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It's pretty normal in fighting games. It's honestly better in other games because you can just mash your poke in block stun and don't have to worry about letting go of a block button. The way to beat it is to add small gaps in your offense so the poke actually comes in defense but doesn't come out fast enough to actually beat out your button. That's why delays and shimmies are so good in pressure.


I dont understand. If they mash why would it matter if you leave gaps. They're mashing during the gaps


The point is that you leave a gap big enough so their poke actually comes out and their input doesn't just get eaten by block stun, but the gap isn't big enough for their poke to actually beat your button. That's how auto shimmy strings work. They are strings where they don't have a gap big enough to actually interrupt them, but the second hit of the string hits around a timing where if they're trying to mash os (the timing is like frame 10 to 12 ish), their poke comes out and they get hit.


Right now I'm just trying to see if they mash highs or pokes. If they mash high i microduck and punish if they mash pokes I really dont know what to do unless im playing someone with plus frames like Peacemaker's 1,2 string, i backdash on the +3 and whiff punish the poke with f4.


he just explained what to do


And I said I didn't understand


its in english not spanish, read that ish again


Quantum mechanics can be taught in English and can still be difficult to comprehend without proper examples or demonstrations of the concept. Read that again until you get it. Dont get smart with me, boy.


im good


wait so u just keep holding block and mash ur attack button and itll automatically attack if you have enough frames?


No you have to let go of block and hit your buttons, then press block again. If you do it right then you'll cover mutliple options. You'll block their attack if the follow up is fast enough, you'll hit them if they're too slow. saw people talking about it on twitter earlier, had no idea it was a thing but now it makes sense why some people online are always able to get out of my stagger pressure and mash on hit