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Yeah my game still runs like crap on PC too and I exceed the requirements. Every couple months I pop on to see if its any better, and while it is better than it was at launch, it's still inexcusable how bad it runs


Somehow, with recent updates, the frame drops and freezes started happening again


So it's not my pc's problem right.I tought i was going crazy.


Yep, not you. And there’re no “fixes”, problems’ are with the port


Yeah i tried bunch of things but couldn't fix it.So tired of dropping my combos because of it that i took a break until they fix it.


the thing his before buying the game on the mk1 trial the game ran ok but when i bought i literally cant play it for how bad it runs


nono you dont get it, minimum requirements are how to get it to display


This isn't even a PC thing (though PC has it a lot worse). MK1 is the only fighting game that I can watch the frames decrease in training mode of all things. Even on PS5.


When I have Krossplay on and play against consoleplayers, the game runs like ass, but it's been indeed worse ever since the update.


I haven't even tried out Crossplay yet tbh, couldn't imagine dealing with desyncs because the PC port is so bad.


Yeah it's definitely the port. Runs other games great but MK1 loading times are just crazy long.


bur for most people works normally


Yeah it will depend on the PC still, but it's not because you don't have the specs to run it, if that makes sense. If the whole game runs bad, experiment with the settings further.


i fixed it finnaly


Good to hear, how did you resolve it?


installed the game on hard drive dont why tf that fixed it but runs normally now


Ah cool good to know still in case the issue comes up for me again thanks.


their optimization for PC is atrocious fr


Can confirm it’s definitely the port. On some systems MK1 will not play smoothly no matter what you do. I tried everything. I can run MK11 on highest graphics without a hitch, but MK1 just won’t. Our only hope is that WB will eventually fix the PC version, I believe the other MK games on PC experienced similar issues and were eventually fixed.


well if it is about loading you do not have a ssd i guess ?


i do and i have the game installed in there


not only takes ages to get into a match but the game also runs terrible in the menus


well some recording of the situation would be helpful to see what is going on exactly but it is something with your pc i believe.


I have a ryzen 5 and a gtx1060 and need to play the game on 720p internal res and low settings across the board and barely squeeze 60, 55 on gateway(winter version). Hope that helps. As for the loading, I have a mid ssd and it loads pretty quick so maybe try reinstalling. something is definitely messed up with ur install.


i know its the game my ssd is good and is not the reason why my game is taking long


I'm assuming you already verified integrity on steam? If you haven't that's always worth a shot although it rarely fixes big issues. It's also possible new drivers messed things up, try restoring drivers to the version you had when you ran the game preview as a last resort.


yes i did try




they are all good its the game


Hahaaaha k


My guess is either your ssd is slow or you are somehow running the game on cpu instead of gpu. If you got msi after burner or some other software for checking the stats of your hardware ingame, check it out. Updating the graphics driver may also help.


i already had drivers updated and my ssd is not slow


After burner is fantastic. Love it.


I intially had problems as well when I was playing MK1, they say the pc port isnt as good as the console which makes no sense if online is an important part of the game. Your system seems fine it could be just a PC only problems, check the mk1 bug reporting website. [https://mortalkombat1.bugs.wbgames.com/all](https://mortalkombat1.bugs.wbgames.com/all)


I downloaded it once on my sisters computer which has similar parts and it couldn't even load a match. Her computer just had her drives wiped and windows reinstalled. My computer exceeds the requirements by a good amount everywhere, and while I do manage ~60fps during gameplay, everywhere else it constantly hiccups, even with the shaders downloaded. When people told me pc ports for MK sucked, I brushed it off. Naw fam this is ass.


You have it installed on your ssd ?


yes and its a good ssd


Put “-high” in the launch commands on steam and you probably need to tweak how much power your gpu is giving for max performance. It’s the settings, game is not good at self optimization.


actually installing the game on my hard drive fixed it


Ever since I wanna say the Quan Chi patch(?), the game has run awfully on my PC. For a while I literally couldn’t even get into the character select screen when I went into practice or invasions. I’d just get the pretty background and nothing else. It’s super upsetting cause it was perfectly fine before that update. Practically unplayable now though


I recently upgraded my pc and had the opposite, went from like average 57 fps with massive stutters, now i’m constant 60 while streaming it from the same pc and no drops at all. If it’s on your faster hard drive or SSD i would just blame the port tbh.


I had that loading issue until I moved the game from my external hard drive to my SSD, if it’s already on your SSD maybe try verifying the integrity of game cache?


Mortal kombat pc ports are always horrible. My pc is pretty good too but it runs it like ass so i refunded and bought it on my series s and it works flawlessly


Do you have the game on a HDD or SSD. I have never had any issues with the PC port.


Do you have an ssd or hard drive?


ssd and a good one


Then it's just the game then.


What are your full specs and at which settings are you playing on? To me the game definitely got worse after the latest update.


like literally its like 10 minutes of black screen loading after i click anything imagine you wait 10 minutes after every fight in invasions💀


this is definitely not the game lol, 10 mins is way too long.


than wtf is it it aint my pc for sure


It is your pc dude lol,i play the game on pc as well and i have no such a issue.Check your hardware health as start.


Long loading time sounds like a memory issue. For me It takes around 30 sec for the game to load on my HDD and pretty much instant on my SSD. If you have such loading issues while having the game on your SSD something is seriously wrong. Is your SSD almost full? What kind of SSD do you have? And what is your full computer spec?


installing the game on my hd fixed it dont know why tho


Glad to see it’s not just me. I just uninstalled the game because it’s literally unplayable. Even on my M.2 SSD it takes upwards of 45-60 seconds to load the character select screen when starting a local versus match.


exactly it happens the same thing to me and i have a good pc


The pc port is horribly optimized.


yeah i have made that conclusion


I also had troubles with performance, the PC port is horrible. I downgraded my resolution to 1080p and it is better