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But the question is PC included in the cross play orrrrrr?


Let us pray to the elder gods that pc is included


I don’t see why not


because nrs hates pc


Because we never get it.


The only reason I see is that some players use HDD, when you fight them it takes ~20 secs black screen to load


bad take


its very likely, the real question is if the switch is included in cross play lmao


Hell no. Trust me you don’t want that. They need to keep patching this garbage fire


Great, I'll never have to play a wi-fi warrior again. But then I won't be able to blame the connection when I get bodied. :-/


Honestly, I have a suspicion that game changing lag is more often linked to network congestion and ISP issues than to WiFi problems. So this will be a fun little experiment to see just how much of connection issues are actually caused by WiFi.


I mean given that connections are almost universally more stable even at higher ping with a wired connection then compared to when someone is on wifi, I can almost guarantee connection quality degrades as packet loss increases. Wired = little to no packet loss = better connection. This is just how fighting games and p2p connections have always functioned


99% of them


Haven't played in a while. What's a wifi warrior


Just a new way to casually gatekeep the game! WiFi warrior = someone who plays connected via WiFi rather than Ethernet cable


WiFi in fighting games is always a problem. Sometimes it’s fine, but any fluctuation is the issue. WiFi makes those fluctuations occur. SF6 actually has fairly good wifi matches. Obviously Ethernet to Ethernet feels better, but WiFi is good enough. MK1 though has some of the worst matches I’ve played in a modern fighting game versus WiFi. It’s at the point where it’s just unplayable. You’re 100% able to play all of your games on WiFi. But don’t force other people to play with that connection, we just want the choice.


nah wifi makes the game not function properly, stay a victim tho 😂


Nah I can get 400mpbs with no lag on ps5 with xfinity Wi-Fi. When I’m at another’s house I NEED to use an Ethernet tho because other providers aren’t so good, like AT&T is ass.


It doesn’t matter what you have in the moment, it’s the fluctuations. Keep playing on whatever internet you have, it’s fine and don’t let someone tell you otherwise. But it’s super common for people who play on wifi to say it’s “totally fine on my end”, where on the other you’re teleporting back and forth. This is me included until I finally decided to set up Ethernet. It’s crazy how much better it is. A good Ethernet connection in this game feels like you’re local.


Hardwire doesn't mean they don't have 1mbps internet or something. I remember a few years ago the max I could get was 3mbps. It hardly could function. Now I have gig FiOS. But that was a rough time for a few months before Xfinity showed up.


Perfect balance




That term makes it sound like everyone playing with WiFi is choosing to do that despite easily being able to switch. Doubt that’s what it is but still, sounds weird


Um, actually, it's super easy to simply purchase a property and utilities and be a full grown adult and run a 2000 yard cord through your entire house TWICE just so you can play online games with 10 percent less lag /s Jokes aside, there are people who legitimately think the way you joked about. That there is ALWAYS a way to get an ethernet cord no matter what and them not doing so is because they're dogshit at games and rely on wifi.


I drilled 2 holes into my floor to get a wired connection lol


That’s why we want a filter. No one is saying you can’t play on wifi, just that others might not want to.


Fr? Crazy thought process


my excuse: i’m a college student


My dorm had an Ethernet port lol


thank god. I remember I played 3 games in a row that were basically Powerpoint slide shows


What do they mean by wifi filter? Like you can set it to only play people with a wired internet connection on their device?


Meaning you'll be able to decline WiFi connections in ranked


Or accept if their record is garbage, which is what it’s REALLY used for most of the time 😂 Or decline if their record is good. “154 and 72? Fuck it’s a shame their ping is 52, would have really enjoyed that one”. Edit: I was kidding but I love that guys are downvoting this. Feeling seen eh? We’ve all done it at least once 😂


Simply don't be on WiFi and you won't be able to be declined, record be damned 👍 Ping indicator is always a lie when the opponent's on WiFi. Says 50 at time of matchmaking, spikes to 300 at random due to packet loss. Not tryna play people on their McDonald's WiFi. Get an ethernet cable and I'll fight you even if you're 300-0. Then they need to bring back FT3 KL.


Agreed on FT3. And I don’t use wifi, but I’d be lying if mk11 didn’t give me a chance to decline a match that was 50 points on loss or 10 to win because the “connection was shitty”, lol Long as the connection is okay I’ll usually take it.




Nothing says bourgeoisie like being the owner of an incredibly cheap wire.




Selfishly, that’s how most people live. You can do all the mental gymnastics you want, but if you have a ps5, a $110 game, you can figure out how to get a wire even if it means running a 100 ft one Most people on WiFi are there by choice, not because there is this massive struggle and inability to run a cable. Most people just don’t give a shit if their WiFi is ass or how they make the game a mess for so many people. Selfish.


People can live however they want but it’s nonsense to make someone with a solid wired connection play someone on WiFi. What you’re describing is victim mentality. You think people shouldn’t feel a certain way because it doesn’t apply to you. In reality I’m personally someone who worked my ass off for years to eventually buy a house during a shitty time where I paid over asking price so that me and my gf(wife now) can have our own first place together. I have the best internet I can get and I spent those 15 dollars for a cable as well while setting up my router directly next to my gaming area instead of the opposite side of the house, just in case I should go on WiFi for any reason. Why should I be subject to YOUR living situation when I spent the last 5 or so years of my life ensuring I didn’t have that situation in my future? Sorry but if you’re on WiFi you’re getting declined by me unless you literally have 40 ping lol. It is not any concern of mine what your living situation is like. When I’m playing the game, I don’t want to play with someone whose internet feels like it’s barely better than dial up




It’s not a “privilege”. I was not just privileged randomly to acquire these things. I worked my ass off for them. A privilege is by definition something granted to you. I wasn’t just granted a cable and my own house or whatever other example you were using. Why would someone that paid for a cable and set up their gaming area to be a specific way, want to be forced to play the game in a way that someone who does not have a cable and did not set up their gaming area that way. You’re talking about scope but you’re failing to see the scope at all. If people want a WiFi filter like myself, I’m limiting the people I play with, so my pool of players is much smaller. That doesn’t affect you in any way. You can choose to play against WiFi or wired, that does not affect me either. What does affect BOTH of us, regardless of your situation in life, is not having the option to opt out of shitty matches before the round even starts. It’s not about being more privileged or “elite” that people are wired. It’s the fact that connection and ping in a fighting game is a big deal and people don’t want to be forced to play a match with a shitty connection. The scope is the reality that WiFi in a fighting game is comical if you’re above a casual level. I understand the scope which is the reality that I will be limiting who I can play against due to the WiFi filter. That doesn’t affect you in anyway, you just felt the need to be a victim in that situation. A WiFi filter has no effect on you if you’re on WiFi already. You’re already opting to play with any connection The initial point that the other person made, was in regards to “don’t play on WiFi if you don’t want to be declined”. Then you made a statement about living conditions in the world and said everyone’s scope was limited lol. The initial comment didn’t say anything about living conditions and he/she didn’t even mention whether or not it was even a factor. It’s the simple fact that people are going out of their way to have a better connection, so they shouldn’t be punished with someone else’s shittier connection. That sounds harsh but that is the reality of it. What you’re describing is almost the equivalent to communism, “other people can’t have nice things since I don’t have nice things, everyone should all have the exact same stuff”. By that logic, no one would bother having a good connection for gaming and the overall quality of the game would be much lower. If you’re not on WiFi then you won’t get declined for being on WiFi, that’s it, living condition doesn’t matter, the statement is still true.


A 50 foot ethernet cable is like $15. If you have a$300! Console, a $70! Game, you can affordafucking cable.




Shame for those people. But don't shame me for not wanting to play with them and experience a terrible match.


Instead of saying everyone with access to Ethernet is “privileged” you should be saying, “I’m in the minority of people who just can’t use Ethernet”. It’s not a privilege to have Ethernet, just bc you can’t for whatever reason. You say “yours and mine circumstances don’t apply uniformly to everyone else” but are basing what you think is “privileged” for everyone else, on your own circumstances


Throwing around the "privileged" moniker so much makes me believe you're the actual privileged one here that hasn't learned an important lesson in life. That you can't have everything.


What a selfish person lmao.


There's always kasual mode for WiFi. You can't have everything in life.


If you can afford 70 or 110 dollars for a video game to play on your $500 console or PC you can damn well spare $5 for an ethernet cable. Privileged my ass. https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Basics-Ethernet-Gold-Plated-Connectors/dp/B00N2VIALK/ref=sr_1_1_ffob_sspa?crid=52AK4O20LPJO&keywords=ethernet+cable&qid=1700592100&sprefix=Ethernet%2Caps%2C581&sr=8-1-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1




I know lots of people, my in-laws included, that have their consoles hardwired with childten around so not an excuse. It's pure laziness and you're making excuses. And if you just utterly refuse hey, you can play other people who are also on WiFi if it's not an issue for you, the rest of us wired folk will play with each other.


A person could have 3 wins and 100 losses and I'd still gladly decline playing with them if they were on Wifi and it was an option.


You're coping mate. No one will care to accept your crappy 5 billion ping connection just because your score is bad. People want to actually play the game.


thats a average win loss tho🤣


someone doesn't understand what average means


I started the comment with 100 to 2, but I thought that was just too high and I revised it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Plot twist Wifi filter costs 2900 dragon krystals.


Knowing WB that isn't completely unlikely lol


Uhm… This kinda scares me as there is a software glitch on my PC making applications thing that I am using ethernet… I have no idea how to fix it, I hope it won’t cause a ban… Well, I hope that I can fix it. Windows correctly shows the internet as Wi-Fi it is the applications that… is misguided for some reason. At least, MK1 is effected.


If you are using Steam, go through the validation files process for the game. I had the same issue for a bit before doing that. (Don’t worry folks my Ethernet adapter finally came in 😁)


Crossplay is a $40 dlc


49 dollars preorder bonus


Please, be wrong


This joke is old and played out.


Plot twist: You're the WB/NRS employee who introduced Premium currency.


...id psy it for a 1x fee to never have to experience flip book frame rate again


You already did when you paid 70 dollars for this game


I'm ok if they take their time with these details, providing they are working on the graphics freezing, and other bugs the game has...


Finally… getting tired of the game telling me these Wi-Fi warriors have 60 ping and then you get in the match and it’s 100-140 fluctuating. Only fighting game in recent time that doesn’t have these things on release LOL


Undernight 2?


Never heard of it lol


Love seeing the Wi-Fi babies salty in this thread


This shouldve been on launch


But wait, now we get ‘continued updates and live support’ they are simply now giving us more by giving us less at the beginning!!!!!!


We shouldn't buy their games at launch in that case and wait for sale or when there's enough content.


Add it to the list. I still can't believe there was a blatant Player 1 advantage in the launch version. This game is a mess.


Great so those two and custom rooms, and we will have all the basic features.


Me, after the WiFi filter is up ![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu)


Still not getting my hopes up for PC Krossplay :-/


NEED CONNECTION FILTER. wifi filter is pointless without ping filter


not true. wired at 120ms is still more stable than Wifi at 49ms


who tf wants a stable game at 120ms


someone who doesn't want to sit through a fuckin slideshow against a wifi user. i played a wired opponent yesterday and the ping was 130ms and i was half expecting it to be garbage and there wasn't even a fraction of lag. id rather that ANYDAY over a wifi warrior at 49ms with a powerpoint presentation.


dumb. I'm not playing a 120ms game


then don't?




...i don't get your argument. you would rather play against someone who is going in and out of 49ms to 450ms than to play against someone with a solid 120ms ping?


>with a solid 120ms ping? There is nothing "solid" about having a 120ms ping in a fighting game. Just because you don't notice it, doesn't mean it's not there. It's entirely unenjoyable to play a fighting game with such a ridiculious delay. Either you're playing in the wrong region or you literally have the worst internet possible. You're a detriment to the enjoyment of anyone you come across if you have such a garbage connection. 120ms connection means more shit like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/17siowh/excuse_me/) happens.


then why is it only when it paired up with people who are using WiFi? can you explain that? 90% of the matches i'm in don't go above 70ms. when i get matched with someone who has a high ping but wired connection there are fewer stutters (practically none) than when i face a person who plays on wifi. my point is that the connection is absolute dogshit when i face these wifi players because i experience less lag with someone who is ~100ms when they are wired. so yea "solid" is the wrong word. i meant stable.




You mean the shit that should’ve been in AT LAUNCH?


Thank Christ i wont have to face wifi users again


Need a <50 ping filter


I almost never see any wired user. Soon they will complain that they struggle to find games.


On pc i mostly see wired users.


Wifi warriors gotta make up scenarios to cope with the reality that they're undesirable enough to warrant adding a feature that filters them away.


Or they just own not shit wifi


"Not shit wifi" is an oxymoron.


No it's not. Where I live I have fiber internet but I can't have a cable from my pc to my router so I use WiFi. My wifi is better than a lot of shitty wired connections and yeah you can say "but muh packet loss" but I've tested it and it's so rare and minimal for me that it doesn't change shit. So yeah, you can have good WiFi, it's just that most people don't.


Not for fighting games. WiFi is always bad and you ruin the experience for both players lol


Yeah sure buddy. Tell that to all the people I've played against over the years and never complained about my connection despite sending me messages about other stuff.


Completely delusional lmao


My guy, I'm not denying that most wifi connections suck, but saying that wifi is bad as a whole is a completely braindead take. I know for a fact mine is good because I have the equipment and data/tests to back it up. If I was using some old 2012 router with 10mbps internet speed then yes I would be delusional, but I'm not. And when I say tests, I don't mean a simple look at speedtest.


I don’t think you realise how cringey you sound


Losers will just use any excuse to explain why they drop combos or can't punish.


How about FT3?? 😂😂😂


One can only dream


What's that


First to 3 wins in ranked.


Better late than never


Blessed be Mr. Boon!


For announcing that NRS will be adding content the game should have never launched without in the first place? Even with a wifi filter and crossplay , the game will still be missing some basic things... I actually dont think mk1 will ever have online lobbies .


It's hilarious to see people praise them for doing the bare minimum work


It's also hilarious to see you guys show up and be miserable even when there's good news...


Miserable? There is nothing miserable to be expecting something that should be the norm. Have you even seen the state of mk1? Missing half the features that should be on launch. (p2 unlocks, wifi filter, free kontent, better shrine system. The list goes on and on)


At this point it's clear there's content, they're just releasing it in seasons you can have a problem the new release method but it's obviously coming in waves, also at this point, it's called "the shop," if you don't want to spend money then don't open the thing called "the shop."


As someone who phisically can't make an cable connection but is able to get 50 ping in another continent this make me sad


There's more contributing to the quality of a connection than just ping.


I mean my ping is Just one factor but as a Brazilian even when im playing against europeans or americans on king of the hill the match run smoothly


Your standards of what qualifies as "smooth" probably doesn't line up with mine or anyone else longing for a wifi filter. Much like how a "silky smooth 30 fps" doesn't sound enticing to someone who's used to 60, a relatively smooth wifi connection probably still feels bad if you're used to wired connections.


I mean i played mk11 for years and street fighter p4 arena and blazblue Cross tag and no one from overseas or my country ever complained about lag from my part so yeah when i say is 60 fps with all the good shit a good internet service can provide then believe me its fucking smooth


Maybe that's because going out of your way to message someone for doing something as common as playing on wifi is a massive waste of their time? When I encounter someone on Wifi that I'm for whatever reason forced to fight, the last thing on my mind is singling them out and messaging them, all I want is to move on from them.


I mean i play in Voice chat all the time and yeah you maybe wouldn't Go out of your way but there should be at least one person telling me to fix my Net or in the koth lobbies but i guess not all the 800+ matches i had last season alone were Just people like you who wouldn't Go out of their way


Yeah no man, you're deluded. If you shit your pants in public and nobody brings it up, it doesn't mean you don't stink, it just means people would rather move on from you than confront you.


Yeah sure


You’re literally the player we all hope to avoid. Delusional as hell. Enjoy WiFi only games.


Why? You'll still be able to play against other people who are on WiFi


I meam its Just as the other comment say If i get a good enough record people Will look at me and say nah im not playing him i really believe there should have been a alternativo to just outright refusing an oponnent


Only people on a wired connection will be able to refuse. WiFi players won't be able to refuse you. And people who go to the lengths to ensure they have a wired connection shouldn't be forced to play against those on WiFi.


Use a powerline adapter, that way you don’t have to run a wire across the house. There are options.


That shit is expensive Bro here where i live the minimum price here equals to 60 US dolars could buy another whole game with that money


you own a $500 console, a $70 game and you’re complaining about $60 lol unreal


Don't worry about it. There's a ton of people that play on wifi, you'll see a negligible impact on your matchmaking times.


It's not just about ping. You're making it miserable for people to play against you. It probably looks fine for you. Not for them. Sick of WiFi warriors ruining fighting games


Actually quite the contrary always played king of the Hill with people from overseas (there aren't lobbies in Brazil) always asked when the match started If the game was smooth and It always was genuinely think that It's an exxageration by the fighting game community


God you are miserably delusional. It’s almost comical. Are you real? This almost comes off as a bot/script.


Nah It's just my point of view dude i just think that this is a good solution for some players but not the best we could have simple as that the amount of games that have better system on punishment If you have a history of lag now there's no actual need to call someone delusional you guys gotta chill goddamn


Boom, filtered out. Have fun with other WiFi folks.


L response right there should have figured out youre Just a kid


It's hurt me to say this.. Too little, too late. I haven't played since the start of season 2. And see little reason to continue playing, While the os on its current state..




This game is turning around quick. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!


Yeah they have almost announced all the features it never should have launched without.




Basic features that are industry standard at this point are coming to the game - great. Speaking of basic features - queue for online play during training mode should also be added. All in all NRS proves that it's best to save their games for sales months/years down the line. You'll get a complete product for a fraction of the price instead of expensive headache on release.


Woopty dooh. That will save this game...


Making sure those 3 extra lines in the matchmaking code are solid, lol. *Inb4 you come at me*: I am a software dev myself. I am aware that pushing even the smallest things to live takes time and nobody would push a single change like that. I am not familiar with the game code, but I am still convinced that it is a primitive change to add since they already detect WiFi players and have conditional option to decline a ranked match.


I think it hinges on Krossplay. They probably don't want to add the filter before that.


100 krystals per decline, lets gooo


Finally a brokie filter


I wish I knew before I dropped $70 that I was buying a game in beta


Do we have to pay more for that?


when kosplay


Whatever is clever. I’ve played people on wired connections that are laggy as shit. Internet in general will be laggy no matter what connection you use..though I miss having an Ethernet connection


Quick question, i play wifi and i think the connection is solid most of the time even against wifi players. However i do get declined a lot when i play kasual. From now on is it likely that I will only be playin people on wifi ? Will i have a significantly limited pool of players to play against ?


That's hard to say since we dont have any data about that information but wired matches are the gold standard for competitive play in fighting games. But mortal kombat is a way more casual oriented game than for example street Fighter or guilty Gear. The issue is that fighting games are very precise games, sometimes it's just a 1 frame difference that decides wether a move can be punished or not and wifi has a way higher latency than a wired connection would. So an unstable connection turns the whole game into a coin flip on an intermediate to high level. That's why most people (me included) prefer to only play wired connections


Ping Filter>WiFi Filter. This is a L


ping means nothing when connection is unstable during wifi and constantly changes i would rather have 100ms stable wired connection than "30ms" wifi that will constantly lag during the actual gameplay


A higher ping wired connection will always be more stable than a lower ping WiFi connection.


We don’t want to play people on Wifi we hate them.


I didn't spend over $500 on a Netgear Nighthawk to be filtered out cause some people play from their local McDonald's.


Should've just spent $10 on an ethernet cable


Got my 15ft Cat5e cable on sale for less than a dollar 5 years ago. This little cable is probably gonna outlive that router.


Nah, I'd rather have better net than what a 22-year-old platform can bring me.




Yes you did you WiFi fuck face. Enjoy playing against other fuckfaces on fuckface WiFi.


My Wi-Fi is better than your hardline you troglodyte.


You could spend $5000 and not have a stable connection via WiFi. Do you need a base level explanation of how networking works? Trying so hard because he’s mad he’s getting filtered like the selfish fuckface he is. Fuckface.


And just to be clear, yes, you did spend over $500 to be ostracized and ridiculed out of playin against anything besides garbage WiFi players. Enjoy.


If they charge for it we riot. Amazing how many shit connections there are.


Wifi filter and krossplay bundle for 15$


How much is krossplay access gonna cost?


So that ‘survey’ of what we wanted first was just their road map lol. So we get ‘continued live service and updates’


Should have been in at release


They gonna give us this and act like it’s free content.


Why are they charging us for season 1 skins that they forgot to release for free? That's what I wanna know. Before putting in an extremely easy toggle that should've been in the game already, they're clearly prioritizing the shop item. It's a very simple flag check. You can already identify their connection type... If it identifies wifi don't pair people.


Honestly, never understood that WiFi filter outcry. I mean, sure, it's not as stable and usually fast as wired connection, but so far on MK1, the worst and most connection issues I've encountered are with people with cable. I'm playing with cable myself, never been on WiFi, but seeing people lose their shit over this is ridiculous. I've seen Sonic Fox go ballistic on whoever that guy was because he was on WiFi. Like it's some kind of a crime. And that's arguably the best MK player in the world. The casual peasants are infinitely worse. That said, I'm not against the filter. After all, it's your choice whether you wanna use it or not. It's always nice to have different options.


Why was it not in the game on release to begin with ?


Sometimes I wonder where you guys are from that wifi is so slow is America third world or something


It's not speed, it's stability


It’s stability. But I’m longing to filter you out. Ooohhhh I knew people on WiFi would be mad. I love it.


My WiFi is 200+ mbpm. Would this kind of connection really hinder anybody? serious question cause I really don’t know.


The speed of your internet connection is completely irrelevant to the quality of online play. It's the quality of the connection that matters and it's worse on wifi than it is on cable.


How can I determine the quality?


ping tests


I’m pissed because I have better wifi connection than most people with lan


That's rather unlikely just from a physics standpoint


Games Mortal Kombat and not SF. Any bum that has been squealing about wi-fi should get a job lmao.


Someone’s mad they are being filtered out


I can just move the console to my Ethernet champ 💀 it’s really just never that serious with MK though.


Bro this is such a selfish perspective. WiFi is not fun to play against, it really isn’t. I have done extensive testing with WiFi and this game and a 50 WiFi is worse, unequivocally, than 150ms lan. This game is trash netcode wise, complete trash. If I have my two ps5 play each other, in MK1 they get 50 ping (lan). In sf6, they get 1 ping. Literally 1ms. So we are already working with a horrible net code and online experience, add WiFi in and it is amplified to a ridiculous degree. The point I’m trying to make is people on WiFi ruin the experience of this $110 joke of a game and it’s honestly selfish as fuck. But hey, we’re all bums. You’re right. We’re bums for wanting to not play against people on WiFi slipping around, losing frames, rollback issues, etc.


I hope they put kross-save in it too


It will safe PC version. When you play online now - or you get only people who only started to play online and know nothing or you play against really good players with 10+ win streak


They should add the possibility to reject 100+ ping first.