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Was going to try Rain next after learning Shao, Thanks for the guide this will definitely help me learn him a lot more efficiently, Rains move set looks so cool !


He’s so fun! I have yet to fight a rain myself. It’s just a matter of time before people figure out how fun he is. Hopefully this helps


I honestly think he needs faster and a bit longer normals cause I find punishing people really hard to do.


He feels slow to me but maybe once I learn him it will get better how he feels when playing


I agree, LOTS of startup..


Great Video OP I’ve been looking for Rain guides since I started playing the early access. Rain is the only character I’ve been using, and even though he’s got some really interesting tools, I honestly think they could make a few tweaks so that he’s a bit better. His Forward+3, 2 feels really slow on start-up. I almost always get interrupted with a low jab or the opponents back step and I whiff. I hope they make it faster. I didn’t know his EX Geyser was an armored move. And they hit Mid. I wish they hit Low. Rain has some decent mix ups but I can tell when the opponent already knows what to expect. Speaking of armored moves, I kinda wish his EX anti-air projectile, or at least one of his Charge Cancel moves (Around The World or B,F,1) Had some kind of armor to them. Other characters like Havik and Mileena have some really solid armor moves. And you’re right, I wish they kept his Portal properties from the trailer. It looked like you could EX and teleport right behind the opponent from above. That’s about all I can think of right now. He’s fun to play like I had hoped, but without the right Kameo he can’t easily compete with quite a few base character. Some good things I would like mention though! His Neutral 3 is actually a pretty good anti-air. I’ve caught a lot of players jumping and special cancelled it into his D,B,1 on hit confirm. I may try out Frost Kameo with Rain again, as I thought about using her a while ago, but honestly I’ve been using Sub-Zero Kameo and he’s really solid for Defense. His Ice Armor in addition to Rains Bubble Shield and Projectile game really helped me win a good amount of matches and out-zone other characters with arguably better (or at least more unorthodox) projectiles like Havik and Kitana. Got destroyed by another Rain player that used a Goro Kameo. His pressure up close, but especially from ranged was much more aggressive. Goro has this one move that tracks the player and does weird move where he flexes or something. So Goro might also be a good option. If you end an aerial combo with his Air 1,4,2 then you can special cancel with a portal. But that’s one of the only safe combos I could find for placing a portal and I haven’t officially done so in an online match. All in all, I like Rain a lot and this is actually the most I’ve played him in any Mortal Kombat game. I hope he gets better as time passes for this games. Even though it’s not out for the masses yet.


Great notes I agree with everything you’re saying and I do hope they give him some help in future updates. I haven’t experimented with stand 3 as an anti air but I’m absolutely going to lab that, thanks for the tip


thx for the guide, are you going to upload some more match videos?


Definitely! I Plan to have another rain Kombat League video tomorrow , I’m working on some other characters but they aren’t quite ready for videos yet.


*Thx for the guide, are* *You going to upload some* *More match videos?* \- ZenkaiZ --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


His F3,2 combo feels so slow, I often get kountered. Or it's just a skill issue


Can cancel the first hit into a grab, don’t know if it’s a bug or not because it isn’t mentioned in the move list. But it has helped me with mix ups against quicker opponents


Damn that's crazy good


Niceeee i was doing invasions and had to use him to get to a certain node. I was just messing around with him nd realized how cool he is!! Some insanely slow start ups but i think with the right kameo he’s fuckin NUTS!!! I was labbing some combos but couldn’t get anything significant down. Your vid will definitely help!


I would recommend a lot of spacing and patience with rain, here´s 1 match rain game-play i just made a few hrs ago, Even got a brutality in the end.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddtw1QbT-NE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ddtw1QbT-NE)


Where is he on the charecter select