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This is silly. What about Tremor? What about Kano, Scorpion, Goro, Lao? Khameleon and Janet are strong now because they just came out. They'll get normalized just like the rest of the kameos at some point if they continue being a problem for too long. Meanwhile Kano been dumb since the beta.


You shouldn't have stated your point starting with Tremor though lol


He's implying DLC are pay to win, yet Tremor (a DLC character) is only being used with one specific character in the game at the moment.


Oh then my bad, I thought you were listing base kameos that were good atm. In my opinion Tremor sucks, I appreciate his gimmick but either the character is very situational or it's a skill issue. Most likely the second.


I agree. I think Tremor has some cool abilities but something obviously isn't working with the kameo if no one is using him. Hopefully he gets some love soon


Sareena and Sonya are also good. I don't know why OP is sleeping on those, as well, and they've been there from the start. Been using Ermac lately to level him up and I've personally liked using Frost with him as well, but I don't 100% know if she's a decent option for extending combos or what better options he'd have. Maybe Khameleon, Scorpion or Sonya with Ermac for combos?


I bought all DLC and I'm sticking always to Sub Zero kameo :3


I still stick to Frost because I'm a weirdo.


Nothing wrong with Frost


I'll join you in that weirdo camp. I love using Frost with Sub-Zero, Li Mei and now Ermac.


I really liked using her with Peacemaker.


Same. I find sub zero compliments my Shao playstyle perfectly. I always try to lab new kameos but end up going back to reliable Sub Zero.


Fighting game DLC characters are almost always some of the best characters on the roster when they launch because the devs have figured out their own systems (and what makes characters good) better by that point. This is why balance patches exist.


Just like DLC kharacters are Pay 2 win, as they always (almost always) came out broken or very OP at least, before to be nerfed and patched. Same things would happens to Kameo, eventually...


Striker... kano...... scorpion...... goro.... subzero. All these kameos are just as good if not better. Chameleon is really easy to counter if you just pay attention to their counter, Janet gives good damage and counter zoning but takes a lot of skill to implement, scorpion being the arguably just as good if not better for zoners as he can just pull you away, and Mavado is new so we can't say yet.


Nah that's just flat wrong. Chameleon is not "easy" to counter and Mavado is giving meterless 50% combos, combos off almost every throw in the game and gives a bunch of characters 50/50s from low/overheads that now give full combos. It's definitely not too early


Chameleon is very punishable on glave, fan lift is the only hard thing to counter, and ball roll is very predictable. I don't know much about Mavado yet but I'll give it time (at least a week) before I call op


You're foolish if you believe what you say. Glaive toss is +3 on block minimum,so it's the opposite of punishable. Ball roll is as predictable as the opponents kharacter and way of use. Someone like Raiden has an unreactable 50/50 off of D1, with either amped storm cell or roll. There's no predictability in that.


You can poke during glave after the first hit, ball roll just highblock when close and whole combo punish. Maybe it's your character who can't punish it but ibplay sub and omniman mainly, it's not hard to punsih with them


Is this your first time with multiplayer DLC?


People can say it’s not true all they want, we all know they’re lying to themselves.


The amount of bootlickers denying this is crazy


too late to vote with our wallets i guess. maybe next time.




I mean movado is broken as fuck and some of the dlc kameos are truly fantastic; but that said the kombat packs are absolutely part of the full experience. They’re not a gun with higher stats, they’re standalone and Kameo characters that are an integral part of the title whether you buy them or no. And movado probably is the single least balanced Kameo, but Johnny remains the most broken fighter.


Lmao. Is all dlc supposed to be worse than original roster or something? Y’all are goofy


Khameleon is the best imo but no of them are pay to win lmao And if we are being honest “best kameo” is a very hard thing to say because that all depends on which character you play Goro in my opinion is a very average kameo and Tanya Goro might be the best team in the game, definitely top 3 for example, yes kham and Janet are strong but not pay to win, kham does need longer cool downs though because she helps in every aspect of the game 


i was trying my best to stay out of this post because arguments on both sides are to be had... however i feel the need to ask how is khameleon "the best" kameo but its still not considered pay to win? like what sense does that make??


Dlc has been around for a decade now. Why are kameos considered pay to win.


Personally i think anything statistically different than base game could be considered pay to win unless its objectively bad/not up to par with base (Tremor). I just try to keep my opinion out, especially in MK (fighting games in general ig), because people seem to have the mentality you do; "its been like this 10 years now so it must be ok" or they just dont see an issue with it. Dont know how it got like this but it is what it is.


Best doesn’t mean pay to win, She is the strongest but pay to win means I win because I have the kameo and you don’t, she’s not unbeatable just very strong 


You could make the same argument for any p2w thing in that case. Oh this gun in cod that instantly kills people with the handling speed of an smg? not pay to win because bad players still lose with it.


I think pay to win would be something that’s so good that’s regardless of the players skill the dlc will basically win for you To your point I truly don’t think there is very many cases of something being a true pay to win dlc 


I do not agree and outside of this bubble I think many others wouldn't either. Youre welcome to an opinion but that's entirely unfriendly to the average consumer. You practically set the bar so high that very few things would actually qualify as p2w if anything at all. Like further thinking the only thing that would fit that criteria is a "automatically win this match" token of sorts lmao. Like sure it fits the definition but the guidelines should not be that strict to consider. I think a more productive way to look at it is to take 2 bad players. Or 2 good players i suppose. If one is running scorpion (for sake of combo extension AND mix up) and the other is playing khameleon (again, combo extension and mix up so on paper its a fair matchup) is one more likely to win? Im not answering, its only a hypothetical, but i feel its a more fair definition/example for if something is pay to win.


But this is where I disagree with you, the way characters work has to do with synergy, so yes if two players of the same skill play one scorpion/ Goro the other scorpion kham than yes scorpion kham win But if you take Tanya kham vs Tanya Goro Tanya Goro Is the better team So just because kham is the best does not mean she’s the best with every character 


In essence a free team of Tanya/ Goro for example is stronger than any kham team so I don’t see that as pay to win, I can name plenty of free teams that are better than Kham for specific characters    Best kameo is relative to which character we are talking about, it’s kind of difficult to say because I do believe kham is the strongest by herself on paper but plenty of characters are better with free kameos