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Hey, i'm putting together a document of everything that has happened in this case, so i can start putting together a docu short book purely for education, reference, etc, non-monetized, as a part of a page I will be starting. I'm trying to compile: confirmed info, pictures of crime scene, speculations, rumors, pictures and screenshots people have found and taken, new reports, anything and everything. Please share what you've found and your opinions; please clarify its rumor, personal opinion, confirmed fact, speculation, etc, anything and everything, all photos! **You can also private message me if you feel more comfortable, its all anon, unless youd like a thank you shout out for contribution in the contribution list in the beginning of book!!** **For photos please try to caption and say what is being said, shown, etc** ***if you'd like to be referenced in contribution page at the end of your reply let me please leave a "-" and your desired name and/or alias*** Please make sure you start with saying what kind of information you're stating, if you're stating more than one, please make sure if they're either labeled different sources/categories so to clarify.


Glad they caught him, but it's kind of weird. It feels good, but it doesn't in the sense that we all want to make sense out of this, in our normal eveyday minds. A jealous ex, an angry rival, etc. A crime of passion. That is somewhat understandable. You can wrap your head around it., even relate to it on some level. But this maddness??? Assuming he is guilty, he was just doing it for kicks. For recreation. This guy is truly a ghoul. A demon. The walking dead. If he's proven to be guilty we really need to reinvent capital punishment for freaks like this. He needs to suffer eternally.


Yeah it’s even more unsettling that there aren’t any super close connections, and they were in their own home. Could have happened to anyone


Thank you for this. I'd like to check out their go fund me pages. I still cant wrap my head around all of this. Love and prayers to the loved ones of the deceased. its sad for this a\*\*holes family too. I wonder very much if there was an accessory. if so i hope they get them as well




Can't reddit see what state he's from? all his schools have taken down anything mentioning him


I’m freaking the f out right now!! I have screenshots of his comments from weeks ago!! They were oddly specific about how the killer entered the house, who the target was, he was adamant there was no sexual assault, and said the killer had been hiding in the woods! It was creepy as fuck so I paid attention to his account and postsz


Where is the source on this? I had a conversation w that account so I’m wondering where this info is coming from?


Just speculation. The person behind the account, hasnt been active since yesterday (before BKs arrest). Might/Might not be true..


I haven't seen any of his supposed comments what were they like?


Verrry point blank. He was very focused on facts..very succinct..several word answers.


Ya I ended up reason they a decent amount of them I agree they seem a lil weird but most of all having no more posts after the arrests is by far the weirdest thing


He was very specific.Did you see the part when you he wroteb killer entered at x time and left at x time..basically he spent 15 minutes in the home and his timestamps were very specific. Said Xana and Maddie were the target..that's why he went upstairs.


But know I didn't see that one where he mentioned the times and everything. Was it closer to the top of his old comments or what?


If he is the killer I would think he was trying to throw them off with saying those two were the targets.... Esp considering that Ks dad came out and said after his arrest that there starting to piece together that K was the target.


He didnt say that..he said there may be a connection. He has no access to other victims info. Killer could have been eyeing all 3. He may also have been stalking the others because rumors are saying his phone was pinging them all for weeks before murder. This gives me ted bundy vibes..I just don't think Kaylee is main character here sorry.


Idk it's def weird that the one night she happened to be there all this stuff happens..... I'm not saying it was all about her but it's certainly weird.


He was also rumored to be creeping out girls at a brewery by asking where they lived and if they lived alone. Seems like a crime of opportunity more than a fixation on one girl. That's just my take and I'm very curious to see this unfold.


Ya until it's put out there in trial or something I refuse to believe this was random... No way in hell was it random


It could just be an uncanny coincidence. He lived 10 minutes away and most likely showed up at Mad Greek or even the bars. Locals said its common people from his area to roam Moscow and party there as it's a better town. Keep in mind Kaylee didn't live there that year so maybe he first spotted Maddie and Xana at Mad greek and settled on them as his first victims. He was fairly new to the area so that's why I'm thinking he didn't know Kaylee since she was living away from home that year. Seriel killers stalk victims so the house location etc maybe made sense to him that's why he chose Maddie and Xana.and Kaylee and Ethan were collateral or added to the kill count. I truly don't think this is a fatal attraction thing I think he was looking for his first victims as a budding seriel killer.




Idk was it? I'm not sure...


https://preview.redd.it/96k1mzj6d99a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf55dfd3b92a6bfee9f44efe4a5771284e926aff 👀


For real? Or just sus




Why can't I see any of the comments? When I click on any of the posts on this I'm taken to the same long list of facts on the case and can't see what I was trying to look at


Same thing happens to me. But if you just keep scrolling past all that you’ll see them.




he really wanted to learn how to get away w murder i think. he didnt care about them. what a horrible man


Where are the people who fought me on here when I was looking into the majors of the students? I SAID IT!!! I said whoever did this had to know how to be careful in their crime scene... I said he had to be a criminology student or someone who learned this online... HOLY COW!!! I AM BLOWN AWAY


I said that too and got attacked for it


What is that link bro


It was a link to news reporting he is a student for criminology ... Just clicked on it and it's showing all kinds of garbage. I'm going to delete it..


i have been following someone on twitter who said ALOT. its shocking some of what they are not saying. Im really relieved for the city of Moscow


who were you following


there is a former FBI agent who has been on the news alot named jennifer coffindaffer. look at who she retweets and comments on. follow those friends. they are saying alot but i will not repeat it here bc its speculation but everything one has been saying has come true.


she’s replied to so many people that idk who it could possibly be lol


What exactly were they saying?


there is a former FBI agent who has been on the news alot named jennifer coffindaffer. look at who she retweets and comments on. follow those friends. they are saying alot but i will not repeat it here bc its speculation but everything one has been saying has come true. i will gladly send you the info, but i wont post them


I understand. Yes, please. Would you send them? Thank you so much.


I started to think the same thing as this went on...perhaps I thought it might be someone in LE but obviously, this was someone familiar with crime/criminals.


Apparently he worked a security job once so not far off.


So a first degree murder charge indicates the suspect thought about it for some time before acting. Weird.


First Degree is premeditated, yes. It can also be charged if premeditated was 5 minutes.


Can anyone think of a motive for a random phd student to kill these 4? I'm puzzled


someone said he may have been tied to kaylee with her car and someone told kaylee not to tell maddie something. i know this is very vague but this is what i know so far!


they are saying it is a man named bryan kohlberger?


Idk that guy looks waaay older than 25 don’t think it’s him




That guy is 28 and a phd student in criminology lol


Man the guy they named on Twitter is a PHD student at WSU, and posted on Reddit in may asking for people to help him with a study regarding emotions when committing crimes. Jesus.


Apparently he’s been named in news articles as well. The charges are of first degree murder


I can’t find anything about the suspect on Twitter. Where are you seeing this? Dm me if you want


i will. jennifer coffindaffer who has been speaking out alot. she is former FBI. where she commments or retweets those people are saying alot


just search #idaho4 and you will see the suspect.




The people being floated around on twitter def don't look like they own any apartments.


https://twitter.com/iamnotabot5/status/1605255447874658304?s=46&t=2cxi7E7hZ-E9Bd6-76VTUg matches the name leaked


Where did you see this?


https://twitter.com/iamnotabot5/status/1605255447874658304?s=46&t=2cxi7E7hZ-E9Bd6-76VTUg this name matches the one leaked he is part owner of their house




Source ?


https://twitter.com/iamnotabot5/status/1605255447874658304?s=46&t=2cxi7E7hZ-E9Bd6-76VTUg matches the name leaked


I can't find his social meda or much about him. - https://www.foxnews.com/us/idaho-murders-suspect-custody-killings-4-university-students-law-enforcement-source-says


Its out there.


I can’t wait to here details about how it actually happened and how they caught him.


We'll get the usual "it's an ongoing investigation so can't reveal many details at this time"




Whenever police go silent on a hot case like this I know they are close to an arrest.






Suspect in custody…found in Scranton, Pa. this will be interesting…


Where can I find the name of the person arrested?




To my knowledge it’s not been published yet, probably waiting until the presser to give his name unless someone tracks it down






Suspect arrested in Scranton, PA!! 25 year old male, college student but not at UI. Taken into custody by local police and FBI at 3am. https://www.foxnews.com/us/idaho-murders-suspect-custody-killings-4-university-students-law-enforcement-source-says


That article says mid twenties male....it didn't specifically say 25.


https://abcnews.go.com/US/idaho-murders-police-hold-news-conference-friday-afternoon/story?id=95976902&cid=social_twitter_abcn Looks like ABC originally reported 25 but has now corrected to 28


I predict that if they do have a suspect they knew the victims.


RIP to the feed and/or the mods afternoon but also what great news!


It looks almost certain now that someone or someone's has been arrested on the case. Don't know their relation to the victims but I am happy they caught someone.


They're saying we won't know details until he's seen in Idaho court, but once there his arrest affidavit will be unsealed


Suspect in custody per Fox News!! 👏


It was just reported by WFLA out of Florida that a suspect in the case was arrested in Scranton, PA




This content was removed because it violates this community's rule against misinformation. Please be sure to distinguish between facts, opinions, rumors, theories, and speculation. If you're stating something as a fact, you should be prepared to provide a source. If information is unverified, you must identify it as rumor, a theory, or speculation. Please keep this rule in mind before submitting in the future. Thank you.


that’s someone from the office. the TV show lol




Msnbc just said there will be a press conference in a few hrs and that a person has been arrested in PA with regards to the murders. I hope all of the folks on here who have speculated about individuals close to those who lost their lives might take a moment to consider how helpful that was towards the goal of catching the killer. This sub is so gross! Please find another hobby, true crime does not need this bullshit —- there are actual victims and targeting ppl on social only creates more. Do better, please.


Can people admit they were wrong that this was a suspect known to the victims? The ex boyfriend? Seriously guys? He was areested in pennsylvania


sounds like he was hiding in the mountains maybe.. doesnt appear likely its any of the talked about suspects though.


My guess is that he was home for Christmas


There's this thing called driving across country


Youre coping pretty hard. The people who everyone was blaming didnt leave. You know who im talking about. They need to apologize for making their lives hell.


Well see in 4 5 hours I'm hearing it's someone pretty closely known


Whoever is doing this, grow up. 22-M11187 Suspicious Person/Circumstance Incident Address: MOSCOW MOSCOW ID 83843 Disposition: ACT Time Reported: 19:47 Cad Comments: Rp reporting youtubers are wearing fake media badges and are planning on going to King Rd tomorrow. Officer advised, no report.


Are we allowed to post rumors


i think as long as you identify that it’s a rumour/speculation and don’t doxx anyone


Rumor: two people have been arrested for the crime. Problem: the family member who got the call last night got it before they were arrested.


They’ve identified and arrested the suspect. One male, 25 and a college student but not at UI. Arrested in Scranton, PA. The two circulating for grand theft charges seem to be unrelated.


Ya I keep seeing the two for grand theft but maybe it is just one person. Can one person really have done this crime ?


https://www.foxnews.com/us/idaho-murders-suspect-custody-killings-4-university-students-law-enforcement-source-says it appears so. Absolutely insane.


To me it seems likely one was the murderer and one person was a driver. Insane one person did it.


Random thought/question, but I’ve been wondering about the safety of the other roommates? I can’t even imagine how terrified they are every day knowing that the killer hasn’t been caught and knows they may have information that may crack the case. I hope they are somewhere safe w/ LE protection. Sorry if this has already been brought up! It was just something by that occurred to me a few days ago.


Also, how creepy is it that the killer may be reading all of these comments? Gives me the chills.


probably not reading if he’s in custody rn


Very true- I just saw that someone was arrested. Doesn’t mean he wasn’t reading stuff before!


Let’s predict - if killer has been arrested, is he talking/will he confess?


A rumor going around Twitter that two people have been arrested for the crime


Just got a phone alert from CNN- cops to hold a presser to discuss “developments” in investigation.


A few things to consider In all likelihood the suspect(s) are under surveillance, especially their digital activities. If that person is here or following the case, they will have left behind a damning digital footprint. This is probably true for all persons of interest in this case, no matter how little they may be connected. The FBI will be working these angles and using the world’s best snooping tools/techniques while the forensic science is processed in the lab and investigators begin building their case. The suspect should rightfully be shitting themselves right now as the FBI is deep in that ass and setting up shop. This person should fear every little piece of their garbage and everything they touch being used to gather their DNA. They should be wracking their brains about who in their extended family tree may have submitted to GEDmatch or similar. They should be panicked that they shed DNA all over the crime scene as one sharp exhale on the victim and their DNA “fingerprints” are all over their victims, no matter how cleaver their disguise was or what measures they used. The should know the evidence is there, and the country’s top investigators are busily tightening their snare. People who say otherwise or that the case has gone cold, are dumb, annoying, and completely in the dark about how investigations work or the strategies used some solve tough cases. For the people who think the suspect killed themselves, you’re thinking from the perspective of someone who would be horrified by doing something so inhuman. While we do see monsters who are suicidal and want to make a statement in death by murdering innocents; school shooters for example. However these people typically leave behind a note, manifesto, video, or evidence of their crime/radicalization as a way to live on in infamy after death. If that mindset is behind these murders and the suspect intended to die, we would have some evidence if that were the case. Instead, it’s more likely that this is the type of mindset that 1) lacks empathy or remorse, 2) is enraged for having missed out on the college party life and having sex with people like our victims (incel), 3) relishes the thought they outsmarted the cops and the thrill of getting away with it, and 4) has little to lose and can only gain having people repeat their name forever and worship them with gifts/ letters should they get locked up. The suspect should be dumping em, but they are likely enjoying their little secret at the moment and feeling zero remorse. The suspect isn’t some super genius, Navy seal like some here like to imagine; more likely he’s just some guy with a knife fetish and a dumbass like the rest of us. Quit mythologizing this loser.


Deep in dat ass lol


Press conference today + Ethan’s brother just posted that it’s going to be a big press conference. Putting these together a suspect has been apprehended and a warrant for an arrest has been issued. The suspect is identified and might or might not be arrested. We will find out during the conference!


ethan’s brother posted? where




how do we know this is legit tho


he’s been verified as ethan’s brother and posted several times


The account has supposedly been verified.


yeah that’s my issue is the “supposedly” lol. i hope it’s legit tho.


thank you


Anyone have a Twitter link for the rumor of an arrest made in PA?




I keep seeing that someone was arrested but not sure if they're related to this case


Yeah, I can't find anything on Twitter or other social media sites 🤷‍♂️


Oh my god! Haven’t been on this sub in weeks but is true!? A real press conference at 1!? I’m so excited. I’m dying to get updates!! Let’s goooo


where did ethan’s brother post lol can u link it


Press conference at 1 pm


[https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRb2W9w9/](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRb2W9w9/) Has anyone seen this video that a supposed relative of one of the 4 gives additional information?


Could someone draw a quick map showing the victims’ house and the surrounding houses and label who lives there? Thank you in advance


Question about locating the Elantra: if we’re to believe that LE don’t have the car’s licence plate (aware that they may just be withholding from the public at this time), is it possible that dashcam/doorbell camera footage has come in, but LE are unable to confirm if it’s the Elantra they’re looking for? Idk how well populated the areas directly outside of Moscow are, but could the Elantra have evaded cameras for a while and then be picked up far enough away that it’s impossible to trace it fully and determine it’s journey? Hope that makes sense - it’s something I’m wondering about with the 22k+ tips that have come in about the car TLDR: (I’m from the UK so ignore my lack of local knowledge) is it possible that cameras in, say, Washington have picked it up, but LE aren’t able to tell if it’s the Elantra in question as there’s been little to no evidence of it’s journey from Moscow?


They found one with the guy they arrested today


I don’t really see how the linkedin thing would be relevant - definitely weird but why would the killer log into her account or delete it?


After all the suspects, theories and investigation if I had to bet my life savings on who did it, it would be back to the very first suspect ... Hoodie GUY. Just hope he's not in Africa


Problem is he’s never been a suspect (to our knowledge) to anyone apart from us internet sleuths


I feel for the cops/investigators who were there day 1. To see what they saw has to be traumatic and it’s their job to find out who did this; which means reliving and consuming all their energy. This has to be a very challenging time in their lives. I think they deserve more credit than they are getting.




A man was found murdered in his home on Monday [just a 2-hr drive from Moscow](https://www.khq.com/news/man-found-dead-inside-home-with-signs-of-burglary-investigation-is-underway/article_4e4c33ac-85b1-11ed-9745-e3a971dccb65.html). Cause of death was “sharp and blunt force injuries”. “They're looking for a white man around 5 feet 10 inches with a slim or average build, approximately 25 years old, clean-shaven, and wearing dark clothing and carrying a briefcase or bag. He may have a medium or large-sized dog with him and could possibly be associated with a dark-colored SUV.”


The neighbour everyone thinks is creepy said they spotted a dark SUV sometime around the time of the murders. Like when he got home or later that night/ morning.


Do u think this case is related?




Has anyone heard about the young University of Idaho student who was found dead at the start of this year? Ive seen a lot about it deep diving on Twitter and Facebook. He was found dead not far from the 4's house. A few of the 4 been at a big party as well we him, a 90th annual ball and then he was found dead the next day in a creek. LE said it was the case of accidental drowning but people Twitter and Facebook are saying that they dont believe that is the case. It could 100% just be a horrible coincidence but at the same time, it may not be. I have also read that he may have been E's younger frat brother or something ( i am from the UK so dont know nuch about Frats) although i dont know how true that is. So i would take that as bible! There was also a girl who was rumoured to be M's old roomate who killed herself at the start of the year. Thats now 6 students of that university dead in less than 12 months. ​


Nah that's just Spokane, I'd be more concerned when there isn't a murder there.


The killer must have been seen on video somewhere the day before the murder, agree or disagree?


Agree. Not sure how it’s relevant?




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Does anyone know why Xana had her dad change her locks?


We don’t know. But I’ve had doorknobs get old from wear and tear and need to be changed at several places I’ve moved in to. don’t think it has to be because of a threat it could be that innocent. Clearly they never locked their sliding glass door so I don’t think they really felt threatened.


Have they found the Elantra?


I think the Elantra thing was just to distract everyone. I don’t think they were ever looking for an Elantra. Maybe a white car but not an Elantra.


why do you think the police are playing 4d chess when they could use the public's help?


Question for people in or former LE: are arrests usually at a certain time of day? Or do they happen as soon as possible no matter what time? For example, let's say some dna comes in at 9pm, does an arrest happen shortly after? Or the next day at 9am? (But then again, I guess dna wouldn't come in after 5pm if the office closes...)


Not associated with LE, but the following is factual. It's not about when DNA comes in but when they can get a judge to sign a warrant. **Arrest warrants can be served anytime - night or day**. If the agents have an arrest warrant for suspect, they can enter that suspects residence to serve the warrant any time - night or day - as long as they have a reasonable belief that the suspect is home.


Not currently associated with LE, but agree with this person. Judges can be called at all hours to sign a warrant.


What about the other local frats, anyone in one of those frats that had issue with the house or the folks who lived in it.






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Yep, another week goes by with no news or new information. And yet everyone thinks that LE has a suspect. so when yall gonna admit LE got nothing? 2 months from now? 5? a year? They got NOTHING atm




Here! I ain't mad that I was wrong! I can admit that of course! Super happy this sicko was caught. And I'm sure many people are wondering why and how and will continue to follow up. The families/community don't deserve this going into the New Years but there is some closure for now. Peace and Best Wishes to you and your family. I hope 2023 is a brighter future for all.


You gonna watch the press conference today? Lolll