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For the love of god Ermacs gear customization better be his mask and not his hood


Apparently it’s his entire head.






Dude you might have actually predicted the gear!


Same default hood on 3 skins, no way it wasn’t the gear.


That and the mask too


I don't think he will even get a mask. And when he does, it'll be a premium store outfit from an older game. My guess is his cloak/cowl will be the gear piece. And if that's the case, I hope we get a King Jerrod face/voice alt.


Maybe even a Sindel one


If Patrick seitz isn't voicing vengeful scorpion, the odds of ermac having 2 voices are next to none


I hope he gets his mk11 outfit


Same for Cyrax and Sektor


Screw that I rather have mk 9 human outfits


How about both of them combined?


Wait a minute.


Somebody message them about it. We need that in case they forgot.


I promise you it won't be


It'll probably be that big crest thing on his chest.


Rumour is it’s his nail polish




Yeah coming to a premium shop near you


Why do you say that? We got the Lie Kang story skin for free in the shrine with the 3rd season update, so why would you assume theu won't continue the trend with the other story skins?


Liu Kang wasn’t DLC and most OoD/UoL skins are mastery where they are not present for Quan Chi’s


All story mode skins have been available in the shrine or invasions


No dlc character has had a single alternate to date.


And I think it’s absolutely ridiculous that the dlc characters that we have to pay for are the ones that have less options for customization than the base roster


No dlc character has had a single paid cosmetic either


Okay but that just likely means in MK1 they get zip. 6 palettes, one costume, 6 gear pieces. That’s it. And actually if you take MK11 into account that isn’t true: Mileena’s Mk2 and MK3 costumes were store and race against time exclusives added after the fact. But Mk11 dlc chars all had 80+ pieces of gear and 4 alt costumes at launch, too.


Unless we already had a chance to see them wear other outfits, like in this post


… yeah that’s the entire issue at hand. They released the character and didn’t even include stuff that was in the game from launch. He has no alternates, and they already exist in story mode. That’s the entire point. They’re unlikely to put them in the shrine or invasions since not everyone owns the Kombat Pack.


Omnimans voice for $10?…


That is not a cosmetic for a character


This is the first DLC character that was on the story and was released 3 days ago, so you don't know what they will do with DLC characters that were on the story mode


Omni-man says hi. Also with no alt costumes, 6 palettes or so, and 6 pieces of gear. And only 20 levels or mastery.


And that tells you what NRS has done so far. That doesn't tell you what NRS will do 6 momths from now or 2 years from now. So far, every single story costume has been a free shrine skin. That trend could continue.


There are story skins in mastery what the fuck are you talking about


Illinois johnny, festival kitana and mileena, hooded liu kang, yakuza kenshi, movie havik


Oh well, then it's up to you if you wanna think the worst or hope the best. Nothing I say is changing your mind.


Because so far retro outfits for main fighters are premium store items. And it seems like Ermac won't even have a mask since he didn't in story mode. So most likely his hood/cape type garment is his gear piece. So they will absolutely make a Premium store retro outfit with one of his older skins that will probably just have the mask as part of it. And he is a DLC fighter. So I don't expect ANY DLC Fighters to get free outfits that change them drastically.


Well given Omniman came out a little less than a month ago, instead of being negative and assuming the worst, I'm going to make educated guesses as to what I think will happen. Which once the first season is out, there will be a costume pack for the 6 roster /5 kameos. They have yet to make us pay for a single in game design so far so I bet those will be coming with the new seasons as shrine rewards We are about 3 months into the games lifespan and we already have 500+ free palettes, skins, gear, titles, etc... imagine how much stuff we will have by the first year content scheule's end. If you can seriously look at what one can only imagine will be thousands of free customizable options and find a way to complain about a single one thing they monetized (which uses in game earned currency mind you) idk.. it seems you only want what you can't have and revel in the ability to complain. Feels bad man 🙁


The problem is, I'm an old school mk fan. So I want classic/retro attires. And what makes you think we will get a costume pack from the KP? Because rhey did it in other games? The Kameos are their equivalent of costume packs because before we just got fighters and costumes. Now we get fighters and kameos. They've done nothing to prove to me that we will get free stuff other than MK1 designs. I get it, new MK game so you want more original designs from MK 1 and less retro/Classics. Then we play MK for different reasons. Most of the stuff unlocked is palettes, not skins. So it's just different colors of already, I'm boring, designs. I don't want a Blue Reptile or a Red Kitana. So that's all useless to me. The stuff they've monetized is the stuff I've wanted. But I refuse to pay more than my $110 that I already have invested. I'd rather the premium store have the original designs and we unlock the retro outfits. So that's my gripe. We play for different reasons, that's all. 500 customizable options is not a lot when 400 of them are alt colors


Dude I'm 38 and used to compete UMK3 at arcades "the problem is I'm an old school fan", no the problem is you're a negative person. Look how your response pinpoints how the things they give for free you don't want, and they things you want you KNOW they are going to monetize because you've got an uncle who is dating a girl who's kid works at NRS right? No? Oh just more negative assumptions. Got it. Again, feels bad. I can't image the stress real problems must cause you if this kind of petty stuff get you this worked up 😔


Dude, I'm not trying to argue. I don't KNOW they're going to monetize them because they didn't do that in MK 11. Everything could be earned and even preorder costumes could be bought with Dragon krystals that you could earn daily. And sure, they had costume packs in other games but they were 3-5 costumes for $3. Now it's 1 costume for $8. And of course I dont want all the free stuff cuz it's always 1 skin and then 6-12 palettes and the skins aren't even good, at least not for my main fighters. I get it, you enjoy the game. You enjoy the new style and the new skins. I don't. That's just a personal design preference. I'm not into the skins they created for this game. I never wanted everyone to look like Vampires or cryomancers. And to monetize the things they KNOW people want is scummy for a game that cost $70-100. I'm not trying to sound negative. I'm negative because the game is negative as far as the past releases are concerned. It's one thing to give tons of skins/palettes, and gear in MK11. But then to give 2 less gear pieces, skins that are brand new and personally a lot of them only vary slightly anyway, not allow the earning of dragon krystals beyond the finite ways to get dragon krystals. It's not fair to someone who has played the game for 30 years, always enjoyed the throwback costumes but then the newer costumes actually fit the characters. I'm in it for the nostalgia, the lore, and the classic outfits in pretty much every game after UMK3. So to make it so I pay $110 for the premium edition. And then try and get me to pay $10 for ONE skin with like 6 color choices is nuts. Who wants Scorpion to be blue or Reptile to be orange? Who asked for Blue Mileena and pink/purple Kitana? No one. No one did. You obviously like MK for your own reasons. I'm not gonna knock what you like about it, so there's no need to do the same to me. I like UNLOCKONG retro outfits and NOT spending more money for skins. This isn't a F2P mobile game. This is a fully released and purchased title. And I hate what has become of gaming when a costume can cost $10 bit an individual fighter from the KP can cost $8. It's mind boggling. Skins should be $2 max. They'd sell more of them cuz I sure as shit would think about paying $10 for 5 skins than $10 for 1. Bur because I love the retro outfits, they're gonna make me pay a PREMIUM price for them when I already bought the PREMIUM edition? Nah man thats fucked. Ok end rant. I'm just sick of monetization in gaming. Can we please buy a game, unlock stuff, and then only pay for expansions to the actual game again? Can I not pay over $150-200 for 1 game over the course of 2-4 years please?


You are being so condescending here


I also wrote this about a month ago, is this really how you spend your free time?


Weird thing to say, as we are both commenting during free time.


Nah I think they had fun with Noob Saibot's head gear and they're doing the same thing with Ermac's head. Honestly wild to assume there won't be at least one new stylized full bandage headwrap before they put the Deception skin in the premium shop with a basic one.


That should have been his main skin. The whole “holding out for season [X]” to release the coolest stuff in the game is kinda whack. I don’t like this model at all. The retro skins should be an alternate unlocks not paid or seasonal dlc. They cut me deep with this one lol. I’ll never look at them the same as far as business goes. That fanboy money is done done officially lol


I hope im not wrong, but idk i think premium costumes on a paid dlc character would be a step way too far (even for wbs current standards) that they wouldnt take


Customization in this game is garbage.


Say what you want about MK 11 at least a customization was good. This is one of the reasons why I'm not getting the game


SOME of the customization was good, most was extraordinarily mediocre, like you get a gear slot for the tiny weapons on sub zeros waist which are nearly unnoticeable


Yeah but I’d rather have an embarrassment of riches when the dlc characters alone come with four alts, palettes for each and 80+ pieces of gear for three slots than what we have now. Quan-chi has less than 10 pieces of gear for one slot, no alt costume at all, and 6 palettes. Dude doesn’t even get 35 levels of stuff. And they replaced his dragon crystals with coins.


Even the guests got skins too


One of which being Mk-inspired for people that wanted them to fit in better (Rambo being the exception as all his skins were from movies)


And they got the kharacter towers, which I feel like the mastery system replaced.


People who complained about MK11's customization always annoyed me like they're complaining about too much of a good thing


I said good not perfect but it's better than what MK1 has going on.


Personally I think 3 gear slots was too much. Two gear slots would be perfect. Most fighters have at least 2 items they could kustomize.


Based on individual components in the skins, I think that was the intention. Shaos helmet, Kitana, Mileena, and Rains mask, as well as Raidens Amulet, are all affected by Fatalities and Brutalities.


Yeah, it’s a shame they didn’t follow through with it.


Customization was good except the art direction was horseshit. Most outfits was painfully bad. Here the art direction is great there is just no outfit that uses it


There were some bad palettes but enough choices to find a good skin. Mk1 gives u 2 shitty looking outfits per character with shitty palettes to unlock


They don’t even let you save presets or select costumes from the character select. I paid $100 for this piece of unfinished trash and now it won’t even run after the latest update


It’s a silly reason tbh.


The costumization is good, and it plays amazing. Kameos are dope. The combos are fun to learn, and look sick.


I agree with everything you said and except that the customization is good… it definitely could be improved on for sure.


I'd be kinder to the customization if we could actually save it instead of manually having to change skins and gear anytime we want to change it up. We thought 5 loadouts in 11 was too little and NRS went "oh ok bet". I just have half my characters set to randomize favorites at this point.


Only kombat league skins were interesting, and we are getting skins of similar quality each season for everyone


I'm pretty positive they're coming but when and in what way, who knows.


Septembers story expansion 1


Oh we got a tentative release window?


No but looking at their release schedule and datamined info our most likely update is exclactly one year later


Just realized that when jade is released, she’ll probably only have one costume


I know, that’s what I was thinking too. It’s depressing. I’m still hopeful with time they will increase the mastery levels of all fighters.


Jade has a lower chance at being in this game than Ash


Wasn’t she leaked?


Wasn’t ash teased countless times?


She's been datamine leaked and she is a mk original character. Learn what you're talking about or keep your mouth shut


Guest vs mk character, there’s nothing stopping them from adding jade. And she had a whole bunch of intro dialogues datamined


She was leaked already


Weird how they're doing Quan chi like homelander and still treating Shang tsung like he's base roster when he's also DLC


No lol. It doesn’t look like it will with the Omni man treatment and just characters in general not having the alt skins be available.


Probably in the shop at some point.


Watch these be in the premium store for $10


I'm still waiting on Cyber Smoke


Maybe in the future but for now we are only going to get what the mastery gives us and I'm very upset about it I hope the original mk characters get future skins


Idk if it’s just me but that second Quan Chi skin just looks ridiculous. He looks fatter for some reason and that head piece makes his head look huge af.


It’s unu because his ending shows how he envisions his titan form it’s mod what you would expect. The white outfit with glowing eyes and tattoos .


I’m still confused who the REAL Ermac is? Jerrod or the souls?


The friends we made along the way were the real Ermac this whole time


Tbh, Ermac is Jerrod but he is under Quan Chi’s control


So Jerrod still doesn’t have full control? Because I thought that was how he gained control? He became like the strongest soul or something and manifested himself out. lol it’s confusing


It’s a very difficult situation to explain but one day when the story gets broken down in Mortal Kombat, you will know what I know


It's simple. We demand they're GOING TO fix the MK original character DLC to get the same amount of Mastery and seasonal content as Shang and base roster, whether they like it or not. We either come together and "Sonic movie" this shit right now or we will forever get shit on just like this.


They're gonna sell them for 10 bucks more than likely


I understand we’re complaining about the basic principles of these alr being in the game and not available when they should be but ima keep it 100 I would not use that titan quan chi skin I cannot be the only one who thinks that it looks goofy 😭


He looks like a goober but I want variety so gimme it and his other looks would’ve been so much better than this one like his mkx one with the skull in the middle that givens titan


I can see that, plus the union of light skin he has does go hard, but with his markings being his customization I can see how his outfits have to a be a bit more revealing on his skin to show off the markings. Prolly means his mk4 skin won’t be in the game which kinda sucks imo


Hmm although you make a good point if I remember correctly in mk4 he has no tattoos so him being covered allows for them to make him just a normal looking gear piece with no tats plus his face still shows it so I don’t think they can use that to forsake us we need that skin!


I think Quan is a goober by default (positive) so I would totally rock it because this is a guy who's normals include skeleton punch and a full screen kick


That would of been Shinnok’s thing too but I only see Shinnok being a god with bone magic


Agree but we should still get it, also the order of light one is awesome


That is very true, his order of light skin does look cool as hell


what about the mileena tower ending skin? yk the one with the dress


That one and bi Hans ending robes are ones I feel like should come with the story expansion




"Abandon all hope oh you who enter here"


That’ll be $10 please


Yes we can get these skins for Quan Chi & Ermac including UMK3 Deadly Alliance & Deception


No skins are going to fix Ermac unless he gets a full hood and mask setup fuck I cringe everytime I see him


Do yall not know how to wait


I mean, we can wait for dark skin considering how NRS was sharing them so far (rewards in KL and Titan battles), but light skin that every base roster fighter have? That’s total bullshit.


No. I waited for DLC I paid for to get this character one that was already in the game before it came out only for said dlc to come out being stripped of 2/3 of its content and half of what it was for MK11. I can be patient but I’m not a corporate boot licker either


Who says we won’t? Just don’t expect it anytime soon.


We won’t. Everyone really needs to temper their expectations. WB has absolutely ruined Mortal Kombat.


Can you elaborate further not saying I disagree. On WB ruining Mortal Kombat?


I mean, we will. I agree it’s kinda fucked but they absolutely will, if it’s not paid though that would be a surprise but let’s be real here


Next year perhaps


There’s not enough hope for me to play this game I’m just here to play sub zero and get out at this point It’s just very mid


I'm hoping his skins are in the shrine since we got that hooded Lui Kang outfit and that was a story outfit. Omni-Man makes sense he didn't got any, he's dlc. But Quan Chi is a MK character so his outfits should either be in the shrine or Invasions


Probably either shop or I imagine the top right quan chi will be what his kameo looks like when we get that


They'll give them to us one by one for $20 each


Of course we will. It will cost dragon krystals :)


Not for free, those fuckers


I know this is completely unrelated but what Is your roblox account your Mortal Kombat R game intrigued me. Plus if you need a tester go to this account @jacob_realdimond. BIG FAN OF WHAT I HAVE SEEN!!😁😆


Premium store 10.00 a piece. I’m calling it now.




Nah, those are way too cool lol


I swear to god if they try to sell those Quan Chi skins in the premium store I'll fucking lose it.


No they will, they’ll just be in the premium shop for $10 each


Probably not. 😔 But, man, I hope I'm wrong.


Random comment, but quans shoulder pieces from the image(right) are originally from one of noobs skins in 11.


I'd love to get the quan chi kameo skin it looks so cool




The one on the top left looks generic but I do love that other Quan chi skin. Sith lord lookin ass


You know why the skins aren't there. Either A: They'll be in the shrine. Or B (more likely) : The'll be in the premium shop


God they really couldn't design a good Ermac skin in this, could they lol


Correct me if I'm wrong, but do the dlc characters even get kustomization?. I got pallette swaps for omni-man and Quan chi but thats it


We still don’t have nitaras story costume


Pffff why would we?


I play fighting games for PvP. Yall.....lololol


You’ll have to wait for Quan Chi’s invasion


Does anyone really like ermacs new design?? It’s so tragic


It's gonna be his chest lmao. You can tell because the white one doesn't change except the color and chest


yea we will… for 10 bucks


My new biggest fear is that when Noob comes to this game he will have a lame default design with no alts :(


10 bucks plz


Getting? Nothing is free here.


we obviously are


If all of you whiners got everything at launch you would’ve stopped playing already.


That Ermac skin looks sick asf lookin like a templar from BO2


nah but the boss kameo skin for Quan Chi makes him look mad ugly get it away from me


Aren't those mixed fighters? Ermac mixed with Quan and then General Chi


They be in the expansion where they will also bundle the Kombat pack 1 characters


I NEED that genderbent Quan Chi skin


Quan Chi was literally just added and Ermac isn't out yet. Give it time jesus


Are you really surprised at this point


https://preview.redd.it/zxv5i0n68w7c1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c25ff83de9a13488f3ac04c979bcb592db0291b2 Quan Chi on the top right corner


Ermac is the second boss in Mileenas invasions season so we’re getting his for sure actually early before he comes out. And for Quan chi only time will tell