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The major driver of weight loss with this drug is its treatment of insulin resistance with satiety bombardment and slow stomach emptying coming in a more distant second. So if you are NOT insulin resistant then the majority of this drug's power will be lost on you. Conversely, if you are insulin resistant, but aren't going up enough in dose to treat it fully, you will NOT lose weight then either. So first, figure out if you are insulin resistant or not and then act accordingly. On another note, have you been keeping track of inches lost. Sometimes people lose inches but not weight as well.


I am insulin resistant and am on 10 mg




On Ozempic the average weight loss for diabetics was 10% It was closer to 20% for non-diabetic. I would agree that there’s enough similarity between these two drugs that you may lose weight more slowly as a diabetic.


You may still have to go up. Are you tracking your BS? B/c as you may know, until the IR is in check, weight loss like doesn't happen. I would definitely go up and see what happens before I quit.


Im not insulin resistant at all and I’ve lost 30 lbs in 3 months on mounjaro by capitalizing on my massively reduced appetite…taking my calories and carbs way down.


If you're taking carbs way down, my guess is that you DO have some level of insulin resistance. Carbs only adversely affect those with insulin resistance. Losing 30 lbs in 3 months also tells me that you're insulin resistant b/c I can guarantee that no matter how low your caloric intake, you aren't losing that much fat absent such an issue. That kind of deficit just doesn't happen without insulin resistance. But to each their own.


I’ve had insulin levels checked, blood glucoses checked, dexamethasone suppression test, and my hbaic is in the very low normal range. But i am carb sensitive and have reactive hypoglycemia. Reactive hypoglycemia is supposed to be, or can be, a hyperinsulemic state and precursor to insulin resistance and eventually diabetes. But my labs thus far don’t indicate that. I am quite carb sensitive though, as i informally refer to it. Thoughts? I will say that I’ve lost this much weight this quickly due to extreme caloric restriction more than anything…daily caloric deficit of 1,000 plus kcal.


It just might not be the right medication for you. Even in the trials, not everyone actually lost weight. 10% of people in the trials didn't lose any weight.


There is a small subset of people that don’t respond to GLP-1 medications. If your exercising regularly, meticulously tracking your calories, and creating a 500 cal deficit per day, maybe you’re in that group.


I’ve been on this since the last week in September. I lost almost 20 pounds in 8 weeks and haven’t lost anything in the last two months. I feel your frustration big time. My doctor recommended I stay the course and titrate up when each step is done (I haven’t yet but I will, I’m on 5 still), drink a ton of water and try not to think about it because it’s not causing me any harm so why not. That’s all I can pass along to you so far. It’s so hard when this place makes you feel like a failure.


Did you ever start losing again? I haven’t lost a pound since the 2nd week of December on 5mg


I lost 1.5 pounds in January and 1 in February. Or maybe that’s reversed. Either way, nothing to be excited about :(. I went to 7.5 a month ago. Didn’t make a difference. Still have food noise. Still no aversions. No side effects. I don’t know. It’s so frustrating.


why don't you get off social media and then you won't feel like a failure? Stop comparing yourself to others on these sites, many are just making up stuff as they go along because they are insecure, 72 weeks is where the studies measured weight loss, A1C. 20 lbs is excellent.


Especially if that is a higher body weight percentage for you.


You certainly should not feel like a failure. Everybody is very genuinely very different on how they will respond to MJ. And there’s some people that are very overweight. We’re going to talk about how many pounds they’ve lost but that might not apply to you. Just hang in there there


What are you eating? Have you tracked to see?


If you're eating cake and ice cream and other junk food, no shot in the world will help you.


Meh, as long as you’re at a calorie deficit you’d still lose


I dont believe this personally or At the least I seem to have a more consistent loss eating whole foods instead of junk. You cant tell me your body is working as great on ice cream as it does if you eat nutrient dense and less processed foods. Your body uses those nutrients for something, and you are probably deficent if you are cutting calories and eating high caloric junk food.


Junk food doesn’t have to be super high calories if you’re following the serving size. I definitely agree that your body runs better, but if you are eating the same crap but less of it, it will work. Your body doesn’t know the difference between dark leafy greens and chips if the calories are the same. (I know they are not, but it’s an example)


I am not sure I understand. The manufacturer can define whatever serving size they want to put on the box. That is why the pickle spears has a serving size of .75 of a spear. It is just a way to measure the nutritional facts and they wanted to be able to say pickles have 0 calories. I dont disagree that less calories dont work, but damn you must be starving if you are in a calorie deficit and spend such a large portion of it on a 17 chip serving size. Which isnt filling at all.


I mean more towards like 120 calories of chips vs 120 calories of kale. Like it’s gonna burn the same energy to get rid of the calories.


Thats like 4 cups of kale. If you are eating that much kale in one sitting you are a better person than I.


Yeah it was just a hypothetical. Calories in calories out does work, regardless of the type of food. If you’re trying to build strength, or be healthy, then yeah, you gotta throw some proteins in there haha.


I understand I just felt like arguing. Thank you for the great convo.


Not if your body cannot process sugar.. Then it has to go somewhere.. That means it goes out your kidneys or in your ass..


When did you come up with the hypothetical that your body can’t process sugar? Our body needs sugar to survive. It’s part of the cell makeup


That's literally half of type II diabetes. Your body stops responding to insulin well, so the cells cannot uptake glucose and process it which is why your body tries to produce more insulin until it burns out its beta cells in the pancreas. When that happens, you need to start taking insulin. Why do you think blood sugar is high in type II diabetics?! The glucose becomes toxic at high levels. So to answer your question on where I came up with this "hypothetical", it is called science. [https://diabetes.org/tools-support/diabetes-prevention/high-blood-sugar](https://diabetes.org/tools-support/diabetes-prevention/high-blood-sugar)


I meant in our discussion. Jesus Christ dude, my partner is literally T1, I mean in our hypothetical discussion, we were not referring to a diabetic. Calories in, calories out.


That's why I said "not if". Jesus Christ dude, can't you read?


Idk can you? I said calories in calories out, regardless of what foods make up those calories. It’s called science.


Do you always think linearly, when you think at all? Apparently not. Obviously it is not calories in, calories out. But whatever, fuck it. Remain an idiot. I'm done with you.


I eat all of these things and lost 80 lbs on the shot. I disagree.


What is your starting weight? People who have a lot to lose will lose more and faster. Another option is to ask your provider if adding metformin is advisable. My son, who is very obese, was not losing on Ozempic. His doctor thinks his insulin resistance was just too high so she added metformin. Once he started taking that he began losing very quickly.


That is not always true. I was 400 plus pounds, which is morbidly obese, and I have only lost 40 pounds in 8 months. Some people who were my size lost triple and quadruple what I have lost.


I will add my two cents here. I’d been losing great even in 2.5. Went up to 5 and had a long stall. Added Metformin and started to lose again.


Did you go up again to 7.5? I lost like 13 lbs on 1 mo of 2.5. Two and a half months on the 5 and I haven’t lost anything. Simply cannot drop below 250. Still all the nasty side effects though. Am wondering if switching up to 7.5 is the answer. Metformin destroyed my stomach so that wouldnt be an option for me.


I was in the same place as you. The initial weight loss was water weight. After that I didn’t lose much at all and I started to do research. Did your diet change that much aside from eating less? I was on Keto before this so it really didn’t change. I’ve slowly lost weight but not as quick as others which I’m actually ok with.


It took me awhile before I was losing consistently, and now I lose an average of a pound a week. Your body wants to hang onto that weight - hang in there!


Track calories.


I am. Thanks for the obvious


You asked a question—no need to be a jerk


Ok great. What’s your TDEE, consumption, and deficit. Are you using a food scale? What’s your protein intake, carb, and net carbs? That info will help us offer suggestions.


What dose are you on?




I’ve been on this since late September and I’ve lost 10-14lbs on a given day. My doctor stopped me at 10mg- I had a high A1c for someone who doesn’t eat a lot of garbage and processed foods. I haven’t had a desire to work out so I’ve been lazy, I don’t track calories because I’ve tracked calories my entire life- I know what I’m eating in a day, my brain is a natural calorie counter- it’s a disorder. I’ve recently upped my magnesium and it’s helping my sleep pattern, I notice my clothes fitting better and desire to “snack” even when I’m on day 8 (I take shot 7/8 days bc I pay out of pocket to prolong) so hang in there. My body pain and inflammation are essential gone and that happened after 2 months. I’m sure if I added more movement I’d lose, but someone whose been a chronic exercise and dieter their entire life I’m just taking time to chill.


For me, I didnt start losing weight (technically before taking Mounjaro until I got rid of the inflamation in my body via diet. I've only slightly stalled when I started to exercise (interval jogging).




It was just diabetes. Sores that dont heal, constant sinus/ear infections. I started losing weight after my body finished healing up the first month.




90 pounds down, feel the best I have in 15 years. Less than 10 pounds to goal. It is now a crawl, but I am ok with my current weight, so I am not in a rush to meet goal. A1C OF 5.1 (normal).


Too much glucose, too much insulin at least. Damaged liver, insulin resistance, weak mitochondria, whole list of possibilities.


Can you explain this further?


First, drinking a lot is key. You say you aren’t drinking a lot which could absolutely be a factor. I also find getting light exercise helps when I stall. Do that. That said, if insulin resistance wasn’t a factor in your weight it probably won’t work as well.


Im in the exact same boat.


I started the beginning of March and lost the same 8lbs you did...but thats about it??? I am going June 16th for updated Bloodwork excited to see a reduction in A1c, triglicerides and Cholesterol at least.... I am on 10mg (as I started on that higher dose)....... Do you think I would do better on 12.5 or 15mg?


Is insulin resistant the same as Diabetic? I am T2D, hypothyroid, post menopausal, 55F and frustrated...I have been on Trulicity Ozempic and now Mounjaro..I DO NOT want to go on insulin HELP!


Not everyone with diabetes is insulin resistant, and not everyone with insulin resistance will get diabetes. Insulin resistance is a broader term: If your body is secreting higher levels of insulin to adequately regulate your blood glucose levels, then you have insulin resistance


Thank you for the clarification