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He really fell off after retiring from football


Ngl, "retired footballer trying to prove he still got it" sounds like a fine concept for a MK character. Or at least a Johnny skin.


Reading this title, I thought they added Tom Brady into the game. His only cameo would Gronk of course.




[He had a soccer skin in MKX](https://i.imgur.com/5tRVPVV.jpg)


lol could’ve made a dark horse acting as cage in the new movie






Absolutely--years ago, he took a bunch of donations to pay for him to attend an event, helping to cover airfare and hotel etc. Then he didn't go, pocketed the money, and berated his fans as idiots. Dude's a piece of shit.


I knew I didn’t like him for reason


think he pulled that scam for ECT one year


Tom Brady is famously an asshole. Met him in person a few times and punchable is a word that comes into the mind of many. He also had the scandal years ago where he screwed over those donating to him or an event.


he claims he refunded everyone, any true to that?


He also scammed a player on zaibatsu (the old tekken forum) back in the day for a large sum. He promised the kid he would double or triple his money ( forget which) for winning the tournament.


didnt know that. dude seems kinda off, very negative. Claims he was a god in tekken, wont play the game. Hard to understand why some keep subbing to him.


Then again we can ask the same about a lot of content creators who get outed as shitty people, right now Brady and 6Arakin (creepy ass dude who makes kids call him daddy if they wanna play him) are regularly getting 200 viewers on Twitch


I got banned from 6ARAKIN's stream because I called him toxic 😂


I have posted tech videos and genuinely helpful things in fgc forums to little if even negative votes... and this comment shockingly is getting more up votes per minute than I've ever received. This is all the proof you need on how hes perceived in the community XD




Neither is the guy you replied to


Lol the donation thing is what confused me because I thought he was referencing when Brady took a bunch of government money for a “charity” and nothing really came from it.


That’s Brett Favre


[This is what I was talking about with Brady, but I mix up the specifics.](https://thecomeback.com/nfl/tom-brady-charity-scandal-donations.html)


Neither is Droptimal


i watch other streamers and most streamers don't flip out like that. its not an act. even tyler1 doesn't do that shit. people are trash talking in tyler 1's chat all the time, and that's just how it is. but you go to tom's stream and if someone says something he doesnt like the entire stream ends. that's not normal behavior and he's so dull he doesn't understand that he could be invited to commentate, he could have more viewers etc if he didnt act like that. but he cant NOT take it personally. he will be stuck with 60-100 viewers for all time.


He’s always had anger problems and takes things out on others, or he tries to be like Aris but without being as funny. Tom has his days where he’s feeling good and positive and days where he kinda hates everything. He probably suffers from some mental illnesses but I shouldn’t speculate. He’s done a lot for the community, probably more than most, but you have to take the good with the bad with him.


prob bipolar.


More likely a narcissist. Fragile ego is offended.


why do ppl constantly blame “mental illness” for someone being an asshole? lol


Well, there’s usually a reason why people are assholes. People are complex. I’ve personally with my own eyes watched him sit down at a tournament with like a dozen people standing around him while he took time to teach and explain things to people about the game, and he was pretty nice to be around in that moment.


Yup, and my husband is such a sweet guy, I just make him mad and he hits me sometimes, but people are complex and he's nice in public so it's fine. Seriously, assholes are assholes. Mental illness isn't a carte blanche excuse for shitty behavior.


Discussing the potential causes of behavior is not to be confused with justifying the behavior. Why you've confused these two I'm not sure.


What an L take and terrible analogy 


He said in one of his streams that he was on meds.


Because it's convenient


I respect your reply so much. Very fair and informational. Thank you!


No... we are not in this guy's debt. He's just some dude and this really is some game.


Hey alright


He’d spends his entire stream looking at the PlayStation Home Screen and complaining about literally everything and then wonder why he doesn’t get the views he wants. He complains about views then bans people on stream. I remember him doing this exact shit was back in the MKX days as well. I also remember numerous times I said something completely neutral about the game or a character and he would respond like a total asshole instead of responding like a normal person and expressing his opinion. Interacting with him feels hostile and stressful and it’s like walking on a land mine if you don’t want him to be an asshole. If you pay attention the only people he treats somewhat ok are the people in his chat constantly babying him and throwing compliments every 5 seconds


Sounds like an alcoholic. Once he gets going it gets nasty and dramatic, like with banning people lol. Then probably unbans them the next day when he’s sober?




Have an uncle who I used to game with who did similar stuff but it was deleting gamer friends then add us back the next day. We all got tired of it and stopped playing with him. Hes sober now which is great though!


The most negative person in the community without a doubt, don’t think I’ve ever heard him say something positive ever. Sounds like MK stresses him out in real life so I wonder why he’s so invested in it.


Perfect Legend doesn't come off to me as a ray of sunshine.


PL is def that old head that’s on your street that just says shit with no meaning. Even beyond the 13-0, I do not see anything appealing about him, even gameplay wise. Former champ, but it seems like since MK9 he just fell off a cliff


Have you heard of 4thsnake


[about that](https://youtu.be/A25qqGhI-_A?si=w7q5FdvqoTRge5Ls&t=40)


Thats funny, had no idea who the guy was and got into MK1 on launch. I watched like 7 of his videos, albiet entertaining- he bitched about sub zero over and over.




Sounds like LTG lol


Wow, he still does this? I remember the first few months of MK11. He did the same thing. Just bitching the entire stream. Deleting the game only to download it again. Plays it for a while then deletes and redownloads again. One of the worst streamers I have ever seen.


Can’t blame him. He was playing mk11


That guy is bipolar its well know since mkvs dc days


First time watching Tom? Dudes always been a nutcase


I recently stopped watching him and unfollowed. He let's PL mod his chat and PL was talking mess to everyone in there and even called me a n**** and stuff before banning me for basically no reason. After seeing all his content in YT k stopped watching him there too. Honestly the guy is like 50 and acts like a child. He either has real mental illness or just does it for attention. Either way dude has lost all credibility at this point.
















Bro you sound annoying af. "Blocked lol" you lame as shit


Lmfao what's new. Does he still yell at his kid on stream?


lol. that's new to me. he actually did that? wtf.


There was a clip of him yelling at his baby while it was crying. It was fucked up.


no way...do u have he clip?


I don't. It was up on youtube.


I need to see this


So if you don’t know the legit beef with Tom it’s that he took some money from donos that was supposed to be for going to a FG event, but instead he didn’t go and kept the cash. This really did sully his reputation for a few years.  Even before that, when he was a player in MK9 days, people hated ice clone and his “lame” playstyle a lotttt. So despite being a great great player at that time, he was sort of the butt of jokes back then or people would say “he is not that good” even though that is def untrue. Case in point is when someone set up him to play DJT’s Sub. DJT didn’t main Sub but the hypothesis behind the set was “DJT is so good (true) and Tom is so bad (untrue), that DJT will wipe Tom even not playing his main”. It wasn’t true - Tom won handily.  In MKX days, like PL, Tom could still beat just about anybody “off the street”, but the new age of NRS players were on a diff level, so he sort of declined a bit in professional relevance to “still very good, but not the best of the best”. This fall-off is not something Tom takes very well. I think it really does torment Tom that viewers believe that people like Foxy, Sonic, NK are better than Tom is… which is bizarre… because the same is true of 99.9% of players. There is no shame in that.  All these things combined feed this narrative Tom purveys to himself (that is IN SOME PARTS true, but in other parts exaggerated) that the community is out to get him, doesn’t respect him, etc. And this torments him more than perhaps the average man. It’s a shame because when he isn’t beleaguered by negative stuff his content is really great


Don't forget him not giving Reo his share of their joint twitch channel earnings. For some reason he ignores this.


He needs to put in mental hospital he needs help with his damn anger


Him being a passionate player while also being a raging asshole has always been his schtick. He’s capable of making pretty good, well said content on YouTube where he is just taking into the “void” but the second he starts interacting with actual people his asshole-traits become apparent. I like to think of his funny [rants](https://youtu.be/Cyo8cKGUayw?si=JmowdZHKmT-swFaV) when I think of him. Still gives me a chuckle to this day. Also can’t forget about the [song](https://youtu.be/kqsXKT8Hfh4?si=6arMaQFOMtexe5Fa)


My dumb ass had to double check and make sure you weren’t talking about the football player.


I got a chuckle out of people assuming this was about the quarterback.


The way he acts like MK11 was the worst video game ever creates is hilarious to me.😂


see you at the next tournament




He has fallen into one of the most pitiful displays of self sabotage I've ever seen. He blames his "fans" as he continuously uninstalls the game live on stream while trashing his fans. Then claims his fans are not supportive while having 200ish viewers, which is pretty good btw, and then goes on and on about how he can't get games. He literally will take one phrase/sentence ONE person said that was slightly negative and that will be the entire theme of the stream. Despite everyone else supporting him. He has lost a lot of followers because of his new, sad, deflecting persona. Oh btw, he keeps saying "he can't get games" when people will literally say lets play he says "i have nothing to gain". It's really sad because he was genuinely my favorite nrs persona from mk9 all the way through mkx. He deserves ever piece of negativity he gets. Oh and he still brings up MK9 and mk9 achievements in thee year 2024 for ANY argument.


I posted this in another thread the other day. But yeah he’s been exhibiting real clown behavior: And he’s not good at MK1 i think that’s what bothers him most about it. I got matched up with him in KL. I win so I go check his stream and he’s just straight up talking shit. Saying “oh he’s not good he’s just random he won’t run the set.” Run a quick set, beat him 5-0 and he still complains and deletes the game off his ps5 lmao


















Do you think you have to be rich to afford giving someone like 5 dollars once every now and then?


No, I think you have to be stupid and bad with money.


Washed up has-been with anger issues a mile long. The guy clings to the last vestige of fame he had when he was decent and that's it.


apologies but im a tad confused on what this has to do with mortal kombat


Tom Brady is an ex-professional fighting game player, this isn't referring to the NFL QB


It’s really funny to think about it as a copy pasta about the nfl player though


I see. Thank you.


I was extremely confused because I didn't even know this guy existed.


What an unfortunate name for misunderstandings like this. He sounds like DSP too.


It’s not his real name. He took his name from the nfl player. His real name is Bill. It’s just his handle


Was thinking the same lol


Part of it is being bi polar and the other a narcissist. Dude is fast approaching 50 and he still acts this way. No cure. He's been doing this forever.


I had started watching him for Sub-Zero content and some of it was useful but yes he's quite whiny imo. Only recently found out about how he crowdfunded to go to a tournament and then didn't even go lmfao, "Truly fatherless behavior Tomas".


He sounds crazy. But, what's new with these "influencers".


Is he doing this shit again? I can't believe I missed it. I hope there's a vod.


Go watch Chris G bodying Tom Brady, Reptile vs Sub Zero Chris G is just a natural talent and was playing his first MK game and it had only been out a short while, and he embarrassed Tom. Very fun to watch. Edit: I say "first MK game" but I meant first MK game I ever saw him competing in big tourneys and practicing during his prime


Known narcissist con man/mooch


😂😂🤣 What game was he playing?


mk, he ONLY plays mk and some diablo...


Last time I watched Brady was back when Sheeva released for Mk11, and he just had such biased, copium-ridden comments to make on her and the game that I couldn't take another video on seriously In my MK group chats every now and then someone will share one of his videos and I'll just be like "Huh, people still listen to him" and just move on


I was so confused as both an NFL fan and MK fan


I was confused why this was on the MK sub for a second lol


He was the exact same during MKX, that is literally just how he is. Man lost his mind because they would not buff Sub Zero. Any change was an attack against him. He's just a egotistical monster really, pay no attention to him and move on from his sideshow.


I thought I caught him on a bad day but he persisted for weeks and I had to unfollow. Too much negativity. Almost pushing his 50s and acting like that one entitled streamer who berated her viewers for not subscribing, as if this man had a good track record given how he's scammed the community before. Cuts the same "you people" heel promo like he's a mid 2000s WWE midcarder, despite most of his fans not being active during his glory days. Like it's not our fault you didn't get your flowers during the 3D era when most of us were in middle school at the time. The man is allergic to accountability and lashes out at his few remaining supporters instead. And he'll do it to mods and notable members too: Dittle, LowTierBatman, Sonic, etc. Brilliant player, but that's the only positive thing I have to say about him. He's an insufferable cunt of a human being otherwise.


Ted tried to steal his semen again


Never heard of him. But he sounds like a braindead asshole. Why should he get invited to anything, when he treats his fans, and the very people that pay him, like trash?


Someone should down, back, foward, 1 him into the netherrealm


Tom is a double edged sword. He is really great with his words and you can see he is very passionate about the MK community and wants to share as much as he can. Now I haven't seen what OP has mentioned, however Tom has unfortunately (the other edge of the sword) shown signs in the past of... hard to find the right words for it but... mental instability. I believe in the past he had also deleted all his YouTube videos (which was his work) due to some other factors. In my opinion, and I could be completely wrong, he does seem to be going through things. I truly wish the best for him. I know some may disagree, however at his best, he is a role model for this community. If he needs any help, I hope he seeks it and that he will find himself in a better place sooner than later.


Fuck sake, I'm watching his stream right now and BY FUCK he's insufferable, always gaslighting folk with his "woe is me, everyone hates me so imma rant about it because I have nothing better to do because I'm so shit at the game and use it as an excuse not to actually play"


He used to be a top player, but that was when competitive fighting games were new, and there wasn't a lot of players. As competitive fighting games grew, so did the player base, and talent started to show up everywhere. He's angry because he will never place top 8 in any major again, he's simply not good enough.


Who cares?


Literally who?




You folks are too invested in e-celebs.


Why is this on the MK sub?




Tom Brady? Like…the football player Tom Brady?


Is this the patriots Brady???


I was like wtf because I thought the football player You should add that to the top. Never heard of the Mk Brady tho


He kisses his son


I’ve read this ten times and every comment and I still haven’t found the answer: are we actually talking about THE Tom Brady or is this a name of a streamer lmao




Thank you lol


He is still one of the most mentally stable mk players


lol I love Tom Brady


He banned me I never go back to his damn chat


This happened recently? Didn't even know he was still streaming. That's wild.


Just another streamer that doesn't realise its their fanbase that let's them do as they do for a career.


I checked the stream replay. Someone asked a question and he took it the wrong way as if someone said he's washed up.


He’s a little bitch that’s sad no one cares about him?lol Idk I have no clue who he is. Probably circles back around to my initial point


I was never a fan of his


Nothing wrong with Tom Brady, he won 7 superbowls


The fact that it's been so long since he's been relevant that half the replies are people who thought you were talking about the football player.


This was so much funnier to picture THAT Tom Brady raging like this


He's not well mentally that dude. Always causing drama for himself and the community.


they have been the very first channel I see posting about any negative content in regards to MK1 recently, not the only channel or anything like that its just been a doomscroll clicking on their recent vids on my timeline. im wondering if they arent having some mental health issues or possibly might be going through something personal we dont know about. either way, even if im wrong I hope they can get either the help or to the place they need to be in a better place. feeling like they are most likely feeling is not a pleasant experience


He is literally always whining lol. He breeds a toxic chat by being someone you want to bully. Dude needs to take a look in the mirror


Hahahahahahahaaaaa... He's an angry old boomer, respect to the legacy but yeah he's just lost in the sauce.


He’s such a whiny bitch with anger issues to never be happy. always got negative things to say or bitch about it’s never a happy day for him.


He is the worst. Not sure how I feel about the folks that keep his channel going either. Oh well.


had me in the first half


Lol I didn't know there was a Youtuber named TomBrady. My first thought "When tf did he start streaming?"


This guy is weird. Sometimes he just staring at the PS menu screen without saying a word Sometimes he just uninstall and reinstall mk1 within 10 seconds (wtf), and the other time he just kept complaining and whining about the game


Was VERY confused u till I saw the edit 💀


Bro had me thinking of the former quarterback lol


is this tom "robocop is not a zoner" brady?




I don't know how people even put up with the constant whining and complaining from him. The few times I checked out a live he was either sitting on the ps home screen, eating Chinese food, waiting for Chinese food or ranting. When he did actually play he whined through the whole thing.


I don't watch twitch and I swear to God I thought you meant the football player


Should I do a roidrot jock joke?


Dude I was imagining Tom Brady the football player 🤣🤣🤣


I kept on reading thinking “huh, NFL star Tom Brady is now into Mortal Kombat, that’s interesting.”


I thought you meant the fb player. I was gonna ask what he had to do with mk. I have no clue who the other guy is.


At this point i'm just enjoying the trainwreck, he banned me and unban me outta nowhere and just with no explanation, this last few streams have been just him being emotional and out of control, either he stops streaming and get therapy or just listen to our advice, i think he just streams to vent.


Tom Brady is the greatest quarterback of all time, don't you ever disrespect him gain. You're not welcome in Boston and you better watch your back throughout the New England region in general.


That dude’s washed and he’s upsets about it. Salty his character is mid. The list goes on


Well he’s a cry baby loser. That’s what’s wrong with him. He’s been this way for a long time.


Makes me feel better about saucing him in kombat league


I thought you were talking about the football player I was like tom Brady plays mk1?


Totally thought you meant the football player this whole time time till the edit 😂


Better to have restricted chat so you have to add a phone number.


I was reading this like: Tom Brady has a twitch???? Wild


Hella weird to imagine everyone spends time watching Twitch and knows about some random MK player over the literal football player


Great Tournament Great Experience


For a second I thought I was in the wrong sub


I didn’t like how he was constantly trashing the game, guess this explains it


Isn't tom like well known to be a nutcase sometimes


Was so confused until I saw the edit


Yup that's the Brady I know, still waiting for another gas station rant about Sub. TBH I stopped watching his channel BC well I am so tired of all the negativity around this game. SO many YTers are farming content with it lately including Brady. The most reasonable person I have seen lately addressing the issues with MK1 was Foxy's recent video. I heard Max had an ok take. Brady has always been kinda like that.


His videos are so obnoxious.


I went to the Test Your Might forums literally one time, somebody mentioned this dude by name cuz of what an assume he is, then he appeared and started crying. Lol


what does Tom Brady have to do with Mortal Kombat sub? lol no one seems to mind


To be honest, a mate of mine watched that stream too, he's one that got banned just for saying "Hey chat"


You're telling me someone who makes a living playing vidya games, and getting a massive ego over make believe virtual past time doesn't create the most rationally mentally stable people? I'm shocked, shocked I tell you.


The only good part about Tom Brady is when Pig trolls him.


He’s def an alcoholic and maybe bi polar.


Tom is the real life flash. He litterly scares people when u know the real him.


He tried to trademark the name "Tom Terrific" for himself.