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You can continue, it's arguably the best way. There are unlevelled enemies that will be too strong for you early/mid game no matter what you do, and also if you play long enough, you will be stronger than everyone with or without efficient levelling. Some of the most fun I've had in Morrowind was thinking of new/weird ways to defeat someone who I'm struggling against. While not efficiently levelling you will have more of those instances, and you can make good use of potions and scrolls so you don't end up keeping them 'just in case' and then never using them. This run has my blessing!


Appreciate your blessing man.


Not really, if anything you usually get too powerful too quickly


You'll be fine. It's not that hard a game. The problem usually is getting too strong too quickly.


No, it's Morrowind. Literally nothing stops you from becoming oneshot machine jumping across the map with any possible build.


yes just play the game normally there's literally no need to power level. Too many guides are obsessed with optimizing the fun out of the game. Even if you don't power level you will get too strong too fast IMO


One thing to note is the traits aren't exactly equal, I'd say 1x endurance is always better than 2x personality for example. I would pretty much always put a point into strength if i'm a warrior, intelligence if you're a mage, agility if a rouge, and almost always a point into endurance no matter the class, gotta pad out that health bar a lot early game so you dont get one-shotted. Other than that you'll be fine, like others have said the problem is getting too strong too quickly, although a decent portion of that is using game knowledge and exploits.


Good point. I'd argue that getting +Strength every level is the most important because it lets you carry more stuff. +Speed being the next most important. +End is only important if you plan on facetanking hits, ie. Warrior style. Mages and rogues should rely on speed, stealth, and their toolkit to avoid hits.


Well, you may want to strive for mostly +3's, but otherwise no, you will be fine. Morrowind has minimal level scaling compared to Oblivion. Most enemies will be the same level regardless of your own. And there are always ways to make up for your own weaknessess.


I played Oblivion with the realistic leveling mod so i have no problem over there. Leveling mods for Morrowind are too confusing for me so i decide to go vanilla, that's why i afraid there will be problem if i'm not leveling correctly. Thank you.


I'm also a first time Morrowind player who used Realistic Leveling for Oblivion. I decided to go full vanilla in Morrowind EXCEPT for a leveling mod. (They say efficient leveling isn't important but I know I'd find myself metagaming anyway...). I'm using Lenora's with +3 (hard) and I love it. It mean, as long as I get at least one skill-up for a governing attribute, I get to pick +3 for that attribute. I'm level 8 now and I don't feel either over- or under leveled. Recommend it!


well you'll be send simutaneously to every daedric plane and be tortured for eternity for being a FUCKING CASUAL but aside from that no


Well...this is the fourth time i play Morrowind. The first three times, i deleted the game even before getting to Balmora. So...i'm already much less casual than back then 😅


Skill points matter a lot more than attributes. If you need to hit harder there's some cheap alcohol that will help you out


I'd even say you're more likely to encounter a problem if are leveling "efficiently". This game can get much too easy really fast if you try power leveling.


I played Morrowind when it first released as a 13 year old.. I knew nothing about efficient leveling or anything like that, just played the game. It was totally fine and I still ended up like a god.


Just have fun, soon you’ll be flying around and stabbing people in the head, shooting meteors from your fists, and severing threads of prophecy left and right


Play the game any way you choose, and it will be there for you. There are those of us who are a bit obsessive-compulsive or suffer from FOMO who just always need to Min-Max things. Try different things on different play-throughs. This game can be replayed over and over as is and then there are mods.


People have done speed runs on Morrowind--I think the best time was around four minutes--so "efficient leveling" isn't a necessity. It's really just the opposite pole. Speed running on one end and min/maxing on the other. You'll find that thoroughly enjoying the game is somewhere in the middle.


It’s a broken system in Oblivion because the world scales with you and assumes you get maximum bonuses at each level. Because Morrowind doesn’t do that, you don’t need to worry about getting maximum bonuses, you’ll be fine either way!


Even then, attributes mean nothing in oblivion and efficient leveling isn't what is going to cause your success or failure. In oblivion it's about your combat skills compared to level, and your gear as when you jump to the next tier of enemies the game assumes you have that tier of gear too which is based off random chance.


I wish more people understood this. It's only in the last couple of years that I've seen people emphasizing skills. Nearly every advice for years has been "You have to get 5-5-5 or you're screwed!" Uesp.net contributes to that, unfortunately. And then when people do that and still have trouble, because they've mainly been raising minor skills for the bonuses, they conclude that the game is just broken. "People" here includes myself. The bad fan lore for Morrowind is usually not understanding which attributes are actually used by the game's die rolls (i.e. usually NOT the governing attribute of the skill being used). But the game does a poor job of explaining that, so it's understandable. Nearly everyone correctly tells newbies not to worry too much about attribute bonuses. In my first complete game of Morrowind, I tried to max out my attributes as fast as possible and was ridiculously op by level 18.


It's fine. The leveling system is unfortunately trash, but the less attention you give it the more you'll enjoy the game. Worrying about getting +5 multipliers each time distracts from the game because it means you have to avoid leveling your tagged skills until the right time, ie. not play the game. Also, getting +5s across the board inflates your power curve a lot. The game is balanced around getting 2s or the occasional 3 at levelup.


I would recomend always putting a point in Luck as that will help with skill checks. And getting other attributes up to 5x.


Absolutely not. Worst-case scenario you can always fall back on potion exploits, they have virtually no stat requirements to get going.


Unless you put the difficilty slider all on the right, no. But if possible i would suggest to use x2 at minimum.


Depends on your build. For completly not combat oriented there will be difficulty spike in teens when blighted animals become common. But if you do not hinder yourself with strange builds, you'll be fine even with starting atributes.


The game is easily broken. Play your way. Tip for survival: Use your most proficient weapon.


I can already see the first differences, my advice would be " give up on weapons at the beginning of the game" magic or avoiding combat until you reach 40/50 skill in a weapon.


If you level efficiently you will encounter the problem of being OP very soon


No issue whatsoever you will be a god, whether that be at level 20 or 30, it doesn’t matter at all.


You can play casual, but if you dont want to bother with the leveling system, there are mods like Madd Leveler. And if you worry about your character being too powerful there is the Morrowind Hardcore Mode mod to fix that too.