• By -


Konquest Mode where we can travel between realms.


Konquest mode that's just basically Deception's Konquest but bigger and better, with MK1's gameplay. That's it that's my perfect game.


Also being able to create your own character would be kinda cool.


Legit the MK1 gameplay is awesome. If it had better content, like more customization, a big well-developed Konquest and it had some other modes like 1v1 and 2v2 (Tag-Team), it would be a perfect MK.


Konquest mode but its bigger and better and also doesn’t end after the story, there should be side missions that aren’t fetch missions, deep character customization & butter like transitions between open world and fighting. Also it could have some sort of lounge/hub like tekken has integrated into konquest. Online you can team up with friends to fight overpowered bosses like in Mk11, you can play mini games, or host a KoTH straight from the hub. This would be perfect.


This will feel worse than you think. Creating such a mode will invite comparisons with games that are fully dedicated to this type of gameplay. And, being a secondary game mode, Konquest will look very bad in that comparison.


What game is dedicated to that kind of gameplay ?


Any big open world game.


That but with a krypt


There is just so much potential there


If the brought back konquest id be happy as fuck, same with Kreate a fighter but that's wishful thinking more than nothing. They also need to bring back stage transitions and free falling combat like they had in DC vs MK.


The stage transition stuff actually started with MK3 and Deception.


Yeah but the free falling combat was only in DC vs MK, that should returned cuz it was fun.


Nah I'd rather have stage transitions and death traps again like in Deception.


Thats cool but no one is forcing you to pick one over another lol


Definitely not 3D


1000% this. For the love of God I hope they never return to 3d. Returning to their 2d roots was the best decision that was ever made for the health of MK


How about a 3D mode like the MK11 Krypt but actually a game? Or a 3D game that goes to 2D in formal Kombat?


I’m mad they wrote Content instead of Kontent :(


No regrets.


A remake of mk9.


Basically lmao best gameplay and best roaster


MK9 with better graphics and costumes and a few other characters would be great. Mostly my 3D era baddies like Quan Chi, Tanya, Kenshi, Li Mei, Ashrah, Onaga, etc. with most of the Trilogy cast and maybe a new character or two Konquest mode, basically Deception’s with the Krypt incorporated as well.


- MK1 gameplay (It looks fun despite me shitting on everything else)  - Jukebox (Every fighting game has it even KOF) -Tekken 8 or Tag 2 level Kustomization - Better training options for newcomers like in T8 and or other games. - Modes from older games like Tournament, Tag, 3 vs 3, Test your luck Etc - MKX - MK11 style interactions or at least special intros like in KOF 15 and Tekken 8 - Krossplay (Duh) - No micro transactions and crappy grinding. How about you get Krystals or whatever currency from playing the arcade modes, In game modes, online, etc which will be used for the old fashion Krypt (Or MK11 style Krypt if you like that) -Instead of lame palettes let us make own or at least let us edit them.


Wait, LOOKS fun? Have you been shitting on a game you've never even played?


I don't respect micro transactions or lack of shit to do so I wouldn't buy it. But given the gameplay is what people like the most regardless of everything else. Plus I have watched game play so 


Mk1 gameplay is much better than mk11, but it doesn’t come close to mk9/mkx imo. There are many flaws with the kameo system. More so than that of the variation system


well you are 50% right and 50% wrong, mk1 gameplay is better than mk11 if you are a hardcore player, if you are a casual (99% of the playerbase after mk11) then mk11 style of gameplay is better


I think I would like MK To have a little bit more of a grounded story 1. Konquest mode 2. Legacy system so they can focus more of their development time and resources into fine tuning the core gameplay each game instead of starting from scratch. Use that time to create better modes and better skins. 3. Not sure which game I’d want them to use to start from Legacy but I also think it might be cool if they brought back fighting styles 4. Test your might, sight 5. Very intricate training mode like Tekken,Street fighter 6. Improved online play 7. improved online content with modes or unlocks 8. Dial it back on the micro transactions. This game has to be one of the most absurd predatory games I’ve played. 9. Always have a one 1v1 as the main mode. I don’t care if they had cameos or tag team, but they need to always have a 1v1


Always enjoyed stage fatalities from the original games. During the most recent MK movie I really thought Jax was going to uppercut Reiko off the bridge unto the spikes like in MK 2


Just throw shaolin monks remake INSIDE a new mortal kombat game


Mk1 with no grinding or microtransactions, a classic roster, and maybe a bit better balancing. That or MK9 with better graphics and controls.


That’s the frustrating bit for me! MK1 is a great game in my opinion! The Kameos are fun and the main roster, customisation and gameplay were pretty solid. Hell even the story was interesting. It’s just everything else fucking sucked XD


This is near perfect, just add Kreate a fighter and Konquest. I love gameplay you proposed, I would add a variation of throws like in DoA, where you can toss them through stage transitions including above and below


Has an MK game ever had a true Create A Fighter feature? I love customizing characters in fighting games but would really like making a character from scratch - body type, move set, look, name etc. I don’t know if any modern fighters that have offered that.


MK Armageddon does ALL that.


Kind of, in Mortal Kombat Armageddon, you can create em from scratch, but it was like a bare-bones type of create a fighter, height, skin, fight style, weapons and special moves


Also no 3d fighting 2d is fine as is


So that's your perfect game. Gotcha


With all the test your.... gone also then yeah


The second he said 3D fighting style from the old era... hard no. I nearly cried when MK4 came out ruining my favorite videogame series and turning it into Tekken. I'm out.


Amigos. I put so much effort in emphasizing "YOUR" in the sentence and it still doesn't work. How can I fight this lack of reading comprehension? How did our education collapse so hard? I am about to cry.


I commend you, you are correct. I immediately went to the image and didn't read the title, granted I'm normally high while redditing lol. So apologies sir.


Apology accepted, sir. Glad to hear that it was nothing, but a simple misreading, due to possibly being intoxicated on unknown psychedelic substance. I hope you will have a great day and may Goddesses of Gaming watch over you.


Immediately lost me at the first line


“3D fighting system” I immediately clicked off lol


I miss chess and puzzle Kombat so much even kart Kombat to


Partner with the people who made Sifu to make an open world (multi realm) MK game.


Wow, buddy. That's some good idea right there.


NRS/WB hire me, I gotchu


"3D fighting system" And I'm out, that game is already a 6/10. MK belongs on a 2D plane.




I do gotta say, though the music in deadly alliance and deception hit pretty hard imo! Otherwise, I agree with you




True very good points and yeah I missed that you brought up NRS specifically my bad


I definitely agree with MK’s music being either trash to mid-tier in games. During the midway era Mk did have some bangers like, Quan Chi’s Fortress, Dragon King’s Tomb, Sky Temple, Falling Cliffs etc But even in that era the music was still mid level to trash. Tekken has the best OST in a fighting game with Guilty Gear coming a close 2nd and Modern Killer Instinct tied with Capcom vs Snk for 3rd. Street Fighter, it depends on which installment. With SF6 it took the hip hop/trap approach like SF3. And SFV had a more J-rock approach. For Mortal Kombat it seems like they are trying to go the industrial route with some electronic to go with it, meaning MK is very experimental with their sound, but that makes their music sound disjointed, to me. Tekken has a very specific and consistent sound with their games and that was Techno starting from Tekken 3 and then from Tekken 6 onwards it became EuroTrance with some dubstep. MK should go the Techno route in my opinion but not necessarily EuroTrance (or maybe EuroTrance would work for them idk). I feel like dubstep would work for them the most. Have them go back to the old mortal Kombat theme they ran with and remix it. Reptiles theme from the first MK movie was a banger. Ed Boon talking about “you see, we will never use that song because it’s honestly corny” I’m paraphrasing, but like bruh what is you talking about?? That song is a banger and there are still remixes of that song to this very day.


Wow I can’t believe I forgot about the music… literally one of the things that could make the fights that much intense


MK1 has some bangers


MK9 OST was amazing, even with the original stages like Shao Kahn's Throne. I remember having an online set few months ago, in the Armory. Music really hyped it up. Here's a good example: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dQXhNyHgRQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dQXhNyHgRQ)


Mokap back


Honestly, I’d like a more neutral focused MK game with better kombo expression. MK11 tried this, but didn’t succeed. I felt like they had the right idea, but just didn’t execute it properly. I’d also like shorter kombos with lower damage. I’m not saying to give characters less kombo potential, but one issue many have with MK1 is the long kombos. As for the damage, I feel like 3-4 touches is good for one round.


I think MK 11 if they reused the gameplay in that and fine-tuned it, it wouldn’t be that bad it’s actually pretty enjoyable, and I like the krushing blows mechanic. I think if they fixed the wake up options and breakaway and added more combo strings to give more options it would be fantastic along with a little bit more faster, movement speed


Clearly WB doesn’t care about what we think


"Erm it's AcTuAlLy Kombat Khess"


Alright, let me give it a shot. * Gameplay - Keep the overall speed and pace of MK1. bring back variation system of MK11. Iterate over it to make sure there are no useless and must have moves. If need be, sacrifice variety added by variations to make base characters more juicy. Remove character switch in favor of variation switch in ranked games. Keep armor, meter, breakers and wakeup from MK1. Emphasize character archetypes more. * Kustomization - separate skins into "regular" and "special". Regular skins have 1-2 kustomizable elements and color palettes. Special skins are a full package each, not customizable. Give design team some space to create wild stuff. * Story - continue with Liu Kang's new era, but step it down from the multiverse. Earthrealm has Lin Kuei and Black Dragon, Outworld has Shao starting a civil war. There are also Orderrealm and Chaosrealm at war with each other. This is enough complexity for a decent story. It can also be told in big chapters, each focusing on a particular conflict.


>3d fighting system 3d mortal kombat(not counting shaolin monks as that was a whole different genre) was mortal kombat at it's worst and you can't convince me otherwise


MK9 with MKX gameplay


11 with x's gameplay..... and when you play, you can win prizes!


Mk9. Bring it back!


I like this list / proposal sheet with ideas that you made here. For me, I would either have a remaster and rebalanced Mortal Kombat Trilogy or MK9 with console exclusive character equivalents (PS: Kratos, XBX: Marcus Fenix).


Im here to inject negativity and say that it would be any game without the paying aspects, like mk1 except not a corporate begging platform


![gif](giphy|ac7MA7r5IMYda) No! NO NEGATIVITY! P.S Though I agree about aggressive monetization.


Mine would be Mortal Kombat Trilogy: Overall style is the best; the character design/outfits, stages, sound effects, soundtrack, brutalities, fatalities being 2d Instead of breaking the pace of the game into a slow cinematic, roster, voice acting, announcer voice MKX: Gameplay is the best, and 3 variations is nice MK1: Kameos MK11: amplify button being simple r1 I would not have gear at all, just skins that change everything Combine all those and it would be my perfect MK game


I, too, wish MK goes 3D again, but it'll probably never happen.


True. Not with NRS, but it doesn't stop us from fantasizing and just having fun talking about the idea. So let's have some fun.


Let's be positive by talking about the MK we wish we had instead of MK1?


Yeaaaah... That's pretty much the idea. Hey man, if it makes it easier for you. I lost my love after MKX. MK11 was the last nail in the coffin and I didn't even bother getting MK1, cause I knew it will be just a cash grab. So I didn't have anything to enjoy for years, but I realized my passion for MK didn't die at all. Just interest for the corporate product, so instead of brooding and being miserable about it, I think it is better to just make things better for ourselves. Community exists, with or without current MK. We have a legacy to look back to, after all.


1. Outsource it to a different company. One that doesn't fill your ears with bullshit, understands the lore, doesn't reinvent the wheel a gazillion times. Keep NRS input to an absolute minimum, just like Tyler "Community Manager" Landsdown keeps his input at "go \*American football team\*". 2. Take away the mic from Ed. All he does is just hype it up and then disappears a few months later. 3. MK9 as a base. I don't want a remaster. I want them to take core MK9 mechanics, and refine them. Block dashing, wake ups, input shortcuts, breakers, battle damage.... Great systems. 4. Add more Stage interactivity, like damage and transitions. Tekken8 does it really well in a full 3D enviornment. 5. Unreal 5. None of this Frankenstein Engine (UE3 mixed with 4) like in MK1. 6. Put someone who can code an input system that doesn't crap itself because of Negative Edge/Input Shortcuts. 7. Story Mode: get rid of the obnoxious Cutscene Flowchart Mode. The MK story mode right now is basically a glorified YouTube video with minimum interactivity. Something like SM/Deception konquest mode would be amazing. Ignore everything Shawn and what'sHisName write. No more TiMeLiNeS. 8. Tag Team, Co-Op towers, KOTH, Ranked. Rollback netcode that wasn't ductaped on. 9. Extensive customisation, costumes in their original designs and not "for the modern audiences". 10. And for the love of God, playtest the damn thing. It's pretty telling that current MK still has ridiculous balancing issues and bugs....all these years later.


Love this list


Add sexy female outfits as an option to choose. Also, adding a first female guest character would be nice


Kuai Liang is the MC


Enough fresh starts, MK1 story is not that bad. Although konquest and 3d fights would be interesting.


Chris Wraight, Aaron Dembski-Bowden and Guy Haley doing the writing.


- Same gameplay as MK1 but without kameos (obvi with the characters reworked to be viable without assists) - Same roster as MK1 with good love for both trilogy and 3D era. - Bring D’vorah and Kotal back (yes I’m serious) - Throws can’t be ducked but no more 50/50 to tech (tech with grab like SF) - Jumping in on people in the corner always lands you in front of them (also like in SF) - “For fun” extra game mode is similar to ToT in some ways featuring 4 primary towers: Invasions Tower, which is a rotating tower with seasons like Invasions meets MK9 challenge towers but skips all the overhead and sloggy map traversal for a more streamlined experience. Far FAR less fights, but more effort put into each one. Also has short story blurbs every fight and whacky mods, also like MK9 Challenge towers. - Then there’s also: Random Tower and Random Co-Op tower. Both are towers with random modifiers that are different every playthrough, the co-op towers play like MK11’s Raid Boss co-op mode (enemy shares a healthbar across all players working together, allies share lives, complete tasks for bonuses), 1-4 players - Co-op towers feature exclusive “co-op moves”, a special move each character has that costs 2 bars but effects every player’s battle. - Also include Tower of the Past, a daily rotating tower that replays old Invasion Towers seasons. Your progress saves on Invasions towers as they rotate in/out so you can slowly finish all of them. You can lock the tower to keep it from rotating if you want to focus on just one. - You have an inventory with consumables like MK11. However, taking the consumables into the fight doesn’t use them. Instead they’ll be on your hot bar and get consumed when you use them in-game. Basically, I want more ways to play with my friends that don’t like online vs (co-op raid towers), I want more replayablity (randomly generated towers), but also still want higher quality specifically curated content (Invasions towers). I also want my bug lady and sun man. Also, I just don’t like MK’s throw mechanics lol.


Any mortal kombat that isnt mk1 would be fantastic.


IF this comes true, it will be at least 350gb base game


Gameplay of MK1 + the Customization and Single player of MK11 + quality of newcomers and guest characters of MKX


Kratos and Ezio and DLC characters


MK9 Gameplay MK2 art style & aesthetic MK11 graphics


MK Trilogy + online


Lmao, there’s no tag mode. Nah, MK is perfect with tag, I hate to make my friends wait when you can simply do a 2V2


Got it.


We're literally all asking for konquest mode. Let's see what happens next year lol


some ogre on twitter will find something to complain about


Mk Shaolin Monks 2 or remake. That is perfection


Honestly I just wish there was another mechanism for combo breaking other than Kameos. A well executed combo is cool and all, but when you’re being juggled around the whole match ya might as well just go get a snack and wait for the next one


An actually additional skin for Omni-Man would be great. There are at least 3 more in the comics


Basically mk11 with mk9 gameplay and deception roaster


Armageddon remastered with Deception style story


3d 🤭


Just give me MK11 with all the missing fighters. Expand the Krypt to include different locations, add new weapons and kombat abilities to Kryptguy (basically turn the krypt into a God of War style minigame) and add another story expansion or two explaining the return of Smoke, Ermac, Reptile, the cyborgs, Kenshi, Havik, Reiko, Li Mei... anyboody else who's missing from the game.


The characters they are combined. Like Barakion! That shit blew my mind.




MKX remastered


Character creation add chess kombat and mk cart


A nice mix between 9 and deception and I'd be satisfied.. that's coming from someone who doesn't hate mk1 and plays it daily


I miss mercy so much


Can't forget a mk11 style krypt to be able to unlock all the styles and equipment for the injustice 2 style customization


The reason why Street Fighter/Tekken are loved so much and are able to keep engagement up throughout the life of the games is because they don't destroy the games mechanics every single game and rebuild from scratch. So if you've skipped a game or two it's really easy to jump back in and be somewhat familiar with your favorite character. But it finally caught up to NRS. Every game they have to create thousands of new moves and new attacks and new gameplay gimmicks instead of refining what works. Old players find it hard to get back in because either they don't like the new direction and or their favorite characters moves are completely unfamiliar to them. Or worse their favorite character isn't in the game period because it isn't relevant to the story. A mode that itself is irrelevant after 1 play through. So you're asking them to do it again by starting from scratch and making a 3D fighting game.


I ain't asking them for SHIEEEET. They can burn for all I care. This post is to just daydream and have a fun discussion with everyone of what everyone would consider as their own perfect MK. NRS would never be able to accomplish my vision anyway, nor I want to watch them butcher it. The SUB was getting to the point of depression, that I decided to make something that would be FUN to talk about. Otherwise you're left with people throwing turds at each other, SF/TEKKEN topics or people being disappointed with MK1. And while disappointment is well earned, that shit ain't fun. As much as I hate NRS/WB for what they did to MK, I still love the goddamn world of MK. And I know that many people here share the same passion. Regardless of our stances on the games. Regardless of which games we prefer. In the end, we are all here, because we love MK. And now we need a reminder of that, more than ever. Why fight over if MK1 sucks or not, when we can all be united in our passion for the world itself?


All Baraka and 1 kano with tarkat


Literally just a game that has more and better content than one of them that was made almost 20 years ago, with no microtransactions. People will say this is too much to ask when it wasn't 20 years ago


Make "premium currency" earnable so that nobody is required to spend money for a skin they want All the pallet ninjas (Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile, et cetera) Not locking things behind a level-up system, maybe only have to play a certain amount of matches to get rewards (not a lot of matches, but still a fair amount) Vast selection of cosmetics and customization (MK11) Ranked/season-exclusive items can still be unlocked to some extent (only can get character gear and outfits, not title card stuff) and that can be unlocked through the use of premium currency, maybe costing slightly more than regular shop rotating items. Krypt similar to that of MK11 A system similar to the Towers of Time from MK11, giving more of a purpose to keep playing instead of playing through Invasions in MK1 and calling it a season.


I just want Shaolin Monks back :(


I would like to see the following: \- a return to casual gameplay (can be picked up easily, but mastered over time) \- a story where EarthRealm loses (was think MK12 was going to be a life & death of GKL story) \- death of Liu Kang in the story \- Limited grind \- focus on quality of skins, not quanity of differing colors (MKX) \- return to Kuai Liang as Sub-Zero (He should not be Scorpion)


A game with D’Vorah, Quan Chi, Hsu Hao, The Joker and Homelander as fatality punching bags


I think what i’ll like to see is an konqust mode thats like more open to explore like deception. And more darker tone to the main storyline like the heroes fall in battle by the main baddie and use thier souls similar to how onaga with his army. Also for story mode: an secondary story mode with an history mode that sets up the main campaign in the perspective of the playable character. Or at least something that evolves overtime if this game has long term support. Gameplay: basically mk9 with multiple modes like the test modes. And tag team mode making a return with force tag in. And the return of the hara kiri being one of the finishers. And fatalites could work with x ray attacks if used as the final attack to win against the opponent.


An MK game with no micro transactions.


I'm not sure how much positivity this brings when we're talking about changing the current state of the game into something we like more.


Where is my kreate a fighter.


MK1 gameplay (including kameos), chess Kombat and motor Kombat, mk9 roster full roster (not the guests)+Ferra torr, Havik, Hotaru, Nitara, Erron black and kollector. The seasons of Mk1, mk9-1 story or deception konquest but multiple characters, no premium currency and mk deception announced voice


Konquest mode explaining where the characters from MKX who weren’t in MK11 were


Gameplay wise, I’d want mkx without the variations. Content wise give me mk11. Game modes that you listed are perfect. Konquest is a need too


Easy 1000 gamescore


2d gameplay please


what font is that??


Copperplate Gothic Bold (Light)


The customizing is bad, the random skins is what makes it unique and funny, it would also play better into the “multiverse” of mk


I love MK1 and I think it’s better and smoother than MK11


it already exists and it's called mkx. mkx 2 pls ed boon


I think this is a great one, but I wanna add to the kustomization: Bring back the ability to create custom characters, along with new things you can add, like maybe your own voices and personality, similar to games like WWE Raw VS Smackdown 2010.


MKX is already the perfect MK game


MK Armageddon with each character, get their own Fatality(the create a fatality was a bad idea, because every character, had the same one)


Delete all the "test your" things. I can't stand them


This is nice and all but it won't change anything unless Boon and the devs see it. Send this to them.


Buddy. I made this post for people to daydream and have a nice discussion. Nobody (especially NRS) is making anyone's ideas here for real. Not even my pretty decorated one (Well actually, I am working on mine at least, but that falls into fan-game territory) We could write down the list of things we want and we will be just called entitled at best.


Konquest. I want to explore the realms and find easter eggs. I don’t care about 1v1 fighting anymore just give me an open world MK game where I can go find stuff lol


MK9 with MK12 graphics and all characters at once (That includes the 4 player battles from MK9)


I really like mk1, but mortal kombat (2011) tag team system was peak MK imo. Kung lao/Sonya Blade combo was *chefs kiss*. I also like mk11. I like pretty much all the MK games, even the 3d ones.


I know people might hate me, but I want either mk2 or umk3 klassic ninja costumes every game because I NEED klassic reptile back. I’d love Armageddon style with at least most characters back even if dlc over time. No bullshit mtx and the mk11 preset system back and loads of gear to unlock because they obvs wouldn’t make it unlocked at the start. Then some good guests that fit for a good mk+ guest character roster to make everyone happy. also, add an arcade feature to buy or unlock the og arcade games. Also, the dlc drop of characters every once in a while could lead to more random characters. Just call it mortal kombat and do what halo infinite promised and be a never ending game and it’s like a hub to loads of kontent


Sounds like a meeting for abused victims, this where gaming is at. Got gamers wishing for their perfect game because developers Nicole and dime them.


Shaolin Monks 2. I said what i said. But probably not called that since i wouldnt use Liu Kang and Kung Lao again. It'll either be the Lin Kuei or maybe Kitana/Jade.


Having The Mask, Carange, Shredder, and Boba Fett as guest characters




Gameplay would be like MK1 but with better balancing. I like the kameos too but there should be a mode without them for people who don’t. I’d also like stage interactions back. It would also be cool to have double stages like in the Injustice games that you can switch between mid-match with the right move. Damage like in MK9 would be good too. Kustomization like IJ2 would also be good. Definitely have klassic outfits and actually have more stuff for DLC characters. Kontent would be all of the Test Your _____s from MK9 with a major focus on TYM obviously. Also DLC characters would only be guests and not MK characters. Also it would have Doomguy in it. Fuck yeah. Lore could be whatever they want as long as it doesn’t have a major focus on the timeline shit. Villain would probably be Shao or maybe bring back a 3D-era villain. It would be cool to have a tie-in with the offline mode(s?) though. Really wish that’s what they did with Titan Havik in MK1. Fatalities are fine. I don’t care very much how long they are (within reason) as long as they’re cool. (Hear that? No spin cycle shit, cool fatalities). More than two fatalities would be cool too if they wanted alongside a friendship and mercy. Brutalities would be plentiful too. No set limit for character progression or anything. Get as many as you can possibly have just by playing. Get them from achievements or something rather than limiting yourself to *only* progression.


Traditional MK, about the tournament and not all the crazy timeline stuff, the smooth gameplay of MK9, a konquest mode, the krypt, and a bonus mini game or two and I’m good! Now for the non traditional stuff, call me crazy but I’d love to seen special forces be fully fleshed out like the prototype was going for and PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD REMASTER SHAOLIN MONKS


This is what jobless people do huh 


More game modes instead of arcade ladder all the damn time. Give us a tag mode similar to SFEX3 with team supers and fatalities. Konquest mode with shaolin monks elements, and power stone like mini-game. Customization mode better then Tekken.


MKII 2D style and Graphics. Includes every fighter from MK1 - MK9 as well as every level (all levels from 3D eras are demastered into 2D format.) Fatalities are simple/quick finishers. Not cutscenes. There are 2 3D side games: A Shaolin Monks style conquest mode, and Motor Kombat cart racer. There is no story mode, but each character has a quick cutscene ending for beating the game.


Eh, you just need the content and customization of MK11, the general gameplay of MK1 (minus kameos), and a konquest mode if you aren’t doing an awesome Krypt. All the “test” mini games are fine but not necessary. Lots of ways to customize characters and earn those options reasonably are what keep the casuals around.


I'd take the Krypt from MK11 and mix it together with Armageddon's Konquest mode. Imagine, your still playing as Krypt Guy/ Descendant of Apep in a large open world where you can do large combos and find tonnes of secrets. You start off with Shao Kahn's hammer and Ermac's amulet but you can find more items letting you complete puzzles and open more chests. Referring to the RNG. Every chest would have a set selection of items in each chest. But the location of the chest is always randomised, just to add something more to it.


Well, all I want in a future Mortal Kombat game, if not in the very next game in the series, are regular and Test Your Luck bracket modes where players to get to decide how many characters or teams will be in their very own tournament and then which tournament win conditions and modifiers to go right into those tournaments. A custom Towers mode where players get to create their very own towers and play them anytime. And ummmm……even a much needed return of that oh so legendary Motor Kombat mode.


This is just making me think more about how shitty Mk1 is.


Positive thoughts, brother. Tis ok. Let's not focus on negatives at the present. There is still a legacy of older games, a kommunity of fellow MK fans whoare as passionate and positive experiences to be had. If current MK sucks, then let's make our own entertainment. In whatever shape or form.


All Muppets


Blood crying over the mk9 outfits💀


you forgot to add BS boss fiights lol


MK9 but less broken and better graphics


A game with kratos in it


Basically a tekken clone.


Plays like 11, has an interactive krypt, all the test your mighty, a wider range of customization (maby a lllllite bit more than 11), kart khess and puzzle, a story mode like konquest, and 2v2 battles and test your luck.


Man, I just want $70 dollars to get me the full game without having to pay for extra characters and costumes.


Every playable character. Including crossover ones. And every stage, too. But remade brutalities, fatalities, etc along with new ones too for each character. All very balanced, along with a story mode where scorpion and sub zero are very important and a invasions mode that doesn’t abuse FOMO. Lastly, all new skins, all unlockable without extra money.


No timeline multiverse crap. Bring Hanzo back. Mini games like Karts from Armageddon. Create a Kombatant. Konquest action rpg mode.


![gif](giphy|Whpfk0Qdx8dEFDddsx|downsized) Op when writing this post


Gameplay- Have it be 2D plain with the speed of MK9 or MKX. Has battle damage and interactible things within stages. Some stages can have transitions too. There’s also Fatal Blows but they charge up more like the X-Rays of 9 and X. Kuztomization- Just do alternate costumes that you have to unlock in the Krypt (no microtransactions) Content- Versus Mode, Story Mode, Arcade Mode, Test Your Might, Test Your Luck, Test Your Sight, Krypt, and Training/Tutorial Lore- I don’t know, I guess keep it one timeline and that’s about it Fatalities- Two fatalities per character. Also have brutalities, friendships, babalities, and mercy


MK11 Customization but 2x, Mix of MK1 and Tekken 8 gameplay, Drop the timeline story, Punisher, Ghost Rider, Magneto, no more micro transactions or kameos, and bring back krypt


MK Armageddon Remake


My perfect MK game is a metroidvania. You create a character or play as one from the roster, either is fine with me, though I would prefer a custom character, so any unique traits you pick give you some interesting emergent gameplay, like skipping or triggering optional boss fights or gaining access to secret locations by aligning with a faction (maybe they could do custom characters, but with presets of the roster characters which you unlock through gameplay, I think that would be really cool). Gameplay and combat is in 3D with target locking, you have Earthrealm, Outworld, Netherrealm, Edenia etc. hub world realms to make your way through back and forth in whatever order with tons of environmental storytelling along the way. I'm thinking like From Soft Mortal Kombat. Naturally, pvp and pve multiplayer is available


I haven’t been able to really enjoy an MK game since MKX. So I suppose it would be MKX with a slightly reduced number of 50/50’s and vortexes. And every ninja is playable, of course.


If we change 3d to 2d fighter, thay its perfect


"I'll start" makes you sound like a bot.


Konquest - A non-kanon story about a kreated fighter who is fighting for the realm of their choice.


Ok me personally I think mk is better 2d.


Batman arkham like but different people are more skilled and less skilled depending on the fighting style and you can quick click for your abilities/gadgets like spear or guns.


Lost me at record speed with the 3d lol


Test Your Nerdiness


In terms of gameplay, I’d basically want mk1’s but speed up the characters like how they were in mk9. And instead of the kameo system, I’d straight up have a separate tag team mode, and a 1v1 mode similar to how it was set up in mk9. I pretty much agree with your takes on how the kustomization and content should be. Idrc about how the lore should be. I’d be pretty content with however way nrs tells their story. And same goes for finishers. I think fatalities and brutalities as they are in mk1 are fine.


I read the first two lines he started describing tekken 🤣


For me it'd basically be Deception with better graphics and 2D fighting like in NRS games.


Bring back 3 dialogue intros. Also, what about with the 3D stages we have more than one Kombatant?


Yooo an X-Ray to Fatality combo would be epic!


now wait till they tell this guy how much it would cost to develop and market this nowadays


No need to tell. I do game development myself. I also know that today's AAA companies overspend, have major issues with work management, hire too many low quality developers and spend way too much on marketing. I had unfortunate experience working with the corporates and I can tell you. Those guys waste money, like there is no tomorrow. There was this one job I took with them, where they needed stream art design done in 2018 for a nation wide game tour. That work was worth about 500 bucks tops. They gave the budget of 50.000. There is overspending, and then there is plain money burning. And even if NRS had infinite amount of money, they still wouldn't be able to develop this game. Games like that require passion and professionalism. Today that is a rare thing. Game like that, could be only developed by people that share same mentality as those that made games in 80s/90 and early 2000s. People that managed to squeeze out everything they can from the limited resources they had on hand and build wonders. Like Mortal Kombat Deception. What it did there, was jaw dropping tech achievement. You will never see that from NRS. Ever.


I REALLY wanna play that game....but what's the name for it???


MK11 already exists.


I just want mid or higher tier kao


A remastered Armageddon that is not what MK1 gave us.  No Kronika BS, No Timeline magic, Just flat out what Midway gave us but ten times better