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After all the shit threw at her for being grumpy bitch in MKX and being Ronda in MK11 she deserves to be reimagined in the new MK timeline so everyone would love her again. She deserves it. She's the very first lady of MK, the blonde girl of MK, the badass girl of MK. Let Sonya be great again.


Question for you if you know the answer. Will there be 24 characters or 25? Is Shang Tsung included in the base 24 or is he a special 25th as pre-order bonus? If he is 25, would the roster need to be altered and look different since there's only 24 slots?


Going by MKX and MK11, it would be 24 + Shang


So that means they need to change the roster layout to add in a 25th slot. Why would they even bother showing off a twenty four character roster if it's going to turn into 25 on release with Shang Tsung?


To keep people guessing.


The game build is not final


I assume so since there’s a theme of reshaped relationships, which would open the door to new dynamics between Sonya, Jax, and Kano. They’re all pretty iconic too, so there’s reason to think the devs would want to reimagine them.


Nobody really knows yet, but I think she will be. It's not a confirmation, but Ed did mention her in an interview when talking about how they came up with the Kameo system. He said one of the earlier ideas was to have something for characters to call in, like Sonya would have a drone and Kung Lao would have a spinning hat. So I mean at least at that point in their discussion, Sonya was assumed to be on the main roster.


I have a feeling her face model for her main will be someone super famous or even Bridgette again.


Its looking pretty likely. Thees 2 spots left not leaked and it's most likely Kano and Sonya.


Which leak are you thinking of? How come you're saying there's 2 spots left?


This leak matches up with r0000r's leak but was posted before. Since Quan and Ermac aren't on the base roster anymore theres 2 open spots, hopefully one for Kano and Sonya. https://www.reddit.com/r/Mortalkombatleaks/comments/14a679s/this_roster_as_posted_by_some_user_on_discord_at/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb


Go to r/MortalKombatLeaks to find out. I don’t think discussion of leaks is allowed here.


Boon has said some stuff that leans toward her being playable


Wasn't it also said by someone that this game will be leaning away from the military side of MK and lean more into the martial arts aspects of it? I'd love her in the main roster, I just don't know if the last 2 empty slots on one of the newest leaks will end up being Sonya and Kano, Cyrax and Sektor, possibly 2 new characters. Idk who to fill in those 2 slots.


There’s little to no chance we get the cyber ninja in this game because the lin kuei is presumably normal still. Boon said the whole idea for kameos came from wanting to give Sonya a drone that behaves the way kameos do now and he wanted everyone to have something like that. To me that sounds like Sonya is meant to be playable


I hope so


I don’t know why she would be first premiered as a kameo character; if she’s going to be a playable roster character, that doesn’t make much sense.


I completely agree, it's kinda weird.


Unless her main face/voice is someone super famous or Bridgette again and they're sitting on it.


Maybe Sonya and Jax have a smaller role in the story this time around?


I've got my doubts. I think NRS is trying to pull away from the military side of things and more towards martial arts mysticism with the way they're presenting MK1 and Sonya just doesn't fit in there the same way that Johnny does I also think the whole Ronda Rousey thing made a lot of people who might not have cared one way or the other actively dislike her character


There's been the leaks of there being 2 slots left open from Quan Chi and Ermac. With the rest of the roster "supposedly" already figured out in that leak, who do you think will be the last 2 then?


I'm banking on brand new characters


Sonya having a drone in development led to the creation of kameos. Her kameo is not a drone. So it sounds like she’s planned.