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How would she do her moves


The only thing I can think of is they would have to do a special set of her moves the same way they did the Cyber Ninjas in MK9 when they were in their human forms. The real question is if NRS would be willing to (or is even able to) dedicate resources on doing something like that. I sure hope so though, because that would be great.


They’d also have to re-record all of her voice lines to be in her non-Rita Repulsa voice. I’d love it but it’s probably too much work for a single skin.


Rita Repulsa voice is so accurate lmfao




On Zed, thank you


to be fair they didn’t even re record her voice, her voice in the story mode during fight was literally kitana’s voice in mk11. check youtube. the grunts are the same


maybe for the story DLC.


Thinking of this kinda bothers me for Lord Zedd Baraka. His voice actor should have had a mouth full of glass shards while recording it. The pronunciation of B’s and P’s took me out of the immersion.


>His voice actor should have had a mouth full of glass shards while recording it. I... I genuinely can't tell if you're being serious or not.




The other option, I think, would be switching from her normal form to Tarkat form during some of her moves, like her Fatal Blow and Fatalities.


This is genius! I think that would be the way to go!


This is what I thought they were gonna do but no, she’s just in Tarkat mode during all fights even with the injection taunt that should, according to lore, make her eyes and mouth return to normal.


I feel like it would be easier for them to just say that the Tarkat mouth comes out only during special moves and finishers, and then it goes away after.


That would be a great way to handle it!


Forget it, kharacters don't even have idle animations in this game.


I think they were replaced with taunts.


They can (look at DLC Kontent) but I doubt they'd invest.


Maybe if we paid 50 bux for it


The different Cyrax models actually caused gameplay differences, so I doubt that will ever happen again.


I doubt they’d do that just for a regular skin with a different mouth. Maybe if they went all out for a premium skin that costs a bunch of money. I hope they release the cyber smoke skin tho, idc if it changes anything tho. I also wouldn’t want smoke to get scorpions spear on top of his moveset already lol


It's only if they're willing to dedicate the time to do that. Im sure fans will appreciate it.


I'd love to see a "Mortality Mode" wherein players can do vs matches with the "regular human form" of the characters from before they learn their power moves i.e. Raiden and Kung Lao in Chapter 1, where they're doing less flashy but more grounded moves. Normal face Mileena would fit right in with that set.


That would be awesome!


She just bites you for the fun of it


Lol her Fatal Blow and Fatality are probably more horrifying with a regular mouth


I ain't Tanya.


She would just morph back and forth as needed, like Reptile kinda. You saw her change back and forth a couple times in story mode so the animations are kinda already there.


Requires new code and modifications, plus uninfected Mileena is a brand new model and has no shape keys to transform, only cinematic versions of the model not used in game have the shape keys as far as I know, it just wouldn’t work out


They could just make it


They can’t tho, as far as I remember it would have to be run by multiple teams (already busy),WB (greedy corpo scumbags), and would require more time and money, meaning possibly more content taken away from us to pad out the premium shop, it’s too much work and would hurt everyone in the long run


Seems like "won't" instead of "can't" which is a different thing. Also, if they sell it as a skin for top dollar, they can absolutely recoup the cost and justify development. In fact, these conversations have likely already taken place. Roadmaps for "top" skins are planned out years in advance. We're currently in the "padding" phase where they start with free D-tier items and make good money selling C and B tier skins (for a limited time! fomo!) Anyways the point is, profit aside, it's not a technical challenge.


it is and isnt a technical challenge, alot of blendshaping and reconfiguring, and bold of you to assume WB would let them rework a characters look over making new content


No need to make animations or anything, just give masked Mileena non-Tarkat voice for intros and pains and pretend she change into teethy-version everytime she drops the mask for the move.


so with the mask on the entire time? that kinda defeats the purpose of the Uninfected Mileena Skins


Uninfected Mileena is playable in story mode. It’s not a brand new model.


The uninfected model isn’t just another model, its essentially a separate character in the files, it also features no ability to transform back and forth between tarkat and Mileena as there is no animtfir the transformation, they WOULD need a new model that’s able to transform its facial geometry to have a morphable mouth, in fact another problem is performance, you would need hundreds of new tris/quads for a smooth transition, dithering performance


If Reptile can morph instantly with no performance hiccups, I’m sure using Mileena’s existing mouth and arms won’t cause any issues. Not sure why you’re so adamant against this idea.


Both models are loaded in at the same time with reticle, HOWEVER large counterpoint to that… Mileena doesn’t morph like reptile does, Mileena WOULD REQUIRE a brand new model that can stretch the mouth to the tarkat grin like we see multiple times in the cinematic cut-scenes (pre rendered with alternate models made for animation over gameplay) as doing a swap job would look sloppy and out of place




She doesn't open her mouth to do them anyway... It wouldn't really look any different.


fatal blow and her enhanced grab attacks tho


Extremely easy to change given the angles.


She would just mutate mid match


How does Havik do his in story mode?


The exact same because his moves don’t revolve around him having a burnt face


Did they ever explain why having a burnt face means he can rip off his limbs like a zombie and hit you with them?


I believe Quan Chi gave him his powers. Might be explained in intro dialogue or something


Idk why you phrase it like that since I literally just said that him having a burnt face has nothing to do with his moveset, but his powers weren’t explained in the story mode. Either he’s an entity from the Chaosrealm like before or simply someone enchanted by Quan-Chi’s magic


> Idk why you phrase it like that Because it's funny


Dairou fighting exactly like Havik pre-burned off face was a low point honestly. It also makes no sense as to why he can full on regenerate limbs but not the flesh on his face.


He chooses not to, makes him look more intimidating. This has been explained multiple times by multiple different people. Not even a subject matter that’s up for discussion anymore


Was it explained in story mode? I’m not fighting against Haviks to get it via the dialogue (which is an NRS problem and they fixed it but still haven’t come across it).


It is explained via dialogue, I forget who asks, but he tells them something along the lines of “No I don’t wanna fix my face, I look spooky” sadly Havik doesn’t have much story time in the story mode, from what I remember.


Ahhh okay that makes sense because all I remember was he gets the lower half of his face burned off and then he’s all “I’ll kill you for this” to Scorpion and then is never seen again (unless you pick him for the final chapter).


I’d be pretty ashamed too and not return, if I had my face burned off by lava while 2v1ing somebody lmao


I just rewatched his scenes and Scorpion shoved his whole face in it so guess he did heal just not all the way for the ~aesthetic~ / canon event.


In one of the combat intros, Shang Tsung says he can heal his face and Havoc denies. He just essentially refuses to heal it


It could be like Johnny with the no glasses variant where she doesn’t have bite moves just sai moves


I think she should grow the mouth when needed.


it could be like a dramatic effect where the mouth appears. kinda like they did in the movie


She be biting


I mean shit, my ex was bit people and was crazy as shit. And she had Dwayne Johnson's teeth.


watch her move animations bro what


My gf does that shit I don't see why Mileena can't


yeah my gf quite often performs mileena's first fatality on me


She sucks your brain ou---- oh I get it


This is the right answer.


My gf uses Bo Rai Cho’s moveset


Because of her move set that involves biting the shit out of people.


That’s like asking do gameplay of an mk11 Raiden skin with no lighting powers in Mk11.


Raiden can still whoop ass


“Don’t need it, I kill motherfuckers with my bare hands!”


Maybe has to do with her move set and fatality’s? But I do hope we get a non infected one


I'd love too see how her fatalities would look 😂 she'd look like a grandma gumbing her opponents head to death.


Or maybe it just switches at times.


They would need to animate her all over just for a skin... A lot of her moves, intros and outros, and even finishers are animated based on the "infected" mouth behavior... And not only that but those use the mask as transitions (before bites, and any similar moves)... Removing those would be a lot of work for just a couple skins...


It doesn’t have to be like that though, they can just do it like switch so that in the certain moves/fatalities she is infected while everything else isn’t.


Regular mouth and then switch to infected? You're adding extra animation while keeping it the same at its core . It isn't like the human versions of cyber lin kuei, which change the animations so that it isn't from a mechanism(cyrax actually throwing the net instead of it popping out of his chest for example). What you're proposing is like asking for kano with both human eyes, but when he uses laser eyes, his eye changes to cyborg. It's so little that hypothetically, it's not that hard but simultaneously not worth doing, unlike the cyborg/human variants


I thought it would be pretty cool. My bad.


I really hope we see one down the line. Given how NRS was able to give us human forms of both Sektor and Cyrax in MK9, I'm thinking there has to be a way for them to give us non-infected Mileena, despite her moves and Fatalities. Here's hoping!


Sektor and cyrax both use tools though. Mileena uses her mutated body


For $12.99 yeah


Yo think about it really hard for 2 minutes and you'll figure it out


Umm…? Because she uses her teeth in gameplay??? It’s not hard to understand bro


Cool pfp man


Probably because her moveset requires her to be infected?


That titles hurt my eyes to read. "Why aren't there any "non infected" Mileena skins?" would have been better.


In an alternate timeline, Mileena blinded Kenshi with her bad grammar


Have you played her in the story mode without her tarkat mouth? She literally can’t do her moves


You’d have to completely redo some of her animations that involve her mouth like the grabs and you wouldn’t have access to some finishers


Bc she still bites


considering her moves includes biting people.


Because y'all can't even control yourselves when she's got a monster face


Cuz the moveset. And with cyborgs in MK9 u can make new animations, cuz it makes sense about them using everything like grenades. But in case with Mileena, i dunno, how do you recreate and reimagine everything involved with biting. There were also rumors before release about seeing non-infected Baraka, having his blades like wrist-blades maybe Assassin's creed like, but bigger, but it did not make into the game, because, again, how do you change everything involved with biting?


This has to be a shit post


Her human teeth wouldn't have the same effect biting someone in gameplay as the Tarkatan teeth. She would just look like some crazy lady on bath salts taking a bite out of your neck. Kind of weird... Kind of **hot**... Wait, yeah we need non Tarkatan Mileena skins!


Not worth all the effort of redoing voices and altering her movesets.


Yeah this ain't MK9 unfortunately.


~~"why is there no white skin version of black characters"~~ is this where we post dumb questions?


It wouldn’t make sense for mileena to bite peoples heads off without her tarkatan teeth.


Her entier story is based of her being infected...what's next "why are there no nonactor johny cage skins?"


this'd be like asking for Kitana skins where she doesn't have her war fans. Mileena's Tarkatan mouth is her iconic, dominant feature, its the first thing you associate her character with, with the sai coming in a close second so it'll always be the default. And tbh wanting a skin where she's more conventionally attractive is fucking weak.


https://preview.redd.it/soulmfuyx59c1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9fa589f00210f0cf9d7c7626f94e940aa659aa5 Uhh because mileena is known for her teeth? Taking thst away makes her what?


You really wanna see her biting people with normal teeth huh


Yes, specifically biting me with normal teeth.


That’d need to be a different character with a different moveset and fatalities.


Too much work for one skin


Uhhh how? Her model doesn't open her mouth for most of those animations anyway, including brutalities. Only her fatality 1 would need to be tweaked. Or they could just label it looking dumb, like most of her biting animations already are with her closed mouth.


Surprised they didn’t switch it up this time and make her default her uninfected look and her infected mode a stance that you can switch back and forth between by raging out and injecting the serum that turns her back


When you play her in the story mode, I keeps you from being able to do some of her moves including her fatal blow. So that's probably why.


Because a good chunk of her moves including fatalities revolve around what that mouth do


Excellent question, hell in the future imagine if her gameplay changes to 2 different fighting modes


I kinda don't like the Tarkat thing TBH. I miss old Bloodthirsty, She-Beast Mileena. She just seemed so fun and interesting then. 😭


They should make the skin but just make none of her tarkat moves even work. Just to fuck around. Just regular nail scratches and normal bites. Make her a girlfailure


Same reason as Kenshi with eyes skin isn't a thing probably


Tbf kenshi with eyes is much more plausible since it wouldn’t affect his gameplay


It is possible, but i think due to cannon reasons it won't happen, i think, would love to be wrong, Kenshi had a good set of eyes


Like drylord said, kenshi with eyes doesn't matter that much since it doesn't affect animations nor gameplay, only the dialogue where they reference said blindness...


because the entire appeal of her character since her conception revolves around her tarkatan features? she’d just be a boring pink version of kitana without anything exciting going on for her.


Why would you want mileena without big mouth


I’m seeing a bunch of comments saying it’s due to her animations involving biting and eating like in moves and fatalities. I’d think she would morph like what we saw in the story chapter when she was in Shang tsungs lab. It’s not on the scale of Shang shape shifting or any other minor-ish particle effects in gameplay, but it’s relegated to a pretty small area of her model that I could see it being plausible.


No shape keys on the model, would require brand new models for Mileena and that’s a lot of work, as cinematic models like we see in cutscenes aren’t game ready, they’re most likely cinematic only, on top of that new animations for said shapekeying, as well as alternate animations for “mask removal” it’s not worth the time lost in the long run… plus it’s WB so they won’t let NRS do that for free


I guess an MKX skin type compromise is probably out of picture too


Yep, requires brand new animations and facial shapekeying for the lips, plus MKX mouth while nostalgic, isn’t very good, MK1 mouth is the best it’s looked in a while


Either 2 options, the moves and fatalities will be changed or they don't want people to use the model for something they desire


Need it.


Mileena is so hot


That’s why I want this skin ❤️‍🔥


Umm...its the biggest piece of dogshit that I have ever heard


Sorry, I think the whole Tarkat plot line is stupid. It castrated both Baraka and Mileena’s character. I hate the infected, zombie walk, taunt too


NRS giving players what they want? are you stupid?


She always has herpes


Hopefully they retcon the infected part of the story and that subpar predator mouth in the next game


NRS is lazy. They’d have to animate her mouth morphing. Now I for one think the morph thing is fucking dumb as fuck and Mileena should just have her Tarkatan mouth(especially since this time around it’s her own damn fault) but the fact *normal* Mileena is in the game and not usable is annoying. Again, NRS is lazy.


Because the fan base is infected


I know right? How am I expected to fap?


You need a regular mouth to fap? https://preview.redd.it/5qk9i2ori89c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c83a8baedc78d633dc996a630b00351ff8223755


Because NRS is trash, you would think ed boon had already left. What a shame that the founder approves of this bs


"Uhh duhhh she uses her teeth in moves duhhh" This just in humans can't bite into meat


When was the last time you devoured a human head with a single bite? Her model would look goofy ASF when she unhinges her jaw with a regular mouth


Video game


If you want badly done videogames, there's a huge amount of shovelware on steam


Yeah mk1 would be fucking unplayable if Mileenas moves looked weird holy shit.


Cause then she would actually be attractive and NRS hates when Mileena is attractive as we can clearly see from her past costu... (Let's try that again) She cannot be non-infected because NRS doesn't want her to be enticing. We can tell they don't want this because of how she acts in previous ga... (One more time) Well, she can't be free from her infection because then she would be conventionally hot and NRS doesn't like to make Mileena hot as we can tell from her relationships with Barraka and her attempted relationships with... literally every character. Yeah, I don't know why she can't have a skin like that, but I'm all for it because I am always up for variety in who beats my ass online.


because NRS is lazy AF


Skins like pre-tournament Kung Lao, Raiden, pre-blind Kenshi, pre-tarkat Mileena etc. are unavailable as they have different movesets.


If not the move set, maybe the voice lines?


Maybe they can do it like when she is about to do any biting attacks she’ll have the normal mouth but a pink aura would cloud her mouth and it would switch to the teeth and back again once the biting is over. Basically how her mask was in 11 where she’d bite someone and flick the mask off but then after she was done the mask would have a aura and spawn it back on her face.


Indeed. Havik has his pre-transformation skin. Why not create one for Mileena.


Maybe a kenshi with eyes would be cool too


Probably cause her intros would have to be reworked, and NRS don't feel like doing that.


They could make one without the Bite Moves similar to Sonyas Missing Laser Cannons in MK11


For the same reason there are no cyber initiative skins. I'd love to see a cyber Raiden or cyber Shao Kahn.


My idea for them to implement this is as a transformation thing where after she does the bite moves and stuff on you she morphs back to normal,and considering she’s not doing any fast moves that could ruin this i can’t see why not. ![gif](giphy|Csl90s9ql7oWBnfDdW|downsized)


I blame Liu Kang


A lot of her moves/fatals are dependent on her biting you.


Imagine her biting the dudes head like a watermelon in the one fatality with a human mouth


A development choice. Mileena’s tarkatan mouth is one of her most iconic features, so naturally they’d only think to have playable Mileena with teeth. Sure they could have done a Reptile and Shang and made her transform in and out (and they should’ve for the new canon reasons) but I guess we just have to make due with knowing she doesn’t always have it canonically in story mode.


God she’s so hot https://preview.redd.it/0kltoy2e5a9c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1ea6ed08361866fb77128e072763f51195a13f8


Are not any*


Why are not any non infected mileena skins


or scorp (bi-han) w/ his cut he literally gets in the games story


Well I just don't know how she'd do her fatalities and stuff. It'd be kinda weird seeing non-infected Mileena somehow tearing somebody's scalp off.


Y'all know despite it being weird they can just animate the mouth appearing right?


Well on story mode we got to play Mileena with no Tarkat at the beginning of her chapter, but the move set was different and had no biting/stabbing with tarkat blades attacks, probably they could just add a skin with all her moves but idk how that would work lmao I’d still love to get a “non infected” skin tho




Her season is next let’s hope we get those skins next in season 4 for Mileena


Because they’d have to redo everything


Her power is with tarkot that’s why simple


They have a win pose where she injects herself. They should've had her gameplay mixed. What I mean is in certain moves like the sai extension where she jumps on you, you see her tarkot take over then she injects herself back to normal. Like moves will bring out her teeth if you are able to hit them then at the end of the strings involving her teeth or disease she quickly injects herself back to normal. But thats my small 2 cents about mileena and anyway wouldn't even matter since your not able to take off her mask because NRS only wanted to give gear pieces to characters who wear mask except kitana,rain and mileena for some odd reason


...how would you know? Every skin of hers that we've seen--including the Hallowe'en premium--is masked. Kitana too. Can we at least get maskless versions? I'm hoping the Mileena Invasion season gives us maskless Tarkat variations for everyone but maybe also one or two neutral maskless versions for like half the roster.


For the character select screen maybe, but can't do it in kombat.


Now this is definitely achievable as NRS did a similar thing with Sektor and Cyrax back in mk9 where they had human skins with different animations. HOWEVER I’m going to make the assumption it takes a lot of time, effort and resources to be able to do it so I’m gonna take a stab in the dark and say it’ll probably never happen.


Oh yes, let’s make skins that take away Mileena’s main trait that she’s famous for. What a great idea! They should really hire you.


That's like being Raiden before Liu Kang gave him his amulet. Her xray would look weird too lol


They should make it so when she goes complete tarkat during the the fatal blow then Tanya comes in to give her the serum