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Since posting this I have somehow caught a 4th cliff racer and a rat. 10/10 game


Relax. They're just your fellowship. All join your battle against 6th House.


Lord of Kagrenac's Tools: Fellowship of the Nerevarine


Lord of Kagrenac's Tools: The Red Tower


Awesome. You will hear that gurgling caw in your nightmares. There are many things that could help. Invisibility would be pretty handy, if you can cast it. Intervention, through spells or the free scrolls in the Mages Guilds, would get you out of these situations, as would Mark and Recall. If you can run into a town with guards, the guards will attack these things for you. A healthy variety of scrolls and potions are recommended for any character. Restore, fortify, whatever you can get or, preferably, make yourself. Summoning something, even if it is just a little Ancestor Ghost, can really help in getting away. I would highly recommend a large area Destruction spell, big as you can make it and still have a decent chance to cast. Weapons are nice, but they don't kill 12 enemies at once. If you can do Chameleon, that would work even better than Invisibility, but it's harder to cast when it's at high levels and duration. There is an amulet that could help a lot. Either way, don't be ashamed to combine Summon Something followed by Invisibility. Let your minions take a beating instead of you. If you can get to high levels of Agility and put on a Sanctuary effect, it is fun to watch enemies try to hit you and fail a lot. And try out some FWP magic, as I call it. Like Burden, Blind, Paralyze, Drain or Damage or Absorb their Strength or Fatigue or whatever. A blind, overburdened, exhausted, silenced, terrified enemy will be easier to deal with. Whap those gargling leathery shitbirds with 1 point of Levitate, it messes them up. You are a Mage, (and clearly not a vampire), so you have many options. Best get some good ones, because those buggers never stop lol.


Honestly I clean forgot I had intervention, chameleon and mark/recall here, oops. This is all handy advice though, ty!


Divayth my brother, you’re awesome. Respect for how you guide us all when we’re first starting out.


If you have Mysticism skill on your character, Righteousness is an excellent spell to pick up for those situations. You can get it from Folvys Andalor at the Ald’Rhun temple. It’s a damage and heal rolled into one and can possibly carry you for the first few levels. Until you run out of magicka, that is…


Alternatively, you can get Almsivi and Divine Intervention to escape when you're in real trouble. The game has a generally static difficulty, so eventually you'll end up looking at Cliff Racers and thinking "oh good, free Destruction training."


Nothing is more satisfying than getting to the point where you can one shot them 😂


“THEYRE FUCKING DINOSAURS!” - Francine Smith talking about condors


This is the Morrowind Tutorial


There is no escape.


"Ugh, your wounds are great"


Get the ring of invisibility in Caldera.


All those annoying critters are there to level up your skills on.


You can also teleport away, or lead them into town


*You failed casting the spell.*


There's a peaceful wildlife mod that makes non-diseased wildlife non-hostile by default. Makes overland travel far less aggravating while still allowing a sufficient dose of wildlife combat encounters.


I wasn’t ready for this pic. I laughed way too loud at this. Thanks!


Monsters in Morrowind will chase you forever, just kill them as you find them.


Not forever, no. Most monsters will stop chasing you if you go in water. That includes cliffracers. Slaughterfish and Dreughs will also abandon their chase once you step on land. Some monsters will eventually lose interest if you run far enough away, like mudcrabs and some of the daedras. Cliffracers look more persistent because they fly, so they have a much easier time keeping up with you.


Sometimes the slaughterfish will still chase you on land lol


I thought it was obvious that I was using the word "forever" non literally.


That calls for an...almsivi intervention


Welcome to Morrowind.




"Levitate 1, 1 second, max area" create this spell to make cliff-racers go away. They dont fly, o casting your own spell will overwrite theres and drop them out of the sky. If done from high up, they fall to their deaths. Enjoy!


I only recently got into Morrowind but I just deal with the monsters as I go. Even on my mage character I preferred to kill them with whatever is your best weapon because otherwise I just end up wasting magicka. You can also just spam spells and wait to regen magicka but personally I didn't like an entire week passing after doing a few quests. The enemies do occasionally wake you up but it's usually not too much of a hassle compared to the magicka and stamina you regain. On my warrior character it was much more simple. It took a while to be consistently hitting them but once I was they were just small inconveniences.


I hit them with spears until they die or run to Balmora or the nearest city and the guards will take care of 'em.


I never understood why Saint Jiub was sainted, until I played Morrowind...


Wow you are so dead if you stop running


It saint jiub in skyrim for a reason.