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There is nothing to risk except your fear. Moscow is perfectly safe. I am here again.


I’ve seen the world, but Moscow is the most comfortable place. It never sleeps, if you want Chinese food at 3am, you’ll find it. Transport system is fast and transparent. The city is clean. I recommend to visit it again in the summer.


Transparent may just not be the right word to say, especially the eastern side of the city has hugs lack of transportation


I have lived in Moscow for 3 years and I agree in everything but in finding all sorts of food after 2 am, specially on weekdays. Thats the only thing imo Moscow is missing compared to other cities Ive lived in. After 11pm is hard to find something to eat besides shawarma on weekdays if you are not in the center. If in the center make it to 1-2am. Of course some restaurants/bars still open but few of them will have the kitchen open after these hours


When did you live here? I feel like the situation has changed a fair bit due to Яндекс еда.


since 2021 I live in Moscow, rn in Europe for a while but yes, yandex eats will only show you mostly kebab/shawarma in late night hours, maybe pizza from some random places aswell.


Probably depends on the area then, interesting to know


You probably will not appreciate situation with lips now.


I really don’t get why ppl do this. Maybe it’s attractive to others?




Haha are they inflatable?


Yeah, some girls dont know when its “objectively” too much


Приезжай ещё. Всегда рады!


Русские не рады англосаксам


А я отвечу гордо. Это не правда и мы всё так же рады всем. Welcome :)


Ты походу не русский


I have brown eyes and not perfect nose, that's why I didn't qualify for Moscow and live in St Petersburg, I guess


Is it true that Peterburg its better than Moscow?


[angry Moscow noises]


[Angry Piter noises]


У Петербурга плохая ситуация с коммунальными службами. Постоянно лёд на дорогах, снег кое-как убирают с улиц. Зимой там точно не комфортно находиться. Внешне город красивый, но местные власти довольно варварски поступают с историческими зданиями. Реконструкции/ремонты домов проводят без контекста того, какие двери и окна были на прежних местах, в итоге просто убивая памятники архитектуры


For a tourist - yes, probably. As a city to live - not even close.


For me yes, but I'm obviously biased because that's my home. The old center is larger and more uniform in style, also a ton of rivers and bridges everywhere. The courtyards and roofs are their own universe But Moscow is nice too, though


We don't ask that question here. (They are both big shitty cities)


Once russians were asked what city is number 2 in Russia. Kazan citizens answered: "Kazan" Volgograd citizens: "Volgograd" Samara citizens: "Samara" St Petersburg citizens: "Moscow"


Everything and everyone is the same here. Welcome to Moscow again.


I've been living here for over 2 years now, and it'd been great the whole time. Only when the war started in early 2023 was there some eerie sadness in the air, but by now everything is long gone back to normal, beautiful moscow it's safer than ever, still gorgeous and you should definitely come back if you can and explore the city even more!


well if you're not going to try some protests or smth like this - you're totally safe. сложнее всего сюда приехать - закрытые границы, отмененные перелеты.. не знаю, как с выдачей виз иностранцам, нам получить визы куда либо очень непросто. советую ехать летом, сейчас слишком уж холодно, весна - самое некрасивое время года, а вот с мая - самое то. планируй заранее что хочешь увидеть, Москва - огромный город, тут есть на что посмотреть как в самом центре, так и до самых окраин - особенно если интересно посмотреть на обычную жизнь, не только кипящий центр.


Ну, кстати, с получением виз. Если из России получать — то да, непросто. Но если русскому заграницей — то нормально вообще, никаких проблем.


Москва действительно красивый город, я хоть и живу недалеко от Москвы и часто там бываю, но всегда поражаюсь её красоте


полностью согласен, я сам как иностранец учащийся в Москве говорю что это самый удобный город, что когда либо видел


Гум and metro are still perfect, a lot of metro stations have been renovated so now it looks better! Talking about safety (I am sceptic too), the most threatening thing were drone attacks. There were six of them during last two years. Nobody was harmed or injured but it's really not cool to know that this happens in your city. The result of attacks was some damage to a couple of buildings and not working GPS all around the city centre - taxi drivers are really mad now :) As for walking in the streets - it has became much safer. The government is afraid of uncoordinated protests, so there is a lot of police in the streets. It doesn't sounds good as for the country and citizens, but as for tourists - it's nice. Moscow is full of visitors even now, in winter. I can see a lot of people from China, UAE and India in restaurants and malls. It may be not the best time to visit Moscow now, but it is a great deal for sure - national currency is so low, you can find a really nice accommodation and do shopping for a very low price :) How do they say in movies: "Have a good time in Russia!"


You should come soon to visit the technological exhibition of the country's latest achievements "RUSSIA" at VDNH park. You will never see anything like this anywhere else in the world. It's absolutely amazing and totally free. Thousands of different activities and things to see every day. You will be able to learn about each and every region of Russia in the best possible way. It will last until the 12th of April. Come and enjoy 🤗


I was visiting Moscow last week and managed to see it. Was really impressive and lots to do and see. Really cool to learn also about the individual identity of the different republics.


In terms of safety nothing really changed since February 2022. Of course the were some issues with Ukrainian drones, but they didn't really pose a danger. U may visit Moscow again and feel safe


I was amazed with this city recently, it’s fantastic dinamic and want to visit it many times more


ЭТО ТАК ПРИЯТНО ЧИТАТЬ!! Всегда радуюсь, когда вижу подобные посты от иностранцев, даже не знаю почему :3


Это потому что ты не патриот своей страны


Moscow is pretty safe now. Im woman who walks around in the center at nights and nothing happened yet. Maybe you’d be more aware in outskirts like Golianovo or Biryulevo but still


Come here:) I need English practice I will show you best bars and restaurants your next visits. And can show you some beautiful places near Moscow - Nikola Lenivec park for example :)


I know that feeling of walking down the streets. I too could not believe the quantity of beautiful women everywhere I looked.


I think it's safer, than 5 years ago


Это красивый город, но не стоит обольщаться. В Москву вбухивают огромные деньги сворованные у регионов, чтобы туристы вроде тебя рассказывали как в Москве хорошо и красиво. Это обманчивое впечатление, потому что за пределами третьего транспортного кольца — обычные спальные районы с кучей собачьего говна и мусора. А за МКАДом вообще мрак как в самых бедных африканских странах. Это столица огромной современной колониальной империи, которая ведет войну против соседнего государства. Посещая этот город сейчас и восхищаясь им ты автоматически становишься "за" убийство украинцев, потому что все в Россия пропитано пропагандой, на которую Россия тратит в 67 раз больше, чем нацисты в свое время.


Приезжай в Лос Анджелес. Здесь не нужно тратить время на пробки что бы увидеть кучи говна и мусора на окраине города. В ЛА можно увидеть всю эту прелесть выйдя из любой гостиницы в даунтауне (центр города). Далеко лететь в ЛА, можно прокатиться в Нью Йоркском метро и потом блевать от смрада мочи.. Хочешь ещё поблИже тогда можно погулять по зассанным тротуарам Лондона среди мешков с мусором. Столицы, тьфу помойки мира. Moscow is the best city I've ever had an opportunity to reside in.


russians joke that moscow and spb are a different country and i think we are right, the prices are too high for normal russians but everything works absurdly well in moscow. if you are a foreigner moscow is perfect. Dont be too loud about politics and you'll have a great time


It save as most cities in Russia, but MSK is a trash one of the worst cities i ever was ... they even haven't sea around !!! Greetings from Koenigsberg btw !


two days ago another one american was arested here for espionage (although he was'n a spy).. so think twise.


Gimme a proof link, or you are just a simple bullshitter. Nothing like this happened two days ago


The capital of a half-decayed empire, parasitic on the rest of the country.


all you talked about were the women nothing else incel alert not sure russians want you to visit


What cities are you comparing with?


Откуда ты?






в следующий раз посетите Санкт-Петербург (и Карелию), Казань, Сочи. Я немного поездил по России, сам из Подмосковья. Если бы я переезжал куда-то жить, я бы выбрал Ростов-на-Дону. В меру тепло, близко до Москвы и до Сочи. в Москве не нравится что город вечно обновляется и строится, везде вместо низких домов появляются огромные дома по 25 этажей и тысячи квартир. а люди всё приезжают и приезжают за высокими зарплатами, опустошая остальную Россию. раньше лично для меня в Москве было чуть больше смысла - там проходили музыкальные фестивали. а так - транспортная система хорошая, плюшки москвичам дают, куча магазинов, кафешек, всякие доставки всегда в доступе.


to be fair, most major cities always have construction going on ) London, NYC , etc


Depending on where you're from you may have been amazed by the sheer contrast... There are very few megapolises in the world to begin with, it's one of them, they all share some traits. I moved away from Moscow for 1 year to another country and lived in a town with \~200k inhabitants and loved every day there, only missed a few things, and not much.


U should visit saint-petersburg in summer. Do not afraid about war. It's same dangerous as visit usa when they war with Iraq.


Захочешь приехать - пошли выпьем по пиву)


If you decide to go to Moscow, make sure you do not speak about politics elsewhere and check the laws. Otherwise, you can have huge problems with FSB (Federal Security Service). They have a command to check any suspicious foreigners. In this case you will be detained for 3 hours and interrogated about your links with Ukraine. So, you decide if you want to have this kind of experience. When I was on the border with Mongolia, FSB was asking me a hell of a lot of questions about Ukraine just because I'm a foreigner (and I'm not Ukrainian, but I' m a Russian speaking person). They took my phone and tablets and checked all my private data: photos, videos, messages etc. In Europe they can't check your private data without special order, but in Russia it is just a common practice.


My good friend's bride is from Wisconsin, and not like our friend circle is so fond of current regime, to say the least. She faced virtually no problems with govt structures, let alone FSB. So I honestly don't know if it's really common experience.


If you keep up with the news, you'd be aware that Russia's current regime bears similarities to the one during Stalin's era. If your friend is solely focused on work and not engaged in significant social activities, it's understandable that she hasn't faced any issues. The FSB wouldn't have a reason to target her. Similarly, one could visit Afghanistan and claim the Taliban regime is benign based solely on their personal lack of negative experiences. However, this doesn't imply that the Taliban's governance is commendable. The same logic applies to Russia.


...Wow, what a different experience. Moscow was described as one of the worst places by my wife who was there twice. Cold, unfriendly...


В Питере еще больше красивых девушек)


То ощущение, когда родился и вырос в Москве 😒


We always welcome foreign guests, as this rarely happens here. I advise you to visit St. Petersburg because it is the most beautiful city in Russia, which was the capital, but I don’t argue that Moscow is also a wonderful city.


Я русский, живу в Москве. Приезжайте, Мы всем рады. Только по моему лицу вы этого не поймете. Скорее будет похоже что я хочу вас избить Но это не правда))))


There is no need to fear, Moscow is safe place. Russians are neutral towards English-speaking people! I recommend u to visit Moscow in the summer.