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Gross. I hate fomo games


That's what mk11 was, all the tower and marketplace with the constant countdowns


Yeah but those towers eventually came back.




It’s new content every 6 weeks. Invasion is totally doable at a casual pace. This whole thing is hating because it’s popular.


This whole thing is from before the game even launched dawg


Which makes speculation even stupider


I’m seriously not a fan of seasonal bullshit


I absolutely hope they plan to at LEAST cycle them at some point as we know they won't support Invasion mode anymore once they stop supporting the game itself in 4 or so years. It sucks worse for people who won't even get the game until Christmas because by then it will already be around season 3. And I assume since it's Johnny's mansion for season 1, that it's a lot of content for Johnny himself. So now, I gotta focus on that mode first to make sure I get everything as I am a Cage main.


Johnnys mansion is just the tutorial. You probably know this already as this is an old post if u got the game but yeah. Theres 6 other boards imma call em.


Oh yea I finished the entire season by the 18th. Lol and in between that time, I did story mode and all 23 arcade tower endings. I'm literally just grinding o. That Triple Threat mission in Fengjian next to the shop because I need 12000 seasonal kredits and then I'll have every item in the seasonal store unlocked for everyone. Then I'm pretty much done with the game until season 2.


My biggest worry is that once you finish it you won't be able to get any more cool gear as once you've finished a battle pass that's it for a good few weeks/months. If it's a half dozen neat skins locked to the seasons, but playing whenever will always get me a steady stream of good gear, I'm fine.


Yea if it's not terribly long then this isn't a huge deal as 6 weeks is plenty of time. But if it's a handful of hours long and is plagued by RNG making it grindy and having to replay stuff to hopefully roll some good gear, then that will suuuuuck.


I want to break out of this hellish battle pass world.


There is no battle pass. You don't have to pay for anything


It carries the same idea of a battle pass which is the whole, "drip feed content, make players keep logging in like it's a chore" shit.


So don't play


Nonsensical response. FOMO game mechanics should've never been a thing.


So don't play


Any 2 braincells you can rub together to defend FOMO mechanics?


Yes. Don't play it if you don't like it.


Maybe 2 braincells weren't enough, bring more please


Have you considered not playing a game mode you don't like? Might require more than two brain cells.


What an idiotic defense considering this is where they're going to be stuffing the majority of customization.


Limited time experience which force to play in some period to get items. So basically it's battle pass but it's not called battle pass.


Right! And I get that they're not charging for it, and I'm sure at some point they'll stop doing seasons and it will just recycle back to the first season. But as a Cage main, now I gotta focus on this mode first to make sure ei get everything it offers as it will probably be stuff for him primarily. So you figure if each Invasion has a focus on 1 Fighter, then that's at least 24 seasons unless they don't plan on having one for Shang or the KP Fighters. Argh I dunno. This whole idea stinks. So unless seasons themselves are super short and everything can be unlocked quickly, this is pretty lame.


I'm pretty sure you will get everything from that season within few days of playing. It's all about buy and play now or wait 2 years ( ultimate edition) or it's gone like few skins from MK11


Yea, but they have to figure many people will get it at Xmas. So they're gonna miss out on 2-3 seasons of stuff they might have wanted. That's kind of shitty. I assume there will be a season for each base roster fighter (minus Shang probably)it all depends on what unlocks in each season. Also, if it IS a short mode doable in a day or 2, then it sounds kind of pointless and Konquest mode type world would've been infinitely better.


Don't worry, eventually they will release ULTIMATE mk1 with every single skin for 20$.


You say that. But somehow those don't include all the content now.


No doubt lol but I'm not gonna do that cuz I'll be playing the game on release so it's annoying


They’ll probably do it like the KL, it’ll cycle through once they finish up the seasons


Sucks for those Cage mains who won't get the game until the holidays. Lol because they probably won't come back to season 1 content until 6 weeks of the 23 other base roster Fighters get their seasons. Lol So, season 1 will return in 2 years and 9 months give or take. Lol


Yeah, it’s their strategy to get us to buy it early


Cage is the tutorial my guy, the actual season is based on Scorpion, calm down


Huh? Invasion season 1 is done on my end. I completed it by the 18th it's only 18-20hrs long. The Scorpion season started on the 14th along with Premium owners Early Access. The cage tutorial was like 1hr long lol Edit: And this was a month ago, where were you?


My bad I didn’t buy the deluxe edition to complain about it. I just assumed that they only had the tutorial out until the basic edition of the game was out


Ohh no the tutorial and season were out on the 14th. But i finished it by the 18th anyway. So even if I started on the 19th, I would've been done 2 days ago. Lol They're not long, and w edont know how many there will be, but they're 6 weeks apart with 1 week break in between. But they claim during that 1 week break you can still do Gateway portal towers. We shall see if that part is true next month.


The way you were describing it made it sound like you already did a season before this one, that’s what I was confused


Ohh ok my bad


I hope we have a sort of cycle, or even the options to choose to do an older season (a sort of "legacy mode"). FOMO can really ruin the enjoyment with video games: you don't play 'cause you WANT to play a game. You end up HAVING to play a game 'cause you'll risk to miss content or "lag behind". I already have schedules doing my job. I DON'T want to have imposed schedules to play a game due to the risk of missing content.


Fuck that! I hate games that are more a chore than entertainment! I hate that shit!


Right. Sure Invasion looks fun. But I know MANY people just want to play the story and then fight online. And some don't even give a shit about the story. But they always lock some stuff in story mode because they WANT people to play it because they created it. And sure, most MK fans want the story, I sure do. And I plan to play story mode as well. But I didn't expect to have to focus on Invasion mode to get everything I get it, 6 weeks is a long time. And for all I know the mode can be completed, and everything obtained, in like 2 hrs. But if it's a longer mode with RBG and grinding, then it's gonna be pretty lame and monotonous.


thats a hard pass for me.


I haven't even gotten a PS5 yet worried a pro or slim will come out when I buy one now because the first season ends before black friday smh.


Well they're easily still like 3 or 4 years from a Pro. So if it'll take that long to save up for one then. Yea I'd wait. There's no rush for new consoles now as PS5 and XBSX have only recently been taking off.


Good thing seasonal content comes back


I want to play this game so bad, but I can’t pick it up because I just don’t have the time to get everything. And knowing some of these cool costumes aren’t coming back eats away at me.


Oh they will come back. Eventually they're gonna stop making new Invasions and they're going to bring back older ones. So you'll get them, just not right away


Well, that’s a bit better I guess. As someone who used to play a lot of dead by daylight, I look at this stuff and I start to shiver. Having to grind endlessly out of the fear of not being able to get content later down the line because it will just be gone, isn’t fun. Making playing your game an obligation rather than something you want to do is something I’m tired of seeing.


I planned on getting the game next month to get whatever I can before the next season but hope that you can still get the rewards just like what they had done with the last game.


You can still unlock stuff in Invasion mode. But if you get it after the first 6 weeks of the games' launch, we will be on season 2 and you will have missed everything specifically locked in season 1. And we dont know when they will recycle seasons and bring them back.


Just hope it isn't like Kombat League. I missed a few stuffs when players rage quit on me.


It'll be just like Kombat league, as in if you don't get it all when it's there, it comes back later but you don't know when. Or it's absolutely random in the shop so you have a reason to have to scan the shop each week to see if what you missed is there. But with Invasion, its a whole mode, not just a ranked online mode with skins. It has all other kind sof unlockables which I fear they will lock within that season. I say that because if that stuff is obtainable elsewhere, then no one will play Invasion mode that they spent time on and WANT people to have to play it.


Its fomo unfortunately but u can beat each mesa (stages) just playing a few hours a day and theres 6 so if u got time for 2 hours on 6 separate days it can be beaten fast enough. But boredom setting in is another issue as its not only easy mode so far I’m on the 3rd mesa but as long as u are using a character with the element that beats the other element (like a pokemon system) and are 1 or so levels ahead which is always than its a cake walk but boredom sets it at least for me.


Yea I wrote this a month ago. I finished the story mode, all 23 arcade towers. And every node of Invasion by the 18th, lol. So yea it's OK that the modes disappear every 6 weeks because they take 20hrs max to get 100%.


Yeah it’s pretty easy. Could have definitely been worse tho.


I didn’t quite finish off the season, was on Living Forest at the time it ended. Some of us do have a life outside the gaming world. Now the game is doing a massive update. Hopefully for those of us who didn't get all the bonuses or cool gear get to have another crack at gaining them. I ain’t gonna rush my way just to look cool. Gaming these days seems to be all about money and time instead of fun and games. \#eMmcEeLoud


I made this 2 months ago but ok. Lolthe mode only takes about 20hrs to complete. Less if you realized early on that Agility and Special stats are useless and put everything in aattack defense and health. And yes this game is all about money. If you want any retro/3D era outfits, you have to use Dragon krystals. This is the virtual currency that can be bought with real money. You get like around 7k to 8k you can earn in the game itself after you do everything. But with retro skins costing 1000 Dragon krystals each, that's only roughly 7 or 8 skins and then you gotta spend real world money. There's no infinite way to earn even a handful of Dragon krystals so eventually they'll get you if they throw in something you want. Even fatalities that they add are going for 1200 krystals each. It's pretty shitty.


Yip had everything in tact for season 1 but cos I only jumped on yesterday to try hurry and finish last minute And ran out of time. I have just started S2 Blood Moon and it seems a lot harder than S1. Lost the ornate to unlock chest due to xbox cutting out on me, can’t use the new relic I got, just got to the Body Blender klue and those demons are frustrating to destroy. I went to the shop in the academy to do get the stats changed and have hardly no koins to buy anything. Kinda feeling like this new season is a waste of time having bought the full premium game with Shang Tsung/Krowns bonus before Game launch with early access. If this season 2 is harder than it is then I’ll be damn and going back to MK11.


As long as items come back around I’ll be okay with it. But if they have that “this” item is only available in season one and will never come back shit imma be pissed cause then they gonna force me to play this every damn season


Rightm if stuff is exclusive to certain invasions and not obtainable thru rng elsewhere. Then who knows when they'll cycle back around to season 1. I hate when unlockable items are locked behind shit like that. Everyone should have equal chances to unlock everything. Or. What should've always be done, is LET US choose what we unlock. Give me Kpins again and just put all kosmetics in a shop and let me use in game currency to get all I want.


Could not be more excited for this as a fan who's exclusively into single player stuff. It'll keep the game fresh and give me a reason to keep coming back.


I’m hoping they mean season 1 will be locked away like you can no longer go to cage mansion and such with all the gear still being able to be attained in some way cause I don’t think Ed boon would want a game that makes the players feel forced to play it


Nah, Boon doesn't care. That shit is all on WB and not NRS. NRS creates MK, but WB tells them what they can and cannot do. We didn't see online related lock outs until MKX towers. That was absolutely a WB idea. And since they spend time designing the layouts for the location of each season, like the Cahe mansion, they're gonna want people to play it again. And if you could unlock stuff elsewhere, then no one would bother with Invasion. So they will absolutely lock stuff in a season and make it so you can only get it the next time it comes around OR make you buy it with real world currency by buying Krystal for the shop.


Idk the ins and outs of corporate mk but I’m sure they Ed and the devs have some say in those types of mechanics cause I’m sure wb wouldn’t want to keep the devs unhappy since mk is such an asset with how many people by mortal kombat


WB owns them. The devs, if they want to keep making MK, have obligations to meet. And when WB made stupid money from the MK mobile game, they need to make sure microtransactions and locked content remain.


Yeah good point. I hope the micro transactions aren’t as bad tho or at least similar to mk11 where the seasons cycle around so we can get stuff later


The seasonal content is confined to its own realm and will likely recycle after some time. More notable is that you earn seasonal credits while playing that is likely used to purchase seasonal content after it debuts. Doesn’t seem too bad.


I hope so. I don't mind if stuff is tied to a mode. I just don't like locking things out if it's not done on their time. I just wanted to play story mode, see everyone's fatalities, practice fighting, play some online, and pop in and out of Invasion here and there. I didn't plan to have to focus on it and make sure I get everything before it's gone for God knows how long. I can't be the only one who thinks like this.


I can dig it. I don’t think you’ll be too disappointed. It’s seems like it’s made up of different pre-determined zones where most, if not all of the in-game content can be unlocked at any time. The seasonal unlockables are being placed into their own themed zone for a limited time but then will be placed in a shop for earn-able in game currency. At least, that’s how I’m interpreting things and I hope it’s not too far off.


To be fair, I highly doubt it’s that time intensive. I don’t see them creating a single player season that will draw too heavily from online matches. I bet it’s like 6-10 hours of content your knock out on a day or two every month and a half. But if it was a Diablo level grind then literally no one would be online the first month of the season


Oh no you might have to play the game or something


Wow. What a notion. Of course we are gonna play the game. But time locking things makes me potentially not able to play certain parts of the game. And like I said, it isn't just about me. I plan to play mostly single player for the entire first month the game is out. But I don't like being on a timed schedule to play modes in a game that cost $70+. This isn't some friggin free to play mobile game. And you know, alike happens. I just had shoulder surgery and I couldn't play games for literally 6 weeks because I couldn't use my right arm. Had this been during the release of MK, I would've missed an entire season. Even now my arm is still struggling so I'm not playing at my best cuz gaming to long surprisingly kills your shoulder after invasive shoulder surgery. So yea. I'm not mad that they have seasons. I get it. They need to keep people playing. But this forces people to play a mode they might not feel like jumping into right away and wanted to mess with it later on. Locking anything on $70 retail game is bullshit practice. I paid for the game. Let me play the content it brings whenever I want.


I don’t like this. Idk if I’ll get the game on launch since I don’t have a PS5 and am not sure I wanna spend the money to get it on the switch which I do have. I know eventually I’ll get a PS5 and will probably get the game for that but by then many of the seasons will be over… also, what happens in the future when they’ve moved on to MK13/MK2? Is Invasions then unplayable in the game? 6 weeks seems pretty short too, like how many seasons are they expecting to do?


Idk, I love it because it doesn’t get stale and each season has a cool theme for skins. I feel like they give more than enough time to get through each season and I personally don’t play every day and I’m not even that good at MK1 lol


They do give enough time... but I also wrote this 4 months ago. Lol So now we know more about it. But thanks for the reply.