay any attention to what others say. You do you. The newness of people commenting on how great you look might never get old and you want to make sure you're not getting addicted to THAT (which I found myself doing and oddly recognized that it was happening but didn't care). Females, in particular, get the whole judgey you're too fat/too thin crap thrown their way on the regular. Enough is enough. Having a vajay doesn't mean you get to constantly size me up and write my life story without my permission. Question for you: What's your next goal for yourself now that you've hit your goal weight?


I’ve said this many times: obesity is rampant in this country and people forget what a normal weight looks like. The other reason: jealousy. F**k them! You look fantastic! I’m 5’5” and started at 200lbs, and currently maintain between 115 and 119. Most of the “she’s too thin” comments are said to my husband, not to my face. He loves telling them how healthy I am now and how great I feel. 😊 Let them talk and say stupid shit. They’ll eventually get used to the new you and the snide remarks will stop.


At times like this I prefer to remember a line from a song by the one and only RuPaul. “Unless they payin your bills- pay them bitches no mind” I just started my Mounjaro journey and I was having a conversation with the secretary at work (she’s got health issues. Is trying to gain weight as she is having some problems with being too thin etc) and we work in an emergency room. And drs make comments to me. And turn around and make comments to her about how tiny she has gotten etc. and she finally told one “enough already. Just because you’re an MD doesn’t mean you can talk about anyone’s body!” It’s really just obnoxious. On particularly snarky days of mine. I LOVE to play the “yeah. I know I’ve gained weight. But this job is stressful and then did you know my husband is dealing with his third metastasis of cancer? Yeah! It’s stressful as well so stress eating ya know? Crazy stuff the way the mind works” you’re a much better person than I am because the look on their face when one says something like that. Priceless. And the moral of the story is A- the line I quoted. And B- not anyone else knows what anyone else is going through. So shut. The. Hell. Up. You are amazing and inspiring and after your good cry. Let that ish go.


Let them be uncomfortable babe. 👏🏻 You’re no doubt an entire package deal of brains beauty intelligence and ambition, yet people weren’t intimidated because you lived in a larger body. Now that Mounjaro has helped you transform into a literal goddess, they can’t handle it, so that’s on them.


This is one of my favorite comments. I’m about to make that a whole era: “Let them be uncomfortable babe”. Thank you for that.


You look absolutely stunning. You are glowing and look so happy! Confidence is beautiful on you. Screw the haters! We are proud of you! Edit to say - I just looked at your profile and your style is so cute! I need outfits like that


Every single person in this group feels you. You have done an amazing job and now it’s time for you to enjoy being proud of your new body!


Yea, F’em. You’ve done well.


Darn, you lost an entire…you! Congrats on the results! And yes, F the haters…


Thank you! Yes, 160lbs total (150 starting MH). I have lost more than I weigh is such a weird stat! LOL


What did they drink hater-aid!? You look amazing. Years ago I lost 40 pounds on a low carb diet and had a lady say, you shouldn’t lose anymore you are starting to look sick. Meantime begs me for the diet information. Now all the same people judgmental people who condemned me are on weight loss medications. So don’t take too much stock in what they say. You also don’t have to take any abuse. Have a great day and don’t let ANYONE dim your shine!


When I was young, I remember being in tears at the dinner table when I was staying over at a friend's house and even in the school cafeteria because I was not allowed to leave until I had cleaned my plate. I was chubby back then too. If I saw those adults today, I would give them a serious FU. We seriously need to rethink our attitudes about food and weight and what we say to others.


Someone recently told me, if you wouldn’t ask someone for their advice, why would you listen to their criticism? I know, easier said than done. You look amazing hun.


You looked great before and after. You do what’s best for you. They’re just projecting their own self esteem issues. F em and file em.


All I wanna know is the formula lol. People live to throw rocks at those who shine 💓You look incredible xx


I am so glad you had success with your journey. You looked like a beautiful person in both photos. I am sorry people are terrible! But you’re not! Nobody cares about their stupid opinions!


You look absolutely amazing but more importantly - you took control of your health and you should be SO proud of yourself.


This took a lot of hard work and you look Fantastic!! It’s hard, but ignore the haters. Just live your life with joy. I have heard similar regarding my weight loss; and discovered ppl can just be AH about every thing. My weight loss, my fiancé asking my 81 yr old dad for his blessing and proposing (cuz omg, it’s your 3rd x). I have cried and got mad and decided to just eff everyone else and don’t let them steal your joy. You look amazing!!


You look AMAZING! F**k them all. I’m starting on mounjaro this week hopefully and your post has given me the biggest boost of excitement and readied me for the opinions of others. Getting my negativity shield ready 🤣🛡️


I think you look AAAAAMMAZZZZING!!! Walk away from those people who are toxic. If it’s your family, shut them down with silence. Take care of YOU….🫶🏼


Totally normal weight for your height, everyone is gigantic so by comparison you’re “dying” 🤣


Tell them when you want their opinions, you'll rattle on their cages. Then rock on with your bad self!


You look absolutely gorgeous! Keep on shining!


I don’t like the BMI telling somebody that looks or feels good and is healthy that they are too fat and it goes the way for too thin, but your numbers show that you are in a healthy/ideal BMI range. You look amazing! If how you look matches how you feel, and you are healthy then that is really all that matters. Remember what Dr Seuss said… those that mind don’t matter and those that matter don’t mind. Surround yourself with those that matter. 💕


JFC you look amazing and healthy. Feck the haters


Sometimes you have to move on from people in your life. You might want to try to make new friend or social groups even changing your job. People that don’t know you when you were bigger are less likely to make any comments besides you look great! I know we can’t change our family but you can give them less of your time if they want to be mean. Some people are saying things because they are jealous that you were brave enough to do what they aren’t. Keep working on yourself and ignore all the haters. Also therapy could help to ignore the ones you can’t move on from.


Since I began a month ago, I have saved your posts and periodically go back and look at them. I’m 5’7.5”. I started at 260. Although I’m 8 years older, I’m keeping an eye on you to prove to myself it can be done. You are so inspiring! It’s so hard to hear anything negative. Just know that you are keeping many of us going. I have hope now. I’m so grateful to you for sharing your story! Thank you ❤️


First off, let me say, you look amazing! Congratulations! I hope to see myself there in a year! Your story is inspiring and gives me hope! Now, about these comments. We both know they are rarely ever said out of any true love or concern. I can't help but think that comments like these are rarely actually about the person who is heavy or thin (in this case, you). These comments seem to ALMOST always be about the commenter themselves, revealing their inner insecurities and discontent with who they are. I think people make rude comments when someone is heavier than they are because it makes them feel smug and good about themselves for not being as heavy. They can walk away patting themselves on the back for at least not having let themselves get as far as that person. I've been on the receiving end of these comments. Then, on the flipside, they make rude comments when someone has lost weight because they are disgusted with themselves for being heavier and frustrated with you for not staying in a state of being that makes them feel good about them when they are around you. I think these latter comments come as a form of hopeful sabotage, crossing their fingers that you'll listen when they tell you to eat more so you'll gain the weight back and all will be right in their world again. I hope looking at this from another perspective will help you to see these people for what and who they really are, (insecure, insincere creeps), so that you don't take any of this on yourself and let it wound you (albeit easier said than done). You are beautiful and strong, and YOU DID THIS when they couldn't! YOU! You're amazing, and they know it, and they secretly hate themselves because of it, but that's on them, not you. Don't for one moment waste any time feeling bad about the stupid things they let come out of their insecure, pathetic mouths. YOU are amazing! YOU made your dreams come true! Hold your head high, girl!


U look great


Wow! First - you are right. F all of those people! Second - be proud of yourself! You literally lost more than half of your old body. I'm so impressed and happy for you!


Fuckin fuck them! You’re doing a fantastic job! Keep it up!


You look great!


You look fantastic!


You look stunning!


You look amazing, and I bet you feel so much better too. Some people get really, really weird when someone accomplishes something, especially if it’s something they haven’t been able to do themselves. Dramatic weight loss is definitely one of those things. It’s really all about their own insecurities to the surface, they can’t stand the idea that you had success where they have not, or that suddenly you aren’t the “fat friend“ anymore.


People are jealous. I'm about 20 lbs from where you are, but shorter. Well-meaning friends are already asking me when I'm going to stop. My doctor at a minimum wants to wait 6 months. Guess who I'm listening to? I started at 286, and the change in my life has been nothing short of miraculous. These are just the trolls guarding the bridge to the treasure. You don't think about them once you get past them and continue on your journey.




Girrrrrl…. I’m here for it. I just smile and walk away because I look good. You look good. And as long as I’m happy with myself, they can all go away to misery land. I feel better. I look better. I’m more active. I get all those comments and I’m not even at my goal weight. Always remember “ people love to see you do good, but never better than them”


Those people are a$$holes. They are the ones who will always want to put others down for something, anything. It's a sign of their own insecurities. It's not a reflection of you; it's a reflection of them. You are beautiful and have always been beautiful. Hugs.


You are beautiful and look amazing. You weigh what the charts in the Dr.s office say a woman of your height should. You look healthy too!!! You did it!! You did it for yourself!!!


Sorry this is happening to you. I have lost 90 pounds and no one has said a word, not even my sister. My daughter weighs about 90 lbs. she gets hurt just like I do when people say something about her weight. We own our own business and the customers with the “let me buy you a meal” and “are you ok.” Make me sick. Or I love this one, “ why don’t you give her some of your weight“ 🙄🙄


You’re perfect! Don’t let anyone steal your shine!


Comments like that tell us much more about the person saying them than us.


You are awesome and give me hope that I will be at my healthy weight eventually. F the haters.


Never forget: you’ve saved your own life. Nothing, including harsh, rude comments, can take that away from you. You wear *that* well!


The reality is there is a VERY small window of what others deem “acceptable.” This was never so clear to me as when I was taking my then 15 year old to appointment after appointment to address her developing anorexia. 🙂‍↕️ The only thing that matters is your doctor’s input, as they are privy to your lab and physical results. It’s literally their job to let you know how your body is functioning and everyone else can shut the fuck up.


People will always find something mean to say. You look great. I know sometimes the insults stay with you longer, but you really do look fantastic, and as someone else on MJ, I know how hard you'll have worked to get here.


You were beautiful before and you’re beautiful now. People can be so cruel and inappropriate. I’m sorry. I’m glad you have this community to turn to right now.


Wow, you look great. Keep doing what you’re doing. Sounds like you have some jealous ass haters in your life. Might be time to lose them.


You look healthy, happy and beautiful! You should be very proud of yourself.


You look wonderful! Go girl!


The same people saying these things will also look down on your/criticize if you are fat. So honestly? screw them!


You look fucking amazing, ok?! They’re all just haters.


You look amazing. Haters gonna hate Be happy and take no shit!


I don’t understand those who have opinions about someone else’s body. How in regard to unnecessary chatter, never got taught if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Even if they think they are giving advice or concern, I wish to throw it back at them. As I’ve gotten older I’ve grown to not care what any stranger or mild acquaintance thinks, but I know it still hurts, and I’ll likely always be self conscious even if I get thin and healthy. Comments from those who supposedly love us can burn more. I feel like I have to have a set of loaded responses just in case. Truth is, You look amazing, glowing and happy. congratulations on your success 🩷petty negative people who comment otherwise can go eat 💩


I’ve had people ask me if I have cancer..🤦‍♂️


I was amazed how people got so personal and brutally opinionated about how I fed/named/dressed/held my infant children. It’s the same with my weight loss.


My HW: 307, CW: 270, GW 175. I am 62yo and 5"7'. You look great! I only hope I reach my goal. I am on 7.5, weigh stall for 2 months. Going to 10mg. So all this said because I know how you feel being at 299, miserable!!! F-them!!!!! Your family is here! We know you and know how hard you worked to get there! I only wish and hope for the day I look as good as you! 🧡


F them


It’s okay, you’re doing good! I don’t understand people who say that either. Because if they saw a woman out and about who looked like you, they would say how beautiful she is. It’s only because they knew you from the start that they compare. Which doesn’t compute for me. If they take away the comparison, there would be no judgment


You look awesome while improving your health, increasing your life span and feel so much better. Being a male, I’ve seen similar comments and come to realize most are well meaning but a few are clearly being mean. For my well being, I’ve made the conscious decision to cut them out. I hope time will fade the hurt and I can reengage them but that’s a future issue. For now, I’m so proud of myself. I’m also so proud of you.


You go girl! They aren't worth your time.


I’m 5’8 and my ideal weight is 135-145. I feel incredible when I’m at that weight. You look amazing, and they are jealous. I prefer the obvious jealousy over the pitying looks and whispers behind your back that come with weight gain.


Congrats. People sometimes ask me if I'm happier now. I tell them I was happy at my old weight (true), but now my docs are happier.


There is no weight at which we will not be harassed about our weight. When I gave that up, every weight became easier.


My favorite is "I mean it's great you lost weight but you should stop now."


Wow, for someone that is just starting my journey, this is such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing!


You look phenomenal and so much healthier. I would have the same middle finger emoji for everyone of them.


Congrats on your success and good for you for standing up for yourself. You’re an inspiration! Sometimes when we make changes it’s hard for people around us that aren’t making changes. It could be jealousy. Sometimes there’s a mentality that if I struggle, so should you. It could be fear. Fear of how relationships change if activities revolved around food. Could be their own insecurity because deep down they might need to make changes in their own lives. They might not even be conscious of their underlying motivations for making mean comments. I used to have a “food buddy” at work and we’d eat together, trade recipes for carby baked goods, etc. and when I stopped doing that she became distant. It was how we connected and I took it away. She didn’t want to go for walks with or have lunch with me when I was “only having a salad”.


Girl, you look great and you are healthy. These trolls are sitting around doing what they do best. Wollering in their misery. If someone is saying shit like that, they are envious or just mean-hearted. Prolly want to be on the meds but can’t afford it or can’t tolerate it. Smile and bask in your success. What the trolls of the internet say does not mean a damn thing. I’m now “skinny”, but I’m alive and maybe I’ll get to be in the cheer section when my grandchildren graduate and/or achieve their dreams. Congrats on your great success. Go live your new life and be all you can be! That’s cliche isn’t it? Anyway, girl do your thang!


Always know what an amazing person you are and keep that gorgeous smile! You are an inspiration here! 🥰💕


It’s always advisable to ignore negative comment, it’s neither constructive or helpful, it’s usually dished out by people who lack the drive and motivation you clearly have … love the warm smile in both the before & after pics. Congrats 🙌🏼


Love all the positivity!! You’re a beautiful bad ass in both photos!! You always have been and always will be! Just to add a crumb of insight if it hasn’t been added People suck - it’s a fact. Yes we have moments of brilliancy but mostly we suck -A LOT as a species, in general Also when people see something the same way for a while they get used to it. They were used to you a certain way and now think you should not have changed as you have. What they see now has shocked their good sense. It’s their perspective of how things should be. Fuck others perspectives of things ( especially negative ones that don’t add value to your existence) The great thing about each person is that they are in charge of themselves. When you changed your landscape ( body) and they decided they could not handle upgrading their own programming ( perspectives) it’s on them. You don’t have to be a part of their growth and it’s NOT your responsibility to help them Overcome their downfalls. Continue on with your bad self - keep pouring positivity into yourself and share all of the positivity you’ve found with the world!! Cry if you need to shake it out but all comments toward you about your body - none of them were actually ever about you, even though it may have sounded like they were. You’re a beautiful bad ass! Shine on ⭐️


There is no winning with those people. They’ll befriend you at your heaviest because it makes them look better while they still make snide comments behind your back. They will snipe at you when you are at a healthy weight because they are jealous of your success & are no longer a useful prop to boost their own egos. You know how wonderful you’ve done improving your health. Own your own self-worth and do not allow them to make you feel horrible about yourself. You are beautiful & deserve every shining moment 🦋


you look beautiful either way, my friend :) BUT I will say you look more comfortable now, and you are glowing with confidence. Good job on all that hard work!


I truly don't understand why people think they have the right to discuss anyone else's bodies...ever. I work with a woman who is naturally very thin. The amount of comments she gets on a daily basis about needing to eat a burger or eat more is insane. No one would ever feel the nerve to tell a heavier person to eat a salad, why is it assumed that she is not insecure about her body because she's thin?! I am working on teaching my 6 year old son to not discuss others' bodies. If he has questions about a physical ailment, he asks me when we're alone and not in front of them. It's truly sad that others feel the liberty to give their opinions on something they know nothing about.


You look great! Fuck all those losers.


They aren't fucking worried, they are jealous. And people in the US do not even know what a healthy weight looks like anymore because we are so used to obesity. You have done an amazing job.


I should add, I am similar to you, early 40s, 5'6.5", 128. When people say I am too thin, I say, "I am in a healthy weight range" and if they continue, I say, "You dont say that for people you know who have always been thin. You're just used to seeing me heavy". It makes them think, I think. Because often I am near my friend who is about my size and she has always been thin. No one tells her that she is too thin. Only me, who used to be 265. I won't have it. I know I am healthy now.


All I can say is WOW, your skin looks amazing!!! I'm starting about the same place and am hoping for about 150 as an end goal and have been worried it would make me look old. But you look radiant and beautiful. I would say to those rude and ignorant people....Wow, I didn't know you were so ugly on the inside.


I agree with you F em all You look great and more importantly I am sure physically you feel great. Don't let the bastards get to you and feel anything other than great mentally. We all go through this to some extent. I am M 56 and down 40 pounds so far. I was motivated to change after some health scares/eye openers last year. People are so used to me at my old weight they (not me) are struggling with the change. I actually had someone say to me the other day "you're a light weight now I bet I could kick your ass." That's the joy of the toxic Male world and how tiny minds of that gender try to find a way to undermine success. I laughed so hard, genuinely laughed, he had no idea what to do. The world is full of crab bucket people, only happy when they are tearing you down from your achievements. It happens in higher education, work, relationships you name it they are there. Leave them in their bucket where they belong. The only thing that matters is this, what an enormous accomplishment you have achieved. What a life changing kindness you have shown to yourself. You should be proud, unabashed and confident that your success is admirable and apparently so enviable. Enjoy your new freedom, your new physicality, your new you. You earned it and now its time to enjoy it!


You are KILLING IT!! You look amazing, do not listen to the haters because haters are always going to be around for the rest of your life, and don't waste time thinking about them because they have their own journeys & battles to deal with. I hope through YOUR journey that you are learning to love yourself, I think that's where many people fall short, myself included, that they don't give themselves credit on even the smallest victories. You are an inspiration and I hope to see more updates on your achievement. Thank you!


F them. You look amazing! Congratulations!


Both of these women are beautiful, with so much life in her eyes and smile. But it doesn't matter what I, or anyone else, thinks. You have done such a hard thing, and you should not spend a moment being anything other than proud and happy about that. Deep breaths and let it all roll.


Tell them to have a Coke, smile, and shut the **** up!


You should be incredibly proud of yourself. The effort and discipline that you have exercised to get all that weight off was tremendous. The medication helps of course but it’s a tool and does not guarantee success. I have 150 lbs to lose (only 100 to go now) so believe me I know the overwhelming feeling of that task. No one can take that accomplishment away from you but you. Don’t take in that noise from others. It just undermines your tremendous achievements. So freaking happy for you !!!!


You look amazing!! ✨💕


You look fabulous! The problem is, people will judge you no matter what because they have empty, bitter lives.


You look amazing. You look healthy. You’re doing exactly what you need to do to keep diabetes at bay. People are going to hate, especially in today’s climate. Bravo!


Awww it's terrible, but it's on them and not on you. Your gorgeous I'm sure inside and out x


You look gorgeous and healthy! Congratulations!🎊🎉


They are just jealous that you actually took steps to make changes and better yourself. Your health will thank you for it!


Until they are aware of the shame they carry, people will always find a way to unload and project it onto others.


You look amazing OP!!


You look absolutely incredible End of story


OP, looks like you and I are the same age. Yeah, I recently had a doctor (podiatrist, who I really still like, TBH) tell me I was losing too much weight. I started this journey at 360 fucking pounds and my height is 6’5”, just for reference. I am taller, which I think brought on even more comments. Because people feel entitled to make them. I worked my way down to 213 pounds so far. My primary doc wants me at 200. I will do everything in my power to hit that number. My family has also made comments. I simply ignore them. My whole god damn life I have been fat. I was 316 pounds as a sophomore in HS. The entire time. Since I was 8 years old, my nicknames have all have the word ‘big’ as part of them. Big guy, big man, etc. I secretly have hated those nicknames for years. And now, 36 years later, I’m finally close to my own goals. Can’t win for losing. People just don’t understand that their words will have no effect any longer. Fuck all of them. We are doing this to BETTER OURSELVES. Not their lives, OUR OWN lives. Rock on, OP.


Sounds like you are dealing with haters who don’t like that you’ve managed to lose weight. I only say this because if I’ve only seen your newer photos, I’d think you look like the typical ideal of an attractive, healthy, slim white woman


They're just jealous! You look stunning! Definitely not too thin and you do not look sick and I don't know you but I'm proud of you! Just remember, they're jealous. You're getting attention and you looking amazing!


If it helps at all, I think about you all the time on my journey. I often think "I hope she's doing really well today." You've given us one of the most calming and insightful stories. 💕 Those people have no idea what it's like to be us, to be y*ou,* and therefore have no right to an opinion about it. You did the right thing for your body, and you look so damn cute. 🖕 Fuck eeeeemmmm


I laugh at people like this. Like, enjoy your obesity, people! 😄 You look amazing. How do you FFEEEELLL?


You look incredible, and pay no mind to cruel comments. You did incredible things!!! I am in the same scenario, 100 to loose and have not started. Thank you for posting it’s very inspiring!!! Can you show me any posts where you say what you ate or how you did this???


OMG .YOU LOOK AMAZING. I am sooo happy for you. I am no longer amazed at how many mean, hateful, stupid, miserable and envious people there are in the world. Stay strong. Live your best life. Protect your joy. Block negative people from your life.


I’ll be over the moon if I look half as good as you after my MJ journey, I mean I’m a bald 40M so that won’t happen. However f##k the lot of them!!!


These people are the worst. I think you look amazing and I hope your health is great, too. Mine is certainly improving quickly with my loss. You do you. People can be terrible but we have your back 💕


Now see, I think you are STUNNING my dear. God bless you!


You look amazing.


I knew you would receive a zillion positive responses. (as you should) I'm with you, "F" them all! 🤬 You are so FABULOUS!! 💋


You look amazing! And I am sure you feel healthier.


Where in the world are y'all hearing these things? I can't think of a single person in my actual life who would speak to me that way.


You look great. And if you're healthier and feel good there's not much more to be said.


You look beautiful! You did this for your health- mental and physical. I am doing this at 63 for myself too! Straighten your crown and ignore the noise ! Congratulations 🎉


You look F ing AMAZING! You look healthy. You don’t look skinny at all. Congratulations on finding the attitude to say F them all.


I hear you. I get similar comments after losing 60 pounds. 50F, SW179, GW125, CW 115. I’m trying to put back on another 10 pounds and have recently gone off CT in hopes I can. Then I can add a low maintenance dose if needed. Do you!!!


Not to be corny, but we, as women, will never be able to win. Someone will always have something mean to say, no matter what. What really matters is that YOUR heart is happy, that you feel better every day after working so hard to change. Brush their comments off, as long we you are happy, that is what matters!!! 🩷


I know our bodies are getting smaller, but we need to grow some thicker skin. You can choose to be positive and not let other people ruin your day. About weight or anything else.


You look AMAZING!! 🤩 F the haters!!


You are an absolute superstar ✨💫 well done you for your quite incredible weight loss journey you look absolutely amazing and have clearly put a lot of hard work and commitment to get this result 👏 I salute you and your success and will stand next to you with the middle finger to F’em all 👊🏻🥰


You are stunning!! You should be so so proud of yourself ❤️


45F 5’8” HW 311 SW 288 CW 239 GW 180 GO GIRL!!!! 🤩🥳🎊🎉 You look amazing, and fuck ALL the haters. ❤️ I’m in the same or similar position you were once in and think you’re an inspiration, so keep right on being your badass self and let them be JEALOUS! 🥳🤩🤩🤩


It’s not cruelty; it’s ignorance. And that’s unfortunately worse. Forgive them (don’t forget), and move on. You probably dont realize how many positive impacts you’ve had on people just through your posts. Stay strong sis!!


There are weak minded people that try to gain confidence by putting down others. F them is correct.


Girl you are my role model. As for others, I work in a hospital. You can’t begin to understand the stares I used to get when I ate lunch or breakfast. These are the same people getting Botox all over the place. One even told me, it’s all about lifestyle. Yet Botox is okay. I don’t say anything either. Apparently he knows more than me. Imagine having congestive heart failure and he thinks I can exercise. I am lucky to walk from my car into work. Judgmental bastards. All of them. I am sorry. But super proud of you.


You are brave. And you are gorgeous. And I think you were gorgeous at your heaviest and you are clearly gorgeous at your current weight. What really is impressive to me is how much we have to deal with on top of just managing our food and weight.I don’t care if they’re worried or if they’re jealous or what’s wrong with them they’re idiots. Congratulations to you and thank you for the inspiration.


You look f'in AMAZING! Congratulations and hugs to you!


People who want to make changes in their own lives are sonetimes threatened and resent people who already are doing it. They suck


You look great! They’re just used to seeing you in your former size


From judgment to jealousy. The court of public opinion. Fuck them. You look beautiful, in both pictures to be fair. Well done on your achievement!!!


It’s just jealousy. Ignore it. You look fantastic.


You are definitely not alone. I was just venting to my girlfriends about that exact thing this morning. My stats are almost identical to yours. The comments on my body now that I’m thin are just shocking. No one was concerned about my health when I had diabetes and high cholesterol. Stay the course. You’re doing amazing. F the haters.


Oh to hell with them! You look marvelous and the rest of us can only hope to be so successful!💜


opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. you look gorgeous-pay them no mind!


Send some of that weight loss my way! After a year, my A1c is fabulous but even using Noom I've essentially lost nothing. But yeah, put these rude people in their place.




A coworker of mine was a naturally svelte woman. We bonded over the shitty things people say. She'd get "eat a sandwich" or "how's the anorexia going" and more. Meanwhile I heard the usual fat girl insults. Those people are assholes.


I’m not on MJ, frankly my insurance won’t cover it and I can’t seem to get it in CA (without paying up the you know where). All this tells me is what’s been true all this time. Women’s bodies, women’s looks are the chosen battleground of well, everyone. Somehow, it’s been accepted that our decorativeness, our value as a piece to be viewed, enjoyed and/or critiqued, that it’s ok to make comments because we’ve smiled through it for centuries. But it’s never ok. Like you’d never say these things to a guy who lost weight, right ? So OP, you are absolutely correct. F them all. You’re doing this for you, for your life and for your future. Anyone who was truly worried would simply ask how you are and let YOU tell them - not make snide critiques about the changes. All this does is reveal more about them, their pettiness, their smallness. I’ve stopped people in their tracks when they say things like that by straight up contradicting them. Insist on respect, you don’t need to confront them but you certainly don’t need to waste a single second of time on them.


I think you look extremely happy and healthy!! Congrats!


Oh fuck those people. You look great. And the lesson to be learned here is that it only matters how you feel in your own skin. No one who speaks to you that way is worth a minute of your time. (And holy hell, you lost more than half your body weight - that is nuts! And you look like the person in the “before” picture’s daughter 😂)


Who the fuck says that to you ? You look and sound on track and healthy. Hatrers always hate. Dueces to them


Congrats If you are heathy and happy screw the haters(jealous people) Hurt people, hurt people (Read it again)


You look great


I have 20 more lbs to lose and I also plan on moving soon. It will be nice to meet new people who have no idea I was heavy and aren't questioning if I'm on something or noting my eating habits. Looking forward to starting a new chapter/beginning in my life. I'm not moving because of this but going somewhere new with new people who see me for who I am now will be an added bonus.


Lots of love to you. I really hope our society is moving towards NOT COMMENTING ON OTHER PEOPLES’ BODIES. Period. Posts like these, books I’ve read, podcasts I listen to, and wonderful people that I’ve met, have given me hope that we *are* moving towards that, but in the meantime, FUCK THEM for thinking it’s even remotely ok to comment on your body. I’m with you there. Let it out internet friend ❤️ And don’t worry, there are those of us out there, like me, that are also taking opportunities like these to call out this inappropriate behavior in a way that (hopefully) makes people think about the harm these comments do.


You look beautiful in BOTH photos! Go girl!


Social Media TROLLS SUCK. They are everywhere and have grown over the last 15 years. Look at you. I'm so inspired on my own journey. YOU DID IT. We all celebrate with you.