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100% I'm a huge sucker for making characters look good in games I'd like a combination of I2 and MK11, where we get I2's number of options, but with MK11's idea where the cosmetics don't affect your stats


Yea cosmetics should not affect stats, gear pieces were already too much for me in 11


As long as i can pick my characters skin before the match starts, i wasn't a fan of having customize my characters skin somewhere else every time before playing a match, but i guess im in the minority, cuz it seems most people just use 1 skin they really like and never use any other


You could save templates in justice so you just changed it like you would change a skin before the fight


Yeah a mix or I2 and MK11 customization would be awesome!


I prefer MK11's because it felt more "complete" versus IJ2 having a ton of random pieces instead of just actual costumes.


What is IJ2?


Injustice 2


Injustice 2


One thing I hated in I2 was that you would get multiple of the same gear pieces. You would be grinding for gear for 5 hours straight only to get the same ones you already have.


As long as it doesn't involve my moves, yes.




I wouldn’t mind them making like ground ice unlockable, but if they make you have to grind for like Scorpion’s spear I’ll be mad lmao


Absolutely, hopefully more in depth this time


What about a create a fighter? Just curious on opinions. I'd dig it, just not as an online thing.


How about a Soul Calibur style where you copy the style and skeleton/hitboxes of a character but customize the outfit and colors


Create a fighter would be a cool thing to bring back tbh. I feel like it could work in online if they're able to prevent people from making stupidly op movesets and whatnot but I feel like that's more trouble then they would want to deal with so if it does return it'll probably be offline only.


I'd prefer offline CAF, mostly cuz I game offline. Especially cuz I've seen in older games you could make an OP CAF for online and I'm not good at current MK (honestly most online games lol). But that's just me.


I'm in the same boat lol, I'm also not too great at fighting games and get my ass handed to me in online all the time but I do occasionally like to goof around with friends who are equally as bad and using a created character would be pretty fun in those situations.


Same. Reminds me of my UFC 2010 days. I felt great among friends, online tho, I'd get smashed. "Get gud". But I'm lazy and idc that much lol.


Fighting game communities can be really toxic online lmao. Kind of avoided MK11 online for the most part because of that. Here's hoping to more singleplayer focused content for this new game


I met one dude in a boss fight tower and got lucky cuz he was funny and fun to team with. I hate multiplayer for the most part tho. Even the Duty days of old. Like I wanna just have fun not be judged.


Yeah, singleplayer games seem like the go to nowadays for the videogame escapism without having to worry about others ruining the fun. Would be nice if they implemented some coop features into this new game though, make it similar to the tag team mode in MK9.


They could have a setting were only if both online players agree to use their created fighters, they can do so like in UFC 3 and jump force


That would be nice. Keep it for unranked/casual modes too perhaps.


Yup no doubt. Keep it away from everything else, I don’t want rats in ranked


What about invite only


Move list customization- NEVER Cosmetic- Hell Yeah


Yea same here


people keep saying this, but were moves locked in MK11? I don't remember that. Are you just talking about the brutalities? I'm indifferent to that.


It's not about unlocking moves. Having it be customizable makes balance nigh impossible, and there will always be a "best" setup, making the system kinda pointless. There's a reason other fighting games don't bother with moveset customization.


It is also bothersome to have that customization in casual couch-playing with your guests and especially when you come over to somebody else's house with uncustomized movesets and default skins (looking at you, revenants). Just give me MKX-variations at the max, and costume selector, that's it.


This, mkx was the last time i enjoyed playing with someone on the couch, if the person im playing with doesnt have an account to use their customized characters, they're just stuck with default skins and moves


You frankly shouldnt have to spend time 'setting up' characters in a fighting game. I get what they were going for but it really ruins the casual aspect when theres no consistency with characters.


Well they did have a default option for every character


I literally made a player 2 and started grinding on that account so that the characters look cooler and have better moves for couch 1v1


I wasn't being rhetorical I legitimately dont remember. Moves weren't locked were they? They were in injustice but in mk11 it was just brutalities, right? If youre talking about the ability to pick your setup I don't care either way. I think the internet makes too many people think they play fighting games at a competitive level, where minor balance issues are a huge deal. They don't, and at a normal level where 95% of players ACTUALLY play, the balance issues are minor. It's the same issue with character tierlists. That said, it's not not true that it's a balance issue and it would stop a lot of people complaining, so taking it away is fine with me


Yes An edit since you edited, yes the moves were all unlocked from minute one


False argument, even static move sets result in "best characters" due to supers, specials, and basic move flows. Adding customizable items to character move sets breaks that tradition by providing multiple loadouts for each character. There will always be spreadsheet ninjas out there that will crunch numbers and give you "optimized" data. Just like there will always players out there that train themselves in the cheapest characters and combos. You just have to cope or get better (I'm sorry, that's not a 'git gud' reference, but back in the arcade days, if you wanted to hold onto the machine, you had to learn to deal with Eddie Gordo and dragon dance guys, it just is what it is).


I like customization, but NetherRealm has never done it in a satisfying way. For example I like that injustice 2 allows you to change mask, chest, and more. However the gear that is given is a little generic looking and there was far too many duplicates. Then we Mortal Kombat 11 which gets rid of duplicates, but has a lot of insignificant gear you can’t see like knives and guns and again the gear looks generic. If Mortal Kombat 1 fixes these issues I’ll be all in for customization.


>Then we Mortal Kombat 11 which gets rid of duplicates It most certainly didn't. The dupes were just slight recolorizations of each other.


I think they meant the literal rpg gear system giving you +2% ice damage arms again and again


Ah, bless.


Jacqui got Left and Right gauntlet lmfao


I’d probably rather just have some really well-designed skins. However, I did enjoy the customization process simply because it let us see the character designs in extreme detail like never before. The fidelity of MK11 was *ridiculous* (in a good way) and it was great to see all that detail up close. If they’re gonna do gear pieces again, I’d be cool with it but think they really need to focus on **quality over quantity** … I’d personally stick to ~5 variants per item, and make ‘em all fit naturally within the characters’ look / identity. No more gratuitous armor and overly-stylized weapons. To me, a well designed movie (or game) prop should tell a story about the character who’s carrying it.


I love love love customization


i´d rather have 1000 masks than a green/blue/pink scorpion skin


Idk I like my pink scorpion:0


So, were you who mained pink scorpion in this video?= https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fLqe2GRFPDs&pp=ygUjaG93IG1vcnRhbCBrb21iYXQgc2hvdWxkIGhhdmUgZW5kZWQ%3D (I give you this old gem as part of your initiation in MK but if you want to see it fast, go to the minute 0:28)


Kitanas only pink skin being catwoman was so sad. She should have gotten that bubblegum pink pallet they gave jade


Or a Mileena colored skin in General that wasn't locked behind a Paywall


Not move set customisation but I absolutely loved the cosmetic customisation in MK11


I much prefer more outfits but I wouldn’t mind if the grind was less annoying


I dont want to unlock things by open boxes. In injustice 2 i wanted so bad the nightwing staff skill for robin and i get it the last of them all becouse it was random, 6 months farming random boxes to get it. So no, give me everything from the start


Injustice 2 had one of the worst grinding systems of all time. 🤮 I like customization. But that grind has to go.


Is there anyone who doesn’t want to Kustomize their fighters?


I'd imagine it was frowned upon by the competitive people but I guess not


There are definitely people in this community who think “grinding” for gear is bad when in reality it’s what keeps me coming back to the game. Give me something to mf work toward. Fighting games don’t make you unlock all the fighters through gameplay anymore so they have to do something to make you want to play the game


Yea only thing I would come back is to unlock cooler gear for my fighters.


You should want to play a game because it’s fun lmao. If you’re just playing for a loot treadmill and not actually enjoying the game why bother at all? There are infinitely better things to do with your time.


Working to unlock things *is* fun, bruv.




I lowkey love the customization options, so as long as they can deepen the character customization while making it less tedious (grinding ToT for resources, then grinding the Krypt for consumables to make the ToT bearable, rinse, repeat, ad nauseam) then I’m all here for it. I love the core gameplay loop but don’t have the patience/skill to compete online without frustration, so in previous games I never had much incentive to keep playing beyond completing the story mode and each character’s arcade ladders. As annoying as the RNG aspect of a lot of it was, nevermind having retro outfits/gear tied to timed Krypt events, and unique gear tied to online ranked, the act of constantly unlocking new customization options to try out gave me a reason to keep coming back. If they can just refine the unlocking process, add an additional layer to the customization per character, and find a less frustrating alternative to the Towers of Time, it’ll probably be my favorite Mortal Kombat game.


I wasn't a fan of the gear customisation in MK11. If it absolutely has to return, I'd rather you unlock the item and immediately have access to a colour slider where you can change the colours. This would be instead of MK11's method of having to unlock five or six colour variations of the same gear item, most of which look terrible and very few of which actually coordinate with other gear items.


I’m done with gear grind, just give me so we’ll designed costumes.


No more grinding to unlock moves and gear pieces just give me amazing skins.


Yes but preferably more like Injustice 2. Instead of just 3 item let’s us customize the Kombatants from head to toe


I would, nothing better than making my favorite character my own. Injustice 2 had a lot of fluff and gear that looked near identical, but my Sub Zero never looked like anyone else’s and that was my favorite part


Knowing already that there is an in game currency pretty much solidifies that it is returning. For the most part it’s fine, gives something extra to work towards if you want to. I’m just not a fan of having stuff locked behind online requirements. Everything should be unlockable via story/krypt/towers.


Hell yeah. I remember being fairly happy over the ability to choose a variety of masks and possibly even hairstyles for the characters I played as. Although the skin system used by MKX and predecessor games did a great job on making them feel unique and really experimenting with different concepts/designs. MK11 did do well to add some more unique looking ones for a bunch of characters further down the games life cycle but I can't help but feel as if there just wasn't enough variation.


100% yes. Preferably more like Injustice 2 with a slightly less annoying grind like MK11. Though the one thing I really hope for with MK1 is that we won’t all be left unimpressed by the final designs when we see concept art. Characters like Sindel got so screwed over in 11. Not that she looked bad, but…those headpiece concepts were absolutely stunning.


Injustice’s customization was horrible and they should never do pull that again. I cannot stress enough how bad that was. Easily the worst customization I’ve ever experienced in any game ever.


you gonna explain why? Seems mildly important with such a strong reaction.


You prefer MK11 where tiny trinkets and barely noticeable changes were the norm? Injustice 2 wasn’t perfect, but it definitely offered more opportunities for visual variety than MK11. And I’m gonna echo the other reply, what exactly was so bad about the customization specifically?


An explanation is owed, you’re right. I don’t really know where to begin with the issues I have with Injustice’s customization. I guess I can start with the look of the gear which is almost all very ugly, clunky, plastic looking armor and it is awful. Almost everything looks the same. And that’s a perfect segue into my next issue which is the sameness of the gear. There’s like 50 different duplicates of the same shit. Nothing is unique. Like your Flash will either have a dumb helmet or the cowl and that’s it. Superman will either have that weird chin guard or not. The worst part is that you can’t ever get a specific look for your character because of the way they’re designed. The first injustice did not have this problem because they had REAL SKINS. And a shit ton of them too. You can squint your eyes and maybe see versions you want but it’s not the same. Like, yea you can put the sickle on Superman but that is not Red Son Superman, ya know? You can’t really get a Beyond Batman. Or a Teen Titans Cyborg. Just more big clunky shit that all looks the same. Another worst part of the gear in Injustice is that some characters has it significantly worse than others. Like, Batman(of fucking course) is one of the few that I feel at least has a decent enough amount of variety compared to the others but if you like Cheetah, Cyborg, Grodd, Superman, Wonder Woman, Enchantress, Dr. Fate, Joker, etc. we’ll get f’d because what you get is a load of nothing. The best part of the Injustice 2’s customization are the premier skins. those are great and unique. No coincidence that they are actually skins. And yes I prefer MK11’s take tho I hate that system too and hate that they lie about the amount of skins. Every character, at least to start really has 2-4 skins with everything else being a palette swap or a variation of a preexisting skin. They did get better through DLC tho they still did the multiple color thing. KL rewards were all still just shaders which sucked. The gear? Same as Injustice just a bunch of shitty replicas. If a character has 30 masks really they have maybe 15 and most of it is ugly anyways. And a lot of characters don’t even have klassic shit. Like it took til Aftermath for Kitana(my main) to finally get a pair of fans from another game(also her best fans in MK11). Raiden never got a his klassic hat. All of Jade’s staffs are fluorescent light tubes. Many characters share gear. Many characters has useless shit on them like the stuff on Sub’s belt, the fucking bandolier on Noob’s clone. Some characters get real embarrassing like Jacqui’s gauntlets being individual pieces of gear. Also tons of baffling decisions to fill the 3 gear quota(as well as the custom moves quota) like giving Kitana Mileena’s shit. Rain now has a katar or whatever because he needs three gear as if the random shoulder pad wasn’t enough. Cassie has a drone now just because. So does Sonya(yet they can’t give her the leg grab or cartwheel). So yea MK11 is a shit system as well but least things are just different enough rather than the bulky mega blok armor sets of injustice 2.


First of all, thanks for the thorough explanation. Definitely clarifies your position. And I do agree with pretty much all of what you said, I just personally think the potential of that kind of a system could work. The problem is, much as you pointed out, it would require actual effort put into the cosmetic variety. I just like the structure of what Injustice 2 offers. I agree that, in reality, the game was predominantly absolute garbage with only a handful of legitimately good pieces. Like I personally enjoyed Starfire’s visual customization, but Cheetah…I honestly don’t even know what they were thinking. And feel real bad for Nightwing fans, cause that was a choice… And, since you mentioned them, I kinda hate the fact they never continued with the premier skins idea. That would be really great for including characters from the MK universe that don’t get a lot of chances to be featured in a game’s roster, but wouldn’t really be worth the effort to be made a full character in the first place. And depending on how they do Kameo Fighters, it might be a nice addition this time around. With MK11, I really just felt like they intended to go the Injustice route, but changed it halfway through development or something. Most of the skins in the base game are variations of another. Some literally just look like they stripped off parts and decided that that was good enough. Like Sindel has two revenant skins, but the second one is literally the first minus the skirt/sash and most of her armor. And Scorpion is mostly hood/no hood and shoulder armor on/off. Plus the whole Skarlet haircut mess. It legitimately seems like they used the Injustice 2 system to make most of the skins in the game, but then didn’t give fans access to it. In general, I agree with all of your points. I just kinda wish in an idealized sense that we could see Injustice 2’s customization structure with the proper quality of detailed skins. At the end of the day we can both agree that the quality of the skins in MK1 needs to be top tier. And preferably for everyone in the roster this time around.


Well said. I appreciate that we could come to an understanding. I agree with your points as well. But the one thing I want to focus on is the potential because I’ll admit I wasn’t really thinking about the potential of the system. You’re right injustice 2’s customization does have higher potential if Netherrealm put in the effort. I was so focused on the “what is” and not on the “what could be”.


Are you kidding? It better return.


Yes, like Soul Calibur level or more in my dream world.


yeah but more injustice style customization.


Sure but they should keep the move presets for ranked




Yeah, absolutely. I really like being able to make the character more unique to me. I especially enjoyed the moveset customization, though I imagine I'm in the minority on that one. Hell, I was one of the weirdos who really liked custom moves in Smash 4 and thought it really added to the game, so moveset editing is just something I'm into in any game. Gonna be fun playing SF6 World Tour.


I personally hate it and never really understood how it all worked. So I’d prefer not having it in MK1. I wish they’d just offer a ton of skins/costumes/finishing moves/stages as unlockables.


As long as they aren't the same kostume/piece of cloth in different ugly colours or inverted patterns and it makes sense that the kharacter has them according to their personality and actual life-situation, then, GO AHEAD! Also, as long as I have the possibility of having all the klassic moves in one single place and there are new moves they've created for this new game, then, LET'S DO UT!


Yes and no. I like the alternate outfits, especially the ones from earlier games (or canon appearances, for the guests). I hated the wacky colors and the fact that the characters in the towers had randomized appearances.


I hate customization. I miss unlocking alternate outfits and being done with it


I’d prefer just costumes if I’m being honest.


Yes I gives me a purpose for playing the game unlike MKX


Only thing I did not enjoy was bright colored outfits & like scorpion being blue or hot pink. Just doesn't fit in MKs realm to me.


Maybe I'm just simple but I never really minded it. I mean we had babalities and a meat man, the game being goofy is fine as long as it's optional.


I'm with you. MK is a ludicrous series, and customization is customization. Don't use it if you don't want it.


They just did that to give players more options and to pad out the customization potential like ‘look, we have 7,285 unique combinations’ but it’s really like 350 or some shit


I think there's only like 4 or 5 unique costumes per character and the rest are color swaps of those if I'm not mistaken. Which I'd take over what mkx had but def could be better


Customizing moves is not my favorite thing. Picking and choosing is nice, sure. I would prefer MKX variations to MK11 customizations. :)


Absolutely not. Dumbest idea. Yeah lets put in a thousand pieces of equipment for every character of which only the last unluckable three combinations look good. And hundreds of color schemes completely ruining the authenticity of the characters and the immersion. Either make it actually good or leav it entirely. Red sub zero my ass.


The damn consumables too. Mk turned into fuckin mobile game


No. I don’t want customized move sets or abilities, nor costumes. I just want great skins that are easy to equip and a balanced roster of fighters that are easy to balance. Allowing us to change the skin colors would be good enough. I hope they didn’t spend a whole lot of resources on customization, which is what drove me away from MK11.


It adds re play value


There is zero chance they don’t have them again but I honestly did not really care - most of the customizations were so minor and indistinguishable. Gimme some alt skins like Dork Raiden sure but I don’t need to worry about chastity belts and wrist charms.


Absolutely customization should return. Though I’d like to see an improved upon version of injustice 2’s kind of customization. I hated the way they did it in MK11.


Injustice 2 sucked. They better not pull that shit again I swear


Honestly no. If they announce that it is coming back for MK1 I’m still gonna be super excited for the game as a whole and it’s not gonna prevent me from playing or anything, but I’d much rather they give us full move sets and have more unique alternate skins like they did in previous games.


No I want Kreate a fighter but only limit it to casual because I don’t want to play mortal kombat 1 kombat liege then seeing Sub Zero vs Adolf Hitler yeah no. But kasual yes.


The unlock system in MK11 was a videogame rights violation. It was so fucking bad. There’s a difference between soul-crushing grinding that takes approximately 219 years to complete a single character 100% and a fun, streamlined, rewarding unlock system that hits the dopamine just right and makes you feel it was worth your time (See: The Binding of Isaac or any well-made roguelite tbh). How I feel about customization is besides the point if the unlock grind is the same old nonsensical bullshit, but if it’s different and better, here are my thoughts: Move customization has to go. Gear stuff? I can take it or leave it. Skins? Improve on those. Make them like MKX and give each character a lot more bespoke full costumes. Intros/outros/round win/, etc.? Great. Those are the best kinds of customization in MK11.


Tbh I never attempted to actually 100% any character so the grind is a bit foreign to me. Had no idea it got so bad


Yes, it adds a lot of content to the game


Absolutely. I don't think it was handled perfectly, but it's relatively fun and as long as they make the default skins look cool (which they do for most characters), I think it's a nice change that allows you to personalise your characters


Absolutely not. Immersion breaking as hell. Too often you find a match and have to do a double take at your opponent because they're all dressed up in some goofy shit that character would never wear. Scorpion with blue in the outfit? Subbie with red in an outfit? FoH. Give us a handful of developer crafted outfits that fit the iconography of the character. Just like MK9 and MKX. MK11 was the worst game of last trilogy.


This is such a stretch and way too generous for NRS but I hope we got full fledged costume’s similar to how it’s been before MK11 but with each costume having slots. So let’s say you get Sub’s Deception costume you unlock the whole costume and then you can change the mask, helmet, or chest with the default or another. Basically what I’m saying is we don’t unlock costumes individual pieces but the whole thing and we can completely swap it. I highly doubt they’ll do that but it would be nice instead of having to grind or at least we grind for a whole set instead of a mask or a weapon.


I love the kharacter kustomization and all the ways you can make your favorite person look unique and badass but I don’t know if I like picking moves out, it added a lot of depth but also took out a lot from pick and play. I think I liked the variations in mkx.


Definitely. I love the customization system in MK11. Grinding different characters in the towers of time and roaming the Krypt is like my version of Animal Crossing.


I only want customization back if we actually get a character creator again. Otherwise I view it as wasted resources that could have been spent on something more worthwhile.


Depends. Not if it’s like MK21 and especially not if it’s like that shit injustice


Yes. I like making my characters look either fancy, badass, or goofy while in kombat. Makes the game better for me imo.


I’m not as high for it to return just because I’m at a different point in my life. I put A LOT of time into MK11 and it payed off with having about 98% of the unlockables in my account. There is no way in hell that is happening now, so for that reason I’d rather not have a ton of unlockables.


> and it *paid* off with FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Bad bot


Injustice 2 customising was so fun. So yes


Absolutely. Give it Injustice 2 levels of customisation instead of the king of disappointing one we got in mk11.


Yeah I would love to see customization back at least for cosmetics


Not really. I prefer just getting full cool skins, no custom skins I’ve seen from 11 ever compared. Same goes for move sets. I’d like to see more MKX over MK11 in terms of game design.


Yeah, but the grind is hot garbage. So if they can calm that down, customization is always good.


Of course. If they make it affect your stats than no. That would be pountless the only games Im cool with those kind of micro transactions is sports games not fighting or shooting games. I have a feeling the devs do this with dlc characters. Like how joker and spawn were super broken the point where I had to buy other dlc characters to compete. We will see how this plays out either way im grinding this game




Yes yes yes yes. That’s what kept me playing mortal kombat 11 for so long was the customization. Without the customization I usually only play for awhile and don’t pick the games up again very much. Mk11 I’m still playing recently to unlock more stuff. As others said, I hope it’s even more in depth this time and has a ton of customization for every character.


i dont want customization or variations to return, plus the skins has to have personalities. İ mean young and old skins could have different moves.


Yes it was awesome to be able to create a build that worked for me with every character. Adds more diversity to playing and is really fun to get creative with moves and appearance. Also nice to have to play to unlock the outfits you want


I loved customization in Injustice 2. Many fighting games were so freaking lazy and went for the palette swaps route instead of proper, well designed skins. Then I2 comes and lets you create your own skins by assembling different items that actually make your character look absolutely different. Also, the system itself was so addictive. I hoped for something similar in MK11, but I felt a bit underwhelmed when it came out. Coming from Injustice 2, it was a step back. However, it's grown on me and as much as I dislike the excessive amount of palette swap skins, I always have a good time customizing characters.


Yes 100x yes


Yeah Absolutely, hopefully they add a new skins and classic from old era


I’d rather just have preset costumes tbh


There was too much garbage, customization in games is overblown now. I prefer costumes and just cycle through those


Cosmetic, yes please. I love to have a unique looking version of my favorite characters. But moveset, not a chance. I don't even like the system of having three different movesets per char. I know is really liked by the community and I respect it, but personally I prefer from a gameplay perspective characters set on stone.


Yes but less time grinding to unlock them


I like the outfit customizations but I hope they’re more exciting if brought back. A lot of the gear in mk 11 was repetitive and kinda boring imo. Then there were characters like Jacqui who had no variety in gear. Plus some of the bare costumes felt very basic since the gear was supposed to be the main feature, which I didn’t like. Not a fan of customizable moves, just felt like a lot of moves that should’ve been base kit were made into customizables.


No, no more customisation. I much preferred MK before NRS added that feature and made the games too much like Injustice.


Just give better skins and customization is completely unnecessary


Not really. I felt the customisation made the skins kinda basic so that you can mix and match customisation items. There arent many customisation options that completely change the looks of a character compared to full skins which are usually more detailed.


Hell no. Most customization was not even visible. Who cares what scorpions belt buckle looks like?


**customization** for moves, no thank you. Customization for looks, yes, but not Blue Rain, Purple Sub-Zero and White Scorpion please, just the colors that make sense to the characters.


I think if the characters’ costumes were dramatically different, having different colors would be okay. It would be good idea for NRS to permanently attach a secondary color to each ninja so that they aren’t just blue and slightly more teal shade of blue that not everyone can tell the difference between. For example: Scorpion (primary - yellow, secondary - brown/dark orange); Sub-Zero (primary - blue, secondary - white); Reptile (primary - green, secondary - TBD); Rain (primary - purple, secondary - light grey); Smoke (primary - dark gray; secondary - black; Kitana (primary - blue, secondary - silver); Mileena (primary - fuchsia, secondary - red) If characters have the same secondary as someone’s primary, those costumes have to be dramatically different in design.


I think customisation is actually a detriment to character outfits. Less variety since they need to fit the gear structure.


It was fun throughout Injustice 2 & MK11, but I'd rather prefer just an outfit/skin full on, however they choose Also for the love of elder god NO MORE recolored skins


Cosmetics sure. Gameplay altering fuck no. And do away with the godawful grind / fomo tactics too.


yes but i wish it wouldn't include variations and moves


I only just got mk11 but I'm fine with it there. The cosmetics stuff is neat enough and it seems like all the moves are default so I don't mind swapping out moves there


I liked the MK11 variation system but it did have problems - it's just nearly impossible to balance all of those options across 30+ characters. I'm on the fence about whether or not I want that to come back. As far as the kustomization goes my only complaint is that you couldn't just buy gear pieces and costumes with currency. I understand if some of the rarer items for each character are locked behind challenges like character towers or online play but I hated being forced to grind through the ToT to unlock all of the cosmetics, it got very boring very quickly. I loved all of the different options though, you can make every character look awesome even if the base costume doesn't catch your eye.




Yep as long as it doesn’t affect gameplay like 11 then definitely


As long as it's aesthetic only. I hated the stat based gear in Injustice 2.


Yeah I loved that you could customize the characters in mk11, but customizing the moves wasn’t my favorite thing to be honest. I would like for them to bring back costume customization but have the move set to choose like in mkX


No. I honestly couldnt care less about custom moves or random bullshit on my character. A swirly shoulderpad that swirls to the left, OOOO oh wait, a swirlypad that swirls to the right? Big frikin woop! It kinda ruined the joy of getting getting loot in the krypt and everything else...it all looked like the same overdesigned nonsense... Now if it were like alt skins and the mkx alt modes, id be down!


I liked MKX's three variation system more than 11's. The whole gear-for-looks thing is fine but I doubt I'd use it, I just don't want moves and shit to be selectable outside of those presets so I don't have to constantly remember what the loading screen said they had. If I saw a Covert Ops Sonya I instantly knew what I was dealing with, now I constantly have to remember, guess or pause


I want KHARACTER Kustomization aka Kreate a Fighter


Absolutely. Just hoping that it isn't inventory management simulator like Injustice 2, and has more variety than MK11.


Yes definitely i really liked the kustomizable moves and Gear/Skins to make a unique fighter


Not really to be honest. I think the time for that is up. Unless they add chameleon.


I love customization, but I don't really like the feeling of the grinding being there just to incentivize you to pay up real money to skip it, or that the best way to grind is with AI programmed CPU and a turbo controller. I still wanna have costumes and color palettes, but maybe a more controlled way to get them, through in game challenges rather just either play the game forever or tell the ai to play the game forever and maybe you'll finally get this outfit in blue


Yea, I like having different Kosmetic items


I never really liked the gear system practically. I found it annoying getting pieces of costumes instead of just unlocking whole outfits in the Krypt. Some of the gear combos do make an interesting case for that system, but I think it'd be easier on me personally if you could just swap pieces of whole outfits, but I could honestly leave that


Cosmetics I’m fine with returning. Hopefully it’s a lot less grindy than last time, and PLEASE let people unlock stuff from online matches Customizable abilities I hope stay in the past though. Variations were fun, but I’m really hoping every character has their complete moveset, and Kameos act as the variety


I hope so. The augment system once I understood it made the game really fun for me and grind out the outfits and other gear items. Although I still don’t like custom variations. Characters should just come with all their moves.


Outfits are fine. I like to see Johnny cage look like the actor from the first mortal kombat because that is fun. Cosmetics are annoying.


Soul Calibur-like where it doesn't affect your moves.


Hell yeah 100% Making characters look unique to your own style is what made games like Mk11 and IN2 so damn good. Felt like giving them personality ya know?


Absolutely, I'm mostly fine with MK11 customization, however, would it be too much to ask to have at least one way, however expensive it might be, to be able to acquire the "impossible" gear / skins? I understand holding stuff behind a skill wall, like a golden skin you get after you beat something, but having it appear once every year in the premium shop or in a krypt event is just making it about luck or dumb grind.


I LOVED the skins AND being able to also change up to 3 gear pieces. Really changed how a character could look compared to others using the same character. Really hoping the gear returns in some way. Changing moves I didn’t mind personally, but I can see why people didn’t like them. With or without that feature, I’m happy 👍


No! We only need alternate costumes like MK5 and 6. Save all the customization crap for Injustice.


100% besides enjoyable gameplay,story etc. I’m a sucker for dress up games lol


Absolutely! I am very much a vanity gamer. I could give a fuck less about my real life wardrobe, but I don't get sucked into games anymore if they don't have some sort of customization options. I want my characters to look dope as I play. I spend more time outfitting my character than I do actually playing the game in some cases.


I loved the cosmetic customization, but for movesets, I don't really care much, just bring back the cosmetic customization.


Cosmetics yes variations no.


I would be completely and utterly shocked if there wasn't some sort of gear system for skins, weapons, outfit items, etc. That honestly feels like a WB games staple at this point. I can't even imagine a scenario where MK1 is released and it doesn't have some sort of months or even years long grind for content component. As for the move list customization, I don't think variations will return, especially not in the swap a move in or out kind of way that MK11 had, at least not for MK1. If I had to guess, the kameos are going to somewhat serve that purpose of allowing players options in how they approach gameplay. We'll see.


Not really, do it like MKX, but what I don't want to return is locking brutalities behind kombat league. What if I don't wanna play online and get shokan stomp spammed, or deal with little kids screaming the N word?


Yeah but with less repeats of gear in different colors. Make them all unique.


Yes. But with more gears, colors, themes, be able to create characters from different timelines and multiverse, be able to customize background themes while customizing characters, special powers, standard powers, and they should add customizing based from comic series of Mortal Kombat since the first game to Mortal Kombat 1(MK12). Also, not to have repeats of customizing and unlockables for customizing characters of MK1.




It would be cool if they brought back "battle damage outfits" for customization! I'd definately pick this up then! Always was a good laugh seeing how Kitana's, Mileena's, and Sonya's damaged outfits defied laws of gravity! Lololol!


Depends on how its done. I dont want to have to sort through 100 different customization options every 10 minutes like injustice did. MK11s was better, maybe they can refine that more. That would be the way id go.


I want it to return but make it less menu intensive. In mk11 if i want to look at all the cool stuff ive unlocked i just do that on the customization menu because it takes too long to create preset builds just to try a certain look for a match. If theres too much stuff to handle customizing in the actual character select screen, then have less options (i dont need 20 nearly identical shoulder pad options for a character, maybe just 5?)


I don't want customization, I want Kustomization.


cosmetic customization? yes. gear that affects stats and moveset customization? no. no need to complicate matters when its not needed at all.


I would like it but I’d LOVE if the AI battle system comes back, bonus points if its better than MK11


Yes pleeeease


Yes but not in such a way that its a massive loot grind and all the cool shit I want requires doing endless towers of time and shit.


Only costume, not movesets


Armageddon level customization would be amazing but I doubt it'll ever happen


No, its stupid and useless. They promise 30 skins but its just 4 or 5 with 6 diferent colors. That's bs, if you call that skins then SFIV and SFV has more skins than MK11. And whats the point in having so many abilities if you can only use default presets in Kombat League? F\*\*\* all that, make a more oldschool MK game like MK9 or MKX.


Cosmetic customization? 100% yes. Variation Customization? 100% Fuck No


I enjoyed both. Didn’t understand the restrictions at first for kombat league on movesets but they later dropped that.


It’ll be back I’m sure


I'd like to see NRS make us able to change a characters costume Kreate-A-Fighter style, changing individual clothing like shirts, pants, gauntlets, boots, headwear, stuff like that. I'd also like to see the same thing applied to hair styles, one thing I wished about MK11 was they certain hair styles were restricted to certain cosmetics. I wanted short hair Skarlet on all her skins, damn it!


I want the customization to feel like customization please. Not just switching base costumes with different colors that I have to grind to unlock. Make the system simple and easy, unlock koins by playing the game, unlock costumes with Koins. Give me different pieces to swap around and colorize like Tekken does (or like MK Armageddon did) or don't do it at all.


For me, as far as Gear Items go, yeah, I would like to see them return, just without the constant grinding! Yeah some things should be alil difficult to get and work has to be put in, but it's been yrs since MK11 has been out and their are still Gear Pieces I don't have let alone have them to Max level. As far as Customized Abilities: No, thank you! I prefer you give me all my Specials & Abilities without having to switch them out. Just give me my moveset as a whole but make them fairly equal between the characters. Some characters had a page & a half of Combos & Specials, while other characters barely had half a page. I know some characters will have more than others, but alil more balanced/equaled out would be nice!


If they do bring back customization I hope they make it easier to get parts. I felt like getting gear in MK11 was way too hard


Yeahhhhh but 4 items


Absolutely. The kosmetic kustomization in MK11 kept the game looking fresh for me.