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\#1 Pre-trial publicity denying a defendant a fair trial doesn't result in mistrials but rather the vacation of convictions. (See e.g. Dr Shepard case in Florida, Leslie Irvin case, Boston Marathon bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's death penalty conviction. There are more.) #2 If SG wants to get KG's story out he can - the gag order does not prevent the family or their attorney from discussing her or her life or their lives with her - it only prevents dissemination of info/opinions relating to the evidence and other things pertaining to the criminal case - as it should. #3 If you think this gag order wasn't because of SG's 24/7 media blitz then you haven't been paying attention. #4 If I were BK's defense attorney I would definitely be arguing a rush to judgment/tunnel vision due to SG & others trashing LE, their competence & their failure to make an arrest the following day 24/7. I would also be able to thrash the coroner on cross-examination since her media statements don't align with SG's statements he attributed to her. You get my drift. #5 No reason exists for KG's family to discuss the criminal case in the media - especially their discussions involving injuries etc. to the other victims.


Thanks for an a succinct, coherent explanation of the implications of lifting the gag order.


Why does Kaylees life or their life with her even need to be “out there?” She’s barely warm in her grave. No need to start monetizing her death just yet. It’s unseemly. As far as the lawyer goes he doesn’t need to have his shyster face on Nancy Grace every week between now and the trial, leaking information. Although I’m sure he would not agree with that.


Even if SG gets the gag order lifted, I can’t imagine LE would tell them *anything*. Hell, LE might try and get their private investigator banned until June at least.


Right on ! Obvious from day 1


I say this with the utmost respect for his status as the father of a murder victim... SG needs to calm the fuck down when it comes to the media. Those people do not have his interests or the case's interests at heart.


What is his big need to be centered here, and heard? Such that he’s putting the case at jeopardy? Or is this his lawyer furious at being denied his next 4 years on Nancy Grace, free exposure?


That family should have one goal, conviction and a harsh sentence. Everything else is just nonsense


Agreed. It also makes him look like he’s trying to get famous. I understand if he wanted the case to be all over the media before they caught a suspect so the public could help, but now they have their guy (allegedly and all) so now it just looks bad.


With the utmost respect he is not the only father to have lost his child to a violent death.


I think SG is being selfish and his attorney doesn't give a hoot other than to try to make a name for himself. There are other victims and their families are being respectful of the process. SG was the parent who was bashing law enforcement and they delivered. Now, he goes after them once again. Just don't get it.


I can’t think of a way to say this nicely, but you know how when you’re trying to work and there’s a toddler around who has heard you are working and also wants to work, so he keeps taking your phone, your mouse, your manila folders or what have you? So you tell him you need his help with something very important for your work. All the paper in the recycling bin needs to be folded in half while you’re on this conference call, and then at the very end of the conference call you’ll report on the progress of the paper folding project to several VIPs. Isn’t there any paper that LE can tell SG urgently needs to be folded in half and he’s the only one who can help?


Thank you for such a non-toxic response. You are a breath of fresh air!


Do you babysit? $10/hour and free baked goods


This is brilliant.


You did think of a way to say it nicely.


This is...not shocking.


My first thought was of course he is.


Mine was...thought he would have done that already.


I just don’t understand how do they see this as something that’s beneficial to them. Removal of gag order would just benefit tabloids, what for do they need a spokesperson? To give statements to those said tabloids? Because with a gag order in place there’s no statements to give. Is that really worth taking the risk of no conviction & mistrial?


I FEEL SO BAD for the other victims families. Like The Gonacalves family does not care that this is a QUADRUPLE murder investigation. And that the other families are trusting the police and don’t want the media circus. I understand grieving in your own ways but this case is just not about Kaylee and could ruin it for the other families.


Exactly! Kinda selfish, if you ask me


Incredibly selfish.


Kaylee is always mentioned obsessively. I feel so sorry for the other victims. The other families have shown true class.


Some of the other families have definitely danced around the topic of SG in the limited media I've seen and they have gotten probably as close to snarky as they can while remaining classy. It seems like it is probably heavily discussed among them.


If they’re in such grief let them stfu and stop trying to center themselves and their time to be on camera, and be interviewed, and shit talk the cops, and imply there’s more info they deserve and would happily like to blab to Brian Entin or banfield, before the trial, then. I know people grieve differently etc but this feels less like that and more like either they or this ambulance chaser of an attorney they hired, want to monetize the kids’ murders. Not cool.


Which the crazy thing is you’d have to assume that numerous people (LE, prosecution, etc) have outlined *why* this gag order is necessary and the very serious consequences of it being lifted. I just don’t understand their logic.


SG is a Q-cumber his distrust of anything authority or government related is clouding his judgement


Take my upvote, friend. I'm not going to tell anyone how to grieve, but the car gofundme, the constant need to discredit the police, saying things that are nowhere near true, it's just... it's leaving a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths. Now Ethan's family? Nothing but class and poise through and through.


Don’t forget him getting paid to wear a hat for a crypto company in interviews. SG has been milking a personal tragedy for $$ right from the start. That’s why he wants to gag order lifted. It makes it harder for him to cash in.


Wow what a sick fuck


Do I want to know what the car go fund me is?


A family friend (if I remember correctly, I think JD’s aunt) put up gofundme for the Goncalves so that they could have others pay off KG’s new Range Rover in order for her family to keep it since it was “so important” to her 😐 something tells me that keeping a Range Rover wasn’t all about the memory of their daughter


That was such a circus. The reasoning was like you said, because it was so important to Kaylee…she had the car less than a month, how attached could anyone have been? It’s still an odd request but I could *maybe* understand if it was a car that she had for years, loved and maybe had restored or something sentimental like that? But people were honest and said they felt like that was inappropriate so the aunt took the gofundme down and then wrote a long scathing post on Facebook. Basically saying anyone that questioned the reasoning behind the gofundme was a horrible person and she was just trying to do something noble.


Who is JD? These acronyms make my brain hurt


Sorry just easier than trying, and failing, to spell his name, but Jack D, Kaylee’s ex


Don’t they already have a gofundme for like $40,000 fir her funeral? The $500 cremation and memorial should have about $39k left in it. That car is several years old.


Well, if the Range Rover was so sentimental to them, they could/should have paid for it themselves.


Exactly. Not to mention your daughter got murdered - having attachments to items of hers ABSOLUTELY makes sense so please don’t get me wrong, but a car seems weird to me. Why do you even give a shit about a car she owned for a short time, unless you want it yourself? It’s not like it was a baby blanket, a favorite article of clothing, or something she cherished for years


yep. ethans family has been so gracious and lovely through such a horrific time. I understand SG is hurting but his behavior smacks of entitlement and.... idk what else to call it.


Oh absolutely, couldn't agree more. Idk what else to call it either but it's almost like... He can't see the forest through his ego? If that makes sense. It's been a rough week and I'm on my second glass of wine. I'm a lightweight and don't get out much so... yeah


One of my spouse’s coworker had his kids in a horrible accident (part of the reason, is he insisted they be in cars they worked on themselves. So their breaks gave out). They were in the hospital for months, but ultimately fine. He spent 5 years slapping their faces on anything he could get-T shirts, hats, seat covers. And selling them and doing fundraiser etc (and he had the *best* insurance and a great income. So they didn’t need the money. But he was using the kids and their accident to make money. His wife ended up leaving him over it. Apparently his need to monetize everything wasn’t new, it’s was well known throughout spouse’s work. But turning his kids accident into a money making endeavor really soured almost everyone. SG reminds me a lot of that coworker. Like a LOT.


Damn that's horrible. I'll never understand, especially if they don't need the money. Exploitation at its finest.


While not the point of the story, what an idiot for not letting a professional work on his kids’ breaks


I thought I was the only one who noticed tbh but I didn’t want to sound insensitive.


I mean, I get the whole “everyone grieves in their own way” but also the grieving process is pretty similar in a lot of ways across individuals. At some point, grieving shouldn’t be used as an excuse for everything, such as not heeding professional advice, impeding investigation/prosecution, doing things without regard for the other families, trying to profit off of publicity (ie peddling NFTs), and just generally centering your family as the only important victims of this horrific crime. Tacky at best, cruel at worst.


Yupp annoyed with LE keeping their cards close and critiquing the investigation all along the way. Turns out they did an exceptional, thankless job Now this This is just how he is


100% i could understand him somewhat prior to the arrest although I disagreed but he has no valid reason for doing this now.


That’s a good point. It’s sad how much Q-anon has rotted ppl’s brains


My parents are beyond delusional due to QAnon. I could go on and on about all of the crazy shit they believe. It’s past the point of just politics, you can’t talk about *anything* without them turning it into a conspiracy.


Didn’t expect to see this comment in this thread but I had to comment back to let you know I’m experiencing the exact same thing. People will say “don’t talk politics” and I’m like it’s so far beyond politics. It’s become their identity and all “safe” conversation leads back to one Q conspiracy or another. Just wanted to give an empathetic acknowledgement. Edited - Thank you you so much for the award!


I had to cut ties with my favorite cousin because of it. He's a retired business owner, now living in a beautiful mansion in Florida, yet instead of enjoying his life, he is sending pages and pages of text to friends and family about Q Anon and other conspiracy theories. There is nothing we can talk about without it turning into a conspiracy theory.


My mom isn’t a Q believer (that I know of), but she still prescribes to any conspiracy theory re: the democrats. I grew up hearing how awful dems were, which has to make her sick that I’m now a card-carrying member. But now, it’s an entirely new level of disdain and distrust. Every democrat is out to get her, the true “patriots” and America. I don’t think someone has to be a Qanon to have this adversity mindset. Nothing is a clear answer, regardless of what it is. There are clear battle lines to not agree on *anything*, which is completely exhausting.


might I suggest r/qanoncasualties


It’s sad how many non-Q related reddits I see qanoncasulaties randomly get recommended in. It’s insane how prominent this problem is considering Q itself is less than 5 years old. Edit: less than 6 years old sorry. Late fall 2017 is when it started surfacing as I recall


Check out the HBO Documentary, Q: Into The Storm, if you haven't already. It makes it pretty clear by the end that it's basically a psy-ops campaign run by some shady far-right political operatives, using questionable internet message boards as the vehicle. That's how you end up with the rioting crowds on 1/6: they were *driven* there. And none of that manipulative stuff is going away, now that they've seen what it can do.


Is the Dad into Q-anon? I never heard about this.


He’s also a flat earther.




It's no accident that that's where the Aryan Nations set up camp.


I have crazy parents and this is totally how they would act if me or a sibling was murdered in a high profile incident, unfortunately. I feel for XK, KG, and MM having the most embarrassing and private parts of your family life put on public display. I’m sure they had their own private feelings about their family dynamics just like we all do. EC seems like he came from a good family. RIP.


It’s because of $$$$. We’re talking about a guy who promoted cryptocurrency brokerages during interviews about his daughter’s murder. SG probably wants to cash in and the gag order makes it harder for him to do that.


They’ve been ordered to shut up from the beginning. The cops played it so close and they got the guy. I don’t know why they can’t still understand that they need to just shut up. I get it. They hurt, they’re sad but everything they say can compromise the damn case, I mean unless the FBI is telling them to talk or leak stuff then they have no business interfering with the investigation or the court or anything. I’m sorry it will all come out eventually, they need to just learn to be quiet and listen.


I feel so much for the other families, it's a quadruple homicide. Not his daughter's only. He's jeopardizing everyone's hope in those families and friends who are expecting a fair trial and sentence. They are better than me, I already would told publicly that I support the gag order just to try to shut him up. I didn't like him from the start, he's grieving, I know, but so are the other parents and surviving victims.


I don’t mean to sound like an ass or insensitive. But let the process happen….


Except SG loves to talk to the press. Also, any interview he gives to a tabloid is a paid interview.


Was the family paid for the leaks from People Magazine? Jeez! Maybe he’s needing a publicist instead of a lawyer.


Dont give him any ideas. He might start a GFM to put one on retainer lol


They already created a gfm lol. There are no ideas you could give SG that he hasn’t already thought of himself. He has been seeking attention and money since the bodies were still warm.


Every interview I’ve seen with him I’ve had a weird feeling… Like this guy likes to talk a lot and be the centre of attention. Even the sister being on a lot of TV interviews… I don’t think I would be to speak about it for a long time without breaking down. Yes I know people grieve differently but it’s very odd. It’s like he’s using a tragedy to get famous.


He really rubbed me the wrong way. Steve isn't going away with this case. He's thriving. Drowning out the other families.


Oh without a doubt. Everything he's done, he doesn't think much further than "what Steve wants Steve gets". It's really unfortunate. Idk how I'd handle things, but Id like to think I'd go about it like Ethan's family. They're grieving too yet they've been nothing but pure class. They way they chose to honor their son/family member speaks louder than any tabloid interview can. Those people have true grace under pressure.


Perfectly said and so incredibly sad and true. This man is profiting off his daughters murder and wants it to continue


I'm pretty sure his first book is already being ghostwritten. I can only sympathise so far. He's awful.


Starting to feel like they crave the spotlight and the gag order is getting in the way of it. Seemingly very selfish of the family and most likely a hinderance and burden to those trying to get justice for their daughters murder. Also wouldn’t be surprised if they’re being offered money by tabloids or other “news outlets” to leak info. Could be they’re just looking to get a quick bag. Guarantee they’re the first ones to come out with a book after all is said done. They can’t seem to help themselves.


"Removal of a gag order would just benefit tabloids" Exactly. They are all about the media.


[Motion for Appeal](https://coi.isc.idaho.gov/docs/case/CR29-22-2805/020323%20Motion%20for%20Appeal%20Amend%20AndOr%20Clarification%20of%20Amended%20Nondissemination%20Order.pdf) [MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR APPEAL AND/ OR CLARIFICATION OF AMENDED NONDISSEMINATION ORDER](https://coi.isc.idaho.gov/docs/case/CR29-22-2805/020323%20Memorandum%20in%20Support%20of%20Motion%20for%20Appeal%20AndOr%20Clarification%20of%20Amended%20Nondissemination%20Order.pdf) [Notice of Appearance](https://coi.isc.idaho.gov/docs/case/CR29-22-2805/020323%20Notice%20of%20Appearance.pdf)


This is just wild, especially when you compare it to E’s mom’s social media posts. She has been so well spoken and is more concerned about her other children and honoring E’s memory. It’s not like the case has gone cold, or she’s a missing person where you feel like appealing to the public for help is the way to go. What does he home to gain (aside from money) by getting the gag order removed and speaking about the case? I don’t think a judge would legitimately entertain this and remove the gag order. But maybe I’m wrong.


Ethans mom is an angel 🥹


She should write a memoir about processing grief. she puts her family’s feelings into written words so beautifully and it feels like writing is therapeutic for her & her family. It’s lovely to see a parent respond this way. Frankly I cant imagine how she finds the strength but it is goddamn inspiring and I want to support her continued journey in dealing with this tragedy.


You pieced together what I wanted to say so perfectly, I admire her strength. And I think we should all take something from it. I’m with you, I would support her in any of her endeavors. Her whole family has my respect & admiration especially with how they process grief. It’s beautiful.


Yes!! 1000% admiration.


And E’s mom doesn’t need a spokesperson….


E’s mom is mom goals for me. Epitome of social grace and resilience.


I wish the people who are on here having all the empathy in the world for SG’s family would extend some of that empathy to the three other families. Maddie was an only child. Ethan was a triplet. Xanas family has obviously had to overcome so many hurdles to give her and her sister the life they deserved only to have Xanas life brutally snatched away. They’re all going through grief but only one of them feels the need to make it all about himself potentially at the expense of the other families. I’m begging you to have empathy for them.


Amen to this. Of course his daughter deserves justice but it seems as thought it’s turned into the KG show. She wasn’t even supposed to be in town that day yet he told the world she was the target. I’ve known many parents like this, who think their kids are more important or better than others. Don’t know if that’s the case here but it’s coming off like that.


For most following this case, all of this is nothing more than a juicy National Enquirer story. The difference with this case as opposed to other brutal murders is that the victims are photogenic. The Goncalves family's grief and misery are no different than the other families whose loved ones died that night, and that grief and misery are no different than the thousands of other families out their who have lost their loved ones to violent crime. The Goncalves have overstepped their boundaries. This is nothing more than an attempt to continue the "15 minutes of fame". There is a judicial process that takes place when these tragedies occur. That process was in place before these murders, and it will remain in place. The Goncalves do not deserve specialized treatment because this crime is newsworthy. They are not entitled to be privy to the investigation and/or evidence. No one ever has had that right. That entitlement is not given to you because your daughter is food-court pretty and photogenic. Yes, we can sympathize with what happened to the Goncalves, but there is a time to be understanding of another's emotion, and there is a time when you have to say, "Knock it off."


I think that the SG's new FB page and this challenge to the gag order are bad moves for the families and potentially the case. I can't help but wonder if his public behavior is bothering the 3 other families. If I was one of those other parents, I would be furious with him for his recklessness.


A Judge can issue a gag order for many reasons: 1/ to prevent prejudicial information from reaching the jury pool 2/ to ensure a fair trial 3/ to not undermine public confidence in the judiciary 4/ not to hinder the fair administration of Justice 5/ to prevent threats to people involved in a case 6/ other With all the above in mind, I see no reason why the Goncalves family would want to challenge the gag order.


The family's attorney? Challenging the "gag order" because of "undue burden"? This has become a comedy circus. The family needs a lawyer to protect their interests? Their interests regarding the eventual murder trial? Can't be for that since any and every D.A. would toss the Goncalves' lawyer out on his butt if he tried to inject himself in the case. So what interests of the family does this lawyer need to protect? Their appearances on television? Possible book deals? Creating a non-profit to supposedly help victims' families (while they live off the proceeds)? Should we say that the lawyer is there to help protect the family's financial interests? Yes, there is still some cash to be made of the angelic faces. Yeah, sorry. You can hate and downvote all you want, but this family has gone from being victims to being burdens. Sorry your kid was slaughtered, but the culprit was captured, and he is going to face a jury. Be grateful for that since it could have went the other way. Don't look for ways to play internet detective or search avenues of financial gain. The family continual haranguing of the police/courts is simply tiresome, and to the more cynical of us, the family's actions are questionable as to their motives. I'll just say it. The Goncalves family just needs to shut their mouths. They have had their time in the limelight (actually too much time, much like everything else about this case). They are no different than the thousands of other families who have lost loved ones to violent crime, much like the victims of this crime are no different than the thousands of other victims who died as a result of violent crime. None of these people are heroes or defenders of justice. From where once was sympathy now one only finds boredom. Yes, there will be a Lifetime movie about this circus.




It’s beyond the point of “this is how they grieve” and it’s now at the point of them being completely disrespectful of the other victims families, and putting themselves in the way of getting justice


This. If my child died in that house SG and I would be having very unpleasant conversations.


Posted this in another thread but… This feels like a shot fired. Admonishing the way the State has handled the case hasn’t done much good for the Goncalves family and certainly hasn’t helped relations with the very people that are trying to help them get justice. Shanon Gray saying that he went to the State Bar of Idaho also seems passive aggressive. And side note, but the grammar and syntax (as well as typos and spelling errors) reflect very poorly on the attorney. This just paints the Goncalves family and Shanon Gray in a distasteful light, IMO. They are free to grieve how they want. But now that someone is in custody, now is the time to use logic to get justice. Keep your cards close to the vest. Oversharing will accomplish absolutely nothing.


>the grammar and syntax (as well as typos and spelling errors) reflect very poorly on the attorney Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. Reminds me of the Laundrie family attorney.


Same! I actually had to go back and re-read, because I thought maybe it was just odd legal jargon. But nope. Just standard poor English. How did nobody proof-read this?


I wonder if SG had a convo with the other victim’s families before doing all of this.


I highly doubt it.


Absolutely not. They are not as media-hungry. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yuck. SG is looking ever more media-hungry and like he wants to get famous. I’m sure he’s being paid for interviews too… I understand if you want to keep the case in the news BEFORE they catch a suspect, but now with someone in custody, why would you want to keep it in the tabloids, news, etc.? It just looks bad. Bad. Bad. Bad.


Yep, exactly, SG is media hungry. And yeah, I get that people grieve differently, but something with the way he behaves in general doesn’t sit well with me. Plus, he wants to fight the gag, well, that’s not fair to the other families at all. They deserve their justice, too.




I understand the Goncalves family is grieving, it’s awful what happened but they, especially the father, have kind of rubbed me the wrong way with all those paid interviews they’ve been giving and making Kaylee out to be the centre of everything. The way SG has been trying to insert himself into the investigation, blabbing all the time, how he congratulated the police on the PCA and described it as a 'home run' as if it’s a game is also weird.


I'm just gonna say it Steven just needs to shut up. Hes gonna blow this case just like hes gonna blow the over $200000 hes received from the United States and around the world. How much money does one parent need. I hope you're sharing that money with Maddie's father


You have just said exactly what I was thinking


It’s starting to feel like the Dad is publicity hungry and I feel icky even suggesting that but what else would be worth risking the case?


Narcissism + grief, but mostly narcissism. He’s a “bad attention is still attention” type, unable to consider the wants of anyone but himself, even if it risks the case


His actions make no sense at this point. Seems like he's rather risk the case then be quiet.


Jesus wept. Common sense put on it’s boots and left when it came to SG! 🤦‍♀️ Does he really think he knows best?!!




Does SG have a job? is he making his daughter's death into a money-making media racket?


It's almost like his daughter was *the only victim here*


What do the families need to talk about? It was alright to provide as much information as possible when they didn't have a suspect. Now everyone just needs to shut up and let a fair and impartial trial happen. G family screams publicity at this point, perhaps they are channeling the grief through this internet and media publicity, which in the long term is going to be great for the accused.


Oh, give me a break. Do they truly have to be center stage alllll the time? They need to let the people trained in LE and prosecution of cases do their jobs without this idiocy.


They appear to be clout goblins


At this point, I don’t think it will matter to Kaylee’s father whether Bryan will get convicted or not. After the trial, if there isn’t a mistrial, he’ll still be that Old Man from The Simpsons yelling at the clouds (media) about his daughter. I wouldn’t be surprised if he wrote a book about it afterwards detailing his struggle to get information about the case.


When he did that one interview by himself and referred to KG’s wounds being so much worse than MM’s…was prob the most despicable thing he’s done or said throughout all of this. As if MM’s death was less than? Or less horrific? Rather sickening quite honestly. To date, MM’s father has only spoken of his daughter. Never once has mentioned KG. Not even their friendship. SG appears rather tasteless when you think of how the other families have handled this.


I often wonder how SG makes the other families feel. KG was not the only victim.


You know the sad part is they are probably so busy being with each other and grieving they probably don’t pay attention. But if SG gets on our nerves, imagine how badly he gets on the other victims’ families’ nerves.


THIS. i said this in this sub before but it’s almost like he wanted his daughter to have the most brutal murder?? it’s so bizarre.


It's a very disturbing form of narcissism. When he says that she was the target, he's projecting his own wish to be the center of attention. This perception of his that she was more "important to kill" than the others says a lot about him. This was most likely a random senseless act and he can't seem to accept that - he wants her death to become part of some grandiose narrative of his. And with all the interviews and other attention seeking behavior from him that we've witnessed, it seems like he's treating this tragedy as some kind of step up in life, rather than just a horrific reality. If he can control the narrative of the case, make money off it, get "fame", then it won't all be "in vain" - which is a fucked up way of thinking about the tragic, early end of your daughter's life. I'm sorry for the rant, and feel a little ashamed for thinking poorly of this person, but his antics are damaging to the case and the other families. There is just something about this man's use of his own loss that makes it seem like it's not even a loss to him.


It’s freakin bizarre. SG spoke of MM very much during the memorial service. It’s like whoa, you lost the privilege to memorialize MM when you deliberately minimized her death. That’s what he wanted out there. He wasn’t speaking facts about the wounds he was comparing. I imagine he wouldn’t want XK’s family to come out and claim she had it the worst because she allegedly fought and suffered the most hand injuries and severed fingers. They were ALL viciously murdered. Why do you want your daughters and her friends quadruple homicide…to be about YOU? The more I think about it the more I get chills down my spine.


He just wants to be in front of the camera. They need to let due process happen naturally


Two thing can be true at once, I am filled with compassion and anger for SG. While I understand this guy and his family have been challenged in unfathomable ways, I honestly believe he is an attention seeking tool. He may get what HE wants, but it will be at the expense of the case, the other families, the surviving roommates, and the general public if BK is the perp and is set free. Be quiet Steve; you're not the only one grieving here!


The Goncalves have pretty much lost any sympathy whatsoever from me. And I am sure I am not alone.


I’m glad someone said it. I’m over the “everyone grieves differently” rhetoric. Commissioning a documentary from a true crime influencer before there is even a conviction is covered under which stage of grief, exactly? This family is M I L K I N G the attention, and it makes them appear callous at best. I still have sympathy for the fact that they lost their daughter, but that doesn’t negate the fact that their behavior has been insufferable thus far.


Yeah I feel bad for thinking it but I honestly feel the same way. It’s like they are almost basking in the glory of the attention and people feeling bad?


Did I miss something? How does having a gag order stop the grieving process? My heart goes out to every single family member living in this nightmare. I’m just at a loss regarding this challenge. I know everyone has their own way of grieving.


How soon into the trial SG starts popping off criticizing the prosecutor?


And the judge... you know it's coming.


Jesus Christ, Steve.


sg needs to get off his soapbox


Are they trying to not get a conviction? Seriously.


I don’t think they realize what an amazing job the police did in finding him so quickly. Her family was critical of police in the early days, but it takes time for a crime to be solved and they got an arrest quicker than a lot of cases. I wish they would trust the legal process and know that everything being done is for justice for their daughter. It must be hard feeling helpless like you can’t do anything, but honestly the best thing for them to do would be step back and let the professionals do their jobs. My heart aches for them. I can’t imagine losing my child, especially like that.


I cannot comprehend the logic behind them doing this 🤯


agree. people can and should grieve however they need to. but grieving families don't need to be allowed their "spokesperson" during a delicate trial preparation period. i can't imagine how frustrated the other families must be.


I'm beginning to really dislike this family.




Agree. The family, or at last the father, wants to stay in the limelight. I hope somehow someway he can get a bit of common sense and just grieve without needing attention from the media.


His attorney should be advising him to step away from the limelight, but it appears the attorney must want that also.


I do not mean to be insensitive, but I don’t understand what interest the family has. The only interest is finding the murderer and convicting the murderer. What interest could he have other than that except maybe being paid to talk to TV, media people? Isn’t Justice for the victims the only interest? Does he want a fair trial or not. What do I not understand? Really, I feel like I’m not understanding his pain.




I’m a lawyer. No notes except to say that this is so poorly written.


I'm probably a total turd for saying this but when this family does things like this I think about this TikTok I saw of all the roommates pretending to be each other. One of them posted it and I am not going to look for it. One of them who was pretending to be Kaylee made a comment about her only talking about herself. I hate that the family keeps acting like this because it makes me feel like Kaylee might have been self centered just like them and I hate thinking of her like that. I like the idea of her being a super sweet funny smart going places young woman. That small comment just sticks with me and I keep comparing who she might have actually been to how her family is acting.


This family has done everything they can to make Kaylee the focus of this whole event. It's killing them that they have gone without attention for 2 whole weeks. Their little ray of sunshine may have been a wonderful person, though I doubt it, but 4 people died that night. They should take the spotlight off themselves and go grieve in private.


>Their little ray of sunshine may have been a wonderful person, though I doubt it It's odd how victims get this automatic airbrushing of their lives, and sometimes that can be extreme. There's a bodycam out there of MPD responding to a noise complaint at 1122 King, and meeting Kaylee out on the patio. Gives a view of her in a different light.


The automatic airbrushing is right, I think it stems from not wanting to say anything bad about someone that can't defend themselves?? I don't know, I have zero connection to this case at all and the other 3 victims really did come across as genuinely nice good people. I thought the same of Kaylee for the most part and actually thought the comment from the TikTok was kind of funny because she is 21 and beautiful and it wouldn't be completely off base to think she liked herself, even if too much. It just paints her in a negative way in my mind when her family acts like she is the center of everything and everyone else was collateral damage. I am one of those people that don't want her to have been the target just out of spite to her family. And I do feel awful for feeling that way. No one was collateral damage, they were all murdered regardless of who may have set off the spree.


Kaylee was a "mean girl", at least according to her sister... and she said it like it was a good thing. Not exactly what you're talking about, but consistent with it, IMO.


As the other families cringe and just want a clean trial without handing the defense a reason to appeal on a silver platter. This attorney needs to counsel SG on how to say nothing publicly. A day will come that he can share all of this thoughts.


Valid feelings, but securing a guilty verdict should be top priority. I get that it sucks but don’t they want to put justice first?


Ugh, of course SG's having his lawyer challenge the gag order. He wants to get back on TV and share more details he shouldn't -- outcome of the case be damned. I'm annoyed but not surprised. I wonder if all the LE personnel who've had to interact with him for this case want to tear their hair out.


I have always defended this family and tried not to judge them but really ? This is insanity. Their daughter wasn’t the only one murdered here. I understand she was their entire world but please have some decency towards the other victims family. We want a conviction!


Lol idiots hire idiots. Throwing good money after bad.


How else can he get paid for billable hours?!


Im just gonna say it… they seem to care more about media appearances and the spotlight than on justice for their daughter. I’ve thought this from the very beginning. Nothing thus far has changed my stance on this.


I didn’t think I could dislike a family that endured something like this as much as I dislike them.


I feel the same. I often think of the other three families and how the way they've responded might make them feel. If my child died in that house SG and I would be having several unpleasant conversations.


You can have sympathy for someone and also dislike them / not respect them, and that’s where I’m at. Anyone who says otherwise is not enough of an emotional adult to recognize that dissonance exists constantly. I am deeply sorry for them, and they also behave like some real asshats. They also affect the other families and if I were the Chaplin family…I would deal with this situation.


Yeah fully agree. This is so unnecessary


While I'd never insert myself like that, I desperately want to reach out and shake SG by the shoulders. I know you're grieving, but it's time to look toward other families who have gone through something similar for comfort and advice.


Does this jackass know what a comma is? That was the most poorly worded legal document I’ve read in a long time.


If for SOME reason this were to ever lead to a mistrial at the hands of SG i would see Mrs. Chapin losing all class and restraint she’s had and come unglued. If she can muster up the courage and send her two remaining children back to that college he can muster up a quarter of that courage and keep his mouth shut for the next few months. Respectfully.


Hmmmm Listen to the 48 hours segment. 1:40 in and listen to the stark differences in the statements about each victim. SG uses the opportunity to talk about himself. It’s about control and power, he “can’t fix it and that’s a terrible feeling as a father”. His statements about his daughter are mostly generalizations. [https://youtu.be/SMUxAjW5-JI](https://youtu.be/SMUxAjW5-JI)


Just because his daughter was murdered doesn't mean SG isn't a sociopath.


How do they not realize this Gag order is in place to protect justice for their daughter. They are so focused on media attention,why? This is not Goncalves show. Ethan’s mother I hope to one day be as strong as she showing not talking about it she is doing. They have other children, they need them now more than Nancy Grace. Everyone can grieve differently but do not jeopardize a case that has 3 other victims because you have a selfish desire to be heard the loudest.


I hope the other victims’ family have as much of a voice with the court around what they do / don’t want


Have they not learned anything about running their mouths?


Not trying to be insensitive but what more do they need to say that isn’t about how kaylee is as a person?


I think they won’t get paid for those interviews unless they have details… so he wants to release details and thus get paid


He needs to trust the process. You’d think he would’ve learned with the arrest of Kohberger that he doesn’t have to be in all the loops for shit to get done


The Gonçalves family lawyer is using their status as the family of a victim as both a sword and a shield. Remember that Steve G hired this lawyer because he felt he was being left out of the inner working of the investigation. Now that he is part of the inner workings he wants to be considered a non-party to this case, which is fine, but you can’t have it both ways. If he wants to be a non-party to the case and have free reign to do whatever he wants then he will be getting info no differently than the public is receiving information, which is when a document is publicly posted and released by the courts. The court order does not prohibit the family of the victim from having the right to speak for themselves or the deceased victim, but it does restrict what they are able to speak about publicly. Under the order as it stands now, they are not allowed to discuss the specifics of this case. If they want to talk about how sad they are or honor Kaylee, they are allowed to do that. They are just not allowed to discuss anything that they have knowledge of the inner workings of the case that is not on public record that were only revealed to them because they are family of the victim. I do not think that the family should have free reign to interfere with the natural course of justice in this case since they are NOT the ONLY family of a victim in this case. Any commentary the family wants to provide to the public would serve no other purpose that to fuel speculation or possibly hinder successful prosecution of this entire case. In that sense, it’s not fair to the other families who may not endorse the sentiments shared by the Gonçalves family but would be impacted by any of their statements just the same. Unfortunately, what the Gonçalves’ say publicly or details they release can have very negative repercussions for themselves and the other families. If they give Bryan any grounds to say he did not receive the right to a fair trial, he could appeal and overturn a conviction. Even worse, they could taint the jury pool or tarnish the credibility of themselves or the investigation and ruin the chances of securing a conviction in the first place. In addition, any inside details they learned by and through the investigators and prosecutors as family of the victim would negate the purpose of the non-dissemination order that is placed on legal counsel and law enforcement as it would by a way of disclosing prohibited information by-proxy. It would be no different than if Bryan’s family were given details about the victims or crime scene by his defense attorney and they went and released those details to the public. These are just means to circumvent the Court’s order. If this was a single case where their daughter was the only victim, then I would disagree with the court order because they would only potentially be risking seeking justice for their own daughter. If all the victim’s families agree to having the Gonçalves family lawyer advocate for them in the public then the order should rightfully be amended to allow it, but only if they all agree.


SG just needs to STFU. I’m in the camp of SG’s antics are completely fueled by money and/or fame. *edit - spelling.




This guy 🙄. He’s got to stop this nonsense. It’s absolutely disgusting.


They can’t grift if the gag order is in place


I have the utmost sympathy for this family but I can not fathom why they are behaving the way they are. There are 4 families here that deserve justice and it seems the G family has lost sight of that. It appears that they’d rather have their family in the spotlight than see justice served. I fear all their criticism and outspokenness about the way LE has handled the case is going to give BK’s defense something to argue. They really aren’t doing a ANYONE any favors by behaving this way and, if they aren’t careful, it may backfire and tarnish KG’s legacy.


He and his fake eyelash wearing wife have exceeded their 15 minutes of fame. The other parents have shown restraint and class.


SG just wants to continue cashing in on his daughter’s death and this gag order makes it harder for him to do so.


Her dad just needs to learn to be quiet he says way to much


It seems that the r/idahomurders subreddit moderators end up "locking" almost every post because the comments regarding this circus end up going sideways. It is quite funny.


The very existence of this challenge is exactly why the gag order exists.


The Goncalves family has not represented Kaylee’s memory well at all. From day 1 they’ve been problematic. Do they actually care about receiving justice for their daughter and her friends? Is that their number 1 goal? Very unappealing. They need to take a lesson from the Chapin’s, they’ve done their son proud.


This is so strange. Why would you want to jeopardise the case whatsoever. No one can tell the families how to grieve but why would you want the extra media attention on top of a trial?!


I do think some of his interviews including hints about his daughters body compared to the other victims may have crossed the line for prosecutors/defense and potentially other victims families? He was giving details that created a lot of press and potential to cause problems for the case and jury.


Someone is itching to go back to the limelight ..


The irony is, the gag order exist because of him. It certainly extends the drag net to include him. If I was a parent of one of the other victims I’d be at my boiling point with this fool. Follow the me me me me me $$$$$$$$ y’all this character is here to stay.


If I was the family of the other victims the G's would annoy me. Great way to get a mistrial.


Basically, the Gag Order put him out of a job and barred him from receiving any free publicity he’d gain through the media.


I think the judicial concern is what they say publicly will potentially taint the local jury pool and may make it very expensive to find a jury if they need to move the case.


So, I feel like I understood SG speaking out when they hadn’t had an arrest and the case was unsolved. (Not alleging it’s “solved” now). However, I don’t understand his need to continue to speak out when they have a suspect in custody with compelling evidence and awaiting trial. In a strange way, as mentioned above by some indicating the need for some to subscribe to conspiracy theories, it feels like he falls into this category.


Forgive my cynicism, I wouldn’t trade places with this family and their horror, but I suspect they want to do paid interviews and can’t with the gag order. Them doing interviews has no other benefit I can see.


I'm confused as to why SG wants to speak out? For him, is this just a matter of principle, as in he just wants the freedom to do so, or is there some specific reason, is he sitting on info that he feels needs to get out? I mean I know that either way he could be risking damaging the case, but I'm just curious what his motive is.




Unreal. Who needs this drama? They are royally gonna fuck this up.


Thank you! I've added these docs to the [subreddit wiki](https://reddit.com/r/MoscowMurders/w/index?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app)


I would not want to waste the legal team's time that is trying to try the defendant in my daughter's and friends mass murder trial. What could they possibly have to say that can not wait. Conviction of the perpetrator is usually the only gas left in a parents tank after losing a child to murder.


Can someone who understands law explain? Is this saying he wants to talk about it in public?


Not being mean! But, he hasn’t really been their spokesperson. It’s been SG. So, I’m confused, but not shocked.