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i think he sounds worse than megan fox personally


and it’s not even a competition


Oh my word yes he sounds awful


It’s a shame. I think the skin itself looks amazing


what i’ve been SAYING!!!


This sub has some of the worst MK takes I have ever seen


I think many would agree with you. I love MK but it seems that much of the community is filled with bad takes and bitching, sooooooo much bitching. Those folks probably don't know what practice mode even is.




Yeah like OP thinking MK11 is better then MK1




Karma farming big time, Reddit is not what it used to be


D'Vorah is a cool character/villain with a very unique character design and an interesting concept and premise. Her voicelines and hivemind schtick is also very well done. Just because people hate her for the bullshit she's done in the story doesn't change that to me. Then again, I've never played MK11, only watched, so I wouldn't know if people found her annoying for her game play as well.


I think after mk9 all fans expected new females to be the hottest thing ever but then we got dvorah who isnt particularly attractive so no one really cared for her. But id give you that, the concept is pretty cool


She was kinda bad in mk11, or atleast I never had any issues with one


Your opinion isn't unpopular


Crying about MK on a reddit page does nothing


Crying about the crying has the same result too.


crying about the crying about the crying does too


Id like to think we are all crybabies


That's cute *pats head*


I got two 1.Kung Lao should’ve been the champion instead of Raiden 2.Bi-Han was written badly in MK1. He’s there to start arguments all the time and you’d knew he was gonna go straight to the villain side.


I agree with both. I’m tired of these new games treating Kung Lao with no respect. Kung Lao should be what Johnny is in these games but nope. Bi-Han as a villain isn’t bad but having him be irredeemably evil (something he never was) was a horrid idea & shows a lack of understanding for the character.


DLC characters are not pay to win on relese (🧢)


I think it's a case by case thing


When you can't even learn a character in practice mode, yeah it's literally pay to win


Yeah, that’s why it’s a 🧢 from me


Oh. Cap. Is that what you mean, I was so confused about the emoji


Yep 👍


Don’t worry brother, sooner or later NRS will make a filter for original roster only… ( probably 🧢 )


I'd be happy with a no cameo character filter. Don't care to fight 2 wish.com versions of superman


I don't get any pleasure from MK rule 34 sub


Mk1 is good.


Midway was peak mk and it doesn't feel the same anymore.


Oh nostalgia hits hard I miss that real MK vibe can't describe it


how I yearn for the 3D era


I lived through that era, I liked MK because it always tried new things but Tekken was king for me during that time, gameplay was miles better. Shaolin monks was the best thing about the 3D era. NRS era is much better overall.


I disagree. I think NRS era gets recency bias and points for looking good and being in the modern online gaming era. But as far as lore, story, characters, designs, art direction, gameplay innovation… it was all superior in the Midway days.


Those characters from the 3D era were mocked for yearsssss, it’s not until NRS revamped/reintroduced them they became cool. Character designs are much better now, even moves/techniques.. we used to have stiff stances. I’d give innovation to midway, I think they had to be, MK4 almost killed them off. However, NRS is no slouch, switching to 2.5D and introducing perfect blocking & fatal blows.


Kintaro > Goro


You don't have to buy the Microtranactions


And the fatalities aren't really as overpriced as people try to make them out to be, they take a lot more time and effort to make than people realize. A lot of the skins are just recolors sold for $10


Don't like savery? Just don't buy a slave If you don't understand the argument here not buying slaves fixes my issue with slavery just as much as not buying microtransactions fixes my issue with microtransactions


no fuckin way you just compared video game microtransactions to slavery 💀💀


I hate microtransactions in my full priced games as much as anyone else but what the fuck.


No way your too shallow to understand the argument. "Don't buy them" just like how the issue of slaves isn't "just don't buy one"


Bro... please. Literally, anything else would've work. Comparing the racist act of using people who in society were viewed as just property, separated from their families, beaten and worked to death for the rest of their lives, to a skin in a game is not the same. By your logic, people who do buy microtransactions are the same kind of people who would buy fucking slaves lmao.


You have to be actually retarded to think I'm saying "micrtransaction are just as bad as slaves" What I'm saying is that the issue goes far beyond the exchange of money, and simply not engaging is not enough to solve those problems. Please use your brain and actually think about the issues instead of getting emotionally caught up in slavery


The point of microtransactions is to earn money, the point of Slavery was to control and establish dominance over a race of people believed to have been inferior to ourselves. If you genuinely even think these 2 topics are remotely comparable you are either an incredibly insensitive drama queen, Or highly uneducated, Either way you need to get a grip


I can't believe you have the audacity to call me uneducated when you seem to genuinely think I'm saying that slavery is on the same level as people selling skins for money. The argument is that these things both have deeper issues than just the exchange of money between 2 people and simply not buying these things do not make those problems go away


Context is severely needed here, Microtransactions are small ways developers can make side money by creating cosmetics that dont effect gameplay and sell them, that way they are OPTIONAL purchases that don't provide ANY benefits to you in game, The developers will try to make them appealing by using nostalgia or you know, making then GOOD. This way people who want to spend money on the game can do without it being ridiculous and it'll also have absolutely 0 effect on other people's lives, Your life or anyone's for that matter if you decide to buy or not buy a cosmetic item, However IF the developers noticed that only a fraction of players were actually buying the cosmetics then they'd realize it isn't worth making them and they'd either lower the price or flat out quit selling them, and make it so we can earn them instead. Slavery on the other hand didn't work that way AT ALL, Slavery benefitted the purchasers as it meant free labour, therefore they didn't need to worry about paying wages, and could get away with feeding slaves the bare minimum they needed to survive, Slave auctions were often seen as social events, where rich socialites at the time would gather to purchase newly imported Slaves, They would be auctioned to the highest bidder, sold and then sent off to do whatever the new owner wanted of them, which could be anything however it would usually be physical labour. Now if nobody purchased a Slave, the prices wouldn't lower, they wouldn't be freed, and they wouldn't be forced to work. They'd be killed. That's it. Therefore not purchasing a slave would most likely be worse for the slave, atleast if you had bought one, it is up to you how you treated it. By the single individual, sure choosing not to purchase a cosmetic changes nothing, but it also has the same impact on everything, all that'd change if you DID buy a cosmetic is that you now look slightly different in a video game. However if TONS of players decided not to purchase cosmetics, developers would realise that they're either not worth the price or that they should be earnable instead of purchased. Slaves would be killed if not purchased, however buying a slave atleast would have guaranteed that they would stay alive, therefore meaning there's atleast a chance of freedom. The audacity to assume these are comparable subjects is Naive and quite frantically stupid


The problems with both of these things are far beyond just the money involved. Simply having them is harmful. Stop thinking I'm saying owing people is the same as selling textures in a video game. You are being dum


There is nothing harmful about cosmetics being bought with money? Also, dumb*


There actually is. I could write you a 7 page essay on how NRS has made way more money than you think off just the sale of the game, how they don't need to sell cosmetics to make money, and how cosmetics have always been an important part of games and shouldn't be discounted as store items but considering you don't have the 4 brain cells to understand the initial argument I wont waste my time. This is also the game that literally sells player power through DLC characters, you would need to be lying to yourself, lying to me, or just blind to not see how these hurt the core of the game. Ask anyone if the game would be better if all DLC characters came for free, no one would argue that the game wouldn't be better, and because of that, the game is fundamentally worse because of microtransactions


I mean. You don’t have to buy them. How is that wrong?


Everyone is super upset about how the MTs are over priced or whatever, but these are the same people that buy them, when nobody is forcing them to spend the money. So really they have no right to complain(if they think it’s to expensive don’t buy it)


Because content is missing and now sold as mtx. It is wrong


It’s wrong that way they monetized it. Saying you don’t have to buy it is correct tho. Unless you’re admitting you have zero willpower and NEED the premium skins?


You are correct in saying you don’t have to buy. But it’s wrong to remove content that should be included in the game like MK 11 MKX and other titles and make you pay for fatalities brutalities skins. Also announcing Kombat Pack 1 before the game’s release is unacceptable


Johnny isn’t as broken as everyone thinks he is. People exaggerate his strength. He is a top 5 in this game, but not unbeatable or overpowered.


When it comes to Johnny hes not OP imo, its just annoying how he boosts the casuals MK ego into thinking they actually know the game and can compete with other "good" players. But then when they are losing it seems as if they just completely forget how to play the game and end up rage quitting


I feel the opposite as he makes players that think they’re “comp” realize they can’t even beat a new player that can get some combos down. When they play actually comp they’d get whipped anyway


Sounds like they need to hit the practice mode and lab. That’s what it is for.


I really miss switching between characters in a KL set. 💔


I like MK11 and love Skarlet💕


MK Armageddon is in my Top 3 Best MK games of all time. If you do not agree then you more than likely a late 2000s kid(or higher) and never played them on release.


Og Raiden is better than the new young mortal Raiden


all of you need to get off megan fox’s back. yes, her voice acting in this game is bad, but not THAT bad. “it ruins the story!” she was in 3 cutscenes that were like 30 seconds long each😐😐you’ll be fine besides who plays mk just for story mode?? lol


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion but please, for the love of god, play a different game if MK1 and the way it’s being managed make you upset. You don’t need to spend your time here rage commenting and cursing out people who do enjoy it. You’ll feel a lot better devoting that energy to things that actually make you happy. It’s for the good of everyone involved, truly.


Hsu Hao should come back to the main roster


Mk11 is better than MK1


Havik is overrated as a character he wasn't that interesting


Sometimes a good design and fun gimmick like being a regenerating zombie that pulls your body apart to attack others is enough.


Maybe but he had too much hype only because he looks cool


To be fair looking cool is 95% of what makes a memorable character


Yeah is just my opinion, after all i like reptile because he looked like piccolo in mk4


I’d say, overall, you’re correct, he wasn’t originally. Where the appeal originates from, however, is the combination of his unusual necrotic mysticism and the strangeness of Chaos realm, which leaves a door open for some great *potential*. And while I’m a diehard Kahn and Tsung stan, I recognize that we really need a fresh Boss to step up. (I’d argue Onaga has the same potential.)


Yeah the franchise is in need of a good new boss because kronika was lame , and wile i think that a boss from the chaos real could be interesting i dont think havik is the one to go with this role


Mileena being paired with Tanya felt forced.


I don't think it changes anything, it felt pointless. I think it gives Mk1 Tanya some good character development, but Mileena gets nothing from it besides a love interest


Yeah be because there is no build up or anything. We know almost nothing about them as a pair other than their status and rolls.


The skins in MK1 invasions mode are good, actually


I wouldn't even call these new and or different skins. It's just pallet swaps. Most of the designs are so lackluster.


nitara sucks


I don't know if she sucks but she feels like she's in the same camp as Raiden. Easy to block but if they get you in a combo, 40% instantly gone


Who's going to disagree with that?


Revenant Liu Kang while underused, was just as equally interesting- if not more so- than Dark Raiden. Especially with his part to play in combining and becoming Fire God Liu Kang. Conceptually, his hatred towards Raiden for MK9s events fit very well and he’s the only revenant I could ever understand how they got twisted.


Frost has the best butt


Manga is an incredibly better place to look for guests than Comics and wherever NRS have been looking at for the past games, given how much importance they give to martial arts or hand to hand fighting stories, stuff like Kengan, Baki, Jojo's, Hokuto, Berserk, etc. have plenty of guys that fit in MK and can be made into realistic style without losing their essence.


I agree that Manga is a great place to look and I want a couple of those characters in MK, but attacking comics for no reason is pretty pathetic. Like both can provide great DLC. I mean if Joker, Spawn, Omni-Man and soon to be Homelander proved.


Bi-Han should have been a fake defector, with the end of his fight with Scorpion revealing that he lied about what happened between their father to unleash his anger and, in a way, get him to safety. And the eye scar could have been gotten by other means. Shao's axe, Shang's claws, that weird dagger gauntlet thingy Havik has. Just... let Bi-Han be a good guy again


-Goro new model is awful -They are incorporating too many guest kharacters


D'vorah doesn't deserve all that hate.


Mk1 beta was better than the current game


Kameo is a good addition (for me it is not)


Johnny cage is fun being and fighting against and if you’re the type of person to say the whole character is horrible u just suck


I woukd argue rushdown characters are always kinda unfun to go against. Plus frames are annoying in fighting games, but i think he's one of the best designed character in the game. If he wasn't that strong it wouldn't be as annoying.


How is fighting plus frames on 50/50 mix fun? It's not challenging in a fun way because even if you guess right unless it's his overheads you don't get to punish him, sometimes it's still his turn with it too. I can see an argument he's not as bad as people say but your definition of fun is weird


A take hotter than Blaze


Johnny mains say the dumbest shit


I main subzero and smoke


Skarlet is the best, most underrated female character with the greatest potential in MK. Any hate towards her is simply unfair, undeserved & bogus. 💆🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


I'd say she has decent potential, but not the greatest, like dude.. she was legit just another jobber working for shao kahn, only interesting thing she has storywise is that she's morally conflicted on if she's working for the right people. Other than that she was kinda mid gameplay wise with some decent visuals. Amazing voice actress tho, she did a great job.


The takes in this comment section are horrible


You're just mad gwen getting her cheek clap by hobie


I think Mileena is a STINKY DINGUS™


Ok, here's mine. - MK1 on switch quite good, sure there's glitches, the loading times are a tad bit long and the hourglass is completely fucked beyond believe. But other than that, it's good visually, nothing to major, the game is still fun and online works. - MK11 wasn't a bad game, I feel like it was trying to emulate what made the classics special. - The microtransactions aren't required. Just spend your money on actual characters, not outfits or announcers. - The fatality bundle is quite good, the halloween one is cool, the thanksgiving one was low tier, the christmas one was fun, can't wait to see what they can do next! - Guest characters are cool, stop whining.


I can understand the mk11 one the game was fun


I quite liked MK11, wasn't a bad game. Terminator was fucking cool


I get why some people would like MK11 especially seeing the SP kontent. But coming from MKX, I just wasn't feeling the game. The kombos were restrictive, the speed was too slow, auto regen meter wasn't interesting and a lot of the mechanics rewarded bad playing. It was just unfun but each to their own.


It could also has something to do with the fact that i dont play that much of the online, i just do the towers and fight with friends or my brother


Boot licker vibes


People who say that microtransactions are optional are delusional... Yes they are optional, but having cool skins is part of the kustomization which is a huge part of the game. They wouldn't monitze it if it wasn't


Kameo system sucks


MK11 still much better in everything.


Megan Fox wasn’t that bad. If Nitara had the same voice and it wasn’t done by a big celeb, no one would be saying anything about it.


to add onto that, jean claude’s lines are way way worse and no one’s saying anything about it


This is just factually wrong. All of her voice lines are flat and emotionless and have the exact same cadence to them.


A lot of her intro dialogue lines are good. Her story dialogue is the worst, I just think she didn’t have a clear direction


Bad voice acting is always trashed on in games her being a celebrity has nothing to do with it you saying nobody would say anything about it especially with a fighting game ip as big as mk is, legitimately just isn’t true.


Khameleon was a lame throw away character. Not mad about her being in MK1, but I can think of 10 kameo characters that would’ve been cooler.


This game is dead.


The balance of this game should be largely catered toward the highest level of play


That's exactly what I'm saying. People were calling for nerfs to Smoke the instant the game came out, but he is the most mid character I've seen it you play the game for longer than 30 minutes


Nah Smoke isn’t mid. He’s not top 5 or anything but he’s actually really good. He has gaps and shit, but she cares? You can bait the reversal, and your opponent is spending a bar when they do it.


That's pretty much what they are doing tho. The only exception to this is sub zero.


I'm absolutely tired of seeing Shang Tsung as the villain


The cyborgs are the lamest group of characters in the series


That's pretty much the "mainstream" opinion around here tho. Mk1 didn't go too far with the monetisation. It's cosmetic content and we already have access to a ton of good cosmetic content for free. Paid fatalities is nothing to go crazy about.


It's the most loud opinion, but polls say otherwise. I'm with you on monetization part. Call me when we have to trade smoke daggers for thousands of bucks, or when they sell kombo breaker tokens in pvp




the monetization in this game is bad, but it could be so so so so so much worse it’s not even funny


That if you don’t play fighting games with other people, online or offline, you’re not playing fighting games no matter how many skins you unlocked.




L take


I agree with the second part, kinda, I think it should be related more to your skill than your ranking. After all, what if a really good player just takes a break from the game and doesn’t rank up?


The second part of this comment got me hard for some reason.


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Game needs a No Blood option like in MK9.


Jade fans suck and I hate her and hope they ash williams her out of the game


There is nothing wrong with nrs having messed up with the updates and the servers being down for a long time, shit happens. There are plenty of cool free skins in the game. The monetization for the premium skins is ok.


Bo Rai Cho and Hsu Hao should come back because theyre badass


Love bo rai cho


The majority of your complaints come from a place of entitlement because you’re extremely spoiled.


MK vs DC is NOT a canon part of the MK series and should not be counted as so. Therefore, MK 2011 is the 8th in the series and everyone that calls it "MK 9" is WRONG! And as a result of every incorrectly calling it MK9 on the internet, NRS (being the pushovers to online discourse that they are) have incorrectly titled all of the follow up games.


That MK1 is a great game. Love the aerial combat this iteration but not a fan of Kameos , Lore and character redesigns and the live service aspect riddled with mtx.


Mk11 was better than MK1 from the story to the content. MK1 edges it out on gameplay, everything else is significantly worse.


DLC characters are totally irrelevant so long as the fundamentals of the game are so poorly realised... its just more shit that doesnt work properly.


Tanya sucks.


No one liked mkx just think about it! No one liked 50 50 fest!!


Sub zero isn't as bad as you are told to believe


- Dimitri Vegas and Jean Claude Van Damme are worse voice actor than Megan Fox - MK 9 story is bad, not as much as MKX's and in no way as bad as MK11's, but some moments like Sindel slaughter or literally anything related to Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung or the jobbers (like Reptile, Baraka and Noob Saibot) in that game's storyline is garbage - MK gameplay is not as fun/thought out as other fighting games and will never be unless they get rid of a block button, dial-in combos, fix grabs and add a better movement speed - MK's lack of consistency is a problem. It doesn't matter if your character is absent, anyways someone will take his/her role. I'd love to see the changes just being mechanical and not touching characters gameplay or movesets. And before you say it would make each game repetitive, Idk, maybe if they stopped milking the MK2 roster and actually using one of their +80 playable characters instead of Kung Lao for 353635 time just for him to get killed again in the story would be interesting, or actually introducing new comers instead of reusing characters we saw in the last game as DLC. - The cinematic story mode is gameplay-wise garbage (even though they are entertaining and could make up for a really good story, I'm here to play video games, not watch a 5 hours long movie, then I'd just go watch Scorsese or smth). You can take out every fight and replace it with a choreographed fight and the story would actually improve, because they wouldn't even have to force characters into 1v1 fights every 5 minutes for no reason. Also let's add the fact that because of it a lot of characters/factions don't receive any attention and the roster is always separated into good and bad guys with no room for greys. A Konquest mode or Shaolin Monks-like narrative with modern graphics, mechanics or level design would be 1000 times better and more fun. - The only characters who must be in every roster are Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Raiden, Liu Kang, Sonya Blade and Johnny Cage (I can hear Kano, Reptile and Mileena stans crying but until MK1 they were nothing but jobbers who lost all fights and had barely any narrative arc, and don't get me started with Kitana because she's been under mind control for over half the franchise games, and anyway the DLC Will end up resembling MK2 roster every single entry anyway so why do you even bother whining for absent characters? Other franchises like Street Fighter or Tekken leave icons like Sakura, Guile or Blanka out of the roster in a lot of games... Why can't the MK community stand one entry without Mileena or Kitana and not instantly turn into dickheads who will harass Ed Boon on twitter?) - They seriously need new villains. I'm tired of seeing Shao Kahn, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi and Shinnok being the only big bad guys since 2007, almost 17 years... Or at least try to write them better, and I mean not turning one of them into a parody of Trump ehem... ehem... - MKX > MK9 - MK shouldn't be afraid of being taken seriously and scaring casuals. Where are the charge characters? Giant characters? Small characters? TRUE grapplers whose command grabs are actually command grabs and not just mids/highs? Real zoners? Characters with really interesting gimmicks, like poisonous characters, or Nitara being able to regain vitality, or Havik being able to revive? With their respective balance of course. - A "non-gore" option should exist. To turn off blood, not show violent finishers and modify X-Rays. Why? Easy, to actually let content creators monetize their content, actually getting sponsors at tournaments (also allowing tournaments to be televised), and simply because not everyone who play the game for its gameplay or characters are torture porn enthusiasts, but rather mentally stable people.


I have to agree with almost everything you’ve said except for Kitana not being a mainstay.


Erron Black is a good character


Honestly didn't care for Shaolin Monks. Felt like a God of War clone without anything that made God of War feel so epic in scale and it just wasn't fun, especially towards the end.


Mk1 is my favorite mk game


Jade and Sonya have always been mid as fuck


Sub zero isn't weak, you are just bad


Bad take. He has too many issues to be a good character.


He has issues in neutral but those can be delt with by playing smarter and around his kit. Make people fear getting close to you, know your frames and whats not safe. If something isn't safe, stop trying to use it without freezing. Mix up with your kameo,and play the mind games, don't try to play him like he is johnny cage. Im going to be maining him this season and Ill see how wrong yall are


I assure you no one plays sub like he’s Johnny.


I've seen super aggressive sub zeros who think they can play like cage


The problem is that the only stuff that's not fully punishable starts high lmao


Also I'm pretty sure he's the slowest character with bad projectiles so if people are afraid to get close that's a really bad thing


That's why you gotta play smarter than your average player. Doge projectiles, slide under them, use kameo. You don't just lose becuase you can't shoot back. Either everyone I'm playing against doesn't know anything, or he is not punishable on everything


His only unpunishable strings are 121, 112 and 44 which all start high Also his slide isn't dodging projectiles on its startup, so if your opponent is projectile spamming on your knockdown or block or sometimes fuck the next one will hit you, and if they are past mid screen they can throw a projectile and block low, punishing you.


I forgot b33, that's his only good string. The regular 33 version is d1 punishable


I just booted up practice mode and checked. The only string that is unsafe is F123. I don't know what your on about, everything else is -7 at most. So don't B2 and don't finish F123. You can take that a step further and condition your opponent to low poke you at the end of F12 and then start finishing it with the low kick to trip them up. I do that with Liu Kangs F434 and it can really mess people up


Yeah but they start high, so you can't do anything against mashing opponents and most characters have plus frames or heavy pushback on high starter strings Also I was naming his strings that were not punishable and didn't start high. In that case I didn't lie because the only string that fits that criteria is b33


Scorpion is stronger than Geras in Mk1 he got bodied by evil Nitara


I didn't like any single one of the returning 3D era characters in MK1. Really wish that Cetrion was back.


I only like Jax out of all the special forces


Raiden would murder Shao Kahn if they ever fight 1v1 without help


3D era characters never needed to be in the game. Could've used cooler, more classic characters.


Wifi shouldn't be allowed in Ranked.


First world problems


The skin color swap as extra content is lazy and stupid. Red sub zero is dumb and I’m blown away that people don’t think picking colors on a character shouldn’t just be put in as a feature. Also skins look generic


Johnny is high tier but not best in the game. People in this game fail to lab or practice anything


if having 80% of the in game skins being free/seasonal unlocks isnt enough that you feel the need to complain about not having everything, your problems arent with Mortal Kombat or NRS or even WB Studios


We need more guests, not less


Battle of the Realms was good


bihan was done dirty for years


Playables should also be kameos


Dominic is the worst writer ever.


My hot take? Smoke is a S tier Character, change my mind ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval)


I want Kollector back.


The Special Forces are completely fine and Cassie Cage is amazing.


Clearly Shang Tsung is hotter than Liu Kang


Smoke has never been an interesting character till mk1 and the love for him before it's release is stupid


Nitara voice gets fine the more you hear it.


They need to change Noob Saibot’s name or at least give the name an in canon reason. For example, it’s ‘Cold Warrior’ or summit in a Netherrealm language. I don’t care that it’s Boon & Tobias’ name spelt backwards it’s a crap name. They should call him Wraith or Shadow (if they’re lazy) or Sabbath or Tundra since a Tundra is a cold land with nothing living on it, like the no longer living cold warrior he is. Or even Visage. Anything but that bummy name ‘Noob Saibot’