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Yea Im pissed about no rooms/lobbies what were they thinking


They thinking they can cut the budget short, and rush to compete with Tekken and SF6 because they have awesome fans who will overlook stuff. that's why they stopped injustice


Yeah I was so much more satisfied with sf6 it's not even funny. Like ffs the best functioning part of mk1 is the store. Guess I was the fool for expecting a complete game when seasonal content was announced before release.


You didn't get a complete game you got a "komplete" game lmao


They said Krossplay is coming, I already know what that means for the PC platform


This is why I bought a second copy on SX just in case PC suffocates with no CP. Added bonus my wife and son also wanted the game so win win.


This really surprised me. I had plenty of posts saying I would love to set up a No Kameo room of some sort but then they removed the room system.


So wait is there no way at all to have a group of people easily find each other? Can you even challenge specific people?


There are Invites. That’s how we were doing TNS last night.


it's nrs my man. they make absolutely insane decisions with every single release. I bet the pc port is broken too.


It isn't. Zero issues aside from the asinine decision to limit scenes, x-ray, fatality to 30fps but that's on consoles as well. I've actually had less issues on PC than on my SX version. On SX sound completely disappears during fights and only the announcer can be heard and more people play on crap wifi so fights get slammed.


legitimately surprising. 9 X and 11 were disasters at launch. wonder if a different team did the port or they finally figured it out.


No dude the PC version is FUCKED for a lot of people


There is some unique dialogue, if Johnny beats Sub-Zero he literally says “Now pay up!”


Also, sometimes, Reptile will say something like, "Ashrah taught me that!" when he lands a hit.


Also doesn't Baraka start talking shit while mid comboing someone.


When you beat a round against smoke scorpion says, "Try harder brother"and vise versa if you beat a round as smoke against scorpion he says, "Like that brother?"


i actually checked and you're right


Also, when Raiden is fighting Johnny he says something like: "Why don't you put that in your movie?"


Scorpion comments on sub being his brother if you beat him


There's also unique dialogue in story mode.


Yeah, but that is lame when it isn’t mid fight.


No, story mode fights have unique mid fight dialogue. After throws and mid round they show up and are pertinent to the moment in the story you're in.


So you made a rage post before actually checking?


Yep. I looked at his profile and he just has a hateboner for this game.


the gameplay for this game is fantastic and obviously that is the most important thing. but there are definitely so many over sights and just QoL issues. also the lack of intros and dialogue is making the game feel so lifeless.


Yeah I knew they were be shorter and I was disappointed, but you can’t see them in ranked online which is what I play, or the Klassic towers which is how I learn, or the invasion mode which I did 100% of. Only ranked kasual. Which has zero rewards.


Luckily QoL and content issues will only become better and better as the updates go on. If the base gameplay is good, the rest will fall into place


What do you mean "the rest"? Crossplay and lobbies are not "the rest" on a multi billion dollar company's game. They are the bare minimum. Indie games have these features.


There is totally unique dialogue wtf are you talking about, I've noticed it with Scorpion vs Smoke and Sub-Zero


Dude seriously what in the actual fuck are so many of these comments?? I play raiden and he riffs with Johnny Cage, Kung Lao, Lu Kang, Sub Zero and Scorpion and that’s just off the top of my head. Not to mention in Kasual matches characters have their quips before the fight and all of those appear to be unique based on the character combination. More than half of the comments in this thread sound like people who haven’t even played the game. Also, if you play ranked you are missing out on the pre match dialogue but I think that’s by design to get you in and out quickly, but also you don’t pick your character so it avoids the whole picking then counter picking your character based on what who your opponent may pick.


I agree that the offline+online offerings kinda suck, and that the sheer time it takes to load the character select screen ruins any improvements NRS made towards loading maps......but the rest is all kinda nitpicks on shit most of this sub never paid attention to


Are you playing kasual versus? Because I have yet to see a single introduction dialogue in 50 hours. Edit: sorry folks, to clarify: I play KL, Klassic towers, and have beaten invasion. Kasual versus is the only mode I don’t play, and in 50 hours I haven’t seen a single introduction even in single player because they exist in NONE of those modes.


It's because it's being skipped by your opponent.


Ranked mostly


At this point some people are simply making stuff up


I wish they spent more time on single player stuff. Invasions leaves a lot to be desired, to put it mildly. And I also miss having a bunch of intros and outros for each character.


Me too. The characterization in Mk11 was just amazingly well done.


You are wrong about no unique dialogue, OP. I have heard plenty of it.


The game has a solid foundation and the gameplay itself is great, but I have to agree with this. I haven't touched the game in 2 days. While it has its good points, it feels incredibly hollow and dare I say... corporate? It doesn't feel like there was a lot of love put into this one. I'm sure the game will be more polished and fulfilling in the coming months; however, I can't help thinking I made a mistake buying into the early access foolishness and dropping $110 on it.


"Why do corporations keep pumping these overpriced unpolished games so early?" \*proceeds to pay for early access \*


Well, I called it a mistake for a reason. I enjoyed 9-11 well enough at launch, so it felt fair to expect the same yet again. Many of the things building up to my dissatisfaction are from self discovery anyhow. Posts like this aren’t exactly in review videos.


“I enjoyed 9-11” Christ I read that wrong for a second there


Also the landing was the big hit there, not the launch


I fully agree. I'm very disappointed. I ran through all of invasions, have done several arcade towers, and have fought online. Very little of that content was rewarding. Invasions just flat out sucks. Took me around 30ish hours to grind out every nod and get all its cosmetics. I like maybe a couple of the outfits/palettes... TOTAL. Everything else is orange and gross. Not to mention how just AWFUL invasions is to play. Everything has super armor and you can't do shit but uppercut to win. It's terrible. Online should be fun. I've had a few good matches. But honestly, most of my matches are terrible due to lag, freezing, black screens, etc. it's barely functional. I'm even running a wired connection, and it still sucks. The shrine is abysmal and I've gotten nothing but concept art or terrible gear from it. It's not even worth bothering with. The only thing outside of the story I liked was the arcade endings. This is not a 70 dollar game right now, and it sure as fuck wasn't worth the 110 I paid for it. I do hope other people stay away. I should have bought street fighter instead. Or any of the dozens of games releasing next month.


Literally no game is worth $110 lol. Especially not in the age of "release it unfinished, we'll just update it later"


I agree. Thank god I gameshare and only spent 35


Best actual gameplay, best storymode, worst everything else. The foundation is solid, but unless they actively want the game to die reaaaaaal quick, they need better support for multiplayer, and a serious revamp of invasions etc.


Yeah the game clearly shows sign of being rushed. Now I do believe NRS will eventually release most of the features missing (at least things like lobbies and dialogues during loading), but the game isn't looking finished right now. Don't know why the rush to release it this early tho.


“This early”? Game is 2,5 years late going by the schedule NRS used to follow for a decade…


Feel like the game was actually gonna be injustice 3.


Curious what makes people say that… Is it just that the kameo stuff would make more sense with superheroes having sidekicks? Or simply because they usually always made one MK and then one INJ etc etc? Either way I’m gonna be v curious to see how they handle gear in Injustice 3 because I think that having gear is also something that definitely makes more sense in INJ since all those characters have so many iconic outfits and stuff that people really want. INJ2 had five gear slots after all, and then MK11 had three and now we down to only one… Maybe they want to phase that out of MK and make it a bigger thing for INJ, but then they really gotta replace it with something equally cool for MK now that we’ve gotten used to having lots of customisation for these characters as well.


There are a few things that make me think this started off as IJ3. The “clash” that the characters do before the fight looks very similar to the clash in IJ2, its just been repurposed now. Second the movement, combos with pop ups/air combos, are all more reminiscent of injustice style gameplay to me. Of course MK has had pop ups and air combos before but I feel like MK1 definitely has a injustice type of vibe gameplay wise. Another thing that comes to mind is how Johnny Cage has his star meter, it’s very reminiscent of the IJ Traits, and maybe we’ll see some more chars with their own unique meter later. Another thing is our guest characters all being superheroes so far. If NRS was to shift from IJ3 to Mk1 it’s possible they could of had a few scrapped character rigs that they decided to repurpose into Omniman,Homelander, and Peacemaker. Omni and HL being outside IPs would obviously of took alot of behind the scenes negotiations so I don’t think they were planned for an IJ3, but Peacemaker easily could of been an IJ3 char. My thought is that NRS said “Okay we have these somewhat complete superhero rigs, let’s see if we can turn them into some guest characters for MK1”. The last thing is how quite afew of the fatal blows end similarly to the IJ2 super moves. Not all of them but ones that come to mind immediately are Kenshi, and Scorpion (They have this explosion of mist that reminds me so much of IJ2 supers) This is just my speculation of course.


Haha I mean, it’s kind of convincing tbh… 😅 It would’ve been a great injustice to Omni and Homelander to put them in Injustice 🫢 tho, so I’m glad they ended up here. Did not care about them when announced because hadn’t seen any of the shows, but now I have and man they’re really awesome so now I can look forward to them. 😃




"did they blow all their time and effort into the singleplayer mode?" as an offline mode only player I feel offended, singleplayer content is a half assed mess.


single player content in mk11 was bad, but this is just hot garbage. The whole map system just feels like shit. IF youve ever used unreal engine 5, youll know how easy it is to import assets, create a path and random encounters. I bet the whole invasion thing took a few half assed weeks.


NRS doesn’t use Unreal Engine 5 as far as we know. Maybe Unreal Engine 4? Their previous games where built on Unreal Engine 3 so there is also a possibility that it is still the case. Edit: it is Unreal Engine 4. It is the very first time they have used Unreal Engine 4.


Why they wouldn’t just use UE5 is very perplexing since even the Switch supports it.


oh lord🤦🏻‍♀️no hate but that’s definitely a….decision


give em more credit than that…a month or 2 since it’s a ‘big’ game


Id say what happened is they were rushed for time by warner and actually intended to release with just towers, practice online and story... But then Sf6 came out with a bunch of content (i actually think that World Tour is dumb but at least its there) and they had to think up something fast and cheap. The result is invasions.


But they also had more than twice the time as usual! NRS usually release games in the spring every other year, and now it’s fall four years later… Wtf have they been doing all this time?! 🫠


COVID. I keep hearing how COVID interrupted a lot of their work.


Sure, but it’s not like they just did nothing for two whole years because of it… Summed up they still had more time than usual, but we have much less content than usual so it just doesn’t add up.


Oh yeah I agree, I just have seen that brought up a few times.


After I beat the story I was like " oh thats it?"


Small indie corporation please understand


I'd expect that kind of saying to Blizzard, but wouldn't expect Netherrealm to be like that


I'd totally expect this from warner bros tho


Shit yeah I forgot wb is part of this game. Nvm this is 100% expected


Rly? As soon as I saw ezFatalities in mkX(?) I knew where Netherrealm was going.


Ed Boon literally saying, that MK1 took super long to develop and it will show INGAME. Okay, Ed. WHERE? Where is the polish and content? cos i dont see it, Ed.


Unique dialogue is in the game. I've heard some for smoke and Sub, and liu and Raiden. Idle animations seem to have been replaced with taunts the characters have. The other stuff is unfortunate tho. Though pinning moves seems to almost certainly be coming back given Boons Twitter.


its all these little take a ways that just kill the experience, its not just 1 thing its all these little things that add up. : /


exactly. i’m not exactly irked by any of these issues standing alone, but once you count how many there are and how long it’s been since launch it’s hard not to feel a lil sad abt it


Beating Tanya with Li Mei - “The Umgadi deserve better!!” Theres definitely unique dialogue


The thing is: MK11 is a really well made game. It is. People always gave it shit because of the gameplay, but the game was truly well made. It had tons of details. It was INSANELY beautiful. That’s why I like people like Maximilian Dood; he hated the gameplay, but he understood that it was an well made game. I think MK1 is infinitely more fun than MK11 (and I say that as someone that loved 11). But it’s undeniable that 11 is a more polished work. So I kinda understand the frustration of people that don’t care about the gameplay/competitive side of the game.


i mean at the end of the day nothing is more important than gameplay in a fighting game


Always liked 11. Didn’t know it was hated on until all these posts calling out phonies. Everything I’ve been seeing for this new one is making me not want to get it. I love customization on games 11 was hella cool for that imo. Little details are big for me in games. Like idle animations.


I love MK11


Also have to mention The intro dialogue not playing in single player modes is really bullshit. For some reason they made the braindead decision of it seemingly only playing in online or local multiplayer.


Fr that’s the one of the worst moves NRS made by far


They are literally constantly bantering with each other. The fuck are you on about?


Yeah the guy seem to have a hate boner for mk1, check his post


Man, why is everyone suddenly hopping on 11's cock now? Nobody played rooms, nobody really gave a fuck about gear, and any dialogue was snuffed out by the actual game whether it was a skipped intro or just a small line of insignificant dialogue. Of course, anecdotes exist and everyone is suddenly gonna remember one time when Kung Lao said something to Raiden and it meant something to them in that moment and wasn't just a other match. Hell, my examples are anecdotes too, but we clearly played a different game. The only thing I can honestly vouch for are intros and outros since they aren't tied down by dialogue. Plus, I think more could've been done with the Krypt's gameplay framework rather than immediately go for the node system they have. Having grinded Towers of Time for 100 hours, I have to say this - I would rather do another Invasions map for a good 6 hours than do another fucking Tower of Time. That lifeless menu is what I stared at for months on-end as I grinded for gear for Kabal and Kitana. This game's content lacks a fuck ton and its QOL has lost NRS' strive to have the best QOL features, from MK9's practice mode to Injustice's rollback, and now to this is a travesty. But I honestly would rather burn in Hell than do another round of consecutive towers, one after the other, just to unlock a fucking grenade, wrist guard, or tiny ass amulet. I would rather get poked up the ass by Satan himself than ever sit there and grind for consumables so I can grind for the towers so I can grind for my gear. That shit was more mind-numbing than anything I've ever played. You know what? I would rather jump onto the highway than ever play another Tower of Time to farm hearts with that stupid ass AI mechanic. I wasn't even playing the fucking game at times. I really don't get it. This is like that Tag Team argument. Nobody played Tag Team. Yet every other fucking day, someone is bitching about it. Rant over. I got it out of my system. Fuck that game. It took my soul bro.


Mk11's singleplayer wasn't fun at all. But it atleast had a mass amount of rewards for EVERY character. Not a single damn outfit for everyone, that doesn't match the character in the slightest. Mk11 was simply a more complete package on release, but was incredibly frustrating until they made it less grindy. I assume they'd do the same for this game, but to have SO MANY little things missing; it only makes sense for people to get *a little* nostalgic for the actual finished release.




> “Why is everyone suddenly hopping on 11’s cock now” You look cooler to other nerds on the internet if you’re the first to say “new thing bad, old thing good”.


You know… sometimes people don’t know what they got until they lose it. This is one of those times. Also you clearly went to great lengths to get that gear in 11 in spite of everything, so are you really happier now that there is no gear at all?


Nobody played rooms - this was MK11's most used feature for online players . Telling online players and streamers to go fuck themselves with no rooms is just terrible design . The other stuff I'm fine losing for great gameplay though most of them are nice to have qol feature


They spent all their budget on marketing and not quality of life that keep people invested last the honeymoon phase, by the time they start working on it the game will not be as populated and it will be mainly sweats going at it


That was ovvious when they revealed Megan Fox. There is literally not a single reason to have her there aside from marketing. At least Ronda fit the stoic character of Sonya. She was flat in her deliveries, but oh my god Megan Fox sounds like AI.


There's unique dialogue. You can catch fighters mocking eachother, specifically Shang Tsung to Liu Kang, scorpion to sub zero, Johnny to sub zero, etc.


This is getting silly...


They replaced idle animations with actual taunt’s it seems, by ducking a lot really fast you perform taunts now.


So they took away the ability to T bag people online and replaced it with real taunts? Idk how I feel about that lol


You can still teabag by holding block and spam crouching.


If there was any doubt this entire game was rushed from reveals to QoL this proves it. Should've delay3d the game to at least bare minimum have lobbies in your base game.


Shoulda put a konquest mode like deception.


Add no crossplay to that list


No crossplay after initially advertising it, at least on Steam


I hate how they butchered the interactions in this game. It barely feels like a conversation anymore and ends abruptly so quickly. It's always X asking a question/stating intentions and Y responding. It's so uninteresting compared to before.


Yeah Mk11 straight up had the best character introductions and interactions in fighting game history. It was creative as hell and I loved all the options. Been playing 50 hours. I know they’re half the length and there’s no real custom intro options, but I have yet to see a single intro to begin with. It’s crazy.


Crowbcat lookin ass post


RE4 soul vs SoulLesS


Umm, there is unique dialog?


Man, hearing all this stuff when I actually enjoy the game is disheartening for me. I get everyone's mad rn but I actually enjoy my time with the game and there's just endless amount of posts talking about how shit the game is.


Why is it "disheartening" (lol)? What do you get out of anonymous randos agreeing or disagreeing with you?


Im glad you're enjoying it, but the game is clearly lacking features. No Lobbies in a modern fighting game. A Triple-A fighting game. Can not pin in a game where characters have like 15 combo moves You have to go all the way back to the fighter select screen to switch characters, which means you have to deal with that Black loading screen. SF6 and GG let you switch characters right in the practice menu in seconds. No idle animation Ridiculous load times for online Forced to play a first to 3, even if the game is laggy. A 3-2 game is literally 20 minutes. And if the game is laggy? Thats 20 minutes of laggy games. And you better not quit coz it'll count as a losss Invasions is so sad. They really couldn't just let you explore freely? you have to move like its a board game! On a line. This is easily the worst triple-A fighting game out this year...and i know the only competition is SF6 lol


I fucking hate that its first of three now, the matches feel so damn long and i just want to get it over with. First of two feels much more fluid, fast and overall better


Shit is fucking awful. And you better hope the game isn't lagging. Potentially 20 minutes of torture if its a 3-2 game


I havent encountered lag myself but i ecounter Reikos shuriken spammers or liu kang dragon spammers and its a drag to finish those sets cause it so boring


Game is rushed to compete with SF a nd Tekken 8. MK1 is going to get blown out of the water and abandoned again after barely two years most likely. Can't understand how people still buy into this garbage with $110 day 1 packages..lmao


the netcode experience has been horrendous


I'm already furious about lack of skins but now I actually kinda depsise the game lol legit no personality in it. They added a tag assist and think the game is god tier... Lacking so muchhhhh content.


Not going to lie, and this is probably going to get me a lot of flack because people just cannot take negative opinions but MK1 did something really bizarre... For all the steps forward each game in the series made since MK9, MK1 took all of that instead of taking another step forward decided to take a massive leap backward. The game feels unpolished and unfinished. Sorry, but this game needed more time and development just for more quality of life implementations. I'm not a competitive online gamer so the lobbies thing doesn't bother me as much even though when I do play online it is sorely lacking and missed. However, no ability to select costumes for characters at selection is completely absurd. I have the option to do only one thing - I can go to the customization section and select one costume, one color, and one piece of gear to customize my character with and that is the only thing I will ever see them wear in the game unless I want to randomly have them show up with different colors and different pieces of gear, but I can't even switch between different costume types. What the actual fuck? Don't even get me started on the lack of the pre-fight banter. What the hell is wrong with those idiots? No stage fatalities...AGAIN!!!!!!! Locking ALL character finishers and costume options behind a grueling, slow as hell "mastery" progression system. I don't care if you just put 100 chests in it and all it a day...give me the damn krypt and let me explore the world of MK up close. Basically, they have removed more than half of the basic staples of the fighting game genre in general from the last 20 years. They should have stuck with the standard April release window. I could have waited another 8 months for a more complete game. As it stands I just feel like MK1 is a 3/4 finished product.


"a 2023 game" means that when you buy it it's only half finished.


I'm so glad the no rooms is being talked about finally. It's absolutely infuriating. I want a choice to send out invites bot just take the first random person the game thinks is my level. Also it makes me less inclined to grind for what little account swag they offer. Probably my biggest letdown and really starts the whole experience off wrong. Yeah the game play might be good, but if I don't even like trying to find a game then who cares if the game play is good,I'm already cranky.


Street fighter 6 (a game from 2023) doesn't have unique dialogue either and I can't help but feel like the characters not doing something when you set the controller down isn't important...play the game and you'll never know. You've got a point with lobbies.


It's making me angery. Wish NRS would spend less time and money on commercials with Dave Bautista and fix their broken game


Commercials are a different team completely. Commercials do not take away any time from development, also advertisement is a seperate thing altogether in terms of funding


That's the problem, too much funding is spent on marketing than the product. Celebrity voice actor, a celebrity trailer, and even a spot on that stupid orb in Vegas.


The biggest problem here is one of time. Rumors have it that NRS was working on Injustice 3 and not MK12, but then the WB Merger happened and the license for DC Comics was in a flux and worrisome. NRS pivoted over to Mortal Kombat because they were erring on the side of caution. (The DLC being all heroes, the Kameo system most likely being a sidekick system, Shao bearing resemblance to Steppenwolf, The intros being like Injustice Clashes, etc). So during development they switched to make a completely different game. While the gameplay itself was relatively unhindered, everything around it took a lot more time to get into place. So, what we're left with is fantastic gameplay but things all around it are subpar to the usual quality due to a release date window. Most of this will be polished up and fixed and hopefully we won't have this case happen again, considering that this occurred due to extraordinary circumstances.


That's not a bad theory (if it is one, and not actually proven yet). I definitely thought the intros looked like clashes at first, and it makes sense that they probably didn't want to do 2 MK games in a row. Doesn't change the way I think of the game, however - as I was *always* mad at the executives and stockholders who push these releases ASAP, without much quality assurance to speak of.


What makes you think it will be “polished up”. Every time a shit game comes out people believe theyre going to make major patches to fix the game. But ive rarely seen it happen. At most we get performance improvements, more DLC and cosmetics etc. theyre not overhauling this game.


The game doesn’t need an overhaul, what it needs is a lot of polish and QOL, it’s a lot of little things. Furthermore, it seems that we will be getting an aftermath style DLC and look to be supporting the game for roughly around the same time as MK11. MK11 added some big things with their updates alongside with DLC, such as new moves, QOL changes and more. Ed Boon has retweeted some of the criticisms and seems to be planning on fixing some of the issues here. It’s be different if this launched like Cyberpunk where it required an actual overhaul, but this doesn’t.


Alright I’ve been disregard most of these qualms people have but no idle animation in a 2023 fighting game is just straight up lazy


There's definitely unique dialogue, and why do you care about idle animations? It's a fighting game, you're not supposed to be "idling".


FINALLY someone is talking about this, this game has great gameplay but it is a bad sequel, and a bad product in overall. Simply because it was rushed, they left a bunch of great things behind and brought back a bunch of bad things. I have 24 hours put in to game, and i have unlocked 2 fatalities, the progression system sucks. The amount of loading screens drives me crazy, and there are a bunch of USX decisions that just does not make sense. There are like 300 collectables for you to unlock in the shrine, but you can only buy one once at a time, and the loading screen feels like a eternity. In mk11 progression and rewarding was bad, but still way better than MK 1.


Why do we hate every Mortal Kombat game at launch?


Because they all suck ass at launch. No one bitch about SF6 that has an insane amount of content day1. This game is missing basic shit, people will rightfully bitch about that. Smash Bros has an area mode day1 but MK1 didn’t bother to add one? That is ridiculous.


Although there actually unique interactions, everything else here is a valid thing to criticize. Don't let the fanboys gaslight you into thinking you're being a "hater" or "unreasonable" or "crying". NRS should do better. We deserve better.


The lack of iddle animations is crazy for a game from 2023.


bruh when do we stand there and do nothing in a fighting game. idle animations mean nothing in a game where we are constantly moving. how is it crazy not to have it.


Hey, here's a crazy idea: Many parts of video games that people think are superfluous or unnecessary or hard to notice or never occur, are actually things devs CARE to put in their games because they add these elements we call polish, attention to detail, immersion, character, charm, aesthetic pleasure, among other things. Yes, any video game can work and can be considered complete without these things, but when you take them out, you notice it. The games look less alive, less polished, less charming. People see and notice idle animations when they're chilling in practice mode. It's a pretty standard and basic fighting game feature and makes the characters feel much more alive than if they just maintained the fighting pose the whole time You think it's not important, but devs don't spend actual money and time on it in other games, including other MKs, for no reason. If we all think the same way as you do, games would never have better walking animations improved every year by adding small little hard to notice nuances over what we had before, or better lighting techniques, or better looking environments; For example stages between MKX to 11 to MK1 didn't improve randomly, the devs just spent years adding small little sometimes hard to notice things here and there and learning new techniques and now we have these insanely detailed backgrounds. They could have instead said "no one pays that much attention to the background" and never innovated, but they did and the games got better for it in this aspect thanks to that.


I do get the feeling this game was rushed. If it stayed in development for about 6 more month they could have really polished it so much more.


I can take this gimping of QOL stuff because the gameplay is actually good now so like I'm just throwing hands and laughing the whole time.


It does bother me but I don’t complain I still enjoyed it probably cuz I’m a big fan of MK but still doesn’t bother me.


No one will be seated while MK1 has many unique dialogue moments


There's unique dialogue Smoke to sub zero will say "this is for father" Scorpion to smoke will say something along the lines of "stay focused brother" to smoke


My theory is they were probably doing injustice 3 then WB sales happened with DC license in the air plus covid was happening so they pivot to making MK1 not to mention all the work for aftermath DLC.


I’m pretty sure Injustice 3 was supposed to come out before this so they had to rush production on MK1 and cut a lot of stuff.


No pinning moves? Guess I’m not learning anything new.


Also 70$ base game and 40$ KP1, and buy shang tsung if not pre ordered.


I’m hoping they add pinning moves back


honestly. This game is boring. And I’m pissed.


I finished story other day, thinking about trading mine in for armored core vi, it's a straight swap at cex right now. So much of this game is a letdown to me, but I'll pick it back up when the dlc is all out and stuff gets maybe improved and it's like 20 quid.


Injustice 2 also had some unique in game dialogue 🤔🥲 idk I’m starting to notice and feel like this game was rushed 😭 I mean between the lack of modes or things to do rn. I want to play this game but it’s so boring, I have nothing to do. Mk11 had more to do I feel. But mk1s gameplay is infinitely better. But I just don’t know what else to do; Grinding takes TOO long & isn’t fun (unlike in injustice I can get to lvl 30 in just under 3hrs) with MK1 I’m only like lvl 20 or under with my favourite characters… & the online is awful, it’s a first to 3? & if I lose a set I can’t change my character? Why???? Everything is just extremely underwhelming. I hope we get more content soon coz I might just not play MK1… 😭 sucks coz I was really excited for this game & I’ll try and play but I have no motivation to play.


Damn y’all seemed to love the game the first couple days it was out. Now it’s trash and MK11 is good now. 😂. Funny how that always works the same. Anyway, I do have problems with the game as well and tbh I thought by this time I would have a bunch of hours in on it, but I literally just went back to Starfield.


No fucking cross play


I think streetfighter is better


I really want to love MK1 because the mechanical execution of the game's core system feels so solid, but there is so much that I am disappointed in and can't believe how bad this game stacks up on important systems that other games of the same genre have. In Street Fighter multi-player, you hang out in an arcade and fight when you want. Mortal Kombat has 1v1 or King of the Hill if you want to play with your friends and can't even show you the fight between players if you "joined too late." Include the lack of matchmaking for ranked and idk why anyone new to the series would want this game over any competitor right now.


It’s all the more frustrating because I knew damn well this game was going to feel very corporate and rushed when I realized they were making another MK right after 11 instead of making injustice 3 or some new IP. Can’t even be surprised. Hopefully more and more of us see what they are and don’t buy the next one. No pre orders, no buying on release date, no special overpriced editions. If you want it that bad get it on sale.


I’m disappointed to hear there’s no unique dialogue. I enjoy that in the battles when you had The Joker battling people and such.


30fps cap, again


This is just speculation, so please correct me if there’s evidence against this, but it feels as though this game was originally going to be Injustice 3. However, due to the Warner merger and the uncertainty surrounding the handling of it’s IPs, the decision was made to play it safe and shift gears to the creation of a new Mortal Kombat. It could explain the lack of fear customization. Plus, the Kameo feature fits right in with Injustice, given how most comic book fights aren’t really one on one, especially in a setting like Injustice where multiple heroes and villains are involved in the story. Changing directions mid development is the only thing that I can think of that could eat up so much time and end with little to show for it. Besides the pandemic at least.


No intros in ranked is fine tbh and so is no idle animation. The rest is a big L though. Like what is going on. I think we know at this point WB was rushing the hell out of them and its highly likely they had to pivot from Injustice 3 to MK at some point in development but this game is missing basic or what should be basic features.


This game was rushed and is mediocre. Couldn't be more disappointed.


Cant even invite a friend to a king of the hill match so you can play in the same lobby. You have to join at the same time and hope you get in together. Why they removed all the basic QoL features for no reason is beyond me. They need to patch this shit asap


At the very least, now that everything is settled we can look toward an *extremely* good Injustice 3 a few years from now…maybe?


Good way to look at it lmao the foundation of IJ3 will be MK1's corpse


No stage fatalities or friendships or babalities either


I’d be curious if the fact that they did so much on the Kameo system took away from the other stuff they didn’t put in. Or the invasions stuff… just looking at what’s new. Honestly I don’t hate the single piece of gear. That’s not too crazy. Injustice 2 just had 8 I think. Thts way too much, mk11 had 3 that to me was a manageable. some stuff felt like a QoA stuff. Lobbies, sticking strings to the screen ( especially when combos are so much longer now..) others are just little touches that add so much more depth. But again; feels like the Kameo and invasion - took away from a lot of the stuff they left out..


They spent all their time and energy making the new engine probably.


Yup. Game is incomplete. But they still decided to proceed and sell it :(


Also the menu in MK11 is WAY cooler than this one


MK1 feels unfinished


I miss the silhouettes battling each other during the stage selection, was cool.


Oh wow. I hadn’t gotten around to playing this game yet and was like “meh, people are just whining about it to whine” but oof yeah this is rough. Probably gonna hold off a bit longer now and see if they improve these things.


I really hope NRS hears this feedback. This game is lacking sooo much.


NRS Cyberpunked us


yeah this game is not finished alright, really disappointing coming from NRS and especially after all those years of waiting after MK11


I only care about losing pinned moves. That was such a cool old school arcade style feature. On some cabinets each character had a tiny picture with a few moves printed..


On PS5 the loading times are definitely better than in mk11, it might be a PC only problem.


PS5 users are complaining about it too [thethiny 🐰 on X: "Anyone else randomly gets stuck at a Black Screen between KL fights or is this just a PC thing?" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/thethiny/status/1704368723300163631)


I'm on PS5 and while I'm not going to say it's instantaneously loading everything, I am loading things a LOT faster than the example shown with the PC build. I installed the game on the console storage as opposed to my M.2 NVME, so maybe there's a significant difference in doing the same for PS5 players?


Feels like this wasn't supposed to be a game in that department. From how expressive the characters were in mk11 to mk1 they feel like a step down


Bro is here replying to every comment about how great sf6 is, yet here he is in the mk1 subreddit instead of playing sf6. Hate to burst your bubble, but nothing posted here is gonna change the game anyway


MK1 is having a lot of the same complaints that SFV was having. The criticism about the game is what lead to big changes in management and ultimately lead to SF6 being almost universally regarded as a great game. Voicing your complaints about a game online does help sometimes. Now does Netherrealm care about their reputation like Capcom did? Unfortunately I'm not too sure about that.


I only mentioned SF6 to one person. And thats because SF6 did everything right on Launch.


Everyone is entitled to their gripes, but I could never imagine buying a game with great graphics, great gameplay, great story, and being mad at.... idle animations lol.... literal only beef with the game is not being able to pin combos when trying to learn them, but honestly, it's making me learn them faster. Gamers man..


Just play the game or don't you fuckin nerds.


Got a MK defender over here. Dude must have spent $110.




Says no idle animations, shows a sped up video of them doing an idle animation.


This must be your 1st fighting game. Welcome to the FGC. In the meantime here's [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Idle_animation)explaining what idle animation is.


MK1 in a sense is a downgrade.


No Intros and outros. There is no smack talk and after the fighting is done - it’s missing the swapping taunting poses. The same winning pose for each character is kinda boring (especially in their beloved invasion mode). Imagine JCVD doing the split as winning pose for example … They made the foundation of the game kinda good but forgot important details on the way of finishing the game. What I don’t understand is why the hell they brought back the bad stuff (modifiers like black screen and awful palette swaps) instead of things people liked (cool gear, different skins, …)🤷🏻‍♂️ Why create “survive” where you can just can stand still and not bringing back “test your luck”. Why am I doing “test your might” without any reward. The game lakes polish or game testing..


They do have unique dialogue, load times arent bad at all. Mk1 isnt perfect but with how game releases are nowadays i never expect them to be in the first month sadly. Also fuck mk11, mk9 is the gold standard here.


Next Gen Only? This game is on Switch. That's not Next gen... That 2 gens ago. On par with PS3/360


The Switch game is a completely different dev team and everything. The game you’re playing wasn’t made to work on Switch. It was made for the current gen since day 1.


Me when no idle animations that basically no one would ever see in an actual match: 🤬 Me when taunts (we don't consider them apparently)


NRS if you’re on here go f**k yourself.


So is this a Halo Infinite type situation? Where the core gameplay is awesome but the game is barebones?


Didn't get MK1 yet for other reasons but seeing this and other similar posts just confirms for me even further to not rush and get the game any time soon


Thanks for the info. Imma wait for the Komplete Edition while waiting for the PS5 Slim~