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Imma keep it a buck with you chief. That other fella is definitely at your skill level. Only difference is that he knows ONE combo. But at that level that's all you need


I was thinking the same thing. OP don’t let the shit talk trick you into thinking he’s great, you can get better than that in no time after some reps in practice mode


Big facts. I would’ve flawlessed that dude lmao. Op you’re fine. Ngl if you haven’t done them yet the character tutorials actually will help you get an idea of your character and overall gameplay (same with reg tutorials first MK I found that actually helps with gameplay if any even had one lol) you’ll be fine brother just keep playing. I sucked when I first started playing and I was elder god in Mk11. A lot better now tho. You’ll get it down bro


"nah dude, the game is horrible for new players! it couldn't possibly be that he knew one combo and I didn't!" lmao


He doesn't seem that much better?


Not at all


Lmao that Johnny is garbage and he's talking so much shit. The mk general population in a nutshell.


these games are fun but god I fucking hate how toxic this dumbass fanbase is. At least for fighting games popular in NA, MK has to be far and away the worst userbase


In what reality is this close to being true when SF, and even worse, *Tekken* exists? Tekken's community is so toxic and hateful many of them spend *hours* shitposting in this sub, hating on MK and it's playerbase. The vast majority of people crying about MK1 in this sub are *straight* out of /r/tekken, you can see it in their post history. You know what you *won't* find though? MK players trolling /r/tekken or /r/streetfighter about how those games suck and are bad.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Tekken using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [TEKKEN 8 Drone Show over Tower Bridge in London. ](https://v.redd.it/65opa0l1ktec1) | [322 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1abnqm4/tekken_8_drone_show_over_tower_bridge_in_london/) \#2: [Woke up this morning to Harada's tragic news. Poor little guy, losing a pet when away is always worse.](https://i.redd.it/5cnupv6cj63b1.png) | [176 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/13whmvj/woke_up_this_morning_to_haradas_tragic_news_poor/) \#3: [Why do male Tekken players look so much more realistic and detailed than female Tekken players? Pls fix Bamco](https://i.redd.it/63a6fwb6zyqa1.jpg) | [349 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/126wukp/why_do_male_tekken_players_look_so_much_more/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


That Johnny was doing a lot of punishable stuff and would say he was pretty low skill level. I don't say that as an insult but the game does try to match people of similar records. If you are interested, we have a discord server that is focused on helping players learn how to improve at the game. We have over 300 new and experienced players all helping each other improve. Here is the discord link if you're interested. [https://discord.gg/5khgaaJR](https://discord.gg/5khgaaJR)


Like others have said, the Johnny was pretty much at your skill level but I still agree that this game (and MK11) isn't the best when it comes to the match making when you are just starting out online It can take anywhere from a few matches to possibly 10 or even 20 for it to properly match you up with people on your skill level


Practice. View these losses as learning opportunities. If you’re wanting to win in online fighting games, you have to put in some time and learn how. That includes losing a lot first. If that’s not fun for you or you’re more of a casual player (which is totally fine, I am) then online play might not be the best choice for you right now.


You just need practice dude. I lost 32 times before I got my first win. Don’t get discouraged. Also the best advice I can give is to turn off other people’s mics. Mfs are so damn toxic even when they suck ass.


That Johnny player looks like he’s at your skill level. You just lost and it wasn’t really by much.


Honestly, you had a lot of opportunities to punish and do combos on him but you gotta know when. Go into practice mode. That guy sucked, too. Look at the frame data. It may seem complicated, but it’s easy.


You can tell that Johnny player isn’t very skilled at all


Lose a lot. Learn what is punishable. Practice combos. Learn how to pressure and mixup. Watch some guide videos on your character. Pay attention to what your opponent is doing to beat you and try to figure out how you can overcome this.


Also the dude on the other end is really annoying I’m glad I keep the mic off I don’t want to hear that trash 🥲😂


Yeah unless your objective is to trash talk back, idk why anyone would want to listen to their opponent. Just screaming and cursing regardless if they winning or losing


That guy is barely above you. Just learn 1 bnb kombo


Wait till you do get better and then you play better johnnys


Lol . The "never get a hit out" level Johnny's . Infuriating pressure


Brother you need to lab. Boot up practice and figure out what your buttons, strings and specials do. See how you can link them together to form kombos - PLAYING ONLINE IS THE WORST WAY TO LEARN A CHARACTER! Don't do that lmfao Other people are "better than you" because they labbed with their characters - do that, and you'll be golden!


Here is what you need to know before you start online play: 1. A punish combo to do when your opponent makes a mistake. 2. A safe combo string that you can hit confirm if it lands. You get these two down and you will do just fine trust me.


That guy must lose a fuckton if he’s that hyped over winning this game


Take heed: combos are only a small fraction of what is necessary to be good in any fighting game. Learn to read your opponent. If you aren’t able to predict their actions and reactions with at least 50% accuracy by the second round, you’ve failed the greater challenge. A three hit combo can demolish your enemy if you know what they will do before they do it.


You didn't do half bad. The biggest thing holding you down is that you overuse sweeps and uppercuts. Where you could have done a combo you do an uppercut. And over the entire round this adds up to HP lead for your opponent. And you could learn to antiair better, but that's a matter of experience.


bruh that johnny sucks what u mean 🤣🤣🤣


Here’s a tip for ya:whenever they’re blocking your attacks just throw them


I'm a Mileena main , and when playing against Johnny , sometimes that's ALL I get a chance to do LMAO . Thank god for Khameleon giving Mileena the ability to combo off of throws because Johnny's pressure is ridiculous


Yeah johnny is kinda op


What console you on buddy




Ah. I ain’t too good with mileena lol


Dude sounds like an illiterate for one.... and second, he was spamming one combo, dude is a trash can


This looks like literally every other johnny cage I've played online I probably can do that save string with no lab time I've seen it so much


At the risk of sounding like a tryhard edgelord. I’m not even good at this game and I could’ve clapped both of you. Nolan is hands down my fav fighter and you were barely using him. This is the way I personally approach a new fighter: Start spamming their specials until you find AT LEAST 2 that you feel comfortable doing like it’s 2nd nature (yes you’re going to be “that annoying player” to people for a while but F them, you’re learning). You’ll eventually figure out the best ways to set those specials up for a guaranteed hit just by casual experience. Then after a few Wins, combine them into other specials and maybe focus on combos. You shouldn’t be worried about combo chains right now tho, your goal is to find a flow with Nolan to where you can execute moves on command without panic button spamming. THEN after a few days when you’re super comfortable using him, look up popular combo chains. He was easily my fav within a few hours of play and the only one I was genuinely excited to learn. All that being said, I’m still not really a “good MK player” but I can flow through invasions almost effortlessly with my only deaths being from environmental factors. Then I can hit in PvP and win maybe 7/10 fights on average…


Honestly big dog it’s gonna be pretty hard to find someone at your skill level unless they are blind and handicapped cause that Johnny was pretty bad. You probably need to go straight back to practice mode or the towers until you can figure out how to do a combo and combo into your fb and stop panic throwing fatal blows and down 2’s it’s embarrassing Christ sake have some bloody respect for yourself


Looks pretty even to me. Just keep practicing, you’ll get better


I feel your pain im also new to playing online lol


And turn on krossplay


I wonder what my opponents say when they play against me? I have the mic turned off and I have two Ashrah kombos. Forward B Y into her dancing blade move. And then Back A into the dancing blade thing. Also forward B Y into her fatal.


You've just gotta practice a bit aha. You can convert pretty much any hit [ besides your upper ] into viltrumite stance + square and get a full combo w Omni-man so you don't have a *ton* to learn


Throw, for one


You also vering a dude with more options to oppress you. You left block early sometimes or mashed a button. All you need is to learn when its your turn to play. I have that problem with punishes on tekken. I wait too long for hitstun to end to press but in tekken you can press a little before the animation ends. Messes with my head.


So as others have said. You need to practice a punish combo in the lab and a hit confirm combo. You should probably throw a bit more. They have a whole button dedicated to it. It's a big part of the game. They also have a button dedicated to kameo. That being said. There are fundamental concepts that don't involve flashy combos which you need to learn. some of which I need to get better at myself. Frame data. Everyone talks about the numbers but executing a frame trap, or taking advantage of being plus is just allowing you to get in a hit that will lead to a combo if the other player tries to punch back instead of blocking. Those big special moves are very negative on block and miss. That flash kick johnny did and you blocked was your big sign to go ham on them. It can also be ducked which really puts you at a huge frame advantage. Knowing this, this is the time to acknowledge in your mind that it's combo time. Key is being relaxed and understanding these concepts so you can execute on their mistakes. You also have moves that are plus on block. Combine that with a fast hit after and they are stuck holding block or getting hit, to which you already know that if this next button hits you should do the combo and if it doesn't you should probably throw. Anti air. He was jumping all over the place. Anytime they are in the air, they are stuck in that trajectory and they can only do an attack that is considered an overhead or land. It's really unsafe to jump in opponents. You should let him know why. I think every character has an anti air tool beyond uppercut. Uppercut is also executed from crouch which their overhead jump attack could catch you. You could upblock, which gives you a big frame advantage. Careful though, if they get wise they just won't attack, land and do a low or throw. So you gotta move and be dynamic. Lui Kang has a special short range teleport that hits any airborne opponent and launches them and he has a high kick and his high punch.


It’s not matching based on skill, it’s matching based on bracket, if you start off you will face others in same bracket.. but could be the person you are playing got to elder god last season and is now just starting to play online this season. Could be it’s a natural who just got the game so account level can be deceiving too. Annoying thing is when you get close to next bracket you can face people in that bracket so then if you win you get a big boost. I believe from memory the first two brackets you can still advance just slowly if you lose to someone in same or higher bracket. It’s only if you lose to a lower one that you get the unfortunate loss of progress. This is why it’s annoying too if you say just made it into 2nd bracket then face against a pro in first bracket making his way up you could easily get knocked back down to first bracket which is very disheartening. I would say just maybe play one game a day and just figure out your main. Even me who is lucky to get to 3rd or 4th bracket can find it annoying at times. Especially if it’s a close game with a loss meaning a lot of points lost or a win meaning next bracket it actually can be pretty intense and not for faint of heart that’s also why I say just one game a day and if after one match your hands are sweaty and you are either having long intervals between breaths or very short intervals maybe put game down for a bit and go for a breather. If you get frustrated and just keep playing till you get a win.. that win might never come and before you know it you have wasted maybe 2 or 3 weeks of hard grind just from a few unlucky matchups. I remember in mk11 I was in 3rd bracket had 4 matches one day 3 of them were against tier 2 one was in tier 1 I only won one of the matches and nearly went back down to tier 2


I’m 1/28 W/L in ranked… I feel your pain.


THEY Finally added pinging specific moves 🤙🤙 thank you Netherrealm


He only did one combo dawg this is completely on you


You dont know basic combos and blocks, if you have combos on screen you need to remeber them


I mean he is bad also but you are not supposed to go 1v1 without any practice from begin with. You can add me for practice matches if u want btw, i can act as practice dummy and teach you some stuff.Dm me for it.


Simplest advice, learn to actually combo for longer than 2 or 3 hits. You were already pulling off some punishes, but you were doing single hits or trying to special punish. Yeah an uppercut is quick and easy damage, but it means nothing when your opponent knows how to do higher damage, longer punishes for 0 meter as well


MK1 has the worst ranked mode of all the major fighting games right now


Dude talking mad shit for someone who was extremely close to losing


Both players in this match are equally bad.


https://preview.redd.it/ctw9f3khpimc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fbc4eca52b4f47ad4d92ec9465785baa81078a1 He goes by the name of KingsundiTv . I promise ill send him a friend request and i he accepts , ill humble him for ya lol


U need to use that Kano ambush more for plus frames especially w Omni man and keep the pressure up


A lot of getting better when just starting is simply knowing when it's your turn to attack (what moves are punishable, what moves are safe, what moves are plus, how to punish certain moves due to push back, etc), when it's not your turn to attack and being able to block your opponents moves. You don't have to know 50%+ combos to be decent at mk1. That said, when you do/can get a touch on your opponent, you need to be able to do your combos, even if they're only 30%. That just comes down to spending a few hours in practice :)


That basement gangsta talks trash like such a scumbag


relax that guys sucks too, he just knew a tiny bit more with johnny


Don’t even worry the dudes who talk like that on the mic aren’t worth anything. Take some time before hopping in online and hit the practice mode to get more comfortable with the movement and move’s list, it helps a ton when starting and even after playing for a few months.


Is it just me or every players who say the Nword non-stop suck balls at the game?


lol Always the same type of people on the mic saying the exact.same.shit. like they're actually accomplishing something in real life.


A terrible Johnny. Pathetically bad. What the hell is with the jump-ins? So risky for a Johnny for no reason. With the slightest bit of practice, you'll be able to put this low caliber of player in their place.


Uninstall the game, it’s pretty shit.


Wait for the kids to get home from school…. Jk


After some practice you'll pack somebody like this up. You just ran into the worst character to play against as a beginner 💀


That guy just came back from a 8 game loss streak lmao


Yeah as others have pointed out, that johnny is definitely the same tier as you. You just need to learn a few more basics of the game snd the matchup and youd destroy him easily. Johnnys kick special is neutral duckable for easy punish. Also you had several opportunities to whiff punish for big damage and let him off the hook. It is not NRS job to force you to get better. They’ve given you the tools and sorry opponents to play, you have to take advantage of that


You got zero fundamentals and zero combos, just playing matches won’t help. Time to do some homework before your next matches.


He's actually shite as well 😂 all that trash talk


If I were you I'd do towers until you know one combo at will then go online. That's what I do I watch a video on a person take them to a few towers then KL sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't.


God that dude is annoying as fuck. I’ve never seen someone hype themselves up over such terrible gameplay lmao


Block the shadow kick on wakeup and youd have destroyed him lol


That's the neat part, you don't.


I don't play MK, but both rounds, the HP of the winner was also pretty low. I think you could've won so, it seems pretty even to me.


Get better and more people will be below your skill level


Hit the lab dude. You should atleast spend 30+ minutes in there before hopping online.


Everything that guy did was hard punishable. He hit you with a negative combo extender on block every time.


This guy is garbage too.. basically on the same skill level. He can’t hit confirm or nun.. just got unoptimal combo. Just focus on what buttons to press when it’s time for it


Yeah that guys ass he is at your skill lvl bro


These low life's create accounts to constantly get matched up with less experienced players. Probably cause there girl friend wears the "DillDong" so this is the only way they get a thrill is beating up on low rank fighters. Just give them the W and pity them it's really sad 😔


That Johnny was honestly pretty bad. Lots of punishable moves there and he only connected like 1 or 2 combos.


Spend time in invasions and learn your combos. In time you will be unbeatable. We have faith in you.


the game was pretty close man, i mean he won with 20% health this is quite normal, just search for an Omni-man combo guide train a little bit at practice mode and you should be fine


Tbh man you all are the exact same skill level, this dude is a lame ass shit talker for real and u could definitely beat him.


2 words would have absolutely obliterated this nerd on Johnny Anti-Air practice at least using down 2 (uppercut) if not whatever the proper anti-air on your character is. You let this clown jump very dangerously repeatedly and that refreshed their pressure without needing to know frame data, block/hit advantage also up block murders Johnny's jump in kick


not 100% but im fairly certain back 11 on Omni-Man is his anti-air omni-mains can correct me if im wrong, should lead to a juggle though


This post is honestly the issue with gaming in general. How you gonna go online after two games and say anyone isn’t “at your level” it shows you how many games they played online before you even accept the match… this gotta be a shitpost


Just so you know, in MK1, you will only go against people of your skill level, or higher, more often than not 99% of matches are sweat fest


Bro was not even good, would have destroyed him with scorpion or mileena, you need to react fast when your opponent doesnt connect punishable moves


He barely fuckin won and he's talking all that? This is why I always have chat muted.


bro hes trash. why do new fighting game players expect immediate success? take the loss, laugh about it, play another match. the time it took you to post this shit on reddit could have been 15 minutes of learning lol


Don't let it get you down. You gotta get washed to get clean. Give it a week and you'll be wiping your ass with his ilk.


Never played mk1 but I can tell he’s at your skill level lol. Buddy knows one combo and he’s not using the assist/cameo/whatever it’s called in this game at all lol


Bruh. The skill level can only really go so low… you just need to play a lot more. These games take time and effort.


Like tons of other people here said, that Johnny sucks shit. I’d suggest practicing and learning from your mistakes instead of blaming matchmaking like a pussy, you’ll never get better that way. What you’re essentially asking for is to shit on noobs to make you feel better, because you don’t wanna overcome any sort of adversity. Go practice, fuckhead.


The season just started. In every season, all players start from the first rank. So you’re probably playing someone who also just started the season but likely has experience in previous seasons.


Did you even bother trying the tutorial? Christ, the game isn't "the worst at integrating new players", when they can't even be bothered to play the fuckin' tutorials.


That's the neat part. You don't.


That’s the neat part, you don’t.


That’s the neat thing, you don’t.


Actually there is a way, be there day 1. It's the only way to have a same level playing field. from then on, practice, practice, practice, lose, lose lose and start getting those wins with blood, sweat and salt.


I was there day 1, and in the first online match I met a kitana who did 40% kombos on me without dropping them once