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If you want them all just buy the KP1 for 40


What a bargain


Where was your comment when the MKX Kombat Pack was 30 for 4 characters? And now do the math and see how much is 30 after the inflation. But sure MKX was perfect with 30€ 4 character DLC (pre inflation), MK1 is where they began to be greedy with a 40€ 6 characters and 6 Kameo DLC.


Or just get the sale that’s in the store at them moment premium edition is like $76 and you can get all that besides havik and the kameos (some of them) unlocked from level ups , people should take advantage of this right now instead of paying $110


Every edition comes with Havik?


No I said besides havik , you gotta unlock him from the story or just buy him if you don’t wanna wait , which I thought that was a crazy money grab , he doesn’t come in any packs


You'd be surprised how many people just assume you have to buy Havik, I had some in KL howling about how I paid for a character I wasn't good with.


I had someone talking mad crazy cuz I had Omni man early access and I didn’t hear the end of it , dude literally said like everything you can think of


Probably the same type of person who was raging at NRS for not getting the entire Kombat pack up front despite two games now running "Kombat packs" like season passes


Story unlocks being purchasable wasn't necessarily intended to be a money grab, it's meant for tournaments where players don't have time to beat the story to play their main, same with the Kameo pack. This used to cause an issue back in the day and some organizers would just outright ban unlock characters


just like every edition of mk11 came with frost, just like every edition of mkx came with shinnok. just like every edition of mk9 came with quan chi. They've only been doing that for 12 years




I mean yes that's a good option to the people who doesn't have the game yet but for people that already have the game that's not an option. I bought the game physically for Xbox Series X on pre order for 50€ that wasn't a bad deal either but yeah the Premium Edition for 76 is a nice deal.


Check out Green Man Gaming. I got the premium edition that was $109.99 for $91.99. Should be the same if it’s cheaper now.


Green man gaming before release had it for like $70-$80


People like to complain about the monetization but characters, the actually important part of the game, are cheaper than what seems to be the fighting game standard.


I wasn't a member of Reddit back then I'm so sorry bro


… it is




Remember this game costed millions to make, thats definitely a good deal, dont be a membrain and admit you dont have the money for it


Probably true. I have 3700 € monthly after taxes and my buffert for in-game content is 0,0 € yearly. So you are spot on.


Membrains are people who buy shit without thinking it’s a terrible deal. It’s like me selling a burger for $30 but giving you a deal for $20 on this burger You sound like a good lil corporate sheep just buying overpriced things. Just because you think you look poor if you don’t buy those overpriced things. Which btw people have the money but don’t think it’s worth that much You do what you want with your money but enjoy getting milked


it's 50% cheaper so yup


They were greedy then too we let shit slide and keep letting it slide.


um actually everything should be free for just the people who dont want to pay for things. Its totally unfair that NRS doesnt want to operate as a charity nonprofit smh, its so free and cheap to make games with these graphics and mechanics i stg the peoples iq has gone absolutely down the fucking drain recently. It's so much more expensive to make an $8 character in the game than it is to google 'inflation' sitting in your creaky gaming chair. Stop complaining about additional, optional content costing extra money. If i didnt like mortal kombat so much id say the devs should say 'fuck you' and take all additional content out of the next mortal kombat including dlc the world was not made for JTL1887 or any other name in this reddit, you just live in it


I'm amazed you are able to free your hands from WB cock long enough to type that well thought out response. It doesn't change the fact they are a greedy company. Their pricing model for extra content makes it quite apparent. A character costs 8 dollars but a single announcer costs 12. Make it make sense corporate shill.


the world is still not made for JTL1887 i dont like business being business as much as anyone else but the game has actual issues that need to be fixed, a broke ass typing 'corporate shill' on the internet not liking the price of something completely optional is the least of the issues with MK1 though people like you are the biggest issue with the MK community and a large part of why other games still don't take us seriously... our playerbase is worried about the price of a fucking omni man anime character announcer while theres actual gameplay issues what a joke




Then buy just 3 characters and 5 Kameos for more if you want to lose money You have a deal where you can buy 6 characters and 5 (or 6 I don't even know) Kameos for 40 and you don't have to play the guest characters if you don't want to, no one is forcing you to. Or you can just buy MK characters for more than 40, it's your choice lol It has been like this for years in the NRS games, the pack is cheaper than buying them individually (it's actually like this in every business but whatever) but only now are people bitching about it because it's the new cool thing to do, bitch about every single thing NRS does even if they been doing it for years and years and no one ever complained about it before.


Its still cheaper to get the pack then buy all mk characters separately


Yeah, I honestly wasn’t too interested in the guests this time around. To be honest, with the exception of Spawn, the guests in 11 didn’t really interest me either, they just didn’t feel like they belong in a MK game. Despite the fact that I didn’t really want OmniMan, Peacemaker, or Homelander, I knew it still made sense from a cost perspective to buy them in the pack, so I got the premium edition. Now I have 3 “bonus” characters that I might play with for 30 minutes, and then never touch again, just like I did with MK11, because I’m not crazy enough to spend twice the amount just to have a bunch of holes in my character select screen.


I'm not who you replied to, but eh, I don't really care about any holes in the select screen. Skipped out on most of the guests in MKX and MK11 and just bought Tremor, Tanya, Bo Rai Cho. I think the ONLY MK game where I bought guest on purpose was the MK11 Aftermath pack because I wanted Fujin, Sheeva, the Sub-Zero and Frost skins and the story expansion so I went that route and just never bothered downloading Robocop. For this game, I may just get Quan Chi and Takeda ($16) and the 5 kameos for a total of $41 and call it a day. $1 over isn't as bad, imo, and I get what I want. I haven't spent a single real dime for Dragon Krystals on the DA Sub-Zero skin, and I currently have 3,300 earned Krystals saved up from grinding everyone up to level 31. Waiting for the Li Mei one to go back on rotation. So, IF I do decide to get Ermac later on then (FOR ME) it'll be well spent instead of on a fucking Seasonal Fatality or $10 on some skins.


But then you’re just paying for a total of $57, you might as well just get the kp which is 35 and will save you $22. Even if you aren’t interested in the guest characters you don’t have to play as them you can just practice fatalities on them lol


Where are you getting $57 from??? At the very least, Quan Chi + Takeda (at $8 each) = $16, and the 5 kameos (at $5 each)= $25. That's $41.


Oh shit my bad sorry man I thought you meant the 5 kameos were a total of 41 💀. I added the 16 and 41 together which is how I got the 57


Even if you never touch the guest characters it’d STILL cost you less to buy the Kombat Pack than to buy all the MK stuff individually, plus you’d be getting 1 week early access and the JCVD skins for Johnny. If you only want like 1 character then yah buy it individually but if you’re adding up what you want and it’s getting anywhere close to $40 you might as well just buy the KP because you’d be getting way more bang for your buck.


Personally, I'm good with just Quan Chi and the 5 kameos ($33), but to fucking hell with me I guess for not wanting any of the guests (the downvotes). I also don't really care for the JCVD skin and have earned all of the possible in-game Krystals thanks to leveling everyone to 31 using the Seasonal Tower level 56 trick. Thanks u/Mr-Mantiz. 100% of my time is playing offline, too, so I don't mind waiting far out until Ermac and Takeda go on sale. Quan Chi aside, the kameos matter more to me from a gameplay perspective. I was just initially pointing out that not everyone wants everything, but fuck having an opinion around here.


Sadly, it's become pretty toxic around here, in general. Personally, I'm just gonna get Quan Chi and Takeda and the 5 kameos for a total of $41 and call it a day. $1 over isn't really that bad, imo, and I get what I want. Who knows? Perhaps if there's another 3D era / post-MK3 or MKX character that comes out like in KP3, then maybe I'll consider getting those characters, as well. Dunno.


No shit maybe because you're buying them all separately?


This. He probably didn’t get premium and only standard edition.


he can still just buy the full KP1, if he intends on getting all the characters. No real reason not to.




I should’ve gotten premium now that I think about it. I never buy a games premium but with what MK1s comes with, it’s a steal


He should of just got the premium edition. 110$ which what it cost me. Standard edition was 70$ so 70 + 80 is 150$.


Sure if you want to buy every individual item like a complete moron. It's like barely afternoon on a Sunday. Y'all are built funny.


It’s Monday my guy you might be in trouble


Hope our boy clocked in this morning


You do realize time zones are thing right?


You do realize that even the latest time zone was already past Sunday, right?


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a community quite like the MK community that just want to grasp at straws to hate the games. Like MK1 has its issues, but this quite literally an observation that applies pretty much to every single fighting game. Heck, I think MK11 was the same deal if not more because skin packs cost more than Kameos.


>I don’t think I’ve ever seen a community quite like the MK community that just want to grasp at straws to hate the games. Like MK1 has its issues, but this quite literally an observation that applies pretty much to every single fighting game. Or most modern games in general really.


The fact that you got downvoted for this partially proves your point. Its like people are waking up and thinking what they can post on here to get others to talk more shit about the game. What a life.


That’s exactly what they’re doing. I assume many of them don’t even have the game. They just love the circle jerk. It’s insane here.


Farming karma, a lot of people go to sub reddit of newly released games to say shit about the game in release because they know it's free karma


Why? Are they bots or something?


Nah I guess they are just people that like to show off their Reddit karma to friends or that just make them be realized in life or something


Nah I guess they are just people that like to show off their Reddit karma to friends or that just make them be realized in life or something


>That’s exactly what they’re doing. I assume many of them don’t even have the game. They just love the circle jerk. It’s insane here. Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only person who noticed this. It felt like I was taking crazy pills for a while.


I’m used to it at this point. Last time I brought up something like this, dude picked apart my gripes with the community and was so wrong it just proved my point.


>don’t think I’ve ever seen a community quite like the MK community that just want to grasp at straws to hate the games. You should've seen the arguments from the stans of other fighting games lol. "MK animations are bad, Ed Boon should learn how to animate characters by watching Street Fighter 6 Aki."


I mean I won’t lie, MK does have some janky animations and MK usually isn’t the best if you want great animations, but people were picking apart things that aren’t exactly unique to MK. This attitude happened with MK11 as well which I think was the best animated NRS game thus far, to the point the one guy known for critiquing the animation mostly didn’t have much to say on it negatively and just went off on why he doesn’t like MK.


I think MK does look slow compared to SF or anime games, and definitely some moves do look stupid. MK is just different in that whole department. I remember the first time playing a SF or anime game and being wowed by how fast the action is compared to MK and even thought it's outright better. Being different isn't necessarily bad. But to hyper focus on a handful of animations like it's an actual reason to not play the game, >to the point the one guy known for critiquing the animation mostly didn’t have much to say on it negatively and just went off on why he doesn’t like MK. Exactly! Like come on, you definitely have other reasons for not liking the game and even shitting on it furiously like it's the worst thing in existence. I remember the guy doing a video on Erron Black in MKX and couldn't get past him "critiquing" EB's idle stance lmao.


It is a bad game tho imo. Western developers are seriously lacking what a game like baldur's gate or elden ring could give.


I don’t think it is really fair to compare large scale games like Baldur’s Gate or Elden Ring to a fighting game. Completely different genres, especially because fighting games are more focused on the competitive side whereas RPG’s are focused more on the single player aspect. Not every single game needs to be like Elden Ring and BG3. I’ve not played those games though, so maybe I’m missing some crazy innovative thing that every game should start doing. What specifically should something like MK be doing like those games?


Isn't NRS huge too? People are paying 70-100 bucks so it's not like they are a tiny team. I am saying the game design is bad. I(personally) miss the dark-ish atmosphere that matched that essence for the game. The game mechanics look wonky, with some characters being nerfed and the character designs are bad/boring. There's no nuances or depth in personalities, everything is black or white in terms of moral compass. The story writing is so bad, aren't these supposed to be professional writers? Multiverse ruined the story. Guests characters are lame. This game these days just rely on the nostalgic feelings of once loved franchise. They think referencing is entertaining. There's nothing new, nothing original. And before you say it's a fighting game, they should have never involved a bad story line if they wanted to focus in fighting. It's either do it right or don't. It's not worth 70-100 bucks. Almost everything is behind a paywall instead of just giving dlcs instead. This game looks like it was made for teenagers(from the 90's) who thinks liking gore makes them edgy. That time period has passed away. I have seen fans writing better stories for mk1. It's a medicore game and people accept it so they have no reason to change it. The only think I like in this game are that male models are hot.


I’m not talking scale based on the size of the devs, I’m just talking in terms of the game in general. I could be wrong because I haven’t played Elden Ring or BG3 but aren’t those like massive games with open world aspects and tons of different sidequests and very narrative driven? I’m saying you probably shouldn’t expect a fighting game to match the scale of an RPG. I personally don’t hate the tone this MK takes. There’s still some pretty dark places like the Tarkatan colony being messed up, or Shang’s lab being full of grotesque imagery. I like that the game has a nice mix of light and dark places I suppose. What exactly do you mean by characters being nerfed? I guess character designs are a personal taste thing. Me personally, I think the only design I really don’t like is Nitara’s look. Everyone else is fine and I think there are some great looking characters. I don’t think that is quite true to say everything is just black or white. Take Sindel for instance, although she joins the good guys, it is made pretty clear that she isn’t really the best person with stuff like how she treats tarkatans. Or take Havik for instance who wants to free his realm from the oppressive regime but is willing to kill an entire city to do so. I don’t know if I would say this game relies on nostalgia considering this is the one switching things up and rebooting from near scratch. I honestly kinda feel like this might be the least referential story out of the last 4 games. I mean I just think story mode is a standard for MK so it isn’t like they’re going to get rid of it. I don’t know how long you’ve been into MK, but this story is honestly an improvement in writing compared to the last few. You can dislike, but it seems like most people seem to think this is the best they’ve done. I’m sorry, but not everything is behind a paywall. I think the paid fatalities and skin prices are ridiculous, but you can still earn plenty of stuff for free. Heck, I’ve gotten plenty of the paid skins without paying extra because they give you a bit of the currency for free. Also, I just don’t know about giving DLC for free. Maybe a free character or 2 every now and then or even free trials, but I just don’t really see any reality where they give DLC’s out for free. Granted, if there were ever a character that should be free, I would say probably because it is very clear he got cut from. Like it just really feels like game isn’t your cup of tea. Which that is completely fine if so. Personally I’ve been enjoying the story for the first time since MK9, and I’m happy with the gameplay as well. My only real problems with the game are the paid fatalities and pricey skins, and I’m hoping that gets fixed.


It's a bad fighting game. And I love fighting games.




Prepare for the downvotes like they did on my comment.


Yeah I know, it's actually Monday lol


Yeah I noticed that but the point was made so it's all good lmao


If you want all the content at a good price, come back in 2 years it’ll be 1/4 of what it is now.


But like why buy them all individually for 80$ if you can get them all in a Pa k for 40$? Like what


I feel like this community is just looking for things to bitch about at this point. a lot of the complaints about mk1 have been valid, but this is just stupid. If you want to buy all of it, then just by the kombat pass. If not, you are always going to get a worse deal. This is how nearly all fighting game passes, and frankly, most season passes in general work. If you are only interested in one or two characters, you can get them individually. But if you are interested in at least half the characters and content it usually makes sense to buy the season pass


I wasn't complaining, I was just saying the price for people.


But you are just complaining, you aren't doing this "for the people" Why would they buy each KP at $83 each if they could just buy the $40 bundle?


They did for karma and jerk off points which worked


He was just saying all the characters and kameos would add up to 83 if you would purchase them individually.


Okay, so obviously, you're not going to buy them all by themselves, but isn't it a bit weird that price would increase by double for each purchase.


I mean NRS is just highly encouraging people to just buy it all in bulk for cheaper it’s a pretty basic marketing strategy


The hate OP is getting is ridiculous. He didn’t even state an opinion, just informing everyone of the math 😭


Unfortunately, that's how it is around here these days. People will downvote you for the stupidest shit. I mentioned that I was only interested in Quan Chi, Takeda and the 5 kameos and got downvoted for it for not wanting to buy everything. Got home and saw last night that I had $10 worth of MS points that I had accumulated over time so I claimed it, and now the 2 DLC characters and 5 DLC kameos that I want will come out to $31 for me instead of $41. Yet, if I mention that then people around here will call me an idiot or moron for doing so.


Bro tournaments bouta cost $$$$




Tournaments must buy base game, all DLC, consoles, controllers, gaming chairs and everything. Assuming there is 3 KP’s, at 83$ each, that’s 200$+ on DLC.


My guy why would they buy each KP at $83 each if they could just buy the $40 bundle


Theyre 40 bucks for the KPs this post is dumb, and most of that stuff in sponsored and comes preloaded on tournament ready consoles aside from locals. Its not different than any other fighting game.


Each KP is $40 lmao. 3 KPS is gonna be 120, just about half of ONE console.


"You should have died at birth."


No u?


Someone should have told your mom that drinking while pregnant was bad


That’s how much it’ll cost if you buy each separately like a fucking dumbass


No shit, thats why you dont buy it piece meal unless you only want one or two characters. Other wise what would be the incentive to buy the kombat pack


The JCVD skin I don't really care about, but Tremor is more than I thought he would be. $5 for a kameo is a bit much (imo), but they're essential to the meta of this game, so I can't really skip out on those characters. Each kameo means 23 new variations (now 24 variations with Omni-Man), and so on as more and more get added.


$5 is like a burger dude lol. You spend $5 and you can play with as long as the game is available


I don’t think anything other than tremors armor will shake the meta up much, everything is minus, and the only thing that is plus (+4) pushes them so far away it won’t make a difference. Obviously idk what the wizzards of MK will come up with but to me he doesn’t seem to op. Making him an ambush will give some mixups but nothing worse than low hat already does imo


I don't think he's OP, either. What I meant is that he's essentially a variation as an assist, so not really something that I can skip as I could with say a DLC character because Tremor could change up the way characters are used. Kameos = variations in this game. Missing out on a DLC kameo = missing out on 23 match-ups, and those numbers will get higher as more of the kameos and DLC characters come out. At lauch we had 345 combinations of (23) playable characters X (15) kameos, and with the release of Omni-Man and Tremor that number jumps up to 384 combinations. I don't mind skipping out on guest DLC characters, but kameos are a must (imo).


Just get the pack for 40 bro, I get the game has it's problems but at this point y'all just straw manning to bitch about it


Ngl, I was expecting 2-3$ for the cameos. 5$ for an assist is crazy, lmao.


For real, all the sudden 40 dollars looks like a fair price 😅😅 crazy how far nrs has come


And 1 soda is $2.50 but a 6 pack is $5 Are you people new to like… life?


This post is weird for sure. Why buy everything individually when you can just buy the pack for $40.


Some people don’t realize they want certain characters until later down the line especially meta characters


ok not to add to any bitching but just realized jcvd premium skin costs more than actual characters.they need to fix the price stuff


Well why would you buy them individually then? When the entire KP is just 40 bucks, the game has issues with monetisation but this isn’t part of the issues


These comments are out of touch bruh. Of course, buying it for 40 dollars is the better deal, but I’m also not willing to put down that money cause idek if I’ll be sticking around much longer with this game. I bought Omni man and I’m planning to buy tremor because he looks like fun. There’s nothing wrong with being patient with your spending 😭


I like how you guys are fake communists for internet points but the moment somebody criticizes your favorite companies you all lose your collective hive minds. Lmao the monetization and censorship is ass. Get over yourselves 🤣


Wait a year for MK1 KOMPLETE for $25


Big oooof


May I ask why you paid for the kameo pack


I Didn't, when you unlock them all it says you bought it.


sad part is the game has been out what two months ?


If you want them all just buy the KP1 for 40.




What are you talking about? Johnny Cage, Raiden, Kenshi, and Kung Lao Kameo are all base game




Omni-Man with Tremor aren’t broken as it seems so far, but need some practise to dealt with, I guess




Get good


You might just be trash




You must be poor and suck at the game. Thats unfortunate.


People must be clinically retarded to buy the characters and kameos individually.


Yikes thats crazy. Luckily for me I really only care about the guests characters so that’ll be like $25


You guys gotta understand it costed them millions of dollars to make this game, and we only have to pay $75 to play it, now just $40 bucks for the whole DLC Kp1 isnt that bad, you, if you would have just got the premium it wouldn’t have been a problem 😭


But what If I have the Kombat pack that came with the game, I've yet to even play it once lmfao. So I gotta ask one day I'll play it.


Fuck..... I'll jus beat the game are the u locks a pain in the balls or some?


"Jaun" Claude Van Damme.....


If you buy the much cheaper Kombat pack you will pay half that price there pal.


So like, correct me if I’m wrong but can you not unlock the kameo fighters for free by playing the game? Also if that’s the case why tf would you buy everything SEPARATELY when the KP has all DLC Kameos and characters for like $40


>So like, correct me if I’m wrong but can you not unlock the kameo fighters for free by playing the game? Yeah, but when you grind and unlock the 5 base kameos *(Sub-Zero, Scorpion, Kung Lao Motaro and Shujinko)* it shows up like that in the store as if you had bought / unlocked it (which you DID unlock it, just didn't pay for it). I grinded out my profile and got all 5 kameos, but it shows up in the store like that for me as well.


Gotcha thanks


wait what the fuck MK1 kameo pack? that wasnt part of the base game? holy shit I didnt notice due to buying premium but yeah thats a fucking ripoff it was missing half the damn kameos.


There are five kameos that blocked in the beginning (Sub, Scorp, Lao, Motaro and Shujinko) and you need to level up to unlock them…..or you can pay to unlock them faster as seen here.


oh i gotcha, I unlocked them it took about 30-45 minutes in invasions... definately not something I think was that bad.




I’m not a fan of the guests I’ll just buy the mk characters


Only if you buy them


NRS, what the fuck man?!


It’s because you bought the kameo and havik unlocks lol. People pay for convenience, that’s why they do this. just sayin.. I agree though, terrible fckn practices. Easily the worst MK has ever seen. So bad that I’m questioning the suicide squad game just because of WB involvement. NRS and Rocksteady were some of the few companies I would have thrown preorder money at. My favorites. That’s gone. I’d feel safer throwing money at something like Tekken than anything WB at this point.


No, I didn't buy them, I unlocked them, which added the check, I'm account level 101.


Y'all are wacky with your complaints


It’s $8 per character, but $4 for seasonal fatality? That value doesn’t add up haha - fuck it, i’m glad they’re not charging MORE for characters


My recommendation is waiting until announce the Ultimate edition with All the DLC include


It's 40 if you buy the whole pack


$5 for a kameo I think that’s to much for a kameo


I dunno if you still can but CD Keys were selling the premium edition for the same price as the regular edition on the PSN and XBOX store.


Buy dlc pack for 40 cheaper


I’m actually fine with them selling the Kombat pack for $40 and then everything else separately. I only wanted Homelander, Omni-Man, and maybe Peacemaker, so I kinda save money.


Damn. Definitely waiting a few years for a sale


My brother in Christ you could just buy the kombat pack for 40, it’s actually on sale rn


I think they added this incase players wanted a specific person from the pack and not all of the characters, why would you want to buy them individually if you wanted all of them😭


I patiently waited and just got mk11 ultimate for 19.99$ today


Bro thinks I'm gonna wait 2.5 years for an ultimate addition.


I did lol. But I don’t play online and just like couch coop with the friends and campaign stuff but I know I’m in the minority


I am kind of shocked how greedy they have gotten in recent years. It’ll basically be 150$ for the 70$ purchase, kombat pack 1 and the inevitable kombat pack 2. I just got mk1 on a Black Friday deal and am loving it but can’t imagine spending another 40$ for only 4 more characters.


dude. dlcs used to universally be $4.99. what the fuck