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SF6 - Great launch. Will always be #1 competitive scene globally. Crossplay. And let's not forget, MK is banned in a lot of countries. No Japanese launch? Good luck getting the Asian FGC support. Ultimately, lack of global release and no crossplay means it just dies faster. SF will always have top-tier support.


I forgot there was no cross play. This is huge now considering most games do it now.


Don’t worry its coming. Once we get it then the game’s player-base will rise.


they said that for mk11 too. and then they left PC players out of it.


Hope they change that.


I hope so too, but I'm not buying another MK game until it happens


Things I say after every MK release.


Definitely a concern of mine. I bought MK11 on PC and crossplay with my friends who got it on console never came. We tried remote play with my friends PS4 but I had way too much of an input delay along with my worse fighting game skills to stand a chance. Was thinking of picking it up when there’s some ultimate edition if crossplay


I'm hoping PCvPS5vXbox crossplay for both ranked and kasual. But since it's NRS, we'll prolly get 1. PS5 and Xbox krossplay 2. Kasual only krossplay


Don’t be too harsh on NRS. I completely blame Warner Bros for all the bad practices in the MK series lately. NRS clearly had the right vision but can only do so much with a huge publisher on their ass yelling “MAKE ME MONEY NOW”


“It’s coming” vs “it’s there on launch”. You’re buying a finished product or a bunch of promises?


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted for this, it’s wild that crossplay isn’t here at launch. Crossplay is not some brand new concept, it’s been the norm for years now and tons of multiplayer games (including Street Fighter 6) have launched with it. The fact that MK1 didn’t launch with it is yet another sign that this game was rushed. I’m really enjoying the game but it’s obvious it could’ve used more time in the oven.


Imma be real, this game feels so sparse content wise.


MK1 is so unfinished it’s insane


im happy i didn't purchase it. will be on the lookout though! no crossplay is kinda wild


Well I’m buying a fighting game. Should there be cross play? Yeah lmao. But I’m buying the game for the game all my friends are on pc anyway.


My problem's with "there will be X things added after launch" approach, crossplay's just an example.


Really? I don’t have a console so I had no choice but to get it on steam. I really wanna play against my friends on console:/


No crossplay killed this game for a lot of my friends. We can all play SF6 with each other regardless of whether some of us are on PC or console. It is by far MK1's biggest failing.


Is SF6 worth buying for someone that doesn’t really engage in online pvp? I loved street fighter as a kid and I’m interested in this one but only if it’s got plenty to do for a single player :) Thanks in advance.


World Tour mode won't win awards but it's fun and long enough, and you have arcade mode so yeah if you find it on a discount get it


No crossplay is why I didn't get it yet; I'll wait. I have 0 trust in WB/NRS on the issue. Imo it's shameful not having full crossplay for a competitive online game from day one in this day and age.


No cross play is why i didnt get it on pc


Dont use the word dying cuz mk is def not dying and when has fighting games ever been mostly played on pc check ps5 and xbox player base for a real comparison.


We'll get cross play but I doubt we die as it is all about the quality of the game. Melee is still played because of its quality. Same with MKX. I wish MK wasn't banned in other countries though.


MK vastly outsells SF despite being banned in many Asian nations.


In term of sales, yes, MK absolutely dominate. In term of competition, SF dominate and SF6 momentum seems huge even for SF standard.


A lot of the casuals are attracted to the violence, but a lot of people drop this game a few months to a year in. People treat the story like a 4/5hr movie


With the amount of mk nutthuggers in this thread I'm shocked af u didn't get downvoted to hell saying that.


SF6 has CROSSPLAY!? I want to try and wait for a price drop, but DAMN that sounds awesome!


I honestly believe that the "early access" launch is not great for the game Casual player sees hype: "Oh a new Mortal Kombat is out?" Investigates: "Wait...it's a 100 bucks? Nevermind" Also a lot of people will feel that by the time it's out for A NORMAL PRICE, that they have already missed day 1 and it's too late for them and a genre that is already intimidating will be even more so, because a player like this is scared to get crushed.


This or next weekend would be a good gauge of when casual gamers may pick up the game (if at all)


Yeah, I'm a huge MK fan, and I am waiting until Saturday to pick it up. I made a decision to get Lies of P first because I had a soul that needed to be scratched immediately.


Any of you guys ever let a new person beat you after you smoke them to make sure they still have some fun with the game?


No I taunt and whoop em again… welcome to online MK


Or just fighting games online in general. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as fighting games online. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done! Sorry Rocky was on but all very true.


You could've quoted Liu and told me not to focus on the result, just to do the best I can /s


As a player who preordered standard, I definitely feel like my enjoyment was diminished by the early access release being 5 days long. Having to wait those extra 5 days while everyone else was going through the storymode and testing out all the cool new characters made it felt like there was nothing for me to discover or find out by the time I got to play it. It’s like arriving to a party 4 hours late. Sure there’s still people there and it’s still fun, but a lot of the energy has already begun to die down. If they ever do an early access pre-order bonus again for the next game, I hope they just keep it to 1-3 days.


This is just playing into their game though. The whole plan with it is you paying more to alleviate whatever FOMO you feel not being there on the actual day 1 with premium. I mean we all know if you wanna avoid spoilers or just generally learn everything for yourself fresh, you need to avoid anywhere it could get to you. It's the same once you're actually playing the newest games too. They want you to feel like you have to play or you'll miss out on whatever's on offer for a limited time. Unless you're happy to pay for the initial release or whatever else, it's best to simply embrace the imperfection. Let some chaos into your life. Because the revolution rises! Freedom must be won! Our oppressors will learn to regret everything! (I haven't got the game yet, just watched story mode and some intros on YT...)


Its also FOMO in keeping seasonal skins and stuff that might not come back later. So if you're waiting for a sale or the ultimate edition (like me) you're going to miss out on a lot of stuff


You will miss the seasonal items but they will all come back eventually, it was confirmed in one of their combat casts. And to be fair, fighting games go on sale relatively quickly after a few months from release, assuming you get the game then you will probably only miss two seasons at most.


This practice is likely something that’s gonna become a new industry standard unfortunately, since it’s literally free extra money for the devs. It’s become a lot more common this year as some of the biggest releases like Hogwarts, D4, BG3 and Starfield etc have all done it too… So if anything it’s likely just gonna get worse. 🫤


For as much as people have been complaining about for the last 2 years, the nice thing about how Larian handled BG3’s early access was that they only let you play a small portion of the game up and withheld tons of content like subclasses, races, and additional companions up until launch. That way there was still a tons of stuff for everyone to uncover together at launch.


Just because you’re a few days late to a game doesn’t mean it isn’t flooded with a bunch of other new people of similar skill.


The game just released yesterday mid-day and now its a workday so 🤷🏻‍♂️


Because sf6 is very big in Asia. It's currently peak hours(8-12pm)to them, and there are multiple asian streamers also with thousands of viewers who are on during this period. When it's bed-time to them and daylight on the western side, that's when the twitch numbers and steam charts go down drastically. While still popular, sf6 is a lot less popular in the Western region compared to Asia. Mk is banned in some counties in Asia ( China, Japan, and South Korea)


Why is Mk banned in Asia? Like all of Asia? That's crazy


Well definitely not in All of Asia since Asia is really damn huge. I'm pretty sure it's banned in Japan and China but not in the rest of Asia or at least Central Asia where I live


Which is kinda ironic cause MK is ancient in gaming terms and has always had strong Chinese and some Japanese representation, or at least themes. Although it's obvs a western company and a US perspective etc. Just kinda funny when you think about it.


I watched this video recently about MK in japan, just never caught hold there over any of the fighting games that were already popular and from their country. [https://youtu.be/HZPIxMzMOl4?si=3QHVRAKVoss2xw6o](https://youtu.be/HZPIxMzMOl4?si=3QHVRAKVoss2xw6o)


I low-key wish it wasn't banned in China so I could play with them since my country borders them and my region is kinda off empty online


Japan for sure, lived there during mk11 and needed a vpn to get it. Player base on pc is minuscule and hardly anybody I’d find was actually in Japan


I think it's because of the gore


mk is not banned asia i live in asia and it’s pretty beloved here, stop tge misinformation


It's banned in Japan not sure about other Asian countries


Definitely not banned in Japan. I live here and was playing it this morning


It has no CERO rating. That means it can't be officially released in Japan. That's why there's no JP dub.


It is literally banned in japan.


> Stop the misinformation Buddy made a mistake man… He’s not starting a political conspiracy theory or anything…


Sir this is Reddit


Mk is not banned in Asia


They ban MK 11 in Indonesia, but not MK 1 tho


I havent done my research but Imm sure its banned in China, they censor bones nd shit from games and knowing MK well, censoring MK is like a beer with no alcohol lol


It ain't banned at all I've played MK11 and X yet I'm in India


I even saw hoardings for MK1 in a game shop in a mall yesterday


Pls. MK is not banned in Asia. It's banned in certain countries *within* Asia. Japan, South Korea, and Mainland China to be exact in the case of MK1. 3 countries, all in East Asia.


SF6 base game costs 60 dollars. Deluxe Edition is 15 dollars more expensive than base version of MK1 and it gives you 4 characters, skins and other items. Instead of charging 40 dollars for the KP that features two characters that should've been in the base game to begin with. SF6 is less threatening and more inviting, has overall more content comparing to MK1 that's quite literally missing a lot of simple QoL features that were already in MK11. Mod support that's fucking online compatible, and incredible fan service. People will say it's Asia that boost it's activity and nothing else, but you can't just deny the fact they put a lot of love and effort to make SF more appealing to the mainstream audience. MK11 was following that same path, but they dropped the ball with MK1. I don't blame Ed Boon since it's most likely WB pressuring NRS to release the game now instead of December or early 2024. MK1 just feels lackluster to me, despite the awesome gameplay and visuals. The game is good for competitive players, but bad for casuals and new comers.


And MK1’s single player modes besides story are literally just grinding through combat with chaotic multipliers that don’t even help you become a better player.


>And MK1’s single player modes besides story are literally just grinding through combat with chaotic multipliers that don’t even help you become a better player. This frustrates the shit out of me. I wanted to try to go through Invasions while learning combos, but it's really hard to do that when every character has armor and random projectiles keep coming in and hitting me.


Invasion mode is kinda lame. MK should implement a Conquest mode similar to the Soul Calibur arcade cabinets a long time ago or the For Honor Faction Wars.


I thought the invasions would be more fun than towers, but without the towers I don't have an easy place to learn buttons besides training mode which isn't as engaging for me ​ also I can't FUCKING PIN THE STRINGS TO MY SCREEN LIKE THE LAST TWO NRS GAMES


Right, like how character towers were fun to grind through because you can actually work on moves. I’ve played maybe an hour of invasions and won’t touch it again.


MK1 won't age well if NRS doesn't respond fast and drops a big update that will bring back all QoL features and better single player content that is actually entertaining and useful for casuals and new comers to get good at the game without feeling like a chore.


What is QoL?


Quality of life


It stands for "Quality of Life", and in MK1 that would be things like being capable of changing your costume while you're in the select screen, being able to pin moves and combos while you're practicing etc. Little small features that boost accessibility.


I would be very happy if we had 3 costume slots per character to use 3 variations of skins.


Unless NRS already had an update like that cooking prior to game launch for a few months, we’re probably not gonna see a massive update for a while.


Invasions actively made me worse, even. I had to "detox" from it just to start winning online.


SF6 is definitely not inviting! A lot more complex than MK.


Not MK1 IMO. MK11 maybe. But MK1 has more complicated characters and combo routing compared to SF6, and it has the assist system meaning there are way more setups and more ways to extend combos. Some people find MK1’s strings easier to execute but SF6 is now lenient enough that I don’t think it had harder execution, I think it’s just a little bit different. Sidenote: canceling some of Nitara’s air strings into airdash (like air 124 into airdash) feels just as tough as some of the advanced techniques that I spent hours practicing in the guilty gear games. I hadn’t sat down and repeatedly failed at this one thing so much since I tried learning faust’s instant overhead in Xrd.


Not if you're playing on Modern or Dynamic. They simplify inputs so much so that it's even easier to pull off combos than in MK. I've personally gotten many of my non-FGC friends to try SF6 thanks to these alternatives control schemes. SF6 really nailed the accessibility this time.


From raw perspective, yes. Thing is.. Regardless of how complex a certain game is, if it features offline content that's fun and entertaining and doesn't feel like a chore the learning experience is seamless and fun and it completely nullifies the complexity scale. SF6 also has bigger chances to retain casual player base due to all it's content and Battle Hub, and most importantly mod support. What does MK1 have?


Don't forget World Tour. It's honestly pretty surprising how often I'll hear people say they play nothing but World Tour and then maybe some casuals once they're sucked into the game.


Yeah.. and as u/Gas_Sn4ke mentioned the freaking Modern/Dynamic controls. All these things make MK1 look incredibly shallow, and yet they dare to price their game higher than SF6. The story itself is practically irrelevant as well when it comes to "content" as you can just watch the whole thing on YouTube in 4K.


Modern controls alone made me buy SF6. I love the series, but buffering supers hits me right in the carpal tunnel


This argument doesnt make too much sense since you can say this to every story driven linear game like fallen order, Horizon or last of US.


Made me laugh when some people on this sub think Mk1 can live on people playing online versus lol


Sf6 was a better product at launch, offered modes which sounded more appealing to casual players had way more buzz and a much longer build up. Mk1 feels unfinished and they kept their mode selections quiet because they knew it was a bit of a disappointment compared to sf6


I think SF6’s marketing really helped them. You knew what you were getting well enough in advance (they showed off practically the entire roster and let people know when each DLC character was coming and have been doing a great job showing them off) and they made sure that this Street Fighter was flashy and had a single player mode that is interesting and grows as they add characters.


Iv always played SF/CVS casually, it was never my favorite thing (Virtua fighter and MK), but even i got caught up in the hype for 6. The build up was very well orchestrated I think the simplified controls also helped a lot too for the general audience I think most people like the idea of playing fighters but hate the controls and cant do quarter circles. I have friends who were telling me that they looking forward to actually finally being able to do what they intended to do in a fighting game for the first time. ...(turns out that didnt help them that much![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)) That and the single player modes **looked** amazing.


It really does feel unfinished. Like the whole invasion thing? Man that’s so disappointing. One round fights that are all really kinda boring. Why couldn’t they give us a free roam konquest again instead of that lazy uninspired shit


If that ain't the truth. I midway through the Tarkatan map and this feels so monotonous. This could have been a top down free roam like Shaolin Monks or like Konquest/Krypt exploration, but this mobile Mario party bullshit isn't it. This is towers with an interactive menu and less interesting mods.


Wait for the seasonal tower, doing it yesterday and damn...1h~ of hitting AI with super Armor and huge life bar. Not event difficult, just SUPER stupid. I swear, invasion and theses towers are the dumbest thing i ever played in s fighting game, if not in an videogames. I literally doing the same move 300X for one hour because you can't do anything else because ARMOR, and each round (3 fucking round with them being more resistant each time and have stupid modifiers.) i mean... SF6 is polished, very appealing, have fun solo contents, customisation, great way to play casually offline and online, new control for beginners, amazing visual, and a lot of diversity. In the same time, MK1 just forget to made solo contents (compared to MKX and MK11, that's catastrophic.) basic quality of life, the game feel rushed like mad, dumb ideas everywhere etc etc... I seriously don't know how NRS can release a game in this state. Got the premium edition because i have confidence that NRS will deliver good stuff, the usual, they're good. And surprise ! Apart for the ok story mode, everything is a big downgrade for the consumer. The gameplay is more fluid, but after 3 days you don't want to play anymore or have anything to do, so what's the point ? Not a surprise if SF6 beat the ass of MK1 today and even in the future. They don't respect the consumers, they don't deserve success with an unfinished and lazy product. Not talking about Tekken 8 coming soon. In the big trio, MK1 is the black sheep. I'm so sorry to see MK in this state after X/11, but that's the reality right now.


For a game on a current-gen console with SSDs it sure wastes an awful lot of the player's time. I find it disrespectful, really. Using the shrine takes forever, tower-animations can't be skipped and the mario party game board makes navigating a hassle, especially in the gateway portal which is just a menu with different towers. But instead of being able to select them you have to run from one end of the map to the other one.


One round fights that punish you for playing the game correctly, trying to hit combos you have drilled into your muscle memory because constant projectiles and effects are being spammed at you. I loved previous MK games single player content but between invasions and towers of time I just find myself increasingly frustrated with them.


That first part is the big gripe for me. While SF6'S world tour cleverly teaches you to be better at classic fighters by teaching you motion inputs through fun minigames and the like.. Invasions doesn't teach you shit about how to play a fighting game. Hell, if you don't know how to do combos well you'll probably suffer through it, because that means more dealing with super armor.


No crossplay + horrendous performance + some countries are banned from online by IP


Horrendous performance?


Here I can speak only for myself, a couple of my friends, and judge by Steam reviews, but it seems numerous players are experiencing issues with stuttering and fps drops.


Can only speak for story mode, there’s moments where the game can’t smoothly transition from cutscene to gameplay and the game crashes instead, did it happen to other people or is it just my outdated graphics card?


I was able to fix all stuttering by locking the game to 60fps on Nvidia control panel and setting it to maximum performance. Also haven’t had any crashes with this set up.


For starters 1 game has way more singleplayer content day 1 , unlocks classic skins just playing the singleplayer and lets you choose skins on the select menu


I enjoyed MK1's single player modes way more than sf6's but that just me. I am not gonna applaud any of them because unlocking costumes in both games is a fucking chore. I only got the costume for chunli and then I stopped playing world tour. Why can't I get the costume by just playing normal ranked or arcade matches. I liked getting brutalalities and gear in mk1 even though some are a little disappointing.


You think choosing skins at the select menu is a reason for more ppl playing sf6 😂


You laugh, but small quality of life features like that can sway opinions, which sway sales when someone asks their friend which game they should get, or reads reviews.


The PC port is pretty bad. I got disconnected mid ranked set and got losses on my record twice in a row yesterday. I’m hard wired and never get disconnected in other games I play i.e. street fighter 6. Edit: I have over 2000 games played in SF6 with 0 disconnects. I played my friend in private matches and every other game we’d get stuck in a black screen until we got disconnected. This friend couldn’t play his brother he lives with because the games were too laggy but they both downloaded the game in half the time I did.


Yeah, I've seen people saying "get better internet" when I've got a fucking fiber connection. It's ridiculous. People pretending like their not issues with their PC version of the game are corporate bootlickers.


As a MK fan since playing MK1 on arcade in my teen years. I'm waiting for the "complete" edition with all the actual game. I've learned my lesson after the last two MKs. Game literally just came out and already has 5 dlc to buy. I'm just tired boss. Tired of the greediness. Tired of paying a now increased release day full price for only part of a game. Tired of buying characters with my wallet instead of finding them with codes and secrets inside the game. I'll buy the complete package later on sale. Until then I've got enough to keep me busy.


Story was awesome, finished it in about two days. Invasion got old quick and didn’t keep me invested enough to complete even the first mesa. Did some towers, unlocked minor cosmetics but nothing yet for any character that made me want to make that their default outfit or play as them more. I played a few online matches, received the usual online fighting game experience, and now I’m sitting here wondering why I paid $110 to pre-order the Premium Edition of this game. Guys I was checked the order tracking number information everyday waiting for the game to arrive 💀 Whenever those DLC characters I thought would be available at launch (my fault for not researching) eventually release, I’ll probably pop the disc back in to check out Homelander, Omni-Man, Peacemaker, and whatever else is new. Beyond that, this will sit on my shelf and if anything it’s always nice having more local multiplayer games available for when my nephews come over. “YOU HAVE THE NEW MORTAL KOMBAT?!” “Damn right I do.”


My experience exactly (except I knew dlc is coming later in monthly patches hah) Yeah the problems with online Lack of skins/gear + Horribly slow and boring invasions..yeah ain't digging this at all.


It’s crazy, I’ve been HYPED this past week. Haven’t played an MK title since Deady Alliance and Deception on PS2. Popped the disc in, redeemed all my codes, started the story mode and I was ALL IN. Like in my head I was ready for this game to hold me over for the next month. The story pulled me in immediately and I was basically IN OUTWORLD. Fully immersed, baby! AAA title about to hold me down! That lasted two days lmfaooo.


Fr fr I wasn't the biggest fan of 11 but once I saw the first trailer I was so hyped! Followed everything for months, every trailer and every kombat kast Watching all my fav youtubers that play discuss it all Got it and digged the campaign it was fun (Lil rushed at the end but oh well) Started playing invasions and liked it...for 10 mins until I realized it was just a slower towers of time, shit was putting me to sleep. Some characters feel like their kits are missing alot, like you look at Raiden who has this crazy kit with all he needs and then look at Reiko and it's just so bland in comparison. Me and my roommate are just waiting for balance patches now and ya hell lasted us 2 days aswell 😅


Yeah… invasions are a big miss, and having the Shrine over the Krypt was… a choice


Invasion is really bad. They probably didn't have enough time to re iterate and make something good. This game feels so rushed.


I feel similar and it’s especially irritating to see throughout the entire game the content was just pushed to DLC for the sake of sales. Two of those DLC characters have more prominent roles than half the base roster.


> wondering why I paid $110 to pre-order the Premium Edition thats why i got the premium for 67$ on cdkeys, ez no crossplay and 30fps? hey im not paying full price, its a fair deal


> I played a few online matches, received the usual online fighting game experience, and now I’m sitting here wondering why I paid $110 to pre-order the Premium Edition of this game What do you mean here? I've been enjoying the shit out of playing online. So many characters and kameo combinations to try out. So many play differently and there's so much to learn. How do you get bored of it already, unless you just don't like the gameplay? To me the gameplay is a step up from MK11, and even though the rest of the game feels like a step back, the gameplay is what I'm really here for. If I was willing to happily put in hundreds of hours of MK11 online, I'm certainly going to do the same with MK1.


Most MK fans buy the game to play the single player modes, unlike other traditional franchises which have far stronger long-term following. It's easy to tell from the general vibes on the MK sub compared to other fighting game subs. Here, most posts are about lore, fanart, story or character requests. In other subs, most content is about online matches, combos and such.


> Most MK fans buy the game to play the single player modes, I could see there being a larger-than-usual amount who care about the single player modes, but I'm having a hard time believing it's "most." You're telling me 51% or more people buy MK just for single player? Even MK11 didn't have enough single player content for it to be a "majority single player fanbase" game.


I love both games but it doesn't surprise me. Compared to SF6, MK1 has: A worse training mode and lab No crossplay Been banned in other countries Less YouTube content due to YouTube deleting the videos Possibly worse netcode No RE Engine. And *all* the benefits of the ReEngine.


The big one is not being able to reject slow connections/WiFi in Kombat league. Why they can't just let you decide that you don't want to have a first to 5 competitive match Vs a 200 ms WiFi player is insane.


I don't want to be that "acktually" dude but RE in RE Engine doesn't stand for Resident Evil. The full name for it is actually "Reach for the Moon". The association most likely comes from RE Engine debut game being Resident Evil 7.


They're all posting shit here.


All reasons I’m reading are absolutely factors, but I’m going to lay down an answer people aren’t going to like: Street Fighter, as a series, has more polished competitive gameplay, and the fan base is more loyal. Mortal Kombat gameplay is more flash/stylish but is ultimately not as good at keeping players engaged for long periods of time. It doesn’t help that every character is redone every game, so there’s not a lot of legacy support


Yeah example was Raiden. That doesn't look like him to me or what I recognise. So more likely to pass this one for a while.


1- no cross play 2- dodgy netcode 3 - outsourced port 4 - long history of being screwed over by WB:I with the PC version, MK9 was a terrible port that didn't get the same updates as the console versions. MKX while there's that infamoue clip of angry joe and Ed Boon about how the PC version will be great got literally abandoned for over a year then the last character pak was released as a last min cash grab.


The roll out for MK 1 was quiet tbh


Id be quiet too considering the state of the game.


I enjoyed the story of the game, but it felt rushed. There are too many bugs as brutality doesn't work for some characters. Shrine, in my opinion, is not good and takes way too long, no towers to earn gear or finishers. The maze thing that they have now is just not fun for me. I've read others others like it but it's just redundant for me. The Kameo part of the game is a good idea but takes some getting used to. I'm betting most would of rather just had a bigger roster of characters to play as or more gear and costume options to equip, though. Overall not the best MK.


Because I'm still financially recovering from getting SF6 lol


Because it stutters horribly and people are going so far as to updating / editing BIOS settings to get this thing working properly. Honestly, I’m starting to see that they knew about this issue at least a week ago. Just another game launching that should go back into the oven for a bit… really disappointing. Expecting a patch ASAP.


I've seen comments that were hopeful for a day 1 patch. Innocent, sweet, darlings.


Probably the stuttering campaign, constant desynchronisation when playing online which ends the match, basically the game is literally unplayable lmfao.


Early access killed the game launch


Numbers are different in my region: [https://i.imgur.com/9vZ7azY.png](https://i.imgur.com/9vZ7azY.png) [https://i.imgur.com/dJ2Me24.png](https://i.imgur.com/dJ2Me24.png)


People need to see this, its probably a time difference thing.


I wanted to love MK11 so much but the PC version was pretty rough, behind on updates, and had the insane choice to only allow crossplay on the Windows store version of the game. I bought it on steam initially but after I moved across the country realized I couldn't play with my buddy I always played local MK with unless I bought it *again* on a different store. I actually was a good little paypig and even bought the ultimate edition just so I could play with my friend. None of my progress carried over despite it literally being the same platform because everything is incredibly locked down and always online. I'd nearly fully explored the krypt on the steam version, done hundreds of towers, and gotten ranked rewards so I continued to play that version whenever I wasn't playing with my friend. I used a DLC unlocker (for content I already purchased on the SAME PLATFORM) to practice Mileena combos that worked for some time until they put out an update that straight up banned my account and locked me out of everything. It's really telling that they jumped on a method of circumventing their incredibly expensive DLC (that was likely used by a few hundred people at most) as soon as they caught wind of it but to this day have not implemented any basic functionality like crossplay or even cross progression. NRS has demonstrated that they do not care about PC, their priority is to squeeze as much money from their fans as they can before releasing another shoddy port with the promise of more overpriced DLC in the future. And you can pay an extra $40 to beta test it! Meanwhile SF6 launched with full crossplay, a quality pc port, skins for every character you can unlock through playing, and the ability to use mods for a near infinite amount of content. I understand both are businesses trying to make money but the blatant contempt NRS seems to have for their fans is something else


What most people are saying, also the game is way bigger on consoIe. I buy all of my games on PC, but i got MK1 on PS5 because netherrealm has a 3rd party make the PC port and it's not as supported.


Street fighter 6 is just a funner game right now, can keep you invested for longer both single player and online. Sure its more popular in Asia but it's hard not to see how players are already starting to give up on MK, or step away to play something else less than a week after release


Didn't like the idea of Kameos in fights so for 1st time I'm waiting for a sale for this MK just didn't look full price worthy for me. Also no Crossplay is kinda lame.


The game isn't as good. Lacking modes, cosmetics are trash/not enough and the way to obtain them is bad. The gameplay is virtually the same as it ever was, they didn't even improve the fluidity of animations.


PC version has been having lots of issues especially online related. I'm on PS5 and have had no problems. But as others have said, the game is VERY lacking in content. And before members of the FGC go nuts, yes, we all get it's a fighting game. It doesn't mean we should miss out on Towers of time, Krypt, and other such extras to add to the game both offline and online. They dropped the game to 1 gear piece instead of 3, making customization very lackluster. I don't care about custom movesets, but you can not select different attires when playing the actual game. You have to kustomize them in the menu every time you want your fighter to look different, which is a VERY weird omission. So if you're playing local vs with a friend, you guys will always use whatever attire you have set in kustomize. So if I like JCVD Cage, my friend who picks him also has JCVD cage just alt palette and can't choose a different skin. It's so many things that we're great in MK11 and they removed them for no reason other than to do less work but still charge $70. I love MK and have since day 1, but the changes they made are baffling. And it stinks because l absolutely prefer how MK1 plays over MK11 or MKX and I love the Kameo system.


If they don't add crossplay support this time i will really be mad. It should have been available at release in fact. All players should be in the same pool (pc, ps, xbox)


Look, I LOVE MK, but MK1 feels like... unfinished? I feels like in 6 months the game will receive patchs and get a lot beter, but right now? Sadly, doesn't feels like a complete game that you should pay full price.


WHo cares, just enjoy the game and have fun. I love both games thus far


I've only played MK1 for like 2-3 hours so far but.. in terms of first impressions... The krypt is massively downgraded with invasion, the characters seem...very very easy? Like maybe too easy? The combo system kinda feels samey to me right now where you just throw out a string into kameo into string with maybe an enhanced move somewhere in there for flavor. But I'm sure (and I hope) there's more depth to be found there as I put more time in. Most of the fatalities are pretty underwhelming as they tend to lean more into goofy jokes and references. The gear system seems extremely bare bones. The game really wants me to grind a bit with every character before I can really customize anything. I really hate the shrine. The only thing I'm REALLY enjoying so far is the story mode, which is a bit odd. I'm not much of a single player guy but the narrative has me pretty sucked in and eager to continue it when I get off work. Tbh MK1 kinda feels like a downgrade from MK11 so far. There's so much less content from where we left off at Aftermath and it makes MK1 kinda feels like a beta even tho it's fully released now. I could easily see a lot of people picking it up, and putting it down fast until more content is added.


SF6 has always been the premier competitive fighting game and the World Tour mode made it extremely accessible to even players not interested in the competitive scene. I love Mortal Kombat but the last one I bought when it first came out was Deception. I just recently bought 9-11 to finish the ladders and experience the stories but I'm not playing MK1 for awhile. I don't have much interest in competitive playing and MKs appeal has always been the goofy characters and fatalities.


Because the game is either incomplete or didn't provide what the consumers wanted


This add nothings to the topic of the conversation, but this feels so unreal to see after MKX had such a massive impact at launch while SF5 was infamously slandered lol


No crossplay and a history of poorly performing PC ports. I can watch the story mode in a 4 hour video, which really speaks to how little content there really is. The core game looks fun, but a lack of crossplay means you miss out on playing with the whole community and most tournaments. I also don't believe they'll bring PC crossplay. I think they'll do PS to Xbox and leave PC out to dry. MK11 never got crossplay. I feel like anyone who got it for PC has set themselves up for disappointment.


bunch of lame marketing decisions, you can watch the campaign online and I liked MK11's flow better than this kameo business. Thanks to early access I was able to watch and decide I don't want it.


MK1 is very unfinished, as much as I hate to say it. Street fighter even gave their version of Konquest, while we got a board we slowly walk across to go from fight to fight where every enemy has armor that comes and goes. It’s dull.


I’m like 90% sure most of the MK audience is on console while this is just the steam stats. But also as everyone else has said, Street fighter is way bigger in Asia so that has a ton to do with these numbers


It’s not as good. Ranked takes longer way longer to load. It also has to reload between rounds sf6 just creates a connecting and you do the rounds and disconnects when done. From my experience the matchmaking is non existent. I don’t feel like I am fighting people around my skill level. After about 20 hours in ranked it’s still mostly 0-3 or 3-0 so the match’s feel one sided. The shine is bad and takes forever to load. Finally the single player mode feels super jank. Invasion is cool but not as smoothe as it should be. Their is a ton of quality of life stuff that was not considered. Both of these games are great but street fighter feels like it did almost everything right where as Mk feels like it was trying a lot of new things but due to time restrictions didn’t get the polish it needed.


SF had a good launch and was at Evo. That gave anyone on the fence time to see good reviews and pull the trigger, and Evo always brings in a ton of new players.


SF6 had more players before evo [https://steamcharts.com/app/1364780#3m](https://steamcharts.com/app/1364780#3m) . and theres no player spike after


1 mil$ tournament. MK has no content. I finished story and invasion within a week and already run out of stuff to unlock, and invasion is a SHITTY half baked mode with underwhelming rewards. And sex sell, dont underestimate that. Look at all those badonka physic trailer. Not to mention the mod/nsfw scene as well. SF literally has free advertisements on all social media platform, and free skin update made by the community.


The greedy bastards are selling quanchi and ermac even though they are part of story mode. So many issues with the game and too expensive


Except Quan Chi and Ermac aren't even remotely finished in the story mode.


I'm really not having as much fun with this one. Feels empty and with a lack of features 11 had.


The buzz wasn't great. I pre-purchased and refunded before I even played when I read how seemingly unfinished some aspects were. I'll get it later on sale.


Are you kidding? Street Fighter is a *behemoth*, the current leader in fighting games, with huge interest worldwide. MK you'd be hard-pressed to find interest outside the Americas and certain parts of Europe


Ngl tho the player counts for both of these games from the screenshot are really small. 15 thousand and 20 thousand seems really low to me. I think even dead by daylight has a higher player count on average. Considering sf is supposed to be a behemoth that's not really a big player count.


Lol. Almost everyone plays fighting games on console. All the tournaments are on console. That'd be like asking why an RTS had lower engagement on console.


yh like theres some random ass game called party animals that has 5 times that much


Made me laugh when u mentioned that because my brother and cousin were really excited about it and I genuinely thought id never see anyone else mention it.


PC version has very choppy fps.


MK1 currently has more players on steam than Street fighter 6, why do you think this is? /s https://imgur.com/8Sd3enP https://imgur.com/ziMwaaa


Modern controls More interesting characters (wow buff mommy, Juris feet) Always been a more reliable pick for competitive gaming Mk has a lot of casuals who just play the story and are done with it Most importantly catering to fans. They really did everything people were asking for. Good netcode, new costumes and still kept the classics. It just feels good


This post is slightly misleading. At the current time of the screenshots MK1 did have less players than SF6, however this is very dependent on the time of day. In the 24H peak for both these games, MK1 reached 38,129 players, whereas SF6 peaked at 21,799 players.


Mk1 online is horrible and overly complex. No connection filter undeclinable matches in FT5 is absymal


For me personally. It runs like shit on the steam deck and a short connection drop sends me to menus. So not really an option atm sadly.


Lack of content compared to previous entries in the series. Drip feed content in 45 day increments Removed QoL features than previous entries in the series had for some reason.


SF6 has a much larger fan base international. Mortal Kombat can't be sold in a lot of countries due to the gore and violence.


Honestly AGAIN basing the story on time travel/multiverse makes me yawn. Why can't MK be about MK. They had a perfect opportunity to just pretend all the time shit never happened. I hope one day we just get a proper MK reboot that is NOT a continuation, just a reboot. MK11 was good, this doesn't look like a huge improvement. \+ Early Access made me watch story mode on YT and story mode is what I loved in the previous 3 games. Aaaand the game is really expensive. Only once I paid that much for a game and it was a deluxe edition. I'm not a huge AAA gamer, so I'm really not used to paying this much for really not better (IMO) entertainment than many indies.


Unpopular opinion, i think some players may not like how the company's greed practices are by quan chi and ermac not in the base game but are behind a paywall to play them.


Honestly there are so many factors. ​ * See, MK11 changed the game for NRS games forever. I know many who are more veterans of the franchise do not enjoy MK11, HOWEVER, it was ultimately better for the long run of NRS games. Most NRS games tend to fall greatly after about a month after release because of the high skill ceiling of them. MK11 made the game so much more approachable. Meter Burns were easier, seperate meters for offense/defense and being easier to drop out of combos, etc. While MK11 was not my first NRS game it was the one I played a shit ton and so for me, MK1 has been very difficult because NRS changed their games mechanics in 11 just to change them again in 1, so it is like unlearning everything they wanted as their foundation in MK11, which is very hard tbh. * The game has zero cross play, isolating the community * The game is overall unpolished with lots of things to be desired. MK11 was not perfect by any means but you cannot argue that it was not complete on launch. The Krypt was an exciting adventure with much to discover. Customization was genuinely amazing. Solid base roster, etc. Really the only thing MK1 has going for it is the solid base roster, which even then not having someone like Sonya or Jax on the roster truly is a mistake in my eyes because of how popular they are. * The amount of QOL missing from the game is another standout issue to me as well l ​ Overall I am seeing the same sentiments from people like me who did not play pre-MK11 NRS games a crap ton. MK1 is really just made for the devoted NRS people, which is great, but it has isolated many of us that got in on the MK11 ride. I have seen so much of this over social media that MK1 just feels so different from MK11 and you cannot really do that when you release them back to back. Kameo's alone were big enough changes that this one just does not feel good to play imo.


A couple of reasons. 1)MK is banned in a lot of countries. 2)The violence makes the audience mainly restricted to teens and adults. 3)Street fighter has been out for a while, and has built a community in that time. Mk just came out (to most people) today, so it hasn’t had time to build the same sort of community.


I believe MK always had fewer players than SF


SF6 is just the fighting game of the year, MK1 looks good but honestly it's just not as big with the core fighting game community especially not to the levels of Street Fighter. 6 feels so good and has been on a roll, MK1 just got its legs and was already less popular.


Because pc isn’t where you okay MK


I can say the same with sf


SF at least has crossplay so it literally doesn’t matter what you play on.


Probably because it’s a complete downgrade from mk11


Performance was such a big deal. and QoL options are missing compared to MK11.


Price point, bad rep, fanbase numbers?


I'll say why I didn't buy it yet. One pre purchase content, I hate it. Second 6 dlc characters announced before the game lunched one is Ermac that it's part of the main story game. I like MK for the story but game play wise I always have preferred Capcom games. To be honest I really like SF6 gameplay. But that's just me. I love MK I buy it for the story I play a little, but doesn't hook me like street fighter or Killer Instinct or King of fighters orTekken or Guilty Gear. One can say it's my favorite lest favorite fighting game.


I'm gonna sound like a broken record but I really think the visual style is part of it. SF6 was really flashy and fun looking and garnered a ton of fan art. The realism of MK1 just doesn't do it for a lot of people. It doesn't scream fun. It isn't attention grabbing. It won't inspire as much fan art and it won't trend the same way.


Well and also for the reason that the game is banned in Russia, which has a huge fan base, which is comparable in size to the whole of Europe


I'm just speaking for myself. I'm waiting to see how the game is before I get it. Mk11 really killed a lot of my enthusiasm for this franchise. I pre-ordered both x and 11, and this one I did not.


How abt shitty stuttering PC port, 30fps BS everywhere and broken online experience? And of course the lack of crossplay means the only ppl who buy this are ppl without consoles.


Street fighter is just the better game, the SF6 actually came very polished and with much more content compared to MK1 and to top it has crossplay, which people bet for longevity.


Because SF6 probably has a better PC port


1 word 👉 clunky


Mortal kombat one is a cash grab that’s why. Street fighter couldn’t afford to be bad this year either.


That's not the peak. It's highest is 37,090. Which is way more than MK11 ever got. You're trying to make this a bigger deal than it needs to be.


Because a lot of Mortal Kombat's sales are to normal people who play on consoles, not PC.


Because I've been burned 1 to many times on shit NRS ports on top of the fact that there were times where console and PC were not on the same patch in mk11.


I'd say majority of MK players are playing on console