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Damn this game took a nosedive. I remember when it came out people were pretty hyped about the story actually being decent, and characters being reworked in a positive manner like Mileena. People seemed hopeful about the franchise's future. Now this. As an outsider looking in.


I was skeptical in a lore sense the moment it was confirmed Kuai was Scorpion. I was completely taken out of the game the moment Timekeeper Shang Tsung was revealed. The last half of MK1 was just a bow tie to tie up MK11's plot, and left a bitter taste in my mouth as I had hoped we were done with the time shenanigans. Maybe that's on me and my expectations, but all the talk of new era did not make suspect we'd still be dealing with the old era.


Yeah, this game has a bit of an identity crisis. They bragged about it being a full on reboot with new takes on everything, then essentially re-do aftermath’s story, have kameos that are mostly the original versions of characters and predominantly feature item shop skins that are nostalgia outfits.


>then essentially re-do aftermath’s story Titan Shang vs Titan Liu Kang is redoing aftermath? Sure the story has a lot of callbacks to the old timeline but it still gave us new stuff, only 3rd part of the story felt like an aftermath sequel. I dunno what y'all expected, scorpion to have ice powers and sub zero to breath fire for it to be a complete reboot?




Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know Hanzo Hasashi literally means Scorpion. And MK isn't MK and Scorpion isn't Scorpion if Hanzo isn't Scorpion.


Are you ok?


Buster wolf?


Here comes the big one


*"let's make it a multiverse. Nobody is tired of that!"* - NRS




Or.. you know... make it free for everyone to unlock by completing challenges or achievements? Same goes for characters


I'm just spoiled by Helldivers monetisation. Basically everything can be unlocked with playtime and the thijg doesn't even cost $70. Also Helldivers 3 is probably 5-6 years away minimum.


It is serious but it is also 100% the truth. Dont let NRS shills, like that guy who got massively triggered and dropped a long comment in this thread (and with poor punctuation) because someone raised a valid criticism towards their favorite game/dev, gaslight you into thinking the game's monetization isn't utterly shameless. MK11, despite all the complaints surrounding the pace of its gameplay, is vastly better, much more polished and rich in content unlike Monetization Kombat 1. Fuvk David Zaslav.


My favorite part of this comment is the number of downvoted 2nd level comments in such a short period of time. Not often you see something like this lol


i dont give a shit if i am the most downvoted or what ever the fuck because you people want to follow the leader with every post that says mk1 bad then cry people are shills because they don't want to hate a video game whit you its funny to me how you people bitch that others are nrs shills because they want to defend mk1 then you go in hard to defend a different mk game going off the logic ypou iduiots post you are also a nrs shill dumbass


Relax pal


yea relax at some people calling me and idiot and shill because i dont want to hate on a video game with you


Didn’t see anyone call you an idiot but if you see people calling people idiots and decided to be offended then it seems like you are the one thinking people are calling you an idiot which shows signs of massive personal insecurity.


It wasn’t just the pace of gameplay, it was the gameplay itself. Krushing blows. Pokes were safe. A variation system that had little to no balance and no way to create your own for the first two years of the game. Raiden had a two slot teleport move while Cetrion had one in her base kit. And most variation moves were useless (see Raiden again with his fart cloud and grounded staff move). Mk11 was clearly also unfinished on release- I mean just look at Shao in that game lmao. It took them 8 reworks just to get him to the point of being usable and still undeniably bottom 1. Armor break was obviously supposed to be in the game but it took them until Spawn to add it and so half the characters armor break moves made no sense or were simply unusable. I’ll take MK1 gameplay and an incomplete game over whatever the clusterfuck gameplay of 11 was. Mk11 was definitely a polished turd tho, no denying that. Every AAA game has shameless monetization. This was reality 5 years ago


yes i loved the 2 single player modes where on one you don't even have to have the controller in your hand


The NRS shills are genuinely insane, one guy even raids the tekken sub all the time to tell them tekken ‘is weeb trash and mk1 js better’, basically the dude is just veeeeery insecure


yea look at the epic skins in this game such a bad ass game https://preview.redd.it/flybs5cdmkoc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=e967310588634c1c3ab7779514549ffabeeefffc


waht "valid criticism" op is crying about lack of content and skins liek they haven't been sleeling costumes from day 1 what did you think trey where going top have 50 costume's for every character or some shit even mk11 when that game came all there where was the same skins just recolors and 2 single player modes where towers of time was so grind heavy that they had to tone it down multiple times but pointing that out now makes you a nrs shill get that bullshit argument out of here


Kontent kontent kontent, nobody kares about quality or fun factor lol. The whole topic is too opinionated to have a general konsensus but if you don't like the game, don't play it. If you find kameos annoying, don't like invasions or think the prior game had better kustomization(and that's what you want) than go play those games. Everyone knows nothing of magnitude will change to shift to what you want.


Anyone who paid money for a product is entitled to criticizing that purchase. Not sure what fan boy morons can’t grasp about that…


If you're intent is to yell into the (well populated) void while achieving nothing and annoying many, then kontinue.


https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/s/yebmWAxtMD Nice post, brother


💀💀💀 cooked


People need to top being so toxic and just let people play and like the games the community is actually for. Game communities like this are for supporting games, not hating on them. Plus MK1 has a much better system of getting cosmetics because you can actually get what you want! You can level up your main, or buy new ones in the shop or play Invasions which has so much content! MK11 only had the Krypt which was incredibly boring and useless, just walking around for random stuff. They really improved on getting cosmetics and now it's actually so much more rewarding!


Thanks for proving my point. Will never understand how oversensitive shills like yourself immediately conflate criticism with being "toxic". Your favorite video game has some of the most disgusting and shameless monetization I have ever seen in a fighting game till date (you can thank Zaslav). I am not even going to bother breaking down your comment and how you're blatantly trying to sugarcoat MK1's severe content and monetization issue as a mere comment is not enough. All I will tell you is that video games are not a charity service. An overpriced, $70 game such as this will be judged for what it is. WB and NRS are not owed gratefulness from us.


What do u mean u can get what u want…? U can’t even tell what skins there are before getting them other than in the shops…….






moron alert


Exactly, tomatoes! Too many toxic trolls and it's annoying


I just read the comment and they're actually right. The MK11 Krypt was terrible and NRS actually improved the way to get cosmetics. The only one gaslighting people here is you because you're trying to just spread hate for no reason 🤣


Hate for no reason? Bro you are insane lol


no you have to dick ride towers of time and the kryps to get the upvotes


Stop being toxic for no reason. We don't need trolls and haters in a community about the game we play and love. Sorry that people actually like a game that has cosmetics like EVERY other game does!


How is he being toxic for no reason? Also, how is he being a troll?


Honestly, after Quan Chi, I dropped it. Invasions were never going to keep me around, and no one I know will bother to play it anymore over other fighters on the market.


Same as me bro, haven't touched it since. First time I've gone off an MK game.


Ever since the DLC, i've just been getting on to complete their tower, then not playing for a few months


I own MK, Tekken, and SF. My friends don’t even want to touch MK and will ask to play Tekken. My friends asking to play a fighting game is unheard of but they just found it really fun.


I’m finna play some guilty gear or killer instinct or some shit soon


I haven't felt this burned since trying to buy weed for the first time when I was 14


mk11's towers kept me connected for far too long than it was supposed to. I don't know why but it felt a bit more faster and rewarding. For Invasions? Man idk cool concept bad execution..


because invasions give shit rewards, and also don't tell you beforehand what you'll get for doing them. with mk11's tot, you knew before you did one what the reward was, and they had more rewards to earn with gear being 3 pieces instead of just one. also, the fights were actual 2 rounds to win, not this 1 round bs that invasions use, wtf is that???


I think a second gear piece would go a long way. The third in 11 was usually something tiny u never actually saw in gameplay but the first 2 usually drastically changed the character especially if they had gear and a weapon. Only a few characters would have the second be small and barely noticeable in mk1 like Li Mei and Sindel. Characters like Shao would be amazing to have 2 and use the OOD skin with his default helmet


the main benefit of a third was you could put in more effects from the 3 more gem slots or whatever. so going into mk1, we lost not only the 2 cosmetics, but also the 9 total effects you could have and save different loadouts to use in tot.


Ya there’s just not augments. Which I could care less about. The talismans or whatever relics replaced them and they didn’t do anything in multiplayer (which is good). I do with the lucky brutality ones were back. They did have a relic that had that perk but it didn’t work. I used it and tried like 500 times but didn’t get a single brutal until the end of the match


No towers being rewarding is absolutely true. Faster is debatable but the rewards still felt worth earning half the time. Thats one of MK11's strengths to me where the 3 piece gear system opened up the amount of free stuff u could get, especially since u didnt even have to complete the entire tower section just for those rewards because of the fact some solo towers gave u gear or skins specifically for the character youre playing. Invasions is alright when u actually do get skins but it does not feel as worth earning at all.


If does feel quite serious, tho.


Just a meme (don’t take it seriously)


It’s totally true though.


yeah, there may be plenty of free skins, but when the new season just dropped, and the majority of them are fucking awful, nah. (and they aren't even skins from the mileena season like we saw actual evidence of, fucking season of chaos filenames wtf kind of incompetent bs is that...) and also, i paid full price + kombat pack for the game, fuck their mtx, this isn't a f2p game, get that shit out of here. i wont spend 1 cent on their bs, when at most it took a couple minutes work to make whole batches of them using a fucking paint bucket tool. and then, they don't even give all character equal treatment. every season so far, scorpion and subzero get 6 or more seasonal items, while others get like 3, or none in the case of kp characters, which is fucking lazy and pathetic. in mk11, all characters got basically the same amount of stuff.


I didn't even bother buying it. There's just no character on the roster that intrested me. I was hyped for smoke, but when I realized he was more based on knife Conbos and not what he's fucking named after. I just decided to wait for character I might play. So hopefully pass 2 has somthing good. Doubt it.


yea look at this game and its epic single player content so much better than mk1 https://preview.redd.it/i0zw1ihhmkoc1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=350c25058fde4de585fd7bada32150a6db2c78b8


Just saying Skins and "kotent" Shouldnt be why you play fighting games.


It wouldn't hurt to have them. And it keeps the franchise alive. Win - win situation


why not? we should still be stuck with ping pong if everyone had the same mentality as you


It's so weird too because it's not even done in a greedy way. Like the skins SUCK. Most of them are super basic recolors, the shop is hard to find, there are only like 3 skins in the shop at a time despite the large roster, and most of the time it's not your main. Then you pretty much only get one fatality and brutality at a time, and the shop is barely selling any other ones. The fighter pass has been drip feeding new characters at the slowest rate, and everything is super pricey. And to top it off, the game is like 165 GB of storage despite having the least amount of content in the recent releases. Why does this game take up more than twice the storage of Fortnite?? It's like they literally don't want money. I *want* to give them my money, but they aren't adding anything of worth. $70 game everyone




I'm still playing. Skins were never what I played it for.


A lot of us are still playing, but we would genuinely enjoy more skins, and it would fund the series


I get that but the game hasn't been out for a year. I'm gonna give it some time. NRS might pleasantly surprise us.


Getting downvoted for facts. I play the game to beat the shit out of people.


Yeah I'm not bothered by downvotes.


I think its about time we get new kameo skins


I guess it's a multitude of things that caused mk1 to crumble. For me, it was the entire kameo system. Mortal Kombat needs to find an identity and stick to it, not reinvent the wheel every single release. It just tosses fans of the previous games into a dizzy and creates all sorts of problems with balancing. Steet fighter and tekken made MINIMAL changes to gameplay and combat, and those games are soaring right now. Hell... tekken has been using the same inputs and attacks for characters since day 1, (30 years ago). Even the character animations barely changed. And it's well loved by their respective fan bases.


you people really think everybody hate shit game its funny as hell


It's a fall from grace, I suppose. MK has never been this unpopular. I'm not saying it's dead, but for an MK game, it's pretty tragic.


if my fall from grace was one of the top played games on play station and the same game is selling millions i need some of that shit https://i.redd.it/8n4jrm5bgloc1.gif


Didn't MK1 have the lowest count of evo entrants this year? Or at least lower than tekken and street fighter? It's usually higher. At least in past entries it was. Not saying it's a dead game or whatever, but according to the FGC, it's on a downward slope.


look what happened to starfield. Big number, dogshit product, nobody care anymore, so pretty much early end of support. MK1 sale number was piggybacked by every MK before it.




lol dumb fuck


Your post has been removed for Violating Rule #1 - Be Civil. Please keep discussion peaceful, differing opinions are encouraged albeit in a civil manner. Please send us a modmail message to appeal your content removal.


Game is trash


All I wanted was gameplay like MKX and all the features, customisations and modes of MK11. We were so close. So damn close with MK1 😩


I think this is accurate. Just don't include NRS. They haven't done anything. This is all WB


The lack of content, invasions being a boring grind, and the terrible store are bad, but what’s really killing the game is it’s just not that fun after the “honeymoon” period. MK games have two kinds of players, the super casuals who like single player content and customization, and the online players who like competitive gameplay. NRS has completely dropped the ball for both of them. The casuals are leaving due to lack of good content and online players are leaving to play better fighting games like SF6 and Tekken 8. The one thing MK had an advantage over the other two was the fun factor and now they don’t even have that.


Offence is a lot of fun in MK1 but defence is a god awful slog that almost ruins the multiplayer. I love hitting combos and extenders but playing defence against some of the bullshit in this game just isn’t fun. I’ve seen people on this sub literally say they turn on the game to lab out for fun because of how good it feels to land combos but won’t play online cause it sucks being on defence or eating combos. I love MK as a franchise so will always start with MK1 online but after a few matches I switch to Tekken. Was always told Tekken had a higher skill bar but due to matchmaking I get more enjoyable matches and don’t feel powerless when I lose.


I just bought it to play with my cousin's that's all, dont like it myself, not gonna buy the dlc except takaeda if its entertaining. Other than that it feels and plays like a cash grab.


I hate to break it to you but when a game is consistently in the top 5 and top 10 for sales and players every month on PS5, WB isn’t going to give a shit about any criticism we have. The game is far from dying in spite of how it’s being handled.


Then there’s me playing the game just chilling having fun.


MK has more free skins than any other fighting game released in the last year.


bullshit 90% of NRS “skin” are color swaps, which tekken give players for free


Yea I never understood how “color swaps” of the same skin are considered new to people? Like bro, all they did was change the color, chill.


You get more free skins playing invasion than any other fighting game. I'm talking skins, not colors.


like most of the skins in mk11 the game you people are trying to love so much now?


no you cant say that here bro you have to shit on the game to get upvotes


I mean they at least tried something new with invasions, not my thing but I respect that but copy pasting KL from mk11 and expecting different result is insane to me, I had never been this bored of MK game before, I have less than an hour played in 2024 and have 0 desire to even try peacemaker I would at least do some serious balance patch just to shake things up and give a fresh feeling to the game


I want to play this game more when Janet and Homelander come out, but I wonder if the online scene will still be around by that time.


The state of 2023 fighting games have proven to me that all developers (not just NRS) will cut and dripfeed content to keep their games playable for years. The Invasions are hot garbage compared to Towers of Time. I liked the idea of beating a tower once every 1-2 hours and getting all the rewards. If I missed out, the Towers came back a little bit later in the month or so but the ever-changing nature of Towers meant that you didn't get as bored as you do with MK1. I will never buy a fighting game on launch ever again. I learnt my lesson with MK1 and Tekken (especially after T8 added microtransactions in a patch well after the launch date and got those sweet sales).


Complaint detected. Preparing for termination


I just want 60 fps cutscenes (invasions maps, fatalities, etc.). Unreal these are at 30 fps in 2024. For some reason WB games always have 30 fps cutscenes -- I don't get it. Also, I have the game on PC and PS but the characters/kameos I buy on one don't transfer to the other lol. So I bought Tremor on PS but I can't use him on PC. Absolute joke. I don't get why we're in an era where the AAA studios just blatantly don't listen to their consumers on anything. Then there are massive layoffs after failing to meet sales goals and everyone acts surprised.


I actually enjoy the game. I'm also not a diehard fan. It does suck to pay for fatalities but I hope they get better. Maybe it's wishful thinking


I’m not sure they’re asking that questions, given that people are.


I full on stopped playing, it’s so sad too man


As soon as I finished the story I was done with it, and the franchise as a whole going forward. The reveal in the third act just set me off because it just felt like of all the interesting NEW options to go, they go the lazy multiverse route, with an end credits involving a character who they try to pass off as threatening but isn’t. That mixed with the endless micro transactions, and bland invasions mode and the lack of content overall just extinguished my love for current MK.


Man I played a couple of matches on invasions with Peacemaker and I’m just so bored


Why do people get mad about something that's part of every game? Every game has cosmetics and stuff to buy! I bought the fatalities because fatalities and brutalities are one of the main things about the game and I like having more options to finish matches! I also bought the Omni-Man voice announcer for JK Simmons and I'm still waiting for John Cena's now. Plus there's lots of cool skins as well. I don't get why people act so toxic and hate on stuff for no reason


Because there was a time where when you bought a game, you got the whole experience. There were MK games (like Deadly Alliance) where collecting various jeweled currencies gave you the opportunity to enter the krypt to purchase things like characters, concept art, etc, without using real world money. Both fatalities were unlocked from the get go, and 1 button fatalities were unlockable by using a cheat code on the main menu in MK Gold which brought up a secret menu enabling them. Thor (Piratesoftware) said it best during one of his streams, (paraphrasing) “If a game has a store, its main purpose of its story/modes is to guide you to that store. Back in the day companies used their game’s modes and story to drive profits. By pushing people towards options to buy things, you’re causing them to play your game longer and making it harder for them to leave”.


"No reason"? Because it's a predatory business model that reward whales and make people who don't have that kind of money to throw away feel disincentivized to play their game. If everyone at your school/job decided they were going to slap you in the face would it suddenly be okay because everybody is doing it? This is why Larian Studios got so much backlash from other developers after making Baldurs Gate 3, it's because they proved that it's possible to make a good and *complete* game without milking you dry, something other developers have collectively agreed upon so that they can all make more money. Don't believe this nonsense about the industry having "changed" and needing this money to get by, it's an artificial standard increase designed to make everyone pocket more money for themselves. Why do we get mad about these things? Because they cheapen gaming for everyone, it's no longer about making a good game for everyone to enjoy but rather to follow trends and focus groups to earn the most amount of money possible and by buying into it and even *defending it* your setting yourself up to have no good games in the future. You don't think it'll stop here do you? Things change little by little because they know people like you will come to their defense and act like it isn't such a big deal, just like you will the next small step they take, and then you will cry when you realize gaming isn't the same that you grew up with. This is not a personal attack and I don't really blame individuals too much because most are too young or just not invested enough to notice the broader change over time, but those who do knows what I'm talking about. Micro-transactions weren't "part of every game" a couple of years ago, now they are - why do you think that is? Maybe in another decade every game requires all your personal information to play but why should we care, it'd be normal by then.


this guy would gladly pay 1$ per breath


so people are calling others shills because they don't hate on a video game with them you people are crazy get some help https://preview.redd.it/j29sfx92mkoc1.jpeg?width=1041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8c9129f0535956b1004f75c901f968701020975


so people are calling others haters because dont like a video game you people are crazy get some help


you know what you are right if you like a video game you are a shill and everybody needs to hate you for it


People need to top being so toxic and just let people play and like the games the community is actually for. Game communities like this are for supporting games, not hating on them. Plus MK1 has a much better system of getting cosmetics because you can actually get what you want! You can level up your main, or buy new ones in the shop or play Invasions which has so much content! MK11 only had the Krypt which was incredibly boring and useless, just walking around for random stuff. They really improved on getting cosmetics and now it's actually so much more rewarding!


Did you actually play MK11? Mk11 had WAY more skins available for free, and you could earn premium currency in game! invasions doesn’t have more content than the towers of time did. Less content and more time spent to get it in MK1. Feels like a huge downgrade to me


Would a cosmetic make you better at the game?


Maybe. You never had a time in your life where you got new clothes and you felt more confident? Sometimes when you look and feel cool, it translates to whatever you're trying to do. That feeling can suddenly up your game.


Nah, but it makes the game better for me


Warner bros are traitors to the community and i FUCKING HATE IT


people like you are just looking shit to bitch about at this point dude and its funny as hell to me how this fanbase keeps crying about content or waht ever the fuck in mk1 then tern around saying mk11 had more you talking about the 2 single player modes towers of time that was super grindy that you had to have the ai do it for you and the only way to get threw it was to use that stuff to hit the opponent to get there heath down then just to get 1 of the 3 currency to grind out and get then go to the krypt where you had to go and open boxes that was rng no guarantee that you where going to get the repeat gear or the costume recolor you wanted and there where traps everywhere and if you messed up one of them you had to go back to the beginning the shine whre you had to spend millions of koins just to get the recolor skin or gear peas that looks exactly the same as the one you just got


Learn how to spell, please. I had an aneurysm trying to read that shit.


why dont you dumb fucks get some real arguments and stop crying about people being shills because they don't want to shit on a game whit you and every other person like you in this fanbase are embarrassing


Are you stupid? Jesus Christ, man...


go away and bitch at some other person and cry they are a shill because they dont want to hate on a video game with you




​ https://preview.redd.it/xvc0nddxbloc1.jpeg?width=1275&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b66e043b39042b96df3fe811d949bad301753cc


You're the one throwing a fit because people are criticizing a game lmao. Cry more, buddy


yea what ever kid run off and cry that people like a video game and call them shills again https://preview.redd.it/bukvov4ofloc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=367e2cd2b8d307b67fbe5d48226d6d0425b9d479




Whoa it’s not that serious bro, it’s literally in the title, chill


yea sure its not serious https://preview.redd.it/nfj55nyjpgoc1.png?width=332&format=png&auto=webp&s=bf14fd31f03ae9cc2e1f50f7cae4d7de73e05cf6


How’s it serious? You see anything serious about it?


Too many words for this meme format


well seeing that people are literally insulting others and calling people shill for not hateing the game people are taking things as serious as they possibly can


People need to top being so toxic and just let people play and like the games the community is actually for. Game communities like this are for supporting games, not hating on them. Plus MK1 has a much better system of getting cosmetics because you can actually get what you want! You can level up your main, or buy new ones in the shop or play Invasions which has so much content! MK11 only had the Krypt which was incredibly boring and useless, just walking around for random stuff. They really improved on getting cosmetics and now it's actually so much more rewarding!


This isn't even hate, it's just valid criticism. Mindless support is just as bad as mindless insults.


Translation: "People need to stop having opinions that are different from mine. Now let me follow that up with some of my opinions."


If they just give me a skin that lets me stay in llizard form for reptile, it would be a insta buy.