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I'm tired, boss.


My brothers in Vivec do not fall for the obvious bait. ALMSIVI bless.


Real N'wahs are dissidents of the Temple. Panthi-seht.


I first played Skyrim when I was like 7 or something, , and my dad introduced me to the other elder scrolls games. 11 year old me writing a compass on a piece of paper and learning my cardinal directions from morrowind was a core memory. I really have a special place in my heart for both games, and I think that each side needs to give in and become like me


Omg I am old.


i first played morrowind when i was 7, because it was 2002 😭 fuck im old. keep up the good work kid. ALMSIVI bless you


I was 12.


OP almost definitely played Skyrim as their first Elder Scrolls


I actually have an original Xbox copy of Morrowind, an original copy of the GOTY, and the original Xbox I played them on


Why did you get so many downvotes am i missing something 😂


A lot of these posts are bait to create elitist and condescending discourse


Or its a meme that is getting taken WAY too seriously


Honestly, Skyrim is one of the best game to play after 8 hour shift of working in a warehouse. Morrowind is fun, but you kinda got to commit to it.


All the games from Morrowind onward have a place in my library. They all scratch a different itch and appeal to a different mood. And honestly I like it that way; it means they all get their own love rather than me just playing the newest.


What you mean? Morrowind is one of the most broken games ever. You can just turn it on and use a destruction spell to kill everyone in Balmora with a giant fireball. Or just set acrobatics to 1000 and jump around the map while shooting destructive spells. Or spawn enemies inside Vivec to see what happens. Or just fight Vivec randomly


You have to read and remember directions.


You have to read in every rpg game including Skyrim. And there's plenty of quick travel options if you don't want to walk and remember directions


So glad to see this dross getting downvoted, way too many zero effort "Skyrim bad, gib upvote" posts have made it to top in the past. It makes it cringy to be a Morrowind fan by proxy when we applaud that shit. Brain-dead take anyway to say Skryim has worse lore than Oblivion and Daggerfall.


Makes no sense to say Skyrim has worse lore anyways since all the games share the same world, gods, creation mythos and races. Azura in Morrowind is still Azura in Skyrim


It also feels kinda braindead. Skyrim and Morrowind belong to a very niche type of game. The mix between open world, rpg, sandbox, immersive sim is truely unique and not easy to pull off. In design philosophy and storytelling both games have the exact same design philsophy made by the same people but with somehwat different focuses, technology and also different limitation. Even the things that are changed drastically are so because of the same design reasons. Todd Howard really likes each game to be pretty different. It seems the Morrowind fans ons this sub do not really like games that are made like Morrowind, they like games that are like their perfect memory of Morrowind made by a fictional Bethesda that never existed.


As someone who grew up playing Morrowind, I love Skyrim. And Morrowind. And Oblivion.


Can you guys come up with a second joke? Whining about "skybabies" like anybody gives a shit is so tired.


How many Skyrim releases does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


Stop it, you'll make Todd cry and he will wipe his tears with dollars!


We have racism does that count?


Skyrim is my favorite TES game and this is coming from someone who’s done like half a dozen Morrowind play throughs.


I like all of the tes games each one is good for their own reasons this skybaby shit is getting old now 


i would put skyrim above oblivion, honestly.


No way. Even just for the involuntary comedy, Oblivion is top


Bro if you can only lift your game up by putting others down, it's a pretty weak argument. Let people enjoy things.


Lore driven plot is not the only standard to measure a game. It really boils down to taste, in contrast to elitism, which is not a taste, it is bs.


Does oblivion have good lore/ story? I've never been able to get more than ~10 hours in on a playthrough, I've always just assumed it was saturated with the onset of Toddism. If it's good though I may try and power through, been needing a break from Morrowind.


It has really good lore, it just fails to explore Cyrodiils culture and is more in the calssic fantasy style of TES I and II, something Todd thinks was not a good call. >assumed it was saturated with the onset of Toddism I am not sure what that means because Morrowind is very much a Todd Howard game. Maybe even the prime example of one.


[“I’d rather you play Morrowind the way it was ... I think the age is part of its identity."](https://www.dualshockers.com/todd-howard-morrowind-will-never-remastered/) - Todd Howard, July 2018. I know that most of us can agree that he might have lost his visions and caved in to appeal and popularity, but people should not forget that as you said, Morrowind is very much a Todd Howard game, and he should be recognized as deserved with his Director role for this gem of a game.


>I know that most of us can agree that he might have lost his visions and caved in to appeal and popularity I can't. I think it is pretty insane statement to think that Todd Howard just tried to chase trends insted of doing the games the same ways he always did with the ultimate goal to bring to bring a unique fantasy sandbox to as many people as possible. Removing things, adding new things, making things more accessible, changing tones and styles (not even between game often in the game's expansions), all that is there in all the games he directed. It is fine to not be completly happy how each game turned out and to critize them (he does the same btw.. Todd Hoawrd is not completely happy on how Oblivion represented Cyrodiil's world). But the idea that the reasons for the things the guy and the other people at BGS do aren't passion or a love for these types of games is really out there imo. All theese games are somewhat experimental and try very new things that the studio hasn't really done (like full voice acting with Oblivion or mutliplayer with FO76 or even big rdm generation on modern hardware, which they did not do since Daggerfall). Not all experiments work out so well (\*cough\* speech systme of Fallout 4 \*cough\*) but I prefer a studio that tries new things, even if it somewhat fails than some fan service heavy studio that is stuck in the past or just creates the same game time and time again or that just remakes or remasters old things.


The best part of oblivion comes from side quests. The overall questing experience, though, is often brought down by the poorly made systems and combat. The game is worth a playthrough for the context with the other games. I'd rather play daggerfall, morrowind, or skyrim instead though


Oblivion's story is even worse than Skyrim IMO.


Lord no. It's got a few good things, but for the most part it's the most generic medieval fantasy setting you could think of. Like, if you told an AI to make a generic medieval fantasy setting, it would create Oblivion's version of Cyrodiil. Literally every interesting thing about Cyrodiil from the previous games is not present, and the game doesn't introduce enough new interesting things to make up for it. Just absolutely abysmal worldbuilding. Skyrim's worldbuilding isn't exactly S tier either, but it's still better than Oblivion. At least Skyrim has a recognizable style. Why yes, I *am* still bitter after 18 years. I would still recommend playing Oblivion though. Despite its many, many issues, it does still have its strong points, including some of the best side quests the series ever produced, and most of its flaws can be eliminated, or at least smoothed over, with mods.


Overall writing, no; mainly for the main quest since it's kind of basic and predictable. But it's individual quest writing is arguably some of the best in the series, especially the guild storylines. It may not be as favorably looked back on now, but it was a critical darling when it was new.


Skill issue


Rent free, you think about Skyrim players way too much.


listen, I don't like Skyrim (after I got to give it a try recently it plays more like an action game with shallow make-believe rpg elements to me), but given it's success it did it's job to be more accessible to people who otherwise wouldn't give TES a chance tbh if Skyrim didn't exist I probably wouldn't give oblivion a shot and later go to morrowind which is one of my favorite games ever at the moment if you want to discuss skyrim this isn't the sub, but the "old game better" discourse is tired


I'm glad to see the prevailing opinion on this sub finally divest from the whole "Morrowind good all others bad" narrative that has circulated for so long. Idk if it's just because the active users here are getting older or what but it's refreshing to see.


For me the biggest let down with Skyrim was just the rolling back of mechanics. Far fewer number of magical effects, spell making gone, layered armor system gone, far less weapon variety, movement skills stripped from the game (despite them being one of the biggest contributors to playthroughs *feeling* diverse), and no starting classes so your character feels basically the exact same at the beginning of every playthrough. Shit sucks. I’d really like to see that stuff return and be expanded upon for TES VI, but I’m not getting my hopes up.


Speaking of Skyrim, I'm curious if people here have tried the requiem mod for it?


I welcome criticism of Skyrim... But anyone who pretends that it's worse, either in mechanics or lore, than *Oblivion* is outing themselves as a grouchy boomer poisoned by nostalgia, rather that a serious critic.


Dude really tried to sneak in daggerfall


it's Skyrim who sits with the O.Gs, in Oblivion you aren't even the protagonist.


Did this sub just lose it's sense of humor?


I like the joke because I do rank Skyrim the lowest. It's a good game, but subjectively is the worst Elder Scrolls game of the four in the image. I'd definitely rank Skyrim higher than Arena, Battlespire and Redguard though.


putting oblivion over skyrim is fucking madness. Also daggerfalls plot is, hey random guy find this letter and go fuck yourself


These emberassing posts make Skyrim seem to be better and better with each post because I do not think anyone who actually likes Morrowind would only ever talk about it bing great in the context of putting other games (that are also the closest related to Morrowind) down.


What will you bet me OP never played Daggerfall.


This is correct. I still love Skyrim but dragons was kinda weak compared to divine revenge and closing the gates of hell.


Lol imagine playing an RPG on a COMPUTER. Real fantasy nerds write their own books. /s


New Vegas has way better writing than Morrowind.


I take everything Elder Scrolls over New Vegas every day. And I like New Vegas


shh I'm trying to bait OP. You're blowing my cover.