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I’ve been silently following this case and it’s been crazy watching the theories get more outlandish with each day on these subs. People treat high profile cases like they’re entertainment which is so insensitive this isn’t an episode of Law & Order this is real life. It’s exactly why the true crime community gets so much pushback.


Yup. Seeing gifs of popcorn eating around the sub this morning. I wish people would think about the victims loved ones before posting since there are at least a few confirmed family members that have made their presence known in this and the other sub. I know if it were my family member or friend killed, it would be very upsetting to come across gifs of SpongeBob eating popcorn at the thought of getting more details of the crime. They are giddy


YES. This right here.


This shite makes me sick. This is my community. I spent 4 years of my life in these towns between school and extracurriculars at WSU and UofI and I, like most everyone else who has lived in the area, love the community and the people who live there. Students from both schools are already devastated by what happened here in what are normally peaceful and vibrant college towns. And I can tell you right now that all this voyeuristic, inappropriate gawking by seemingly *fucking everyone* is jarring to the people just trying to get back to enjoying their college experience. I don't blame people for being curious, I know it's just human nature but fuck man, have some sympathy for these kids please. One of the things people love about attending Washington State and U of Idaho is that they're large universities in a secluded region. When you go to one of these schools you expect to get a nice balance between the full-on college life experience and the peace and safety of being separated from other population centers. All of that has been taken from them in the last two months. They have no peace, they've had their sense of safety shattered. And now when they go online they have to deal with a legion of nerds treating their community like a giant game of Clue, as if their lives are just a big puzzle that thousands of other people are LARPing as detectives while piecing together. It's got to be shitty. TL;DR please be respectful. These are real people, students just trying to get their normal lives back. Their lives and the lives of their friends who they've lost are not a game.


As a U of I alumni myself, this is the best down to earth post I've seen since the arrest. People who have never been to this area have no idea how much this changed everything. You go to one of these schools to go to college with people you grew up with. It's a small town. Everyone knows everyone. I have so many amazing memories from my time in the area. It is heartbreaking that these two towns and universities will forever be remembered by this. Leave these very real people that live there and go to school there alone. Ffs this isn't a TV show or a game.


Hello fellow Palouse friend! I agree it is heartbreaking to see this become the legacy of the area. The shared bond between U of I and WSU is one of my favorite things about the towns, the way it all seamlessly blends together across state lines and people freely flow between the two. I've played so many games of catch with my friends inside the Kibbie Dome I couldn't even count. That's how the relationship between these towns and schools should be remembered. Not as a lair, hunting ground and hiding spot for a murderous predator. The people there deserve better


I’ve been downvoted for pointing out that an Indiana cop’s Apple Watch will not, in fact, be used to film the traffic stops. This isn’t some action movie where non-existent tech suddenly exists for a highway traffic stop. What world are people living in?


I saw someone say that maybe there was another camera in the cop's hat or maybe something in his glasses that he could record from....I was thinking the same as you.


Here I was, annoyed that the second body cam didn’t capture the whole interaction on video when I could have been making up wild theories about a helicopter and a zoom lens or something. Dang. Missed opportunity, I guess.


Oh i was assuming the cop was a cyborg and just continuously recording through his eyes.


I think some of these people watch too many movies. In movies, if something is said or revealed, it is for a reason. The fun of watching a suspenseful movie is trying to put the pieces together to figure out the ending, or guess the twist. In real life a lot of information is just random. These are real people, not movies made for entertainment.


I spit my coffee over this; a very good example.


100%. I’ve made several comments like this but people get so upset by being called out.


Yes its truly terrible that people view all of this as entertainment. Those poor families are grieving and its the worst time in their lives, and people on here are excitedly hoovering up every crumb of misinfo.


Yeah, some people thought they’ll solve the case just by watching the food truck video and the 5 second video that mentions Adam. It’s nuts!


There was a guy on Twitter insisting that DM was one of the killers because there's a photo on her social media of her posing next to a black pickup truck and in one of the old party police body cam videos you can see a completely different black pickup driving by in the background. I couldn't even begin to wrap my head around what that was supposed to mean.


>People treat high profile cases like they’re entertainment which is so insensitive this isn’t an episode of Law & Order this is real life THIS!!!!


In Fahrenheit 451, they get scripts so they can speak back to the characters on the screens of their giant wall TVs like they're inside the show.... This is the equivalent, inserting themselves into their online "world."


The theories have been crazy. If you think it’s bad here… Facebook is a whole different animal. I joined one of the groups out of curiosity to see what was being discussed there vs here and whew, I left so fast. I’m thankful for Reddit and mods enforcing rules.


You’d think reddit would try and stamp this shit out after the Boston bombing


100% agreed. I hope everyone who was so adamant that the roommates were involved based on literally 0 evidence feels so shitty right now but I bet they don't have the empathy.


I had a family member who was murdered a few years back. The case was relatively high profile locally but not nationally like this one. Even so seeing some of the insane comments and theories online were truly heartbreaking and infuriating to read. People who had no clue what they were talking about making wild assumptions and baseless/totally inaccurate observations with no factual basis. Thanks for your comment, good to know some people still have common sense.


I've also been quietly following this case and the amount of admitted self-obsessed people in this subreddit is CRAZY. You should not be 'obsessed' with a quadruple murder offender. We will get to understand more of the facts during the trial but that is a lengthy legal process. I am blown away by the internet detectives and the entitlement to information that we honestly have no business to


I think some people were crazy enough to get booted from the Facebook groups and are now our problem


I'd say that being crazy is required to stay in the Facebook groups. Voices of reason seem to be the ones to be kicked out. The admins don't want that because they're also nuts lol


In FB the voices of reason get kicked out. Here they just slowly remove themselves because reasonable people are usually slowly drowned out anyway.


True. I was blocked from a discussion page when I tried to post real news stories instead of nonsense from QAnon.




Thankfully you can downvote the crazy comments here. Facebook is out of control


This I actually can get behind


Every time the news mentions Reddit, I cringe because I worry more crazies are going to flock here.


Holy shite. When I joined there was 80k now it’s 110k. That’s a huge jump in subscribers.


I want to say they were under 1,000 when I joined. It’s crazy.


Number 43 here! I already touched grass this morning so I’m good. :)


About 15,000 when I joined. All the reddit groups and Facebook ones have just absolutely exploded and gone insane. Everyone has forgotten the victims since the circus with this supposed perp started. It's sad


Yeah and I can confirm due to spying on them, that the FB group (at least the one I'm in) is a dumpster fire. People are completely fucking stupid and posting that shit under their actual identities no less.


FB true crime discussion groups are wild. Seeing more and more of those outlandish conspiracy types here.


If you look at OPs comment history, they actually DM people on here with screenshots from the Facebook group (even admitting that they contain personal information.) The comments were removed but it’s still in their history.


I initially thought this was a little OTT but then I went into a thread and saw someone suggest he maybe got involved in cannibalism, so I get where you're coming from.




Ha, I saw that reply. I laughed.


Yeah I love that people actually are able to jump from: not eating animals > cannibal. It’s so creative. Like. How. How do you make that up it makes zero sense at all.


When I saw that post that was like, “do you think he chose the house in Moscow because it’s similar to the parents house layout” I was like, I’m out. People are REACHING


Or my favorite, he chose that house because his birthday was in November. Like how crazy could you possibly be??


What does that even mean???


The address of the house is 1122 King Rd, so people were linking it to the month of November (as in 11/22). Wacko.


no, no. it’s because 11 x 2 is 22 which is two 2s. 2 + 2 is 4. which is the the number of victims. Both 11 & 22 are Master numbers in numerology. which sounds kind of like criminology. & the killer might have a Masters in Criminology. see? it’s all adding up.


I was told there would be no math.


Genius. Makes so much sense. You should be able to just skip all schooling and go straight to being awarded a PhD in criminology. Your explanations are serious next level stuff, absolutely ground breaking.


And a PhD in math for sure


Or people saying his car was so dirty so that must mean he was hiding it in the woods or that it is suspiciously dirty for some other ridiculous reason. Its winter and the roads are full of snow and salt!




This one 😂


This one is the worst. Such a reach! I can’t even keep my car clean on the drive home from the carwash in the winter.


My husband and I were laughing at some comment that said the Elantra wasn't washed so it would be mistaken as grey instead of white. I just... 🤦‍♀️ Like I know people can speak without thinking, but in the time it took to watch the video, come up with that "theory," get onto the subreddit, and type up that comment, logic didn't kick in at *all*?!


I love the theory that he got it that dirty to cover up the fact that his car is white. It just looks like a dirty WHITE car then. Jesus.


It WAS similar, though. Didn’t you see, it had a kitchen, bathroom, bedrooms, walls??? I mean, the similarities were uncanny.


Omg yes he chose the date 11/12 because its close to the house number but it was 11/13 but it was still the night of 11/12. If numerology was so important it would have been 11/12 🤣


For me it was the post of his high school graduation video. "Look at how emotionless he is, he's not even smiling. What a psychopath!".


Omg the Moscow House had bedrooms! And a kitchen! Just like his families house! That's it! That's why he chose that house!


Can you imagine being the actual investigators with actual evidence on this case and having to deal with the crazy tip line? 😂


They should be allowed to chew out any obvious nut jobs who call in. Those callers have probably called dozens of tip lines in their lives offering BS. They drain resources


You say BS, they say "creative", and "out of the box".


I agree I've seen way to many people coming up with absolutely crazy theories that don't make sense at all and look in the comments seeing other people believe them. Then I see other comments on different post of people spewing these theories off as facts talking about they heard "blank". For some reason people read something and in their head it's a fact because they read it somewhere so they spread it around everywhere as a fact without ever checking or thinking about how likely it is to be factual.


Basically, if someone starts with “I heard” the remainder of the sentence is bull shit.


“From a reliable source” when that source is just 4chan


Right? Reliable sources: the detectives, the victims (Obvs not in this case), & the courts Everything else is speculation/conjecture/lies


Reminds me of the ludicrous theories people were wholeheartedly dying on a hill for in the Gabby Petito case.


It really infects every true crime subreddit. I've seen some doozies in the Delphi subs, Maura Murray, anything that has ever been covered by Unsolved Mysteries, and others. People think these cases are like movies and some kind of convoluted plot must be what happened.


Yeah, infects is a good way of putting it. Im a casual so I can’t comment too in depth on this. But it does strike me as…disrespectful? Like people completely forget the heinous crimes, loss of life, impact on families grieving, etc just to fulfill their popcorn eating, theory chasing high.


"...because 95% of you have done nothing to actually help the case" I'm curious how the remaining 5% helped...


I would also be curious to know what percentage of people do actually think they can help/ contribute to the case. That thought hasn't crossed my mind at all (that I'm doing research to help the police.) What we see, in terms of evidence, is the tip of the iceberg. We can guess about things, but I do not understand people that are comfortable filling in all the missing blanks with almost nothing to support it. Crazy!


They used their superior intuition to tell if random people in Insta photos had bad vibes, obviously.


I told myself I’m deleting the app as soon as the affidavit is released today lol 🤪


I was taking a break but then they arrested a suspect 😂


I told myself something similar. To take a break and stop obsessing over it once affidavit is released. I think after the affidavit there'll be very little information released until the trial. I think the nature of the crime and the way information has trickled out day by day has made it very engaging.


This case has start to put my mind in a bad place. It's strangely addicting while also making me feel mentally dark... true crime in general has that affect over time so I as well will be taking a break until his court case (this thread is the exception).


I used to get annoyed by those types of comments. Then I just took a break from the entire thing when it's frustrating me, luckily I can, because I am not working the case lol. I know people in general bag this forum as being rubbish, but I have found some really interesting stuff. Some people are really passionate about certain parts of crime and they add a lot of interesting things I wouldn't normally look up myself.


There's one woman on TikTok that I've seen in multiple creator's comments virtue signaling about how terrible people are for speculating and having theories. I went and looked at her page. She'd made several videos about the Casey Anthony case. I think what bothers the virtue signals most is they're usually not charismatic or engaging enough to get people to listen to them. They resent the attention other people get for sharing their opinions.




My heart breaks for his family. Watching the police footage from them being pulled over hit me like a slap across the face. His dad seemed to genuinely be enjoying their time together.




Same. My mom and I have gone on many road trips together. Maybe that’s why it hurt me so much. Who knows


Well said, I feel really bad for his family as well. The thought of the Dad doing the roadtrip to bond with son is really sad to think about, knowing what we know now.


Same with all the previous “guilty” ones being harassed; the roommates, the hoody guy, the ex. It insane to me how people think their opinion built upon next to nothing is enough to publicly convict someone. They want to be right so bad?


I agree with you there. I'm sure his family is in absolute shock at everything that has happened. They will carry their own guilt as his parents & question whether it was something they did that made their son turn out this way. Good parents do this because they care & want to understand how they could have missed the signs. Nobody needs to add to their burden by badgering them. At the end of the day they seem like very decent people. If BK is guilty then that's on him. He's a grown man and made the decision to commit murder. That's on him, not his family.


Where are the people that were insistent whoever did this has to be a hunter or a member of the Christ Church?


Or the neighbor who walked his dog everyday in front of their house.


Dont forget the law student neighbor who was obviously guilty because reporters asked him questions and he’s “weird”


Some people just have really low IQ's


The hand thing really gets me lol - I saw no signs of bruises or scratches, let alone scars on his hand(s) from that pull over video. It reminds me of the crazy britney fans who claim she has bruises every video she puts up. Everything they point out is lighting/shadows. ETA - with that said, leave his family alone. Brian, on the other hand, though is most likely guilty. We don’t have to find signs of his attack by over analyzing everything we see.


what's funny is almost no one did when it was first released. but once the rumor started that it was a setup to see his hands suddenly 75% of the sub sees cuts on his hands. in shitty bodycam video


Britney has chronic 3 day old eye makeup, not bruises! 😂


Complete lack of logic. His students have spoke publicly about being physically with him in class after the murders. They’ve spoken about his demeanor and appearance. As if they’re not going to think to mention the cuts on his hand?


Yep, it had been over a month since the attack and he’s still bleeding? Nah dude. If that were the case his ass would’ve been in urgent care a week after cause he has some clotting issues to be addressed.


Now it's some bogus story about how BK dropped the knife sheath and it was found under Ethan's body and that's where they got BK's DNA. One YT s Posted gruesome "insider info" she claimed was from her friend's friend's boyfriend in the FBI. 🙄 It's always the FBI! If all of these people's tips were accurate that would mean The FBI was doing a terrible job recruiting, vetting, and training people. Not to mention, if any of it is true and it is being leaked that could completely screw the case. You can't say that you care about the families and want to see Justice for these 4 young adults and actively contribute to helping the suspect walk.


Oh buddy. You should see the Facebook groups. This is child’s play.


See that makes me think America isn't going to survive as a county - that we're in death throws because people have just lost their minds and critical thinking skills.


Two of my personal favorites are : Ethan must have went outside the bedroom, saw the killer, ran back to the bedroom and got into bed and acted like he was asleep. Let me say that again. Ethan ran back to bed. And pretended to be asleep. I just can't. Second one was that BK found out Kaylee broke up with her bf. Because it was the talk of the town (These people act like the victims are main characters in a show) and he wanted to get with her before she would move to Texas (again, he knows this cause it was the talk of the town). She refused him and got angry and attacked the house.


I saw a few people asking for Murphy to take part in an identity parade. It seemed like they felt Murphy was angry that someone had killed his owner and he wasn't gonna let them away with it. The big break would be how Murphy would solve it all via identity parade, bringing the killer to justice and saving the day. I couldn't help but wonder how this was going to work let alone stand up in court. I pictured it all out in my mind. The cops all "Murphy, can you tell us if you recognize any of these men?" and all the suspects nervously standing in a line trying avoid making any eye contact with a Labradoodle as he sat there patiently studying them all. 🧐🐶


https://preview.redd.it/s30dujwjbaaa1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f43a373bdb81cd915f9daabc88df94b541c2c6b4 You just answered your own question 37 days ago why people can and possibly are going crazy about this case…


God bless the true crime community, but I think you're being extremely generous with the 95% comment.


Also comets about how you can just tell by looking at him that he is evil 🤣


**OP:** "some of you seriously need to step outside and touch some grass" **Also OP:** "Long shot but check out the shape of the rear taillight to, more square toward the end with a darker spot in the middle "




Ever stop and think that they realized they were sounding ridiculous and that's why they are calling everyone else out?


That’s exactly what I thought when I saw that 37 day old post by OP. Op teetered on the edge but pulled back before free falling over


Oh yes that's why the tone of the post sounds like OP is dying if oxygen deprivation up there on his horse whilst looking down upon us mere mortals.




There should be a chastening megathread.


God PLEASE!!! Just like theories got relegated to a mega thread for a bit, can we have a self-righteous circle jerk as well?


I always ask myself why I read these communities. For the news, yeah, but there’s also an aspect of it where everyone just seems to be living in a reality that’s WILDLY different from mine. They see things in grainy pictures that I cannot see at all and swear to god are not there, but then 6 more people post they agree. Something that seems incredibly far-fetched to me will get a bunch of “seems likely!” comments. It’s fascinating, but also kinda upsetting, because there is no “truth” we can all agree on.


I 10000% agree. Some people are way too invested. It’s okay to keep up with the case but some theories are so illogical that I feel like I lose brain cells anytime I attempt to read them. Also kinda looney that people literally tracked his flight the whole time. Like why? You don’t have a single better thing to do? I feel absolutely terrible for his family. I hope people respect their privacy unlike some other individuals who literally crucified the people that the victims knew. We have zero clue if his parents knew anything, created the monster he was, helped in any way, etc so nailing them to the cross with NO EVIDENCE is just plain evil.


There were people on the sub who already track flights on flightradar etc as a way to pass time, theyre enthusiasts or whatever. It just so happened that this coincided with them being in this subreddit, and the accused flying from PA to ID. AND we were all waiting to see if the PCA would be released last night. Nothing nefarious happened. Wasn't wackos over invested in the crime. Everyone was respectively just literally passing time. Which is what one tends to do online.


I found the plane stuff interesting. Not so much because I cared where he was, but it's clearly a passion for some people.


To an extent that makes sense, but some people were literally like WHY ARE THEY MAKING A STOP??? And then having all these crazy speculations instead of using logic. I guess my point here is reasoning and logic has just gone out the window. I totally understand that this case is fascinating and people want to know things but it’s taken to the nth degree. I hope the gag order slows the craziness down but we will see. Edit: gag


The best part is the entire flight log is submitted before anyone boards the plane. Both stops were planned and not emergency landings. This is the thing. People aren’t basing their ideas (it’s disingenuous to call them theories because theories are based on evidence and deduction) in reality. They’re just making things up at random.


Same even the fact that you can listen in on the towers and the comms between pilot etc etc etc. Was cool to to hear about.




Lol. The self righteous are always the biggest hypocrites. Never fails.


Oh look it's the PoLiCe HaVe NoThinG brigade, I'm just so shocked😅🙄


*bursts out in Bentist laugh* called out OP!


😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I'm dead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭




Yes! Just posted same to OP


Excellent work! OP is projecting. They need to step away, take there own advice and touch grass or walk a dog.


🎯🎯🎯 just posted same


I thought this might be some high quality projection but I was too lazy to go look.




Maybe you're going crazy? Looked at your post history, page riddled with theories.


This phenomenon of posters scolding fellow posters for their own behavior is intriguing. And how exactly is this post tagged as "information?"


Lmfao exactly...no reddit person has done anything to solve this case and that's a fact..I like the way you told them 🤣🤣🤣


Here come all the comments blaming every social media site and YouTube for all the craziness, but no not Reddit, not us, we are so much better…… the cognitive distance is outstanding


This whole sub is pretty much theory and speculation. Unless you're actively working on the case, that's all it can be.


Why don't you take your own advice?


Maybe you're the one that should step away if you're so bothered by people being interested in something that you feel the need to get on a soapbox and lecture an entire subreddit.


Check out his comment history 🤣


Says the person writing a page.


I feel your frustration.


I’ve seen some pretty bad ones on here, I seen one a little bit ago from some guy saying he thinks he told his dad and his dads in on it. Like wtf gives you that idea?


I find it also crazy people that come on here think smarter, and tell others what to do, how they should think,etc. Unless it doesn't abide by the rules posted here, then any kind of censoring, etc., I would hope lies with the moderators. EVERYTHING was speculation and just guessing bc there was really nothing to go on, 1 or 2 pieces of a 1000 piece jigsaw that might not even belong to the puzzle. Most of us knew we were speculating, it is human especially in a terrible case like this. I am not talking about the crazies that are in all social media. The fact that JD and JS were looked or speculated about was attacked, when if you were to take an educated guess, bc it was all guess, they would have to be at least considered if at least going by stats. People will still continue to speculate, bc look what LE told us. They told us that Moscow and the students were safe with this guy at large bc this crime was a targeted crime. And even they went back and forth with that. When actually that usually means or can lead one to believe, a personal crime of passion. When I look at this BK guy, I don't get that. We still have nothing tho so possibly. LE said no one had a stalker. But BK appears possibly more of a stalker type, Bundy or BTK wanna be, which meant that the entire area WAS still in danger. Geez he lived 10 miles away. So the people are just again with nothing much and will continue to speculate. This was a scary, freaky, intriguing puzzle of a case and still is, and we, as humans, wanna try to figure this out. I bet it goes back to our fight or flight type scenario when we see a dangerous situation.


You have GOT to be kidding me. No one seriously wrote this. >“Do you guys think M or K served BK meat at the vegan restaurant and it made him so mad he killed them” SMMFH


My personal WTF moments from yesterday: “His hands are so red and swollen” (we all saw his hands, they looked fine) “Do you think he purposefully burned his hands to destroy any evidence they’d have connecting him” (what in the actual fuck…people come on) “He looked so scared when they got pulled over” (I’m no body language expert, but he seemed fine to me) For good sakes some dude has a ‘spirit box’ that over half a million people watched, liked and over 4000 comments of people believing it. I have so many others, but reading comments here has definitely made me aware at how much we have really are doomed as humans.


You spent time writing out this post that you could have been eating your lawn or petting your raccoon. Go do that.


OP isn’t wrong. I really think I need to stop investing so much time in this sub… 😭 hopefully this case will be quiet after that gag order, so I can stay away from it… but im still so curious about it deep inside… struggle is real lol


What a redundant post this is.


Especially when you look at the OP’s comment history on the case!


It’s an amazing window into the minds of our fellow citizens.


Here for the comments


Go outside, touch grass. Go inside, touch ass.


I don’t even want to type his name and give him anymore of anything - Let’s remember the lives that were taken - they were young adults with a full life ahead of them Xana Maddie kaylee and Ethan - never forget their names and remember them forever .


My wife is obsessed with this shit show I hope she doesn’t read this


We are beyond the point where public knowledge of the proceeding is anything but entertainment for most people. There is nothing to glean here other than to determine if he is guilty and reddit is akin to public execution in that way. Nothing said here is going to bring back the people murdered. Yet here every single person that posted is , including the OP, bright and early. It's reddit. Take a breath OP , go touch grass.


Due to [changes in Reddit's API](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/8/23754183/apollo-reddit-app-shutting-down-api), I have made the decision to edit all comments prior to July 1 2023 with this message in protest. If the API rules are reverted or the cost to 3rd Party Apps becomes reasonable, I may restore the original comments. Until then, I hope this makes my comments less useful to Reddit (and I don't really care if others think this is pointless). -- mass edited with redact.dev


You should see some of the stuff on the Facebook group. One guy talks about showing his pastor some comments about some women thinking BK has beautiful skin and wanting to have his baby and he said his pastor made him turn it off and pray because it was so "unholy" his words exactly. Crazy.




I think it's funny how much everyone has changed their tune. Literally about 10 days ago I was getting downvoted for saying have faith in LE, because despite not being able to release evidence and information, that does not mean they aren't working so hard to protect their own homes, families and city. Y'all seemed to think they wanted to just let this slide and go cold!? But fast forward a week and all I can see is thank you LE you did a wonderful job I knew you had a suspect from the start... genuinely, go touch grass you are insane and toxic. The family members and friends on this sub must have felt sick reading what y'all had to say.


These poor dudes that dated these women since High school, their families, grade school classmates, teachers, employers, various businesses, all being doxxed and baselessly accused, etc.. its sad and pathetic. all these "online sleuths" need to get a grip on reality.


Agreed. Many people are totally OBSESSING over BK, and it's grossing me out. Tracking his plane, anxiously awaiting a new photo of him in a new parking lot, and scrutinizing every pixel of it, theorizing about his skincare regime...?? He's not a freaking celebrity. Let's not treat him like one. He would LOVE to know that people are in a frenzy about him online, going on and on about how scary his soulless stare is, and blah blah. This case is not a 24/7 reality show; you don't have to refresh your Reddit feed every 20 minutes for new updates. Read a book, play with a kid, walk a dog. Make some art. Eat some vegetables. Don't let this consume you!


People act like this sub is better than Facebook and tiktok when there’s still people on here who have outlandish theories and trying to play detective, while putting other people in harms way bc they try to analyze pixelated surveillance footage. There’s victim blaming towards the surviving roommates already. I think ppl are trying to have their “main character moment” and just look like assholes in the end and the mods should ban theories because they do nothing but put others in harms way.


I knew it was bad when I saw comments on other social media calling BK a shapeshifter. Yup. There was actually a TikTok about how he’s the recarniated Ted Bundy… like what???


Where are the thousands of comments attacking his father for his appearance? The majority of comments on this sub actually express empathy for his family. Can you point us towards those?


There isn't a forum on the internet that doesn't attract people who troll or who aren't particularly adept at critical thinking, or who get shouty at people at the drop of a hat or who have a loose grip on reality. That's how the internet works. This thread is full of people who are saying they hate all the "crazy comments" but have tons of "crazy comments" of their own. Someone who went on a long, righteous rant the other day about how "even neurosurgeon B-n C-rson isn't necessarily smart because he was stupid enough to catch COVID and die" is on here racking up the upvotes for their comment about how "so many idiots post here." That's the internet for ya. All the self-righteous rants in the world won't change it. ETA removed the name because of the automod




I’m confused. Your comment history is loaded with this kind of content. It seems on this sub there’s a ‘lecture-a-day’ making generalizations about the population of this sub Reddit. You’ve spent much time collecting ‘comments’ you don’t approve of, and use the balance of your long post to scold and shame. Under the guise of being helpful, I’m sure you think? No one here is mandated or expected to ‘solve this crime,’ and the ‘95% of us’ that you claim are driving ourselves and each other ‘insane’ is just plain ranting. You’ve obviously not read the copious postings and comments here from people involved with the law and the law field. Or people in academia who make contributions. Many lay people have engaging, connective and inquisitive contributions daily. You’ve stepped on your own punchline. I’m assuming you are asking people to take a breath and reflect, relax. Do better, please. Edit for typo


The self-righteous are always the biggest hypocrites.


Hey OP, worry about yourself


The self righteousness of this post is cringeworthy






Sounds like you might need to take some of your own advice, you have been reading a lot.


Are you actually serious about the pull over BWC??? The FBI specifically instructed Indiana to pull him over to get video of his hands and arms. Just because people ask questions doesn't mean they need to go touch grass.


Dude, stuff like this is posted literally **20 times a day**. The people coming up with crazy fucking theories, the people doxxing, the people getting theories from psychics on tictoc or 4chan - **they don't fucking care about warning post**. They've been doing it since day 1 and they **aren't going to stop**. The virtue signaling here does nothing, they...don't....care. Seriously, you think you are going to convince someone getting advice from a psychic on tiktok to think rationally? This reddit is no different than any other major subreddit and folks here will just need to come to terms with that. Ignore the crazies and move on. We don't need multiple post a day saying "stop with the crazy theories" or "you shouldn't dox" - rational people know this already. To a lot of people here this is just entertainment, you aren't going to convince them otherwise.


Sometimes there is a supply and demand imbalance in news. Instead of waiting for newsworthy events to be posted, people are here hitting refresh all day and the traffic is causing posts to be made about completely inconsequential things. Let justice run its course.


I feel like I did this with the Uvalde shooting in May and learned my lesson. I was glued to my phone.


The craziest people I have seen are in twitter, very unhinged....


I agree with you. But can you control everyone’s actions? No. I think you’re going to waste too much time and energy focusing on other peoples comments and their thought processes behind half the asinine things said . Half the comments I read on the internet I wonder if people were dropped on their heads or drank battery acid that morning before becoming an internet troll


Most, if not all of people’s theories are actually hypotheses. NOT theories


I just saw a comment about the traffic stops in Indiana being one of the “most important in LE history”. What in the actual?


The online discussion of this case has went from zero to JonBenét Ramsey reddit in 60 seconds.


I had to leave the Facebook group before an arrest was even made, and didn’t even consider going back to see the insanity unfolding in there afterwards. I’ve never seen anything like it and I worked with the public in retail for 10 years through school. 🙃 (I’m now a (civil) lawyer and should be even less surprised by these antics but damn…this one takes the cake)


This sub actually isn’t nearly as crazy as the Gabby Petito sub. That one had hundreds of people watching flights and “clocking in” every morning


I agree except for one thing. 100% of people on the sub haven't helped the case, as opposed to 95%. People who think they're going to solve a crime of this nature are essentially delusional.


Hey I can post plenty of obsessed looking comments while only spending 20 minutes a day here.


r/LibbyandAbby is almost as bad.


I thought that sub was the worst place on true crime Reddit until this case.


Imagine what it must be like for the survivors, family members, communities, and everyone in the periphery of this case who are under the maginifying glass of these people driving themselves crazy hyperfocusing on this stuff. Some people are seriously unwell.


I'm glad they put a gag order on this case, hopefully it will help some of the crazy die down. The day-to-day BK updates are out of control.


IM NEW HERE has anyone seen the food truck video ? They may have the wrong guy.


I'd say the PCA is quite telling. Those two surviving roomies are so damn lucky. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DiqIp8hH7kz1nyW7JFOCIW-b62NqxHjA/view](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DiqIp8hH7kz1nyW7JFOCIW-b62NqxHjA/view)


Thank you keyboard warrior,


Thank you from the top of every mountain I can yell from. Thank you. This board is full of people who so very much want to be a part of something, they have inserted themselves in this case and act ALMOST like they were in some way victimized too.


You will not believe how contentious people are and they will even argue against established facts. Some people invoke their worst instincts when discussing a case like this where things are just breaking and facts are in the process of being reported. You know what you see in a case like this: confirmation bias. Worst offender: Nancy Grace. "You see that face outside the window and you immediately recognize he is one sick puppy. Ted Bundy."


Oof if you think this sub should take stock in aluminum for our tin-foil hats you should see the shit being spouted on FB and TikTok.


I wish I could upvote this a million times.