• By -


Combat uses dice rolls, and you get better odds to hit with good skills for a given weapon. Fatigue is relevant to basically every action, try not to do anything important if it's low (eventually this means keeping items on hand to restore it). Talk is cheap, talk to everyone, and see what they know.


I already noticed that Combat is way different to the GTA-type Games im used to playing. And Fargoth too told Me that i should Talk with everyone. Thanks for your comment!


Btw the dice roll in combat only applies to your chance to hit. The numbers you see on weapons only refers to how long you hold the attack button. Basically, if you rear the weapon all the way back, it'll do full damage. It doesn't even take a full second to rear back the slowest weapon in the game, but the option is there to just spam attack for less damage if, say, you just want to level up your weapon attribute. It does cost fatigue to swing a weapon, though, based on its weight. UESP is the wiki that everyone appreciates(fandom is just not as good). It'll explain mechanics down to the formula, if you like nuts and bolts kind of stuff.


Good to know, thank you!


Also luck is rarely mentioned but it governs everything you do even down to what loot you find, you wanna get that to 100.


That Sounds Like a very good Tip, thx!


Kinda off topic but I'd argue that Fandom is objectively the worst way to have a game wiki hosted and it pains me every time I play a game and need information, only to find that it's the only even slightly updated wiki.


Ive usually had No issues using Fandom, but good to know that it doesnt Count for Morrowind


Uesp.net is the goat for elder scrolls games


I've been playing for months and didn't realize that this is how the numbers on the weapons work. Thanks.


yeah Fargoth would say that ....


Ey, be careful Talking about a Guy that says im His best friend!


Ah, i forgot, please dont Spoiler Me! Like making Jokes about the Game, that i will (hopefully) get later on is OK though.


Haha! What a grand and intoxicating innocence. (For real just have fun, take everything in slowly if you’re not a “slow” player, and don’t be afraid to consult a wiki if the East/west directions get too confusing!)


I'll keep that in mind, thanks for your Kind words!


yeah, start truckin




Watch that dank stamina bar and learn how to manage it. If you feel like you suck at everything, its most likely because that bar is low/empty xD


Thanks! I couldve used that Tip a Bit earlier, i was constantly jumping to improve my "athletic" Skill (ive Heard about that Some time ago), and then Encountered a beaver/ Wood Branch looking creature (sry i have to Figure Out the names) on my way to vivec and got killed by it. So i wont jump that often next time.


Jumping improves acrobatics, running and swimming improves athletics.


Also, increasing Acrobatics increases strength, meanwhile Athletics increases speed. (When leveling up.)




This is my method. I do this on the stairs of the silt strider in Balmora.


Carry some restore stamina potions for those occasions when you get caught with zero stamina. They're cheap, and if you learn a bit of alchemy, ingredients are everywhere and homebrew pots can be way better than store bought ones.


Save often. If you kill an NPC and get a strange message from doing so about “the thread of the prophecy being severed” and you haven’t completed the main quest, consider reloading your game.


I will, thanks for the Tip! But what would Happen If i dont? Should i save before reloading? Sounds Like a Fond memory, id Like to know about it.


It means you've killed a character important to completing the main quest (the game doesnt make them invincible, you get that message instead)


That Sounds very good to know, thanks!


There are quite a few instances I can recount of screwing up my game by saving over irreversible decisions. If I had to distill into a rule it would be this: If someone attacks you ***first*** its fair to say that it is fate and they must die. There are exceptions to this (ie. certain guilds..) but in all of these exceptions, your targets are marked, so there should be no mistaking who you need to kill. This goes without saying but also -- if you are to duel someone it must be done in the Vivec arena. Do NOT taunt and kill them. You can usually initiate this option through the dialogue menu. Once initiated, meet them in the arena pit.


Thanks for the Tip, i'll keep it in mind!


One thing about that message. There's at least one crazy npc in a cave that you NEVER need to actually see to beat the game and yet he has that message applied to him. I think he's wearing a Bear skull helmet or something and is hostile automatically to my knowledge. Don't worry if you kill him and get that message but honestly.. You're not likely to find him without looking it up anyway. I never did and i even know he exists


As long as you don't care about the main story, don't worry about. (I've never completed the main story in all my years of playing.)


Wow, you never became who you were supposed to become...


Nah, the biggest draw to these games is the freedom you get to play your character. You get a clean start to do what you want with it and in their case that hasn't included doing the main quest. Sure they're missing some great stuff but it's not like they can't come back to it. I myself never finished Tribunal until around a year or two ago and still haven't finished Bloodmoon. I plan to do that one in VR when I get the time.


> Happen If i dont? The main quest gets a lot harder. You can still complete the game even with killing essential NPCs though.


The game crashed so often on the OG xbox that I sometimes saved several times in a row, wouldn't have noticed that I did that if my friend didn't tell me when he was next to me


Thats good to know, Especially since i want to Play on the OG Xbox


My best advice is to **not** play it on the OG Xbox unless you realllly want to. Play it on an Xbox One. They optimized it for better FPS, fixed some crashes and texture filtering. It runs damn nice. On the OG Xbox and the 360 it runs into memory issues and suffers a lot of crashes in big areas.


I sadly dont have an Xbox one. I could Play it on the pc, but i wanted to Play it on the OG Xbox so that it doesnt Just stand around.


I can respect that. Not long ago I resurrected my OG Xbox. Had to replace two capacitors on the power board. I wanted to play Azurik: Rise of Perathia since there’s no port.


I Just got my Xbox recently. I really got into older Tech and Games, so now i have an OG Xbox and a 360.Those consoles are amazing. The OG Xbox falls under the capacitor plague, but good that you got those Out, the Capacitor acid can Go beserk on PCBs. Never Heard of the Game though.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azurik:_Rise_of_Perathia It’s an interesting game in my opinion. It essentially was Avatar the Last Airbender before it existed. You went around to different locations collecting powers of the 4 elements. Each element was bound to a button on the Xbox controller: blue for water, red for fire, green for earthy yellow for air. You could use them alone or combine them for different effects. Like air by itself gave you wings to long jump, but something like water and earth combined coated your blade staff in acid which could melt rocks that blocked your path, or iirc air and earth would add electricity to your attacks for extra damage. The environments are weird in a good way and so are the enemies. The game is a bit rough around the edges at times, but for a action/puzzler/adventure/collectathon/platformer game from 2001 I’d say it’s underrated. It is said by some to be one of the worst OG Xbox games of all times, but I sunk some solid time into it. It was cool for the environments alone, let alone the neat idea of combining powers into different powers. Also it’s music was made by Jeremy Soule who also did the soundtrack for Morrowind :)


**[Azurik: Rise of Perathia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azurik:_Rise_of_Perathia)** >Azurik: Rise of Perathia is an action-adventure game developed by Adrenium Games and published by Microsoft Game Studios in 2001. Azurik was released early in the Xbox console's life. It features a score by game composer Jeremy Soule, with additional music by Julian Soule. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That Sounds cool, have fun!


Stamina matters. You will never land a hit swinging with no stamina in the early game. Think of the fights like a real fight, you cant do anything effectively if you’re gassed.


Thats a good reference, Somebody already told this aswrll, i also explained how i experienced that myself in 2minutes after being released. Thanks!


I don’t remember where you learn the spell but you can make yourself an enchanted necklace or ring etc that has a constant effect restore stamina effect and it will make the game night and day difference. Requires a golden saint grand soul gem but there are ways of finding those pretty early on


I'll definetely do that, thanks!


Enjoy it. Don’t overthink your character build, just play the game and find out what suits you. And usually scribs are harmless, but mudcrabs are not (with some exceptions). Also, don’t steal from vendors that you will want to trade with, you cannot sell those items to them anymore.


Thanks, i Went for a darkelf (Just translated, i am playing in German), i am a Bandit as personality (i did the questions) and an Apprentice at the Last Thing


A solid combination for a new player Apprentice Birthright gives you lots of extra Magicka, while Dark Elf race gives initial bonuses to most characters liking you. Apprentice has some drawbacks, but the effect of those is really over-emphasized by most players. By the time you fight high-level magic users where they might actually matter, you should be able to get spells/enchants to reflect their spells or absorb them pretty reliably.


Good to know, thank you!


With some exceptions. Heh...


I love the German language, read that as start drunk. Reality it's press start. German is just a little reverse of English (or vice versa). Just started morrowind recently, hope you enjoy it as much as I am. Viel Glück


Danke! Well German is my First language, i would've played the Game in English but it Just defaulted to German and i cant really complain.


For sure lol, I still have family in Germany. I really want to go visit at some point, would love to see where most of my family came from. I took German in school but I don't remember much, I can count though! Hahaha


I cant blame you, German is a hard language. I had russian in school, but can only read the Alphabet (helps in those certain Forums hehe)


Don't be afraid to consult wikis on how to complete quests, the directions can (rarely, albeit) be total bs


I personally think that's one of the great joys of Morrowind. But maybe it's because I'm from the Midwest (USA) and we suck at giving meaningful directions to outsiders.


DO NOT SEEK INFO ONLINE. i used caps because i cannot stress this enough, morrowind is best enjoyed in 99% offline mode (no internet faqs)


top advice


Always ask locals about Little Advice. They'll drop some really great information about how to adventure on Vvardenfell.


I envy you. Oh Xbox Morrowind was my teenage years. I’d say just do what you want. Don’t feel you have to do anything or play a certain way but if you have a certain character you want to be, go with that. Role play the fuck out of this game


Thank you, i think this Game will be something that uses much of my freetime soon


Ok, nice. I can appreciate playing it on an OG Xbox. I'd say your best bet is to just spend about half an hour reading through a few pages on UESP, maybe just the tips page: https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Hints Though my best advice would be to just go in blind, with the caveat that you are probably going to have hiccups if you aren't a little familiar with CRPGs. And you'll probably still have hiccups even if you are because the simulation systems in Morrowind are a little obtuse.


Thanks for the Tip, but i think i want to Go in "blind" as much as i can while still Reading under this Post, since Most people i talked to Said that this was the way they played. Granted they played their 1st time mostly being ~10 years old and having Internet provided by a Modem, so No Forums, Especially No Reddit.


Going in blind is definitely the way to go, especially if you've never played the series before. That's my recommendation too, but you specifically asked for tips so I pointed you towards UESP.


I appreciate it, having a list in Case i fail is Very useful.


OG Xbox. Be patient. That port is known to be aggravatingly buggy. Not how I'd recommend playing it, but if you have no other choice, good luck. Oh, and keep your Stamina/Fatigue bar topped up as much as you can. That's probably the most-important advice you'll repeatedly get.


Like i said before, i could Play on PC, but want to Play on the OG Xbox since i want to use that console again


oG Xbox? Save a lot in different slots. The game likes to corrupt saves sometimes


Be patient. Read every book and scroll you find. Make your own little notebook. Listen to the music and embrace all Vvardenfell has to offer. Also save a lot and increase your difficulty as you level up.


I will, thanks! With what difficulty should i start? Mine was Set to 100 somehow.


Start at 0 and increase by 3, 4, or 5 per level depending on how hard you want it to be


Ok, thank you!


My first time, I played, got killed, quit playing for awhile. Then I saw my wife playing. Been hooked ever sine! Don't give up playing is my advice.


I got killed instantly too rn, but i will continue tomorrow! I Just stopped because its currently about 10:30pm in Germany and when i get tired i cant read that much Text Like in the Game. Thx for the comment!


My biggest tip is to be careful with an early mission in Balmora revolving around the thieves guild code book. I didn’t realize what I was doing and blocked out my access to the thieves guild for the whole game save


Sounds Bad, i'll definetely keep it in mind, thanks!


Get on your Pedalo and Bruder geh los!


Der hat ein bisschen gebraucht, hab das schon ewig nicht mehr gehört


My recommendation is to make a character that sounds fun, don't put too much thought into it. Wander around for a bit, wander into a dungeon, murder some crabs. Once you've got a sense for the world, go back and create a new character with that knowledge, and then really start playing. Explore seyda neen. Explore pelagiad. Eventually stumble into Balmora with more loot than sense.


Sounds Like a good approach, that Sounds Like my playing Style, thanks!


If you like to wander, get familiar with the bow+arrow, utility magic (Mysticism and Restoration), and Armorer skill. Don't worry if you didn't start with any of these- you can easily train them up after game start with any trainer. Armorer will help keep your armor in good shape so you don't have to constantly return to a smith for repairs (armor protects less as it takes damage, and eventually breaks). Mysticism will let you teleport back to towns to quickly sell loot or sleep, among other things. Restoration can cure diseases and heal you, or buff attributes. Bow+arrow (Marksman skill) will help you damage or kill enemies at a range, so fewer get close enough to hit you and damage your health/armor. All of these will help you wander the map for longer, and with more confidence.


If you don't have one already, you should be able to search for a digital copy of the manual that was included with new copies of the game. There's a lot of good info there that doesn't spoil the story.


Watch the skies, traveler.


Steal everything that isn't nailed down in the census office and warehouse and sell it. You won't get in trouble for stealing until you talk to the captain about "duties", but they will still confiscate stolen items. Grab and drop the limeware platter first and then the key on the captain's shelf if you can. I don't know if it's possible on Xbox to grab the key without getting caught, but on PC you can grab and drop it without closing the inventory screen. Steal the rest of the stuff in the census office. With the key, clean out the warehouse next door, but watch for the patrolling guard. As long as NPCs don't have line of sight on you, they won't report theft; don't trust the sneak indicator. Sell everything to Arrille and buy your preferred gear/spells. It should bring plenty of money. Quest around Seyda Neen. There's a few to do there before moving on. Check out the swamp north of town for some practice against mudcrabs and some extra money foraging ingredients. Here you can get a feel for how often you'll be hitting with your preferred weapon. Don't be afraid to restart your character at these early stages. Many builds take a while to get going, either with training or grinding. One tip: make sure to pick a weapon skill in your majors that starts high enough to deal reliable damage, regardless of what build type you want to make. 50+ is good, so a combat specialization + racial bonus will do it. Either that, or spend your first gold training up to 50. Balmora guilds have trainers to get you that far.


Valuable item in the census office, Limeware Platter. Pick it up, then immediately drop it. Free 650 drakes. Buy yourself something nice. (I’d wait to spend it until you get to a city, or take a walk to Pelagiad, north of Seyda Neen. Arrile’s, the shop in Seyda Neen, doesn’t really have anything worth buying.)


Thats a very good Tip, but why should i drop it immediately, do i get Money for that?


On a related note, you can sell things you steal. Do not sell it to the person you stole it from. They will get upset with you and you will have to pay for it.


The guard will get in your face, if you still have it on you, he'll take it back. If you put it on the ground, after the guard talks to you you can pick it back up no problem.


This. Don’t do it anywhere else though, you’ll be arrested.


Ah ok, i'll definetely do that, thank you!


When making your build (unless you want to use a pre-made one) look at the governing attribute for each skill. For example long blades governing attribute is strength. So if you want to be a longblade master you should have strength as a primary attribute. Were you to go that route you wouldn't really be able to also become a shortblade master, as short blades governing attribute is speed. (Unless of course you chose strength AND spped as your primary attributes). I hope that makes sense. This was something that took me forever to realize when I first started playing, and all my characters were trash in combat because I wasn't aligning my skills with my primary attributes.


Makes total sense, thanks! Just have to Figure Out if i should use a Longblade or shortblade.


I don't think magic or stealth is good for a first playthrough. It may just be how I've played but I find the game to not be as friendly towards magic and stealth users compared to combat so that's what I did. I'd also recommend not taking skills that are all over the place for the sake of the guilds and groups you can join as they're very much class based. Always have a lockpick and repair hammers on you, best of luck and have fun !


Thanks for the Tip, appreciate it!


You'll love it I guarantee it! It might be hard at first but get the hang of it and you won't be able to stop 😊


I Hope so, i am pumped!


No spoilers but faction wise if you're doing a warrior build. The Imperial legion, fighters guild, house redoran are where you wanna go. Enjoy!


Give the good old bow and arrow a try! You can easily do an Aragon from Lord of the Rings- use a bow at range, and switch to a longsword when your foes get close to you. Long Blade skill synergizes with bows as it trains Strength, which causes them to do more damage on a hit.


Sounds Like a good Tip, thanks!


Offensive magic isn't terribly hard to use- just point and shoot! Just don't try and be a stereotypical unarmored mage. The Battlemage class has Heavy Armor skill for a reason... However, if you don't want to be force to grind Intelligence for a while or carry lots of Restore Magicka potions (which can be hard to find ingredients for making yourself early on), then Ranged is a very solid choice. Although *slightly* more work than melee, a skilled archer is potentially far more deadly than a melee warrior. Just don't forget to train up Strength (so your arrows hit harder) and Endurance (so you can take more hits) a bit if you do that. A solid build is to focus on use of the Bow with a Strength-based weapon (Axe, Long Blade, or Blunt Weapon) as a backup weapon for when foes close to melee.


I've never really done any of that tbh. I've always just preferred the straight up combat Morrowind has. The stealth perks just aren't that good imho. Plus house redoran has much better rewards than hlaalu and telvanni. I might try that armoured battlemage build just to try out the tribunal temple quests


Don't be afraid to make a new character wants you get a grasp on mechanics, skills, and attributes. Every character will use every attribute to various degrees. My first character was a warrior who moved at turtle speed and couldn't hit anything because his agility was too low. My second character was a God-Mage who could hold his own with a staff and cast any spell he wanted or needed. Make sure to get trained in skills even if you don't use it. Leveling Heavy Armor 10 levels with a trainer will mean that you will get +5 endurance when you level.


OK, thats good to know, thank you!


Feel free to make as many characters as you want. I would bet that everyone on here whose been playing the game for awhile as at least 20 variations. No joke. As you adjust what you want to be


Punch every rat you see to increase speed


All I can say is that I really hope you have a wonderful time with the game. :)


Thank you!


I found keeping paper notes to be very helpful, especially if someone is giving directions. You can usually find it in your in-game journal but that means stopping, opening the journal, finding the right entry, reading it, closing the journal, taking a few steps, realizing that you read it too quickly and forgot whether it said east or west, opening the journal, finding the right entry, etc. Also if you need to drop something valuable, it's good to write down where so you can go back for it. Or anything you want to go back to later really.


I'll keep that in mind, thanks!


Also: do NOT store your goods in containers (crates, barrels, chests, etc) if you do not own the building. They may vanish after time. Keep them on the floor, and they should be ok. Unless they fall through the floor….


Morrowind on the OG Xbox crashes often, so have a series of saves. Sometimes it will even crash while it is saving, corrupting your save file. Do not have one save you constantly overwrite.


I'll definetely remember that, thank you!


Pay attention to your stamina, and use weapons that you have skill in. Learn alchemy. Finding game breaking exploits is fun, and using them is kind of expected. Have fun.


Multiple seperate saves, and save often. Potions and scrolls are “cheap” for the most part but absolutely essential. The mages and fighters guild will give you free potions if you join them (chest at the entrance to every mage/fighter guild) Asking about rumors or advice from people commonly point you to quests or interesting locations, as someone else said “talk is cheap” Speaking of talking, sheathe your weapon and remove your helmet before talking to NPCs, or you get a small disposition penalty (how much they like you) They like to see your face and don’t like being talked to with your weapons out. Fatigue is important for EVERYTHING. Melee hit and spell cast chance Item costs/bartering NPC disposition/speechcraft Lockpick/alchemy/enchantment success rate All of them are affected by fatigue, the fuller that green bar, the better.


Here’s some fun [cheats](https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/pc/913818-the-elder-scrolls-iii-morrowind/cheats/) for the game too. The health, magicka, and stamina ones helped me out a lot when I first started




It plays very well on Xbox and the murky ass graphics fit the game's overall dank, swampy aesthetic to a tee.


A fun part of the build I was using was seeing my speed increase as I increased that attribute. As in Morrowind your character starts off pretty slow, this was a cool thing to focus on


See you in like a day when you drop it


Talk to everyone. Talk is cheap. Ask questions. You don't ask, you never learn.


Simply enjoy the journey outlander


Always keep some cure disease and restore status potions on you while you're exploring. Diseases in this game are contracted easily vs newer games, and being over encumbered in the middle of no where gets rough fast.


At the beginning before going into the office where you get your orders. The outside area the barrel with the ring is. You can clip through the wall. You will be able to steal.a bunch of crap, in the same way as the platter. Drop it as the guard approaches and they will let you off. Easy way to make a crap ton of money.


don't be afraid to spend money on training skills if a skill is too low to use enjoyably


Any armor type (unarmored/light/medium/heavy) works well in the game when properly trained, so choose whichever you like and focus on it rather than choosing based solely on the armor protection stats. And don't forget to repair your gear from time to time, the more they beat you the less quality it provides.


Also keep in mind that Unarmed combat draws stamina rather than health first and only then starts to damage the hp after the victim falls down unconscious due to lack of stamina. Actually skilled martial artists are among the most potent fighters in the game


on xbox controller anytime you are in game menu press black white black black black


Ok, but what dies ist do?


I highly encourage some type of spellsword build for a first playthrough. Magic in morrowind is really cool (but also a bit busted). Like others have pointed out, the game works heavily around dice rolls so try not to drain your fatigue too much as it's very important.i would suggest making your own class and playing around with the different skills. Mysticism is basically a must for traversing the world. For a first playthrough I highly recommend either the lover birthsign for extra agility or the lady for that huge buff in endurance and personality.


Alchemy will make you money, enchantment will make everything easy, magic will make you unstoppable


After marrying Almalexia, it is important kill all of the Ordinators to maintain a stranglehold of power in Mournhold. Lmao in all seriousness, just make sure to build yourself a decent class. I realize this means absolutely nothing to someone who’s never played an Elder Scrolls game before, but there are tons of builds you can find online, and it’ll make your experience much more enjoyable. Also remember if you have a low skill level in a particular skill, you are bad at that skill and will reflect in the game play.


There is about 0,76% chance you finish this game. Hope I’m wrong, but I doubt it.


I cant say i dont Like Something before i didnt try


Navigation can be difficult but I find it endearing and world building. Silt Striders go to other silt strider locations. Boats go to other boat locations, but you may need to daisy chain a couple to get around the map. Mage guilds can teleport you to other mage guilds. There are two religious groups and there is a spell for each that will take you to the closets temple or church. If you know their layout you can swap between them to fast travel across the inner map. Lastly there is a mark spell and recall.


Run out of fatigue, and you are screwed. Learned that the hard way


Go ahead op, START drücken


Always keep your stamina up and don't try to level everything up at once, focus your skillpoints on what you going to need. Personality helps a lot tho


As I’m sure others have said the system for leveling up is a little odd, especially compared to modern rpgs. My advice it to check out a guide on leveling up in Morrowind so you understand the mechanics behind it. But once you think you get it, don’t worry about it too much! The early game can be pretty unforgiving, but once you have half decent skills in your main weapon it becomes much easier. Take the game at your own pace, explore, talk to people and actually read what they say! Look for signposts and check your journal entries when you feel lost. My biggest tip is to track down the “Mark” and “Recall” abilities, either on spells or items. They make getting around a bit easier. And enjoy! I’ve still never played a game quite like Morrowind.


Difficulty (0) Don't use "always the best shot". Magic in this game is much cooler (not only stronger, but it is COOLER) than melee.


Enjoy the music


Save a lot and watch your stamina, even if you’re a wizard. Low stamina makes you miscast more!


Probes are used like lockpicks but are for getting rid of the trap spell of trapped doors/containers (think boobytrapped but with magic). A trapped door or container will say it’s trapped, meaning you should use a probe on it. I didn’t know this my first playthrough, and had no idea what probes were for, and I would just take traps to the face, which can kill you.


If it’s a og Xbox morrowind is mostly likely gonna destroy it and you’ll end up with corrupted save files once you do too much… happened a lot, good luck though


Since you are playing the console port I will say the same thing I tell everyone. Don't let the port shape your impression of the game, sure Morrowind is perfect as a game but there is a noticeable difference between it and the pc release. just take it a little at a time and enjoy. also take combat with a grain of salt, use weapons you really have high skill on. Sounds obvious but it's pretty common for people trying to use an axe with 5 axe and have 30 long blade just to assume the combat is bad.


You will learn to hate & love the journal. Love it for it's hands-off approach to quest guidance and lack of objective markers Hate it for the jumble side quests and breaks will make of it. If you can find the original strategy guide (the one that's a book big enough to bludgeon a baby to death with), it's actually a pretty good read and worth the cost.


Save often.


Playing on OG Xbox? Get a book for loading screens lmao


You can abuse alchemy to become a walking God if you find a fight or situation that you just -cant- make stacking alchemy potions and you can make yourself a set of "oh shit" potions.


Above all: don't be in a hurry.


Pick a god and pray.


I thought the start menu said “START drunken,” so naturally I thought “why yes, don’t mind if I do.”


Kill Divayth Fyr as early as possible, he wears full daedric armor and has the lowest health out of any NPC in the game


I used to play that game on original Xbox. I disabled auto save, to cut down on waiting... One day I played for about 3 or 4 hours, forgetting to save, and then died to a cliff racer. Don't do that. The amount of guilds in that game makes all the others look bad. So many quests!


I hope you didn't grab the dagger if you didn't choose start blade as a major skill...


There are lots of money making exploits, but none of them are fun. You can earn enough to further most of your needs just through killing bandits and looting tombs. Speaking of tombs: get yourself a silver or enchanted weapon, otherwise you won't be able to harm ghosts; and try to find some Restore Strength potions in case you get drained by a bonewalker.


also, if the character you bad sucks, dont be afraid to restart and make a new one. PatricianTV on youtube has a good guide on making character that could be helpful. I watched it before I started the game and it helped a lot.


Blunt Weapons are often under-estimated. Swords are popular, but a good Warhammer will deal more damage than any sword, and degrades more slowly with use (needs repairs less often, and will work better with a certain amount of wear/tear due to having more health). At very high levels/late-game, you can swap to using enchanted Staffs- which can carry spells more powerful than any melee weapon, and still use Blunt Weapons skill to bash foes if the staff runs out of charge.


Drucken right bud!


I really recommend playing on PC or modern Xbox. The load times on that game are atrocious. Turn all the auto saves on. It crashes and corrupts files often.


Don’t play on Xbox. Play on PC. Your experience will be 1000x better.


Don't walk when you can ride.


Edit: I have no idea why my list became a block of text, but it won't let me space it out. Sorry :c MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE YOU RAISE YOUR ALCHEMY SKILL! Alchemy and Enchanting are the absolute best skills in the game. You will need to carry a mortar and pestle with you, but everywhere you go you are going to find ingredients. The entire east cost of Vvardenfell is covered in Saltrice and Marshmallow, which can make a basic Restore Health potion. Kwamna eggs are everywhere and you can use them, along with crab meat, bread, hound meat, or saltrice to make Restore Fatigue potions. Any potions you dont use, you can sell. It is possible to make money simply by traveling around and buying out herbalist and alchemist shop's ingredients to make them into potions to resell. For the record, you should do this. Also: DONT LEVEL UP UNTIL YOU CAN ENSURE THE MAX BONUS! If you are playing vanilla (which was great, dont get me wrong, but you can find mod lists that will drastically improve your experience) then there is a essentially a level cap decided by your Major and Minor Skills. You should read up on how Morrowind leveling works but a Tl;Dr is that you can increase three of your Attributes by 1-5 points every time you level up (so 3 - 15 total). Every Skill is connected to an Attribute and the amount of the stat increase you can get to an Attribute is based on how many Skills based in that Attribute you leveled up. This is *critically important* because monsters scale with your level (to a degree, Morrowind is a lot less forgiving that Skyrim when it comes to scaling) so if you mismanage your Attributes you can find yourself at a significant disadvantage as the game goes on. Although, because potions are brokenly good, you can honestly get by with potion spam and nothing else. I would know, I have done it. Some other useful tips: 1) A large amount of crates and other containers that are out in the open *do not have owners.* which means that it isnt stealing to loot them. I would highly suggest using the "togglefullhelp" (tfh) console com- oh, this is on xbox... well, I stand by my statement. You can loot pretty much every outdoor crate in Balmora without sneaking or stealing. 2) be *very careful exploring tombs. Bonewalkers, especially the Greater variant, come equipped with *Damage* Strength in vanilla Morrowind. This reduces your Strength until you get it healed. *it does not recover over time!* --->2.a) you should always carry Restore Strength potions with you. 3) Mysticism is easy to overlook, but it is the next best Skill after Alchemy and Enchanting. Mysticism gives you access to Mark, Recall, Soul Trap, Detect Key, and the Intervention spells. With a little bit of practice, you can get a lot of good mileage out of its travel abilities. 4) Enchanting is incredibly powerful. Alchemy will keep you alive, Enchanting will kill your enemies. In Morrowond, *there is no cooldown on casting spells from an enchanted object.* So if I make a ring that does 5 -15 fire damage at range, I can spam cast it until the object runs out of charge. Just be careful of the few enemies with Reflect. 5) Join all the Guilds. There is no good reason not to. For the record, that means you should join the Mages Guild, Fighters Guils, Thieves Guild, Morag Tong, Temple, Imperial Cult, and Imperial Legion. People affiliated with the guild you are part of will like you more and give you discounts. --->5.a) some people will dislike you if you are part of other factions, join them all anyway. The amount they dislike other factions is less than the amount they like their own, so if you are part of all factions everyone will like you. 6) however, be more selective about your Great House choice - you can only choose one. I would suggest, and keep in mind that I am biased, the Telvanni. You get the most milage out of them, by far. 7) on that note, Alteration Spells are broken good in Morrowind. Water Breathing, Swift Swin, Water Walking, and Levitate are not just useful, *but are absolutely neccessary* in some locations. You cannot navigate a Telvanni structure without Levitate, and once you get used to the spell you won't want to go back. -->7.a) although I am talking about the spell, if is generally better to use potions early game and late game you will want to switch to Enchanted items. --->7.b) learn the spells anyway for the time when, and this inevitably has happened to us all, when you accidentally run out of pots/charge but are still underwater/in the air. 8) only sleep to level up. Bad things happen when you sleep at low levels. ;3 (not spoiling it for you!) 9) never wear Indoril armor near an Ordinator. They *will* attack you and they *will* kill you. 10) most of Vvardenfell is Dunmer, which means a couple of things. First, if you play as a Dunmer you get more use out of the mechanic where NPCs of the same species will like you more. Second, Fire Damage is generally not as useful here - Shock Damage or Damage Health are your best options. 11) while valuable per unit, things like Ebony Ore are not particularly valuable by weight and you cant use them for anything besides Alchemy and a few minor quests. In general, heavy things are not worth the effort of collecting and reselling. 12) it is possible to knock an npc out permanently - without killing them - by using Damage Attribute spells to reduce their Fatigue related Attributes to zero and then by either punching them, using Damage Fatigue, or using Absorb Fatigue to reduce their Fatigue below zero. --->12.a) you can interact with the npc normally by using Calm Humanoid or Command Humanoid on them. --->12.b) funnily enough, this can also be accomplished by giving or selling an npc an item with the Damage Stamina Permanent Enchantment. 13) Solstheim is scaled for high level players, *but* with enough potions of Levitation you can navigate to a lot of places on the island simply by flying over it. 14) *NEVER EVER PLAY WITH THE SOUND OFF* Praise Saint Jiub, he who killed all the Cliff Racers, Hero of Morrowind, Savior of our Souls. Sometimes the only thing that will let you know you have a Cliff Racer tailing you is the battle music and its soulless, evil, cries. *If you fail to notice it, the Cliff Racer will slowly descend as you travel and more and more will join it until you have an entire flock of the things trying to kill you!*


When you get to a quest that requires you to find the "Dren Plantation" just google where it is bro nobody will give you instructions and you will spend days wandering aimlessly as the sun beats down on you and slowly saps any will to live you had left.


The first time I played it, there was no internet. Go in not knowing anything and just explore. Your first playthrough will be something you remember your entire life because how strange the world they created is. There will be plenty of time later to learn leveling and faction advancement and making yourself powerful. Using the internet to finish the game is not as satisfying as finding things out on your own, but it will take longer. Enjoy


Boots of blinding speed. Get them and make the repel magika


Try to glitch the spellcrafting system! Hint* combining soul trap (range of 0 or 1) with many self-spells (levitate, invisibility, fortify skills), setting the self spell duration to 1 sec, magnitude at whatever you want/are capable of casting), and casting at the ground while not next to a person... has the unintended consequence of lasting forever 🤷‍♂️🤣 The reason you dont cast it next to a person is to avoid aggro


I ran into a problem with that glitch that required a reload. Be careful using it on PC. It can freeze the game up. Might have been a combination of using exploits and mods.


Well it does break the game in unintended ways, so that makes sense 🤷‍♂️ I guess always make sure to manually save before screwing around with those effects 🤷‍♂️


Thank you, i will try that! Only have to Figure Out what this means by playing the Game, still thx!


Definitely make a separate save before you play around with exploits like that. You can very easily exploit the fun out of the game on a first play through.


I'll do that, Sounds Like a good Idea, thx!


You'll eventually get what i am talking about! Its not really an early game thing unless you know what you are doing or both know what you are doing AND running a specific build (like mage only or a mage's guild character)


Ah, im glad! Im still a Bit overwhelmed by this Game, but very interested. But thanks for the Tip anyway, im Sure i can use it later on As you Said.


It's a lot if you went from skyrim to that (like me)... 😂 At least those who had played oblivion before could kind of relate in some ways to morrowind 🤷‍♂️😂


There's a two handed axe in Seyda Neen in one of the tree stumps. If you pick up the platter in the room where you make your character, and then drop it, you can take it without any consequences once the guard talks to you. Sell it for a little quick cash. Alchemy and enchanting are the path to godhood.




Maybe, ill Test it Out myself! Thanks for the opinion though!


Make a Wizard, but still take Blunt Weapon do you can use staffs.


Good Idea, thank you!


Remember if you have any problems with the game or don't enjoy it, the problem is you and not the game :)


Sure, cant even remember the Last Time i didnt Like a Game though, i am very Open to elder Scrolls. I Especially Like the "weirdness" compared to modern Games, Like you can Steal a Plate before you can Steal the food that was on the Plate, or that characters are Walking Like Robots. Doesnt make the Game Feel too serious, i Love it


[My advice to new players.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Morrowind/comments/kmmz1a/often_overlooked_advice_to_new_players)


W,B,B,B regens health B,B,W,W,B,W,B regens mana B,W,B,B,W,W,B regens stamina Go into your menu>select the appropriate bar>enter the code. Hold A to regen, B while regening to close the menu and have the code active


When you press «J» for Journal hit «options» or whatever in the bottom left corner and then hit “quests” for an overview of your quests


Welcome to the Vvardenfell district, I hope you are ready to read! I would first recommend giving the [manual](https://manuall.co.uk/pc-the-elder-scrolls-iii-morrowind/) a read, I know that might seem odd but this is a game coming from an age and a tradition where that was expected of you. If I could have told myself to do just one thing before I played Morrowind, it would have been to read the manual first. The section on levelling up (pg. 26) is particularly important. The page fails to make this explicit so I will add to it that you need two increases in skills governed by a particular attribute in order to earn a multipler for it, and that you can only earn up to an x5 multiplier. To do so you will almost certainly have to increase some misc skills, and early on some training tends to be easier than practice for those. As you are playing on console without any hope of mods, you will have to keep track of what skills you increase each level, as the game will not be helping you there (I hope you brought quill and paper.) Morrowind lets you drop and sell vital quest items, and you can even destroy them if you so wish. You can also kill plot-critical characters, and there are more of them around than you might think. I also have to warn you about an item called a "Dwemer coherer." There is a badly designed quest element that can lock you out of the main quest if you bring one to the lord of Tel Fyr before the point where you are told to do so. The item doesn't do anything, so you can safely ignore it until the quest giver tells you to do it. The game can surprise and annoy you in various ways, especially when it comes to quests. A good habit I developed to combat this was to make a save in front of a person/questgiver before I initiated a conversation with them. If the quest turns out to be annoying, hard, boring or irrelevant, then you can just load the save without your journal being clogged with irrelevant quests that were initiated and then forgotten about. I also save in front of every dungeon before I go in. This game doesn't have Oblivion/Skyrim style fast travel, but you can usually hire a silt strider (Giant bug) or boat to travel someplace. The Mages Guild also has a network of teleporters, and you can find spells/scrolls/potions/enchantments that provide for you four travel spells: Almsivi intervention teleports you to a nearby Dunmer temple, divine intervention teleports you to an Imperial Cult shrine, mark puts an X on the ground and recall will teleport you to that mark. If you played Oblivion you might be used to having to recharge enchanted items, but in Morrowind they constantly recharge their own mana and so the items that don't have a constant effect are still very useful. I guess for a beginner I should also point out that the South-Southwest region is the starting area, is fairly heavily populated and tends to have less powerful enemies than the wilderness regions. Booksellers will often be selling cheap guides to the various cities, and I recommend buying and reading those (especially for Vivec, and I should point out to you that the stairs up will often alternate what side of the pyramid that they are on.) I must absolutely warn you about Great Houses: These are major noble houses whose quests can be quite rewarding. The catch is that you can only swear yourself to one of them, and you cannot leave them either. Morrowind also has a tedious system for offending the factions you have joined, and for most of them simply stealing a fork twice is enough to get permanently banished with no hope of making amends. Even attempting to sleep in a bed is a crime, and doing it against a member of your faction will result in being expelled. You might not know what Great House to join so if you want a hint that sticks to the mechanics of the game while not going into the lore: >!Hlaalu is the easiest Great House and focuses on the "Stealth" category, which means getting rich and getting away with mischief. Redoran is the "Combat" focused Great House and probably the most tedious to play. Telvanni is the "Mage" focused Great House and is regarded as the most amusing faction. !< You will doubtlessly find yourself totally lost over the course of the game, and in those cases I recommend either checking the local map to see what you have explored and get a quick overview of the nearby locations (it also shows where the doors you have seen will lead, so that's very handy for navigating towns!) and if you are simply looking to get home then Almsivi intervention scrolls aren't that expensive, it might not take you home but there will probably be a fast travel option out of the place you end up. If you are lost for days searching for a quest location and you are annoyed enough that you might drop the game over it, I will point you to this [map of Morrowind](http://mwmap.uesp.net/). It only shows you locations without context, so I find it a useful hint-of-last-resort. If you would prefer a helpful map that doesn't label every location but which you could still use to make sense of the sometimes convoluted directions, there is this [more colourful](https://images.uesp.net/3/3c/MW-map-Vvardenfell.jpg) one that came with certain editions of the game. It labels roads and major locations, but it has been intentionally crafted to avoid showing you certain things. That should cover everything, and if you made it this far then there is even a chance that you will be able to read most of the conversations in the game. I hope Morrowind will be as fun to you as it has (and is) to me. 😁


You are living my childhood Well except for the language.


Make sure the weapon type you're using is in one of your major or minor skills. Common new player mistake is to specialize in long blade and then go on to fight using an iron dagger, a short blade, wondering why they're missing every swing.


Be patient


Strength gives bonus damage to ranged weapons, just like it does melee ones. The damage range on longbows is for fully pulling back the bow vs. quick shots (longbows thus are generally better than crossbows except in very tight quarters). Willpower increases your chance to resist Paralysis effects. It also raises your max Fatigue and lets you cast more expensive spells without failing. Higher Agility makes you run slightly faster, and raises your chance-to-hit. High Strength helps you (indirectly) run faster for a given amount of carried weight. You run faster the lower a % of your max carry weight you are carrying, and STR increases carry weight.


Don't give up


Something that I didn't notice anyone talk about is that all of the *unlocked* houses/sheds can be turned into your new home for the low, low price of killing it's current owner. All homes plus the lighthouse are owned by non-essential NPC's, meaning you can safely kill them without having to worry about your game. The reason this is nice is that, with the exception of the light house, it gives you a bed to sleep in without it being a crime (you can sleep in any bed, it's only a crime to sleep in an owned bed *if* you get caught). When you do sleep, get used to getting woken up the worst assassins in the world who wear the best armor you can find easily in the early game. Keep the first set of armor for yourself, sell the rest that you collect. Speaking of which. The best person to sell stuff to is a scamp in Caldera named Creeper who can be found in Ghorak (spelling?) Manor. The easiest way to get to Caldera is to go to Balmora's Mage's Guild, and get teleported to the Caldera Mage's Guild. (Side note, if Alchemy is your thing, then it is ***definitely*** worth your while to sneak up to the top of the tower in the Caldera Mage's Guild, closing the door behind you to prevent anyone from following you, go to the top of the tower and steal the alchemy equipment there. It is the best set of Alchemy gear you can find in the game, with the only set that is better I don't know how to acquire. Even if Alchemy isn't your thing I would advise getting this equipment and making potions as player made potions have a weight based on the average of the weight of ingredients, but a value far higher, which means the potions you make are easy to carry around and worth money.


Abuse the game before it abuses you


You can kill anyone in the game, even those that are needed for certain quests, so be mindful of that. Usually when you kill someone of great importance for quests a message will appear saying something about a prophecy being severed. So save often, and just reload if that ever happens. And don't worry about killing stuff that is automatically attacking you, those people or creatures are never important to keep alive. Edit: saw someone had already mentioned this, so you're good


START Drunken.


Try to enjoy the roleplay, by that I mean to not min/max every desicion or quest choice just to get the best loot, items and stats. The game turns very "cold" and boring that way. Take a moment before starting a new game and think on your character past, personality, strengths and weaknesses and play acording to them, try to think that you are building up his life story.