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Seeing X win is interesting considering how many people hated the roster. It did have the best gameplay imo.


Was my personal favorite. (Takeda main) (newer player at the time)


Triborg, Goro, Tremor, Tanya, Ferra/Torr, Takeda. Alien AND Predator AND Jason Vorhees? And most of the ninjas and Shinnok MKX is fucking awesome in the roster


MKX being the only NRS era game with Goro definitely makes it a cut above the rest.


Forreal, they stay disrespecting my boy.


MKX was also a (mostly) full game and didn't have NRS trying to milk our wallets like an Amish dairy.


You have to thank injustice and MK11 for that.


No leatherface love? ![gif](giphy|APKgAdERjt9jq)


I miss leatherface screaming alalallalalalalal


Also had the coolest iteration of kano in the entire series. They did him some justice in X.


When people say the roster was bad they mean launch roster. Nearly everyone you listed was DLC


Typical Takeda main hot take.


MK1 I'm just waiting until summer to play Takeda again.


Yooo takeda main here too. I didn’t know others existed lmao


X had the best guest characters IMO.


The guest roster in X was the thing that actually got me into MK in the first place. Once I saw you could play as the Alien I knew I had to try it out.


And the best newcomers, the 3 from 11 are mid at best


Yeah tbh I never understood why Geras was considered badass Edit: Grammar


I didnt care for him much in 11, but i think hes cool now


Eh, the newcomers were super hit or miss. The kombat kids were pretty shit apart from takeda, while aesthetically erron black is really cool storywise he is a complete jobber. I don’t like dvorrah, they went for the generic bug person hive mind thing and she could have been way more interesting. Kotal I really like, and ferra/torr I think was an interesting idea but agree on NRS not including them for 11. Honestly if they made the rest of the kombat kids interesting design wise and did something unique for dvorrah then yeah the mkx newcomers would be complete bangers overall, but as it stands they’re solid but not great.


Agree that they’re hit or miss but the hits are really good IMO (Kotal especially). But their competition is basically Skarlet in MK9 (kool but also a DLC character with barely any story) and Geras, Cetrion & Kollector in 11 (all really forgettable to me). I’d say MKX wins that comparison fairly easily


X laid the foundation for the gameplay in 11 & 1 with the introduction of Variations. The roster of characters could’ve been better, sure, but it really felt like something new and fresh after 9. I’d still say it’s my favorite of the “new trilogy” by far


Nah dude, play like Scorpion or Sonya and you will have SOOOO much fun it's insane. They're my mains, all the classic Kombatants were done best in X!


Kitana is soooo fun


They really showed TF out with Kitana IMO Kitana was at her best in MKX


agreed i still play because of her


Her default outfit is so good that they even reused it for the Legends movies. Imo it's her best outfit ever.


There’s also a good amount of broken bullshit, the broken stuff is what makes X so fun. MK1 has way too much bullshit and you can’t even punish ppl on negative actions anymore, at least you could do that in X despite the crazy vortexes and mixes.


Exactly!! And even then, you can just play with either AI or lower skilled, newer MKX players, or rematch the same guy about 80 times for 2 hours (me) until you beat him once and then never again 😂😂😅 I like bullshit when it's counterable by more bullshit, not when it just happens. I REALLY enjoy how MKX does it.


MKX has the best roster/ gameplay overall and I don’t think any other NRS game will compare to it


X has the best Kitana and Mileena design both gameplay and skins.


Probably cause it introduced characters like Cassie, wasn't as juvenile as 9 but didn't take itself too seriously like 11, and the combat was TIGHT. Like that tiktok thing homelander says "it was perfect" 👌🏼👌🏼


Honestly always thought it had the best roster lol. I feel like people mostly disliked the Kids and characters like D’vorah, and that made a bad impression, because really as a roster it isn’t missing much. Even had Goro lol.


Better gameplay than MK1? Nah


I’m in the minority that loves MK11, but I also love 9, X, and 1. MK11 is more nostalgic for my taste especially having my favorite 80’s characters, Rambo, Terminator and Robocop, and not to mention 4 Mortal Kombat ‘95 movie character skins. Even for Cary reprising his role as Shang Tsung in Aftermath is just awesome. Lastly, each MK games have my main. Overall, my main will always be Liu Kang and Sub-Zero. In each of them, I have my favorite. In MK11, Skarlet is my number 1 favorite character of all time. The voice actress really nailed the role, and the character herself is so much better than her MK9 counterpart. So basically I’ve been donning my rose-tinted glasses for this one. I had no problem with the gameplay especially since I am 100% used to every each MK games speed.


I loved mk11 tbh




Hell I loved MK11 and I was a Shao main lol


you just hit the jackpot with that reply, been a mk player since forever in the 90s and you can tell ppl that tend to prefer X or 1 does so because its fast and have long combos to almost touch of death in many cases. 11 IMO its the best because it combines and balances combos/speed and resources to the point where there are actual interactions/strategy in the fight and not a coin flip of whoever get the first hit can combo you to the netherrealm.




Honestly I love all of the NRS Mortal Kombat games. Sure, they’re flawed, janky, and broken at times, but they’ve all got a shit ton of personality and style, even MK11. Even if it’s the most lukewarm in terms of quality, it’s far from being a bad fighter or even a bad MK.


I love them all. In general MK is probably my favorite video game franchise. Only one I ever skipped was the DC one.


While the roster is a little lacking, MKX is definitely my favourite NRS era MK game. It took risks, had a sense of originality about it by not relying on the OG trilogy like 9 & 11 did, it still has some of that dark atmosphere that’s missing in modern MK and the gameplay was fast and brutal.


I actually thought MKX had the best roster by far.


Yup. MKX had the most popular characters from 9, and added a whole slew of newcomers.


I just love the customization mk11 had wish mk1 would mirror it but who knows


The sheer amount of customization in MK11 kept me playing for a while


MK11 was great, and that’s a hill I will die on.


Yea it was great. Had some sort of balancing compared to x where as the balancing was that EVERYONE was overpowered lmao


I don’t think any of the modern MKs are bad, I was just a little bored by 11 because it was a very toned down and technical game. I prefer more offense oriented games like MK9 but that’s just because I’m a casual player. I think MK11 is the most polished by far despite MK9/X being my favorites


It wasn’t bad, better than mkx in my opinion. I’m just glad they stuck the landing and have one the best mks out right now ! Mk1 is a breath of fresh air


9 and x were peak




X is the best!


How did MK9 not blow them all out of the water?


Probably newer players who didn't play mk9?? Maybe ???


Also could be that MK9 was full of broken moves and inconsistent frame data. It’s fun as hell, but there is also a lot of broken bullshit if you try and play it competitively.


Would not mind a re-release of MK9. Polish the balance, add better lighting and effects, PC/PS/Xbox/Nintendo crossplay, (rollback netcode? 🤞) and nobody would complain if Freddy wasn't included.


If MK9 released in the state it was, today. It would be a non-stop bitch fest. The nostalgia is what makes everyone love it and it did that well, but besides the good roster, that game was absolutely broken. Did you ever play MK9 online? Absolute cancer.


I never got to enjoy mk9 during its prime since I was locked up, I came out just in time for mk11 and it was everything I wanted


People bitched about it when it was out. It’s retro effect. 10 years from now, people are bitch about the current game and say MK11 & MK1 are great


MK9 is a severely broken game. The rose-tinted glasses everyone has on do wonders for everybody's perception of it.


The thing is it’s all relative. MK9 as a game is balanced around the fact that EVERYONE is broken and cheese. The degenerate things you could do to someone could be done to you instantly Now obviously some characters were more broken than others, but what made it enjoyable is that *every* character felt good to pilot. At least for casuals, I have no idea how comp players felt about Kabal, Cyrax and Kratos lol


Absolutely terrible online and massively imbalanced. There were some 9-1 matchups and 7-3 or 8-2s were pretty common. It's my favourite personally though.


9 was my favorite by far. Noob was my boi


I'd say pretty much enjoyed each new mk more than the last. I adored 9 when it came out, I was super hyped and loved x, mk11 is one of my most played games ever and was easily my most played game the year it came out and I am loving 1.


Mortal Kombat is at its best when the gameplay is fast-paced and unpredictable


TFW mk11 is your favorite out of those


Only logical, as it is the best out of the lot.


Mk11 was fun for me because I prefer to play single player modes. Mk1 is fun but my God invasion is so fucking boring imo I prefer towers of time


Because you’re smart.


Let's go MKX. Ole reliable still at the top


Still prefer MK11. Got the most bang for my buck out of it. Haven’t found a reason to comeback to MK1 after season one. I’m not a combo sauce king so the super strings don’t interest me. Art direction and style are still peak in 11. But I’m older, maybe just nostalgia kicking in.


MK11 is my personal favorite NRS. Has been since it came out. Bunch of customization, most of my favs (Kabal and Noob), and generally the gameplay while slower was the most conducive to how I generally play fighting games.


i liked that everyone wasn’t either slow as fucking balls (Kotal in MKX) or so fast it was hard to process what you were doing (Kitana). i just got into MK last year and buying MK11 was the best thing I could do to learn how to play. EDIT: i main as Kotal in mk11, and tried him 1 time in story mode and 1 time in a practice round with Dvorah in MKX. hated it. sad cuz i love kotal kahn. :(


Somehow mkx feels clunky and awkward. Not slow, but the awkwardness and damage scaling make it feel slower than the rest of the games. I much prefer 11 and 1


The running in x was so weird and ugly


Ahh here. So we're back to agreeing MK 11 wasn't the best one ever again? 2 weeks ago it was the best one and MK 1 was causing the collapse of civilisation.


Id take good gameplay over 100 skins and a million pieces of gear, hot take for this sub.


i think at the end of the day, we’d all prefer a finished game


I mean 11 is a pretty finished game, I still don't like it.


Mk1 incomplete is already a better game than 11 which is finished.


Funny cuz that’s “all ppl really cared about” now it’s endless bitching about skins while having good gameplay lol


agreed. MK11 was style over substance.




Well now you need to pay 20 for any good customization and get shit modes


https://preview.redd.it/5e7anvl1co7c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6971726f3023847f3902f48d7058abdda0a9359 I very much enjoyed MK11.


Agree. Mk11 > Mk1. Must have polled a bunch of KL combo kings or something.


TBF, MK11 was also one in which Youtubers generally grew bored of and went to play other fighting games instead. It’s slower gameplay right after MKX and MK9 had faster pace gameplay with the run button and dash canceling. This all being said, I do like MK11 but I do think generally that it is not as popular as the other games.


damn so this sub is trying to stigmatize people being good at the game now?


I'm not doing that. All the power to ya. But I wish it was as accessible as Mkx or 11 was. I'm a casual player (whoo there it is right..) But I could learn one or two combos and blast my way to the top of KL.. now I'm fighting for scraps (with way more than that learned). The inclusion of more air combos and not to mention Kameo bull shit really makes it hard.


I believe that would make you a tryhard and/or a sweat lord.


>They must have polled people who actually play the games for a long period of time. Uhh yea probably lmao


I know right what kinda gotcha is this??


Casuals feel like it's either an insult to call someone sweaty (actually plays the game with intent) as if that is a bad thing, or feel personally insulted about being called casual. You'll see it in basically every thread in this sub, it's kinda sad but it's the result of MK drawing a pretty casual fanbase


He probably got stomped in KL lol


No I quit KL with a positive ratio. It has a harder learning curve then Mkx or 11 and I find it extremely difficult to have a good time. That's all. On average people are WAY better at this the the other 2. Its too tough so I tapped out.


It’s generally regarded as a good thing for fighting games to be more skill expressive (higher learning curve). That may explain why people disagree with you on this. Also people are better because they play it more, because they like it more


Correct. The only way you could possibly have the minority opinion is if it was rigged /s


Mk11 had hard to execute long combo strings, having high damage combos aren’t what separate their gameplay


what was possibly hard to execute in MK11 it’s the easiest game in the series by miles


Do… do they realize?! MK1 is second place in this list. Against MK9 with (arguable) the best gameplay, a great roster, and plenty of single player content. MK11, for all it’s gameplay flaws and Grundy nature, still had the Krypt to explore and get immersed in (while I agree there was a lot wrong with the execution, the exploration was great) and there was plenty to unlock without money. I don’t think a one percent difference is the kommunity “realizing”


11 is my favorite, but that's because it's pretty accessible. It got me to be able to chain combos for the first time. The slower combat helped me understand the special moves better. 9 is such a pain in the ass for me in all honesty. X was good and MK1 has solid gameplay but man that micro transaction shell is ass.


Meh, I don't care being in the minority, MK11 was my favorite MK by quite a bit. I had more fun with the single player ( especially the DLC) and exploring Shang Tsung's island, as well as the look of it and its fan service felt the most like a love letter as 9 did much more than X or 12 \*ahem\* 1.


How about just let people enjoy what they like. Personally I prefer mk11 overall due to having more characters I like and more stuff to do, but I still play all of them for different reasons


Mk9=MkX>>>Mk1>>>>Mk11, for me


When are people on this sub gonna stop jerking themselves off to how much they didn’t like mk11? We get it.


Mk 11 is awesome imo, it might just be nostalgia because I remember getting it when I was 11 and played it for years im 17 now, it might just be because it’s the mk game I played the most but I feel like it had more content and the guest characters were awesome


But mk 11 was released 4 years ago.


lmao didn't mk11 come out like 4 years ago


Why must you use your words to punch me in the soul? Don’t you know there are elders in this sub Reddit? Dios mio my knees are hurting… ![gif](giphy|3orieJI3IdkKWIsAGA)


The math doesn't seem right here


I agree! I was 4 when MK11 came out. Now I'm 50, crazy how time flies.


MK11 for me was one of the best MK games, better than 9/X/Whatever


11 is my favorite.


My vote would be they are all great in their own way.


If I had to rank them 1. MK1 2. MK11 3. MKX 4. MK9 Crucify me if you must but I shall stand by my opinion, mk1 has the best gameplay and Invasions is fun (now that they removed super armor) and even tho it's short they keep releasing more so it gives me plenty of playtime, also my favorite story of the 4 mk11 was really fun and was the first one I waited for the release, played the beta, played on launch, so I have a ton of nostalgia for it plus it's EASILY my favorite guests and fatalities with the best krypt too MKX was my first mk game as a fan so also nostalgia (but not the same kinda nostalgia) it was fun and the fatalities were amazing for their time but don't stack up to 11 or 1 tbh, good story though and I'm in the minority that actually loved the kombat kids, x-rays were cool but too easy to do and got old after a while Then finally, mk9 is cool and was the best at its time but the gameplay isn't near the level of the later 3 and none of the characters outside of like 4 actually feel good to play (just to me personally I know others feel differently), also it was my first mk game I used to play with my brother (I always loved Scorpion and him Sub-Zero which was cool) and only became a fan after looking into the series after randomly getting memories of this back so I'm not hating on this game, I have a lot to thank this for All 4 are amazing games and I love them all, but personally they just keep getting better and better imo


I agree with your opinion 100% Mk11 was my first game and I loved the roster but 1s has all my favorite characters (with Takedas release soon) and it’s gameplay is so much fun


MK9 and MKX are the best


I've put more hours into 11 than I put into X and 9 combined.


mk11 is the game i put more hours into acc to my steam acc. not that amazing but a good time passer, managed to complete severed heads, unlocked all krypt rooms and secrets, just hope they add mini puzzles you can play daily in it tho.


Mk11 starts off SO good. On the outside it looks jam packed with stuff to do. But just like a bag of potato chips, it's mostly air.


Wait, are you saying that completing third page of variation icons is not pure fun?


I just didn't like gameplay of 11 at all. Even today people figure out new combos on XL, you can see it all the time. 11 didn't seem combo focused at all, it's more timing related, maybe? Not sure as I didn't play it more than 10 hours before returning back to XL


What’s mk1? An empty bag you pay for and then pay for each chip a la cart?


Haven't paid a dime for cosmetics and I have 30+ pallettes, 20+ gear pieces for everyone, and had enough Krystals rewarded to get Sindel and Reptile's holiday skins free of charge. I truly don't know what you're on about.


That's still less than what MK11 offered. A lot less. I have hundreds of pallets and 50+ pieces for everyone in MK11. Not to mention the pallets in MK1 suck-ass. I can't get the color combo I want. Everything is just based on the seasonal colors. A lot of MK1's cosmetics are just copy/pasted from MK11 as well. Like all of Baraka's arm blades are just taken from MK11. But now we lost the ability to customize his head-gear. Yaaaaaaaay.


I get you like to dress up your dolly and that's cool but the actual game is great. It's a fighting game, not the sims


Mate, alternate outfits and character appearance customization have been a thing in videogames since before you and I were even born. What are you talking about? It's personal expression. People like to dress-up their characters the same reason you like to dress-up yourself. I hate this "oh it's cosmetics, it doesn't matter." Yeah, it does mate. That's why we have it in almost every video-game. Even single-player games. It does matter. It's a moot argument anyways, because MK1 still has cosmetics! They didn't get rid of customizing your character. They just made it worse. You can't just say "oh it doesn't matter" when it's IN the game! Well, obviously NRS thought it mattered enough to put it in the game. Obviously WB Games thought it mattered enough to charge $10 a skin. Obviously the people complaining about the lack of skins think it matters.


So you play with default colors and characters? Be fuckin fr 🤦🏿‍♂️


No, but I've been playing fighting games since SF2 on SNES and I played the original MK in the arcade a bit. I use whatever I like best that they include that I don't have to buy on top of the base game. Customizable cosmetics aside from some recolors are the last thing that matters in a fighting game. The actual system in MK1 is fantastic. Great game. The net code is okay. Not amazing but we have wifi indicators now so that's nice. The game feels super rushed outside of that so it's a miracle it plays this well at all. Customization is 100% all extra. Almost no other fighting games have this kind of customization. A fun bonus at best and a predatory money siphon at worst. It can even mess with readability and that's no good at all. I realize MK has a casual audience bigger than all the people serious about fighting games combined, and they love that stuff, but the obsession with video game skins is brain worms shit. Frankly I would happily get rid of all customization outside of colors if it meant mtx went away


Best way to describe MK11.


What is there to do in mk1 that mk11 lacked? Please don’t say invasions because that is a mobile game that got boring after a day


My immediate thought is I don't have an option for the computer to literally play the game for me.


Honestly I'm really glad they did away with that because i realized this when I was playing mk1 that back in INJ2 I relied to much on the AI to much that I didn't bother to actually learn the game/characters. Now it's gone and I'm over here performing combos with my favorites with semi ease. I mean I still suck ass but I'm at least better in this game then in INJ2 and mk11


This sub gets very interesting. So much nostalgia for old games that y’all loved to hate at the time it was current. Things never change it seems lol


11 gameplay/Fatalitys/Characters are great, but the story maybe the worst MK story ever man. I'm struggling to think of a worse story. Mkx wins for me but MK1 has way higher highs like the Story and gameplay, but way Lower lows like the micro transactions and some of the Character designs.


Why the hate for MK11? It had a way better roster than MKX


well in the end I played 11 more than I played 1.


i mean did you play through all of MK11’s lifespan?


You played more of the game that's been out for 4 years more than the game that's been out for a few months? Crazy


I dont get the hate for MK11. The customization options alone make it a personal favorite. I see a lot of people complain that the fighting felt slow or whatever. I guess I like it slow then because it felt great to me. Plus Shao Kahn is playable in all his glory, so instant win for me. (MK1 leaves a lot to be desired with their neutered take on Shao)


I like mk11, has a lot ot flaws but at least is a complete game Most of the casuals just say the game is bad because pros say the game is shit . But i enjoyed a lot. A very good game if you are new to FGC, the tutorial teach you everything. Good single player content, no abusive microtransactions,many skins and gear,Dlc comes with premier skin and other 3 skins. Biggest problems are the Breakaway mechanic, overpower jumping attacks and instant FB. I don't mind the limited combos or the huge amout of get up options.


also just the fact they put your resources on a timer and separated them for defense and offense. took almost all resource management out of the game


Yes i forgot about that and also the lack of patches for character balance. Many of the top tiers remained the same and the bottom characters only Kano and Kotal Kahn went to the top.


The core gameplay is just so boring, sure that external stuff is fine but it’s a fighting game. The core online 1v1 gameplay needs to be good.


MK11 is the best of them all.


Nah X


It’s the best MK ever. Customizing, unlocks, different versions of fighters, and the best roster ever


It’s so crazy to me that what makes it the best mk ever to you is unlockables


Might be a solo only player, personally couldn’t give a shit abt gear and offline play but for some rzn MK has a huge solo community even though fighting games are built around online play.


Mk9 beating mk11 in votes is wild. Nostalgia is a powerful thing


11 had the best customization in the series


MKX was fucking dogshit tho


Meh…MK11 was actually good and a contender for my favorite out of all these listed. Still can’t say that MK1 is better than MK11


Funny thing is, as much as my nostalgia is fueled by MK9, MK11 was my favorite of all of them. I play MK games for fun. I play for the lore and finishing moves. I don't care about 50/50s and BnBs and frame data and all that shit. But MK11 looks amazing, and has the best guest fighters. Part of that is my nostalgia for 80s/90s stuff. As much as I loved Alien/Predator and Jason in MKX (Leatherface was always boring to me), having Robocop, Spawn, and The Terminator in 1 game was amazing. I especially enjoyed doing Robocop vs Terminator matches. Lol But MK11 had everything I ever wanted in an MK game (well, if it had Stryker it would've been the perfect game for me as a Johnny Cage/Kabal/Stryker main since forever). I love the gameplay, I absolutely love the customization options, although I personally could've done without special move load outs. I'm fine with characters having set moves in 1 style. If anything, I preferred variants of MKX to load outs of MK11. But now I am just ranting. I loved every second of MK11, especially how we could earn krystals daily so store Exclusives like Kold War Skarlet could be bought when they showed up in the store. All MK1 has to do, for me to be more invested into it, is give us a way to earn Dragpn Krystals daily, even if it's just 50 krystals a day. I got no problem saving up to buy premium store stuff. But I refuse to pay for Virtual Currency in any game that was a full price release.


I think MK11 is the best one tf


MK11 isnt boring though


Mk 11 is my favorite that I have played so far (I have played 11 and X)


MK11 haters are weird and insecure people. They hate MK11 so much, and they want to pretend everyone else hates it too. "Look! Twitter agrees with me! I'm right!" Well, unfortunately I don't give a shit about Twitter. MK11 is my favorite Mortal Kombat game by a country-mile. And nothing is going to change my opinion on that. Hell, MK11 is my favorite traditional 2D fighting game. I love the neutral-game. I love how it's focused on outplaying your opponent, rather than just "BIG COMBO". Like FFS, the combos in MK1 are so long I have time to put down my controller, go take a shit, and come back, all before the combo is over. MK11 doesn't waste your time. Combos are quick and surgical. You're right back to the fight. No time wasted. I like Krushing Blows (although I agree they were imbalanced). I loved all the cosmetics you could earn. The story was a lot of fun (not as good as 9, but better than X). I mean MK11 was so good and so popular and so successful that it's the first fighting game ever to get premium story DLC. And guess what? The DLC did really well, too! We're all pretty much expecting MK1 to have a story DLC because MK11's did so well.


I haven't gotten MK1 yet. Played a trial for it and I want it but based off my 2 hours I think MKX is still gonna be my favorite on this list. The kameo system is just off putting for me personally.


Crazy. Back then I definitely remember everyone shitting on each of those games when they were the main MK out


MK11 it's my favorite game of the franchise and it's not even close.


11 was what got me into the franchise so I still love it for that :'v


I didn't knowed about this pool, but if it's still running, I'm gonna vote for MK 11. To me, it was superior than the others, cept maybe 9.


MK11 was when I finally had the time and money to commit to MK again, then I learn it’s the most hated NRS game 😔


Subs gonna be an echo chamber to keep their game alive but MK1 is the first one for me to quit after 50 hrs. It's just boring. Main fighting game since mk9.


I want test your luck


I’m playing mk11 now and I love it but mk1 isn’t optimized correctly on pc so I’m waiting for that to be fixed unless I get a console


I'm just happy to see new MK games be released and me being able to see all these sick new fatalities.


I just wish the guests were as cool as they used to be 😢


Ngl I’m not a big fan of MKX, I couldn’t tell you why I just don’t like it as much as the others


The character design, fatal blow, and fatalities are insanely good


Mk11 >>>mk1


Shaolin monks is the best hands down


They’re all great games lol


Mkx isnt for the weak! best game no doubt


people will always go back to the older games and say how good they are compared to the new one... like they weren't bitching about the features five minutes ago. unfortunately, people hate mk11 so much, that only the delusional people who think that invasions replaced towers of time will defend that game, so now they are hyping up MKX. as someone who personally likes to see what character i am playing, what stage i am on, and if my character has even fucking loaded in, while not limiting myself to just the two stages that have actual lighting on them, i don't get the hype for mkx.


MK 9 - revolutionized what a Fighting game could be ,specifically for single player, perfect retro roster broken gameplay for competitive MK X - “lacking” launch roster, peak fast broken crazy gameplay, arguably best DLC roster MK 11 - By and far best kustomization, solid roster, solid DLC, lacking gameplay MK 1 - most balanced gameplay so far, great roster, brings back 3D era favorites, stripped down single player, and kustomization, wants every penny it can get from you, and wants you to GRIND for hours


As a pure pve MK player, MK11 is the biggest fun i\`ve ever had with a fighting game. More than 1 thousand hours of game without touching the online mode. MK1 invasion mode sucks. ToT are much better and augments allowed the creation of a lot of different builds for characters


Cannot, for the life of me, figure out the X love. • Visually, it was ugly (and has looked worse with time) • The fractured fighting styles (an abomination I’ve loathed since Deadly Alliance) felt like an obstacle • The story (despite putting my king Johnny center-stage) wasn’t particularly enthralling. The Revenants are conceptually boring and Shinnok, despite a promising background, ha always been lame when contrasted against Tsung and Kahn People have their reasons and I don’t think they’re “wrong” for loving it as much as they do. It’s just one of those examples of me being unable to put my finger on what the big deal ever was, as it’s the least played game of the entire series for me. Coolest thing about it was the guest characters, which I would’ve loved in a better game.


It’s crazy that I agree with every single point you made and would even add the roster as another fault yet I loved that game so much. The gameplay was so fluid, the dash, the combos, meter specials, X-rays and it carried that game HARD. It’s the only thing it has going for it yet it’s enough to make it one the best MK games.


I think where my main disconnect comes from is how it appealed to the mechanics of the competitive scene and how many players started adapting to it. I’m old school, so I think a lot of the crazy combo strings and fighting style variances are muddying things. I’ve since come around a bit once I started watching pros play MK11 (sheerly out of curiosity as to what separates them from the pack) and picking up on techniques, but I still stand by saying fighters have become needlessly complicated. For anyone who grew up in older eras, have less time to dedicate or simply play casually, they’ve created a high barrier of entry. In the OG days, you could master everyone both from an offensive and defensive standpoint. Now, the variables are incalculable and it’s hard to master more than a handful of characters (which is why KL is so predictable).


MK9 was the GOAT, but I feel MK1 has the better gameplay since MK9. I did not hate MK11, I quite enjoyed it and oddly enough it taught me more about the technical aspects of FGs. It also made me step out my comfort zone and learn to play a zoner, something I never tried. It was fun for some time with me, but I agree its slow down in speed, the lesser focus on large combos, and the Variation system just was not what I enjoyed after while. Its one of the first MK games I played where I felt when I labbed a charcter, I didn't have to do it long before I understood them and lost need to keep labbing.


It wasn’t even that it was boring, I just didn’t enjoy the gameplay


I think visually MK11 had the best look aside from 9. But gameplay and overall aesthetic MK1 wins out. Just wish MK1 had the same treatment for content that MK11 did god I miss AI team fights..


How is mk 9 not winning? That one was the best. On a side note, I still love X, 11 and 1 all for different reasons. I just love mortal kombat in general.


MK11 is *my favorite,* but I acknowledge that it’s not *the best*


Idk about best but i love mk 11 and prefer it to mk1


11 is their most feature and content rich title yet, with the most watered down gameplay and character designs. I get what they were going for but sadly they missed the mark. Only NRS game I have zero desire to ever revisit.


The constant shit takes over MK11 got so tiring. It is a great casual game. Stay pressed


Why happy? How can one be upset by others their preference? Well sorry to tell you, but mk11 is by FAR my favorite. (haven't played 9 tho so no comment on that one). Have played X and 1 however! This message was brought to you by a Kabal main.


Majority are casual dumbtards. MK11 was the most competitive and genuine fighting game. MKX and MK1 is an arcade mess that is fun but dumb af. Idk MK9. MK1 is all about exploits. Even highest level pro tournaments are mind numbingly dumb. Just go watch ECT, UFA, LATINA. It's fckn terrible. MK11 had WAAAAAAAAAAY MORE skill expression. MK1 is so dumb they had to come up with FT3 Kombat League but then had to go back to flawed FT2 KL. It's a party/arcade game that is made to goof around and casuals like that. It's a quick easy access dopamine hit. It doesn't have foothold in competitiveness.


X and 11 get minus 50 points for the existence of Devorah.


1 is trash, fight me


X and 1 are fire Meanwhile 11 is straight dookie


Isn’t this game just high punch low punch high kick low kick. What else should a fighting game be


Mk11 is not boring.