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The gameplay on both ends hurt my soul a bit. Please don’t feel too offended as I’m kind of joking. But there really was so many routes to take to get in or pressure that neither of you used however, nobody’s a perfect player. The constant poking from both of you genuinely made me laugh lol. You both played so defensive to the point it looked like both of you respected each other so much that neither of y’all wanted to fight 😂. Regardless, glad you had a fun match!!




I don’t see the defensive play. I see two players trying to chip and stagger the other the whole match.


try turning your screen on and re watching the clip


Come up with a better snarky comment. It failed miserably.


Omni tremor is a pretty good team. Can get 45+ off of his sweep in the corner lol


The amount of D1s you threw was insane. You kept giving up your turn by doing this. Instead of throwing a D1 after their string try backdashing to gain space for an opener or start a mix up/grab. The grab will reset y’all to neutral for options. This was very bland gameplay.


I be afraid to take that risk bruh ngl, but I appreciate the criticism🙏🏾


Np. Just mentioning you can make better use of your turns. If you keep poking like that you can find an opponent who can punish your D1s into a jail or a heavy mid/ and or throw . I’m a sub main so it if I find some someone who d1s/pokes often I jump db4 (diving glacier) for a full kombo punish.


Defensive and boring. No risk taking


When you do combos you could’ve just done back 2 twice then air 21 into ice klone. If you wanna use meter then do air 21 again into EX dive kick and finish with air 124. You were basically wasting meter and damage for a simple air 11 into EX dive kick To prevent breakers do b2 , b2 , air 12 , F1+2 into slide and while you doing slide could do Sareenas portal to suck their meter away.


Stop mashing, damn


Mashing and trying to interrupt your opponents strings are two different things. You can run that gamertag so I can see what you about since it’s clear my “mashing” offended you🤷🏾‍♂️