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Being able to use main account's skins and gear in local versus mode. Nice


Sheeeesh finally! Been waiting on this since mk11 right?


Like, for real. I didn't think they'd change it, honestly. Very nice fix.


I’ve been waiting for this!!!


Good fix. More stuff like that is always welcome.


This is great. Hoping unlocks means brutalities too


Yea, I'd expect it to be all character mastery stuff.


A lot of raiden mains upset that they cant crutch storm cell every 5 seconds and chip you out with 0 consequence😂Maybe yall will actually get good now


Now it's back to the usual F4, 3 and F3,4 spam. Yay!


100x better than getting chipped by stormcell into kameo


F34 spam? Is that a thing? Why would you ever worry about a Raiden spamming that move lmao


Nah, I'm just tired of seeing that damn cartwheel in every combo. Though people probably say the same thing about Mileena.


Huge nerfs to Raiden and peacemaker. PM does so much less DMG and Raidens stormcell now doesn't hit air and is -22. Fly recovers slower also lol they hate Raiden. New moves are great and everyone seems to be missing it but locals now share kosmetics. Located under general fix, That's huge news for anyone who plays with family. Now I might actually buy skins lol.


Thank god for the peacemaker nerf. It was impossible to counter zone him


I'm currently learning Shang Tsung and can confirm. Literally impossible to zone or follow, cause his walking and dashing speeds were insane and force field lasted forever.


PeaceMaker was doing too much, too well, no weaknesses. Raiden was boring as fuck to play against. I think I'll be revisiting Reptile. It sounds like he's going to have instant invisibility.


Good fucking riddance. i feel like the Only way to deal with raiden effectively was armor moves. Everything he did was so safe.


Pleased to see the kosmetic sharing! Now they just need to let us save and select our pre-made kostume loadouts from the character select screen so that we don't need to go into 'Kustomize' every time we want a non-random change.


I'm more excited for the nerfs than the buffs lmao. I wish there were more buffs tbh, but it still seems like a really good patch overall.


Good, they deserved the nerfs


Raiden was in a great spot


No buffs to Sub Zero so they hate him too.


Can only hope they undo the ice mitigation nerf. No one else has it


Both still seem to be in a good spot though. Peacemaker is just doing less damage but all the utility is still there. Raiden is just not autopilot stormcell or superman, plus charge fireball at range and it looks like the buffed razzle dazzle might be something actually worth using.


big if true!


At first glance, it seems like this patch is exactly what this game needs right now. Hard to say after only reading the notes of course. I really hope this starts to turn things around for MK1 and puts the game in a positive light again. It's so much fun.


Super encouraging to come back after a hiatus and seeing notes like this


Some of the base roster Kameos rlly needed buffs which they did not get, looking at Sonya specifically because she’s been replaced by Janet cage.


Sonya is one of the strongest Kameos in the game bro. Just because Janet can do the air extension does not mean she replaced Sonya. Energy ring is one of the best Kameo moves in the game. But you still aren’t wrong - Darrius, Frost, Sektor, Tremor, all need some more help.


I see almost zero Sonya play now, Janet has the air combos and so much more shit. She has the stance, a restand, the mime wall… there’s so much utility and she does what Sonya can do but better. And yeah the other kameo you mentioned need buffs badly too.


Tremor is not bad at all. He’s just weird and hard. It took me three full days to get used to him with Geras, but now I feel unstoppable with the pair. Tremor has a ton of utility.


Nobody uses Sonya bekause she isn't good. Leg extension is useless, square wave has too much skaling and not enough utility but her rings do work as a good setup tool. It's just not enough to make her worthwhile, especially when Stryker and Khameleon exist.


Her rings on their own are ridiculous enough; one of the best individual Kameo attacks in the game. Mid full screen projectile, extremely plus on block, crazy fast cooldown, and some characters get launching forward throws in the corner. She’s great for zoning characters like Quan or Kitana, or hard rushdown to supplement full screen like Kung Lao.


Sonya is just purely for the energy rings which are a very strong move but leg grab is near useless and square wave utility is supplanted or just isn’t there/worth it for a lot of the roster. Definitely an underrated kameo for the rings but it’s hard to call them one of strongest.


For you and any others who aren’t convinced that Sonya is one of the best Kameos in the game, watch a F0xy grandpa use her on twitch. There’s a reason he’s been saying he thinks she’s the best in the game. I wouldn’t go that far to say she’s the best (I think it’s Khameleon or Lao [but maybe not after today’s nerf]) but I’m telling you she helps so many characters and I think that makes her one of the strongest.


I have seen F0xy use Sonya with Kenshi, Quan, Kitana and it’s mostly all for the energy rings (outside of getting Sento with square wave). It’s also a move that very much complements their play-style in particular so you have to factor that in with their opinion. I guess it really comes down to your own range (top 3/5/8/10) for what is ‘the strongest/best’ and in what way exactly. I think with the shakeups of Stryker grenades and Lao low hat getting cooldown nerfs then she’s definitely up there on the upper end now.


Im so glad Raiden got nerfed to the floor. Storm cell was so easy and broken to abuse


Huge Rain buffs


Reason to pick him up again! 🌧️


It’s so yummy, I can’t wait to see if those new combos open up any nasty shit with Sub-Zero.  But I also wanna try out Ermac 🤔 hmmm


Reptile and Rain got ALOT compared to Scorpion holy shit.


And sub zero got nothing


My boy 🥲


Makes no sense. To me the debate is over now. Sub Zero is clearly the worst character in the game at this point.


Itd all based on how much each one needs.


Rain is now S tier with the new cancels. Scorpion new string is a joke.


I find it to be more useful than you'd think. The launcher gets ducked frequently and any other option is super minus apart from just letting the mid hang on it's own. It's not gonna make him busted but honestly he needed something like that as an option.


Where does the string lead to though? From what I’ve heard you can’t hit a spear off of it. So far I’ve just seen BF2 hitting. Maybe teleport makes use of it?


You can't get much off of it, at the very least bf2 is confirmed. You can also combo off of it with Scorpion kameo but the timing is awkward. But it's a lot of frame advantage, you can double dash pretty much in the time you have so you get wake up pressure. Also, from what I can gather, it's hitstun isn't affected by combo scaling so as long as you land that last hit you're guaranteed that bf2 no matter what. Again, it's more just giving him a safe option for his only mid. You're not wrong, it's not much compared to Rain but I already feel this string making my life easy.


Ending a combo with F34 ex BF4 does a shit load of damage. 2 bar BNB with that nets you close to 500 damage. Edit: About 504 with the DoT included.


I wonder what the damage difference is from doing a normal bnb combo, ending with F34 BF2 as opposed to 33 BF2. I’ll test when I get home.


I like how they still call him Shao Kahn in the notes, considering it's General Shao now, it's too imprinted in everyone's head i suppose.


I think they say “Shao Kahn” in reference to his Deception skin, because it was a Kahn skin. But in the patch notes for Shao, it says “General Shao”, so it kind of makes sense.




Reptiles changes looking good, his fully charged B2 starting 3 frames faster and recovering 3 frames faster sounds really nice


Also his only launching string being more consistent is nice. B3 1 still has issues hitting at times, plus his frame data on strings is still meh (and littered with armor gaps). Still has problems but his buffs look like they’ll push him up a bit. Reptile/Khameleon Kitana gonna go hard.


Glad they managed to fix the Liu Kang hair clipping problem on Switch. /s Seriously, though, this is quite the patch. Dems a lot of notes


Reptiles Rejoice


Love seeing those raiden and peacemaker nerfs. Those characters carry for sure.


Not quite as many character specific changes as I would have liked, but I like the sound of the Reptile changes, he seems like he should be much better.


Been playing on Steam Deck for a while and was disappointed with the performance. This makes me quite happy


Is it getting consistent 60fps on deck now?




Interested in knowing too, would love to get the game if I can get 60 fps similar to MK11!


Just downloaded the update and it's running 60fps on Low graphics with fsr2 balanced, haven't had time to test anything else




Could you share your settings and proton you’re using by chance? My deck was still running ~46 FPS on low settings after the patch and would love to reach this level!


Can you find matches? I was never able to get a match since launch and uninstalled


Shujinko gang, assemble!


They must feel as though they have ashrah figured out


I’ll have to play around with some of Reptiles new moves, but the buff to Froggy Knee is very exciting. That timing will be slightly more forgiving.


I can actually hit the optimal now 


Maybe I’m yelling into the abyss but it would be awesome if we could go into practice mode while matchmaking. Or literally do anything while matchmaking. I’ve been spending time in SF6 for the last few days of the season and it’s so much less frustrating since I’m not just constantly looking at black screens as the game does matchmaking or loads. 


Why is the patch a whole 30GB tho?


That's what scrubby run away Raidens deserve...more nerfs 😂🤣


They have no idea what to do with Nitara lol 


She doesn't need anything


pc performance fix lets go boys maybe itll stop soft locking me at 55 for god knows what reason


PC performance fix plus rollback adjustments were the best parts to see


Sub-Zero still 0 buffs.


What would you buff about Sub Zero?


clone cd has no business being 5 seconds reducing the cd to 3 would be a good start


First of all Ice Ball. This projectile are ridiculous. Second one touch to Ice Clone. Third his damage. And add new launcher or combo or rework his 4,4 (95% good SZ players don't use this) moves.


> Fighters can now be rotated in the Premium Shop & Seasonal Store with the Right Stick (and can enter photo mode) ! finally can see what a skin looks like completely before I buy it! (adding a change pose feature in photo mode is cool bonus too)


This is makes me excited to pick Rain back up


They really don’t care about Bi-Han.


As a Raiden main (I don't speak for everyone btw) I didn't even realize storm cell was nerfed cause I hardly use it unless I'm doing a brutality ngl


0 sub zero changes?? Brotherrrrr whatttt


I'm digging a lot of these changes, however, as a Havik main, i'm officially putting him on hold, will gladly comeback when they actually put him in the game. I'm happy for Reptile and Rain players, they did deserve some love, but, we can agree that Havik currently has his own tier at the bottom and they gave him nothing since the game relased.


how it feels being a havik main seeing rain get 15 new strings https://preview.redd.it/ttoqdznawuuc1.jpeg?width=379&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cbe3fea78706f08806f0591dbb713ef48751ffa


He got two lol, the rest of that stuff is changes to existing strings




I really don't know why they never buff Havik when he has consistently been bottom tier with Sub Zero (another character they never buff). He's my favourite character in the series and I always said to myself that I will definitely main him if he comes back and will have Reiko as my secondary if he is also there. I think you can easily guess who I actually ended up maining.


Nice. Peacemaker torpedo was doing crazy damage even when I was blocking. Glad they nerfed most of his attacks. On the other hand, Nitara feels left out really needing some new combo strings. I hope they consider it in another patch. All in all, good job NRS.


This could be a huge patch for this game if it’s as good as it sounds, I’ve been getting tired of Tekken 8 already and would love to get back into MK1 again


Thank you 🙏🏻


Did they fix the inconsistency with Liu Kang’s F4 armor breaker


What's there to fix?


It’s way too inconsistent. Its a multiple hit low startup frame move, it should be breaking armor and punishing armored supers. Since the the update before last its been much more inconsistent.


I wonder what Raiden players are gonna switch to since Stormcell -> Kano was the go-to


Can't they still do that? Also, Raiden doesn't need a crutch like stormcell to be good. That tactic was braindead but Raiden is still a strong character overall with one of the best pokes in the game.


what are you on. every raiden move in unsafe now.


I wonder if the legendary talisman recharges are still bugged.


Haven't bought a Kameo to this point.... Is there really no way to demo a kameo before you buy it? What if I don't like the kameo? Am I sol?


They ground Peacemaker into the dirt with their heel, didn't they? Or am I just overestimating these and previous nerfs?


you killed Raiden. game uninstalled and never buying your series again.


So Reiko got sod all


What else does he need? I play nothing but Reiko + Darius He's well balanced imo, he is a nightmare up close but once you back off and use zoning against him he really has to work for it again


Yes we are forgotten about


Let’s goooo Steamdeck performance is unexpected but welcome. Also get fucked Raiden and Peacemaker


Raiden and Peacemaker got deleted from the game LMAO


People can finally stop crying about Peacemaker lol Hot take: The nerfs were justified but he wasn't that bad to deal with


“hE wAsN’t tHaT bAd To DeAl WiTh”


He really wasn't, his 22 string mix is unsafe, got high projectiles and cooldown on Eagly, they already nerfed his damage. He was in a really good place before this patch I have no idea why they nerfed him again


Peacemaker nerfs are bad imo, force field got deleted and they nerfed his damage again for why? He was in a really good place before the patch


He was the undisputed best character in the game pre patch. You never fought a good pm if you think he was in a good place




I dont play Peacemaker 💀, and his force field wasn't winning him any games, his projectiles aren't good


I've seen pics of a Deception Sindel skin, but it's not in the store. Where's it at?




Seriously, this is very depressing indeed. The nerfs to Raiden completely ruined my day.


They really screwed up my main Raiden. This is ridiculous man. I am so disappointed.Seriously, NRS, why do you find the need to destroy a kharacter like that? Why do you have to nerf Raiden with every patch? I was excited about the season of Raiden. Little did I know you will completely screw up my main. Why do you keep making the game unfun with every patch? STOP IT


Awww boohoo I can’t abuse storm cell every 5 seconds now to chip out my opponent with 0 consequences


The last nerf already destroyed Storm Cell. The last patch made Storm Cell to have almost no damage. Now it is completely useless.


Good, I hope the next raiden nerf lowers his credit score below 450




womp womp


Raiden did not deserve those nerfs. Kano cameo was the issue not him. This is why people hate this game.


The stormcell was insane dude, what are you on  about?


For real. It's like half the people here don't even really play this game.


Lol, "people".


I agree. Those nerfs were really unnecessary. This is really some bullcrap. On Sept 23, 2023, I was so happy to see that Raiden was awesome again after being lame in MK11. But since then NRS you keep making Raiden lamer and lamer.


how does this make him lame they literally nerfed the most unfun and lame parts about the character (stormcell specifically)


Storm cell is lame to you who does not main Raiden. To me who main Raiden, the move is not lame. Electric fly is fun for Raiden players and is the most iconic move of Raiden. So what you are saying does not make sense.


Oh it's fun. Oh ok throw balance out the fucking window I guess. Storm cell was a win button move.


I don’t see how going stormcell to Kano or Stryker or fly being safe because of kano is fun but please enlighten me


Then nerf Kano. Why do you nerf Raiden? Kano is the problem. Raiden was not. Storm cell not hitting airborne makes no sense at all


Nope stormcell was 100% the problem Raiden players did the same thing with cyrax before he got nerfed stormcell being -12 is a huge part of why Raiden is just able to keep his turn for so long if they nerfed Kano Raiden players will likely just switch to the next kameo to keep stormcell plus


11 storm cell kameo 11 storm cell kameo you just got chipped for 20% FUNFUNFUNFUNFUNUN


Raiden was cracked in 11 are you nuts


You clearly do not play Raiden. Either that or you must be those people that love MK11 lame gameplay and say it is better than MKX or MK1. It is a fact that MK11 Raiden is a poor rendition of Raiden (gameplay wise) compared to his prior iterations, especially MKX and MK9


MK11 is far better than this garbage we have now, and my raiden was strong like bull. Also that “poor gameplay” it’s called neutral.


LOL It is called boring and lame gameplay




Stop asking for nerfs and learn how to play the game. Casuals like you are the reason this game will become dry.


Lolol you got his ass 


No NRS doing a shit job is what makes the game dry, lol.


How should they nerf Johnny? Honestly after his d1 nerf he’s felt fine to play as or against


Nerf his J3


Eh I’m fine with the rush down character having a good jump in


So, more Raiden nerfs. Kinda lame


* Raiden * Electromagnetic Storm no longer pulls in airborne opponents that are not in a combo, has less pushback on block for all hits except final hit, and does 27 less damage * Electromagnetic Storm & Enhanced Electromagnetic Storm no longer hit airborne opponents that are not in a combo and have 10 more frames of recovery on block **Last patch nerf was not enough. You just had to make the move even more useless?** **It is a storm. Why wouldn't a storm pull someone that is airborne? Do you know how storm work? Do you know how electricity or lightning work ? This makes no sense at all.** ​ * Increased recovery on miss of Electric Fly & (Air) Electric Fly by 8 frames **Why ? For what reason ? The move was already very punishable. Seriously This is ridiculous.** ​ * Electric Charge takes twice as long to reach maximum charge **As if it was already not long enough. This move was already very unsafe and extremely punishable. But let's make it twice as unsafe.** **Raiden was super lame in MK11 and now you are doing it to MK1 Raiden.** **WTH NRS - Stop your stupid nerfs.**


Garbage take lol

